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Effects of posterior vitreous detachment status on visual and anatomic outcomes after diabetic vitrectomyPalvadi, Karishma 24 July 2018 (has links)
PURPOSE: This study examined the surgical outcomes after pars plana vitrectomy in patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy at various stages of posterior vitreous detachment. The investigation assessed the changes in visual acuity and the frequency of complications associated with each stage of detachment.
METHODS: This retrospective, single-site, single-surgeon study reviewed 328 medical records of patients at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (Boston, MA) requiring pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) for complications of proliferative diabetic retinopathy between 2000 and 2017. The 328 patients were separated into 4 groups based on their vitreous status (Stages 0 and 1, Stage 2, Stage 3, and Stage 4). Preoperative characteristics were collected, including best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and diabetes duration. Complications, visual acuity, and reoperation data were collected postoperatively.
RESULTS: Sixty-one percent of the patients in the combined group (Stages 0 and 1), 56% in Stage 2, 67% in Stage 3, and 77% in Stage 4 did not require a revision PPV. Thirteen percent of the patients in the combined group, 13% in Stage 2, 5% in Stage 3, and 0% in Stage 4 required a revision PPV for retinal detachment. This represented a statistically significant difference between the groups (p = 0.0254). The combined group had a postoperative change in BCVA of 0.31 compared with 0.29 for Stage 2, 0.67 for Stage 3, and 0.90 for Stage 4. These BCVA changes represented a statistically significant difference (p = 0.0001) between the groups.
CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that having a preoperative posterior vitreous detachment leads to improved visual acuity postoperatively and decreased chance of developing a postoperative retinal detachment. The study also indicates that increased vitreoretinal traction results in less change in visual acuity and an increase in complications. Further research is needed to validate these findings.
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Proposição de uma escala de arrependimento no processo de tomada de decisão do consumidorNicolao, Leonardo January 2002 (has links)
Com um volume considerável de publicações nacionais e internacionais sobre a satisfação de clientes, uma ênfase cada vez maior tem sido dada para o processo de avaliação pós-compra do consumidor. Porém, o processo de satisfação é insuficiente para explicar muitos dos comportamentos que o consumidor manifesta após o consumo. Além de confrontar o recebido com o esperado, gerando julgamentos de satisfação ou insatisfação, o consumidor confronta o recebido com o que teria acontecido se outra opção tivesse sido feita. É justamente nesta confrontação entre o recebido e o que poderia ter sido recebido que surge o arrependimento. O arrependimento é pouco abordado na literatura brasileira de comportamento do consumidor. Além disso, as escalas que o medem são escassas e o fazem de forma incompleta. Posto isso, o principal objetivo dessa dissertação é o de propor uma escala que meça o arrependimento no processo de tomada de decisão do consumidor, considerando aspectos afetivos e cognitivos desse construto. Para tanto, procedeu-se a uma análise de validação de construto para a escala proposta em duas amostras distintas: consumidores de automóveis e de calçados femininos. Os resultados apontam para a existência de validade de conteúdo, unidimensionalidade, confiabilidade e validade convergente para as dimensões hipotetizadas. A validade divergente não foi evidenciada e é um ponto de discussão. As implicações desse estudo e sugestões para estudos futuros são apresentadas.
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Conventional 2D mammography was the most effective approach to detecting early stage breast cancer in the past decades of years. Tomosynthetic breast imaging is a potentially more valuable 3D technique for breast cancer detection. The limitations of current tomosynthesis systems include a longer scanning time than a conventional digital X-ray modality and a low spatial resolution due to the movement of the single X-ray source. Dr.Otto Zhou's group proposed the concept of stationary digital breast tomosynthesis (s-DBT) using a Carbon Nano-Tube (CNT) based X-ray source array. Instead of mechanically moving a single X-ray tube, s-DBT applies a stationary X-ray source array, which generates X-ray beams from different view angles by electronically activating the individual source prepositioned at the corresponding view angle, therefore eliminating the focal spot motion blurring from sources. The scanning speed is determined only by the detector readout time and the number of sources regardless of the angular coverage spans, such that the blur from patient's motion can be reduced due to the quick scan. S-DBT is potentially a promising modality to improve the early breast cancer detection by providing decent image quality with fast scan and low radiation dose. DBT system acquires a limited number of noisy 2D projections over a limited angular range and then mathematically reconstructs a 3D breast. 3D reconstruction is faced with the challenges of cone-beam and flat-panel geometry, highly incomplete sampling and huge reconstructed volume. In this research, we investigated several representative reconstruction methods such as Filtered backprojection method (FBP), Simultaneous algebraic reconstruction technique (SART) and Maximum likelihood (ML). We also compared our proposed statistical iterative reconstruction (IR) with particular prior and computational technique to these representative methods. Of all available reconstruction methods in this research, our proposed statistical IR appears particularly promising since it provides the flexibility of accurate physical noise modeling and geometric system description. In the following chapters, we present multiple key techniques of statistical IR to tomosynthesis imaging data to demonstrate significant image quality improvement over conventional techniques. These techniques include the physical modeling with a local voxel-pair based prior with the flexibility in its parameters to fine-tune image quality, the pre-computed parameter κ incorporated with the prior to remove the data dependence and to achieve a predictable resolution property, an effective ray-driven technique to compute the forward and backprojection and an over-sampled ray-driven method to perform high resolution reconstruction with a practical region of interest (ROI) technique. In addition, to solve the estimation problem with a fast computation, we also present a semi-quantitative method to optimize the relaxation parameter in a relaxed order-subsets framework and an optimization transfer based algorithm framework which potentially allows less iterations to achieve an acceptable convergence. The phantom data is acquired with the s-DBT prototype system to assess the performance of these particular techniques and compare our proposed method to those representatives. The value of IR is demonstrated in improving the detectability of low contrast and tiny micro-calcification, in reducing cross plane artifacts, in improving resolution and lowering noise in reconstructed images. In particular, noise power spectrum analysis (NPS) indicates a superior noise spectral property of our proposed statistical IR, especially in the high frequency range. With the decent noise property, statistical IR also provides a remarkable reconstruction MTF in general and in different areas within a focus plane. Although computational load remains a significant challenge for practical development, combined with the advancing computational techniques such as graphic computing, the superior image quality provided by statistical IR will be realized to benefit the diagnostics in real clinical applications.
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Visuospatial attention during locomotionLo, On-Yee 23 February 2016 (has links)
Locomotion requires visuospatial attention. However, the role and cortical control of visuospatial attention during locomotion remain unclear. Four experiments were conducted in this study to examine the role and cortical control of visuospatial attention during locomotion in healthy young adults. In the first experiment, we employed a visuospatial attention task at different phases of obstacle crossing during gait. The results suggested that toe-obstacle clearance was significantly reduced for the trailing limb when distraction interfered with visuospatial attention during the approaching phase of obstacle crossing. In the second experiment, subjects performed a visual Stroop task while approaching and crossing an obstacle during gait. The results for the second experiment indicated toe-obstacle clearance was significantly increased for the leading and trailing limbs. Taken together, it was found that different visual attention tasks lead to distinct modifications on obstacle crossing behaviors. In the third and fourth experiments, anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) was applied over the right posterior parietal cortex (PPC) to examine the aftereffects on attention function and locomotor behavior. The results suggested that the orienting attention was significantly improved after anodal tDCS. In addition, the aftereffects of anodal tDCS potentially enhanced cognitive and motor performance while interacting with a challenging obstacle-crossing task in young healthy adults, suggesting that the right PPC contributes to attending visuospatial information during locomotion. This study demonstrated that visuospatial attention is critical for planning during locomotion and the right PPC contributes to this interplay of the neural processing of visuospatial attention during locomotion.
This dissertation includes previously published and unpublished co-authored material.
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Implication du cortex pariétal postérieur dans le contrôle de la fonction du membre supérieur et de l’attention spatiale post-AVC : étude et modulation de la connectivité du cortex pariétal postérieur controlésionnel / Involvement of the posterior parietal cortex in the control of upper limb function and post-stroke spatial attention : study and modulation of the connectivity of the controlled posterior parietal cortexAllart, Etienne 27 September 2017 (has links)
Le cortex pariétal postérieur (PPC) est une structure clé de l’intégration sensori-motrice qui forme, avec les structures frontales auxquelles il est connecté, des réseaux pariéto-frontaux aux fonctions spécifiques. Il est ainsi impliqué dans la planification et le contrôle des mouvements de préhension visuo-guidés mais aussi dans le contrôle de l’attention spatiale. L’atteinte fonctionnelle du membre supérieur et la négligence spatiale sont deux conséquences fréquentes et invalidantes après un accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC). Dans ces deux situations, il est démontré que la connectivité cérébrale des réseaux pariéto-frontaux est modifiée au sein de l’hémisphère lésé, mais aussi vers et au sein de l’hémisphère non-lésé. Par ailleurs, ces modifications semblent impliquées dans la genèse et/ou les mécanismes de récupération de la négligence spatiale et de la déficience motrice. Cependant, la spécificité des modifications de connectivité du PPC controlésionnel reste partiellement méconnue, en particulier si on considère les régions fonctionnelles spécialisées qui y ont été identifiées chez le sujet sain. Ces dernières incluent notamment les parties antérieure et postérieure du sillon intra-pariétal (respectivement aIPS et pIPS) et le cortex pariéto-occipital supérieur (SPOC). Les objectifs de ce travail étaient (1) d’étudier les modifications de la connectivité intra- et inter-hémisphérique de ces trois zones chez des patients post-AVC comparativement à un groupe de sujets contrôles sains, (2) de déterminer les liens de la connectivité avec la sévérité des déficiences motrices et visuo-spatiales, et enfin (3) de juger de l’effet de la modulation du PPC sur ces dernières.Dans un premier temps, nous avons mesuré, au repos, la connectivité des réseaux pariétofrontaux au sein de l’hémisphère controlésionnel en utilisant une technique de stimulation magnétique transcrânienne à impulsion double (ppTMS). La deuxième étude s’est intéressée aux aspects fonctionnels (IRM fonctionnelle de repos) et structurels (mesure de la fraction d’anisotropie sur des séquences de diffusion) de la connectivité intra- et inter-hémisphérique du PPC controlésionnel. Nous avons enfin analysé l’effet de la modulation inhibitrice du PPC controlésionnel (rTMS en mode thetaburst continu (cTBS)) sur les paramètres du mouvement de pointage avec le membre supérieur parétique.La première étude a mis en évidence une hyperexcitabilité des connexions pariéto-frontales chez les patients négligents lorsque la stimulation conditionnante concernait le SPOC, ce d’autant plus que la négligence péripersonnelle était sévère. La connectivité aIPS-M1 n’était pas différente entre sujets hémiparétique et contrôles, et le degré de déficience motrice n’était pas lié aux données de connectivité. Le travail d’imagerie a montré que la connectivité fonctionnelle et structurelle du PPC controlésionnel était altérée chez les patients, au sein de l’hémisphère controlésionnel mais aussi vers l’hémisphère lésé, de manière différente selon les sites du PPC. Les données de connectivité fonctionnelle montraient des liens avec la sévérité de la négligence spatiale mais peu avec celle de la déficience motrice. Enfin, l’inhibition du PPC controlésionnel par un protocole de cTBS pourrait améliorer l’excitabilité de M1 du coté lésé et certains paramètres spatiaux et temporels du mouvement de pointage. Les patients post-AVC présentaient donc des modifications étendues de connectivité cérébrale du PPC controlésionnel, à la fois intra- et inter-hémisphériques. Alors que des liens entre connectivité et négligence ont été mis en évidence, il n’existait que peu de relation avec la déficience motrice, probablement parce qu’elle est déterminée par un nombre important d’autres facteurs. Enfin, ce travail ouvre de nouvelles pistes d’évolution des stratégies de modulation par les techniques de stimulation cérébrale non-invasives en post-AVC. / The posterior parietal cortex (PPC) is a key structure for sensorimotor integration. It forms with the frontal areas to which it is connected the parieto-frontal networks that have specialized functions. It is involved in the planning and online control of visually-guided prehension but also in the control of spatial attention. Upper limb impairment and spatial neglect are two frequent and disabling consequences of stroke. In these two deficiencies, it has been shown that cerebral connectivity in the parieto-frontal networks is modified within the lesioned hemisphere, but also towards and within the non-lesioned hemisphere due to an imbalance in the interhemispheric influences between parietal areas. Furthermore, these modifications seem to be involved in the genesis and/or the recovery of spatial neglect and motor deficiency. However, the changes in connectivity remain partly unknown, especially if we consider the different PPC functional areas identified in healthy subjects in the PPC (anterior and posterior parts of the intraparietal sulcus (respectively aIPS and pIPS) and the superior parieto-occipital cortex (SPOC)). The aims of the present work were (1) to study the modifications of intra- and interhemispheric cerebral connectivity of these 3 PPC areas in post-stroke patients vs healthy controls, (2) determine the relationship between connectivity data and the severity of motor and visuo-spatial deficiencies, and (3) study the effect of a modulation of the PPC on these deficiencies.We first assessed the connectivity of parieto-frontal networks within the contralesional hemisphere using a paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation protocol (ppTMS). In a second study, we addressed the functional (resting state fMRI) and structural (fractional anisotropy on diffusion weighted imagery) intra- and interhemispheric connectivity of the contralesional PPC. We finally study the effect of an inhibitory modulation of the contralesional PPC (continuous theta-burst stimulation (cTBS)) on reaching parameters with the paretic upper limb in stroke patients.In the first study, we demonstrated an hyperexcitability of parieto-frontal connections in neglect patients when the conditioning stimulus was applied over the SPOC, especially when peripersonal neglect was severe. Connectivity between the aIPS and M1 was not different between patients and healthy controls and the severity of motor deficiency was not associated with connectivity. The neuroimaging study revealed that functional and structural connectivity from the contralesional PPC was altered in stroke patients, within the contralesional hemisphere but also to the lesioned hemisphere, in different ways depending on the PPC site considered. Functional connectivity showed some relationships with neglect severity but almost not with motor deficiency. Finally, the inhibition of the contralesional PPC lead by a cTBS protocol may increase lesioned M1 excitability and some spatiotemporal parameters of pointing movements.In conclusion, post-stroke patients showed wide modifications of cerebral connectivity of the contralesional PPC, both within the contralesional and toward the lesioned hemisphere. Whereas we identified links between connectivity and neglect severity, relationships were poorer with motor deficiency, certainly since this last is determined by several other factors. Finally, this work puts light on new perspectives of modulation protocols using non-invasive brain stimulation in stroke patients.
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Proposição de uma escala de arrependimento no processo de tomada de decisão do consumidorNicolao, Leonardo January 2002 (has links)
Com um volume considerável de publicações nacionais e internacionais sobre a satisfação de clientes, uma ênfase cada vez maior tem sido dada para o processo de avaliação pós-compra do consumidor. Porém, o processo de satisfação é insuficiente para explicar muitos dos comportamentos que o consumidor manifesta após o consumo. Além de confrontar o recebido com o esperado, gerando julgamentos de satisfação ou insatisfação, o consumidor confronta o recebido com o que teria acontecido se outra opção tivesse sido feita. É justamente nesta confrontação entre o recebido e o que poderia ter sido recebido que surge o arrependimento. O arrependimento é pouco abordado na literatura brasileira de comportamento do consumidor. Além disso, as escalas que o medem são escassas e o fazem de forma incompleta. Posto isso, o principal objetivo dessa dissertação é o de propor uma escala que meça o arrependimento no processo de tomada de decisão do consumidor, considerando aspectos afetivos e cognitivos desse construto. Para tanto, procedeu-se a uma análise de validação de construto para a escala proposta em duas amostras distintas: consumidores de automóveis e de calçados femininos. Os resultados apontam para a existência de validade de conteúdo, unidimensionalidade, confiabilidade e validade convergente para as dimensões hipotetizadas. A validade divergente não foi evidenciada e é um ponto de discussão. As implicações desse estudo e sugestões para estudos futuros são apresentadas.
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Comportamento, competência social e funcionamento executivo de crianças e adolescentes sobreviventes de tumores de fossa posteriorDantas, Mariane Araújo 09 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Automação e Estatística (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2018-05-02T22:11:53Z
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MarianeAraujoDantas_DISSERT.pdf: 1639751 bytes, checksum: 981d904f6d9e4c81111d5c11a4aaa975 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-04T21:21:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2018-03-09 / Dados epidemiológicos do Instituto Nacional de Câncer (INCA, 2016) calculam
que o câncer infantil corresponda de 1 a 3% do total de incidência de câncer em
território brasileiro, o que equivale a aproximadamente 12.600 casos diagnosticados
anualmente. A despeito de melhorias significativas no diagnóstico e nas taxas de
sobrevida deste grupo clínico nos últimos anos, o tratamento para tumores cerebrais
ainda está associado à elevada neurotoxicidade e consequentemente, à presença de
comprometimentos neuropsicológicos significativos, incluindo importantes alterações
acadêmicas, cognitivas e comportamentais. Na população pediátrica, os tumores do
sistema nervoso se desenvolvem majoritariamente (60%) na região da fossa posterior.
Encontra-se documentado que crianças sobreviventes de tumores da fossa posterior
(TFP) enfrentam sequelas neurocognitivas importantes. Estudos anteriores apontam
déficits intelectuais, atencionais, na velocidade de processamento, na memória visual e
no funcionamento executivo pós tratamento dos TFP. Como consequência, essas
crianças podem apresentar baixo rendimento acadêmico, menor sucesso vocacional e
comportamento alterado. Duas hipóteses, não excludentes, têm sido apontadas como
alternativas para a compreensão da emergência das alterações supracitadas. A primeira
delas aborda como componente explicativo os danos difusos sobre a substância branca
neuronal e a segunda sugere que as alterações cognitivas, comportamentais e afetivas,
frequentemente observadas neste grupo clínico, são decorrentes das lesões cerebelares.
Ao examinar como a doença e o tratamento impactam no cotidiano dos sobreviventes,
pode-se compreender de maneira robusta como as dificuldades acadêmicas e sociais se
manifestam na capacidade funcional dessas crianças, seus potenciais para aprendizagem
e sucesso vocacional e, em última instância, em sua qualidade de vida. Este estudo
objetiva caracterizar o perfil comportamental de competência social de crianças e adolescentes sobreviventes de tumores de fossa posterior. Ademais, tem por objetivo
correlacionar problemas de comportamento e competência social (conforme
identificadas pelos pais e responsáveis) e o funcionamento executivo deste grupo
clínico. Participaram deste estudo 18 crianças e adolescentes sobreviventes de tumores
de fossa posterior. Foi encontrada prevalência acima da média normativa para
síndromes psiquiátricas, e importantes alterações de comportamento e de competência
social em ambos grupos clínicos. Correlações estatisticamente significativas entre as
medidas de comportamento e funcionamento executivo foram evidenciadas. / Epidemiological data from the National Cancer Institute (INCA, 2016) estimate
that pediatric cancer correspond up to 1 to 3% of the total cancer incidence in Brazil,
accounting up for 12.600 new cases annually. Despite improvement in diagnostic
measures and elevated survival rates in recent years, treatment for brain tumors is still
associated to elevated neurotoxicity and significantly neuropsychogical impairments,
including academic, cognitive and behavioral changes. In pediatric population, nervous
system tumors mostly develops (60%) in the posterior fossa. It is established that
children who survive these tumors are challenged with significative neurocognitive
damage. Previous studies highlight intellectual, attentional, process speed, visual
memory and executive function impairments after posterior fossa tumor treatment.
Consequently, these children can exhibit poor academic performance, low vocational
success and impaired behavior. Two non-excluding hypothesis are highlight as
alternatives for comprehension for the emergency of these impairments. The first one
suggests that diffuse damage to the neuronal white matter due to the radiotherapy is one
of the possible causes to the observed impairments, while the second one suggests that
cerebellar damage is the responsible for the cognitive, behavioral and affective
impairments. Examining how disease and it´s treatment influences the daily lives of
survivor’s highlights how academic and social impairments manifests in the functional
capacity of these children, their learning potential and vocational success and, mostly,
their quality of life. This study aims to characterize the behavioral profile and social
competence of children survivors of posterior fossa tumors. Additionally, this study
aims to correlate behavior problems and social problems - as evaluated by their parents
and caregivers - and executive functioning of this clinic population. Eighteen pediatric survivors of posterior fossa tumors have participated in this study. It was found above
average prevalence of psychiatric syndromes and marked behavior problems and altered
social competence in both clinical groups. Statistical significant correlations between
behavioral measures and executive functioning were found.
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A Comparison of DIMTEST and Generalized Dimensionality Discrepancy Approaches to Assessing Dimensionality in Item Response TheoryJanuary 2013 (has links)
abstract: Dimensionality assessment is an important component of evaluating item response data. Existing approaches to evaluating common assumptions of unidimensionality, such as DIMTEST (Nandakumar & Stout, 1993; Stout, 1987; Stout, Froelich, & Gao, 2001), have been shown to work well under large-scale assessment conditions (e.g., large sample sizes and item pools; see e.g., Froelich & Habing, 2007). It remains to be seen how such procedures perform in the context of small-scale assessments characterized by relatively small sample sizes and/or short tests. The fact that some procedures come with minimum allowable values for characteristics of the data, such as the number of items, may even render them unusable for some small-scale assessments. Other measures designed to assess dimensionality do not come with such limitations and, as such, may perform better under conditions that do not lend themselves to evaluation via statistics that rely on asymptotic theory. The current work aimed to evaluate the performance of one such metric, the standardized generalized dimensionality discrepancy measure (SGDDM; Levy & Svetina, 2011; Levy, Xu, Yel, & Svetina, 2012), under both large- and small-scale testing conditions. A Monte Carlo study was conducted to compare the performance of DIMTEST and the SGDDM statistic in terms of evaluating assumptions of unidimensionality in item response data under a variety of conditions, with an emphasis on the examination of these procedures in small-scale assessments. Similar to previous research, increases in either test length or sample size resulted in increased power. The DIMTEST procedure appeared to be a conservative test of the null hypothesis of unidimensionality. The SGDDM statistic exhibited rejection rates near the nominal rate of .05 under unidimensional conditions, though the reliability of these results may have been less than optimal due to high sampling variability resulting from a relatively limited number of replications. Power values were at or near 1.0 for many of the multidimensional conditions. It was only when the sample size was reduced to N = 100 that the two approaches diverged in performance. Results suggested that both procedures may be appropriate for sample sizes as low as N = 250 and tests as short as J = 12 (SGDDM) or J = 19 (DIMTEST). When used as a diagnostic tool, SGDDM may be appropriate with as few as N = 100 cases combined with J = 12 items. The study was somewhat limited in that it did not include any complex factorial designs, nor were the strength of item discrimination parameters or correlation between factors manipulated. It is recommended that further research be conducted with the inclusion of these factors, as well as an increase in the number of replications when using the SGDDM procedure. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.A. Educational Psychology 2013
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Proposição de uma escala de arrependimento no processo de tomada de decisão do consumidorNicolao, Leonardo January 2002 (has links)
Com um volume considerável de publicações nacionais e internacionais sobre a satisfação de clientes, uma ênfase cada vez maior tem sido dada para o processo de avaliação pós-compra do consumidor. Porém, o processo de satisfação é insuficiente para explicar muitos dos comportamentos que o consumidor manifesta após o consumo. Além de confrontar o recebido com o esperado, gerando julgamentos de satisfação ou insatisfação, o consumidor confronta o recebido com o que teria acontecido se outra opção tivesse sido feita. É justamente nesta confrontação entre o recebido e o que poderia ter sido recebido que surge o arrependimento. O arrependimento é pouco abordado na literatura brasileira de comportamento do consumidor. Além disso, as escalas que o medem são escassas e o fazem de forma incompleta. Posto isso, o principal objetivo dessa dissertação é o de propor uma escala que meça o arrependimento no processo de tomada de decisão do consumidor, considerando aspectos afetivos e cognitivos desse construto. Para tanto, procedeu-se a uma análise de validação de construto para a escala proposta em duas amostras distintas: consumidores de automóveis e de calçados femininos. Os resultados apontam para a existência de validade de conteúdo, unidimensionalidade, confiabilidade e validade convergente para as dimensões hipotetizadas. A validade divergente não foi evidenciada e é um ponto de discussão. As implicações desse estudo e sugestões para estudos futuros são apresentadas.
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Reabilitação vestibular da vertigem postural paroxística benigna de canal posterior em idosos / Vestibular rehabilitation of benign posterior canal postural vertigo in the agedAna Paula do Rego André 15 December 2003 (has links)
A Reabilitação Vestibular (RV) é um programa de tratamento realizado por exercícios, associado a um conjunto de medidas relacionadas à mudança de hábitos e esclarecimentos sobre os sintomas associados à alteração do equilíbrio. É um método de terapia fisiológico, inócuo e coerente, que pretende trabalhar o paciente vertiginoso aliviando os sintomas e aumentando seu limiar de sensibilidade para a vertigem. A Vertigem Postural Paroxística Benigna (VPPB) é a mais comum das vestibulopatias periféricas em adultos, principalmente em idosos do sexo feminino, apresentando como etiologia mais comum a degeneração da mácula utricular. Nos idosos, caracteriza-se por tontura rotatória e nistagmo posicional à mudança de posição da cabeça ou por determinada posição do corpo e, como conseqüência, pode ocorrer quedas e limitações na qualidade de vida dos mesmos, tornando-os limitados físico e emocionalmente. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar prospetivamente a Reabilitação Vestibular como tratamento da VPPB com acometimento de canal semicircular posterior e seu efeito na qualidade de vida em indivíduos idosos. Participaram do estudo 23 voluntários com hipótese diagnóstica otorrinolaringológica de VPPB de canal semicircular posterior por ductolitíase, com faixa etária entre 60 e 91 anos, com média de 70,69 anos e desvio padrão de 9,24. Quanto ao gênero 17 (73,9%) eram do sexo feminino e 6 (26,1%) do masculino. No tratamento da VPPB por meio da reabilitação vestibular em 17 (73,9%) dos voluntários, utilizou-se a manobra de Epley; 6 (26,08%) com manobra de Epley associada ao exercício de Brandt e Daroff . O tempo de tratamento variou de 2 a 6 semanas. Aplicou-se um questionário (Dizziness Handicap Inventory - DHI brasileiro) pré e pós RV para quantificar a tontura quanto aos aspectos: físico, emocional, funcional e geral. Quanto ao aspecto físico, emocional, funcional e geral observou-se diferença estatisticamente significativa (p<0,0001) entre os escores pré e pós RV. Concluímos que os escores dos aspectos avaliados no DHI brasileiro melhoraram após intervenção fonoaudiológica pela RV nos pacientes com VPPB de canal semicircular posterior, havendo um incremento na qualidade de vida dos voluntários estudados. / Vestibular rehabilitation is a treatment?s program based on exercises, associated with a factor?s collection related to changing habits and guidance about symptoms associates to unbalance. It is harmless, coherent and physiologic therapy method that intends to work the dizzy patient, relieving the symptoms and increasing his vertigo?s threshold. The Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo is the one most frequent adult?s pathologies of the peripheral vestibular?s system. It is caused by the utricle?s degeneration. In aged people, is characterize by vertigo and positional nystagmus provoked by certain cephalic movements or body movements and, as sequelae, can take to falls and life quality restriction, physical and emotional. This study?s purpose was evaluate the Vestibular Rehabilitation in posterior canal?s BPPV?s treatment and its effect in the elderly life?s quality. Twenty three volunteers with BPPV ?s posterior canal?s canalith diagnoses pointed out by otorhinolaryngologist, aged between sixty to ninety one years old, average of 70,69 years and deviation of 9,24. Seventeen volunteers (73,9%) were female and six (26,1%) were male. In BPPV?s treatment by vestibular rehabilitation, thirteen (56,52%) were submitted to Epley maneuver, six (26,08%) used the Epley maneuver associated to Brandt- Daroff exercises and four patients (17,39%) were submitted only to the Brandt- Daroff exercises. The treatment?s time lasted from 2 to 6 weeks. A questionnaire (Dizziness Handicap Inventory Portuguese- DHI Portuguese) was used in order to dizziness quantity in the physical, emotional, functional and general aspects, which was observed a significant statistical difference (p<0,001) between the scores previous and after Vestibular Rehabilitation. Concluding that the aspects? scores evaluated improved after Vestibular Rehabilitation therapy in the posterior canal?s BPPV?s patients, occurring an improvement in volunteers? life quality.
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