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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

‘n Homiletiese perspektief aan die hand van Romeine om aan mense in ‘n postmoderne konteks hoop te bied

Botha, Willem Abraham 28 July 2008 (has links)
Although there are a lot of popular books available on the subject of hope I still believe that there is a need for another study on the phenomenon of hope. Especially where proper exegesis and a multidiscipline approach are taken into account. In this study I’ve researched the effect of a society in transition on hope. I suspect that the changes since 1994 have a significant influence on the attitude, thought and behaviour of the Afrikaner especially. To come to such a conclusion the study take theories of change in Sociology into account. Some information were gathered from papers. The reason for that is the influence papers have on the spirit of society, and in this case its influence on people’s hope. Unfortunately one of the conclusions is that a lack of hope can very well be one of the consequences of the changes in society since 1994. The contemporary study is followed by a study on hope in Paul’s letter to the Romans. The background of the author, the congregation and the theology of the letter were taken in consideration. In most of the cases I’ve used the verses in the letter where the word hope was used. Surprisingly there is quite a comparison between the letter of Romans and society today as far as the reasons that causes hopelessness. Therefore Romans can be of great value to give hope in a disorientated society. Until now we know that there is a lack of hope in society, and that Romans give us reason to hope, but what is the person looking like that we want to communicate with? The study on post modernity show us how this “new” paradigm looks like. Post modernity is very different to modernism. The latest paradigm is universal and no one and nothing can escape it. Social sciences, the arts, economy, science itself and the theology were largely influenced by post modernity. With its larger emphasis on spirituality it creates wonderful opportunities for preaching. On the other side though, one should also keep its threats in mind, especially the proneness to relativism and New Age. In the last chapter I use all the information and conclusions of the previous chapters to get to a homiletic strategy for a postmodern context. The most important part of this chapter is to conclude that confession is a suitable hermeneutical and homiletical tool for preaching in post modernity. There is no need to prove confession, it is about something that is believed. The Bible therefore is still as relevant as ever. Communication strategies are included to guide the preacher in the most effective way when preaching in a postmodern context. The chapter ends with certain specific homiletic contents from the Roman letter that can be used today. We can know for certain that hopelessness is part of our society today. However we’ve got the promise of Romans 15:13 that God stays our God of hope. Our tasks are to posision us homiletically, hermeneutically and strategically in such a way that we give our faith the best possible chance. / Dissertation (MTh (Practical Theology))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Practical Theology / MTh (Practical Theology) / unrestricted

Uberwindung der Milieufixierung in Freien evangelischen Gemeinden in Deutschland: ein vergleich aktueller ekklesiologischer Entwurfe / Breaking through the fixation of the social milieu of free evangelical churches in Germany: a comparison of current ecclesiological models

Endlich, Markus January 2020 (has links)
Text in German with summaries in German, English and Afrikaans / Bibliography (pages 133-140) / Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Milieufixierung der Gemeinden des Bundes Freier evangelischer Gemeinden in Deutschland, ihren möglichen inneren und äußeren Ursachen und deren Überwindung durch aktuelle oikodomische Entwürfe. Dazu werden zunächst die Auswirkungen der Milieufixierung anhand der Mitgliederentwicklung und des eingeschränkten Konversionswachstums sowie des Stagnierens und Eingehens von Gemeinden nachgezeichnet. In einem zweiten Schritt werden mögliche Ursachen anhand der Geschichte und der spezifischen Ekklesiologie und Organisationsstruktur Freier evangelischer Gemeinden diskutiert und die sozialen Veränderungen innerhalb der bundesdeutschen Gesellschaft der letzten Jahrzehnte, insbesondere die Herausbildung von Milieus, aufgezeigt. Der Hauptteil der Arbeit besteht in der systematischen Analyse und dem Vergleich von fünf oikodomischen Modellen, die innerhalb des Bundes Freier evangelischer Gemeinden Anwendung finden. Verglichen wird hier insbesondere die milieuüberwindende Potenz dieser Entwürfe. Abschließend werden in Form von sechs Thesen mögliche hilfreiche Schlussfolgerungen für den praktischen Gemeindebau im Bund Freier evangelischer Gemeinden gezogen. / The study discusses the milieu fixation found in the Free Evangelical Churches in Germany, the potential internal and external causes of it and asks how milieu fixation might be overcome by current oikodomic strategies. The effects of milieu fixation are evaluated by looking at membership development, slow congregation growth owing to lower levels of conversion, and the reasons for stagnation and decline in congregations. Thereafter the history of specific ecclesiological and organisational structures of Free Evangelical congregations (FeG), as well as the social changes in German society in recent decades, are examined and analysed. A specific focus is placed on identifying possible causes leading to the formation of milieus. The main part of the study consists of a systematic analysis and comparison of five oikodomic models applied in the Federation FeG, together with a comparison of potential models for reversing milieu fixation. Finally, six propositions are laid out to draw a possible conclusion for practically building up the church in the Federation of Free Evangelical Churches. / Hierdie studie bespreek milieufiksasie wat in die Vrye Evangeliese Kerke in Duitsland aangetref word, die potensiële interne en eksterne oorsake daarvan, en hoe milieufiksasie deur huidige oikodomiese strategieë te bowe gekom kan word. Eerstens word die uitwerking van milieufiksasie geëvalueer deur na lidmaatskapontwikkeling, lae gemeentegroei as gevolg van bekering, en redes vir stagnasie en afname in gemeentes te kyk. Daarna word die geskiedenis van spesifieke ekklesiologiese en organisatoriese strukture van Vrye Evangeliese gemeentes (VeG) en die maatskaplike veranderinge in die Duitse samelewing in onlangse dekades bestudeer en ontleed. ’n Spesifieke fokus word geplaas op die identifisering van moontlike oorsake wat tot die vorming van milieus aanleiding kon gegee het. Die belangrikste deel van die studie bestaan uit ’n sistematiese ontleding en vergelyking van vyf oikodomiese modelle wat in die Federasie van VeG toegepas word, ’n vergelyking van potensiële modelle om milieufiksasie om te keer. Ten slotte word ses stellings ontleed om tot ’n moontlike gevolgtrekking vir praktiese kerkbou in die Federasie van Vrye Evangeliese Kerke te kom. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

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