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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

New urbanism in US-amerikanischen Stadtregionen : ein effektives Planungskonzept gegen Urban Sprawl? / New Urbanism in US-American Urban Regions. An effective planning tool against Urban Sprawl?

Schemionek, Christoph January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The research project examines Urban Sprawl in the United States and evaluates the alternative planning concept New Urbanism on a regional and local scale. The combination of qualitative and quantitative data sources explores the effectiveness of regional planning agencies on a macro level, as well as the success of mixed-use neighborhoods on a micro level. The results are based on three cities of the United States (Atlanta, Denver, and Portland), 80 qualitative interviews with urban experts, and over 160 questionnaires with residents of three New Urbanism neighborhoods (Riverside, Atlanta; Prospect, Denver; Orenco Station, Portland). The thesis shows and explains the challenges facing contemporary metropolitan areas and neighborhood development projects, the role and impact that public administrations and other policy makers have in this field, as well as how economic decisions on a local, regional, and global level can shape, change and develop urban landscapes. A central argument is that only superordinated regional planning authorities will be able to contain urban sprawl and to face its related complex socio-economic, administrative, and environmental problems. Also, New Urbanism neighborhoods can only be successful on a micro level when they are embedded in an all-embracing and socially well-balanced regional plan. This integrative two-way perspective from a macro and a micro level can enable us to understand urban structures, processes and problems in a more comprehensive way.

Sprachliche Konstruktion von Urbanität. Eine korpus- und diskurslinguistische Analyse des sprachgebundenen urbanen Place-Making im Terrorismusdiskurs / Linguistic Construction of Urbanity. A Corpus- and Discourse-Linguistic Analysis of Linguistically Mediated Urban Place-Making in Terrorism Discourse

Kuthan, Petr January 2025 (has links) (PDF)
Wie beeinflusst Terrorismus die sprachliche Konstruktion von Places im urbanen Raum? Die Arbeit widmet sich der spannenden Schnittstelle zwischen Terrorismusdiskurs und urbanem Diskurs. Sie zeigt, wie terroristische Ereignisse durch sprachliche Place-Making-Prozesse Orte im urbanen Raum prägen und Urbanität (re-)konstruieren. Mithilfe eines zirkulären methodischen Ansatzes, der qualitative und quantitative Methoden kombiniert, werden sprachliche Place-Making-Prozesse in massenmedialen Texten korpus- und diskurslinguistisch untersucht. Grundlage der Untersuchung ist ein selbst erstelltes Korpus mit 1,15 Millionen Token. Das Buch liefert nicht nur wertvolle Einblicke in die sprachliche Konstruktion von Urbanität, sondern bietet auch methodische Impulse für die Analyse urbanitätsbezogener sprachlicher Muster. / The dissertation project investigates terrorism discourse in the context of urban discourse and analyzes how terrorist attacks influence the linguistic construction of places in urban space. The study focuses on linguistic patterns and structures in the representation of terrorist attacks, the linguistic representation of the affected locations, the associated linguistic construction of urbanity, and the observable urban place-making processes. The research also tests a circular methodological approach, combining qualitative and quantitative methods to gain a deeper understanding of the linguistic processes associated with urbanity. The investigation is based on a corpus and discourse linguistic analysis of urbanity-related linguistic patterns in a self-compiled corpus, comprising 1.15 million tokens from mass media texts. / Das Dissertationsprojekt untersucht den Terrorismusdiskurs im Kontext des urbanen Diskurses und analysiert, wie terroristische Ereignisse die sprachliche Konstruktion von Orten im städtischen Raum beeinflussen. Die Arbeit konzentriert sich auf sprachliche Muster und Strukturen in der Darstellung von Terroranschlägen, die sprachliche Repräsentation der betroffenen Orte, die damit verbundene sprachliche Konstruktion von Urbanität und die zu beobachtenden urbanen Place-Making-Prozesse. Die Arbeit erprobt zudem ein zirkuläres methodisches Vorgehen, das qualitative und quantitative Methoden kombiniert, um ein tieferes Verständnis für die sprachlichen Prozesse im Zusammenhang mit Urbanität zu erlangen. Die Untersuchung basiert auf einer korpus- und diskurslinguistischen Analyse urbanitätsbezogener sprachlicher Muster in einem selbst erstellten Korpus, das 1,15 Millionen Token aus massenmedialen Texten umfasst.

'Mimi ni msanii, kioo cha jamii' urban youth culture in Tanzania as seen through Bongo Fleva and Hip-Hop

Suriano, Maria 14 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This article addresses the question how Bongo Fleva (or Flava, from the word ‘flavour’) - also defined as muziki wa kizazi kipya (‘music of a new generation’) - and Hip-Hop in Swa-hili, reflect Tanzanian urban youth culture, with its changing identities, life-styles, aspirations, constraints, and language. As far as young people residing in small centres and semi-rural ar-eas are concerned, I had the impression that they have the same aspirations as their urban counterparts, especially those in Dar es Salaam. They keep well up to date on urban practices through performances, radio and local tabloids, even if they lack the same job and leisure op-portunities as their city brothers. Although I do not take ‘youth’ as a fixed and homogeneous category, the ‘young generation’ has been assuming a central, though frequently ambiguous, position in many places in Africa (for this issue, see Burgess 2005). Here, however, I have chosen to focus on two urban contexts, namely Dar es Salaam and Mwanza, the sites of my one-and- -half-year fieldwork between 2004 and the end of 2005.

Does urbanicity shift the population expression of psychosis?

Spauwen , Janneke, Krabbendam, Lydia, Lieb, Roselind, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, van Os, Jim 26 March 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Growing up in an urban area has been shown to be associated with an increased risk of psychotic disorder in later life. While it is commonly held that a only a tiny fraction of exposed individuals will develop schizophrenia, recent evidence suggests that expression of psychosis in exposed individuals may be much more common, albeit at attenuated levels. Findings are based on a population sample of 2548 adolescents and young adults aged originally 14–24 years, and followed up over almost 5 years up to ages 17–28 years. Trained psychologists assessed all these subjects with the core psychosis sections on delusions and hallucinations of the Munich-Composite International Diagnostic Interview. Growing up in an urban area was associated with an increased risk of expression of psychosis in the adolescents and young adults (adjusted OR 1.31, 95% CI 1.03–1.66). The proxy environmental risk factor that urbanicity represents may shift a relatively large section of the adolescent population along a continuum of expression of psychosis. Other causal influences may be required to make the transition to schizophrenia in adult life.

Does urbanicity shift the population expression of psychosis?

Spauwen, Janneke, Krabbendam, Lydia, Lieb, Roselind, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, van Os, Jim January 2004 (has links)
Growing up in an urban area has been shown to be associated with an increased risk of psychotic disorder in later life. While it is commonly held that a only a tiny fraction of exposed individuals will develop schizophrenia, recent evidence suggests that expression of psychosis in exposed individuals may be much more common, albeit at attenuated levels. Findings are based on a population sample of 2548 adolescents and young adults aged originally 14–24 years, and followed up over almost 5 years up to ages 17–28 years. Trained psychologists assessed all these subjects with the core psychosis sections on delusions and hallucinations of the Munich-Composite International Diagnostic Interview. Growing up in an urban area was associated with an increased risk of expression of psychosis in the adolescents and young adults (adjusted OR 1.31, 95% CI 1.03–1.66). The proxy environmental risk factor that urbanicity represents may shift a relatively large section of the adolescent population along a continuum of expression of psychosis. Other causal influences may be required to make the transition to schizophrenia in adult life.

'Mimi ni msanii, kioo cha jamii' urban youth culture in Tanzania as seen through Bongo Fleva and Hip-Hop

Suriano, Maria January 2007 (has links)
This article addresses the question how Bongo Fleva (or Flava, from the word ‘flavour’) - also defined as muziki wa kizazi kipya (‘music of a new generation’) - and Hip-Hop in Swa-hili, reflect Tanzanian urban youth culture, with its changing identities, life-styles, aspirations, constraints, and language. As far as young people residing in small centres and semi-rural ar-eas are concerned, I had the impression that they have the same aspirations as their urban counterparts, especially those in Dar es Salaam. They keep well up to date on urban practices through performances, radio and local tabloids, even if they lack the same job and leisure op-portunities as their city brothers. Although I do not take ‘youth’ as a fixed and homogeneous category, the ‘young generation’ has been assuming a central, though frequently ambiguous, position in many places in Africa (for this issue, see Burgess 2005). Here, however, I have chosen to focus on two urban contexts, namely Dar es Salaam and Mwanza, the sites of my one-and- -half-year fieldwork between 2004 and the end of 2005.

Berlin zwischen Europäischer Metropolisierung und kreativer Stadtentwicklung : Imaginationen und Diskurse „von unten“

January 2011 (has links)
Angesichts zunehmender globaler Städtekonkurrenzen haben politische Wiedererfindungen des Städtischen Konjunktur – mit immer kürzeren Zyklen und wechselnden Dynamiken der Inszenierung der jeweiligen Programmatiken. Berlin als junge Metropole liefert für die Implementation exogener Konzepte vielfältige Ansatzpunkte, zeigt jedoch auch umgehend ihre Grenzen auf. Die Beiträge dieses Bandes setzen sich mit Imaginationen, Diskursbeiträgen und Positionierungen auseinander, die den „großen“ politischen Konzepten jeweils „von unten“ entgegenwachsen und teilweise in Gegenbewegungen münden. Anschauungsmaterial liefern die Europäische Metropolregion Berlin-Brandenburg und das Projekt Mediaspree.

Call me ‘Top in Dar’ : the role of pseudonyms in Bongo Fleva music

Omari, Shani 16 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Over the last two decades Bongo Fleva music has become a popular form of entertainment as well as a key cultural element among Tanzanian urban youth. The objective of this paper is to examine the role of pseudonyms in this musical genre in Tanzania. It focuses on how Bongo Fleva artists adopt their pseudonyms and discusses their role in identity formation among urban youths in contemporary Tanzania. The paper argues that pseudonyms in Bongo Fleva, as in various other fields, have an important role to play in portraying one’s identity, culture, characteristics, profile, actions, hope and imagination.

Entwicklung eines halbautomatisierten Verfahrens zur Detektion neuer Siedlungsflächen durch vergleichende Untersuchungen hochauflösender Satelliten- und Luftbilddaten / Development of a Semi-Automated Process for the Detection of New Settlement Areas by Comparativ Examination of High-Resolution Satellite Imagery and Aerial Photographs

Reder, Johannes 09 April 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Knowledge about land use and land cover represents an important information basis for various planning applications. In particular, urban and suburban regions are subject to a high dynamic development. The detection and identification of changes is therefore an important instrument to follow and accompany the developments by planning. Here, aerial photography and, increasingly, satellite images serve as an important basis for information. The recognition and mapping of changes is still a time-consuming and cost-intensive matter which is mostly realized by visual interpretation of aerial photography and to an increasing degree of high- and ultra-high-resolution satellite images. Within the scope of the present work a new, robust and largely automated process based on a statistical change analysis is developed and presented. Basis for the data are multitemporal high-resolution satellite image data. The generated suspect areas, respectively areas of change, are supposed to function as clues in order to facilitate the process of the visual interpretation of multitemporal image datasets with regard to change mapping, since only marked areas of change have to undergo further examination. Consequently, this process can be used as a tool to ease and accelerate the updating of planning bases in general and maps in particular so far realised by visual interpretation. However, the automation of the process is not only supposed to serve the purpose of saving time and cost but also to bring the interpretation process to a higher level of objectivity. In order to improve the quality of the whole process, for the preprocessing of the image data selected methods of image processing have been integrated. Through the use of additional geo-information reference data for the automated calculation of the areas of change, a further refinement of the results can be reached. The obtained results in the first time-cut (1997-1998) can be proved and verified by a different data-take (1997-2000). To reach a convenient use and a good distribution of the developed method, the process has been implemented by means of the widespread image processing software ERDAS IMAGINE. This allows to make the developed method available for other users, since it can easily be integrated into the working environment of ERDAS IMAGINE. / Das Wissen um die Landnutzung und Landbedeckung ist für planerische Anwendungsgebiete eine wichtige Informationsgrundlage. Gerade urbane und suburbane Regionen unterliegen einer hohen Entwicklungsdynamik. Das Erkennen und Aufzeigen von Veränderungen ist somit ein wichtiges Instrument um Entwicklungen zu verfolgen und planerisch zu begleiten. Luft- und zunehmend Satellitenbilder dienen hierfür als wichtige Informationsgrundlage. Das Erkennen und Kartieren von Veränderungen ist nach wie vor eine zeitaufwändige und kostenintensive Angelegenheit, die überwiegend durch visuelle Interpretation von Luft- und zunehmend auch mit hoch- und höchstauflösenden Satellitenbildern realisiert wird. In dieser Arbeit wird ein neues, robustes, weitgehend automatisiertes, auf einem statistischen Ansatz beruhendes Verfahren der Veränderungsanalyse entwickelt und vorgestellt. Die Datengrundlage bilden multitemporale, hoch auflösende Satellitenbilddaten. Die generierten Verdachts- bzw. Veränderungsflächen sollen als Anhaltspunkte fungieren, um den Prozess der visuellen Interpretation von multitemporalen Bilddatensätzen in Hinsicht auf eine Veränderungskartierung zu erleichtern, da nur als Veränderungsflächen markierte Areale einer weiteren Untersuchung unterzogen werden müssen. Das Verfahren kann somit als Werkzeug dienen, die durch visuelle Interpretation realisierte Aktualisierung von Planungsgrundlagen bzw. Kartenwerken zu erleichtern und zu beschleunigen. Die Automatisierung des Verfahrens soll jedoch nicht allein dem Zweck der Zeit- und Kostenersparnis dienen, sondern auch den Interpretationsprozess objektiver gestalten. Um die Qualität des Verfahrens zu erhöhen, werden ausgewählte Methoden der Bildverarbeitung für die Vorverarbeitung der Bilder in das Verfahren integriert. Durch das Einbinden zusätzlicher Geobasisdaten in die automatisierte Berechnung der Veränderungsflächen kann eine weitere Verbesserung der Ergebnisse erzielt werden. Die Ergebnisse, der im ersten Zeitschnitt (1997-1998) untersuchten Datensätze, werden mit Hilfe eines weiteren Zeitschnitts (1997-2000) überprüft und verifiziert. Um eine unkomplizierte Anwendung und Verbreitung der Methode zu erreichen, wurde das Verfahren mit Hilfe der weit verbreiteten Bildverarbeitungssoftware ERDAS IMAGINE realisiert. Dies ermöglicht, das Verfahren auch anderen Nutzern zur Verfügung zu stellen, da es problemlos in die Arbeitsumgebung des Bildverarbeitungssystems ERDAS IMAGINE integriert werden kann

Erstklassig und routiniert: Das Lichtspieltheater als Arbeitsplatz

Lühr, Merve 09 April 2021 (has links)
No description available.

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