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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An offset modulation method used to control the PAPR of an OFDM transmission

Dhuness, Kahesh 14 August 2012 (has links)
Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) has become a very popular method for high-data-rate communication. However, it is well known that OFDM is plagued by a large peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) problem. This high PAPR results in overdesigned power amplifiers, which amongst other things leads to inefficient amplifier usage, which is undesirable. Various methods have been recommended to reduce the PAPR of an OFDM transmission; however, all these methods result in a number of drawbacks. In this thesis, a novel method called offset modulation (OM-OFDM) is proposed to control the PAPR of an OFDM signal. The proposed OM-OFDM method does not result in a number of the drawbacks being experienced by current methods in the field. The theoretical bandwidth occupancy and theoretical bit error rate (BER) expression for an OM-OFDM transmission is derived. A newly applied power performance decision metric is also introduced, which can be utilised throughout the PAPR field, in order to compare various methods. The proposed OM-OFDM method appears to be similar to a well-known constant envelope OFDM (CE-OFDM) transmission. The modulation, structural and performance differences between an OM-OFDM and a CE-OFDM method are discussed. By applying the power performance decision metric, the OM-OFDM method is shown to offer significant performance gains when compared to CE-OFDM and traditional OFDM transmissions. In addition, the OM-OFDM method is able to accurately control the PAPR of a transmission for a targeted BER. By applying the power performance decision metric and complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF), the proposed OM-OFDM method is shown to offer further performance gains when compared to existing PAPR methods, under frequency selective fading conditions. In this thesis, the OM-OFDM method has been combined with an existing active constellation extended (ACE) PAPR reduction method. To introduce a novel method called offset modulation with active constellation extension (OM-ACE), to control the PAPR of an OFDM signal. The theoretical BER expression for an OM-ACE transmission is presented and validated. Thereafter, by applying the decision metric and CCDF, the OM-ACE method is shown to offer performance improvements when compared to various PAPR methods. The use of OM-OFDM for cognitive radio applications is also investigated. Cognitive radio applications require transmissions that are easily detectable. The detection characteristics of an OM-OFDM and OFDM transmission are studied by using receiver operating characteristic curves. A derivation of a simplified theoretical closed-form expression, which relates the probability of a missed detection to the probability of a false alarm, for an unknown deterministic signal, at various signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) values is derived and validated. Previous expressions have been derived, which relate the probability of a missed detection to the probability of a false alarm. However, they have not been presented in such a generic closed-form expression that can be used for any unknown deterministic signal (for instance OFDM and OM-OFDM). Thereafter, an examination of the spectrum characteristics of an OM-OFDM transmission indicates its attractive detection characteristics. The proposed OM-OFDM method is further shown to operate at a significantly lower SNR value than an OFDM transmission, while still offering better detection characteristics than that of an OFDM transmission under Rician, Rayleigh and frequency selective fading channel conditions. In addition to its attractive PAPR properties, OM-OFDM also offers good detection characteristics for cognitive radio applications. These aspects make OM-OFDM a promising candidate for future deployment. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / unrestricted

Linear Power-Efficient RF Amplifier with Partial Positive Feedback

King, Matthew E. 01 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Over the last decade, the number of mobile wireless devices on the market has increased substantially. New “multi-carrier” modulation schemes, such as OFDM, WCDMA, and WiMAX, have been developed to accommodate the increasing number of wireless subscribers and the demand for faster data rates within the limited commercial frequency spectrum. These complex modulation schemes create signals with high peak-to-average power ratios (PAPR), exhibiting rapid changes in the signal magnitude. To accommodate these high-PAPR signals, RF power amplifiers in mobile devices must operate under backed-off gain conditions, resulting in poor power efficiency. Various efficiency-enhancement solutions have been realized for backed-off devices to combat this issue. A brief overview of one of the more extensively researched solutions, the Doherty amplifier, is given, and its inherent limitations are discussed. A recently proposed amplifier topology that provides the efficiency benefits of the Doherty amplifier, while overcoming some of the fundamental problems that plague the standard Doherty architecture, is investigated. A step-by-step design methodology is presented and confirmed by extensive simulation in Agilent ADS. A design example, tuned for maximum efficiency at peak output power, is implemented on a PCB and tested to verify the validity of the proposed circuit configuration.

Dual-energy cone-beam CT for proton therapy / Tomodensitométrie conique bi-énergie pour la proton thérapie

Vilches Freixas, Gloria 27 October 2017 (has links)
La proton thérapie est une modalité de traitement du cancer qu’utilise des faisceaux de protons. Les systèmes de planification de traitement actuels se basent sur une image de l’anatomie du patient acquise par tomodensitométrie. Le pouvoir d’arrêt des protons relatif à l’eau (Stopping Power Ratio en Anglais, SPR) est déterminé à partir des unités Hounsfield (Hounsfield Units en Anglais, HU) pour calculer la dose absorbée au patient. Les protons sont plus vulnérables que les photons aux modifications du SPR du tissu dans la direction du faisceau dues au mouvement, désalignement ou changements anatomiques. De plus, les inexactitudes survenues de la CT de planification et intrinsèques à la conversion HU-SPR contribuent énormément à l’incertitude de la portée des protons. Dans la pratique clinique, au volume de traitement s’ajoutent des marges de sécurité pour tenir en compte ces incertitudes en détriment de perdre la capacité d’épargner les tissus autour de la tumeur. L’usage de l’imagerie bi-énergie en proton thérapie a été proposé pour la première fois en 2009 pour mieux estimer le SPR du patient par rapport à l’imagerie mono-énergie. Le but de cette thèse est d’étudier la potentielle amélioration de l’estimation du SPR des protons en utilisant l’imagerie bi-énergie, pour ainsi réduire l’incertitude dans la prédiction de la portée des protons dans le patient. Cette thèse est appliquée à un nouveau système d’imagerie, l’Imaging Ring (IR), un scanner de tomodensitométrie conique (Cone-Beam CT en Anglais, CBCT) développé pour la radiothérapie guidée par l’image. L’IR est équipé d’une source de rayons X avec un système d’alternance rapide du voltage, synchronisé avec une roue contenant des filtres de différents matériaux que permet des acquisitions CBCT multi-énergie. La première contribution est une méthode pour calibrer les modèles de source et la réponse du détecteur pour être utilisés en simulations d’imagerie X. Deuxièmement, les recherches ont évalué les facteurs que peuvent avoir un impact sur les résultats du procès de décomposition bi-énergie, dès paramètres d’acquisition au post-traitement. Les deux domaines, image et basée en la projection, ont été minutieusement étudiés, avec un spéciale accent aux approches basés en la projection. Deux nouvelles bases de décomposition ont été proposées pour estimer le SPR, sans avoir besoin d’une variable intermédiaire comme le nombre atomique effectif. La dernière partie propose une estimation du SPR des fantômes de caractérisation tissulaire et d’un fantôme anthropomorphique à partir d’acquisitions avec l’IR. Il a été implémentée une correction du diffusé, et il a été proposée une routine pour interpoler linéairement les sinogrammes de basse et haute énergie des acquisitions bi-énergie pour pouvoir réaliser des décompositions en matériaux avec données réelles. Les valeurs réconstruits du SPR ont été comparées aux valeurs du SPR expérimentales déterminés avec un faisceau d’ions de carbone. / Proton therapy is a promising radiation treatment modality that uses proton beams to treat cancer. Current treatment planning systems rely on an X-ray computed tomography (CT) image of the patient's anatomy to design the treatment plan. The proton stopping-power ratio relative to water (SPR) is derived from CT numbers (HU) to compute the absorbed dose in the patient. Protons are more vulnerable than photons to changes in tissue SPR in the beam direction caused by movement, misalignment or anatomical changes. In addition, inaccuracies arising from the planning CT and intrinsic to the HU-SPR conversion greatly contribute to the proton range uncertainty. In clinical practice, safety margins are added to the treatment volume to account for these uncertainties at the expense of losing organ-sparing capabilities. The use of dual-energy (DE) in proton therapy was first suggested in 2009 to better estimate the SPR with respect to single-energy X-ray imaging. The aim of this thesis work is to investigate the potential improvement in determining proton SPR using DE to reduce the uncertainty in predicting the proton range in the patient. This PhD work is applied to a new imaging device, the Imaging Ring (IR), which is a cone-beam CT (CBCT) scanner developed for image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT). The IR is equipped with a fast kV switching X-ray source, synchronized with a filter wheel, allowing for multi-energy CBCT imaging. The first contribution of this thesis is a method to calibrate a model for the X-ray source and the detector response to be used in X-ray image simulations. It has been validated experimentally on three CBCT scanners. Secondly, the investigations have evaluated the factors that have an impact on the outcome of the DE decomposition process, from the acquisition parameters to the post-processing. Both image- and projection-based decomposition domains have been thoroughly investigated, with special emphasis on projection-based approaches. Two novel DE decomposition bases have been proposed to estimate proton SPRs, without the need for an intermediate variable such as the effective atomic number. The last part of the thesis proposes an estimation of proton SPR maps of tissue characterization and anthropomorphic phantoms through DE-CBCT acquisitions with the IR. A correction for X-ray scattering has been implemented off-line, and a routine to linearly interpolate low-energy and high-energy sinograms from sequential and fast-switching DE acquisitions has been proposed to perform DE material decomposition in the projection domain with real data. DECT-derived SPR values have been compared with experimentally-determined SPR values in a carbon-ion beam.

Crest Factor Reduction using High Level Synthesis

Mahmood, Hassan January 2017 (has links)
Modern wireless mobile communication technology has made noticeable improvements from the technologies in the past but is still plagued by poor power efficiency of power amplifiers found in today’s base stations. One of the factors that affect the power efficiency adversely comes from modern modulation techniques like orthogonal frequency division multiplexing which result in signals with high peak to average power ratio, also known as the crest factor. Crest factor reduction algorithms are used to solve this problem. However, the dominant method of hardware description for synthesis has been to start with writing register transfer level code which gives a very fixed implementation that may not be the optimal solution. This thesis project is focused on developing a peak cancellation crest factor reduction system, using a high-level language as the system design language, and synthesizing it using high-level synthesis. The aim is to find out if highlevel synthesis design methodology can yield increased productivity and improved quality of results for such designs as compared to the design methodology that requires the system to be implemented at the register transfer level. Design space exploration is performed to find an optimal design with respect to area. Finally, a few parameters are presented to measure the performance of the system, which helps in tuning it. The results of design space exploration helped in choosing the best possible implementation out of four different configurations. The final implementation that resulted from high-level synthesis had an area comparable to the previous register transfer level implementation. It was also concluded that, for this design, the high-level synthesis design methodology increased productivity and decreased design time. / Användning av högnivåsyntes för reduktion av toppfaktor Det har gjorts noterbara framsteg inom modern trådlös kommunikationsteknik för mobiltelefoni, men tekniken plågas fortfarande av dålig energieffektivitet hos förstärkarna i dagens basstationer. En faktor som påverkar energieffektiviteten negativt är om signaler har en stor skillnad mellan maximal effekt och medeleffekt. Kvoten mellan maximal effekt och medeleffekt kallas för toppfaktor, och en egenskap hos moderna moduleringstekniker, såsom ortogonal frekvensdelningsmodulering, är att de har en hög toppfaktor. Algoritmer för reducering av toppfaktor kan lösa det problemet. Den dominerande metoden för design av hårdvara är att skriva kod i ett hårdvarubeskrivande språk med abstraktionsnivån Register Transfer Level och sedan använda verktyg för att syntetisera hårdvara från koden. Resultatet är en specifik implementation som inte nödvändigtvis är den optimala lösningen. Det här examensarbetet är inriktat på att utveckla ett system för reducering av toppfaktor, baserat på algoritmen Peak Cancellation, genom att skriva kod i ett högnivåspråk och använda verktyg för högnivåsyntes för att syntetisera designen. Syftet är att ta reda på om högnivåsyntes som designmetod kan ge ökad produktivitet och ökad kvalitet, för den här typen av design, jämfört med den klassiska designmetoden med abstraktionsnivån Register Transfer Level. Verktyget för högnivåsyntes användes för att på ett effektivt sätt undersöka olika designalternativ för att optimera kretsytan. I rapporten presenteras ett antal parametrar för att mäta prestandan hos systemet, vilket ger information som kan användas för finjustering. Resultatet av undersökningen av designalternativ gjorde det möjligt att välja den bästa implementationen bland fyra olika konfigurationer. Den slutgiltiga implementationen hade en kretsyta som är jämförbar med en tidigare design som implementerats med hårdvarubeskrivande språk med abstraktionsnivån Register Transfer Level. En annan slutsats är att, för den här designen, så gav designmetoden med högnivåsyntes ökad produktivitet och minskad designtid.

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