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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Wie stabil sind Drogenkonsum und das Auftreten klinisch-diagnostisch relevanter Mißbrauchs- und Abhängigkeitsstadien bei Jugendlichen?: Eine epidemiologische Studie am Beispiel von Cannabis

Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Höfler, Michael, Perkonigg, Axel, Sonntag, Holger, Lieb, Roselind January 1998 (has links)
Anhand einer prospektiven epidemiologischen Verlaufsstudie an einer repräsentativen Bevölkerungsstichprobe von ursprünglich 14- bis 17jährigen Jugendlichen (N=1395) werden die Häufigkeit und die Verlaufsmuster des Konsums, des Mißbrauchs und der Abhängigkeit von Cannabis untersucht. Die Jugendlichen wurden persönlich mit Hilfe eines Interviews befragt, wobei als diagnostisches Instrument das M-CIDI mit seinen DSM-IV Algorithmen verwendet wurde. Die Ergebnisse aus der Basiserhebung ergaben, daß 1995 etwa 20% aller 14- bis 17jährigen - in der Mehrzahl wiederholt - Cannabis probiert hatten und 6% der Population einen regelmäßigen Gebrauch aufweisen. Die Einjahres-Inzidenz (= Auftreten neuer Fälle) für den Cannabisgebrauch der nun 15- bis 19jährigen betrug zum Zeitpunkt der Nachuntersuchung 20,1% für die Männer und 16,3% für die Frauen. Für den regelmäßigen Gebrauch wurden Inzidenzraen von 12% (Männer) und 8,4% (Frauen) ermittelt. Die Stabilität des Konsumverhaltens zwischen der Basis- und der Nachuntersuchung war relativ hoch un stieg mit höherem Initialkonsum an. Angesichts der hohen Gebrauchsrate von 32,4% bei den 15- bis 19jährigen bei der Nachuntersuchung ergab sich im Vergleich zu anderen psychotropen Substanzen eine relativ niedrige Prävalenz für Mißbrauch und Abhängigkeit (4%). Das Vorliegen einer Diagnose bei der Erstuntersuchung weist allerdings eine relativ hohe Stabilität über die Nachuntersuchungskette auf. / The paper examines the prevalence, incidence and stability patterns of cannabis use and dependence in a prospective epidemiological study of a random community sample of adolescents, aged 14 to 17 years (N=1395) at time 1. Assesments are based on personal interviews by trained clinical psychologists using the computerized DSM-IV lifetime and 12-month change version of the M-CIDI. Results indicate that in 1995 every fifth person aged 14 to 17 years had used cannabis at least once and 6% reported regular use. The 12-month incidence rates (i.e. proportion of the sample reporting first cannabis use in the last year) among subjects, 15 to 19 years of age at time 2, was high, with 20,1% of males and 16,3% of females reporting first use. The incidence of regular use was 12,0% (males) and 8,4% (females). The stability of consumption patterns from time 1 to time 2 was high. Increasing with higher initial consumption. Given the reexamined samples overall high cannabis consumption rates of 32,4%, the prevalence of clinically manifest DSM-IV abuse and dependence was low in comparison to other psychologic drugs (4%). However there was remarkable diagnostic stability over time in this age group of those with an initial diagnosis at time 1 receiving a diagnosis again at time 2.

Wie häufig sind Substanzmißbrauch und -abhängigkeit?: Ein methodenkritischer Überblick

Perkonigg, Axel, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Lachner, Gabriele January 1996 (has links)
Die Arbeit gibt einen methodenkritischen Überblick über die in Deutschland vorliegenden Ergebnisse zur Prävalenz sowie Risikofaktoren von Substanzmißbrauch und -abhängigkeit (SMA). Es wird gezeigt, daß die vorliegenden epidemiologischen Studien unvollständig und methodisch unbefriedigend sind. Vor allem die fehlende Erfassung spezifischer diagnostischer Kriterien zur Ableitung klinisch relevanter Mißbrauchs- und Abhängigkeitsstörungen erschwert eine Interpretation der Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Repräsentativerhebungen. Diese geben zwar aussagekräftige populationsbezogene Informationen über die Häufigkeit und Verteilungsmuster von legalen und illegalen Substanzen, klinisch relevante Beurteilungsaspekte wie z.B. zu Schweregrad, Toleranz und Abstinenzproblemen sowie zu Einstieg und Verlauf der "Sucht"-Problematik fehlen jedoch vollständig. Dies trifft auch für Untersuchungen zu Risikofaktoren zu. Als ein durchgängiger Mangel wird ferner die Erfassungsmethodologie angesehen, die sich bislang fast ausschließlich auf Fragebögen oder Interviews stützt, über deren Reliabilität und Validität nur unzureichende psychometrische Daten vorliegen. / A critical review of prevalence and risk factor studies of substance abuse and dependence in Germany is presented. It is shown that currently available epidemiological data are incomplete due to the failure of instruments to allow for a detailed assessment of specific substance use disorders. The neglect of diagnostic criteria for clinically significant abuse and dependence disorders makes it especially difficult to draw conclusions about the results of representative surveys. Although the give clear population-related information about frequency and distribution patterns of legal and illegal substancees, relevant clinical data regarding aspects such as severity, tolerance, problems of abstinence, onset and course of abuse and dependence are completely lacking. This is also true of studies on risk factors. An additional problem is diagnostic assessment based almost exclusively on questionnaires and interviews whose reliability and validity have not been sufficiently established.

Is the Use of Ecstasy and Hallucinogens Increasing?: Results from a Community Study

Schuster, Peter, Lieb, Roselind, Lamertz, Christina, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich January 1998 (has links)
This report presents findings of a community survey of 3,021 adolescents and young adults aged 14–24 years in Munich, Germany, carried out to determine the prevalence of use and abuse of and dependence on ecstasy, amphetamines and hallucinogens. The response rate was 71%. Results: (1) In 1995, 4% of the male and 2.3% of the female respondents aged 14–24 reported the use of ecstasy. Ecstasy-related substances (amphetamines and chemically related substances) were reported by 3.6% of men and 1.6% of women. Hallucinogens were reported slightly less frequently by 3% of men and about 2% of women (LSD combined with others). (2) Compared to findings from a 1990 survey this constitutes a substantial, at least twofold, increase in consumption rate of both types of substances. (3) Among lifetime users of both ecstasy and related substances as well as hallucinogens about two thirds could be regarded as regular users. (4) The prevalence of DSM-IV abuse and dependence on ecstasy and related substances is about 1%, identical to rates of hallucinogen abuse and dependence. Findings also point to a significant dependence potential for both substances. (5) Furthermore, considerable overlap between the two substances was found. Conclusion: Our study suggests a substantial increase in both the use of ecstasy and related substances as well as hallucinogens. The data further suggest that the increase is strongest in younger age groups, but the risk of first use of these substances continues to be present up to the age of 24 years. The higher proportion of women contributing to this increase is noteworthy.

Prävalenz, Erkennens- und Verschreibungsverhalten bei depressiven Syndromen: Eine bundesdeutsche Hausarztstudie

Jacobi, Frank, Höfler, Michael, Meister, Wolfgang, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich January 2002 (has links)
Die Studie berichtet die Stichtags-Prävalenz depressiver Syndrome bei 20.421 unselegierter Patienten, die an einem Stichtag ihren Hausarzt aufsuchten. Zusätzlich wurde das hausärztliche Erkennungs- und Verschreibungsverhalten ermittelt. Im Rahmen einer Vorstudie wurden die teilnehmenden Arztpraxen (N=633) mittels Fragebogen charakterisiert. Am Erhebungstag erhielten alle Patienten Fragebögen, darunter den „Depression Screening Questionaire“ (DSQ), um die Diagnose einer depressiven Störung gemäß der Kriterien von DSM-IV oder ICD-10 zu stellen. Diese Daten wurden mit den Angaben in den Bewertungsbögen der Ärzte verglichen, die diese am Erhebungstag für jeden Patienten ausfüllten. Die Befunde bestätigen die hohe Prävalenz depressiver Syndrome in der Hausarztpraxis: 11,3% erfüllten die ICD-10-Kriterien für eine depressive Episode. Obwohl die Erkennungsrate von 59% wie auch die Häufigkeit verordneter Behandlungen tendenziell höher erscheint als in früheren Studien, so gibt doch die Situation bei den Depressionen leichterer Ausprägung sowie der hohe Anteil an „Fehldiagnosen“ bei Patienten, die deutlich die Falldefinitionskriterien verfehlen, Anlass zur Besorgnis. / This study examines the prevalence of depressive syndromes among unselected primary care patients as well as doctors' recognition and treatment rates. This nationwide study included a total of 20,421 patients attending their primary care doctors (n=633) on the study's target day. Patients received a self-report questionnaire including the depression screening questionnaire (DSQ) to provide diagnoses of depressive disorders according to the criteria of DSM-IV and ICD- 10.These data were compared to the doctor's evaluation form for each patient to assess the physician's diagnostic decision, assessment of clinical severity, and treatment choices. The findings confirm the high prevalence of depressive syndromes in primary care settings (11.3%) and underline the particular challenge posed by a high proportion of patients near the diagnosis threshold. Although recognition rates among more severe major depressive patients (59%) as well as treatments prescribed appear to be more favourable than in previous studies, the situation in less severe cases and the high proportion of doctors' definite depression diagnoses in patients who do not fulfill the diagnostic criteria still raise significant concerns.

Inadequate medical treatment of patients with coronary artery disease by primary care physicians in Germany

Bischoff, Bernhard, Silber, Sigmund, Richartz, Barbara M., Pieper, Lars, Klotsche, Jens, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich January 2006 (has links)
Aims: The DETECT study was performed to obtain representative data about the frequency, distribution, and treatment of patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) in the primary care setting in Germany. Methods and results: The DETECT study was a cross–sectional clinical– epidemiological survey of a nationally representative sample of 3795 primary care offices and 55 518 patients. Overall, 12.4% of patients were diagnosed with CAD. Stable angina pectoris and myocardial infarction were the most frequent (4.2%) subgroups, followed by status post (s/p) percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI, 3.0%) and s/p coronary bypass surgery (2.2%). Patients with CAD were prescribed AT1 receptor antagonists (in 19.4% of cases), beta blockers (57.2%), ACE inhibitors (49.9%), antiplatelet agents (52.7%), statins (43.0%), and long–term nitrates (24.5%). When comparing all CAD patients with social health care insurance to those who had private insurance, private patients had significantly higher rates of revascularisation procedures and use of preventive medications. Conclusion: Great potential remains for improving secondary prevention in primary care in Germany to reduce the risk of further coronary or vascular events, especially in patients with social health care insurance.

How impaired are children and adolescents by mental health problems? Results of the BELLA study

Wille, Nora, Bettge, Susanne, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Ravens-Sieberer, Ulrike January 2008 (has links)
Background: The consideration of impairment plays a crucial role in detecting significant mental health problems in children whose symptoms do not meet diagnostic criteria. The assessment of impairment may be particularly relevant when only short screening instruments are applied in epidemiological surveys. Furthermore, differences between childrens’ and parents’ perceptions of present impairment and impairing symptoms are of interest with respect to treatment-seeking behaviour. Objectives: The objectives were to assess parent- and self-reported impairment due to mental health problems in a representative sample of children and adolescents; to describe the characteristics of highly impaired children with normal symptom scores; and to investigate the associations between symptoms in different problem areas and impairment. Methods: The mental health module of the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents (the BELLA study) examined mental health in a representative sub-sample of 2,863 families with children aged 7–17. Self-reported and parent-reported symptoms of mental health problems and associated impairment were identified by the extended version of the strengths and difficulties questionnaire (SDQ) in children 11 years and older. Results: Considerable levels of distress and functional impairment were found with 14.1% of the boys and 9.9% of the girls being severely impaired according to the parental reports. However, self-reported data shows a reversed gender-difference as well as lower levels of severe impairment (6.1% in boys; 10.0% in girls). Six percent of the sampled children suffer from pronounced impairment due to mental health problems but were not detected by screening for overall symptoms. Childrens’ and parents’ reports differed in regard to the association between reported symptom scores and associated impairment with children reporting higher impairment due to emotional problems. Conclusions: The assessment of impairment caused by mental health problems provides important information beyond the knowledge of symptoms and helps to identify an otherwise undetected high risk group. In the assessment of impairment, gender-specific issues have to be taken into account. Regarding the systematic differences between childrens’ and parents’ reports in the assessment of impairment, the child’s perspective should be given special attention.

International Day for the Evaluation of Abdominal obesity: rationale and design of a primary care study on the prevalence of abdominal obesity and associated factors in 63 countries

Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Balkau, Beverley, Massien, Christine, Richard, Alain, Haffner, Steven, Després, Jean-Pierre January 2006 (has links)
Sedentary lifestyles and energy-rich diets are driving an increasing prevalence of abdominal obesity, which is associated with cardiovascular risk. Reliable estimates of the worldwide prevalence of abdominal obesity are needed to quantify the associated health risk. The International Day for the Evaluation of Abdominal obesity (IDEA) study is a large, international epidemiological cross-sectional study designed to provide reliable data on the distribution of waist circumference according to region, gender, age, and socio-economic level in 177 345 primary care patients from 63 countries across five continents. Any non-pregnant patient aged 18–80 consulting one of the randomly selected primary care physicians on two pre-defined half days was eligible to participate in the study. The primary objective was to estimate the prevalence of abdominal obesity in primary care, in each participating country. Secondary objectives were to estimate the prevalence of hypertension, type 2 diabetes, dyslipidaemia, and smoking, and to evaluate their associations with abdominal obesity, according to age, gender, and socio-economic level and region. The IDEA study will provide the first global map of the prevalence of abdominal obesity and associated comorbidities in primary care practice.

Frequency of albuminuria in primary care: a cross-sectional study

Bramlage, Peter, Pittrow, David, Lehnert, Hendrik, Höfler, Michael, Kirch, Wilhelm, Ritz, Eberhard, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich January 2007 (has links)
Background: We aimed to assess the point prevalence of microalbuminuria (MAU) in a sample of unselected consecutive primary-care attendees, with particular focus on patients with diabetes mellitus (with and without additional concomitant diseases) and those with hypertension. Design: Cross-sectional observational study in a nationwide representative sample of 1912 primary-care practices and a patient population consisting of 39 125 primary-care attendees. Diagnoses for diabetes, hypertension and co-morbidities were provided by the treating physician and complemented by blood pressure (BP) measurements and selected lab tests. Screening for microalbuminuria (>20 and <200 μg/ml) was done with a spot urine dipstick test. Results: The clinical diagnosis of nephropathy was assigned to 7.6% of patients. The point prevalence of MAU was 19.0% in the total sample; the proportion was 33.6% in diabetics whereas the diagnosis was assigned to only 7.1% in the total sample. Amongst diabetic patients with MAU, 92.6% had BP above the target value of < 130/80 mmHg. Frequency rates rose with increasing BP (e.g. 20.6% in diabetic patients with BP< 120/70 mmHg, and 36.3% in diabetic patients with BP > 140/90 mmHg). Of note, patients with MAU had a higher burden of co-morbidity compared to those without MAU. Conclusions: We found a high prevalence of MAU in primary care, particularly in diabetic patients. The frequency of MAU was closely related to the BP level and the degree of co-morbidity. The present study underlines the magnitude of the problem of MAU in primary care, and should serve as a starting point to initiate measures to address this important public health issue.

Unmet needs in the diagnosis and treatment of dyslipidemia in the primary care setting in Germany

Böhler, Steffen, Scharnagl, Hubert, Freisinger, F., Stojakovic, T., Glaesmer, Heide, Klotsche, Jens, Pieper, Lars, Pittrow, David, Kirch, Wilhelm, Schneider, Harald Jörn, Stalla, Günter Karl, Lehnert, Hendrik, Zeiher, Andreas M., Silber, Sigmund, Koch, Uwe, Ruf, Günther, März, Winfried, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich January 2007 (has links)
Objectives and methods: DETECT is a cross-sectional study of 55,518 unselected consecutive patients in 3188 representative primary care offices in Germany. In a random subset of 7519 patients, an extensive standardized laboratory program was undertaken. The study investigated the prevalence of cardiovascular disease, known risk factors (such as diabetes, hypertension and dyslipidemia and their co-morbid manifestation), as well as treatment patterns. The present analysis of the DETECT laboratory dataset focused on the prevalence and treatment of dyslipidemia in primary medical care in Germany. Coronary artery disease (CAD), risk categories and LDL-C target achievement rates were determined in the subset of 6815 patients according to the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) ATP III Guidelines. Results: Of all patients, 54.3% had dyslipidemia. Only 54.4% of the NCEP-classified dyslipidemic patients were diagnosed as ‘dyslipidemic’ by their physicians. Only 27% of all dyslipidemic patients (and 40.7% of the recognized dyslipidemic patients) were treated with lipid-lowering medications, and 11.1% of all dyslipidemic patients (41.4% of the patients treated with lipid-lowering drugs) achieved their LDL-C treatment goals. In conclusion, 80.3% of patients in the sample with dyslipidemia went undiagnosed, un-treated or under-treated.

Prevalence and burden of bipolar disorders in European countries

Pini, Stefano, de Queiroz, Valéria, Pagnin, Daniel, Pezawas, Lukas, Angst, Jules, Cassano, Giovanni B., Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich January 2005 (has links)
A literature search, supplemented by an expert survey and selected reanalyses of existing data from epidemiological studies was performed to determine the prevalence and associated burden of bipolar I and II disorder in EU countries. Only studies using established diagnostic instruments based on DSM-III-R or DSM-IV, or ICD-10 criteria were considered. Fourteen studies from a total of 10 countries were identified. The majority of studies reported 12-month estimates of approximately 1% (range 0.5–1.1%), with little evidence of a gender difference. The cumulative lifetime incidence (two prospective-longitudinal studies) is slightly higher (1.5–2%); and when the wider range of bipolar spectrum disorders is considered estimates increased to approximately 6%. Few studies have reported separate estimates for bipolar I and II disorders. Age of first onset of bipolar disorder is most frequently reported in late adolescence and early adulthood. A high degree of concurrent and sequential comorbidity with other mental disorders and physical illnesses is common. Most studies suggest equally high or even higher levels of impairments and disabilities of bipolar disorders as compared to major depression and schizophrenia. Few data are available on treatment and health care utilization.

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