Spelling suggestions: "subject:"prazo""
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Jan František Novák (?-1771) a jeho mešní tvorba / Jan František Novák (?-1771) and his Mass CompositionsPolášek, Vojtěch January 2015 (has links)
This master's thesis concerns the extant masses of Jan František Novák (died 1771), kapellmeister of the cathedral of St. Vitus in Prague from 1737-1758. These masses and their copies are critically examined and subsequently analyzed by focusing on particular types of arrangement as well as in summary. Aspects of musical practice and of the collection of notated music of the metropolitan chapter during Novak's era are also discussed in this thesis.
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Jaromír Neumann: znalec benátské malby / Jaromír Neumann: The connoisseur of Venetian paintingLišková, Julie January 2014 (has links)
The work is dedicated to the personality Jaromír Neumann as an expert of Venetian painting in our country, whose approach is documented on a number of paintings from several institutions, which autorship determinated. Specifically, the images of the Prague Castle Picture Gallery, National Gallery in Prague, Olomouc Picture Gallery and significant Titian painting of Kroměříž Picture Gallery, which concentrated his interest for a long time. These are the works of painter's family Bassano, Paolo Veronese, Jacopo and Domenico Tintoretto, Bonifazio Veronese, Rocco Marconi, Pordenone and Titian. More generally, the work deals with issues of connoisseurship and restoration, but is not the purpose of extensive analysis, the more necessary as outlined in the context of the theme of the work. The result should be the definition and specification process of Neumann's autorship determination and the pursuit of affect key points that form its determination.
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Personální "očista" na ústředních úřadech Československé republiky po roce 1945 / Personnel "Purge" at Central Authorities in Czechoslovak Republic after 1945Šímová, Eva January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis attends to personnel "purge" in the field of public administration in Czechoslovakia after World War II in a broader context. "The purge" of civil servants is presented in the context of the overall development of the Czechoslovak Republic in the period 1945 -1948 and with the general requests of the postwar "purge". The attention is paid to the status of civil servants, particularly in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia and in the postwar period. The next part of this thesis is focused on the activity of the purgatory commissions, which operated on the basis of the Decree of the President. In the selected ministries is performed the analysis and the comparison of the model cases of "purge" of the civil servants.
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Čeští translátoři při českém guberniu v Praze v 18. století / The Czech translators at the local government in Prague in 18th centuryPSOTKOVÁ, Jana January 2014 (has links)
This M.A. thesis deals with the office of the Czech translator at the local government in Prague, which was established in 1749 as a part of the Repräsentation und Kammer. The first aim of our work is to describe and explain the agenda of this department, assess its activities within the contemporary context and justify its establishment. In doing so, we contribute to the historical research by describing the situation of the officials at the time of Maria Theresa and Joseph II, and furthermore we contribute also to the linguistical research by studying the role of Czech in the administration in 18th century. The introduction describes the situation of Czech language in the 18. century and analyzes the state of research. The further text is divided into three chapters. The first one shows the development of Bohemian local government in Prague where Czech translators were working. The most important part of the work is the second chapter, which expounds the history of the translator's office and provides biographies of individual translators. The third chapter presents the Apology of Czech written by the first known translator Matěj Rudolf Blažej which is interesting for us as an example of texts produced by the office in the 18th century and as a contribution to the Czech National Revival.
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Etická analýza současné Koncepce návrhů řešení problematiky bezdomovectví v Praze v letech 2013 - 2020 / Possibilities of next living for seniors, who are leaving sanctuary housePIŠTĚKOVÁ, Radka January 2013 (has links)
The work deals with the complicated problems of solving homelessness in Prague for the period 2013-2020. It analyzes the ethics of the proposals addressing homelessness in this period and compares it with the Action Plan, which preceded it. Ethical problems are defined on the basis of examples of social work practice with homeless people. The conclusion of my work is a proposal of possible solutions defined by ethical problems that arise from the analyzed concept.
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Farmářské trhy jako návrat k tradici / Farmer's marketplaces as a restoration of traditionANDRLOVÁ, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
The theoretical part of this thesis defines the terms distribution and marketplaces. It is also concerned with the agricultural production of the Czech Republic and the quality of products on the Czech market. In the closing part there is a detailed description of farmer's marketplaces in the Czech Republic from 2009 until now and also the problematic aspects related to this kind of sale and its grant support. The practical part is based on intended aims, hypothesis and used methodology, and describes the course of farmer's marketplaces in two surveyed locations (South Bohemia and Prague) on various levels. It deals with an inspection of these farmer's marketplaces by the surveillance authorities of the Czech Republic, a complete analysis of these marketplaces, and a comparison of chosen marketplaces which were visited by the author of this work. Next is an evaluation of a questionnaire survey upon which the consumers' stance to this type of sale is being based. This includes people who do shop at these marketplaces as well as people who do not. In the end of the practical part all gained data are gathered, possible improvements are suggested, and the possible future development of this type of sale is proposed.
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Didaktický obraz prvoučný a přírodovědný v historické perspektivě / Instructive Picture in the Fundaments of Humanities and Sciences and its Historical PerspectivePlešingrová, Petra January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis was written in cooperation with the National Pedagogical Museum and Library of J. A. Comenius in Prague. It deals with the vast area of instructive pictures and especially with their potential use in teaching elementary school pupils science, mainly in the second year of elementary schools. The diploma thesis seeks to determine the significance of the instructive picture in its historical perspective, to state whether even nowadays the instructive picture is still a valid teaching aid in teaching of sciences in the educational process. The first, theoretical part of the thesis, the basic concepts concerning the instructive picture, didactic means and the so important psychological approach to perception of pictorial materials are determined. A considerable part of the thesis focuses on the historical development of the school instructive picture in general and on its development in sciences in particular. Also included is a thorough study of the teaching process with the use of rare instructive pictures in the past and the current aims of teaching sciences at present are presented. The empirical part of the thesis uses a pilot study to study specific modular lessons of the fundaments of humanities and sciences with the use of a selection of relevant instructive pictures in these...
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Informační výchova začínajících čtenářů v Městské knihovně v Praze - v knihovnách Smíchov a Barrandov / Starting Reader and Information Literacy in the Municipal Library of Prague - library Smíchov and BarrandovFriessová, Romana January 2016 (has links)
(in English): Work Starting Reader and Information Literacy in the Municipal Library of Prague - library Smíchov and Barrandov aims to describe and compare the work with starting readers and conduct information education starting readers in accordance with the framework educational programs in the older central city of Prague 5-Smíchov and newer housing estate on the outskirts of Prague 5 in Barrandov. Comparator library Smíchov and Barrandov among the branches of the Municipal Library in Prague. From a comparison of these libraries work is based on methodical instructions for working with starting readers, which rely on the conclusions from interviews conducted by teachers and educators catchment primary schools and kindergartens, as well as with parents beginning readers.
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Akviziční strategie cizojazyčné literatury ve veřejných knihovnách: srovnávací studie / The acquisition strategy of foreign-language books in public libraries: A comparative studyJampílková, Klára January 2017 (has links)
Public libraries are facing a great challenge to succeed in serving their increasingly diverse communities. This thesis focuses on the acquisition of foreign-language books in public libraries and attempts to address the question whether libraries have special strategies to select and acquire foreign-language books. Particular attention is paid to fiction, the main genre offered by public libraries. To help answer the thesis question, the author compares the acquisition strategies of the Municipal Library of Prague and the Zentral- und Landesbibliothek Berlin using structured interviews with the key persons responsible for the acquisition of foreign-language books. As a background, the author provides a literature review of foreign-language materials in public libraries and specifically, the acquisition strategy for those materials (i.e. including case studies, research projects and trends from the Czech Republic, the US, Canada, Australia, Sweden, Denmark and Netherlands). This knowledge foundation is considered in the comparison of the two libraries and their acquisition strategies. The comparative study confirms the trends highlighted in the literature review, such as outsourcing, approval plans and gifts as common ways of acquiring foreign- language literature. This thesis further contributes...
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Analýza pro vytvoření institucionálního repozitáře na České zemědělské univerzitě v Praze / Analysis for the building of the institutional repository for the Czech University of Life Science in PragueBláha, Dominik January 2017 (has links)
The goal of the diploma thesis is to put forward a procedure for implementation of an institutional repository at the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague with the aid of an analysis on the current situation of institutional repositories in Czechia. The analysed repositories are selected using OpenDOAR and ROAR registries. The first part of the thesis describes the software used to implement the institutional repositories in Czechia. In the next part tools, standards and certifications relevant for trustworthy institutional repositories such as DRAMBORA and PLATTER, standards ISO 16363 and ISO 14721 and the so called lesser certifications Data Seal of Approval and Nestor Seal of Trustworthy Digital Archives are described. Following part focuses on policies and operation of those analysed repositories. The last part of the thesis deals with a description of current practice on the Czech University of Life Sciences, the conducted quantitative analysis among the researchers of the university and the aforementioned procedure for implementation of an institutional repository using the tool PLATTER. The conclusion summarizes the issues of institutional repositories in Czechia.
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