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Analýza podmínek týmové práce studentů VŠE / The analysis of conditions of teamwork of students at the University of Economics, PragueHolečková, Kamila January 2008 (has links)
There are described and analysed conditions and the process of teamwork of students of the University of Economics, Prague in the thesis. A questionnaire forms the significant part of this thesis. There were found out the positions and the opinions of teamwork of students.
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Architekt Jaroslav Čermák a jeho vztah k sakrální architektuře na příkladu stavby kostela sv. Jana Nepomuckého v Praze - Košířích / Architect Jaroslav Čermák and his relation to sacred architecture on the example of the Church of Saint John of Nepomuk in Prague - KošířeBoušová, Petra January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis " Architect Jaroslav Čermák and his relation to sacred architecture on the example of the Church of Saint John of Nepomuk in Prague - Košíře" in its first part presents the cultural-historical context of the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century in the Czech lands. It also deals with the work of Czech architects in the first half of the 20th century and the issue of sacral architecture. Subsequently, the hitherto minimally known biography of Jaroslav Čermák and his work is reconstructed in the context of the time. Čermák's work is described primarily on the example of the construction of the church of Saint John of Nepomuk in Prague-Košíře, which is subjected to a thorough analysis and interpretation of the means of expression, that where used. The urban context is also observed. The thesis elaborates with the reasons for the need to establish a new church in Košíře and with dificulities, that came during the construction of the church, which was affected by the Second World War and the coup in February 1948 in Czechoslovakia. Part of the work is a pictorial supplement, which is primarily related to the construction of the building and the current state of the church of Saint John of Nepomuk.
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Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy, ve srovnání s univerzitami v Brně a Olomouci v bouřlivých letech 1947 - 1950 / Charles University - Faculty of Arts, in comparison with universities in Brno and Olomouc in the turbulent years 1947 - 1950Zubec, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
Résumé This thesis examines the situation at three Czech universities in 1947 - 1950, Charles University in Prague, Masaryk University in Brno and Palacky University in Olomouc. To have an event around February 1948 to describe and then compare, it was necessary to go back to the time shortly after the Second World War, as the post-war development has undoubtedly influence on events in the following period. After the war the University had to deal with personnel and material losses. Many professors on their teaching and research space not returned, many of them died under the Nazi terror. Dismal state of buildings, which were mainly bombing explosions or other damage, especially to address Masaryk University, Brno. Directly after the war dealt University in Prague and Brno employee personnel cleansing of collaborators and people otherwise guilty against the state and national honor. Most affected was the Brno University. Another problem occurred when an enormous interest among young people in the study, due to the closure of Czech universities by the Nazis in the autumn of 1939 (in 1945). On the way to February 1948, were part of universities and student associations. Student element is often became the target of verbal indiscriminate attacks of some communist bosses, but up to February 1948 worked student...
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Srovnání vybraných českých a slovenských vysokoškolských knihoven : na příkladu Univerzity Karlovy v Praze a Univerzity Komenského v Bratislavě / Comparison of selected Czech and Slovak academic libraries : on the example of Charles University in Prague and Comenius University in BratislavaJuračková, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
(in English) The goal of the thesis is to describe, evaluate and compare the present state of university libraries at the Charles University in Prague and Comenius University in Bratislava. The first chapter briefly describes the present state of Czech and Slovakian university libraries, their anchorage in the laws of the given state and also deals with societies associating the university libraries. The second chapter describes history, present and prospects of three selected faculties of Charles University and Comenius University (Faculty of Art, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Physical Education and Sport) and also the buildings where the faculties are located are described. The third chapter already follows up the libraries of the selected faculties, their history, services, personnel, space descriptions, and their promotion among the general public etc.. The fourth and fifth chapter presents the main body of the work. These chapters include assessment of the questionnaire survey, between to the directors of the selected libraries, and comparison of these libraries on the basis of the survey and other obtained data. [author abstract]
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Pražský obraz Sv. Lukáš maluje Madonu od Jana Gossaerta zv. Mabuse / The Prague painting Saint Luke painting the Virgin by Jan Gossaert called MabuseHamrlová, Anna January 2014 (has links)
The National Gallery in Prague conserves an important masterpiece of the Fle- mish mannerist Jan Gossaert. The panel painting Saint Luke painting the Virgin was originally determined for the cathedral of Saint Roumboult in Mechelen in Belgium. The artwork represents one of the first applications of Renaissance style behind the Alps. Gossaert was educated in this new style during a visit to Italy several years earlier and combined it with traditional Flemish art. The artist worked for the court of Margaret of Austria in Mechelen around the year 1513, the year the painting originates. His traditional style became influenced by the techniques used in Mechelen by foreign artists. The theme is painted the tradi- tional manner of work on an oak panel. Renaissance and Gothic architecture is decorated by " en grisaille" sculptures. A seemingly simple theme is given deeper meaning thanks to these objects containing hidden meanings. There are also some prints from the time the panel was in the Saint Vitus Cathedral in Prague due to which we can contemplate the progress in presentation of the painting during centuries. 1
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Nástěnná malba 13. a 14. století v kostelech na území Velké Prahy. Bývalý kostel sv. Vavřince pod Petřínem a středověké kostely osad za hradbami Prahy / Wall painting of 13th and 14th century in the churches on the territory of Greater Prague. Former church of St. Lawrence bellow Petrin hill and medieval settlements outside the walls of medieval PragueBělohlávková, Monika January 2014 (has links)
The thesis is focused on medieval mural defined period 13th and 14th century in selected churches former settlements near Prague, which became a part of it in the course of the following centurie. In the introductory part I pursue the mural itself, its technology, mission and function in the space of a medieval church (cap. 2.). I did not forget outline stylish currents that came through from neighboring countries and were absorbed into the painter's developement in our country during 13th and 14th century (cap. 2.2.). The next section is devoted each painting decoration in selected churches. Most attention was directed to the former church of St. Lawrence bellow Petrin hill, which thanks to the unique preservation of several layers of time and style mural lets as show the developement of painting in selected two centurie (cap. 3.). Followes the paintings in the church of the Beheading of st. John the Baptist in Dolní Chabry, in the church of St. John and Paul in Krteň, in the church of St. Bartholomew in Kyje, in the church of the Assumption in Dolní Počernice, in the church of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist in Hostivař and in the church of the Birth of the Virgin Mary in Průhonice (cap. 4.-9.). Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Geertgen tot Sint Jans a počátky nizozemské renesance v malířství / Geertgen tot Sint Jans and the begining of Dutch Renaissance paintingKobrsková, Markéta January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the life and work of the Dutch painter Geertgen tot Sint Janse in the context of the beginning of Dutch Renaissance. This diploma thesis contains an analyses of Triptych with The Adoration of the Kings from the Prague Castle Collections. In particular, the art influences and the possible inspiration by the work of Albert van Ouwater is discussed. The Adoration of the Kings is an important piece of art not only in the context of Dutch Renaissance painting but also in the context of European Renaissance at the end of 15th century. The rich symbolic apparatus of the tryptich refers to the medieval tradition, but the beginning of illusionism can be recognised from the painting as well.
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Archiv Národního divadla v Praze jako informační systém / The Archive of the Prague National Theatre as an information systemSochorová, Eva January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to analyze the Archives of the National Theatre in Prague as an information system. The thesis describes the archives comprehensively, from its history to the present form, it describes the process of digitizing and archival websites. In detail, it devotes to its collections. The part of the thesis is the analysis of the methodology of theatre archives and overall assessment of the importance of archives for Czech culture including its role in terms of meeting information needs.
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Historie a současnost klášterní knihovny u sv. Tomáše v Praze / Past and Present of the Convent Library of Saints Thomas in PragueSladká, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
Monastery library of Order of Hermits of Saint Augustin in Prague is an outstanding book collection of considerable scientific and historical value. Nowadays, it consists of more than 18 000 volumes. Saint Thomas monastery was founded by Wenceslaus II. in 1278 and had, from the very beginning,, a leading role among other monasteries of this order in Bohemia. From the early 14th century an Augustinian university was run there - as the only one in vast province of Bavaria, to which Bohemia belonged. In the 17th century, an independent Bohemian province was established and Saint Thomas monastery became a natural centre of it. This diploma thesis aims to provide an overview of a history of library and to introduce significant members of Augustinian order, who contributed to development (in time of prosperity) of library. Author is particularly focused on early modern period, to which scholars have not paid attention yet, and events connected to the end of the Thirty Years War, when, as it was assumed in the past, the library sustained big damage. Apart from that, everyday interest and care for books and libraries inside the order will be characterised and the cultural and historical impact of the library of Saint Thomas convent will also be emphasized. Origins and medieval period of the library is...
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Determinanty cen nového rezidenčního developmentu v Praze / Determinants of Residential Development Prices in PragueMazáček, David January 2015 (has links)
III Title: Determinants of Residential Development Prices in Prague Author: David Mazáček Department: Institute of economic studies Diploma Theises Supervisor: PhDr. Pavel Streblov, MSc. Supervisor's e-mail address: streblov@pentainvestmens.cz Abstract: This thesis analyzes the progression and current situation on the Prague new residential development market. The beggining of the thesis is focused on performance of new residential development market in Prague and its comparison with other cities in European union including different housing standards and its economical severity. Performance analysis and current situation on the market indicate the presence of real estate bubble in past years on Prague market. This bubble has even deepened the problems on the market caused by the European economic crisis, however currently there is slow upsarge on the residential real estate market in Prague. Remaining two chapters are focused on relations between performance of residential development price per sqm in Prague and the performance of macroeconomic determinants in the range of income, financing or subsitutionary housing solution. This relation is explored through the econometric model, that explains the average aggregate price per sqm of new residential development in Prague through its macroeconomic...
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