Spelling suggestions: "subject:"prazo""
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Experience Grand-Guignol: popis projektu z hlediska dramaturga / Expérience Grand-Guignol: a project description from the viewpoint of the dramaturgKebrtová, Helena January 2016 (has links)
This Master Thesis describes the Expérience Grand-Guignol project, consisting on the one hand of research of the texts preserved in the Parisian Theatre Grand-Guignol (1897 – 1963) and on the other hand of a graduation performance in Theatre DISK which staged four plays from the repertory of this famous theatre of horrors. The Expérience Grand-Guignol project explored in practice various approaches to the historical material of Grand-Guignol placed in a contemporary context. It examined limits of the genre and methods of staging favorable to the Grand-Guignol experience today. The thesis is structured in three parts. The first part presents the Grand-Guignol theatre phenomenon, its history and theory compiled from accessible literature. The second part is dedicated to a detailed preparation and realization of the project. It presents four performed shows, including the overall set design and storyline, which provides the frame for the cycle. The last part presents a short reflection on fear as an effect of a theatre performance, a summary of observations from the practical examination, and an evaluation of project.
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DAMU pro nedamáky / DAMU FOR EVERYBODYHron, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
Dissertation evaluated present offers of free-time artistic activities for children and youth in Czech Republic. We will focus on pros and cons of these artistic workshops and individual elements of events like this. Main subjects of dissertation are project Kurzy NAPLNO and methods of leading workshops for actors. Kurzy NAPLNO origin in 2015 was based on bad experience with another artistic course. Project Kurzy NAPLNO are educative artistic workshops. Their objective is to share knowledge and experiences within drama, alternative or musical acting, film production, moderation and journalism. Kurzy NAPLNO celebrated 3rd year of its own existence during formation of this dissertation.
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Holčičí povídání / Girl's talkPecháčková, Marika January 2017 (has links)
Via interviews with five female students and one female teacher at the Documentary Film Deapartment at FAMU, this thesis seeks to define if not an exact, specific form, then a marked out area of today's female identity. In the dialogue with these women, the question how do they use their femininity in their work is asked. Which areas are opened thanks to their gender and in which way is their contemporary thinking about womanhood different (and shifted) in comparison to the previous generations of the feminist discourse? To what extent do the old models of perception of women persist and even parasitize within them, and how do they find their liberating escapes?
The thesis represents an instrumental specimen taken from a limited time and space i.e. the Documentary Film Department at FAMU during the last decade (2007-2017). This work is also part for the general search of role of women here and now.
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Česká divadelní postmoderna a tvorba Jiř ího Havelky fenomenologická redukce fenoménu Havelka / The Czech Postmodern Theatre and Works of Jiří HavelkaKubák, Ivo Kristián January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is in its first part focused to describe the current generation of directors, who started official creative careers after 1989. It locates three basic lines of staging procedures and in the second part aims on five directors of this generation, which currently teaches in the Department of Alternative and Puppet Theatre of The Theatre Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague: Petra Tejnorová, Jiří Adámek, Martin Kukučka, Lukáš Trpišovský a Jiří Havelka. The latter is devoted to detail in the third part, which is based on available ctitic reflections of Havelka's work and tries to figure out how is this work received by critics and the public. Attachment contains complete list of Havelka scenical works.
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Edukační programy orchestrů v Praze / Educational programmes of orchestras in PragueCetlová, Alexandra January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with educational programmes of orchestras in Prague. Having dealt with two selected Prague orchestras, namely PKF - Prague Philharmonia and the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, the history of these orchestras is elaborated in the first chapter, followed by the chronological overview of already completed educational programmes. Furthermore, the thesis deals with the contemporary approach of the orchestras to this matter, their future vision and also the organizational aspects that lie behind the realization of the programmes. Part of the thesis is also a comparison of some selected factors of both orchestras and the results of a questionnaire survey among the orchestras'members. Keywords Education programmes Orchestras in Prague Orchestra history PKF - Prague Philharmonic Czech Philharmonic Orchestra
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Dostupnost a kvalita péče o duševní zdraví pro cizince v Praze / Accessibility and Quality of Mental Health Care for Foreigners in PragueTušl, Martin January 2017 (has links)
The topic of the present thesis is the accessibility and the quality of mental health care for foreigners in Prague. The theoretical part presents some of the principle topics from intercultural psychology that are related to mental health. Further, the phenomena associated with living abroad and with mental health of foreigners are discussed. Then follows a summary of the principle findings about a good practice in psychological and psychotherapeutic work with culturally and linguistically different clients. The theoretical part concludes with an overview of the present situation of the mental health care in the Czech Republic along with information about the regulations and options of mental health care for the foreign population. The empirical part presents a qualitative research which explores what experience have English and Russian-speaking foreigners with mental health services in Prague, and what are the main barriers that hinder their access to a good quality care. The sample was composed of two groups - clinical group (n=27) and non-clinical group (n=74). The data collection was mostly done via questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. The main findings from both groups identified eight principal barriers that adversely impact the accessibility and the quality of mental health care...
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Konsolidace systémů správy identifikačních karet v prostředí VŠE v Praze / Harmonisation of Identification Card Management Systems at the University of Economics, PragueŘíha, Jan January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with problems of identification cards at the University of Economics, Prague. Its primary goal is to consider and evaluate the possibility of a transfer of the ID card management into the ISIS system. The thesis consists of four parts. The first one offers a complex analysis of the ID card management at the University. The second one analyses two ID card management systems: the NESA system, which is being used at the University now, and the ISIS system, which could also be used for the ID card management. The third part includes a proposal of adjustments in the ISIS system, which would make its ID card management implementation comply with the University's needs. The proposal describes general features of the system, relations to its environs and a graphical user interface. Finally the last part covers the actual state of the project and its differences from the proposal offered in the thesis. Information sources for the thesis were legal norms, University regulations and internal documents as well as the author's knowledge and experience gained through several years of the NESA system maintenance and numerous consultations with the University ID card management staff and ISIS developers. The main assets of this thesis lay in the comprehensive view of the ID card management at the University along with the proposal of the new ID card management system, which is to be integrated into ISIS.
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Mariánské oltáře ze sbírky Tomassa degli Obizzi v Národní galerii v Praze / Altarpieces of the Virgin Mary from the collection of Tommaso degli Obizzi in the National Gallery in PragueHonysová, Dominika January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to evaluace the altars with the central theme of Our Lady of Italian prohnance of the 14th and 15th centuries from the collection of Tommaso degli Obizzi, today in the National Gallery in Prague. The introduction will be assessed for czech and foreign literature on the topic. Then will be recalled the circumstances of the origin of this collection and the way how these works came from Konopiště chateau to the National Gallery in Prague. Next part of the thesis will be focused on five altarsplates, which will be interpreted by formal. Thes e works will be processed accordingly katalog system. Finally, work will evaluace those works and thein importance in the kontext of collecting in a wider context.
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Volební obvody v Praze: proporcionalita vs. efektivita vládnutí / Electoral districts in Prague: proportionality vs. efficiency of governanceDrašar, Michael January 2021 (has links)
Diploma thesis focuses on one of the most important variables of proportional electoral systems - electoral districts. This problematic is researched in the context of municipal elections to the Prague City Assembly. In the Czech municipal electoral system this variable can be changed very flexibly and in Prague we can find three variations of electoral districts. The aim of thesis is to explore these variants of electoral districts from the point of proportionality and efficiency of governance. The topic is researched in three cases of municipal elections in Prague in 2010, 2014 and 2018. In the introduction of diploma thesis two research questions are defined. The first part is theoretical, and it is focused on the municipal electoral system in the Czech Republic, electoral district in the theory of electoral systems, variants of electoral districts in Prague and academic debate about proportionality and efficiency. Results of three researched elections are analysed as well. The analytical part of thesis is focused on models of seats distribution in accordance with electoral districts. In the conclusion results are evaluated and compared. Research questions are answered in this part as well.
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Jan Pelár, muzikant, jenž by neměl být zapomenut / Jan Pelár, a musician who should not be forgottenJanušová, Martina January 2016 (has links)
Jan Pelar is an integral part of the cultural heritage of Wallachia. He personally represented Wallachian culture at Ethnographic Exhibition in Prague in 1895. On this occasion he obtained his first musician concession. Reportedly, he composed the Wallachian anthem, "My sme Valaši" on his way to Prague. This work will focus on his musical career and his personal life which was extraordinary. This work will focus on his musical career, his extraordinary personal life and his legacy to younger musicians.
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