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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The analysis of pre-sale marketing and acquisition of ERP systems in enterprises of Fortaleza / A anÃlise da prÃ-venda na comercializaÃÃo/aquisiÃÃo de sistemas ERP nas empresas de Fortaleza

Josà Albuquerque Pinto Neto 17 August 2007 (has links)
This dissertation makes the analysis of pre-sale phase during the sale and during the acquisition of ERP systems at companies of Fortaleza, researching in the clients of one of the largest brazilian software organization. These companies showed how was the commercial process, and how ERP system was implemented. This dissertation has the objective of contribution to increase knowledge about ERP Systems, and looks for an analysis of one of the main phases of selling ERP systems : the pre-sale. The companies that develop ERP systems see this commercial phase as one of the most important, because it is the phase when the client is qualified. At this moment, the developers and the clients know each other, change information, doubts, what the client needs, opportunities, problems and solutions. During the commercial process, the commercial team creates expectation in the client about the product. The small companies knowledge about this process, and the presentation capacity of commercial team showing the system as the solution for company problems, are a big step to create stress at the moment of ERP system implementation. When a company buys an ERP system, the thinking of the client is that ERP system brings the best practices making that companies give priority to buy only software and hardware. The users capacities, the management of changes, and the investment in time to people explore the potential of the ERP system stays at second plan. This dissertation looks for to explore these points and take conclusions about how to minimize these problems yet at the commercial phase, using a research at 20 companies that use this ERP system and two studies case, one with two researched companies, and one with the ERP developer. The study discovered that, after research and interviews, the data survey and sincerity at clients are the most important actions to minimize the implementation problems. This thesys take conclusion that a well done presale is very important to become easier the system implementation phase. / Esta dissertaÃÃo analisou a prÃ-venda na comercializaÃÃo e na aquisiÃÃo de Sistemas ERP nas empresas de Fortaleza, pesquisando junto aos clientes de um dos maiores fornecedores de Sistemas ERP no Brasil, como essas empresas-clientes analisavam o trabalho comercial feito pelo fornecedor e pela prÃpria empresa-cliente, e a forma como o Sistema ERP foi implantado. Essa dissertaÃÃo tem como objetivo contribuir para aumentar o conhecimento sobre sistemas ERP, e à voltado para a anÃlise de uma das principais etapas na comercializaÃÃo de sistemas ERP: a prÃ-venda. A maior parte dos fornecedores de sistemas ERP enxerga esta etapa de comercializaÃÃo como uma das mais importantes por se tratar do momento de qualificaÃÃo do cliente. Momento esse em que fornecedor e cliente se conhecem mutuamente, buscam a troca de informaÃÃes, dÃvidas, necessidades, oportunidades, problemas e soluÃÃes. Durante o processo de venda, a equipe comercial cria uma grande expectativa em relaÃÃo ao produto. A falta de conhecimento dos tomadores de decisÃo, aliada a capacidade dos vendedores de apresentar o produto como a soluÃÃo dos problemas do cliente, à um caldo fÃrtil para os desgastes comuns a um futuro processo de implantaÃÃo. Ao adquirir um sistema ERP o pensamento da empresa-cliente à de que a ferramenta traz consigo as melhores prÃticas, fazendo com que as empresas priorizem investimentos em software e hardware. A capacitaÃÃo dos usuÃrios, a gestÃo da mudanÃa, o investimento em tempo para que as pessoas possam explorar a fundo o potencial de cada ferramenta ficam em segundo plano. Essa dissertaÃÃo procura explorar esses pontos e chegar a uma conclusÃo sobre formas de minimizar esses problemas ainda na etapa de comercializaÃÃo atravÃs de pesquisa junto a 20 empresas usuÃrios desse sistema ERP, e duas entrevistas, um com duas empresas pesquisadas anteriormente, e outro com o fornecedor. A conclusÃo alcanÃada, apÃs a pesquisa e as entrevistas, mostra que o levantamento detalhado e a transparÃncia junto ao cliente sÃo as principais aÃÃes de prÃ-venda que minimizam os problemas de implantaÃÃo. Esta dissertaÃÃo leva a conclusÃo que a prÃ-venda bem realizada à muito importante para orientar e facilitar a fase de implantaÃÃo do sistema.

預售屋大量估價模型之建立 / The mass appraisal modeling of the pre-sale housing

朱智揚, Chu, Chih Yang Unknown Date (has links)
預售屋價格長久受到台灣產業界與學術界密切關注,然而預售屋價格資訊卻相對成屋缺乏,本研究希望釐清預售屋的特性並建立預售屋大量估價模型,提供預售屋價格資訊。預售屋具期貨交易性質,其價格形成受周遭成屋價格影響,其基差(預售屋與成屋價格差)關係顯得格外重要;另一方面,預售屋為完工前銷售之產品,有品質不易掌握之特性,消費者傾向透過商譽來評斷產品優劣,商譽因而相對凸顯,加上預售屋具有以個案方式為中心之定價模式,相對成屋其個案特徵顯得更加強烈,基差與建商商譽成為預售屋估價上必要考量的兩個重心。 本文以特徵價格方式納入基差與商譽因素進行實證分析與建立模型,研究期間為台北市2012年第3季至2015年第4季,在資料處理上透過座標整合內政部實價登錄資料以及國泰建設市調資料,解決實價登錄資料中缺乏個案屬性的去識別化問題,將預售屋「個案」特徵納入「個戶」估計中,突破過往預售屋研究限縮於個案的限制。實證結果顯示,台北市預售屋單價平均比周圍成屋多出35.5%的水準、而屬於上市上櫃建商的預售產品則相較非上市櫃產品平均高出5.7%的價格;模型估計表現上,本研究實證模型解釋力達到65.1%,模型之絕對平均誤差為10.56%、±10%及±20%的命中率分別為57.86%、88.25%,達到大量估價模型要求水準,值得參考使用。

大陸預售商品房按揭制度之研究─以履約保證制度為中心 / The Study on Mortgage System for Pre-Sale of Commercial Housing in Mainland Chin─Focus on Escrowa

張芳正, Chang, Gang Chen Unknown Date (has links)
近年來大陸經濟放緩,導致爛尾樓問題頻傳。造成爛尾樓的原因除經濟大環境之外,很大程度應歸咎於大陸預售商品房按揭制度的不健全。本文就大陸按揭制度及其相關爭議進行分析後,認為大陸預售商品房按揭制度的不健全,係因法規多半為原則性規定,加上各管理機關對法規執行落實不足。 為解決對大陸預售商品房按揭制度中爛尾樓,及預售屋購屋者保障不足問題,本研究即針對已臻成熟台、港在預售屋交易安全保障制度深入探討,總結有:履約保證制度的施行,興建資金的專款專戶,專戶款項支付需由第三方履約監管單位掌控,以及購屋者在完工交屋前支付之自備款比例低等特點,此恰為大陸現行預售商品房按揭制度不足之處。 爰此,本文建議得參考台、港的預售制度,進行以下近期措施以改善現行大陸預售商品房按揭制度之缺失:修法明定預售款專戶相關規範並嚴格落實執行,以及調降購屋者預售資金支付比例。就中長期措施而言,本文認為最佳的調整建議為:全面檢討修正大陸預售制度相關法律與行政規範,試行台灣現行預售屋強制履約保證機制,確保預售屋完工機率,以符合交易各方當事人之權益。 / In recent years, China’s economic slowdown leads to endless problems of unfinished buildings. Besides economic climate, imperfect mortgage system for pre-sale commercial housing in Mainland China largely contributes to these problems. After the analysis of mortgage system in China and contentious issues thereof, the thesis finds that imperfect mortgage system is due to only established principles rather than specific regulations in relevant legal systems and limited law enforcement by administrative authorities. To solve issues on unfinished buildings and insufficient protection for house buyers, the thesis studies well established and comprehensive transaction security system on pre-sale commercial housing in Taiwan and Hong Kong, and their advantages are thus concluded as: the enforcement of Escrow system, the establishment of special financial account earmarked for the building fund, the control of the payment for the earmarked building fund, and the reduction of a down payment before handover. These advantages reflect the inadequacies of current mortgage system in China. In light of this, the thesis suggests the following short-term measures with reference to pre-sale systems in Taiwan and Hong Kong, including: stipulating rules as to special pre-sale financial account, enforcing those rules strictly and reducing the portion of down payment. In mid - to - long – term goal, the suggested best strategies herein are to comprehensively review and amend relevant laws, regulations, decrees and policies and launch current mandated Escrow system in Taiwan. By those strategies, the closing of pre-sale housing can be ensured to meet interests of all parties involved in the transaction.


蘇世芳, Su, Shih Fang Unknown Date (has links)
近年來由於網際網路的發達,帶動電子商務的興起、活絡,消費者消費型態的改變直接的衝擊到各個零售通路的經營,台灣地區便利商店的發展更是快速,密集度位居全球之冠。 未來,如何在有限的實體空間下,充分發揮連鎖型便利商店據點多、分佈廣、以及全天候營業的特性,運用虛擬化的模式擴大經營服務的範圍。 本研究是以便利商店業就其在代收服務、電子商務服務、預購服務、以及物流服務導入虛擬化經營模式的作業架構及作業流程一一探討,在其演進的過程中都是以如何提供消費者更便利的服務為前提。 / In recent years, eBusiness has grown enormously due to the popularity of the Internet. This change in consumers' buying habits has a direct impact on the management of retail businesses, including convenience stores. The density of these stores in Taiwan ranks among the highest in the world, and their numbers are rapidly increasing. In the future, with limited available space, how shall we use the virtual business operation model to expand the scope of the management and service using benefits of convenience stores, such as multiple locations, wide distribution and 24/7 availability? In this research, we discuss methods to provide better service to consumers, by using the virtual business operation flowchart along with services provided by convenience stores, such as bill payment, eBusiness, pre-sale and logistics services.

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