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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The association between perceived parenting styles and adolescent substance use

Roxanne, Henry January 2010 (has links)
Magister Psychologiae - MPsych / Using the literature on Baumrind's theory of Parenting Styles and how perceptions of these are associated to adolescent at-risk behaviour, this study set out to examine whether any parenting style increased or decreased adolescent substance use. The central aim of this study was to examine the association between perceived parenting styles and adolescent substance use. To further this, 239 grade 10 and 11 adolescent participants were drawn from 3 schools in Mitchell's Plain, a suburb in the Western Cape (with permission granted from the Education Department). This particular suburb was chosen due to the high rates of substance use and substance related crime within the area. A quantitative research design was implemented within this study. The participants were required to complete the Drug Use Disorders Identification Test (DUDIT), a questionnaire aimed at measuring drug use, and the Parental Authority Questionnaire (PAQ), aimed at measuring perceived parenting styles and a Biographical Questionnaire to provide additional information. Informed consent was obtained and the confidentiality of the schools and participants were protected. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS, a data analysis programme available at the University of the Western Cape. Results show that substance use reduction was significantly related to a perceived authoritative parenting style. However, no significant relationships could be found between perceived permissive and authoritarian parenting style. Significant difference was found in the results obtained for male and female adolescents, with males generally appearing to use more substances. It can be concluded that perceived authoritative parenting styles have an important role to play in the prevention of adolescent substance abuse. / South Africa

Analysis of debris-flow occurrence in active catchments of the French Alps using monitoring stations / Analyse de l'occurrence de laves torrentielles dans des bassins à forte susceptibilité à partir d'un jeu de données issu de stations de mesure

Bel, Coraline 16 June 2017 (has links)
Les crues – telles que les laves torrentielles – engendrées dans les torrents lors de fortes précipitations peuvent mobiliser de grande quantité de sédiments. Lorsqu'elles atteignent les zones urbanisées, elles peuvent mettre en dangers à la fois les personnes et les biens. Les approches visant à réduire le risque torrentiel se basent largement sur des seuils intensité-durée de pluie qui déterminent les conditions minimum de déclenchement d’une lave torrentielle. Pourtant, ces seuils sont sujets à une forte variabilité liée, non seulement aux différences inter-sites, mais aussi à la méthode appliquée lors de leur établissement. De plus, ils peuvent entraîner des fausses prédictions, l’intensité et la durée de l’épisode de pluie n’étant pas les seules variables explicatives. Ce travail de thèse vise (i) à fournir un cadre méthodologique rigoureux pour l’établissement des seuils de pluie afin de limiter les sources de variabilité, et (ii) à améliorer leurs performances en considérant à la fois les facteurs de déclenchement et de prédisposition. Il s’appuie sur les données d’un observatoire des crues torrentielles, mis en place dans les Alpes françaises en 2011 sur les torrents très actifs du Manival et du Réal. Dans un premier temps, les images et mesures hautes-fréquences collectées entre 2011 et 2016 ont été analysées afin de détecter et de caractériser les crues torrentielles. Pour appréhender la diversité des écoulements observés, une classification phénoménologique a été proposée. Dans un second temps, la condition minimum intensité-durée de pluie requise pour déclencher une lave torrentielle a été établie. La sensibilité du seuil à la définition d’un épisode de pluie a été évaluée. Dans un troisième temps, un modèle de régression logistique a été implémenté pour discriminer les épisodes de pluies critiques qui n’ont pas engendré de lave torrentielle. Il a permis de sélectionner les variables explicatives les plus pertinentes. Finalement, des pistes de travail ont été avancées pour (i) passer de conditions critiques établies à une échelle locale vers une échelle régionale, en perspective d’une application au sein d’un système d’alerte dédié aux risques hydrométéorologiques, et (ii) passer des conditions de déclenchement d’une lave torrentielle dans la zone de production sédimentaire aux conditions de propagation jusqu'aux zones à enjeux. / Flows – such as debris flows – caused by heavy rainfalls in torrents can mobilise a huge amount of sediments. When they reach the urbanised areas, they may endanger the people’s safety or cause damages. Approaches aimed at mitigating torrential risk widely rely on rainfall intensity-duration thresholds which determine the minimum debris-flow triggering conditions. However, these thresholds suffer from a high variability related not only to inter-site differences but also to the method applied to design them. In addition, they are likely to cause false prediction because the intensity and the duration of the rainfall event are not the only explanatory variables. This PhD research work aim (i) to provide a rigorous methodological framework for designing rainfall threshold in order to limit the variability sources, and (ii) to improve their performances by including both the triggering and the predisposing factors. It is supported by field observations stemming from high-frequency monitoring stations installed since 2011 on two very active debris flow-prone torrents in the French Alps: the Manival and the Réal. First, the images and data gathered between 2011 and 2016 were analysed in order to detect and characterise the sediment laden-flows. To deal with the variety of recorded flows, a phenomenological classification was performed. Second, the minimum intensity-duration threshold for debris-flow triggering was assessed. The threshold sensitivity to the rainfall event definition was estimated. Third, a logistic regression model was used to discriminate the critical rainfall events which do not lead to a debris flow. It makes it possible to select the most relevant explanatory variables. At last, several avenues of work were proposed (i) to move the knowledge of debris-flow initiation conditions from a local to a regional level, with a view to application in a warning system dedicated to hydrometeorological risks, and (ii) to improve the ability to predict, not the debris-flow triggering in the production zone, but the debris-flow propagation up to the area concerned.

Percepción sobre factores predisponentes a infecciones respiratorias agudas en madres de preescolares de una comunidad de Pomalca, 2023

Sanchez Samame, Blanca Esther January 2024 (has links)
Objetivo: describir y analizar la percepción sobre factores predisponentes a Infecciones Respiratorias Agudas en madres de preescolares de una comunidad de Pomalca. Método: Investigación cualitativa, descriptiva, en una muestra de 12 madres de preescolares de la comunidad el Combo, determinada por saturación y redundancia de datos, el muestreo fue no probabilístico por conveniencia. Los datos se recolectaron a través de la entrevista semiestructurada, la cual fue validada por juicio de expertos y por una prueba piloto en 2 madres que cumplían con los criterios de inclusión. Los datos fueron procesados por el método de análisis de contenido temático. Resultados: Se obtuvieron 4 categorías: identificación de factores individuales, reconocimiento de factores en la vivienda, asimismo, identificación de los factores familiares y reconocimiento de factores ambientales como factor predisponente. Conclusión: En su mayoría, las madres de familia tienen una percepción adecuada y reconocen los diversos factores que predisponen a presentar una IRA en los menores de 5 años. Reconocen de manera correcta dentro de los factores familiares, la presencia de algún familiar fumador debido a las sustancias tóxicas que pueden inhalar los preescolares; pero existe una percepción incorrecta sobre la asociación del fumador pasivo (inhala el humo del cigarrillo) con presentar TBC. / Objective: to describe and analyze the perception of predisposing factors to Acute Respiratory Infections in mothers of preschoolers in a community of Pomalca. Method: Qualitative, descriptive research, in a sample of 12 mothers of preschoolers from the Combo community, determined by data saturation and redundancy, sampling was non-probabilistic for convenience. The data were collected through a semi-structured interview, which was validated by expert judgment and by a pilot test on 2 mothers who met the inclusion criteria. The data were processed by the thematic content analysis method. Results: 4 categories were obtained: identification of individual factors, recognition of factors in the home, also, identification of family factors and recognition of environmental factors as a predisposing factor. Conclusion: For the most part, mothers have an adequate perception and recognize the various factors that predispose children under 5 years of age to having an ARI. They correctly recognize within family factors, the presence of a family member who smokes due to the toxic substances that preschoolers can inhale; But there is an incorrect perception about the association of passive smoking (inhaling cigarette smoke) with developing TB.

Opvoedkundige sielkundige riglyne vir die hantering van die agterblywende gesinslede van die selfmoordslagoffer / Educational psychological guidelines for intervention with families of the suicide victim

Barnard, Ilonka 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Selfmoord is 'n kontroversiele aangeleentheid wat beide omstanders en agterblywendes met onsekerheid vervul. 'n Belangrike rede hiervoor is dat dit 'n onnatuurlike afsterwe is wat teen baie mense se norme en waardes indruis. ldiografiese navorsing is onderneem om die belewenisse van agterblywende gesinslede te ondersoek aangesien hulle die eintlike slagoffers van 'n selfmoord is wat met 'n komplekse realiteit gelaat word. Die doel van die navorsing was om riglyne daar te stel vir die hantering en ondersteuning van hierdie mense. Vanuit 'n in-diepte literatuurstudie, het dit geblyk dat die grootste probleme waarmee agterblywendes gekonfronteer word, wentel random problematiese emosies, veroordeling deur omstanders en belewings van persoonlike onvermoe om te midde van intense rousmart selfaktualisering optimaal te volvoer. 'n Vraelys wat aspekte (socs dit uit die literatuurstudie geblyk het) inkorporeer, is opgestel en aan agterblywendes gegee om te beantwoord. Van die belangrikste elemente wat na vore gekom het, is dat intense verhoudingskomplikasies na 'n selfmoord figureer, dat agterblywendes 'n behoefte het om rouverwerking teen hul eie tempo te doen, dat agterblywendes verkies dat omstanders nie voortdurend die gebeure sal ontleed en soek na oorsake in die teenwoordigheid van agterblywendes nie en dat elke agterblywende persoon se roubelewing persoonlik en uniek is. 'n Hoofstuk is gewy aan 'n wye verskeidenheid terapeutiese tegnieke wat geimplementeer kan word tydens hulpverlening aan agterblywendes. Die studie beskryf ook 'n gevallestudie en die verloop van sestien individuele terapeutiese sessies. In die terapeutiese insette is daar hoofsaaklik gebruik gemaak van hipnoterapie as 'n vorm van ontspanningsterapie waartydens daar gelokus word op problematiese emosies en persepsies wat voortgesette kwalitatiewe selfaktualisering belemmer. In die studie word Opvoedkundige Sielkundige riglyne vir hulpverlening aan agterblywendes, wat benut kan word deur hulpverleners (soos sielkundiges, onderwysers en ander ondersteuningsisteme). verskaf. Die studie bevestig dat die agterblywendes as die werklike slagoffers na 'n selfmoord agtergelaat word, maar dat sinvolle intervensie hierdie persone in staat kan stel om ten spyte van die gebeure weer optimaal te selfaktualiseer. / Suicide is a controversial topic. It causes both bystanders and survivors to feel insecure. An important reason for this is that it is an unnatural death which directly opposes the norms and values of the majority of people. ldiografic research has been undertaken to closely examine the experiences of suicide survivors as they are the real victims who are left to cope with a complex reality after a suicide. The objective of this study was to provide guidelines to effectively manage and render assistance to survivors. From an in depth review of available literature it appeared that troubled emotions, being denounced by bystanders and the inability to proceed with continued qualitative self-actualization are some of the most important problems survivors have to cope with. A questionnaire, incorporating significant aspects reported in literature, was compiled and given to survivors to complete. From their responses certain facets seemed to be problematic. Among the more problematic aspects were complicated interpersonal relations, the basic need to grieve at their own pace, the preference that bystanders avoid analysing the suicide and possible contributing factors (especially in the presence of survivors) and the recognition that each survivor's grief is personal and unique. A chapter has been devoted to a wide range of therapeutic techniques that can be implemented to facilitate the support given to survivors. The study also describes a case study as well as the progression of sixteen individual therapy sessions. Therapeutic intervention was mainly based on hypnotherapy as a form of relaxation therapy during which the focus is placed on problematic emotions and perceptions which prevent continued qualitative self-actualization. Educational Psychological guidelines along which assistance can be rendered by psychologists, teachers as well as other support services are given. This study not only confirms that the survivors are the actual victims of a suicide, but also that it is possible to assist these people to achieve optimal self-actualization through meaningful intervention. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Sielkundige Opvoedkunde)

Opvoedkundige sielkundige riglyne vir die hantering van die agterblywende gesinslede van die selfmoordslagoffer / Educational psychological guidelines for intervention with families of the suicide victim

Barnard, Ilonka 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Selfmoord is 'n kontroversiele aangeleentheid wat beide omstanders en agterblywendes met onsekerheid vervul. 'n Belangrike rede hiervoor is dat dit 'n onnatuurlike afsterwe is wat teen baie mense se norme en waardes indruis. ldiografiese navorsing is onderneem om die belewenisse van agterblywende gesinslede te ondersoek aangesien hulle die eintlike slagoffers van 'n selfmoord is wat met 'n komplekse realiteit gelaat word. Die doel van die navorsing was om riglyne daar te stel vir die hantering en ondersteuning van hierdie mense. Vanuit 'n in-diepte literatuurstudie, het dit geblyk dat die grootste probleme waarmee agterblywendes gekonfronteer word, wentel random problematiese emosies, veroordeling deur omstanders en belewings van persoonlike onvermoe om te midde van intense rousmart selfaktualisering optimaal te volvoer. 'n Vraelys wat aspekte (socs dit uit die literatuurstudie geblyk het) inkorporeer, is opgestel en aan agterblywendes gegee om te beantwoord. Van die belangrikste elemente wat na vore gekom het, is dat intense verhoudingskomplikasies na 'n selfmoord figureer, dat agterblywendes 'n behoefte het om rouverwerking teen hul eie tempo te doen, dat agterblywendes verkies dat omstanders nie voortdurend die gebeure sal ontleed en soek na oorsake in die teenwoordigheid van agterblywendes nie en dat elke agterblywende persoon se roubelewing persoonlik en uniek is. 'n Hoofstuk is gewy aan 'n wye verskeidenheid terapeutiese tegnieke wat geimplementeer kan word tydens hulpverlening aan agterblywendes. Die studie beskryf ook 'n gevallestudie en die verloop van sestien individuele terapeutiese sessies. In die terapeutiese insette is daar hoofsaaklik gebruik gemaak van hipnoterapie as 'n vorm van ontspanningsterapie waartydens daar gelokus word op problematiese emosies en persepsies wat voortgesette kwalitatiewe selfaktualisering belemmer. In die studie word Opvoedkundige Sielkundige riglyne vir hulpverlening aan agterblywendes, wat benut kan word deur hulpverleners (soos sielkundiges, onderwysers en ander ondersteuningsisteme). verskaf. Die studie bevestig dat die agterblywendes as die werklike slagoffers na 'n selfmoord agtergelaat word, maar dat sinvolle intervensie hierdie persone in staat kan stel om ten spyte van die gebeure weer optimaal te selfaktualiseer. / Suicide is a controversial topic. It causes both bystanders and survivors to feel insecure. An important reason for this is that it is an unnatural death which directly opposes the norms and values of the majority of people. ldiografic research has been undertaken to closely examine the experiences of suicide survivors as they are the real victims who are left to cope with a complex reality after a suicide. The objective of this study was to provide guidelines to effectively manage and render assistance to survivors. From an in depth review of available literature it appeared that troubled emotions, being denounced by bystanders and the inability to proceed with continued qualitative self-actualization are some of the most important problems survivors have to cope with. A questionnaire, incorporating significant aspects reported in literature, was compiled and given to survivors to complete. From their responses certain facets seemed to be problematic. Among the more problematic aspects were complicated interpersonal relations, the basic need to grieve at their own pace, the preference that bystanders avoid analysing the suicide and possible contributing factors (especially in the presence of survivors) and the recognition that each survivor's grief is personal and unique. A chapter has been devoted to a wide range of therapeutic techniques that can be implemented to facilitate the support given to survivors. The study also describes a case study as well as the progression of sixteen individual therapy sessions. Therapeutic intervention was mainly based on hypnotherapy as a form of relaxation therapy during which the focus is placed on problematic emotions and perceptions which prevent continued qualitative self-actualization. Educational Psychological guidelines along which assistance can be rendered by psychologists, teachers as well as other support services are given. This study not only confirms that the survivors are the actual victims of a suicide, but also that it is possible to assist these people to achieve optimal self-actualization through meaningful intervention. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Sielkundige Opvoedkunde)

Profils individuels et dynamiques interactionnelles des parents et des enfants à risque d’aliénation parentale dans un contexte d’une rupture conjugale litigieuse

Alary, Brigitte 08 1900 (has links)
L’aliénation parentale (AP) est un phénomène connu des intervenants sociolégaux œuvrant auprès des familles éclatées chez lesquelles on retrouve un haut niveau de conflits parentaux. Ce phénomène est peu étudié empiriquement et sa définition et les balises l’entourant demeurent à ce jour non circonscrites et suscitent confusion et controverse. Cette recherche n’a pas comme objectif de trancher sur ce qui est ou n’est pas de l’aliénation parentale, mais porte plutôt sur l’étude du phénomène de Détérioration du lien parent-enfant (DLPE), qui inclut une rupture complète du lien comme dans les cas d’AP, lors de séparations conjugales litigieuses. Cette thèse doctorale a pour objectif principal d’élargir notre compréhension sur les différents facteurs qui interagissent et qui mettent en place une situation familiale de DLPE. Le présent ouvrage est composé de quatre articles, dont trois sont empiriques. Le premier article est une synthèse critique des écrits théoriques et empiriques permettant de dégager les différents facteurs, conduites ou contextes individuels et relationnels associés à une DLPE. Il ressort que la plupart des écrits proviennent de comptes rendus cliniques. De plus, peu d’auteurs abordent ce phénomène dans une perspective systémique incluant une vision multifactorielle de cette situation. Plusieurs aspects demandent à être étudiés davantage : les caractéristiques individuelles, les comportements inappropriés des acteurs et les dynamiques familiales. En définitive, il importe d’établir les facteurs de résilience. Les articles 2, 3 et 4 ont été réalisés suite à une analyse qualitative de 17 dossiers d’expertise psychosociale de familles séparées en litige autour des accès des enfants. Le second article a pour objectif d’apporter un éclairage fouillé sur les structures de personnalité des parents impliqués dans de tels litiges. Il se dégage de cette analyse que les parents contribuent différemment à la dynamique familiale en fonction de leur profil de personnalité. Quatre profils parentaux ont émergé et permettent de discerner en quoi les parents aux conduites aliénantes se distinguent des parents dénigrés au niveau des profils de personnalité et en quoi la personnalité de ces parents est respectivement différente selon qu’ils maintiennent ou pas la relation avec leur enfant. L’analyse approfondie des profils parentaux a permis de formuler certains facteurs de risque et de protection relatifs à la structure de la personnalité des parents à risque d’une DLPE. Le troisième article a pour objectif d’évaluer par une lecture psychodynamique les différentes caractéristiques individuelles des enfants dans l’optique d’établir des pistes pouvant élucider pourquoi un enfant est résistant à une DLPE ou, au contraire, ne l’est pas. L’analyse qualitative fouillée des dossiers d’expertise a permis d’extraire différents facteurs de risque et de protection d’une DLPE chez ces enfants. Le quatrième article cherche à modéliser les différents facteurs de risque ou, au contraire, qui atténuent le risque de DLPE. Trois trajectoires dénotant une dynamique de DLPE ont émergé. Une modélisation systémique reprend l’ensemble des facteurs (dynamiques personnelles et relationnelles, contexte familial, système sociojuridique, personnes tierces et temps) émergeant de l’analyse et leur déploiement spécifique à chaque trajectoire. / Parental Alienation (PA) is a widespread phenomenon among socio-legal professionals working with conflictual separated families. This phenomenon is rarely studied empirically and its definition and markers remain poorly circumscribed and arouse confusion and controversy. We will attempt to stay away from this controversy by focusing on the phenomenon of Deterioration of the Parent-Child Relationship (DPCR), including PA. This thesis main objective is to expand our understanding of the various factors that interact and set in place a family situation of a DPCR. This work consists of four articles, three of which are empirical. The first article is a critical review of the literature that identifies various factors, conduct or individual and relational context associated with DPCR. It appears that very few papers have address this phenomenon in a systemic perspective who could bring an in-depth and comprehensive understanding of this multifactorial phenomenon. Several aspects need to be further investigated: individual characteristics, inappropriate behaviors and family dynamics. Finally, resilience factors need to be addressed. Articles 2, 3 and 4 present the results of a qualitative analysis of 17 psychosocial expertise performed on separated families in litigation around the custody and access to children. The second article intends to provide a refined psychoanalytic insight on the personality profiles of the parents and how it contributes distinctively to the family dynamics. Four parental profiles emerged and helped differentiate parents with alienating behaviors from denigrated ones and, those who maintained a relationship with their child or those who did not. Risk and protective factors associated with the personality profile are formulated. The third paper intends to analyse through a psychodynamic lens, the individual characteristics of children with the aim to understand why a child is resistant to a DPCR or is not. Various risk and protective factors of a DPCR associated with the characteristics of the children are provided. The fourth article seeks to model the different contributing or mitigating variables to a DPCR. Three trajectories denoting a DPCR emerged. A systemic model is proposed and incorporates different factors (personal and relational dynamics, family background, socio-legal system, third parties and time) and their specific deployment to each trajectory.

Making sense of sudden personal transformation: a qualitative study on people’s beliefs about the facilitative factors and mechanisms of their abrupt and profound inner change.

Ilivitsky, Susan 21 June 2011 (has links)
Sudden personal transformation (SPT) was defined as a subjectively reported, positive, profound, and lasting personal change that follows a relatively brief and memorable inner experience. Although such change has been described in numerous biographies, works of fiction, and religious and scholarly texts, a consistent definition and systematic program of research is lacking in the psychological literature. Moreover, almost nothing is known about what causes such change from the subjective point of view of individuals who have experienced it first hand. This study used semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis to explore the common beliefs of three participants about the factors that facilitated and the mechanisms that caused their SPT. Findings reveal that all participants reported a life transition, feeling miserable, feeling exhausted, feeling unable to resolve adverse circumstances, reaching a breaking point, and support from others facilitated their individual SPT’s. All participants also indicated that a formalized activity or ceremony as well as a process outside of their conscious control (either a higher power or a deep inner wisdom) produced or caused their SPT’s. Implications for future research and counselling practice are discussed. / Graduate

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