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Pregnancy Planning for Women with Preexisting Diabetes: An Opportunity for Diabetes EducatorsLazear, Janice, Lintner, N. 01 January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Decision Making in U.S. Foreign Policy: Applying Kingdon’s Multiple Streams Model to the 2003 Iraq CrisisSaikaly, Ramona 15 April 2009 (has links)
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Lietuvos persitvarkymo sąjūdžio susiformavimas periferijoje: Šiaulių ir Trakų rajonų socialinių tinklų analizė / The formation of lithuanian reform movement in the periphery: social network analysis of šiauliai and trakai districtsGumbytė, Danguolė 01 July 2014 (has links)
Šiame darbe buvo siekiama ištirti Lietuvos Persitvarkymo Sąjūdžio susiformavimą Šiaulių ir Trakų rajonuose, keliant klausimą, ar Sąjūdžio mikro tinklas susikūrė ant anksčiau egzistavusių socialinių tinklų pagrindo ir kas lėmė jo spartų išsiplėtimą. Sąjūdžio organizacinės prielaidos tiriamos remiantis socialinių tinklų analizės metodologine prieiga. Sąjūdžio susiformavimas tiriamas dviem analizės pjūviais: mikro tinklo ir individo lygmeniu. Mikro tinklo analizės pjūvis padės išsiaiškinti, kokių socialinių tinklų pagrindu kūrėsi Sąjūdžio rėmimo grupės, tarybos Trakų ir Šiaulių rajonuose. Pravartu tirti mikro tinklų lygmeniu, nes jis parodo vidinę kolektyvinio veiksmo dinamiką ir tarp tinklo narių esančią tarpusavio santykių konfigūraciją Šis analizės lygmuo parodo, kaip iš gana statiško socialinės struktūros transformuojamasi į dinamišką kolektyvinį veiksmą. Individo lygmuo padeda suvokti sąjūdiečių įsitraukimo į masinio judėjimo mikro tinklą motyvus, socialinės aplinkos patirties reikšmę (atsižvelgiant į baimės, pasitikėjimo faktorius) mikro tinklo vaidmenis, Šiaulių ir Trakų rajonų vietos specifikos įtaka mikro tinklo kūrimuisi.. Remiantis socialinių tinklų teorija tiriama mikro tinklo formavimosi pradiniame etape vidinė struktūra bei pačių sąjūdiečių vaidmuo, ryšių tipų įtaka. Darbe buvo keliama hipotezė, jog periferijos vietovėse gana ankstyvą Sąjūdžio mikro tinklų susikūrimą lėmė anksčiau egzistavę vietos problemos tinklai, o gana vėlyvą mikro tinklo susiformavimą įtakojo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of this work was to analyze The Formation of Lithuanian Reform Movement by raising a question whether the Reform Movement micro-network formed on the preexisting network basis and what had a reason for its extention. The assumptions of the Reform Movement are analyzed through the methodological access of the social network analysis. The formation of the Reform Movement is analyzed in two sections: the micro-network and individual level. Micro-network analysis section will help to examine on what social network The Reform Movement support groups were forming in Šiauliai and Trakai districts. It is worthwhile to investigate the micro-level network because it reflects the internal dynamics of collective action among network members and the relationship between existing configuration. This level of analysis shows how the relatively static social structure transforms into a dynamic collective action. The individual level helps to find out the reasons of involvement in the mass movements of micro-network, social environment practises (taking into account the fear, confidence factors), also helps to find out the impact of Šiauliai and Trakai districts for micro-network formation. The structure of micro-network formation and the role of people acting in the movement were analyzed using the social network theory. In this work there was hypothesized that the formation of micro-networks was influenced by early local network problems and interpersonal networks. Social network... [to full text]
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Immunogenicity of hantavirus Dobrava nucleocapsid protein derivatives in miceGeldmacher, Astrid 14 December 2005 (has links)
Das in Europa vorkommende Dobravavirus (DOBV) gehört zu den Hantaviren und wird durch die Gelbhalsmaus Apodemus flavicollis übertragen und kann im Menschen zu einem "Hämorrhagischen Fieber mit renalem Syndrom" (HFRS) führen. Das Nukleokapsidprotein (N) von Hantaviren ist stark immunogen in Menschen und eine Impfung mit rekombinanten N Derivativen wie chimaere Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Corepartikel oder das komplette N schützt in Nagetiermodellen vor einer Hantavirusinfektion. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Immunogenität von zwei auf dem DOBV N basierende Protein Derivativen in Mäusen getestet. Es wurden in E. coli exprimierte chimaere HBV Corepartikel verwendet, die einen Teil des DOBV N trugen (HBcdDOB120), sowie in Hefen eprimiertes komplettes DOBV rN. Anschließend wurden BALB/c und C57BL/6 Mäuse mit den jeweiligen Proteinen immunisiert. Sowohl BALB/c, als auch C57BL/6 Mäuse entwickelten eine starke, langanhaltende N-spezifische Antikörperantwort, die eine starke Kreuzreaktivität gegenüber der rN anderer Hantaviren aufwiesen, nach Impfung mit HBcdDOB120 oder DOBV rN-Protein. Es wurden Antikörper aller IgG Subklassen, sowie N-spezifische IFN-( und IL-4 sekretierende Lymphozyten induziert, was auf eine gemischte Th1/Th2 Antwort schließen lies. Die Frequenz der durch die Immunisierungen induzierte N-spezifischen Lymphozyten war allerdings gering. Auch in Mäusen, die hohe HBc-spezifische Antikörpertiter aufwiesen konnte eine starke N-spezifische Antikörperantwort mittels Impfung mit HBcdDOB120 induziert werden. HBcdDOB120 und DOBV rN stellen vielversprechende Vakzinekandidaten dar, die auf ihre Protektivität hin getestet werden sollten. Da HBcdDOB120 sowie DOBV rN eine starke Antikörperantwort und nur eine schwache T-Zellantwort induzieren sollte zusätzlich die Rolle von N-spezifischen Antikörpern im Schutz gegen die Virusinfektion weiter charakterisiert werden. / In Europe, the hantavirus Dobrava (DOBV) is carried by the yellow-necked mouse Apodemus flavicollis and causes "haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome" in humans. The nucleocapsid protein (N) is very immunogenic in infections of humans and rodents. Immunisation with N protein derivatives, like chimeric hepatitis B virus core (HBc) particles and entire recombinant N could protect rodents from a hantavirus infection. In this study, the immunogenicity of the two following derivatives based on the DOBV N protein was tested in mice. Chimeric HBV core particles, consisting of truncated HBc (HBcd) particles carrying part of the DOBV N (HBcdDOB120) were expressed in E. coli and the entire DOBV rN in yeast. Hence BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice were immunised subcoutanously with both antigens. Mice of both strains elicited strong and longlived N-specific antibody responses after HBcdDOB120 as well as after DOBV rN immunisation. Both derivatives induced antibodies that were highly cross-reactive to the rN of the hantaviruses Puumala, Hantaan, Andes and Sin Nombre. HBcdDOB120 and DOBV rN induced N-specific antibodies of all IgG subclasses, suggesting a mixed Th1/Th2 immune response. In the same line, IFN-( and IL-4 was secreted by N-specific lymphocytes from mice immunised with HBcdDOB120 or DOBV rN after in vitro restimulation which also indicated a mixed Th1/Th2 response. However, the frequency of N-specific lymphocytes was low. In mice that exhibited a high HBc-specific antibody titer HBcdDOB120 also induced a strong N-specific immune response. HBcdDOB120 and DOBV rN represent promising vaccine candidates that should be tested for their protective potential in a DOBV challenge model as soon as one gets available. Additionally, as protection might be partially based on N-specific antibodies, their role in protecting against a hantavirus infection should be characterised further.
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隱性行銷的可行性: 時尚美妝部落格商業意圖揭露對部落客態度的影響 / Feasibility of Covert Marketing: The Effect of Beauty Blogs Commercial Intent Disclosure on the Attitude toward Bloggers邱瑜庭 Unknown Date (has links)
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A Arqueologia como instrumento de preservação do patrimônio arquitetônico : a "restauração do quarteirão dos trapiches" de Laranjeiras-SE / Archaeology as a tool for the preservation of architectural heritage : the restoration of the "quarteirão dos trapiches" in Laranjeiras-SECosta, Tatiane de Carvalho 23 August 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The purpose of this research is to investigate and to demonstrate the interface of archaeology
in restoration interventions in the preexisting architectural heritage. In this context, the
restoration of the “Quarteirão dos Trapiches” or Trapiches Block, a current university
campus of the Federal University of Sergipe, carried out by the Programa Monumenta in the
city of Laranjeiras/Se will be examined. The interaction between archaeology and restoration
started in Brasil in the 1960’s with the beginning of Historic Archaeology research, and in the
international context, since the first half of the 20th century through the recommendations of
the international heritage charters, which followed international meetings of experts in
cultural conservation and restoration. The main research aims are: 1) to identify the
fundamental aspects of the restoration theories and their interface with the archaeological
research; 2) To investigate the archaeological praxis in the preexisting architectural heritage
and its contribution for the restoration project; and 3), to reveal institutional aspects which
settle postures and practices referred to archaeology and for the preservation of the
architectural heritage. / O objetivo geral desta pesquisa é investigar e demonstrar a interface da arqueologia em
intervenções restaurativas na preexistência arquitetônica de valor patrimonial. Para tanto será
examinada a “Restauração do Quarteirão dos Trapiches”, atual Campus da Universidade
Federal de Sergipe, executada pelo Programa Monumenta na cidade de Laranjeiras/SE. A
interação entre arqueologia e restauração se materializou no Brasil na década de 1960 com o
início das pesquisas em Arqueologia Histórica e é proclamada no contexto internacional
desde a primeira metade do século XX com as recomendações das Cartas Patrimoniais,
resultantes de sucessivos encontros internacionais de especialistas no campo da preservação
do patrimônio cultural. Desta forma estão delineados os seguintes objetivos específicos: 1)
Identificar os aspectos fundamentais da Teoria da Restauração e sua interface com a pesquisa
arqueológica; 2) Investigar as práticas arqueológicas na preexistência arquitetônica e sua
contribuição para o projeto de restauração; e 3) Revelar os aspectos institucionais que
regulamentam posturas e práticas referentes à arqueologia e à preservação do patrimônio
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