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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effect of subglacial shear on geomechanical properties of glaciated soils

Huang, Bing Quan 09 June 2005 (has links)
Continental glaciers covered as much as thirty percent of the present-day inhabited earth during the Quaternary period. Traditionally, one-dimensional consolidation has been considered as the main process of formation for the soils deposited during glaciation. One of the outcomes of accepting one-dimensional consolidation as the main process of formation is that the geomechanical properties of soil in a horizontal plane are isotropic (known as cross-anisotropy). Recent measurements of subglacial pore pressure and preconsolidation pressure profile have indicated that this might not be the case. The role of subglacial shear action has probably been long neglected. The main objective of this research is to investigate the effects of subglacial shearing on the geomechanical properties of glaciated soils. <p> Recent research has found evidence of horizontal property anisotropy associated with the direction of the ice-sheet movement. A testing program was thus proposed to explore the relationship between the anisotropy of property and the direction of past glacier movement. The program involves several fundamental engineering parameters of soils. These parameters together with the corresponding test methods are as follows: (i) Conventional oedometer test yield stress anisotropy; (ii) Oedometer test with lateral stress measurement stiffness anisotropy; (iii) Load cell pressuremeter (LCPM) test in situ stress anisotropy. <p> The physical meaning of yield stress determined by conventional oedometer tests was interpreted as the critical state of structural collapse. The literature review and an experimental study on kaolin samples with a known stress history suggested that yield stress possesses certain dependency on the sampling direction. The anisotropy of yield stress for Battleford till from Birsay, Saskatchewan was also explored by testing directional oedometer samples. In addition, the anisotropy of stiffness was also investigated using a newly developed lateral stress oedometer that is capable of independent measurement of horizontal stresses at three different points with angles of 120 degrees. Preliminary evidence of a correlation between the direction of maximum stiffness in a horizontal plane and the known direction of glacial shear was observed. The correlation between the direction of maximum yield stress and known direction of glaciation was rather poor. Anisotropy of in situ stresses was investigated by conducting LCPM tests in Pot clay in the Netherlands. Based on the LCPM test results, it was concluded that the evidence of a correlation between the anisotropy of in situ stress and known direction of glacial advance is still rather obscure. <p> Although both the laboratory studies and field studies cannot sufficiently confirm the existence of lateral anisotropy of geomechanical properties and its relationship to the direction of the Quaternary ice-sheet movement, the effects of subglacial shearing should not be neglected in assessing the geotechnical properties of glaciated soils. In practice, it is usually found that the preconsolidation pressure profile does not follow the gravitational line as predicted by the one-dimensional consolidation theory and its magnitude is not compatible with the measured effective pressure values at the base of the glacier. It has been suggested that changes in seepage gradient (upward or downward) are responsible for the deviation of preconsolidation pressure profile away from the gravitational line. In this thesis, a new glacial process model consolidation coupled shearing was proposed. This model is based on the framework of traditional soil mechanics (critical state theory, Modified Cam-clay model and one-dimensional consolidation theory) and is consistent with the general geological and glaciological evidences. This model may provide an alternative explanation for the preconsolidation pressure patterns generally observed in practice. It can also be combined with groundwater flow characteristics to explain the diversity of the preconsolidation consolidation patterns. The proposed model was used successfully to obtain the preconsolidation pressure profile observed in Battleford till at Birsay and the subglacial shear-softening phenomenon.

Prediction Of Geotechnical Properties Of Cohesive Soils From In-situ Tests: An Evaluation Of A Local Database

Yaman, Gokhan 01 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
In any geotechnical design procedure, the fundemantal point to be initially clearified is the characterization of existing soil profile at a site. This requires a great deal of planning a suitable site investigation program including borings, sampling, laboratory and in situ testing etc. Laboratory and in-situ (field) tests are important tools leading to the estimation of soils properties in geotechnics. Beside laboratory tests, the measurement of engineering properties in situ is a continuously growing and developing trend, particularly in materials difficult to obtain perfect undisturbed samples. For the purpose of this study, two large volumed geotechnical investigation reports are collected from a wide archive of 30 years experiences. Different soil types are encountered during the study like alluvial deposits of soft to stiff cohesive materials, hard clays in appearance of highly weathered rocks. The in-situ tests mostly being focused and studied on are &ldquo / Pressuremeter Test&rdquo / and &ldquo / Standard Penetration Test&rdquo / on cohesive materails. Over 350 standard penetration test results are recorded together with the pressuremeter results of relevant soils. Besides, the corresponding laboratory test results of oedometer, triaxial loading and all index properties of soils are assembled. The results of in-situ tests are evaluated together with the results of laboratory tests performed on the samples obtained from related sites. The correlations between in-situ &amp / laboratory test results on shear strength, compressibility and deformation characteristics of soils are analysed and compared with the existing correlations in literature. The correlations are generally obtained to be in agreement with the ones in common literature in cases where the soil conditions, particularly saturation, are same in both laboratory and in-situ tests.

Experimental And Numerical Assessment Of Pressuremeter Testing

Isik, Nihat Sinan 01 January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The purposes of this study are to investigate the possible effects of variables like testing depth, length to diameter ratio of the probe, presence of disturbed annulus around the borehole etc. on the derived parameters from the pressuremeter test, and to develop possible alternative methods for the determination of undrained shear strength of cohesive soils, and cohesion and internal friction angle of intermediate geomaterials. For this purpose numerical simulations of pressuremeter test were performed. In the study, it is also aimed to investigate the effect of rock quality designation (RQD) or some other rock mass parameters such as geological strength index (GSI) and rock mass rating (RMR) and intact rock strength on the deformation modulus determined from the pressuremeter test. To accomplish this task, Dikmen greywackes, weathered andesites and mudrocks exposed around Ankara - Sincan region were selected for field and laboratory studies. Empirical relationships using GSI, RMR, RQD were developed for the estimation of deformation modulus of greywackes and mudrocks cropping out around Ankara. Numerical simulations revealed the presence of disturbed annulus around the borehole causes underestimation of deformation modulus and overestimation of undrained shear strength. Test depth has no effect on the deformation modulus and undrained shear strength / the effect of length to diameter ratio of the probe on the deformation modulus is minor where as it causes overestimations of undrained shear strength. Pore pressure dissipation in low permeability soils around the pressuremeter was studied using numerical simulations. These analyses suggest that for permeabilities lower that 10-10 m/sec there is no pore pressure dissipation around the pressuremeter probe. It was determined that the inverse analysis yielded successful results for the determination of shear strength parameters of intermediate geomaterials.

Modélisations physique et numérique des géostructures énergétiques / Physical and numerical modeling of Heat-exanging geostructures

Boukelia, Ahmed 12 December 2016 (has links)
Les géostructures énergétiques sont des ouvrages de génie civil qui intègrent un circuit de fluide caloporteur. Dans cette étude l’installation de circuits géothermiques dans des remblais est envisagé afin d’injecter ou d’extraire de la chaleur. Lors de la construction de ces remblais, deux paramètres sont à contrôler : la teneur en eau w (%) et la masse volumique sèche rd (Mg/m3). Ces deux paramètres ainsi que la nature du sol, le chargement appliqué et la variation cyclique de la température pourraient influencer la capacité de stockage et la stabilité du système. Après une partie synthétisant l’état de l’art sur ces thématiques, cette thèse comprend une partie expérimentale puis une partie numérique appliquée à un cas test de stockage. Dans la partie expérimentale, l’influence de la variation de température induite par l’échange thermique sur les propriétés thermiques et mécaniques du sol est étudiée. Pour cela des essais sont réalisés en laboratoire sur un limon du bassin parisien compacté et soumis à une gamme de variation de température de 20° à 50°C. Les effets de ces variations sur les paramètres mécaniques et les paramètres thermiques sont mesurés. Les résultats obtenus montrent une évolution des paramètres thermiques du matériau du côté sec de la courbe de compactage, particulièrement visible pour les températures importantes. La réversibilité de l’effet du chauffage est obtenue après plusieurs cycles de chauffage-refroidissement. Les propriétés mécaniques mesurées sont la résistance à la compression simple et les paramètres pressiométriques. Pour cela, des essais en laboratoire, à l’échelle métrique, sont réalisés. Un ramollissement du sol sous l’effet du chauffage et une rigidification sous l’effet des cycles thermiques sont constatés. Pour optimiser le système du stockage, une modélisation thermo-hydrique d’un remblai modèle réalisé avec le limon de Plaisir compacté légèrement du côté humide de l’optimum Proctor est effectuée. La comparaison des cas tests a permis de déterminer l’entraxe qui minimise l’interaction entre les sondes thermiques, ainsi que la distance optimale entre les dernières sondes et le pied de remblai. Les scenarii d’injection/extraction étudiés ont montré que le stockage de chaleur dans le remblai est faisable en choisissant un programme thermique adéquat pour l’exploitation du stockage. La mise en place de plusieurs lits de sondes thermiques et d’une isolation thermique sur la partie supérieure du remblai de stockage permet d’augmenter la capacité du remblai à accumuler de la chaleur dans le noyau à la fin de la période de relaxation. La simulation de ce scénario sur 10 ans avec la prise en compte des cycles de température, montre un réchauffement du remblai sur plusieurs années jusqu’à atteindre une évolution équilibrée au bout de la 7 ème année. Arrivé à cet état d’équilibre, l’évolution des températures est reproductible d’une année sur l’autre / Energy geostructures are civil engineering structures equipped with energy exchanger elements in order to store heat seasonally. The aim of this study is the use of compacted soil to store energy through installation of horizontal exchangers in an embankment. During the soil compaction, two parameters were controlled: the water content w and the dry density ρd. This parameters as well as the soil nature, the mechanical load path and the cyclic temperature variation may affect the storage capacity and the system stability. This work includes an experimental part and a modeling part. In the experimental part, the impact of the temperature variation is studied on the thermal and mechanical properties of the compacted soil. The Plaisir loam (PL) extracted from the Paris region was investigated through laboratory tests at a temperatures range of 20 to 50°C. The results showed that the thermal properties of the compacted soils increased on the dry side of the compaction curve. This evolution was clearly confirmed for higher temperatures. The application of cyclic temperature variations showed reversible evolutions in the thermal properties after one cycle. The results of unconfined compressive tests and pressuremeter tests showed that heating induces a softening of the material whereas several temperature cycles induce a stiffening of the material. Thereafter, a coupled thermo-hydraulic modeling of an embankment made of the compacted Plaisir loam is performed in order to optimize the storage system. The comparison of different modelling results, fixed the temperature sensors spacing that minimizes the interactions between them, and the optimal distance between the last sensors and the bottom of the slope. It is shown that if an appropriate thermal program is chosen, the heat storage in the embankment could be possible. A better efficiency of the storage capacity can be reached by introducing 3 temperature sensors rows in the storage and by covering the storage with a thermal insulation. The simulation of this scenario over 10 years including temperature cycles shows a heating of the embankment for several years, until to reach an equilibrium state after the 7th year

Avaliação da estabilidade de taludes em áreas de risco de movimento de massa por meio de ensaios de campo na área urbana de Viçosa MG / Evaluation of slope stability in risk areas of mass movement using field tests in Viçosa-MG

Lima, Cleverson Alves de 28 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:28:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 4287365 bytes, checksum: 18558059e0d3a15699d22055cf998b7c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-28 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The study investigates the risks to mass movements on slopes in the region of Viçosa - MG, in representative areas previously classified as high potential natural hazards. Searching up to it, diagnose the slopes in the urban area of the city in various scenarios and analyze its stability from its own geological and geotechnical characteristics of the terrain. For this to occur , the research made use of the Pressuremeter Ménard field test - PMT, due to its versatility and reliability in obtaining the parameters of soil strength in depth, detailing what each meter, allowing the identification of failure mechanisms by analysis. The research was based on risk rating maps to mass movements, surveys, field tests and simulations to determine the degree of instability of these areas and their respective safety factor. With this in hand, has become an important base which allows the municipality to create and plan appropriate public policies to each type of Field geological and geotechnical information. / O estudo investiga os riscos aos movimentos de massa em taludes da região de Viçosa-MG, em áreas representativas classificadas previamente como de grande potencial a acidentes naturais. Buscando-se, para isso, diagnosticar os taludes na área urbana do município e analisar em diversos cenários a sua estabilidade a partir de suas características geológicas e geotécnicas próprias do terreno. Para isso ocorrer, nos trabalhos de investigação fez-se uso do ensaio de campo pressiométrico de Ménard PMT, devido a sua versatilidade e confiabilidade na obtenção dos parâmetros de resistência do solo em profundidade, detalhando-o a cada metro, permitindo a identificação dos mecanismos de ruptura por meio de análise. A pesquisa se baseou em mapas de classificação de risco aos movimentos de massa, ensaios de campo tipo PMT e simulações para se conhecer o grau de instabilidade destas áreas e o seu respectivo fator de segurança. Com isso em mãos, tem-se uma base de informações geológico-geotécnica importante e que permite ao município criar e planejar politicas públicas adequadas a ocupação de cada tipo de área.

Ensaios pressiométricos de Ménard em maciços compactados para a avaliação de módulos elásticos / Ménard pressuremeter tests in a massive compressed to the evaluation of elastic moduli

OLIVEIRA, Devonzir Magalhães de 17 December 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:18:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Devonzir Magalhaes.pdf: 2374656 bytes, checksum: be2fa62f68b635119a439a5c539c3894 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-12-17 / The compacting control of earthy materials at engineering works demands great efforts and the necessity of conducting field and laboratory tests in time and space, conditioned by the work schedule always tight. It is also known that the embankment supports the efforts of substantial bodies of water with potential energy, which if, uncontrollably released, will cause tragedies and imponderable material damages. This work presents the methodology of execution and analysis of the results of field and laboratory tests performed in two experimental embankments builted during the definition of the construction s processes of the Batalha Hydroelectric Power Plant. It was collected disturbed and undisturbed samples at twelve spot in each embankment, to perform characterization tests, triaxial compression test and consolidation test. The results of these laboratory tests where compared to the results of twenty four Pressuremeter Tests (PMT) fulfilled at the same embankment. The interpretation of the PMT tests was done according to french standards. These tests provided results of Ménard Pressuremeter Modulus (EM), pressuremeter limit pressure (pl) and creep pressure (pf), which corresponds to the end of the elastic range of the material. In addition, it was performed twenty four Standard Penetration Tests in both embankments to obtain the Nspt and compare with the results of PMT. The studies developed in this research showed that these tests point out results with less variability that the ones from the laboratories and can be realized with no difficulties along the soil profile. The results achieved demonstrated that the PMT can be a very useful tool to reach the modulus of elasticity at any depth of the landfill, mainly in rolled-fill dams already operating a long time and in places where there are restrictions to remove samples for laboratory tests. / O controle de compactação de materiais terrosos em obras de engenharia demanda grandes esforços e a necessidade da realização de ensaios de campo e laboratório, ajustados ao cronograma sempre apertado das obras. Sabe-se, também, que os aterros compactados de barragens suportam esforços de grandes massas de água com energia potencial que se liberadas, incontrolavelmente, causarão tragédias e danos materiais incalculáveis. Este trabalho apresenta a metodologia de execução e análise dos resultados de ensaios de campo e laboratório realizados em dois aterros experimentais construídos na fase de definição dos processos construtivos da barragem da UHE Batalha. Foram coletadas amostras deformadas e blocos de amostras indeformadas de doze pontos em cada aterro, para caracterização do solo compactado e realização de ensaios de compressão triaxial e de adensamento. Os resultados desses ensaios de laboratório foram comparados com os resultados de vinte e quatro ensaios pressiométricos (PMT) executados nos mesmos aterros. Na interpretação dos ensaios PMT foi empregada a metodologia das normas francesas. Estes ensaios forneceram resultados do módulo de elasticidade de Ménard (EM), pressão limite (pl) e pressão de fluência (pf), esta correspondente ao fim da fase pseudo-elástica do material. Complementarmente foram realizados vinte e quatro ensaios penetrométricos nos dois aterros para obtenção do NSPT e comparação com os resultados do PMT. Os estudos desenvolvidos nesta pesquisa mostraram que estes ensaios apresentaram resultados com menor variabilidade que os ensaios de laboratório e podem ser realizados sem muitas dificuldades ao longo do perfil de um aterro compactado. Os resultados alcançados mostraram que o PMT poderá se tornar uma ferramenta de grande utilidade para obtenção do módulo de elasticidade em quaisquer profundidades de aterros compactados, principalmente em barragens antigas e em locais destas onde possam existir restrições para retirada de amostras para ensaios de laboratório.

Comportement thermo-hydromécanique des sols au voisinage des géo-structures énergétiques

Eslami, Hossein 28 November 2014 (has links)
Les géostructures énergétiques consistent à établir un échange thermique direct avec le sol grâce à des systèmes intégrés dans les fondations ou les structures géotechniques. L’incorporation des échangeurs de chaleur aux géostructures provoque une variation cyclique de la température du sol adjacent. Des questions se posent sur l'impact de ces variations thermiques sur les paramètres géotechniques des sols en général, et en particulier des sols sensibles argileux. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’améliorer la compréhension et la quantification de l’impact de la variation de la température sur la capacité portante des pieux géothermiques. Actuellement, le dimensionnement des capacités portantes des fondations profondes est basé sur les résultats d’essais pénétrométriques ou pressiométriques. Des méthodes expérimentales ont été développées afin de permettre la réalisation de ces essais dans les conditions du laboratoire. Des essais mini-pénétrométriques sont réalisés sur des éprouvettes compactées à différents états initiaux et soumises à des températures variant de 1 à 70 °C. Les résultats montrent une évolution sensible des paramètres étudiés, la résistance en pointe (qc) et le frottement latéral (fs), pour un matériau illitique, lorsqu’il est compacté du côté sec de l’optimum. Les essais mini-pressiométriques, réalisés sur des massifs de sol illitique compactés en modèle réduit d’échelle métrique dans une cuve thermo-régulée, ont montré une diminution de la pression de fluage (pf) et de la pression limite (pl) avec l’augmentation de la température, tandis que la variation du module pressiométrique (EM) est moins marquée. Les résultats montrent une quasi-réversibilité des effets d’un cycle de chauffage dans la gamme de température testée alors que l’effet d’un cycle de refroidissement n’est que partiellement réversible. Pour les essais soumis à plusieurs cycles thermiques, le premier cycle induit des variations de paramètres toujours plus importantes que les cycles suivants. Une analyse approfondie de l’évolution des propriétés thermiques (la conductivité thermique (λ), la capacité thermique volumique (Cv) et la diffusivité thermique (D)) des sols en fonction de la teneur en eau, de la masse volumique sèche et de la température montre une augmentation de ces paramètres avec l’augmentation de w et ρd et une augmentation de λ des éprouvettes illitiques du côté sec de l’optimum avec l’augmentation de la température de 1 à 70 °C. En résumé, pour les pieux énergétiques, les résultats obtenus en laboratoire montrent une modification de la capacité portante due à la variation des paramètres du sol illitique sous l’effet des cycles thermiques / Energy geostructures involve providing a direct heat exchange with the ground through integrated systems in the foundations or geotechnical structures. The incorporation of heat exchangers in geostructures produces a cyclic variation of the temperature in the adjacent soil. Therefore, there are important scientific questions about the effect of temperature variations on hydro-mechanical soil parameters in general, and particularly for sensitive clay soils. The main objective of this thesis is to improve the understanding and the quantification of the impact of temperature variation on the bearing capacity of geothermal piles. Currently, the design of the bearing capacity of deep foundations is based on the results of in situ penetrometer and pressuremeter tests. Herein, experimental methods are developed to carry out these tests in laboratory conditions. Mini-penetrometer tests were carried out on samples compacted at different initial states and subjected to temperature variations ranging from 1 to 70 °C. The results showed a significant change in the studied parameters: the cone resistance (qc) and the friction sleeve resistance (fs) for an illitic material compacted on the dry side of the compaction curve. Mini-pressuremeter tests performed on the same illitic compacted soil in a thermo-regulated metric scale container, showed a decrease in creep pressure (pf) and limit pressure (pl) with increasing temperature, while the variation of pressuremeter modulus (EM) is less pronounced. The results showed a quasi-reversibility of the effect of a heating cycle through the temperature range tested, while the effect of a cooling cycle was only partially reversible. In the case of several thermal cycles, the first cycle induced more important parameter variations than the subsequent cycles, and at the end of the experimentation. Further analysis of the evolution of the thermal properties (thermal conductivity (λ), heat capacity (Cv) and thermal diffusivity (D)) within heating and cooling process as a function of soil water content and dry density showed an increase of these parameters with the increase of initial values of w and ρd, and an increase of λ in the dry side of the compaction curve with increasing temperature from 1 to 70 °C. In summary, for the energy piles driven in the clay soils, some modifications in the bearing capacity have to be taken into account due to the variation of the hydro-mechanical parameters of the soil induced by thermal cycles

Stanovení hodnot vstupních parametrů pokročilých materiálových modelů s využitím optimalizačních metod / Determination of input parameters of advanced soil constitutive models using optimization methods

Koudela, Pavel January 2018 (has links)
Choice of the constitutive model and determination of input parameters are necessary for a successful application of numerical methods in geotechnical engineering. Higher complexity of modern constitutive models results in an increase of the number of input parameters and time requirements for their calibration. Optimization methods are a possible solution for this problem. An application in which metaheuristic optimization method Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is involved is presented in this thesis. Critical review and testing of various PSO alternatives was performed in the first part of this thesis. The most efective PSO alternatives were chosen. In the second part connection between PSO algorithm and finite element solver was prepared. Automatization of determination of constitutive models input parameters was performed on three boundary value problems: laboratory test (oedometer), in-situ test (pressuremeter) and geotechical construction (retaining wall). Three types of constitutive models are used. Linear elastic-perfectly plastic Mohr-Coulomb model, elastoplastic non-linear Hardening soil model and Hardening soil - small strain model.

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