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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

High school learners' perception of HIV/AIDS preventive strategies

Kolawole, Ibidayo Ebun January 2003 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Education in the Department of Educational Psychology and Special Education in the Faculty of Education at the University of Zululand, South Africa, 2003. / This study investigated the perceptions of high school learners about HTV7AIDS preventive strategies. The study reveals that the age of the learner, their gender, grade level, and the school they attend influences their perceptions. The study also reveals that the learners hold positive perceptions about abstaining from sex, delaying sex until marriage as well as knowing the HIV/AIDS status of potential partners as of paramount importance while those who do not hold positive perceptions about abstinence hold positive perception about practicing safe sex. The study reveals that there was no relationship between religion and the acceptance of circumcision as a cultural practice through which infection could be avoided; but racial grouping and age greatly influence the acceptance of this alternative strategy.

Awareness and perceptions of HIV/Aids preventive strategies among students of Universities of Zululand and Ado-Ekiti

Kolawole, Ibidayo Ebun January 2010 (has links)
A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Education in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Education in the Department of Educational Psychology and Special Education at the University of Zululand, 2010. / This study sets out to establish the level of awareness and perception of preventive strategies against HIV/AIDS in two African Universities, Zululand (South Africa) and Ado-Ekiti (Nigeria). Responses to a questionnaire set out in nine sections (125 items) from one thousand four hundred and sixty participants (604 from UNAD; 856 from UNIZULU) were analysed for their socio-demography, sexual activities, awareness, assessment of factors that support spread of HIV/AIDS on campus, risk assessment of students, knowledge of HIV transmission and protection, and perception of preventive strategies. One section also covered the assessment of institutional programmes on HIV/AIDS. The socio-demography revealed that though the two institutions are located in relatively rural/remote places, the socio-economic status were completely different. While UNIZULU respondents were predominantly from rural areas, and from poor families, UNAD respondents were predominantly from middle/high class homes drawn from cities and big towns. The pattern of their sexual activities was also different. While a small, but higher, percentage of UNAD’s respondents have been sexually active from elementary schools, the majority of respondents from UNIZULU have been sexually active from high school with a large proportion being single parents. Most of UNAD’s respondents became sexually active in the university although a small percentage was sexually active when they were in the primary school. Institutional support was much better at UNIZULU though both institutions enjoyed adequate awareness of HIV. However, UNIZULU has facilities for testing and counselling, which was not available at UNAD. UNAD respondents did not have adequate access to male condoms whereas UNIZULU did, but both institutions did not have adequate access to female condoms. Core risk factors common to both institutions are irregular and inconsistent use of condoms, not knowing the HIV status of their partners and of themselves, multiple and concurrent sexual activities, intergenerational relationships cloaked in sex-for-money or favour trade, and having sex under the influence of alcohol or drug. While risky sexual activities were driven mainly by gender, and to a smaller proportion by marital status, number of children, where grown up and family resources, the factors that drive risk at UNIZULU were more complex and included gender, age, marital status, number of children and level of study. Indeed there was evidence that UNIZULU respondents appeared to be more sexually risky as the level of study increased while UNAD’s appeared to be less risky. Recommendations are put forward for the possible use results of this study could be put to make African university campuses sexually safe. / the University of Zululand

Organizational preventative strategies undertaken by dental clinics in Fiji during COVID-19 Pandemic: A qualitative study

Kajal, K., Mohammadnezhad, Masoud 31 January 2023 (has links)
Yes / This research aims to determine the organizational preventative strategies implemented by dental clinics in Fiji during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: This qualitative study was conducted amongst Dental Officers (Dos) and Dental Managers (DMs) who were working at government dental clinics, private dental clinics, and the School of Dentistry and Oral Health clinic (SDOH), in the Central Division, Fiji. A semi-structured open-ended questionnaire was used for data collection through in-depth interviews via zoom. A manual thematic analysis of the data was conducted. Results: Thirty Dos and 17 DMs participated in this study. 16 themes emerged from data analysis: Major Strategies implemented, Staff perception about strategies in place, Triaging and Screening, Hand hygiene, Waiting room changes, Operational Capacity, Universal precautions, Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs), Disinfection and decontamination protocols, Ventilation, Sterilization, Pre-procedural mouth rinse, Waste management, Vaccination status, Bubbles and Adaptation of Protocols. The Dos were generally satisfied with the strategies implemented by the DMs. The DMs along with other Dos had used various guidance documents to devise tailor-made ones suited for dental clinics in Fiji. Conclusion: Various strategies were adopted from several guidelines and tailor-made Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for each workplaces were developed by the various DMs. The majority of Dos were in favor of and satisfied with the protocols in place. Future research can be conducted in other divisions and include other health care professionals as well apart from just Dos and DMs.

Epidemiology and management of basketball related injuries in Rwanda

Hakizimana, Moussa January 2005 (has links)
Magister Scientiae (Physiotherapy) - MSc(Physio) / Basketball continues to increase in popularity worldwide as a participation sport at all levels of play, from recreational to professional. Each year, more than 1.6 million basketball-related injuries are treated in hospitals, Doctor's offices and emergency rooms in North America. In Rwanda, basketball and volleyball are the second popular sports, following football. The aim of the study was to investigate the prevalence, mechanisms, nature and management of basketball related-injuries in Rwanda. The study design was retrospective survey over period of nine months. The study included all players of 12 teams. A structured self-administered questionnaire with closed-ended questions was used to gather information from basketball players. The questionnaire was adapted from the validated questionnaire used in a study on knee injury patterns among young basketball players in Cape Town. A response of 86.7% was obtained. The collected data were captured and analyzed by means of the Microsoft Excel package and SPSS. The associations between variables were evaluated by means of the chi-square test and 5% level of significance was used. The results were displayed using tables, bar chart, pie chart and graphs. All basketball players rep01ted to sustain one or more injuries. The injury rate was 3.6 injuries per player per season. The injmy prevalence was high during training (77%) compared to competition (23%). Ankle followed by fingers and knee were the most body parts involved. The most common mechanism of injury was landing badly. Self-treatment was a type of treatment mostly used by basketball players. The prevalence of basketball injury is high in Rwanda. The implementation of preventive strategies is of a paramount. A strong promotional campaign of physiotherapy services is needed, for adequate treatment and good rehabilitation of basketball players after injury.

"En kommentar kan sitta kvar hela livet" : - en kvalitativ studie om ungdomars uppfattningar om kränkningar på internet.

Kalland Lindström, Kirsti January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att få en ökad kunskap om 15-åringars uppfattningar om kränkningar och trakassering på internet och vad de menar kan ha en motverkande effekt på att problemet uppstår. Datainsamling blev genomförd genom fyra fokusgruppintervjuer med 15-åringar från en skola i Sydsverige. Grounded theory användes för analys av intervjuerna. Resultaten teoretiserades ut i från ett genusperspektiv. Resultaten visade att Internet är en given del av ungdomarnas vardag och att kränkningar är vanliga. Både sändaren och mottagaren av en kommentar måste uppfatta den som illa menad för att det skulle vara en kränkning. Det pågår en normaliseringsprocess i synen på kränkningar på Internet och det identifierades ett grupptryck. Traditionella könsroller och stereotypa uppfattningar i synen på kvinnor och män lever vidare på internet. Tjejer utsätts i högre grad än pojkar för kränkningar rörande deras utseende. Strategier mot kränkningar på Internet måste föras på olika nivåer, dock identifierades föräldrar som nyckelpersoner. Studiens resultat ger betydelsefull kunskap om ungdomars uppfattningar av kränkningar på Internet men konkluderar med att ytterligare forskning är nödvändigt för att förstå hur kränkningar på Internet påverkar ungdomar. / The aim of the study was to gain knowledge about fifteen-year-olds’ opinion of violations and harassment on the Internet and what preventive measures can be taken to avoid such occurrences. Data was collected from interviews with four focus groups comprising of fifteen-year-olds from a school in southern Sweden. Grounded Theory was used for analyzing the interviews. The results were treated from a gender perspective. The results showed that Internet was a part of everyday life of the participants and that violations were common. Both the sender and receiver had to perceive the comments as harmful to consider it a violation. Perception of violations on the Internet, as identified by peer pressure, was undergoing a process of normalization. Traditional gender roles and stereotypical ideas of women and men still exist on the Internet. Girls were more exposed to violations aimed at their appearance. Preventive strategies against violations on the Internet must be undertaken at different levels, but parents were identified as key persons. The result of the study gave important information of the youths perception of violations on the Internet but conclude that further studies are necessary to understand how violations on the Internet affect the youth.

Förskollärares uppfattningar av stress i förskolan : En kvalitativ studie som synliggör förskollärares uppfattningar av fenomenet stress i förskolan / Preschool teachers' perceptions of stress in preschool : A qualitative study that highlights preschool teachers' perceptions of the phenomenon of stress in preschool

Hagberg, Pernilla January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker fenomenet stress och hur det figurerar i förskolan. Syftet med studien är att bidra med kunskap om förskollärares uppfattningar av stress i förskolan samt hur förskollärarna uppfattar att stress påverkar förskolans verksamhet. Studien utgår från en fenomenografisk ansats och jag har därmed valt att använda semistrukturerad intervju som metod för datainsamling, där respondenternas uppfattningar är centrala. Jag valde att intervjua fyra förskollärare från två olika förskolor. Resultatanalysen utgår från en fenomenografisk analysmodell och resultatet presenteras utifrån fenomenografins begrepp kategorier och utfallsrum. Resultatet visar att förskollärarna uppfattar att stress ofta orsakas av faktorer som inte går att påverka eller ibland ens förebygga. Vidare uppfattar de ändå att stressen går att hantera och lindra med hjälp av bland annat olika strategier, kollegialt stöd och struktur. Viktiga slutsatser är att det bör avsättas tid för relationsbyggande och återhämtning i förskolan samt att vardera arbetslag för diskussioner kring en, för dem, fungerande struktur samt gemensamt förhållningssätt. / This study examines the phenomenon of stress and how it figures in preschool. The purpose of the study is to contribute knowledge about preschool teachers' experience of stress in preschool and how preschool teachers perceive that stress affects the preschool's operations. The study is based on a phenomenographic approach and I have therefore chosen to use a semi-structured interview as a method for data collection, where the respondents' perceptions are central. I chose to interview four preschool teachers from two different preschools. The result analysis is based on a phenomenographic analysis model and the results are presented based on the phenomenographic concepts of categories and outcome spaces. The results show that the preschool teachers feel that stress is often caused by factors that cannot be influenced or sometimes even prevented. Furthermore, they still believe that the stress can be managed and alleviated using, among other things, different strategies, collegial support and structure. Important conclusions are that there should be time set aside for relationship-building and recovery in the preschool and that each work team has discussions about a structure that works for them and a joint approach.

Att vilja ha hjälp att dö : En litteraturöversikt om sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av, samt attityder kring dödshjälp. / Wanting help to die : A literature review about nurses’ experiences of, and attitudes towards assisted dying.

Andersson, Marika, Karlsson, Emma January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Dödshjälp är endast lagligt i ett fåtal länder och stater i världen, men det förekommer att patienter förmedlar en önskan om dödshjälp till vårdpersonal, även i andra länder. Läkare beskriver bördan med att hantera förfrågningar om dödshjälp och försöker undvika dessa genom att behandla patienters fysiska samt psykiska behov. Anhöriga till individer som dött genom dödshjälp, menade att den döende individens livskvalitet förbättrades i slutet av deras liv relaterat till beslutet gällande dödshjälp. Syfte: Att beskriva sjuksköterskors attityder till, samt erfarenheter kring dödshjälp. Metod: En litteraturöversikt, i enlighet med Friberg genomfördes. Systematisk sökning har utförts i databaserna CINAHL Complete och PubMed. Resultatet av översikten baseras på 13 originalartiklar.  Resultat: Sjuksköterskors attityder varierar oavsett om de arbetar i länder där dödshjälp är lagligt eller inte. Tendenser tyder på att sjuksköterskor är mer positivt inställda till eutanasi än läkarassisterat självmord. De underliggande aspekter som påverkar sjuksköterskors attityder grundas på deras personliga värderingar utifrån professionell kunskap, erfarenheter och religiösa övertygelser. Sjuksköterskor kan rättfärdiga sina handlingar genom så kallad dubbel-effekt, där goda handlingar utförs trots att det kan leda till negativa konsekvenser. Palliativ vård fungerar som preventiv strategi, vilket tidvis minskar antalet förfrågningar om dödshjälp. Diskussion: Resultaten är diskuterade utifrån Beauchamp och Childress etiska principer, samt vårdande utifrån deras tolkning av vårdande etik. Det uppstår konflikter mellan sjuksköterskors personliga värderingar, yrkesprofessionella kunskap, lagar och de etiska principerna i vårdandet av döende individer med obotliga sjukdomar.

Výskyt muskulosketálních poruch souvisejících s prací u fyzioterapeutů / Occurence of work-related musculoskeletal disorders among physiotherapists

Nováková, Andrea January 2017 (has links)
Name of the thesis: Occurence of work-related musculoskeletal disorders among physiotherapists Objective: The objective of this thesis is to determine the prevalence of work-related muskoloskeletaldisorders among physiotherapists in Czech Republic in the past 12 months, based on data acquired from a random sample of physiotherapists. Methods: The acquisition od data was done via self filled questionnaire which was inspired by WRMDs prevalence questionnaire from Kuwait made in 2010 and a WRMDs prevalence questionnaire from Nigeria made in 2008. Both previously mentioned questionnaires were based on the Standardized Scandinavian Musculoskeletal Questionnarie. In the questionnaire, closed, semi-closed and open questions were used. The questionnaire could bef illed in its printed form or electronically, depending on respondents' preferences. The sample comprised of 110 respondents. The data obtained from the questionnaire was processed via SPSS statistical program and charts made in Microsoft Excel 2007. Findings: The data obtained from the questionnaire revealed that the prevalence of WRMDs samong physiotherapists in Czech Republic in the past 12 month swas 65,5%. The body area with the highest prevalence of pain was cervical spine (41.8%). Respondents ranging from 20-30 years of age reported higher...

Caries Prevention Strategies Practiced In Scandinavia

Fathalla, Laith Hassan January 2011 (has links)
ABSTRACT:The purpose of this literature study is to study the dental caries status (DMFT) of 12-years-olds in Scandinavia and describe and compare the different preventive strategies and methods used by different dental care personal in each country and between these three countries. To achieve the objective information from scientific literature and publications, and data from WHO database on these three countries were used.DMFT for 12-year olds in Norway was 1.7 (2004), 0.7 for Denmark (2008) and in Sweden 0.9 (2008). During the past decade, changes have occurred in the prevention system of population- based prevention to individual-based prevention. This is a result partly of the low caries prevalence and partly because of a disproportional distribution of caries in this target group. It is regarded as a smart solution to be able to access the most affected or at risk patients who have the most dental care needs.The results showed different dental personals used different preventive strategies. Choices related to the use of fluoride vehicles were also varied. There were also differences in prevention strategies between different countries. This shows that despite the similarities in the dental teams, free and subsidized dental care for children there are also differences in quality of the offering of policies and practices. All this data confirm the differences between all three countries in choice of preventive method for risk and none-risk patients. This seems to be influenced by different cultural patterns within the dental professional communities of each country. Differences in caries incidence probably could be due to different combinations of preventive methods. There is a need for more research in this area. There is a need for a consensus about which strategy and approach is most effective and which one should be used against dental caries in risk and non risk patients, a consensus in which all countries agree to implement.

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