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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prezidentská volba F. D. Roosevelta v USA v roce 1932 a její reflexe v dobovém českém tisku / Czech Printed Press Reflection of the Presidential Election of F. D. Roosevelt in the USA in 1932

ČERNÝ, Aleš January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyse political situation of the USA in the early 30´s of the 20th century, culminating with the election of Franklin Delano Roosevelt as the president of the USA. Afterwards the author is going to evaluate how the czech written press in the independent Czechoslovakian republic has reacted on the mentioned affairs and connections between them, while it was divided in almost every single part of the political spectre.

Entre la scène et le livre : formes dramatiques publiées dans la presse à l'époque romantique (1829-1851) / Between the stage and the page : dramatic forms and print media in the Romantic era (1829-1851)

Calderone, Amélie 27 November 2015 (has links)
Entre 1829 et 1851 le champ dramatico-médiatique s’est vu reconfiguré : l’apparition de grandes revues littéraires, la naissance de la presse à quarante francs, la multiplication des périodiques et l’augmentation de leurs tirages sont conjoints des bouleversements économiques, politiques et sociaux faisant suite à la période postrévolutionnaire, et de mutations théâtrales majeures sur les scènes parisiennes. En résulte un accroissement de la présence de textes dramatiques diffusés dans la presse, sous de multiples formes : pièces jouées à lire en feuilletons, extraits, fragments, mais aussi ensembles de scènes théâtrales et d’articles théâtralisés ou dialogués à lire le temps de la fréquentation d’une feuille. Il existe ainsi à l’époque un troisième canal d’accès du théâtre vers l’espace public – entre la scène et le livre –, la presse. Parce que le théâtre partage avec le périodique des caractéristiques discursives, stylistiques et formelles, ses limites s’en trouvent diluées sinon abolies. En cet espace spécifique qu’est le journal, il n’est pas de concept de « genre dramatique » qui tienne. Ce que nous avons coutume de nommer « théâtre » n’existe pas, et vient à former une masse textuelle impure, mêlant matières journalistiques et dramatiques. Aussi est-ce au regard de ce contexte éditorial pleinement signifiant qu’il convient d’interpréter les pièces en bonne et due forme alors diffusées, parfois composées à sa destination : un pan entier de l’écriture dramatique romantique a été « médiatique », et doit se comprendre comme tel, recontextualisé et « recotextualisé » dans un cadre éditorial soumis aux modes, à la temporalité collective, à la collaboration et aux effets de lecture redevables à la présence d’autres articles qui lui sont contigus. Étudier le lien intime que les formes dramatiques éditées dans la presse entretiennent avec leur support de diffusion dans le second tiers du XIXe siècle permet de faire émerger une autre histoire du théâtre romantique, médiatique et en grande partie textuelle, en mettant au jour des auteurs, des tentatives dramatiques ou des événements aujourd’hui oubliés, mais aussi en ouvrant à la relecture de textes consacrés, tels ceux de Sand, de Vigny ou encore de Musset. / During the period 1829-1851, numerous factors brought about a reconfiguration of the relationship between print media and dramatic genres: the appearance of major literary journals, the introduction of low-priced printed press, the proliferation of mass periodicals and their increased print runs. These factors echoed not only the economic, social and political upheavals that characterized the first half of the 19th-century in post-revolutionary France but also the sweeping changes that affected the Parisian stage. As a result, one notes an increased presence of dramatic texts in the printed press. They may appear in various forms, as serialized theatrical plays, extracts, fragments but also collections of scenes and dramatized or dialogue-based articles – their length tailored to the newspaper format. Thus, between the stage and the page, dramatic forms could reach the public through a third access channel: print media. Their shared discursive, stylistic and formal features blur and even obliterate the boundaries between dramatic texts and periodical writing. In this particular context, the concept of “dramatic genre” does not apply and what we call “drama” does not exist as such. The result is a mixed mass of text, combining journalistic and dramatic materials. The “proper” plays that were circulated in the press, or even written for it, should be studied against the backdrop of this fully significant editorial context. An entire branch of Romantic playwriting was “media-oriented” and should be understood as such, with a new focus on context and co-text within an editorial framework subject to trends, collective temporality, collaborations and reading effects resulting from the influence of adjacent articles.The study of the close relationship between dramatic forms and their means of dissemination in the second third of the 19th-century gives a new, media-oriented and largely text-centered perspective on the history of the Romantic drama. Besides highlighting long-forgotten authors, events or diverse dramatic forms, it also prompts a new approach to the dramatic writings of well-established authors such as George Sand, Alfred de Vigny or Alfred de Musset.

Enjeux techniques et politiques de la "communication optique" entre un titre de presse imprimée et un ordiphone / Technical and political issues of "optical communication" between a newspaper and a smartphone

Fines Schlumberger, Jacques-André 06 March 2012 (has links)
Depuis 2002 en Asie, 2005 en Europe et aux États-Unis, des éditeurs de presse écrite et des annonceurs proposent à leur lectorat équipé en téléphone portable ou en ordiphone d’accéder à des contenus et services numériques via ceux imprimés dans le journal. Ces nouvelles formes de communications brouillent les relations traditionnelles entre éditeurs de presse, annonceurs et lectorat, également mobinaute. Les enjeux techniques et politiques de ces services de communication s’étudient simultanément à trois niveaux. Le premier, physique, se situe dans la combinaison entre le papier et le terminal électronique de l’individu relié au réseau. Le deuxième, logique, se situe dans la forme (privée ou publique) de ce qui est imprimé sur le papier (langage humain ou machine) et la méthode logicielle mise en oeuvre (lecture locale ou à distance) de manière synchrone (presse augmentée) ou asynchrone (code graphique, recherche ou identification par l’image). Le troisième niveau, des contenus, consiste à s’interroger sur le sens de la surimpression de contenus et de services numériques à l’écran de l’ordiphone suivant ce qui est imprimé dans le journal. Notre étude aura par ailleurs consisté à mettre en lumière les régimes juridiques des méthodes logicielles basées d’une part sur le contenu et régies par le droit de la propriété intellectuelle, et basées d’autre part sur un langage informatique et régies par le droit des liens hypertextes. Avec un ordiphone, un titre de presse évolue d’un support d’information à un canal de communications électroniques où le contexte et l’identité de l’individu jouent un rôle innovant dans la transmission et l’accès à l’information. / Since 2002 in Asia, and 2005 in Europe and the United States, press editors and advertisers have offered access to digital content and services to readers that possess a smartphone. These new forms of communication blur the traditional relationships between press editors, advertisers and readers. To study the technical and political elements concerning these new communication services, we rely on the three-layer network approach: the physical, the logical and the content infrastructure layer. The physical layer is located between the sheet of paper and the electronic device that links the user to a network. The logical layer corresponds to the form (private or public) of what is printed on the page (i.e., human readable or machine language) and the software employed (i.e., local or distant reading), be it synchronously (augmented press) or asynchronously (graphic codes, image search or image identification). The third layer concerns the way the content from the printed page are presented on the screen of the smartphone. Our study equally aims to shed light on the current legal translations of software methods: when based on content, the methods are seen to concern intellectual property law; whereas when based on computer language they concern the laws on hyperlinks. With smartphones, a printed edition evolves from an information medium to an electronic communication channel where the context and the identity of the user play an innovative role in the transmission and access to information.

Kvinna gråter och mannen kritiserar : En genuskritisk text- och innehållsanalys om manlig och kvinnlig katastrofjournalistik / The woman cries, the man criticizes : A gender critical text- and content analysis concerning male and female emergency reporting

Rehn, Sandra, Siljeholm, Emma January 2018 (has links)
Den här studien undersöker om det kan utrönas skillnader, och om så är fallet, i vad dessa skillnader består i, mellan manligt och kvinnligt skriftspråk i katastrofjournalistik med avseende på diskoteksbranden i Göteborg 1998 och tsunamikatastrofen 2004.    Dessa händelser valdes med utgångspunkt av att de liknar varandra, inte bara i att de faller under katastrofjournalistik, utan för att de båda krävde ett stort antal svenska dödsoffer och genom detta haft djupgående påverkan på det svenska samhället. Studiens empiri består av 78 nyhetsartiklar från Dagens Nyheteroch Svenska Dagbladet, vilka genererats med hjälp av databasen Retriever. Dessa har sedan undersökt noga genom text- och innehållsanalys med både kvantitativa och kvalitativa inslag.    Resultatet av studien visade att det i materialet fanns språkmässiga skillnader mellan könen. De kvinnliga journalisterna tenderade att använda fler pronomen i sina texter och att beskriva händelserna mer detaljrikt än männen. Dessutom tenderade nyhetstexterna som författats av kvinnor att vara mer emotionella och innehålla fler ord än de som författats av män, samtidigt som meningslängden i deras artiklar var kortare än männens. / This study is aiming to investigate if there is a detectable difference, and if so, what characterizes that difference, between female and male written language in news reports from two catastrophic events that have had great impact on the Swedish society, namely the disco fire in Gothenburg in 1998 and the tsunami that hit the Bay of Bengal in 2004.   For the purpose of the investigation, 78 articles were pulled from the Swedish newspapers Dagens Nyheterand Svenska Dagbladet, with help by the newspaper search engine Retriever. Those articles were then closely examined through the use of both qualitative and quantitative content analysis.    The study showed that there were some differences to be found in the language use of female and male journalists concerning the two news events. Some of these differences being that the female reporters both tended to use more pronouns in their texts, and too describe events in more detail than their male colleagues. Other features that set female and male articles apart, were that female texts tended to contain more words than male texts at the same time as being more emotionally orientated. Articles by female writers also tended to be divided into shorter sentences than articles by male writers.

Det gör ont när mödomshinnor brister : En studie över gestaltningsramar om hymen i svensk tryckt press / It hurts when hymens are breaking : a study on descriptions of the hymen in Swedish printed press

Nolskog, Cajsa January 2018 (has links)
This essay uses frame analysis to study changes in the descriptions of the hymen in Swedish printed press from 1989-2015. The study shows that the traditional story about the hymen has significant power in the dominant culture and affects the idea of what the hymen is and what is believed to be its functions. The study also showcases how our ideas about the hymen are socially constructed since the descriptions can shift widely but still be considered as the truth. The concept of the hymen has gone through a change over time, from a story of a hymen that breaks during first intercourse, to the hymen being a myth that doesn’t exist at all, to then emerge into the idea of the vaginal corona – another version of a hymen that is different from the traditional image. The study also shows that the traditional frame for describing the hymen does live on, and that the vaginal corona has not replaced the idea of the traditional hymen.

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