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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Integrating economic costs into global biodiversity conservation priorities: Sensitivity of prioritization to the use of differing cost indicators

Barth, Georg 08 February 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Desenvolvimento de modelo multicriterial de suporte à decisão para renovação de infraestrutura tecnológica em empresas de mídia

Franzon, Cauê January 2018 (has links)
A evolução e convergência de tecnologias emergentes têm alterado o comportamento de consumo de áudio e vídeo. O uso de inteligência artificial, na automatização de processos de criação e edição de conteúdo, tem aumentado com o passar dos anos. Soluções de realidade aumentada, já bastante difundida em plataformas computacionais, estão sendo utilizadas em ambientes de estúdios de televisão, para enriquecer e tornar mais atrativos os programas televisivos. A distribuição de conteúdo por streaming (tecnologia que envia informações multimídia, através da transferência de dados, utilizando redes de computadores, especialmente a internet) e múltiplas telas tem demandado mudanças na forma de distribuição do conteúdo das operadoras de mídia. A aproximação do consumidor com as empresas de criação de conteúdo está gerando uma segmentação do formato de assinatura das operações de TV a cabo e por satélite. Todas estas alterações, acrescidas da instabilidade dos mercados financeiros, têm gerado uma mudança nos modelos de produção, criando fatores que impactam o ambiente competitivo da indústria. Neste cenário, a indústria de mídia enfrenta não apenas estes novos desafios, mas também a necessidade de manter e renovar seus parques fabris de forma mais assertiva e competitiva. Muitas empresas deste setor enfrentam dificuldades nos processos de tomada de decisão. Esta dificuldade normalmente está associada à carência de informações relativas ao mapeamento e condição dos seus ativos, bem como de ferramentas capazes de auxiliar, de forma estruturada, o processo de tomada de decisão. Desta forma, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo desenvolver e aplicar um modelo para priorização de substituição de infraestrutura tecnológica em indústrias de mídia utilizando métodos multicritério, de forma identificar em quais equipamentos ou sistemas devem ser realizados investimentos para reposição. O modelo se propõe a gerar uma árvore de hierarquia baseada nos critérios definidos por especialistas das áreas impactadas, que é aplicada numa base de dados que contém os ativos da companhia. Para a definição dos pesos dos critérios, são utilizados diferentes métodos multicritérios, MAUT (Multi Atribute Utility Theory), AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) e AHP difuso (Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process). Como resultado, é apresentada uma lista priorizada com a ordenação dos itens que devem ser substituídos. / The evolution and convergence of emerging technologies has changed the behavior of audio users' and video consumption. The use of artificial intelligence in the automation of content creation and editing processes has increased over the years. Augmented reality solutions, already widespread on computing platforms, are being used in television studio environments to enrich and make television shows more attractive. The distribution of content through streaming and multiple screens has demanded changes in the way distribution of content of the media operators. The consumer's approach to content creators is generating segmentation of the subscription format for satellite and cable TV operations. All of these changes, linked with the instability of the financial markets, have generated a shift in production models, creating factors that impact the competitive environment of the industry. In this way, the present work has the objective of developing and applying a model for prioritizing the replacement of technological infrastructure in media industries using multicriteria methods, in order to identify in which equipment or systems investments should be made for replacement. The model proposes to generate a tree of hierarchy based on the criteria defined by specialists of the impacted areas, that is applied in a database that contains the assets of the company. In order to define the weights of the criteria, different multi-criteria methods, MAUT (Multi Atribute Utility Theory), AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) and Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) are used. As a result, a prioritized list is presented with the ordering of items that need to be replaced.

Sistemática para avaliação e priorização de opções de investimento aplicada ao franchising

Silveira, Fernando Mynarski January 2017 (has links)
O Franchising apresentou um crescimento expressivo no Brasil nas últimas duas décadas. O principal marco regulatório se deu com o advento da Lei 8.955 de 1994. Tal crescimento é expresso tanto em número de franquias instaladas, quanto na diversidade dos segmentos das mesmas. Em função disso, uma questão recorrente é justamente saber à qual franquia o pretenso franqueado deve aderir dada uma gama de opções colocada à sua disposição pelo mercado. Com o objetivo de auxiliar a solução desse problema, o presente trabalho propõe uma sistemática baseada no uso de método multicritério e simulação. Primeiramente são identificados tanto na literatura, quanto em coleta de informações provenientes de trabalhos de campo, os critérios balizadores da escolha de franquias. Posteriormente e com base nestes critérios, realizam-se análises de cunho econômico financeiro onde geram-se como produtos dois rankings: Um proveniente do uso de método de decisão multicritério e outro proveniente de avaliação rentabilidade-risco realizada através do uso de simulação. Assim, considerando semelhanças e diferenças entre esses dois rankings, um pretenso franqueado poderia, seguindo esta proposta de sistemática estruturada, optar pela adesão à franquia mais atraente. Essa é a principal contribuição de cunho prático. Já a principal contribuição de cunho acadêmico é suprir lacunas existentes na literatura, principalmente pelo fato de tratar o assunto franchising conjugado com o uso de métodos estatísticos e matemáticos. / In the last two decades franchising has grown significantly in Brazil. The main regulation mark occurred with the advent of 8.955/1994 Franchise Law. Such growth is expressed both in the number of franchises installed as well in the diversity of their segments. Accordingly, a recurring issue is the question to which franchise the prospective franchisee must choose considering a range of options at its disposal in the market. With the objective of helping to solve this problem, the present work proposes a system based on the use of multicriteria method and simulation. Firstly, the criteria for choosing franchises are identified both in the literature and in the collection of information from work fields. Subsequently, based on these criteria, economic and financial analysis is carried out where two rankings are generated as products: One deriving from the use of a multi-criteria decision method and the other one from a profitability-risk valuation carried out through the use of simulation. Thus, considering similarities and differences between these two rankings, a prospective franchisee could, following this proposal of structured system choose the most attractive franchise. This is the main practical contribution since the main benefit of academic nature is to fill gaps in the literature, mainly to deal with the franchising subject in conjunction with the use of statistical and mathematical methods.

The Challenge for Practitioners to Adopt Requirement Prioritization Techniques in Practice

Ji, Yuan, Zheng, Hengyuan January 2019 (has links)
Background: Requirements prioritization and its technique is still an important research topic. However, industry adoption of its techniques is still lack of research and has many challenges. As well, this topic involves the technology transfer. Objectives: The objective of this study is to find what challenges for practitioner to adopt requirement prioritization techniques in practice. Methods: We use a literature review and twice interview-based surveys. The literature review studies requirement prioritization techniques in literature. The 1st interview studies the status of practitioner’s used techniques and 2nd interview studies the practitioner’s idea towards recommended techniques in literature as well as adoption challenges. The data of interview is mainly analyzed by thematic analysis. Results: The literature review presents the procedure of 49 requirement prioritization techniques in literatures. The 1st time interview presents the technique procedures and other conditions of 11 practitioners. With above 2 results, we find the technique recommended to these 11 interviewees and then conduct the 2nd time interview to discover more interviewees’ ideas and the challenges of technique adoption, which are also compared with related works. Conclusions: Overall, there are many challenges for practitioner to adopt the requirement prioritization technique. As an independent subject, the practitioner’s adoption of prioritization technique still needs to be studied further: 1. Studying this subject needs to involve the scope of technology transfer; 2. Some challenges in requirement prioritization can also hamper the practitioner’s technique adoption and should be alleviated separately.

Proposta de método ágil de análise multicriterial aplicado em processos operacionais dinâmicos / Proposal for agile multicriteria analyses method applied in dynamic operational processes

Paes, Lucas Correia Gonçalves January 2013 (has links)
A aplicação de metodologias de análise multicriterial já é utilizada há décadas para análise de investimentos de alto capital, e continuam sendo ferramentas de referência para tomadas de decisão nas organizações em todo mundo. Contudo, não só grandes investimentos são influênciados por variáveis que interagem entre si e precisam ser levadas em consideração numa tomada de decisão acertada. No dia-a-dia de uma empresa, em diversos setores, decisões de menores impactos são tomadas sem que um método de análise multicriterial seja adotado para tal escolha. No entanto, quando somadas, essas decisões de menores impactos acabam por influênciar no resultado geral da empresa. O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi desenvolver um método ágil de análise multicriterial que possa ser facilmente adaptado e aplicado em processos operacionais dinâmicos, comuns na rotina de grandes empresas, auxiliando nas tomadas de decisões em níveis mais baixos da organização. O método proposto foi aplicado em dois diferentes processos de uma empresa multinacional do setor de mineração. No primeiro processo foi avaliada a priorização da implantação de projetos de melhoria, onde ideias de empregados são transformadas em projetos que geram ganhos para a empresa. No segundo processo de programação da manutenção, o método auxiliou na priorização da execução de serviços de manutenção quando existem limitações de recursos. O método proposto combina a utilização de ferramentas de diversos métodos já consagrados com a adoção de soluções criativas para atender a dinamicidade dos processos avaliados. / Multicriteria analysis methodologies have been used for decades to analyze substantial capital investment alternatives, and continue to be a reference tool for capital budgeting decision making in organizations. Small investments are also influenced by several variables that need to be taken into account in assertive decision making. Minor impacts decisions are taken without using a method of multicriteria analysis and when all this decisions are combined, they influence the overall result of the company. The objective of this research is to develop a multi-criteria analysis method agile that can be easily adapted and applied to different operation dynamic process, usual in large businesses routine, helping decision making at lower levels of the organization. The proposed method was applied in two different processes of a multinational company in the mining sector. In the first case the process of prioritization projects method was studied, where ideas of employees were transformed into smaller projects that generate profit for the company. In the second case, maintenance scheduling, the method helped to prioritize the execution of maintenance services when there are resource limitation. The proposed method combines tools of renowned methods with creative solutions to help a decision making in dynamics processes.

Combinatorial-Based Prioritization For User-Session-Based Test Suites

Manchester, Schuyler 01 May 2012 (has links)
Software defects caused by inadequate software testing can cost billions of dollars. Further, web application defects can be costly due to the fact that most web applications handle constant user interaction. However, software testing is often under time and budget constraints. By improving the time efficiency of software testing, many of the costs associated with defects can be saved. Current methods for web application testing can take too long to generate test suites. In addition, studies have shown that user-session-based test suites often find faults missed by other testing techniques. This project addresses this problem by utilizing existing user sessions for web application testing. The software testing method provided within this project utilizes previous knowledge about combinatorial coverage testing and improves time and computer memory efficiency by only considering test cases that exist in a user-session based test suite. The method takes the existing test suite and prioritizes the test cases based on a specific combinatorial criterion. In addition, this project presents an empirical study examining the application of the newly proposed combinatorial prioritization algorithm on an existing web application.

Praktisk ledarskapserfarenhet - ändrar det prioriteringen av ledarskapsfärdigheter? : En fallstudie av studentorganisationen AIESEC.

Hamid, Khasrow Pero, Gustafsson, Emelie January 2009 (has links)
<p>Enligt rapporten "Akademi eller Verklighet?" skriven av Svenskt Näringsliv saknar många akademiker en god kontakt med arbetslivet under sina studier. Rapporten poängterar att svenska universitets och högskolors samverkan med arbetslivet är bristande och är i behov av förbättring. Detta då bristande arbetslivskontakt under studier kan resultera i att akademiker inte anses vara lika attraktiva på arbetsmarknaden som de akademiker som anser sig ha haft god kontakt med arbetslivet under sina studier.</p><p>Att akademiker som upplevt en god samverkan under sina studier gör dem mer eftertraktade på arbetsmarknaden tyder på att en positiv förändring sker hos en person som har upplevt en god kontakt med arbetslivet och fått praktisk erfarenhet i ett yrke.</p><p>Denna uppsats ämnar analysera huruvida en förändring sker i studenters prioritering av ledarskapsfärdigheter efter att praktiskt fått utöva ledarskap i form av en yrkespraktik. Uppsatsen har vidare som ansats att analysera huruvida de eventuellt ändrade prioriteringarna kan härledas till specifika situationer som upplevts under praktikperioden.</p><p>Uppsatsen utgår från ett hermeneutiskt synsätt och är en fallstudie då uppsatsen har som avsikt att djupgående beskriva och analysera det generella undersökningsproblemet genom att kvalitativt studera studentorganisationen AIESEC. Detta genom att sex intervjuer med studenter som alla besitter ledarskapspositioner, i form av en yrkespraktik, inom organisationen genomfördes. Undersökningen har även en kvantitativ ansats då en enkätundersökning bland studenter som saknar erfarenhet inom ledarskap genomförts för att kunna jämföra prioriteringen av ledarskapsfärdigheter hos studenter som saknar och studenter som praktiskt utövar ledarskap i form av en yrkespraktik.</p><p>För att kunna analysera data erhållen genom undersökningen samt kunna besvara undersökningsfrågan valdes teorier inom området lärande genom erfarenhet samt en modell angående ledarskapsfärdigheter. David Kolbs teori</p><p>Experiential Learning och teorin Action-Observation-Reflection Model är två teorier som författarna av denna uppsats har utgått ifrån för att bättre kunna förklara den eventuella förändringen och härledningen av denna. Teorierna användes även när enkäten och intervjuguiden konstruerades. Vidare användes även ett antal ledarskapsfärdigheter som Hughes, Ginnett och Curphy beskriver i boken Leadership – Enhancing the Lesson of Experience som stöd för undersökningen.</p><p>Efter att undersökningens insamlade data analyserats kunde det tydas att en förändring i prioriteringen av ledarskapsfärdigheter tycks ske då en yrkespraktik inom ledarskap genomgås. Undersökningen tyder på att de studenter som saknar praktisk erfarenhet inom ledarskap prioriterar färdigheten lyhördhet högt medan de studenter som praktiskt utövar ledarskap i form av en yrkespraktik istället tycks prioritera färdigheten motivation. Trots att även likheter i prioriteringen av ledarskapsfärdigheter påträffades mellan studenter som saknar och studenter som praktiskt utövar ledarskap i form av en yrkespraktik tyder bland annat härledningen av prioriteringen av ledarskapsfärdigheter som studenter som praktiskt utövar ledarskap gör att deras prioritering har påverkats av erfarenheten som yrkespraktiken erbjudit. Undersökningen visade att studenters prioritering av ledarskapsfärdigheter tycks kunna härledas till situationer som upplevts eller upplevs i deras ledarskapsposition inom AIESEC samt till tidigare ledares bristande respektive lyckade ledarskap.</p> / <p>According to the report "Akademi eller Verklighet?" written by the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise do many academics lack good contact with the working life during their studies which has resulted in the problem of academics not being desired by employers. The fact that academics that have had a good contact with the working life during their studies are more desired by employers than those academics who did not consider themselves to have a good contact with the working life during their studies shows that a positive change seems to occur when someone undergoes a practical experience within a profession.</p><p>This Bachelor thesis has the purpose to analyze whether a change occur in students prioritization of leadership skills due to a practical experience of leadership in terms of an internship. The thesis aims further to analyze whether one can derive the possible change in students prioritization of leadership skills to situations experienced during the internship in the field of leadership.</p><p>The thesis proceeds from a hermeneutic view and is a qualitative case study since the thesis has the purpose to analyze and describe the research question by studying the student organization AIESEC. The research consists of one questionnaire study among students that lack practical experience in the field of leadership and six interviews with students that practice leadership within the student organization AIESEC. This enables a comparison between the prioritization of students that lack ctical experience of leadership and students that practice leadership in terms of an internship.</p><p>The theories Experiential learning and Action-Observation-Reflection Model and a model regarding leadership skills were used when the questionnaire and the interview guide were constructed and when the information received from the research were analyzed. The theories where also used when the research question was answered.</p><p>After the information received from the research had been analyzed one could interpret that a change in the prioritization of leadership skills seems to occur due to an internship in the field of leadership. One could also interpret from the study that the prioritization of leadership skills derives from situations experienced during the practical experience of leadership and also from previous leaders lacking or successful leadership.</p>

Who Matters?! : External stakeholder analysis in projects

Bothén, Niklas, Brantås, Erik, Stening, Carl Johan January 2010 (has links)
<p>Stakeholder management is a topic that has received increased attention in later years. Researchers have tried to answer the question of which stakeholders that really matters to organizations and developed ways for identifying and prioritizing among stakeholders. This thesis fills a void in academia by looking exclusively on external stakeholders in large and complex projects such as the construction of power plants. The thesis investigates the approach towards external stakeholders as well as the process of identifying and prioritizing external stakeholders in this specific setting. By using attributes identified in earlier research, a theoretical framework was created that was used to investigate two of Sweden’s largest companies through a qualitative case study. The thesis describe how stakeholder identification and prioritization occurs in the different case companies and ultimately contribute with a new model that can be used by managers to prioritize among external stakeholder in organizational projects.</p>

Who Matters?! : External stakeholder analysis in projects

Bothén, Niklas, Brantås, Erik, Stening, Carl Johan January 2010 (has links)
Stakeholder management is a topic that has received increased attention in later years. Researchers have tried to answer the question of which stakeholders that really matters to organizations and developed ways for identifying and prioritizing among stakeholders. This thesis fills a void in academia by looking exclusively on external stakeholders in large and complex projects such as the construction of power plants. The thesis investigates the approach towards external stakeholders as well as the process of identifying and prioritizing external stakeholders in this specific setting. By using attributes identified in earlier research, a theoretical framework was created that was used to investigate two of Sweden’s largest companies through a qualitative case study. The thesis describe how stakeholder identification and prioritization occurs in the different case companies and ultimately contribute with a new model that can be used by managers to prioritize among external stakeholder in organizational projects.

Praktisk ledarskapserfarenhet - ändrar det prioriteringen av ledarskapsfärdigheter? : En fallstudie av studentorganisationen AIESEC.

Hamid, Khasrow Pero, Gustafsson, Emelie January 2009 (has links)
Enligt rapporten "Akademi eller Verklighet?" skriven av Svenskt Näringsliv saknar många akademiker en god kontakt med arbetslivet under sina studier. Rapporten poängterar att svenska universitets och högskolors samverkan med arbetslivet är bristande och är i behov av förbättring. Detta då bristande arbetslivskontakt under studier kan resultera i att akademiker inte anses vara lika attraktiva på arbetsmarknaden som de akademiker som anser sig ha haft god kontakt med arbetslivet under sina studier. Att akademiker som upplevt en god samverkan under sina studier gör dem mer eftertraktade på arbetsmarknaden tyder på att en positiv förändring sker hos en person som har upplevt en god kontakt med arbetslivet och fått praktisk erfarenhet i ett yrke. Denna uppsats ämnar analysera huruvida en förändring sker i studenters prioritering av ledarskapsfärdigheter efter att praktiskt fått utöva ledarskap i form av en yrkespraktik. Uppsatsen har vidare som ansats att analysera huruvida de eventuellt ändrade prioriteringarna kan härledas till specifika situationer som upplevts under praktikperioden. Uppsatsen utgår från ett hermeneutiskt synsätt och är en fallstudie då uppsatsen har som avsikt att djupgående beskriva och analysera det generella undersökningsproblemet genom att kvalitativt studera studentorganisationen AIESEC. Detta genom att sex intervjuer med studenter som alla besitter ledarskapspositioner, i form av en yrkespraktik, inom organisationen genomfördes. Undersökningen har även en kvantitativ ansats då en enkätundersökning bland studenter som saknar erfarenhet inom ledarskap genomförts för att kunna jämföra prioriteringen av ledarskapsfärdigheter hos studenter som saknar och studenter som praktiskt utövar ledarskap i form av en yrkespraktik. För att kunna analysera data erhållen genom undersökningen samt kunna besvara undersökningsfrågan valdes teorier inom området lärande genom erfarenhet samt en modell angående ledarskapsfärdigheter. David Kolbs teori Experiential Learning och teorin Action-Observation-Reflection Model är två teorier som författarna av denna uppsats har utgått ifrån för att bättre kunna förklara den eventuella förändringen och härledningen av denna. Teorierna användes även när enkäten och intervjuguiden konstruerades. Vidare användes även ett antal ledarskapsfärdigheter som Hughes, Ginnett och Curphy beskriver i boken Leadership – Enhancing the Lesson of Experience som stöd för undersökningen. Efter att undersökningens insamlade data analyserats kunde det tydas att en förändring i prioriteringen av ledarskapsfärdigheter tycks ske då en yrkespraktik inom ledarskap genomgås. Undersökningen tyder på att de studenter som saknar praktisk erfarenhet inom ledarskap prioriterar färdigheten lyhördhet högt medan de studenter som praktiskt utövar ledarskap i form av en yrkespraktik istället tycks prioritera färdigheten motivation. Trots att även likheter i prioriteringen av ledarskapsfärdigheter påträffades mellan studenter som saknar och studenter som praktiskt utövar ledarskap i form av en yrkespraktik tyder bland annat härledningen av prioriteringen av ledarskapsfärdigheter som studenter som praktiskt utövar ledarskap gör att deras prioritering har påverkats av erfarenheten som yrkespraktiken erbjudit. Undersökningen visade att studenters prioritering av ledarskapsfärdigheter tycks kunna härledas till situationer som upplevts eller upplevs i deras ledarskapsposition inom AIESEC samt till tidigare ledares bristande respektive lyckade ledarskap. / According to the report "Akademi eller Verklighet?" written by the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise do many academics lack good contact with the working life during their studies which has resulted in the problem of academics not being desired by employers. The fact that academics that have had a good contact with the working life during their studies are more desired by employers than those academics who did not consider themselves to have a good contact with the working life during their studies shows that a positive change seems to occur when someone undergoes a practical experience within a profession. This Bachelor thesis has the purpose to analyze whether a change occur in students prioritization of leadership skills due to a practical experience of leadership in terms of an internship. The thesis aims further to analyze whether one can derive the possible change in students prioritization of leadership skills to situations experienced during the internship in the field of leadership. The thesis proceeds from a hermeneutic view and is a qualitative case study since the thesis has the purpose to analyze and describe the research question by studying the student organization AIESEC. The research consists of one questionnaire study among students that lack practical experience in the field of leadership and six interviews with students that practice leadership within the student organization AIESEC. This enables a comparison between the prioritization of students that lack ctical experience of leadership and students that practice leadership in terms of an internship. The theories Experiential learning and Action-Observation-Reflection Model and a model regarding leadership skills were used when the questionnaire and the interview guide were constructed and when the information received from the research were analyzed. The theories where also used when the research question was answered. After the information received from the research had been analyzed one could interpret that a change in the prioritization of leadership skills seems to occur due to an internship in the field of leadership. One could also interpret from the study that the prioritization of leadership skills derives from situations experienced during the practical experience of leadership and also from previous leaders lacking or successful leadership.

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