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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Processo e produção do infográfico em sala de aula

Diego de Magalhães Barreto 29 April 2013 (has links)
Vivemos em uma sociedade contemporânea que passa por inúmeras mudanças econômicas, sociais, políticas, culturais e educacionais. As novas tecnologias estão presentes no dia a dia das pessoas: na vida pessoal, no trabalho, na escola, entre outras esferas da sociedade. Nesse mundo tecnológico, a escola está presente, preparando os futuros cidadãos tanto para a compreensão (leitura) do que lhes é apresentado quanto para a produção escrita de novas informações. Vinculada à Linguística Aplicada (LA), a presente pesquisa se fundamenta nas noções de letramento e de gêneros discursivos, sob a perspectiva bakhtiniana, que tem uma função específica na sociedade e no mundo social. Considerando tanto os aspectos relacionados ao estilo, à forma composicional e ao conteúdo temático, quanto seu uso (público-alvo, objetivo do autor, entre muitos outros), o presente trabalho versa sobre o uso do infográfico na sala de aula, não só como instrumento de inserção social do sujeito-aluno nas práticas sociais mais amplas, mas também como instrumento de ensino na sala de aula pelo professor. Com isso, nosso objetivo é descrever a atividade de produção de infográficos desenvolvida em sala de aula (leitura e produção em software de editoração e edição de imagens) em uma turma de Curso Técnico de Informática para Internet. Sobre o processo de aprendizagem dos alunos e sobre a realização do gênero infográfico, ao longo do experimento, buscamos saber quais as marcas linguísticas encontradas nos diários retrospectivos durante o processo de realização dos infográficos apontavam para o esclarecimento dos sujeitos acerca da atividade e acerca da aprendizagem do gênero infográfico; como o produto final (infográfico) se apresentava em relação ao planejamento individual/dos grupos; e como a atividade transcorreu dentro de um enfoque teórico de práticas letradas e dialógicas para o ensino de gêneros. Como metodologia, é apresentada uma pesquisa etnográfica realizada numa turma de uma escola técnica estadual da região paulista do Vale do Paraíba. A realização da prática concretizou-se dentro de um Projeto Educacional, o qual parte do ponto de vista de um processo organizado e vinculado ao conhecimento prévio dos alunos. Após o experimento, chegamos a algumas conclusões: 1) o uso de Projetos Educacionais, por relacionar-se à produção de gêneros, é uma prática inovadora por inserir os sujeitos em práticas de comunicação comuns na sociedade; 2) a atividade com participação do aluno na escolha de tema leva ao prazer e ao engajamento do próprio aluno; 3) a percepção de autoria, quando vivenciada, faz com que os alunos se percebam em relação ao outro; 4) o entendimento de gênero em seus elementos constitutivos leva os alunos a serem mais sensíveis ao processo de produção escrita; 5) o planejamento das ações feito pelos alunos propicia autocontrole; 6) o papel do professor como mediador é mais amplo que o papel do professor como público-alvo e altera positivamente a relação professor-aluno; e 7) a dialogia, o letramento ideológico e os aspectos processuais vivenciados em sala de aula geram mais responsabilidade, novos papéis sociais e empoderamento. / We have lived in a contemporary society that goes through several economic, social, political, cultural and educational changes. The new technologies are in all peoples daily life: in personal life, at work, at school, among other spheres of the society. In this technological world, the school is present, preparing future citizens both for the comprehension (reading) of what we present to them as for the written production of new information. Linked to the Applied Linguistics (AL), this research is based on the literacy notions and discursive genres, from Bakhtins perspective, that has a specific function in the society and in the social world. Considering as much the aspects related to style, compositional form and thematic content, as also its use (target audience, authors purpose etc.), this paper is about the use of the infographic in the classroom, not only as a students insertion tool in the widest social practices, but also as a teaching tool in the classroom used by the teacher. Therefore, our goal is to describe the activity of infographic production developed in the classroom (reading and production in publishing software and image edition) in a Technical Course class for Internet Computing. As regards to the students learning process and the production of the infographic genre, along the experiment, we intend to know what are the linguistic markings found in the retrospective diaries during the process of making the infographics, how they contributed to the clarification of the individuals towards the activity and the genre infographic learning; how the final product (infographic) presented itself in relation to the individual/groups planning; and how the activity occurred in the theoretical approach of the literacy and dialogical practices for the genres teaching. As methodology, it is presented an ethnographic research performed in a technical school class in Vale do Paraíba, region of São Paulo State. The performance of this practice became true within an Educational Project, which is based on the point of view of an organized process and linked to the students prior knowledge. After the experiment, we came to some conclusions: 1) the use of Educational Projects, when they are related to genres production, is an innovative practice; it inserts the individuals in communication practices common in the society; 2) the activity with the students participation in the choice of the theme, leads to their satisfaction and to the self-engagement; 3) the authorship perception, when self-experienced, makes the students notice each other; 4) the understanding of gender in its constitutive elements makes the students more sensitive to the writing production process; 5) the action planning made by the students provides self-control; 6) the teachers role as a mediator is more expanded than its role as a target audience, and it positively alters the relationship between the teacher-student; and 7) the dialogism, the ideological literacy and the procedural aspects experienced in the classroom produce more responsibility, new social roles and empowerment.

Optimalizace malých elektrických strojů / Small Electrical Machines Optimization

Koutný, Ondřej January 2008 (has links)
Elektrické stroje se používají v mnoha oblastech života spo¬lečnosti a vyrábí se ve velkém množství a sortimentu. Jedním z nejvíce používaných druhů jsou elektrické stroje malého výkonu na malé a nízké napětí. V širším smyslu názvem malé elektrické stroje označujeme takové stroje, které mají výkon menší než 1 kW (1000 W). Z hlediska užití můžeme rozdělit malé elektrické stroje na stroje pro obecnou potřebu a pro automatizační zařízení. Jedním z nejvíce frekventovaných druhů malých elektrických strojů jsou elektrické stroje na malé napětí, t.zn. na jmenovité napětí do 50 V.

Virtuelle und experimentelle Methoden bei der Produktentwicklung einer Handhabungseinheit zur automatisierten Ablage technischer Textilien

Richrath, Marvin, Thoben, Klaus-Dieter, Franke, Jan, Ohlendorf, Jan-Hendrik January 2016 (has links)
Inhalt In diesem Beitrag wird die Kombination von virtuellen und experimentellen Methoden im Produktentwicklungsprozess am Beispiel einer Handhabungseinheit zur automatisierten Ablage technischer Textilien thematisiert. Um das Automatisierungspotenzial in den Fertigungsprozessen zum Aufbau von Faserverbundstrukturen zu erschließen, entwickelt das Institut für integrierte Produktentwicklung (BIK) seit längerem Handhabungseinheiten für technische Textilien. Eine automatisierte Fertigung soll die Reproduzierbarkeit und die Qualität von Bauteilen erhöhen, um z.B. den Beanspruchungen bei größer werdenden Rotorblättern von Windenergieanlagen gerecht zu werden. Ein weiteres Ziel der Automatisierung besteht in der Reduzierung von Prozesszeiten und Fertigungskosten, um den Fertigungsstandort Deutschland in Zukunft attraktiv zu gestalten. Die erfolgreiche Umsetzung der Produktentwicklung erfolgt am BIK unter kombinierter Anwendung von virtuellen und experimentellen Methoden. Insbesondere bei der Handhabung von technischen Textilien, deren biege- und schubweichen Materialeigenschaften nur mit hohem Aufwand in einer virtuellen Umgebung abgebildet werden können, ist das Durchführen von experimentellen Methoden bei komplex ablaufenden dynamischen Prozessen notwendig, um nicht vorhersehbares Materialverhalten zu identifizieren.

La production des discours électoraux comme configuration des mythes politiques européens : Une analyse comparative des programmes électoraux européens, français et chypriotes pour les élections du Parlement européen de 2009. / The production of electoral discourses as the configuration of European myths : A comparative analysis of European, French and Cypriot manifestos of the European Parliament elections of 2009.

Trimithiotis, Dimitris 11 October 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse se donne pour objectif de questionner l’idée de la non existence d’« Europe politique ». Les programmes électoraux sont mis au centre de cette recherche. Ils permettent l’analyse du politique à la fois dans sa dimension cognitive et pragmatique. La première dimension est examinée à travers les mythes que ces discours construisent. La deuxième est examinée à partir des configurations de la production des programmes. L’analyse du rapport dialogique de ces deux dimensions permet de démystifier le politique européen. Les constats sont issus d’une enquête comparative des programmes des élections européennes de 2009, prenant en compte des partis et des contextes nationaux différents. Si ces programmes présentent des proximités importantes qui renforcent l’idée d’une « technocratisation du politique », les programmes construisent également des mythes diversifiés selon leur appartenance partisane et selon leur origine culturelle. Ils construisent des situations de « mésentente », condition fondamentale pour le politique. L’Europe politique existe ! Cette thèse va au-delà de cette affirmation afin de discuter les modalités de l’existence et de la production de ce politique. Elle montre que les mythes produits s’articulent avec le mode d’action des parlementaires au sein de l’UE, l’origine des participants dans les processus de production des programmes. Les résultats mettent en avant aussi que les mythes produits au niveau européen ne circulent pas de la même manière dans tous les États-membres : ils dépendent des enjeux locaux et sont inscrits dans des rapports symboliques qui cadrent les relations entre les « grands » et les « petits » de l’Europe. / The aim of this thesis is to question the idea of a "political Europe". The electoral platforms are placed at the centre of this research. They enable the analysis of “the political” in its double dimension: cognitive and pragmatic. The first dimension is examined through the myths that these discourses construct, the second through the configuration of the production of the platforms. The analysis of the dialogic relation between these two dimensions contributes to demystifying the myths of Europe. The findings are drawn from a comparative study of the programs of the elections of 2009, taking into account different parties and national contexts. These electoral programs contain important similarities which reinforce the idea of a “technocratisation of politics”. But the programs also produce various and contradictory myths, according to party affiliation and to cultural origins. They produce situations of “dissensus”, a fundamental condition for the political. The conclusion is that political Europe does exist. However, this thesis goes beyond this statement and opens the discussion on the modalities of existence, production and recontextualisation of this political. It shows that the constructed myths can be articulated as part of the activities within the European Parliament, the origin of participants in the process of production of electoral programs. The results also highlight that the myths constructed at the European Union level do not circulate and are not re-contextualised in the same way in all member-states: they depend on and are mediated via local issues and are embedded in the symbolic relations between the grands and the petits of Europe.

Automatizace obrábění hliníkových odlitků / Automation of machining of the aluminum castings

Filistein, Jakub January 2017 (has links)
The diploma work focuses on designing an automated machining, finishing and assembly line. Described in the chapters are the current technology of production, suggestions, the choice of a new solution and a technological-economical evaluation including capacitive and costs of running the production line and a comparison with the current technology. The result is proof that the return of the investment is roughly in one third.

Obrábění odlitku převodovky na CNC stroji / Machining of the gear-box casting on a CNC machine

Hložek, Milan January 2018 (has links)
The master’s thesis focuses on the machining of a chosen gearbox on a CNC machine. The theoretical part deals with gearboxes in general and the aluminium alloy from which a selected gearbox is manufactured. In the practical part, the machining of the gearbox is proposed according to the corresponding drawing. Gradually suitable machines are selected, then depending on their limits, clamping devices are designed, next a set of tools is selected and an NC program is generated. The technological process of production is proposed and the basic production costs are calculated.

Návrh automatizované kontroly výrobků na výrobní lince / Project of automated product control on production line

Pelcl, Milan January 2009 (has links)
This work deals with analysis one of the production lines at ModusLink Czech Republic s.r.o. It seeks to find possibilities for automation of different processes on the line, currently performed manually. The basic focus is to find the appropriate technical solutions to the automated control of the designated production line. The work seeks to describe all meaningful solutions and compare their advantages and disadvantages. From this comparison of the final proposal is based on comprehensive solutions with the use of machine vision. Another point is the selection of a suitable contractor for the implementation of the proposal, making its advantage in economic terms and the resulting recommendations, if implemented the proposal.

Модел за обезбеђење унапређења процеса производње и лансирање новог производа у предузећима малосеријског типа производње на територији Републике Србије / Model za obezbeđenje unapređenja procesa proizvodnje i lansiranje novog proizvoda u preduzećima maloserijskog tipa proizvodnje na teritoriji Republike Srbije / The model for providing improvement of the manufacturing process andthe launch of new product in small-scale production enterprises on theterritory of the Republic of Serbia

Vorkapić Miloš 22 March 2016 (has links)
<p>У овом раду приказан је модел за<br />обезбеђење унапређења процеса<br />производње у предузећима<br />малосеријског типа производње на<br />територији Републике Србије. Модел је<br />тестиран у малосеријској производњи.<br />Веродостојност модела се огледа кроз:<br />дефинисање основних функција,<br />дефинисање фактора окружења, значај<br />ресурса, анализу улаза и излаза у<br />процесу малосеријске производње.<br />Модел даје решење за унапређење<br />конкурентске способности домаћих<br />предузећа при освајању и лансирању<br />новог производа. Модел је применљив у<br />предузећима на територији Републике<br />Србије чије се пословање заснива на<br />истом или сличном технолошком<br />поступку. На основу података<br />истраживања евидентирани су пробеми у<br />предузећима са малосеријском<br />производњом: знање појединаца, подела<br />и реализација задатака, неусклађеност<br />послова, трошкови операција, слаба<br />комуникација са потрошачима, давање<br />одложеног плаћања.</p> / <p>U ovom radu prikazan je model za<br />obezbeđenje unapređenja procesa<br />proizvodnje u preduzećima<br />maloserijskog tipa proizvodnje na<br />teritoriji Republike Srbije. Model je<br />testiran u maloserijskoj proizvodnji.<br />Verodostojnost modela se ogleda kroz:<br />definisanje osnovnih funkcija,<br />definisanje faktora okruženja, značaj<br />resursa, analizu ulaza i izlaza u<br />procesu maloserijske proizvodnje.<br />Model daje rešenje za unapređenje<br />konkurentske sposobnosti domaćih<br />preduzeća pri osvajanju i lansiranju<br />novog proizvoda. Model je primenljiv u<br />preduzećima na teritoriji Republike<br />Srbije čije se poslovanje zasniva na<br />istom ili sličnom tehnološkom<br />postupku. Na osnovu podataka<br />istraživanja evidentirani su probemi u<br />preduzećima sa maloserijskom<br />proizvodnjom: znanje pojedinaca, podela<br />i realizacija zadataka, neusklađenost<br />poslova, troškovi operacija, slaba<br />komunikacija sa potrošačima, davanje<br />odloženog plaćanja.</p> / <p>This paper shows a model for improvement<br />of manufacturing process in small-scale<br />enterprises on the territory of Republic of<br />Serbia. The model was tested on smallscale<br />production. The validity of the model<br />can be seen through: defining basic<br />functions, defining environmental factors,<br />importance of resources, analysis of input<br />and output in the process of small-scale<br />production. The model provides the<br />solution for improvement of competitive<br />ability of domestic enterprises in<br />conquering and launching a new product.<br />The model is applicable in enterprises on<br />the territory of Republic of Serbia whose<br />business is based on the same or similar<br />technological procedure. Based on research<br />data, problems in enterprises with smallscale<br />production were evident: knowledge<br />of individuals, distribution and realization<br />of the project, mismatch of jobs,<br />operational expenses, poor communication<br />with consumers, granting differed payment.</p>

Aparecida de Goiânia 1963-2010: a consolidação de uma cidade de fronteira / Aparecida de Goiânia 1963-2010: the consolidation of a frontier city

Santos, Genivaldo da Silva 21 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-04-06T12:36:29Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Genivaldo da Silva Santos - 2017.pdf: 8365203 bytes, checksum: b307fc9778c53e3e039e74c031ccdb07 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-04-06T12:37:09Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Genivaldo da Silva Santos - 2017.pdf: 8365203 bytes, checksum: b307fc9778c53e3e039e74c031ccdb07 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-06T12:37:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Genivaldo da Silva Santos - 2017.pdf: 8365203 bytes, checksum: b307fc9778c53e3e039e74c031ccdb07 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-21 / The aparecidense urban expansion occurred from the construction of parcels spread in a disorderly way along its vast territory of 278,539 km ². At the initiative of the public or private power the urban configuration of Aparecida de Goiânia is the result of social actions strongly orchestrated by the Municipal Government. In this context, it is understood that the role played by aparecidense power public from 1963, the year of its emancipation was fundamental for the evolution of its urban space, especially in the frontier regions stage of several institutional conflicts with the capital. This academic research aimed to detect in the city of Aparecida de Goiânia, in the period between 1963 and 2010 the effects of the rapid conurbation process with the capital and the consequences of it in the production of its urban structure. In order to do so, will be analyzed political, economic and social aspects that spatialized, contributed to an exploratory study of the interference or not of the public power as historical agent in the configuration of the urban space. This problematization covers three fundamental points: firstly, making considerations about the city as a centrality in the region and the main characteristics that help the reading and understanding of the city; in a second moment, contextualizing the question of the urban frontier; and finally the municipal public administrations are presented in the period from 2001 to 2010, confronting the objectives of the Master Plan with the laws of zoning policies of the period, highlighting the discussion of aspects related to the redefinition of its urban frontier with the capital. / A expansão urbana aparecidense deu-se a partir da construção de parcelamentos espraiados de maneira desordenada ao longo de seu amplo território de 278.539 km². Por iniciativa do poder público ou privado, a configuração urbanística de Aparecida de Goiânia é o resultado de ações sociais fortemente orquestradas pelo Governo Municipal. Nesse quadro, compreende-se que o papel desempenhado pelo poder público aparecidense a partir de 1963, ano de sua emancipação, foi fundamental para a evolução do seu espaço urbano, especialmente nas regiões de fronteira, palco de diversos conflitos institucionais com a capital. A presente pesquisa acadêmica buscou detectar no município de Aparecida de Goiânia, no período entre 1963 e 2010, os efeitos do rápido processo de conurbação com a capital e as consequências do mesmo na produção de sua estrutura urbana. Para tanto, serão analisados aspectos políticos, econômicos e sociais que espacializados, contribuíram para um estudo exploratório da interferência, ou não, do poder público como agente histórico na configuração do espaço urbano. Essa problematização abrange três pontos fundamentais: primeiramente, tece considerações sobre a cidade enquanto centralidade na região, pontuando as principais características que auxiliam na leitura e compreensão do município; em um segundo momento, contextualiza a questão da fronteira urbana; e, por último, apresenta as administrações públicas municipais, do período de 2001 a 2010, confrontando os objetivos do Plano Diretor às leis de políticas de zoneamento do período, com destaque à discussão dos aspectos relativos à redefinição de sua fronteira urbana com a capital.

Optimalizace objednávek a kontrola stavu kapacit zdrojů ve firmě Formex / Order optimization and validation of resource capacities in company Formex

Voborník, Tomáš January 2008 (has links)
The diploma thesis Order optimization and validation of resource capacities in company Formex s.r.o. is composed from three parts. The first one is an introduction to the types and specifications of production systems. It also follows production planning and control. The second part is dedicated to analysis of the information system WorkPlan and to the analysis of the company Formex s.r.o. (the company structure, the production and the planning process). The possible ways of production planning and order optimization with respect to the use of IS WorkPlan were designed in the third part of the diploma thesis. Consequently the most suitable planning way was selected and the templates with the normalized technological processes were designed. The diploma thesis also contains validation of the proposals and it is enclosed with the recommendation for the future steps in the production planning in the company Formex s.r.o.

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