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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Propuesta de reducción de tiempo de entrega de pedidos en una Mype del sector gráfico en Lima, mediante la utilización de herramientas Lean Manufacturing como VSM, SMED y KANBAN / Lean Manufacturing Model in a Make to Order Environment in the Printing Sector in Peru

Becerra Carrasco, Adriana Maria, Villanueva Parasi, Alessandro Rafael 11 August 2020 (has links)
El sector gráfico en Perú se encuentra constantemente con la necesidad de reducir tiempos de producción al intentar mantenerse dentro del entorno competitivo porque las entregas tardías al cliente ocasionados por el elevado tiempo de fabricación son problemas críticos. Estudios previos han propuesto utilizar la filosofía de Lean Manufacturing para reducir los tiempos de inactividad mejorando el flujo de información dentro de los procesos de producción. Estos estudios se basan en las grandes empresas manufactureras, pero no en las MYPES del sector gráfico que utilizan un entorno de fabricación bajo pedido. Por lo cual, este documento se centra en el uso de la herramienta Lean Manufacturing ajustada en una empresa MYPE con un entorno de fabricación bajo pedido para reducir sus tiempos de fabricación. Por lo tanto, los procesos Kanban, Single Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED) y Value Stream mapping (VSM) se adaptarán para su implementación en este tipo de empresas. Luego, el modelo se valida mediante su aplicación con el programa ARENA basándose en un caso de estudio. Esta simulación de procesos permitió que los tiempos de producción se redujeran en un 24%, entregando todos los pedidos a tiempo y eliminando el 100% de los costos de penalización por pedidos retrasados. / The printing sector in Peru constantly faces the need to reduce production time because late deliveries to the customer owing to high manufacturing time are critical problems. Previous studies have proposed using the lean manufacturing philosophy to reduce idle times by improving the flow of information within the production processes in large manufacturing companies but not printing SMEs using these tools in a make-to-order environment. This document focuses on implementing an affordable lean manufacturing model in an SME company with a make-to-order environment to reduce its manufacturing times. Therefore, the Kanban, Single Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED), and value stream mapping (VSM) processes will be adapted for implementation in these companies. Then, the model is validated through its application in a case study; through process simulation, production times were reduced by 24% for an SME, delivering all orders on time, and eliminating 100% penalty costs for late orders. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Modelo Lean Manufacturing de mejora de procesos para lograr el cumplimiento del programa de producción de una empresa dedicada a la fabricación de muebles

Paredes Casado, Miguel Angel, Villa Castro, José Manuel 27 August 2020 (has links)
En la actualidad, cada vez es mayor la cantidad de personas que opta por alquilar o comprar una vivienda. Junto a esa demanda, se activa el sector mobiliario, el cual es requerido para que gracias a la oferta de sus productos puedan equipar este nuevo espacio. La empresa Decorec SAC se encarga de la fabricación de sillas, muebles, sofás entre otros productos para el hogar, y totalmente personalizados. Actualmente, presenta diversos inconvenientes con los cumplimientos del programa de producción en los tiempos establecidos, que se reflejan en entregas tardías al cliente, generando penalidades y la utilización de recursos extras. El presente proyecto muestra que el modelo de propuesta de mejora basado en la metodología Lean Manufacturing, es capaz de revertir la situación actual. La metodología inicia con el diagnóstico VSM (Value Stream Mapping) con el fin de encontrar el proceso cuello de botella de la situación actual, para ello nos apoyamos en la toma de tiempos de cada proceso relacionado al producto en evaluación. Con el cuello de botella detectado y el análisis del problema, se establece el procedimiento a seguir para lograr la solución. Las etapas de la propuesta de mejora están definidas por: Selección de nuevo proveedor de materia prima, Formación en Lean Manufacturing, Balance de Línea, Aplicación de Sistema 5s, Implementación Andon, Implementación Poka Yoke, Implementación de Priorización de Pedidos y Optimización del Uso de Materia Prima. La metodología fue validada en una simulación empleando el Software Arena. Y gracias a los resultados se pudo comprobar importantes ahorros en tiempos, costos y disminuciones en los envíos tardíos hacia los clientes, además de lograrse la implementación de buenas prácticas en la gestión de los procesos de la empresa. / Today, more and more people are choosing to rent or buy a home. Along with this demand, the furniture sector is activated, which is required to equip this new space thanks to the supply of their products. The company Decorec SAC manufactures chairs, furniture and sofas, among other products for the home, which are totally personalized. Currently, it has several disadvantages with the fulfillment of the production program in the established times, which are reflected in late deliveries to the customer, generating penalties and the use of extra resources. This project shows that the improvement proposal model based on the Lean Manufacturing methodology is capable of reversing the current situation. The methodology starts with the VSM (Value Stream Mapping) diagnosis in order to find the bottleneck process of the current situation. To do this, we rely on the timing of each process related to the product under evaluation. With the bottleneck detected and the analysis of the problem, the procedure to be followed to achieve the solution is established. The stages of the improvement proposal are defined by: Selection of new raw material supplier, Training in Lean Manufacturing, Line Balance, Application of 5s System, Andon Implementation, Poka Yoke Implementation, Implementation of Order Prioritization and Optimization of Raw Material Use. The methodology was validated in a simulation using Arena Software. And thanks to the results, it was possible to verify important savings in time, costs and decreases in late shipments to customers, in addition to achieving the implementation of good practices in the management of business processes. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Sistema de Información para la Gestión de Eventos en la Misión Peruana Central Sur / Information system for the realization of events in the South Central Peruvian Mission

Lapa Paucarima, Sergio Marcelino, Ortiz Huaman, Hamilton Donayre 22 November 2019 (has links)
El presente proyecto profesional “SISTEMA DE INFORMACIÓN PARA LA GESTIÓN DE EVENTOS EN LA MISIÓN PERUANA CENTRAL SUR” tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de un sistema para la Misión Peruana Central Sur (MPCS) con la finalidad de planificar, ejecutar y controlar los resultados de la ejecución de eventos planificados en un periodo determinado. La necesidad de realizar este proyecto se origina debido a que en los últimos años se ha visto perjudicada la imagen de la Misión, la difusión de sus objetivos estratégicos, Todo esto debido a una mala estimación del presupuesto anual por parte de los departamentos que conforman la MPCS. El proyectó está conformado por 8 Capítulos. En el primer capítulo se desarrolla la fundamentación teórica , en el segundo capítulo se presenta la propuesta de solución , en el tercer capítulo se detalla el modelado del negocio identificando los actores, trabajadores y procesos involucrados, en el cuarto capítulo se detallan los requerimientos relacionados a la propuesta de solución, en el quinto capítulo se dará detalle de la arquitectura del software, en el sexto capítulo se detallan los patrones de diseño ,así como el modelo físico de datos y su diccionario. En el sétimo capítulo se dará detalle a la documentación correspondiente a la calidad y pruebas del software y finalmente en el último capítulo se detalla la gestión del proyecto donde se identifican a los interesados, y se realiza el detalle del cronograma de ejecución con las actividades que se llevaron a cabo para desarrollar el presente proyecto. / This professional project “INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR EVENT MANAGEMENT IN THE SOUTH CENTRAL PERUVIAN MISSION” aims to develop a system for the South Central Peruvian Mission (MPCS) with the purpose of planning, executing and controlling the results of the execution of planned events in a given period. The need to carry out this project originates due to the fact that in recent years the image of the Mission, the dissemination of its strategic objectives has been damaged, all this due to a poor estimate of the annual budget by the departments that make up the MPCS The project is made up of 8 Chapters. In the first chapter the theoretical foundation is developed, in the second chapter the solution proposal is presented, in the third chapter the business modeling is detailed identifying the actors, workers and processes involved, in the fourth chapter the requirements related to The solution proposal, in the fifth chapter will be given details of the software architecture, in the sixth chapter the design patterns are detailed, as well as the physical data model and its dictionary. In the seventh chapter detail will be given to the documentation corresponding to the quality and testing of the software and finally in the last chapter the project management where the stakeholders are identified is detailed, and the execution schedule detail is carried out with the activities that were carried out to develop this project. / Tesis

Propuesta de estandarización y mejora de procesos del área de gerencia de proyectos de construcción aplicando herramientas de Lean construction y BPM

Majluf Chacón, Yazer Najle 10 December 2019 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación, tiene como objetivo, disminuir el tiempo de retraso en la entrega de obras de construcción. Cabe mencionar que estos retrasos ocasionan pérdidas y penalidades a la empresa e insatisfacción por parte del cliente. El estudio se basa en desarrollar un método de mejora integral a las áreas de calidad, planificación y procura. Para ello, se detalla la situación actual de la empresa, luego se establecen mejoras a tratar a partir de las causas de los problemas identificados y de esta manera obtener beneficios económicos para la empresa. Se inicia el trabajo de investigación desarrollando un marco teórico sobre la situación del rubro de construcción y las herramientas y metodologías a emplear, estos ayudarán a entender el contenido del informe. Posteriormente, se describe la situación actual de la empresa, cómo se encuentra organizada, sus unidades de negocio, misión y visión. Por último, se identifican las causas principales de los problemas de las áreas anteriormente mencionadas. A partir de los problemas identificados, se trabajarán las propuestas de mejoras, las cuales se enfocan en la implementación de las herramientas Business Process Management (BPM), Last Planner (LP) y Visual Management (VM). Evaluando los tiempos de trabajo en una obra realizada en el año 2018 como indicadores para evaluar las posibilidades y poder tomar decisiones a partir de ello mediante la simulación. Finalmente, este trabajo de investigación busca beneficios económicos mediante la reducción del pago de gastos y penalidades a la empresa mediante la información obtenida del sistema simulado. La metodología BPM reduce un 30% de tiempo a las actividades que se encuentran asociadas, el LP un 15.57% y VM un 33.3%. Por otra parte, el ahorro en pérdidas y penalidades en un escenario conservador equivale un 22.13%. / The purpose of this research work is to reduce the time of delay in the delivery of work. It should be mentioned that delays cause losses and penalties to the company. This study is based on developing a method of integral improvement to the areas of quality, planning and procurement. The current situation of the company is detailed, then improvements are established to deal with the causes of identified problems and thus obtain economic benefits for the company. The research work begins by developing a theoretical framework on the situation of the construction sector and the tools and methodologies to be used; these will help understand the content of the report. Subsequently, the current situation of the company is described: how it is organized, its business units, mission and vision. The main causes of the problems in the aforementioned areas are identified. Based on the problems identified, proposals for improvements will be worked on, which focus on the implementation of Business Process Management (BPM), Last Planner System (SLP) and Visual Management (VM) tools. Evaluating the work times in a work carried out in 2018 as indicators, this study evaluates the possibilities and is able to make decisions from them through simulation. Finally, this research work seeks economic benefits by reducing the payment of expenses and penalties to the company through the information obtained from the simulated system. The BPM methodology reduces the associated activities by 30% of time, the LP 15.57% and VM 33.3%. On the other hand, the savings in losses and penalties in a conservative scenario are equivalent to 22.13%. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Propuesta de mejora en el área de producción en una empresa que fabrica pallets de madera aplicando herramientas de Lean Manufacturing

Santillan Diaz, Jose Alonso Wilfredo 20 February 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación se basa en una propuesta de mejora en la fabricación de pallets de madera en una planta de producción de la ciudad de Lima, cuyo objetivo es incrementar la eficiencia en su proceso de fabricación. En el capítulo 1, se desarrolla el marco teórico del trabajo de investigación donde se fundamentan las metodologías y herramientas a utilizar en la propuesta de solución del problema. Asimismo, se establece el estado del arte del trabajo de investigación dónde se presentan los casos de estudio de problemas similares al presente trabajo. En el capítulo 2, se describen los procesos de la empresa y se identifica el problema. Es donde mediante herramientas de análisis se identifica las causas de los problemas por productos no conformes y devoluciones. Como causas se identifica que las dimensiones erróneas y la acumulación de desperdicios ocasionan los productos no conformes. Finalmente, llegando a las causas raíces las cuales son la mala medición, el apuro del personal y la falta de limpieza (desperdicios). Con el desarrollo de estas herramientas se busca reducir el número de productos no conformes (PNC), optimizar los métodos de trabajo, incremento de la productividad de la empresa. En el capítulo 4, se realiza la evaluación y validación de la propuesta de mejora mediante la simulación, donde se muestran los resultados. Además, se realiza una evaluación económica y financiera de la propuesta. Finalmente, en el capítulo 5 se establecen las conclusiones y recomendaciones del trabajo de investigación. / This research work is based on a proposal to improve the manufacture of wooden pallets in a production plant in the city of Lima, whose objective is to increase efficiency in its manufacturing process. In Chapter 1, the theoretical framework of the research work is developed where the methodologies and tools to be used in the proposal to solve the problem are based. Likewise, the state of the art of the research work is established where the cases of study of problems similar to the present work are presented. In chapter 2, the company's processes are described and the problem is identified. It is where, through analysis tools, the causes of problems due to non-conforming products and returns are identified. As causes it is identified that the wrong dimensions and the accumulation of waste cause non-conforming products. Finally, reaching the root causes which are the bad measurement, the trouble of the staff and the lack of cleanliness (waste). The development of these tools seeks to reduce the number of non-conforming products (PNC), optimize working methods, increase the productivity of the company. In Chapter 4, the evaluation and validation of the improvement proposal is carried out through simulation, where the results are shown. In addition, an economic and financial evaluation of the proposal is made. Finally, chapter 5 establishes the conclusions and recommendations of the research work. / Tesis

Information Technology and Client Relationship Management in Architecture: Building Competitive Advantage

Shingne, Meeta Sadanand 10 May 2003 (has links)
Architects are increasingly sought after for their abilities to be creative, knowledgeable, and strategic. Excessive concentration on "product" rather than "process" of architecture is challenging the architect's status as a professional. 20th century Information Technology has brought growing competition, shorter timeframes, and an increasingly knowledgeable client, which present challenges to the profession. Can IT be used effectively to manage all stakeholder relationships and how has it impacted the process of "service delivery"? An inability to effectively serve clients may result in potential loss of repeat business, paucity of new clients by referrals, and lack of projects, which directly impacts finances and an overall loss for the firm?s practice. The object of this thesis has been to study the effect of strategic IT deployment on client-architect relationship, in meeting client expectations and the identification of means by which architects can gain competitive advantage in today?s highly demanding market. IT and CRM are envisioned as enablers of a firm's sustainable competitive advantage.

An operations perspective on strategic alliance success factors in the software industry: An exploratory study of alliance managers in the software industry.

Taylor, W. Andrew January 2005 (has links)
No / Purpose ¿ To explore alliance managers' perceptions of the most significant determinants of strategic alliance success in the software sector. Design/methodology/approach ¿ The study is based on 30 key informant interviews and a survey of 143 alliance managers. Findings ¿ While both structural and process factors are important, the most significant factors affecting alliance success are the adaptability and openness of the alliance partners, human resource practices and partners' learning capability during implementation. Alliance partners should pay more attention to operational implementation issues as an alliance evolves, in order to achieve successful cooperative relationships. Research limitations/implications ¿ This research has responded to the call for more empirical study of the underlying causes of successful alliances. It contributes to the ongoing debate about which factors have most impact on strategic alliance outcomes, and complements prior research on several dimensions. First, using selected interview quotations to illuminate the quantitative analysis, it contributes to a deeper understanding of the alliance process, and reduced the ambiguity about which factors are most influential. In particular, the study provides support for those authors who have argued for the relative importance of the alliance implementation process. Second, support has also been found for the prominence of learning capability and the inter-partner learning process as a major component of effective alliance implementation. Third, the results are based on the views of practicing alliance managers, which addresses a recognized gap in the literature. Practical implications ¿ The results send a signal to senior managers contemplating strategic alliances that they should not underestimate the importance of alliance process factors and the role that alliance managers play in achieving successful alliance relationships. This is particularly important, given the high levels of alliance failure reported in the extant literature. Originality/value ¿ While past research on strategic alliances has placed more emphasis on the importance of alliance formation than on implementation, there is an ongoing debate about whether structural, formation factors have more influence on alliance success than implementation or process factors. There has been only limited empirical work examining this interplay between structure and process, particularly from an operations perspective, and very few studies have examined strategic alliances in the software industry.

Methoden des Prozessmanagements in der Radiologie

Teichgräber, Ulf 04 December 2003 (has links)
Innerhalb eines Krankenhauses beeinflusst der Radiologe in einem Verbund von Fachabteilungen wesentlich die Liegezeiten von Patienten durch die diagnostische Information und die Verfügbarkeit seiner Dienstleistungen. Die Organisation und zeitliche Bemessung von radiologischen Untersuchungsabläufen werden dadurch um so wichtiger. Der Arzt wird im Rahmen seines Studiums und seiner Facharztweiterbildung nicht im Organisationsmanagement ausgebildet, entsprechendes Fachwissen muss er sich in der Regel in Eigenregie aus Fachliteratur und Kursen aneignen. Trotzdem wird vom Arzt über die medizinische Versorgung hinaus zunehmend verlangt, dass es seinen Arbeitsabläufe auch unter wirtschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten optimiert. In dieser Arbeit werden verschiedene Methoden des Prozessmanagements für ihre Anwendung in der Radiologie erprobt. Unter Zuhilfenahme von einfachen papierbasierten Methoden lässt sich bereits ein Großteil von Arbeitsprozessanalysen durchführen. Bei komplexen Arbeitsabläufen wird man eine Methode wählen, die möglichst genaue qualitative und quantitative Aussagen über zu erwartende Effekte liefert. Vorgestellt werden diesbezüglich die Netzplantechnik und die Prozesssimulation anhand des computertomographischen und sonographischen Arbeitsplatzes. / Within a hospital, the radiologist considerably influences the patient s length of stay through the availability of service and diagnostic information. Therefore, coordination and timing radiologic examinations become increasingly more important. Physicians are not taught organizational management during their medical education and residency training, and the necessary expertise in economics is generally acquired through literature or specialized courses. Beyond the medical service, the physicians are increasingly required to optimise their work flow according to economic factors. This review introduces various tools for process management and its application in radiology. By means of simple paper-based methods, the work flow of most processes can be analysed. For more complex work flow, it is suggested to choose a method that allows for an exact qualitative and quantitative prediction of the effect of variations. This review introduces network planning technique and process simulation.

Implementação de processo de planejamento estratégico orientado para promoção de business process management (BPM) em uma unidade de pesquisa clínica / Implementation of a strategic planning process oriented toward promoting business process management (BPM) at a clinical research center

Rentes, Victor Cattani 29 September 2016 (has links)
A promoção do business process managment (BPM) tem o potencial de trazer diversos benefícios para organizações de diferentes tamanhos, setores de atuação, regiões geográficas ou níveis de maturidade em gerenciamento de processos. Um dos fatores críticos de sucesso para a promoção de BPM é o seu alinhamento com o planejamento estratégico da organização. Este trabalho procura explorar o potencial de facilitação da promoção de BPM em uma unidade de pesquisa clínica (UPC) por meio do alinhamento com o planejamento estratégico. A pergunta de pesquisa que se pretende responder é: quais são os benefícios de um diagnóstico e planejamento estratégico prévios à promoção de um programa de BPM em uma unidade de pesquisa clínica (UPC)? Assim, o objetivo é definir as etapas e auxiliar na condução de um planejamento estratégico em uma unidade de pesquisa clínica, identificando posteriormente os benefícios decorrentes desta prática para a promoção de um programa de BPM. O método utilizado no trabalho foi a pesquisa-ação. Concluiu-se que a análise e estruturação inicial do processo de planejamento estratégico foi adequado como preparação para um primeiro ciclo de promoção de BPM na organização focal. Com base nas lições aprendidas durante o desenvolvimento foi proposto um modelo de planejamento estratégico orientado à promoção de BPM. / Business process management (BPM) has the potential to enhance performance for organizations of different sizes, industries, geographical locations or maturity levels of process management. One critical success factor for the promotion of BPM is its alignment with strategic planning. This research aims to explore the potential benefits of aligning the strategic planning process with a BPM program. Thus, the research question is defined as: what are the benefits of executing a diagnosis and strategic planning before a BPM program in a clinical research center (CRC)? The objective of the research is to define and execute steps of a strategic planning process in a clinical research center, identifying the benefits of these activities for a subsequent BPM program. Action-research was the method applied. The main findings were that the initial diagnosis of the organization in focus\' management practices and structuring of the strategic planning process ware adequate to prepare for the first cycle of a BPM program. Based on lessons learned along the research, a model was proposed for the strategic planning process oriented towards the promotion of BPM.


ZULKERNINE, FARHANA H 22 April 2009 (has links)
Web services are autonomic software applications that provide specific services on the Web and are accessible through standards-based protocols and interfaces in order to ensure interoperability. Web services have gained immense popularity due to the potential of dynamically composing multiple Web services over the Internet into complex multi-organizational Business-to-Business and Business-to-Consumer processes. The management of such composite processes, however, poses a non-trivial problem in terms of cost and complexity due to technology growth, increasing consumer demands for service quality, and the varying Internet workload. Based on a study of the state-of-the-art and a critical assessment of the limitations of the existing solutions, we present the Comprehensive Service Management Middleware (CSMM) framework to facilitate execution of the four major tasks of client-side process management namely, service selection, negotiation of Service Level Agreement (SLA), composition and execution of the process, and monitoring and validation of SLAs. We also propose the Negotiation Broker (NB) framework for automated intelligent agent-based negotiation of Service Level Agreements (SLAs), and the Performance Monitor (PM) framework for distributed client-side monitoring and verification of SLAs. The NB expedites bilateral bargaining of SLAs in a trusted broker framework with enhanced decision algorithms to enable consumer feedback during negotiation. The PM presents a flexible and extensible trusted monitoring solution, which enables faster error detection and recovery and automatic creation of a reputation knowledge base. We explain a scenario of autonomic process management using the CSMM. We describe experiments using agent simulations on a prototype of the NB to validate our proposed policy model for business level specification of negotiation preferences, the mathematical policy mapping model, and the decision algorithms for different consumer preferences. The optimality of the negotiation results are illustrated by combined utility value of the negotiation outcomes for both parties. The experiments conducted on the proof of concept prototype of the PM show its viability, efficiency, and accuracy in distributed SLA monitoring and verification because it does not include network performance. The CSMM enables partial or complete automation of all the client-side management tasks to leverage use of Web services in business processes. / Thesis (Ph.D, Computing) -- Queen's University, 2009-04-20 02:01:50.8

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