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Výuka sólového zpěvu na základních uměleckých školách / Teaching of solo singing in primary schools of artNováková, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on teaching of solo singing at primary art schools according to the Framework Educational Programme. The aim of the work is to prove the need to synthesize professional and practical point of view on this field of study and provide a clear comprehensive material for future teachers of singing. Stating the records of attended lessons of singing and of my own taught lessons we show that the linking of the two views is for singing teaching practice experience required. The theoretical basis of the work are chapters that deal with interpretation of professional sub-folders singing with the methodological notes with respect to the expected outcomes from the Framework Educational Programme. In annex we present musical material that is the subject of training repertoire recorded singing lessons. The thesis contains a written record of the interview with the teacher of solo singing MgA. Daniela Šimůnková-Štěpánová.
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Testování a rozvoj kondice v Allkampf-jitsu / Testing and development of the condition in Allkampf-jitsuSemotán, Pavel January 2015 (has links)
Title: Effect of training on the development condition in Allkampf-jitsu. Objectives: The main objective is to design and evaluate a training program teaching selected techniques in Allkampf-jitsu, which would have a selected group for a period of time to increase the level of physical fitness. Methods: The experiment was carried out by direct and participant observation of two test groups (each group consisted of approximately 15 subjects studied). It was used method of testing and measurement. In this work it was found using the test method level motor ability and motor skills. To determine the physical fitness tests were used selected from the test battery SPFT (Specific Physical Fitness Test). Results: The aim of this work was to design and evaluate a training program for advanced in Allkampf-jitsu, which should at selected experimental group for a period of time to increase physical fitness. The level of physical fitness is verified using the test battery SPFT. For statistically significant (significant) result was considered such a result, when the p value was less than 0.05 (5% probability). For the statistical evaluation, we used paired t-test for dependent data. From the final results showed that the proposed training program is effective in developing high-speed capability. The...
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Individualizovaná výuka českého jazyka podle metody MGML / Individualized Czech language teaching methods by MGMLSuchá, Jana January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis titled Individualized Czech language teaching methods by MGML represents MultiGradeMultiLevel didactic system, which was developed based on the training needs of poor rural people in Rishi Valley, in India. It is a highly structured system, which uses the heterogeneity of students in class. It is realized in perfectly prepared learning environment and with activities based on the principles of constructivism. The main principles correspond to the theory of Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky called Zone of proximal development. The aim of the study is to realize and reflect the teaching of Czech language using the MGML-Methodology and thus use action research to verify the possibility of applying the method in the Czech school environment. The teaching took place in the program Step by Step, because its principles are closest with the MGML-Methodology approach. We conclude that the method can be used as an enriching element in teaching at Czech primary school.
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Možnosti využití arteterapie v logopedické péči / Possibility of using art therapy in the treatment of speech therapyKotinská, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
This work with title Possibility of using art therapy in the treatment of speech therapy lay down the goal in theoretic part describe penetrations art therapy and speech therapy and presented so coherent summary those problems in all symptomatic classification of speech language disorder. And then in scope art therapy define main relations and ideas from sphere terminology, definitions and analysis. In this sphere also defined forms therapy and presented triangular model of relationship among client, art therapist and art work. It concentated also on goals art therapy and meaning of colours. It also devoted to relationship of art therapy and special education. Practical part has two units. In it's scope there was the goal to form the logopedic - art therapy programme. First part engaged in logopedic - art therapy programme LOGOART, that is here shortly presented. The second part then started from three guestionnaire researches and concentrated on benefits of this programme, meaning of inquiry persons i fit would be intoductioned to the school practice, or would be supplement of speech therapy. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Vztahy mezi Íránem a Spojenými státy v souvislosti s jadernou dohodou / Iran and The United States relations in the context of the Nuclear DealSaïd, Alexane January 2016 (has links)
Alexane Said MASTER'S THESIS Iran and the United States' Relations in the Context of the Nuclear Deal Abstract _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ This study analyses the evolution of relations between Iran and the United States by applying the theories of realism, liberalism and the theoretical concept of strategic culture on their contest for power, control and sovereignty. From strategic partners to strategic enemies and back to pragmatic tolerance, both countries have maintained a troublesome relationship which entered a new era of cooperation with the implementation of the Nuclear Deal in January 2016. This deal is a geopolitical breakthrough that should improve the relations between the two countries as it is in both their strategic interests to collaborate. With sanctions removal and by choosing the diplomatic route, Iran can get access to a larger trade and investors' market which could help its economy tremendously and could be seen as an important international actor. Moreover, since the deal allows for the supervision and investigation of Iran's uranium facilities, this allows for greater transparency, profitable for the US and the international community. After the Nuclear Deal implementation, American and Iranian actions on the...
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Recherche d'une prédiction de fragmentation charge par charge pour les tirs à ciel ouvert / Search for a hole-by-hole fragmentation prediction method in application to open pit blastsDelille, Florent 11 September 2012 (has links)
Pour contribuer à la compréhension des processus d'arrachement et de fragmentation de la roche par l'explosif en ciel ouvert, le travail de recherche présenté dans ce mémoire vise à affiner les techniques empiriques de prédiction de fragmentation existantes. Un programme expérimental conséquent réalisé en échelle réelle sur site minier apporte des données ainsi que de nouveaux éléments par rapport à l'existant dans la littérature. En particulier, une comparaison entre résultats de tirs de charge unique et résultats de tirs à plusieurs charges est faite. Dans le contexte roche/explosif du site test, les résultats démontrent que le bénéfice industriel d'une prédiction charge par charge est limité. Une approche numérique a été mise en œuvre en parallèle du travail expérimental ; elle met à contribution un modèle rhéologique d'endommagement développé spécifiquement pour l'étude de laf ragmentation par l'explosif (Rouabhi, 2004). Des calculs 2D avec réduction d'échelle ont été réalisés ; l'utilisation d'un tel modèle d'endommagement s'avère indispensable, et la nécessité de coupler dans le futur les effets des ondes de choc et des gaz d'explosion dans la modélisation est soulignée. On explique par ailleurs de manière originale les résultats d'une étude expérimentale en laboratoire (Miklautsch et al., 2002). En fin de mémoire, plusieurs méthodologies de prédiction charge par charge aisément reproductibles sont testées et ajustées aux résultats du programme expérimental. On finit par montrer que la meilleure méthode offre même davantage de précision lorsqu'elle est appliquée avec les paramètres moyens des tirs et non charge par charge. / To contribute in the understanding of rock breakage and fragmentation processes in open pit blasting, the herein presented research aims at refining existing empirical fragmentation prediction techniques. A comprehensive full-scale experimental program has been conducted in an open pit mine and analyzed. The experiments yield data as well as enlightenments with respect to existing literature on blasting experiments. In particular, single-hole and multiple-hole blasting results are compared. In the test site's rock/explosives context, results demonstrate that industrial benefits from a hole-by-hole prediction are limited. A numerical approach has been developed in parallel to experimental work; it takes advantage of adamage behaviour law specifically designed for fragmentation by explosives (Rouabhi, 2004). 2D calculations with scale reduction are made; the use of such a behaviour law is shown to be essential, and it is outlined that coupling shock wave & explosive gases effects should be sought in future modelling work. Moreover, results observed in a laboratory scale experimental study (Miklautsch, 2002) are explained in an original way. At the end of the thesis, several hole-by-hole prediction methods – which can easily be reproduced –are tested and fitted with results from the full-scale blasting experiments. In the end, it is shown that the most accurate method obtained, when used with mean blast pattern parameters instead of hole-by-hole information, actually provides an even more accurate prediction.
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Formy spolupráce rodiny a školy v programu Začít spolu na 1. stupni ZŠ / Forms of family-school cooperation in the step by step programme in primary schoolHoráková, Simona January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the forms of cooperation between parents and school in the school programme Step by Step. The theoretical part looks into the family and school as educational institutions, their definitions and history as well as modern trends in this field. The forms of cooperation in the programme Step by Step and the standards are specified. The empiric part presents an action research on the self-evaluation of the cooperation of the parents and the author of the thesis. The self- evaluation is based on the standards of Step by Step. The author documents the indicators of the quality of the teacher's work in this field on examples from her personal experience which is reflected on the basis of feedback from other teachers and questionnaires filled in by the parents.
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Spolupráce Vlastivědného muzea v Nymburku se školami v regionu / Cooperation between Vlastivědné museum in Nymburk and region's schools in the area of educationLíbalová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
Cooperation between Vlastivědné museum in Nymburk and region's schools in the area of education Diploma work is divided into two parts. Theoretic part of work talkes about development cooperation museum and schools in the area of education children and teenagers in Czech republic from 2. halves 20. century to the presents. Next chapter is relates to Vlastivědné museum in Nymburk, for him are created educate programs in practical part of these diploma work . The chapter is presents history of Vlastivědné museum in Nymburk, inclusive familiarization with actual activities, his continual expositions and with offer of educate activities for schools and next interested persons. First part of work close current data theory of education and next museum activities, which affected conception created programmes in second parts diploma work. Practical part presents two educate programs created for Vlastivědné museum in Nymburk, inclusive take into account needs and aims of all of the three subject, for that are programs totalled - schools, museum and participants programmes. On the ground of roundness work and requierement special knowledge contentual pages programmes list second part diploma work also with history town - Nymburk, inclusive his most considerable memories respective to subject educational...
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Symfonická báseň ve výuce hudební výchovy na střední škole / Symphonic Poem within the Instruction of Music in Secondary SchoolsDrvotová, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Vývoj programové nabídky TV stanic Nova a Prima v letech 2002-2012 se zaměřením na vlastní tvorbu / Programme Offer Development of TV Channels Nova and Prima in Years 2001-2011 Focused on Their Own ProductionSlavíková, Klára January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the development of TV listings of major Czech commercial channels, TV Nova and TV Prima, during 2002 - 2012. It focuses solely on their own production and covers the shift in aired genres, which has changed from the earlier variety shows and quiz shows to reality shows and soap operas that run the listings nowadays. Most TV production is based on so-called reality TV; there the emphasis is on capturing reality in a way, which is attractive for viewers and goes across many genres and styles. Consequently, the line between genres is becoming very thin and is no longer determining. The approaches these two channels took to structuring their TV listings are also very important since each had its own specific way. This thesis draws on theoretical grounds and covers important mechanisms affecting TV in the Czech Republic in three basic areas (global, technological and economic). It points out that globalization has brought about homogenized culture and international integration, which means many programmes are of foreign license. Moreover, we can see the trend of internetisation and convergence of TV content, which is increasingly influenced by modern technologies. The purpose of all this is high ratings that affect profits from advertising. And economic profit is for...
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