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Inovace v EU a možnosti využití jejich podpory v ČR / Innovations in the EU and possibilities of their support in the Czech RepublicČermáková, Barbora January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with the topic of innovations in the EU and the instruments of their support. The aim of this paper is to sum up the results of the support which was provided for innovations in the last decade and to identify possible problematic areas which hinder achieving the stated goals in this field. In the first part, after a short introduction where innovations and related terms are defined, innovations are put in context with the Lisbon strategy and the strategy Europe 2020 - the key European strategic documents. The second part focuses on the description of the EU financial instruments which are used to support the R&D&I in the Czech Republic. The final part deals with analysis of the current position of the European Union in the area of innovations and identifies the problematic areas.
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Analýza zdrojů financování firmy Plasty, s.r.o. / Analysis of Financial Resource of Plasty, s.r.o.Svobodová, Soňa January 2009 (has links)
Analysis of the procedures necessary for raising financial means from the European Union funds in the PLASTY Company. Description of the individual steps of the procedures in case of processing the project applications in the form of guidelines for the applicants asking for the allocation of these financial means. Implementation of the project financial analysis. Elaboration of financial future prospects for a five-year period ahead. Evaluation of the project and a recapitulation of theoretical pieces of knowledge.
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Realizace projektů podpořených fondy EU / Implementation of projects supported by EU fundsMarková, Lucie January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this study is to compare companies and NGOs in the projects of EU Structural Funds. In the theoretical part were presented EU funds, in particular the European Social Fund and European Regional Development Fund. Then there was described the situation of companies and nongovernmental organizations in the Czech Republic. In the fourth section of the theoretical part are possible operational programs, which can be used by companies and NGOs. In the practical part there was selected for the qualitative research Operational Programme Humans Resources and Employment. Studied the effect of subsidized organizations like the Project on civic associations, charitable company, limited liability company and stock company before and after project.
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Developing academic language proficiency in grade 8 ESL learnersBhorat, Sumayya 22 February 2007 (has links)
Student Number : 8801261D -
MA research report -
School of Human and Community Development -
Faculty of Humanities / The ability to achieve academic success is dependent on the acquisition of academic
language proficiency, basic to which is the ability to decode and comprehend relevant
academic content, with limited contextual support. Research indicates that English
Second Language (ESL) learners at primary and tertiary educational institutions in
South Africa lack the skills necessary for academic success. This study investigated
firstly, the relationship between academic achievement of Grade 8 learners and their
decoding and spelling ability and secondly, the impact of a peer mentoring paired
reading programme on reading and spelling skills of Grade 8 ESL learners. Results
confirm a strong positive relationship between reading and spelling skills of learners
and their academic achievement and suggests that the lack of reading skills is not
confined to second language English learners only. The reading programme had a
significant impact on the on the decoding skills of ESL learners and a small nonsignificant
impact on spelling and comprehension skills.
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Entraînement auditif et musical chez l'enfant sourd profond : effets sur la perception auditive et effets de transferts / Auditory training and musical training in profoundly deaf children : auditory perception and transfer effectsRochette, Françoise 26 October 2012 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur l’entraînement auditif chez des enfants sourds profonds congénitaux. Il a pour objectif d’évaluer non seulement les effets de l’entraînement auditif sur les performances auditives générales mais aussi les effets de transfert sur la perception langagière et la production de la parole. Une période prolongée de déprivation auditive entraîne des difficultés massives de réception et de production du langage, des difficultés cognitives et perturbe la maturation des voies auditives centrales qui limitent les effets de la réhabilitation de la transmission sonore (implants ou prothèses auditives). Il est donc indispensable d’apprendre aux enfants l’acte d’écouter et de développer leur acuité auditive. La première étude de ce travail évalue la méthode d’entraînement auditif le « Son en Mains », un programme expérimental ludique qui permet la stimulation des opérations auditives générales, telles que l’identification, la discrimination, l’analyse de scènes auditives et la mémoire auditive. L’entraînement se déroule sur une période de 16 semaines à raison d’une séance hebdomadaire. Les résultats sont présentés et discutés dans les quatre premiers articles de la partie expérimentale. Ils montrent que le programme d’entraînement « Son en Mains » permet aux enfants sourds profonds une amélioration de leurs performances auditives mais surtout des effets de transfert vers les tâches non entraînées (discrimination phonétique et production de la parole). Les études 2 et 3 de cette thèse s’intéressent aux effets de l’apprentissage musical chez des enfants sourds profonds congénitaux. Ces études sont basées sur les observations effectuées chez les enfants normo-entendants qui montrent que l’apprentissage de la musique induit non seulement un traitement auditif plus fin mais aussi des effets positifs sur la cognition. Dans l’étude 2, des enfants sourds suivant des leçons de musique depuis 4 ans en moyenne montrent de meilleures performances en discrimination phonétique que les enfants sourds non musiciens issus du même établissement spécialisé. Ainsi, les scores des enfants musiciens semblent comparables à ceux obtenus avec le programme d’entraînement « Son en Mains » chez des enfants non musiciens (article 5). Enfin, la troisième étude de cette thèse explore les effets de leçons musicales sur la perception des émotions musicales et sur les capacités d’apprentissage implicite. Les résultats montrent que les enfants sourds musiciens présentent plus de difficultés que les enfants entendants non musiciens pour identifier les différentes émotions musicales (article 6). En revanche leurs capacités d’apprentissage implicite sont équivalentes (article 7). Les articles 8 et 9 représentent notre contribution méthodologique et théorique. En discussion générale, nous débattons des implications de ces résultats dans la prise en charge des enfants sourds profonds. / This thesis focuses on the auditory training and auditory skill development of congenitally profoundly deaf children. It aims to evaluate, not only the effects of auditory training/auditory skill development on general auditory performances, but also the transfer effects on speech perception and development. An extended period of auditory deprivation leads to major difficulties in reception and speech production, cognitive difficulties, and also disrupts the maturation of central auditory pathways which limit the effects of hearing loss treatment in restoring sound transmission (cochlear implants or hearing aids). It is therefore necessary to teach children how to actively listen and to develop their auditory acuity. The first study of this thesis evaluates the auditory training/auditory skill development method entitled “Sound in Hand”, a recreational experimental program that allows stimulation of the general auditory processing skills, such as identification, discrimination, auditory scene analysis and auditory memory. The training program takes place over 16 weeks, on a weekly basis. The results are presented and discussed in the first four articles of the experimental section. They show that the training program “Sounds in Hand” enables profoundly deaf children to improve their auditory performances, in particular, the transfer effects to non-trained tasks (phonetic discrimination and speech development). Studies 2 and 3 of this thesis focus on the effects of musical training in congenitally profoundly deaf children. These studies are based on observations made in children with normal hearing which demonstrate that musical training not only result in finer auditory processing skills, but also has positive effects on cognition. In study 2, deaf children who have been taking music lessons for approximately four years, show better performances in phonetic discrimination than non-musician deaf children from the same special school. Thus, the scores of musician children seem comparable to those obtained with the “Sounds in Hand” training program in non-musician children (article 5). Finally, the third study of this thesis explores the effects of musical training on the perception of musical emotions and on implicit learning abilities. The results show that deaf musician children have more difficulties than non-musicians with normal hearing in identifying the different musical emotions (article 6). However, their implicit learning abilities are equivalent (article 7). Articles 8 and 9 represent a methodological and theorical contribution. In the general discussion, we consider the implications of these results on therapies in profoundly deaf children.
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O programa de aperfeiçoamento de ensino (PAE) na EERP como lugar de formação do professor universitário: limites e possibilidades / The program for the improvement of teaching (PAE) at EERP as a place of formation for the university professor: limits and possibilities.Martin-Franchi, Giovanna Ofretorio de Oliveira 02 February 2017 (has links)
A formação docente para a Educação Superior incide no âmbito da pós-graduação stricto sensu, em nível de mestrado e doutorado. Neste espaço institucional, a Universidade de São Paulo USP, em 1999, instituiu o Programa de Aperfeiçoamento de Ensino (PAE) para aprimorar a formação do estudante de pósgraduação stricto sensu por meio de duas etapas: a Preparação Pedagógica e o Estágio Supervisionado em Docência. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar, na perspectiva do pós-graduando, se o PAE, na Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto (EERP), configura-se como lugar de formação para a docência universitária, a partir da Preparação Pedagógica (PP) e o Estágio Supervisionado em Docência (ESD). A coleta de dados para o estudo incidiu em analisar três eixos compostos pelas ementas das disciplinas da etapa de PP, os relatórios de ESD, no primeiro e segundo semestres de 2012, e o relatório intitulado Encontro PAE Atividade de Avaliação Final, de novembro de 2012, da EERP.A pesquisa possui cunho qualitativo, com metodologia de estudo de caso, análise documental e análise de conteúdo. A ementas das disciplinas indicaram que a PP na EERP busca oferecer formação ampla, com ênfase em conteúdos relacionados tanto ao contexto da docência no Ensino Superior, quanto à docência na área específica da saúde. Os relatórios do ESD indicaram que os pós-graduandos compreendem o PAE como lugar de formação para a docência a partir de sentidos atribuídos a determinadas dimensões, como a organizativa com ênfase no planejamento. Os pós-graduandos também compreenderam o ESD como lugar de formação a partir da postura do supervisor de estágio na disciplina de graduação em que o desenvolveu. O nível de autonomia e abertura em relação à participação no estágio e em todas as etapas do processo pedagógico foram itens importantes e que contribuíram para atribuir sentidos e status de lugar ao PAE. O estudo indica que o pós-graduando produz sentido sobre sua formação para a docência no Ensino Superior a partir de determinadas dimensões da docência e estão presentes no contexto do PAE desafios e limitações em proporcionar uma formação que possa abranger todas as dimensões da docência. / Teacher training for Higher Education focuses on postgraduate studies, at master\'s and doctoral level. In this institutional space, the University of São Paulo - USP, established, in 1999, the Programa de Aperfeiçoamento de Ensino (PAE) (Improvement Teaching Program) to improve the training of the postgraduate students in two stages: Pedagogic Preparation and Supervised Teaching Internships. The purpose of this study is to investigate, from the perspective of the postgraduate students, whether the PAE at Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto (EERP) is set up as a place of training for university teaching, from the Pedagogic Preparation (PP) and the Supervised Teaching Internships (ESD). The data collection for the study focused on analyzing three axes consisting of the PP subject syllabuses, the ESD reports from the first and second semesters of 2012 and the EERP report entitled Encontro PAE Atividade de Avaliação Final (Meeting PAE - Final Evaluation Activity), from November 2012. The research is qualitative, employing case study methodology, documentary analysis and content analysis. The subject syllabuses indicated that PP at EERP seeks to offer a broad training, with emphasis on contents related to both the context of higher education teaching and teaching in the specific area of health. The ESD reports indicated that postgraduate students understand the PAE as a place of training for teaching from the meanings attributed to certain dimensions of teaching, such as organizational dimensions with an emphasis on planning. The postgraduate students also understand the ESD as a training place from the position of the internship supervisor in the undergraduate discipline in which the internship was developed. The level of autonomy and openness in relation to the participation in the internship and in all the stages of the pedagogical process were important items that contributed to ascribe meanings and status of place to the PAE. The study indicates that the postgraduate students make sense of their training for the higher education teaching profession from certain dimensions of teaching, and, in the context of the PAE, challenges and limitations in providing training that covers all dimensions of teaching are present.
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Révéler le contenu latent du code source : à la découverte des topoi de programme / Unveiling source code latent knowledge : discovering program topoiIeva, Carlo 23 November 2018 (has links)
Le développement de projets open source à grande échelle implique de nombreux développeurs distincts qui contribuent à la création de référentiels de code volumineux. À titre d'exemple, la version de juillet 2017 du noyau Linux (version 4.12), qui représente près de 20 lignes MLOC (lignes de code), a demandé l'effort de 329 développeurs, marquant une croissance de 1 MLOC par rapport à la version précédente. Ces chiffres montrent que, lorsqu'un nouveau développeur souhaite devenir un contributeur, il fait face au problème de la compréhension d'une énorme quantité de code, organisée sous la forme d'un ensemble non classifié de fichiers et de fonctions.Organiser le code de manière plus abstraite, plus proche de l'homme, est une tentative qui a suscité l'intérêt de la communauté du génie logiciel. Malheureusement, il n’existe pas de recette miracle ou bien d’outil connu pouvant apporter une aide concrète dans la gestion de grands bases de code.Nous proposons une approche efficace à ce problème en extrayant automatiquement des topoi de programmes, c'est à dire des listes ordonnées de noms de fonctions associés à un index de mots pertinents. Comment se passe le tri? Notre approche, nommée FEAT, ne considère pas toutes les fonctions comme égales: certaines d'entre elles sont considérées comme une passerelle vers la compréhension de capacités de haut niveau observables d'un programme. Nous appelons ces fonctions spéciales points d’entrée et le critère de tri est basé sur la distance entre les fonctions du programme et les points d’entrée. Notre approche peut être résumée selon ses trois étapes principales : 1) Preprocessing. Le code source, avec ses commentaires, est analysé pour générer, pour chaque unité de code (un langage procédural ou une méthode orientée objet), un document textuel correspondant. En outre, une représentation graphique de la relation appelant-appelé (graphe d'appel) est également créée à cette étape. 2) Clustering. Les unités de code sont regroupées au moyen d’une classification par clustering hiérarchique par agglomération (HAC). 3) Sélection du point d’entrée. Dans le contexte de chaque cluster, les unités de code sont classées et celles placées à des positions plus élevées constitueront un topos de programme.La contribution de cette thèse est triple: 1) FEAT est une nouvelle approche entièrement automatisée pour l'extraction de topoi de programme, basée sur le regroupement d'unités directement à partir du code source. Pour exploiter HAC, nous proposons une distance hybride originale combinant des éléments structurels et sémantiques du code source. HAC requiert la sélection d’une partition parmi toutes celles produites tout au long du processus de regroupement. Notre approche utilise un critère hybride basé sur la graph modularity et la cohérence textuelle pour sélectionner automatiquement le paramètre approprié. 2) Des groupes d’unités de code doivent être analysés pour extraire le programme topoi. Nous définissons un ensemble d'éléments structurels obtenus à partir du code source et les utilisons pour créer une représentation alternative de clusters d'unités de code. L’analyse en composantes principales, qui permet de traiter des données multidimensionnelles, nous permet de mesurer la distance entre les unités de code et le point d’entrée idéal. Cette distance est la base du classement des unités de code présenté aux utilisateurs finaux. 3) Nous avons implémenté FEAT comme une plate-forme d’analyse logicielle polyvalente et réalisé une étude expérimentale sur une base ouverte de 600 projets logiciels. Au cours de l’évaluation, nous avons analysé FEAT sous plusieurs angles: l’étape de mise en grappe, l’efficacité de la découverte de topoi et l’évolutivité de l’approche. / During the development of long lifespan software systems, specification documents can become outdated or can even disappear due to the turnover of software developers. Implementing new software releases or checking whether some user requirements are still valid thus becomes challenging. The only reliable development artifact in this context is source code but understanding source code of large projects is a time- and effort- consuming activity. This challenging problem can be addressed by extracting high-level (observable) capabilities of software systems. By automatically mining the source code and the available source-level documentation, it becomes possible to provide a significant help to the software developer in his/her program understanding task.This thesis proposes a new method and a tool, called FEAT (FEature As Topoi), to address this problem. Our approach automatically extracts program topoi from source code analysis by using a three steps process: First, FEAT creates a model of a software system capturing both structural and semantic elements of the source code, augmented with code-level comments; Second, it creates groups of closely related functions through hierarchical agglomerative clustering; Third, within the context of every cluster, functions are ranked and selected, according to some structural properties, in order to form program topoi.The contributions of the thesis is three-fold:1) The notion of program topoi is introduced and discussed from a theoretical standpoint with respect to other notions used in program understanding ;2) At the core of the clustering method used in FEAT, we propose a new hybrid distance combining both semantic and structural elements automatically extracted from source code and comments. This distance is parametrized and the impact of the parameter is strongly assessed through a deep experimental evaluation ;3) Our tool FEAT has been assessed in collaboration with Software Heritage (SH), a large-scale ambitious initiative whose aim is to collect, preserve and, share all publicly available source code on earth. We performed a large experimental evaluation of FEAT on 600 open source projects of SH, coming from various domains and amounting to more than 25 MLOC (million lines of code).Our results show that FEAT can handle projects of size up to 4,000 functions and several hundreds of files, which opens the door for its large-scale adoption for program understanding.
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Konceptuální znalosti žáků 1. stupně ZŠ o ekologii sladkovodního ekosystému / Knowledge of primary pupils about ecology of freshwaterDILLINGEROVÁ, Lenka January 2019 (has links)
This master thesis deals with conceptual knowledge of pupils of the primary school about the ecology of the freshwater ecosystem. Pupils get familiar mainly with typical representatives of organisms which are representing the ecosystem, however, understanding the ecology of the ecosystem demands having a deeper insight into many functions and relations characteristic for the specific ecosystem. The author emphasises the importance of the lessons being carried out through educational programmes in nature. A specific educational programme was designed and realised. Then, the knowledge of pupils of the 1st and 2nd grade was tested and compared on the basis who took part in the programme and who did not. In some tasks, a positive impact of the educational programme was achieved. In other tasks, the same or slightly better results were shown by pupils, who did not participate in this specific programme. In the thesis there are discussed factors, which influence the success rate of the educational programme and pupils' understanding of ecologic relations.
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Prontid?o e tratamento em alcoolistas: an?lise de um programa / Readiness and treatment in alcoholics: analysis of a programmeResende, Geraldo Luiz Oliveira de 21 February 2003 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2003-02-21 / This study aims to verify the readiness to begin a treatment and the effect of a treatment (Minnesota Style) done to alcoholics in a center for treatment in Brazil for those who are drug dependents. In this survey, 25 alcoholic patients were treated. The patients ranged from severe to moderate level of addiction, aged from 23 to 60 years old, male and female who came to be treated at the center for treatment of alcohol dependents. The procedure consisted of first contact with the subjects for an explanation of the aims of the research and the filling in of their informed consent to it. With the aim of identifying the level of readiness to change / motivation of the subjects in the begining, middle, at the end and after the treatment and to evaluate the rate of recovering, the interviews were done in stages. The first one was performed on the very first day of the treatment and consisted of demographic data and the application of the instruments Alcohol Dependence Data Questionaire (SADD) and The Stages Readiness and Treatment Eagerness Scale (SOCRATES). The second interview was done 23 days after the begining of the treatment and the third one at the end. The fourth interview was done a month after the end of the treatment, which was considered the follow-up. Those interviews consisted of the SOCRATES scale. The main results of this study showed that the majority of the participants were predominantly men (80%), white men (60%), married or living in concubinage (60%), having studied only up to the first 4 years of elementary school (60%), without an occupation (60%), with a family income from 2 to 5 minimum wages (40%) and having a serious exposure to the disease (76%). There has been a correlation among the SOCRATES scale factors of ambivalence and acknowledgement, acknowledgement and ambivalence, action and acknowledgement and acknowledgement and action in the entrance to the treatment. Comparing the factors of the scale in the different stages of the treatment, there has been no significant difference, thus having no reduction of the ambivalence. The results made it possible to conclude that there must be a valuation of the patients in a long term basis after the end of the programme so as to have a better notion of their gradual development on the stages, and researches which aim to verify the specific efficacy of the patterns of treatment so as to encourage the motivation for a change and to lower the ambivalence of the patients. / O objetivo desta pesquisa foi verificar a prontid?o para iniciar o tratamento e o efeito de um tratamento (Modelo Minnesota) em alcoolistas em um centro de tratamento para depend?ncia qu?mica, no Brasil. Participaram dessa pesquisa, 25 pacientes alcoolistas, de grau moderado e severo, com idade entre 23 a 60 anos, de ambos os sexos que deram entrada no centro de tratamento de depend?ncia qu?mica. O procedimento realizado constou de contato inicial com os sujeitos para a explana??o dos objetivos da pesquisa e preenchimento do consentimento informado. Com o objetivo de identificar o grau de prontid?o para mudan?a / motiva??o dos sujeitos no in?cio, meio, t?rmino e ap?s o tratamento e avaliar os ?ndices de recupera??o, as entrevistas foram feitas em etapas. A primeira entrevista foi realizada no primeiro dia do tratamento dos sujeitos e constou de dados demogr?ficos, e aplica??o dos Instrumentos Alcohol Dependence Data Questionaire (SADD) e The Stages Readiness and Treatment Eagerness Scale (SOCRATES). A segunda entrevista foi realizada vinte e tr?s dias ap?s o in?cio do tratamento, a terceira no t?rmino do tratamento e a quarta um m?s ap?s o t?rmino do tratamento, que foi considerado o seguimento. Essas entrevistas constaram da Escala SOCRATES. Os principais resultados deste estudo mostraram que os participantes eram predominantemente homens (80%), brancos (60%), casados ou amasiados (60%), do 1? grau (60%), sem ocupa??o (60%), com renda familiar entre 2 a 5 sal?rios m?nimos (40%) e com comprometimento grave da doen?a (76%). Houve correla??o significante entre os fatores da escala SOCRATES de ambival?ncia e reconhecimento, reconhecimento e ambival?ncia, a??o e reconhecimento e reconhecimento e a??o na entrada do tratamento. Na compara??o entre os fatores da escala nas diferentes fases do tratamento n?o houve diferen?a significante, n?o havendo diminui??o da ambival?ncia. Os resultados possibilitaram concluir que se faz necess?rio seguimento dos pacientes em longo prazo ap?s o t?rmino do programa para se ter uma maior no??o de sua evolu??o, e pesquisas que visem verificar a efic?cia particular dos modelos de tratamento a fim de fortalecer a motiva??o para a mudan?a e diminuir a ambival?ncia dos pacientes.
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Programa \"De volta para casa\" em um município do Estado de São Paulo - suas possibilidades e limites / Programa \"De Volta para Casa\" in a council of the State of São PauloCampos, Ioneide de Oliveira 31 October 2008 (has links)
Nas últimas décadas, a assistência à saúde mental no Brasil, sustentada pelo modelo convencional de exclusão social, que retira a pessoa do seu convívio, por meio de internações em instituições psiquiátricas, vem passando por transformações, sendo que a ênfase está em uma assistência comunitária e territorial, com a inclusão dessa pessoa nos planos dos direitos e do convívio social. Essas mudanças caracterizam o movimento pela Reforma Psiquiátrica, a qual inclui ações políticas de desinstitucionalização e propõe a ressignificação do sujeito, não apenas a partir da doença, mas considerando também que há implicações culturais, sociais, éticas, políticas e humanas e, principalmente, valorizando a idéia de fazer valer seus direitos de cidadania, preocupando-se com a sua saída das instituições psiquiátricas e com a viabilização dos instrumentos de suporte financeiro e social. Nesse contexto, o Programa De Volta para Casa insere-se como estratégia política no Brasil desde 2003 e tem como meta a inserção social de pessoas egressas de longas internações em hospitais psiquiátricos, por meio do auxílio- reabilitação psicossocial. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de analisar o processo de implementação do Programa De Volta para Casa no município de Ribeirão Preto- SP, apontando as suas possibilidades e limites. A metodologia, de natureza qualitativa, foi conduzida por meio de seis (6) entrevistas semi-estruturadas com a equipe de saúde que coordena o referido Programa. Nos resultados e discussão são apresentados o processo de implantação do Programa De Volta para Casa no município de Ribeirão Preto e os seguintes temas de análise: o uso do auxílio reabilitação psicossocial, as limitações dos beneficiários decorrentes da institucionalização e o Programa De Volta para Casa - seus avanços e desafios. Diante da análise realizada, o processo de implantação ocorreu com dificuldades e seu desenvolvimento inicial mostrou incoerência entre a proposta de reinserção social e sua execução no município. O Programa abre possibilidades aos beneficiários de participação nos espaços sociais e ampliação do poder de troca; entretanto, alguns limites foram expostos com relação às limitações físicas e psicossociais dos usuários, o que exige, da equipe de saúde, o desenvolvimento de ações não apenas centradas no assistencialismo, mas que envolvam o acompanhamento, com criatividade e flexibilidade no cotidiano dos beneficiários, além de avaliações contínuas dos mesmos e do Programa como um todo. / In recent decades, assistance to mental health in Brazil, backed by the conventional model of social exclusion, which cut the person of their daily living, through hospitalizations in psychiatric institutions, is going through changes, and the emphasis is on a community assistance and territorial, with the inclusion of that person in the plans of rights and social life. These changes characterizing the movement for deinstitutionalization, which includes shares of deinstitutionalization policies and proposes to rethink the subject, not only from the disease, but considering that there are also implications cultural, social, ethical, political and human and, especially, valuing the idea of asserting their rights of citizenship, concerning itself with its exit from psychiatric institutions and the development of instruments of financial and social support. In this context, the programme \"De Volta para Casa\" is part of strategy and policy in Brazil since 2003 and aims to social inclusion from people of long hospitalizations in psychiatric hospitals, through the aidpsychosocial rehabilitation. The objective of this study was to examine the process of implementing the programme \"De Volta para Casa\" in the city of Ribeirão Preto-SP, pointing their possibilities and limits. The methodology of a qualitative nature, was conducted by six (6) semi-structured interviews with the health team that coordinates the program. The results are presented and discussed the process of implementation of the Programme \"De Volta para Casa\" in the city of Ribeirão Preto and analysis of the following topics: the use of aid psychosocial rehabilitation, the limitations of the beneficiaries resulting from the institutionalization and \'De Volta para Casa\"- their progress and challenges. Given the analysis, the process of deployment and difficulties occurred with its initial development showed inconsistency between the proposed social reintegration and their implementation in the municipality. It opens opportunities for beneficiaries to participate in social spaces and expansion of power exchange, but some limits were set in relation to psychosocial and physical limitations of users, which requires, the team of health, the development of actions not only focus no welfarism, but involving the monitoring, with creativity and flexibility in the daily lives of beneficiaries, as well as continuous assessments of them and the programme as a whole.
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