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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kvalita života a rehabilitace u lidí s progresivní zrakovou vadou / Quality of Life in People with Progressive Visual Defect

Odehnalová, Eva January 2013 (has links)
This text concerns quality of life and rehabilitation of people with visual impairment. The topic is divided into four chapters regarding definitions of visual impairments and their respective diagnosis, rehabilitations and their available types, limitations of quality of life of visually handicapped people and finally text includes case studies and practical research about the quality of life of individuals who have a progressive visual impairment. Furthermore text contains introduction of organizations providing services to visually handicapped, and in conclusion text declares set of recommendations leading to improvement of conditions for adaptation to progressive visual impairment.

A progressive rancher opposes the New Deal : Dan Casement, eugenics, and republican virtue

Gresham, Daniel T. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Arts / Department of History / James E. Sherow / Whether as a “progressive” or an anti-New Dealer, Casement was always primarily concerned with creating a stable business climate for the beef industry––even though his ideas on methodology changed. Beginning in the 1920s, he argued for the preservation of republican virtue through the language of eugenics. Eugenics may be broadly defined as “the science of the improvement of the human race by better breeding.” During the Progressive era, Casement primarily supported structural reforms such as conservation and federal regulation of industry. After WWI he became increasingly concerned with the moral direction of the country and believed that stricter individual responsibility—encouraged by limited government—along with eugenic-inspired reforms were necessary to restore the country’s republican virtue. In Casement’s view, the New Deal inaugurated a governmental takeover of private property through unfair taxes for wealth redistribution and production controls that sapped individual initiative, thereby weakening an already weakened populace—especially in the agricultural sector.

New Orleans, the New South, and the Fight for the Panama Exposition

Baiamonte, Victoria D. 20 May 2011 (has links)
For various reasons, the city of New Orleans has often been ignored in discussions of the New South movement. New Orleans politicians joined the movement during the Progressive Era, much later than other Southern municipal leaders. In becoming a New South city, the Crescent City was launched onto the international trade scene. By an examination of city leaders' efforts to gain federal rights to host an exposition in celebration of the Panama Canal, this study argues New Orleans not only became a New South city, but an international trade entrepôt. Though the exposition efforts failed, the efforts of the city to cultivate its business and hospitality potential served the city well.

Ethnic Patriotism: Boston's Irish and Jewish Communities, 1880-1929

Dwyer-Ryan, Meaghan January 2010 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Kevin Kenny / This dissertation examines the development of ethnic consciousness in Boston's Irish and Jewish communities in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, focusing on several interrelated areas of analysis: religion, public service, ethnic nationalism, and popular culture. As the city's leading non-Protestant groups, Irish and Jews challenged ideas of Yankee superiority, arguing they could retain their ethnic culture and still be respected, patriotic citizens. Both groups consisted of a small middle class of businessmen and professionals and a large immigrant working class. From these factions emerged the competing voices of individuals who sought to find the best way to promote the compatibility of their religion, culture, and ethnic nationalist aspirations with American loyalties. After decades of trying to achieve full acceptance, Irish and Jews saw World War I as the ultimate test of ethnic patriotism; instead of conforming to a prescribed notion of Anglo-Protestant citizenship, they insisted on the centrality of their religion and culture to civic identity. Yet while their war service brought confidence in their rights as ethnic Americans, it did not bring total acceptance. By the 1920s, the Irish controlled local public life, but assumed a defensive posture toward the Yankee elite; Jews, meanwhile, were optimistic regarding interfaith cooperation, despite increasing antisemitism. This study expands on and moves beyond present studies of immigrant acculturation by adding a new comparative dimension. It examines the contested expressions of ethnic patriotism based on class, gender, and generation within two ethnic communities, demonstrating how ethnic groups utilized similar strategies to project a positive public image and articulate their place in society. It also shows the intersection of local, national, and international concerns in the development of ethnic consciousness. Irish and Jews created hybrid ethnic cultures rooted in religion, cultural practices, and mass consumerism that would survive for decades in the city's entrenched ethnic neighborhoods. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2010. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: History.

Enquadramento dos corpos de água através de metas progressivas: probabilidade de ocorrência e custos de despoluição hídrica. / Classification of the water bodies through progressive goals: occurrence probability of water quality standards and cost of the water pollution control actions.

Brites, Ana Paula Zubiaurre 09 November 2010 (has links)
Esta tese desenvolveu uma metodologia para auxiliar a elaboração da proposta de enquadramento e o estabelecimento das metas para efetivação do enquadramento dos corpos hídricos. Foram inseridos novos critérios de análise direcionados para o processo de gestão, sendo eles: a probabilidade de ocorrência da qualidade da água e o custo das medidas de despoluição necessárias para aumentar o atendimento ao enquadramento proposto. A utilização da probabilidade de ocorrência apresenta vantagens para a gestão da qualidade da água, sendo útil para os instrumentos de controle da poluição através da verificação da freqüência de violação da qualidade da água e da amplitude do risco de violação em função do acréscimo de carga poluente lançada no corpo hídrico. A probabilidade da qualidade da água, da forma como está sendo calculada neste estudo, representa papel integrador entre o processo de gestão ambiental e de recursos hídricos, o qual fornece diretrizes para o processo de planejamento, fiscalização e monitoramento dos órgãos licenciadores, formulação de critérios de penalidades. Tendo-se em vista a efetivação da proposta de enquadramento foram desenvolvidas funções de custo para as medidas de despoluição hídrica de controle de carga poluidora doméstica e difusa, as quais possibilitaram a definição de diferentes estratégias para obtenção da qualidade da água desejada. O modelo desenvolvido incluiu integradamente a quantidade e a qualidade da água, os usos prioritários, a simulação da qualidade da água e o estabelecimento de alternativas de despoluição hídrica, permitindo a realização de inúmeras combinações de cenários de remoção de carga e estratégias de metas progressivas para o estabelecimento da meta final. Estes critérios, até então, não haviam sido inseridos integradamente em uma plataforma computacional. A Bacia Hidrográfica do Alto Iguaçu, localizada na Região Metropolitana de Curitiba PR, foi escolhida para avaliar a potencialidade de utilização do modelo. Esta aplicação indicou a necessidade de análise conjunta entre os critérios relacionados no processo de gestão de recursos hídricos, onde a escolha de um sistema de tratamento indevido pode não levar a obtenção dos resultados desejados no que diz respeito à qualidade da água. A contribuição do modelo desenvolvido está na automatização e na criação de rotinas de cálculo dos critérios estabelecidos para análise da proposta de enquadramento dos corpos hídricos com metas progressivas. A inserção destes critérios em uma plataforma computacional única traz agilidade para o sistema de gestão da qualidade da água e contribui para efetivação da gestão de recursos hídricos no Brasil. / This study developed a mathematical model to support the proposal of the water bodies classification and the setting of goals for its implementation. New analysis criteria, directly related to the water management process, were included in the model. These criteria are the occurrence probability of certain water quality standards and the associated cost to attain these water quality standards, according to the established water uses. The use of the occurrence probability of water quality standards produces benefits for the water resources management process because it support the pollution control instruments through the verification of the frequency of water quality standards violations, as well as the violation risk level, according to the increase of pollution load discharged into a water body. The occurrence probability of water quality standards integrates the environmental management process with the water resources management process, which provides guidelines for planning, inspection, monitoring and penalty formulation. In view of the implementation of water bodies classification, this study developed several cost functions for the measures of water pollution control, as point and non-point load. It allows the definition of different strategies in order to attain the intended water quality standard. The model combined, in the analysis, the water quantity and quality values, the priority uses, the water quality simulation and the definition of pollution load treatment alternatives. This combination allows the evaluation of several load removal scenarios and different strategies for progressive goals to reach water quality standards. These set of criteria had never been jointly analyzed in a computational model. In order to demonstrate the usefulness of the model, the proposed methodology was applied at Alto Iguaçu watershed, located at the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba, PR. The results of this case study indicated the importance of combining the related criteria in the water resources planning and management system, mainly because the adopted measures may often not attain satisfactory results in terms of the intended water quality standard. The contribution of the proposed model is the definition and automation of a routine calculation that reflect the established criteria for the analysis of progressive goals for water bodies classification. The incorporation of such criteria into a single computational model results in more efficiency for the water quality management system and support the implementation of the water resources planning and management system in Brazil.

Avaliação do padrão de degeneração e regeneração muscular em diferentes modelos murinos para distrofias musculares progressivas / Study of degeneration and regeneration pathways, in mice models for muscular dystrophies

Oliveira, Paula Cristina Gorgueira Onofre 22 April 2009 (has links)
As distrofias musculares constituem um grupo heterogêneo de doenças caracterizadas por uma degeneração progressiva e irreversível da musculatura esquelética. A fraqueza muscular se manifesta quanto existe um desequilíbrio entre os ciclos de degeneração e regeneração, com subseqüente substituição por tecido conjuntivo e adiposo das fibras musculares eliminadas. Diversos fatores estão implicados nestes processos, e as vias de atuação de cada um deles ainda não são totalmente conhecidas. Os mais importantes marcadores da via miogênica são os fatores Myf5, MyoD, Myf6 e miogenina. Os marcadores da degeneração, por sua vez, são o TGFβ-1, citocina inflamatória provavelmente envolvida no processo de fibrose do músculo distrófico, e o aumento da expressão do próprio colágeno, componente da matriz extracelular. O objetivo do presente projeto consistiu em estudar os fatores relacionados com as vias de degeneração e regeneração em modelos murinos distróficos com diferentes defeitos nas proteínas musculares, para elucidação dos mecanismos fisiopatológicos envolvidos, visando terapias. Para tal, foram estabelecidas três abordagens: 1-) Estudar o potencial terapêutico de células-tronco mesenquimais de medulas óssea, nos modelos Lama2dy-2J/J (deficiente para a proteína α2-laminina) e Largemyd (defeito de glicosilação); 2-) Estudar a expressão relativa dos genes envolvidos nas vias de degeneração e regeneração nos diferentes modelos murinos para distrofias musculares; 3-) Estudar o papel da distrofina e α2-laminina na organização do complexo distrofina-glicoproteínas associadas no músculo esquelético, através da produção de um camundongo duplo-mutante deficiente para estas duas proteínas. Na primeira abordagem, células-tronco mesenquimais de medula, expressando a proteína eGFP, foram injetadas por via sistêmica em camundongos Lama2dy-2J/J e Largemyd, mas não foram localizadas posteriormente no músculo dos animais testados. Testes complementares mostraram que células MSC e C2C12 expressando eGFP permanecem por curtos períodos de tempo no tecido injetado, sugerindo que são eliminadas do músculo distrófico em virtude da expressão permanente de eGFP. Análise funcional realizada nestes animais mostrou uma grande heterogeneidade de resposta nos diversos testes aplicados, compatível com a variabilidade clínica também observada em pacientes humanos. Na segunda abordagem, analisamos a expressão dos genes da cascata de degeneração e regeneração nos modelos distróficos mdx, SJL/J, Lama2dy-2J/J e Largemyd, e correlacionamos estes resultados com o padrão histopatológico de cada modelo. Os resultados observados sugerem que o gene TGFβ-1 é ativado pelo processo distrófico em qualquer grau de degeneração, enquanto a ativação da expressão do gene PCOL possivelmente ocorre nos estágios iniciais deste processo. Observou-se também que cada mecanismo patofisiológico atuou de forma diversa na ativação da regeneração, com diferenças na indução da proliferação das células-satélite, mas sem alterações no estimulo à diferenciação. Assim, a disfunção na população de células-satélite pode representar um mecanismo importante na patogênese das distrofias musculares. Na terceira abordagem, um modelo murino duplo-mutante para as proteínas distrofina e α2-laminina foi gerado a partir de cruzamentos das linhagens mdx e Lama2dy-2J/J, com a proporção mendeliana esperada, sendo, portanto, viável. O animal duplo-afetado está apresentando fraqueza muscular mais acentuada que os modelos parentais. Estudos complementares de proteínas musculares serão ainda realizados neste novo modelo para verificar a presença ou não das demais proteínas do DGC e sua relação com o padrão de degeneração/regeneração muscular. / The muscular dystrophies are a heterogeneous group of genetic diseases characterized by progressive and irreversible degeneration of skeletal muscles. Muscle weakness is the consequence of an imbalance between successive cycles of degeneration and regeneration, with further replacement of the degraded muscle fibers by adipose and connective tissues. Several factors are involved these processes and the respective functional pathways are still not well known. Myf5, MyoD, Myf6 and myogenin are important factors responsible for the myogenesis and regeneration in the muscle. One important marker for the degeneration is TGF-1, which is an inflammatory cytokine with a possible role in the stimulation of fibrosis in the dystrophic muscle through the activation of genes related to the expression of collagen. The main objective of this project was to study the factors involved in the degeneration and regeneration pathways, in mice models for muscular dystrophies, carrying different defects in muscle proteins, to better understand the involved pathophysiological mechanisms, aiming future therapies. This was done through three strategies: 1-) The study of the therapeutic potential of transplantation of bone marrow mesenchymal-eGFP transformed stem cells, in Lama2dy-2J/J (a2 laminin deficient mice) and Largemyd (mice with defect in the glycosilation of -DG) ; 2-) The analyses of the relative expression of genes involved in regeneration and degeneration, in different mice models for muscular dystrophies; 3-) The study of the roles of dystrophin and 2-laminin proteins in the organization of the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex in muscle sarcolemma through the generation of a new mouse model, double-mutant for these two proteins. In the first approach, bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells expressing eGFP protein were intravenously injected in Lama2dy-2J/J and Largemyd mice, but these cells were not localized in the muscle of the tested animals after 3 months of experiment. Complementary studies showed that MSC and C2C12 cells expressing eGFP, when directly injected in the muscle of these models, were retained for only a few days, suggesting a rejection against cells expressing eGFP in the dystrophic muscle. Functional analysis showed a high variability among the tested mice, which is similar to the significant clinical variability observed in human patients with muscular dystrophies. In the second approach we quantified the expression of genes involved in degeneration and regeneration pathways in the dystrophic models mdx, SJL/J, Lama2dy-2J/J and Largemyd, and correlated these data with muscle histopathological pattern of each model. The result suggests that TGFβ-1 gene is activated in the dystrophic process in all the stages of degeneration while the activation of the expression of the PCOL gene possibly occurs in earliest stages of this process. We also observed that each physiopathological mechanism acted differently in the activation of regeneration, with differences in the induction of proliferation of satellite cells, but with no alterations in stimulation to differentiation. Dysfunction of satellite cells can therefore be an important additional mechanism of pathogenesis in the dystrophic muscle. In the third approach we generated a new dystrophic mouse model, carrying two simultaneous deficiencies of the proteins dystrophin and 2-laminin, by crossing mdx and Lama2dy-2J/J strains. In the offspring, the proportion of affected double-mutant mice was within the expected mendelian proportion, showing therefore, the viability of these defects with life. Only 4 alive animals were obtained up to the present date, and they are being followed for clinical characterization. The phenotype of this double-mutant mouse is very severe, presenting significant weakness, starting earlier and progressing faster that the parental strains. When more affected animals will be available, additional protein studies will be done to verify the effect of these two deficiencies in the organization of the DGC complex and its effect on the cascades of muscle degeneration and regeneration.

Teaching robots social autonomy from in situ human supervision

Senft, Emmanuel January 2018 (has links)
Traditionally the behaviour of social robots has been programmed. However, increasingly there has been a focus on letting robots learn their behaviour to some extent from example or through trial and error. This on the one hand excludes the need for programming, but also allows the robot to adapt to circumstances not foreseen at the time of programming. One such occasion is when the user wants to tailor or fully specify the robot's behaviour. The engineer often has limited knowledge of what the user wants or what the deployment circumstances specifically require. Instead, the user does know what is expected from the robot and consequently, the social robot should be equipped with a mechanism to learn from its user. This work explores how a social robot can learn to interact meaningfully with people in an efficient and safe way by learning from supervision by a human teacher in control of the robot's behaviour. To this end we propose a new machine learning framework called Supervised Progressively Autonomous Robot Competencies (SPARC). SPARC enables non-technical users to control and teach a robot, and we evaluate its effectiveness in Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). The core idea is that the user initially remotely operates the robot, while an algorithm associates actions to states and gradually learns. Over time, the robot takes over the control from the user while still giving the user oversight of the robot's behaviour by ensuring that every action executed by the robot has been actively or passively approved by the user. This is particularly important in HRI, as interacting with people, and especially vulnerable users, is a complex and multidimensional problem, and any errors by the robot may have negative consequences for the people involved in the interaction. Through the development and evaluation of SPARC, this work contributes to both HRI and Interactive Machine Learning, especially on how autonomous agents, such as social robots, can learn from people and how this specific teacher-robot interaction impacts the learning process. We showed that a supervised robot learning from their user can reduce the workload of this person, and that providing the user with the opportunity to control the robot's behaviour substantially improves the teaching process. Finally, this work also demonstrated that a robot supervised by a user could learn rich social behaviours in the real world, in a large multidimensional and multimodal sensitive environment, as a robot learned quickly (25 interactions of 4 sessions during in average 1.9 minutes) to tutor children in an educational game, achieving similar behaviours and educational outcomes compared to a robot fully controlled by the user, both providing 10 to 30% improvement in game metrics compared to a passive robot.

Novo método para a avaliação do risco de colapso progressivo em edifícios de alvenaria estrutural / New method for assessment the risk of progressive collapse in masonry structural buildings

Felipe, Túlio Raunyr Cândido 03 February 2017 (has links)
O evento do colapso progressivo começou a ser estudado, principalmente, após o acidente do edifício Ronan Point, em 1968, na cidade de Londres. Esse acidente fez o meio técnico rever as considerações normativas, sobretudo de maneira a adicionar recomendações que visem minimizar os danos causados à estrutura quando sujeita a um dano acidental.Entretanto, tais recomendações não realizam a análise do risco da estrutura colapsar. Essas também não conseguem analisar medidas de robustez e vulnerabilidade, e nem determinar qual é o elemento chave para a estrutura. Desse modo, partindo desses questionamentos, o presente trabalho desenvolveu uma nova metodologia nomeada aqui de Risk Analysis of the Progressive Collapse (RAPC). Este procedimento fornece uma medida mais precisa dos riscos, através de uma abordagem que utiliza a Teoria da Confiabilidade Estrutural. Assim, é deduzida uma expressão para a determinação da probabilidade de colapso progressivo, bem como são definidos os coeficientes de importância e vulnerabilidade para identificar o(s) elemento(s) chave. O elemento chave é definido como o que apresenta a maior interseção entre vulnerabilidade e importância para o colapso estrutural. Essas formulações desenvolvidas na metodologia do RAPC são implementadas em Fortran. Para isso, a modelagem do edifício de alvenaria estrutural é feita utilizando o software DIANA®, no qual os esforços solicitantes são obtidos e utilizados como dados de entrada na análise de confiabilidade. Valores de probabilidades de falha individual por elemento, condicional e condicional dupla são calculados pelo First Order Reliability Method (FORM) e Importance Sampling Monte Carlo (ISMC) com auxílio do programa StRAnD. Um algoritmo em Fortran é implementado para acoplamento do DIANA® e StRAnD, além de mapear a probabilidade de falha dos elementos estruturais. Portanto, torna-se evidente que a identificação dos elementos mais vulneráveis, e do elemento chave em particular, é útil para abordagens diretas de concepção estrutural, tais como a melhoria da resistência local. Contudo, os coeficientes propostos também medem os efeitos dos procedimentos de projeto que conduzem à continuidade, ductilidade e redundância. Quando essas medidas trabalham para reduzir as probabilidades de propagação de dano ou colapso, isso se reflete nas vulnerabilidades de elementos eventualmente iniciando esses caminhos de falha. Sendo assim, conclui-se que a formulação do RAPC se mostra como uma ferramenta na determinação do risco do colapso progressivo nas estruturas. / The progressive collapse event began to be studied, mainly, after the accident of the Ronan Point building, at 1968, in the city of London. This accident caused the engineers review their normative considerations, mainly in order to add recommendations aimed at minimizing the damage to structure when subjected to abnormal loading. However, such recommendations do not perform the risk analysis of the structure to collapse. These also fail to analyze measures of robustness and vulnerability, and either determine which is the key element of the structure. Thus, leaving of these questions, the present work to develop a new methodology named here of Risk Analysis of the Progressive Collapse (RAPC). This procedure provides a more accurate measure of risks through an approach that uses Structural Reliability Theory. Thus, an expression is deduced for the determination of the probability of progressive collapse, as well as the importance and vulnerability coefficients are defined to identify the key element (or key elements). The key element is identified as the one presenting the largest intersection between vulnerability and importance to collapse.These formulations developed in the RAPC methodology are implemented in Fortran.For this, the structural masonry building modeling is done using the DIANA® software, in which the requesting efforts are obtained and used as input data in the reliability analysis. Probabilities values individual, conditional, and double conditional are calculated by the First Order Reliability Method (FORM) and Importance Sampling Monte Carlo (ISMC) using the StRAnD software. A Fortran algorithm is implemented for DIANA® and StRAnD coupling, besides mapping the probability of failure of the structural elements. Therefore, it is clear that identification of the most vulnerable elements, and of the key element in particular, is useful for direct design approaches to structural design, such as local resistance enhancements. However, the coefficients proposed herein also measure the effects of design procedures leading to continuity, ductility or redundancy. When these measures work to reduce probabilities of damage propagation or collapse, this is reflected in the vulnerabilities of elements eventually initiating these failure paths. Therefore, it is concluded that the formulation of RAPC is shown as an tool in determining the risk of progressive collapse in structures.

A alta progressiva e o retorno de pedófilos para suas famílias

Marafiga, Caroline Velásquez 23 July 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T19:36:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 23 / Nenhuma / A pedofilia é considerada um desvio sexual caracterizado por comportamentos de intensa sexualidade, que envolve humilhação e sofrimento em crianças e adolescentes. Pacientes com este diagnóstico que estão cumprindo medidas socioeducativas em manicômio judiciário têm a possibilidade, no Rio Grande do Sul, de passarem pelo processo da Alta Progressiva (AP). A AP é um beneficio concedido pelo Poder Judiciário a pacientes que cumprem medida de segurança em manicômio judiciário. Trata-se de uma prática de desinternação gradual, que visa à reinserção social dos indivíduos considerados inimputáveis e que cometeram delitos. Esta dissertação aborda questões sobre a família, a reeducação e a visão da AP relacionadas aos pacientes que cometeram violência sexual contra crianças e/ou adolescentes, diagnosticados como pedófilos, que passaram ou estão passando pelo processo de Alta Progressiva durante o cumprimento de suas medidas de segurança. Este estudo compreende quatro seções, sendo uma seção teórica, uma empírica, um / The pedophilia is considered a sexual deviation characterized by intense sexuality behaviors involving humiliation and suffering to children and adolescents. Patients with this diagnosis submitted to legal procedures, in judiciary asylum, have the possibility, in Rio Grande do Sul, to be part of a process called of Progressive Discharge (PD). The PD is a benefit granted by the Judiciary to patients who are complying security measure in judiciary asylums. This practice is a gradual discharge that aims the social reintegration of individuals considered exempt from punishment and who committed crimes. This dissertation addresses questions about the family, education and one perception of PD related to patients, who have committed sexual violence against children and / or adolescents, and who were diagnosed as pedophiles, that were or are going through the process of progressive discharge and are fulfilling their security measures. This study includes four sections, one theoretical, one empirical, a investigation

A problemática do uso excessivo ou indiscriminado da força na atuação policial em Moçambique

Mabote, Noa Querino January 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre o excesso de poder da força na atuação policial em Moçambique. Apresenta como plano de fundo a análise da atuação da polícia, no que concerne ao uso excessivo ou indiscriminado da força no exercício das suas funções, e a busca de soluções técnico-científicas para a redução desse problema. Assim, evitando a violação dos direitos humanos. A partir desta perspectiva, busca-se compreender a problemática do uso excessivo ou indiscriminado da força na atuação policial em Moçambique, vivida nos últimos anos pelo país, tendo em vista sugerir políticas a serem traçadas para minimizar, colmatar, e estancar o problema de tal forma que se extrapole este flagelo que atinge a sociedade moçambicana. Os ditames do art. 254 da Constituição da República de Moçambique datada de 1990, alterada em 2005, preconiza que a polícia deve assegurar o respeito pelo Estado de direito democrático e a observância estrita dos direitos e liberdades fundamentais dos cidadãos. Embora a Constituição e a lei proíbam tais práticas, a polícia, inadequadamente preparada, usou frequentemente força excessiva ou indiscriminada, além de cometer abusos físicos severos durante as apreensões, interrogatórios e detenções de suspeitos criminosos, inclusive em manifestações democráticas em todo o país. Em conformidade com o disposto no art. 358º do CPP/Mz que “proíbe a toda a autoridade ou agente de autoridade de maltratar ou fazer qualquer insulto, violência física ou psíquica. Neste sentido, as armas de fogo só devem ser utilizadas para defender as pessoas contra a ameaça iminente de morte ou ferimentos graves ou para impedir uma ameaça grave à vida e apenas quando meios menos extremos forem insuficientes. A força letal só deve ser utilizada quando for estritamente inevitável para proteger a vida. Em diversos casos de violações dos direitos humanos praticados pela polícia, não houve qualquer investigação e nem foram tomadas quaisquer medidas disciplinares contra os responsáveis e, de fato, nenhum agente da polícia foi processado. Pois, os autores deste crime continuam impunes e cometem outras violações. O ser humano é titular de um direito e é considerado como um membro da sociedade e goza de todos os direitos garantidos pela Constituição os quais não podem serem violados. / The present work presents a study about the abuse of power of the police force action in Mozambique. The purpose of this study is to analyze the police's behavior regarding the excessive or indiscriminate use of force in the exercise of their functions and to seek technical-scientific solutions to reduce this problem, thus avoiding the violation of human rights. From this perspective, the aim is to understand the problem of the excessive or indiscriminate use of force in the police action in Mozambique, which in recent years the country has lived and, with a view to suggesting policies to be drawn up to minimize, stop, or prevent problem so that this scourge that undermines Mozambican society is extrapolated. In the dictates of art. 254 of the Constitution of the Republic of Mozambique of 1990, amended in 2005, advocates that the police must ensure respect for the democratic rule of law and strict observance of citizens' fundamental rights and freedoms. Although the Constitution and the law prohibit such practices, the police, inadequately trained, often uses excessive or indiscriminate force and severe physical abuse during the seizures, interrogations, arrests of criminal suspects even in democratic demonstrations throughout the country. In accordance with the provisions of art. 355 of the CPP / Mz, that "prohibits any authority or agent of the authority from mistreating or doing any insult or physical or psychic violence. In this sense, firearms should only be used to defend people against the imminent threat of death or serious injury or to prevent a serious threat to life and only when less extreme means are insufficient. Lethal force should only be used when it is strictly unavoidable to protect life. In several cases of human rights violations committed by the police, no investigation was carried out and no disciplinary action was taken against those responsible and, in fact, no police officers were prosecuted. For the perpetrators of this crime remain unpunished and commit other violations. The human being holds a right, and he/she is considered as a member of society and has all the rights guaranteed by the Constitution and cannot be violated.

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