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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Project assessment procedure for the PATRIOT Power Plant using the analytic hierarchy process /

Badr, Mazen Younes. January 1994 (has links)
Report (M.S.)--Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1994. / Abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaf 53). Also available via the Internet.

The development of a knowledge management model to improve the effectiveness of project management organisations

Liebenberg, Vanwyk 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The new economy of the world has shifted the emphasis of organisations away from the traditional view that land, labour and capital is needed for competitive advantage, to a view that the knowledge inherent in people is the greatest driver for economic success. This shift from the industrial economy to the information or knowledge economy has prompted an increase in the study of the role knowledge plays in determining organisational success. The management of this knowledge is of great importance to all organisations competing in the knowledge economy. An organisation that uses the managementby- projects approach is presented with additional challenges. The people who create and use knowledge in project management organisations move from project to project, and project teams are formed temporarily for the duration of the project. In global project management organisations, the impact of the diverse cultures, values and ideals of people is an even greater challenge than in non-project management organisations. People need to co-operate on projects without much time to adjust to these differences. This has lead to this research study on the management of knowledge in organisations that use the management-by-projects approach. The first aim of the study was to review the relevant literature on knowledge management and project management. A model was developed from the literature that comprises the most important components needed to ensure that all organisational knowledge is used to establish a competitive advantage. This general model was refined to satisfy the needs of a project management organisation. As mentioned in a previous paragraph the greatest challenge for a project management organisation is harnessing the diversity in project teams and using it to the advantage of the organisation. The diversity in project teams stems from the diversity in value systems of team members and groups within project teams. This also leads to diversity in the cultures within the organisation. These cultures can be racial or national cultures, professional cultures, or functional cultures that are developed when individuals interact within groups. This thesis aims to emphasise the importance of people, as individuals and groups, and the organisational culture that is formed through the shared values and ideals of such groups. People will be motivated to change their way of work by focussing the implementation of an initiative such as knowledge management on the culture of the organisation. This is because the change is then rooted in their shared values. The purpose of this study is therefore not only to develop a model, but also to stress the relative importance of the components of the model. The model consists of three enablers: culture, people and technology. These enablers will prepare the organisation to adopt and use the process of knowledge management effectively. The knowledge management process will not be very effective, if the enablers are not implemented successfully. Implementers of a knowledge management initiative must understand that the organisational culture is of primary importance. The other enablers and the knowledge management process should be supported by the organisational culture. The model for knowledge management that is developed in this thesis is compared to the implementation plan of a South African technology company that uses the management-by-projects approach. The model that is being implemented at Sasol Technology is critically compared to the model proposed in this thesis. Conclusions are reached on the gap between the model that is being implemented at Sasol Technology and the model that is developed in this thesis. From this it will be evident that the proposed model could be used as a frame of reference for the implementation of knowledge management in project management organisations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar is tans 'n klemverskuiwing in die wêreldekonomie, weg van die tradisionele idee dat grond, arbeid en kapitaal benodig word vir kompeterende voordeel. Die nuwe fokus is op mense se kennis as drywer vir ekonomiese sukses. Hierdie verskuiwing vanaf die industriële ekonomie na die inligting- of kennisekonomie het tot gevolg dat die rol van kennis in die sukses van maatskappye ondersoek word. Die bestuur van kennis is baie belangrik vir alle organisasies wat kompeteer in die kennisekonomie. Vir 'n organisasie wat die bestuur-deur-projekte bestuursbenadering volg, is daar egter nog meer uitdagings. Mense wat binne hierdie omgewing werk word gereeld tussen projekspanne rondgeskuif, dié spanne word ook net gevorm vir die leeftyd van die projek. In internasionale organisasies moet mense van verskillende kulture, met verskillende waardes en ideale, saamwerk op projekte, sonder dat hulle baie tyd het om gewoond te raak aan hierdie verskille. Dit het gelei tot hierdie navorsingstudie van die bestuur van kennis binne organisasies wat die bestuur-deur-projekte bestuursbenadering gebruik. Hierdie navorsing is begin deur 'n oorsig te neem van die relevante literatuur oor kennisbestuur en projekbestuur. Uit die literatuur is 'n modelontwikkel wat bestaan uit al die belangrikste komponente wat bestuur moet word om te verseker dat al die kennis in 'n organisasie gebruik word. Die kennis binne die organisasie moet gebruik word om nuwe waarde te skep wat 'n kompeterende voordeel kan bewerkstellig. Hierdie algemene model is verfyn om die behoeftes van 'n projekbestuursorganisasie te bevredig. Soos reeds genoem is die grootste uitdaging vir projekbestuursorganisasies om die diversiteit in projekspanne in te span tot die voordeel van die organisasie. Hierdie diversiteit is afkomstig van die diverse waardestelsels van spanlede en groeperings binne projekspanne, en daarom ook die diverse kulture in organisasies. Dit kan etniese of nasionale kulture, professionele kulture of funksionele kulture wees, wat ontstaan uit die interaksie van individue wat in groepe werk. Hierdie tesis beklemtoon die belangrikheid van mense, beide as individue en groepe, en ook die organisasiekultuur wat ontstaan as gevolg van die gemeenskaplike waardes en ideale van sulke groepe. Mense kan gemotiveer word om hul manier van werk te verander deur tydens die implementering van 'n inisiatief soos kennisbestuur te fokus op die kultuur van die organisasie. Dit is moontlik omdat die verandering geanker is in die waardes van die mense. Die doel van hierdie studie is daarom nie net die ontwikkeling van 'n model vir kennisbestuur nie, maar ook om die relatiewe belangrikheid van die komponente van die model uit te lig. Die model bestaan uit drie bemagtigers (engels: "enablers"): organisasiekultuur, mense en tegnologie. Hierdie bemagtigers berei die organisasie voor sodat die kennisbestuur proses aanvaar en effektief gebruik kan word. Die kennisbestuur proses sal egter nie baie effektief wees as die bemagtigers nie suksesvol geimplementeer is nie. Die persone wat gemoeid is met die implementering van kennisbestuur moet verstaan dat die organisasiekultuur van primere belang is. Die organisasiekultuur moet ook ondersteun word deur die ander bemagtigers en die kennisbestuur proses. Die model vir kennisbestuur wat in die tesis ontwikkel is word vergelyk met die implementeringsplan van 'n Suid-Afrikaanse tegnologie maatskappy. Sasol Tegnologie gebruik die bestuur-deur-projekte benadering en daarom kan die model wat in hierdie tesis voorgestel word krities met die maatskappy se model vergelyk word. Gevolgtrekkings word gemaak oor die gapings tussen die model wat by Sasol Tegnologie gebruik word en die model wat in hierdie tesis ontwikkel is. Hieruit is dit duidelik dat die voorgestelde model gebruik kan word as 'n verwysingsraamwerk vir die implementering van kennisbestuur in projekbestuursorganisasies.

Projetos e-learning do Senai-Ba e o PMBOK: uma análise dos critérios de escopo, tempo, custo e qualidade.

Lima, Ricardo Santos January 2006 (has links)
p. 1-115 / Submitted by Santiago Fabio (fabio.ssantiago@hotmail.com) on 2013-03-07T18:08:31Z No. of bitstreams: 1 4444a.pdf: 1683960 bytes, checksum: fc7425537fcd18b79f59da14a0dc4d48 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Tatiana Lima(tatianasl@ufba.br) on 2013-04-08T16:39:19Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 4444a.pdf: 1683960 bytes, checksum: fc7425537fcd18b79f59da14a0dc4d48 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-04-08T16:39:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4444a.pdf: 1683960 bytes, checksum: fc7425537fcd18b79f59da14a0dc4d48 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / As organizações contemporâneas têm vivido um período de intensas transformações nas duas últimas décadas. No intuito de atender plenamente as demandas dos clientes, como forma de garantir a própria sobrevivência, as empresas estão migrando de modelos de negócio tradicionais focados na produção para modelos flexíveis orientados a projetos, se adequando à crescente demanda por produtos e serviços customizados. Esse contexto impõe às organizações alto grau de profissionalismo na gestão dos projetos, visando assegurar o atendimento aos mais variados requisitos dos clientes com eficiência e eficácia. Diante desse cenário de perceptível relevância da gestão de projetos, a presente pesquisa objetivou comparar a metodologia de gestão de projetos, voltada para o desenvolvimento de soluções e-learning, concebida pelo Senai-BA, com o PMBOK – Guia de boas práticas em gestão de projetos do PMI, com foco na análise dos critérios de escopo, tempo, custo e qualidade. Nesse intuito, fez-se uma revisão da literatura focada no tema e realizou-se pesquisa envolvendo os colaboradores do Senai-BA e funcionários de empresas atendidas, que atuaram no desenvolvimento dos referidos projetos. Os resultados foram consolidados e analisados visando identificar, com maior precisão, possíveis oportunidades de melhoria para a gestão do processo de desenvolvimento de soluções e-learning. Constatou-se, na conclusão da pesquisa, que a metodologia de gestão de projetos adotada pelo Senai-BA possuía lacunas em relação às boas práticas difundidas no PMBOK, principalmente no que tange a gestão do tempo e de custos, ocasionando o descumprimento dos prazos acordados e demandas de recursos acima dos planejados. Dessa forma, foram propostas alternativas para otimização da metodologia de gestão de projetos do Senai-BA, visando o alcance dos objetivos estratégicos da Organização. / Salvador

Review and analysis of organisational project management maturity of the South African government departments involved in Public Private Partnership (PPP) projects

Phungula, Mandlenkosi Gideon 01 December 2008 (has links)
Organisations are increasingly delivering their business through multiple complex programs and facing the challenge of building project management capability. An organisational Project Management Maturity Assessment is an effective method for establishing a baseline and provides an impetus for organisational change. The methodology allows for the setting of organisationally specific maturity goals, with the ability to implement improvements in a staged approach at a pace which is logical to that company. Over the past decade Project Management Maturity Models have become effective tools for benchmarking and driving improvements in organisational performance. This paper presents a case study in applying a project management maturity model to review, assess, and analyze the degree of organisational project management maturity of one of the national departments of the South African Government. This reflects the project management practices and capabilities of a national department of government. This model was a critical guide to setting targets for project management maturity and providing a clear path for organisational improvement. The focus of this paper is to not only to demonstrate the methodology and results of the assessment, but to also aim to report on the outcome of the study and make necessary recommendations for improvement. The attention of the research was focused on those departments which are involved in Public Private Partnership (PPP) projects. For reasons of confidentiality this strategic department in this dissertation is referred to as “The Agency”. There is currently one similar study that was carried out by Rwelamila (2007), in one of the large infrastructure departments in South Africa. Rwelamila (2007) found that the department’s programme management system was very poor and at the lowest level of maturity (level 1 out of 5). However, since Rwelamila’s (2007) findings the researcher’s underlying proposition of this research is that the levels of maturity of these organisations have improved and climbed to level 2 of the Project Management maturity ladder, based on the reasons indicated in the following two paragraphs. The fact of the modern business landscape is that organisations are changing in fundamental ways within a short space of time and at a fast pace — structurally, operationally, culturally — in response to globalization, new technology, competition, and the world economy that is at a historic turning point. The researcher further considered the fact that organisations are under pressure to improve performance in order to continue to be successful in the global marketplace and therefore they strive on daily basis to improve on their projects or program delivery in order to attain competitive advantage and sustained growth. Therefore, in light of these factual considerations, the researcher deemed it appropriate to evaluate without delay the current levels of maturity in similar organisations to those evaluated by Rwelamila (2007). Effective organisational project management is a source of competitive advantage and as such places the levels of organisational project maturity at the nexus of the indicated fundamental shifts. Today, effective Organisational Project Management is top of mind as a competitive weapon and the most successful firms are innovating not only their offerings and business models, but changing their project management processes. To achieve dramatic performance gains, companies find that they must rethink, or transform, the way they manage their projects or programs. In order to achieve the study objectives two models were used, the first model being called “Organisational Project Management Maturity (OPM3)” and second being “Project Management Maturity Matrix Model” were used as a tools to assess the degree of The Agency’s project management maturity/competence and highlighted a recommended path for improvement of its overall effectiveness.OPM3 is an acronym for the Organisational Portfolio, Program, and Project Management Maturity Model- a standard developed under the stewardship of Project Management Institute. The purpose of the OPM3 model is to provide a way for organisations to understand organisational project management and to measure their maturity against a comprehensive and broad–based set of organisational project management Best Practices. OPM3 also helps organisations wishing to increase their organisational project management maturity to plan for improvement. An evaluation of the performance of The Agency and its projects/programs was carried out in relation to its scope of mandate in order to assess its PM competence and maturity. The assessment of the degree of organisational project management maturity of The Agency provided the basis to evaluate its success in achieving the best-in-class project management practices. The results of the assessment provided the opportunity to make recommendations designed to channel The Agency to a path that will continually improve and develop its competitive position and promote its business by projects. The researcher therefore considered it imperative to examine the degree of maturity of project management in the national department of a public sector based on the OPM3 and Project Management Maturity Matrix maturity models. The project management maturity model is a widely accepted concept in business. It shows different stages of the project management development in a corporation. It is worth mentioning that these systems and process do not guarantee success, they just increase the probability of success. The findings of this study indicate that The Agency is at Ad Hoc/Standardize phase (level 1) of maturity. The study is concluded with recommendations which could assist The Agency to plan for improvement and increase its degree of maturity against the Best Practices and capabilities identified in the OPM3 Standard.

Diretrizes de práticas para transferência de tecnologia de gestão entre Clusters industriais

Oliveira, Karla Fabrícia de [UNESP] 08 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:26:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2011-07-08Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:54:27Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 oliveira_kf_me_bauru.pdf: 752377 bytes, checksum: 08030a272b4d29b46db7b192cc61e943 (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / As instabilidades econômicas que envolvem o setor industrial fazem com que as empresas busquem novas formas de organização que permitam agregar vantagens. A aglomeração de empresas do mesmo setor e com atividades correlatas é chamada de cluster industrial. Neste contexto, as Micro e Pequenas Empresas (MPEs) podem alcançar algumas vantagens competitivas que individualmente não conseguiriam, por meio de ações coletivas fomentadas por uma governança estruturada. O estudo de clusters permite investigar o processo de implantação das tecnologias de gstão que podem auxiliar na obtenção da eficiência coletiva, do fornecimento da cooperação empresarial, da criação de vantagens competitivas e na promoção do crescimento econômico, social e local. Desta forma, o objtetivo desta pesquisa é desenvolver diretrizes de práticas para a transferência de tecnologia de gestão entre clusters, de forma que promova a cooperação empresarial e o desenvolvimento sustentável. Foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica dos principais temas e um estudo de caso no cluster metal-mecânico de Sertãozinho - SP, por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com os agentes de governança, a fim de ambientar o pesquisador e identificar algumas iniciativas que corroboram e contribuem com ações coletivas propostas na literatura. Os resultados desta pesquisa englobam as diretrizes de práticas de gestão organizadas em um processo de 8 etapas: Diagnóstico Inicial, Diagnóstico 2, Planejamento Macro, Planejamento Detalhado, Preparação para a mudança, Implantação, Medição e Controle e Ação/Retroalimentação, desenvolvidas a partir da fundamentação teórica e refinadas por meio da experiência de Sertãozinho / Ahead of the economic instability involving the industrial and business competitivess, which causes companies to seek new forms of organization that give advantages. Firms agglomerateds within the same sector and with complementary activities is called industrial cluster. In this context, the Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) can to achieve some competitive advantages that could not be reached indivivually, through collective actions forested by a governance structure. Cluster study allows investigating the process of implementation of management technologies that can assist in achieving collective efficiency, strengthening business cooperation, competitive advantages creation and growth economic, social and local promotion. In this way, the objective of this research is to develop practice guidelines for guidelines for management technology transfer between clusters in order to promote business cooperation and sustainable development. It was performed a literature review of key issues and a case study in Sertãozinho - SP cluster metal-mechanic, through semi-structured interviews with the governance agents, in order fit in the researcher and identify some initiatives that support and contribute to collective actions proposed in the literature. The results of this research include guidelines for management practices organized in a eight steps process: Initial Diagnosis, Diagnosis 2, Macro Planning, Detailed Planning, Preparation for the change, Implementation and Action/Feedback, developed from the theoretical and refined through of Sertãozinho experience

Modelo de avaliação de maturidade em gerenciamento de projetos

Souza, Helder José Celani de [UNESP] 20 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:32:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2011-07-20Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:43:41Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 souza_hjc_dr_guara.pdf: 6711689 bytes, checksum: 6d5b4089094aeb576b06d39420bbc204 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A medição de maturidade em gerenciamento de projetos é utilizada pelas organizações no intuito de construir condições favoráveis de sucesso em projetos. Os objetivos deste trabalho consistem em estruturar e analisar um modelo de avaliação de maturidade em gerenciamento de projetos fundamentado em pesquisas quantitativa e qualitativa, tendo como fatores contribuintes a existência de um sistema de medição de desempenho, de um escritório de gerenciamento de projetos e de um estrutura organizacional claramente definida nas organizações. Um levantamento tipo survey foi direcioando aos profissionais específicos de área de gerenciamento de projetos, cujos resultados foram submetidos a uma análise multivariada por meio da aplicação da técnica dos minimos quadrados parciais ou partial leas square (PLS). A pesquisa também contemplou uma análise de consistência das respostas do qustionário escolhido baseada em sistemas especialistas Fuzzy, que é uma contribuição científica inádita. A identificação da influência e do impacto individual dos fatores contribuintes permitiu desenvolver um modelo de avaliação da maturidade em gerenciamento de projetos e analisá-lo por meio de um estudo de caso múltiplo. Este modelo traz a inovação na sua dinâmica de utilização por aumentar sua precisão ao incorporar dados das respostas á sua base original e também por possuir embasamento estatístico. Seu ineditismo o distingue dos demais modelos existentes apresentando-o como consistente, de fácil aplicação e capaz de fornecer subsídios para a evolução da maturidade em gerenciamento de projetos nas organizações / The measurement of maturity in project management is used by organizations in orderto reache favorable conditions for projects success. The objectives of this work consist of structuring and analyzing and evaluation model of maturity in project management based on quantitative and qualitative research, wich one considers contributing factors such as the existence of a performance measurement system, a project management office and a clearly defined organizational structure. A survey was aimed at professionals of project management area and the results were submitted to a multivariate analysis by partical least squares technique application. The research also contemplates a consistency analysis of the chosen questionnaire responses basedon Fuzzy Expert Systems, what is an original scientific contribution. The identification of the influence and individual impacts of the contributing factors allowed to structuring a model for a evaluating maturity in project management and analyzing it by a multiple case study. This model breaks new ground in its dynamic use for increasing accuracy by incorporating new responses data in its original database, and also for having statistical foundation. Its originality distinguishes it from other existing models and is qualified as a considtent, easy to use and able to provide subsidies for the development of maturity in project management in organizations

Modelo de avaliação de maturidade em gerenciamento de projetos /

Souza, Helder José Celani de. January 2011 (has links)
Resumo: A medição de maturidade em gerenciamento de projetos é utilizada pelas organizações no intuito de construir condições favoráveis de sucesso em projetos. Os objetivos deste trabalho consistem em estruturar e analisar um modelo de avaliação de maturidade em gerenciamento de projetos fundamentado em pesquisas quantitativa e qualitativa, tendo como fatores contribuintes a existência de um sistema de medição de desempenho, de um escritório de gerenciamento de projetos e de um estrutura organizacional claramente definida nas organizações. Um levantamento tipo survey foi direcioando aos profissionais específicos de área de gerenciamento de projetos, cujos resultados foram submetidos a uma análise multivariada por meio da aplicação da técnica dos minimos quadrados parciais ou partial leas square (PLS). A pesquisa também contemplou uma análise de consistência das respostas do qustionário escolhido baseada em sistemas especialistas Fuzzy, que é uma contribuição científica inádita. A identificação da influência e do impacto individual dos fatores contribuintes permitiu desenvolver um modelo de avaliação da maturidade em gerenciamento de projetos e analisá-lo por meio de um estudo de caso múltiplo. Este modelo traz a inovação na sua dinâmica de utilização por aumentar sua precisão ao incorporar dados das respostas á sua base original e também por possuir embasamento estatístico. Seu ineditismo o distingue dos demais modelos existentes apresentando-o como consistente, de fácil aplicação e capaz de fornecer subsídios para a evolução da maturidade em gerenciamento de projetos nas organizações / Abstract: The measurement of maturity in project management is used by organizations in orderto reache favorable conditions for projects success. The objectives of this work consist of structuring and analyzing and evaluation model of maturity in project management based on quantitative and qualitative research, wich one considers contributing factors such as the existence of a performance measurement system, a project management office and a clearly defined organizational structure. A survey was aimed at professionals of project management area and the results were submitted to a multivariate analysis by partical least squares technique application. The research also contemplates a consistency analysis of the chosen questionnaire responses basedon Fuzzy Expert Systems, what is an original scientific contribution. The identification of the influence and individual impacts of the contributing factors allowed to structuring a model for a evaluating maturity in project management and analyzing it by a multiple case study. This model breaks new ground in its dynamic use for increasing accuracy by incorporating new responses data in its original database, and also for having statistical foundation. Its originality distinguishes it from other existing models and is qualified as a considtent, easy to use and able to provide subsidies for the development of maturity in project management in organizations / Orientador: Valério Antônio Pamplona Salomon / Coorientador: Carlos Eduardo Sanches da Silva / Banca: Fernando Augusto Silva Marins / Banca: Carlos Henrique Pereira Mello / Banca: Luis Alberto Duncan Rangel / Banca: Osvaldo Luiz Gonçalves Quelhas / Doutor

Uma contribuição para melhoria do planejamento de empreendimentos de construção em organizações públicas. / A contribution for enhancing planning for construction projects in government owned organizations.

Luiz José Marques Junior 20 December 2000 (has links)
O planejamento deficiente e a falta de envolvimento do proprietário na execução do planejamento são causas críticas dos atrasos e estouros de orçamento que caracterizam a fase de obras dos empreendimentos públicos de construção de edificações. No entanto, como a execução do planejamento nos órgãos públicos afeta os resultados de prazos e custos da fase de obras é uma questão não esclarecida. Neste contexto, este trabalho discute a execução dos processos de planejamento de empreendimentos da Cia Paulista de Obras e Serviços, uma empresa de economia mista do Governo do Estado de São Paulo, que gerenciou 398 empreendimentos públicos de construção de 1992 a 1999. O enfoque é sobre os efeitos do planejamento nos resultados da fase de obras em relação a prazo e custo. Os dados foram coletados através de entrevistas com gerentes de empreendimento e fiscais de obras; através de consulta a arquivos eletrônicos e documentos; e pela observação direta do pesquisador no período de 1995 a 1999. O resultados obtidos apontam que os prazos e custos são afetados pela deficiência da estrutura analítica na descrição do escopo; pelas estimativas de prazo e custo deficientes que mascaram os resultados; pelos editais com deficiências; pelas programações e orçamentações simplificadas e não integradas; pelas deficiências no planejamento organizacional e comunicação que atrasam as tomadas de decisão; por um planejamento de qualidade focado no produto; e pela ausência de planejamento de risco. Ao final são propostas algumas recomendações às organizações públicas para melhorar o planejamento de seus empreendimentos de construção / Poor planning and lack of owner envolvement in the execution of the planning are critical causes of the delays and cost overruns that characterize the phase of civil works of the public construction projects. However, how public agencies’ planning execution affects the time and cost results of the phase of civil works is a question not clarified. In this context, this work discuss the execution of the project planning processes of Cia Paulista de Obras e Serviços, a state owned company of the São Paulo State Government, which managed 398 public construction projects from 1992 to 1999. The approach is on the effect of the planning in the results of the phase of civil works in relation to time and cost. The data were collected through interviews with project managers and inspectors of civil works; through consultation in electronic archives and documents; and through direct researcher’s observation in the period from 1995 to 1999. The results achieved point that time and cost are affected by poor work breakdown structures in the description of the project scope; by poor time and cost estimates that disguise the results; by poor procurement documents; by simplified and not integrated scheduling and budgeting; by deficiencies in the organizacional planning and communication that delay decisions taking; by a planning of quality focused in the product; and by absence of risk planning. At the end, some recommendations to the public organizations are proposed to improve the planning of their construction projects.

Gerenciamento do portfolio de projetos (PPM): um estudo exploratório sobre os desafios da implementação e resultados obtidos. / Sem título

Henrique Gonçalves de Castro 28 May 2008 (has links)
Os principais conceitos de gerenciamento de portfolio de projetos, ou simplesmente PPM (Project Portfolio Management), desenvolveram-se a partir da evolução das práticas de gerenciamento de projetos e desenvolvimento de produtos. O trabalho traz uma revisão da literatura nessa área, com o levantamento dos principais modelos de PPM e uma análise crítica para a construção do quadro teórico. Depois de pouco mais de 40 anos de estudos, ainda são poucos os modelos portfolio específicos da área de projetos. Foram identificados e analisados cinco modelos. No Brasil, o desenvolvimento deste tema ainda é emergente, dado que os primeiros estudos foram realizados no início da década de 90 e vêm se tornando mais freqüentes na década atual. Apesar do desenvolvimento acadêmico, as técnicas de PPM são novas para as organizações e seus resultados não foram empiricamente testados. Neste estudo, foi realizado um levantamento exploratório com 31 respondentes de diferentes organizações e quatro estudos de caso com empresas de diferentes segmentos, em diferentes estágios de PPM, com o objetivo de identificar as principais práticas de PPM adotadas, o estágio de implementação e a relação entre as práticas e os resultados obtidos. Os principais resultados deste estudo indicam que o PPM ainda é pouco presente nas organizações e, quando é, não apresenta medidas claras dos resultados obtidos com este processo. A falta do PPM pode ser um dos fatores que dificultam a implementação adequada das ações estratégicas definidas pelos executivos. O desdobramento das ações estratégicas em projetos e a delegação da responsabilidade pela execução dos projetos aos níveis inferiores, de forma desestruturada, promovem conflitos desnecessários, com perda de energia da organização.Já a falta de medição dos resultados obtidos dificulta a implementação das práticas de PPM nas organizações, pois não dá segurança aos executivos de que os recursos aplicados em PPM trarão benefícios à organização. / The main concepts of project portfolio management, or just PPM, have been developed based on the evolution of project management and product development practices. This work shows a literature review on this area, with a survey on the main PPM models as well as a critical analysis to build a theoretical frame. After 40 years of studies, there are few portfolio models specific to the project management area. This work has identified and evaluated five models. In Brazil, the development of this theme is emergent, beginning on the 90\'s and growing fast in the current decade. Although their academic development, the PPM techniques are new for most of the companies and their results were not empirically tested. This study demonstrates an exploratory survey with 31 executives from different organizations and four case studies with companies from different segments, in different stages of PPM. Its objective was to identify the main PPM practices adopted, its implementation stage and the relations between those practices and the obtained benefits. The main research results propose that PPM is still rarely present on the organizations and, when it appears, there is no clear measure of obtained results. The PPM absence may be one of the factors to hamper the correct implementation of strategic actions defined by the executive team. The unfolding of the strategic actions into projects and the structureless delegation of implementation responsibility to mid-level managers creates unnecessary conflicts, with loss of organization\'s energy. On the other hand, the absence of measurement hampers the PPM practices implementation because there is no evidence to executives of PPM benefits to the organization.

An engineering management framework for information technology projects in South Africa

Malan, Andre 19 June 2008 (has links)
Globally, the art and the science of project management (PM) have contributed in no small measure to the advances in the delivery of Information Technology (IT) based solutions. In South Africa, it has been shown that IT projects are currently, generally performed in a basic, but rapidly maturing, project management environment. In order for the organization (or project environment) to mature, certain processes must first be institutionalised. These processes are identifiable by inspection of the standards that relate to PM in general (and to IT PM in particular) and by excluding the activities that relate to specific technologies and products. The remaining processes should therefore be applied to most (if not all) IT projects in SA most (if not all) of the time. These processes were identified and used to iteratively create a Project Management Framework that assists its target market in the following ways: • Simplify and facilitate project managers' access to a common set of PM processes and tools; • Promote the usage of best practices for PM for all projects, both simple and complex; • Increase the level of assured competence project managers bring to PM endeavours; • Establish a commonality of process and standardization of terminology within PM; and • Provide a common method of project progress tracking across the enterprise. The baseline version of this Framework is presented as a web tool, based on a body of research consisting of (1) the PMBOK® Guide processes, (2) some CMMISM process areas and (3) other authoritative, non-conflicting resources. The PMBOK® Guide is tailored for a sector, time and place, resulting in a unique approach to project management. This approach aims to benefit a community and open a new focus area for research within the profession. The target market for this product are those enterprises that are seeing the need for the benefits outlined above or who realise that the first step towards process improvement is a focus on project management. These range from organizations now commencing on the project management path to those who consider “management by projects” to be a strategic option for the organizational design of the company. The case study sites where the product has been implemented include banking / retail operation, a large mining company and a financial services consultancy. / Prof. L. Pretorius Prof. J.H.C. Pretorius

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