Spelling suggestions: "subject:"projektové""
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Rekonstrukce Knurrova paláce, Fulnek / Reconstruction of the Knurr palace, FulnekKvapilová, Vendula January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the reconstruction and rehabilitation of a real cultural monument in Fulnek. It is a four-winged object with almost rectangular atrium. The main subject of the diploma thesis is the change in the use of the building and the proposals for remediation of damp walls. Knurr's palace has three above-ground floors and is non-decked, covered by a classic shell with fiber cement. The use of the object is mainly designed as a civic amenities, now the building is not used. The building is located in close proximity to the slope and the building is adjacent to the building. The project is solved at the level of the documentation for construction.
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Školící centrum Brno / Training centre BrnoHolohlavský, David January 2018 (has links)
This master's thesis describes the design of new object of training centre on the outskirts of the city of Brno. The new building is situated in sloping terrain. The building has two floors and no basement. Roofing is solved by single-flat extensive green roof. The purpose of master’s thesis is to design a building for education part which also includes accommodation for visitors. There are two entrances lead to the object and it is accessible from the eastern and western boundary of the property. The whole building was designed accessible for people with reduced mobility and orientation.
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Příprava materiálů pro výuku softwarového nástroje Eplan / Development of the materials for teaching the Eplan software toolBenetka, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with the development of materials for classwork using EPLAN software tools for "XEPL" course. The introductory part describes issues with design in electrical engineering, with an emphasis on the formal aspects of project documentation standards and software tools for design support. Further in the thesis, there is an introduction to the EPLAN software environment. The EPLAN environment modules are presented one by one and the EPLAN Education software is introduced. The next part of this thesis involves a model project in designing electric installation of car washer in the EPLAN Education. The last part of this thesis includes a set of exercises based on this model project, where basic functions of the EPLAN software and their uses are presented.
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Projektová dokumentace pro provedení stavby nové distribuční trafostanice a kabelového vedení VN a NN / Documentation for construction of new distribution transformer station and cables line HV a LVMatouš, Milan January 2018 (has links)
The following master thesis is devoted to the design of distribution systems of LV (Low Voltage) and HV (High Voltage) voltage levels. The aim of the thesis is to create a complete project documentation for the construction of a new distribution transformer station (22kV/0.4kV) situated directly in the city of Blansko along with a transformer capable of performance of up to 630kVA. Subsequently a design of cable routes of LV and HV is included in the project documentation. The first part of the thesis introduces the fundamental issues and solutions regarding the design of electrical equipment related to the LV and HV voltage levels. Thereafter it deals with proper legislation, technical regulations and related standards. The second part is dealing with project documentation. More precisely analyzing each step in the process and thoroughly going through individual parts of the project documentation. Other focus of the thesis is software resources and tools which are essential for drawing documentation. Then follows a selection of appropriate electrical equipment and budget evaluation. The major portion of the work is a design of distribution transformer station and cable lines of LV and HV. Including dimensioning of the LV and HV switchboards, earthing system and fuse protection system. The essence of all this work serves as a foundation for complete design documentation.
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Rozpočet stavebního díla sestavený ve variantních strukturách / The cost estimating of the construction works assembled in variant structuresPecen, Martin January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses mainly on designing projects using BIM technology, specifically on the field of budgeting. In the theoretical part the current 2D project documentation and the current price system is described. Furthermore, the thesis deals with information modeling and its implementation into common building practice. At the end, it is described how to use current pricing system for budgeting in the BIM environment.
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Návrh technologie kořenové čistírny odpadních vod pro obec do 500 EO / Design of the technology of the constructed treatment wetland for the municipality up to 500 EOSuchánek, Pavel January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on creation of complex design of constructed wetland for village Bezděčí near Trnávka, which needs to solve the problem of wastewater management. The introductory part of the thesis, which is focused on the research of professional knowledge and information, familiarizes with the problematics of constructed wetlands, focuses on description of technological objects of the constructed wetlands and the description of their functions. Relevant legislation is also mentioned because knowledge of legislation is necessary for the project. The following part of this diploma thesis deals with the design of the constructed wetland itself. Solution of the design is based on the best available technologies that deliver high-quality research results into practice. The proposed root plant meets all the requirements for the quality of the discharged water according to the relevant legislation. An important part of the diploma thesis are annexes, which contain a completely elaborated project documentation for the issuance of a joint permit for the purpose of realization of the new building of a constructed wetland plant for the village Bezděčí near Trnávka.
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Variantní technické a cenové řešení rodinného domu / The variant technical and price solution of family houseProcháska, Martin January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to propose a variant technical and then a price solution of a family house. It is a comparison of a family house on the same built-up area, the comparison being related to the brickwork made of ceramic fittings and panel woodwork. The text part deals mainly with the explanation of the types of individual buildings and then with the list of the pros and cons of the different technologies, compared buildings. The conclusion mainly concerns the evaluation of budgets and recommendations where it is worth building the compared buildings and why.
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Autosalon s autoservisem Mazda / Mazda showroom and serviceDošek, Samuel January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes the design of showroom and car service of Mazda brand in Trencin. It is a detached building on a flat terrain. The car showroom and car service have two above-ground floors and one underground floor. On the first underground floor there is an underground garage designed for new cars for sale. On the first floor there is a car showroom with a customer base and a car service with facilities for car service staff. On the second floor there are offices with facilities for staff. The building is designed from a reinforced concrete structure and porous concrete blocks. The ceilings are monolithic reinforced concrete and the roof is designed as flat with trusses and reinforced concrete slab. The work includes project documentation for the construction.
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Stanovení koeficientu užitné plochy ku zastavěné ploše u rodinných domů ve zvolené lokalitě / Determining the Quotient of Usable Area to the Built-up Area for Houses in a Specific LocationHoletová, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with determining the quotient of usable area and the built-up area for houses in a specific location and analyzes the influence over size of quotient according to variables in process of determining.
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Multifunkční objekt / Multifunctional buildingAmodio, Alessio January 2020 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem multifunkční budovy, která slouží jako rozšíření haly dříve existující budovy. Areál se nachází v části Řečkovice v Brně. Práce si klade za cíl propojit budovy jak prostorově, tak vizuálně. Výrobní hala a sklad budou rozšířeny. Poslední patro bude sloužit jako administrativní část se sociálním zařízením a venkovní terasou. Proces návrhu byl plně podporován použitím technologie BIM.
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