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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Intelligent Controls for a Semi-Active Hydraulic Prosthetic Knee

Wilmot, Timothy Allen, Jr. 14 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Prosthetic Sockets: Assessment of Thermal Conductivity

Webber, Christina Marie 17 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Low-dimensional modeling and analysis of human gait with application to the gait of transtibial prosthesis users

Srinivasan, Sujatha 22 June 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Evaluation and Implementation of Substitute Materials for Sustainable Prosthetic Limb Sockets

Mahdi, Ibrahim, Dirir, Osman January 2024 (has links)
This bachelor's thesis was a collaboration with Lindhe Xtend AB and covered up to find asubstitute material for the prosthetic socket. It was a concept of design on how to evenlydistribute force/pressure around the residual limb on the socket. The project employed amethodical material selection process using Granta EduPack, which involved translatingrequirements, screening, ranking materials, and deepening the investigation through simulationand physical testing. Polylactic Acid (PLA) infused with 30% mineral content emerged as themost suitable material due to its mechanical properties, cost-efficiency, and lowerenvironmental impact. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and compression tests confirmed thematerial's strength, durability, and comfort under various loads. The results demonstrated thatthe PLA-based material is suitable for practical prosthetic applications. Additionally, the projecthighlighted the benefits of 3D printing technology in improving the accessibility andsustainability of prosthetic devices.

Avaliação da resistência à fratura de prótese parcial fixa provisória confeccionada sobre componentes do tipo UCLA em titânio - efeito de diversos reforços / Fracture resistance evaluation of provisional fixed partial denture made on titanium ucla components several reinforcements effect

Almonte, Thania Grisel Rodriguez 31 May 2005 (has links)
As restaurações provisórias no tratamento reabilitador oral são de suma importância. Por isso é preocupante que os materiais utilizados para a execução das mesmas sejam críticos com relação à sua resistência e longevidade, principalmente, quando estas são executadas em tratamentos prolongados e/ou em espaços desdentados extensos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar em 4 grupos reforçados, compostos por 9 espécimes cada um, a resistência e o modo de fratura, de uma resina acrílica poli(metilmetacrilato) auto-polimerizável (Dencor® - Clássico®, São Paulo, SP, Brasil) utilizada para restaurações provisórias quando reforçada com fibras de vidro (Fibrante® e Interlig® - Angelus®, Londrina, PR, Brasil), fibras de aramida (Kevlar® - Du Pont®, USA) y fio ortodôntico &#x2205; 0, 7mm. E um grupo controle sem nenhum tipo de reforço, com a mesma quantidade de corpos de prova. A análise dos resultados (ANOVA, p < 0,05), para o teste de resistência, mostrou haver diferença estatística entre os grupos. O teste de Tukey encontrou que os grupos reforçados, aqueles que alcançaram maior média de resistência à fratura foram os que utilizaram a fibra de vidro trançada pré-impregnada com resina composta foto-polimerizável, Interlig® (1083 N); a fibra de vidro unidirecional préimpregnada com dimetacrilato de glicol, Fibrante® (1022 N) e a fibra de poli(aramida) unidirecional sem pré-impregnação, Kevlar® 29, aumentando em 26%, 22% e 17%, respectivamente, esta resistência em relação ao grupo controle (800 N), não havendo diferença estatística significante entre eles. O grupo reforçado com fio de aço com &#x2205; 0,7 mm (871 N) apareceu em seguida com uma resistência somente 8% maior e semelhante àquela apresentada pelo grupo controle sem reforço. A análise das fraturas concorreu com a elaboração de um novo sistema de classificação dividindo-as em quatro tipos: Ausente, Parcial, Total Não Separada e Total Separada. As fraturas dos espécimes reforçados foram consideradas mais favoráveis ocorrendo, predominantemente, os tipos Ausente e Parcial. / Provisional restorations are of ultimate importance in the oral rehabilitation treatment. Thus, clinicians have to bear in mind that materials used for their fabrication are critical due to its longevity and strength, when these are done for longterm therapy and/or large edentulous spaces. The aim of this work was to evaluate the flexural resistance and fracture mode of an auto-cure polymethylmetacrilate resin (Dencor® - Classico® , Sao Paulo, SP, Brasil) used for provisional restorations and reinforced with four materials. Samples were divided in four groups of nine each, as the following: glass fiber (Fibrante® and Interlig® Angelus®, Londrina, PR, Brasil), aramide fibers (Kevlar® Du Pont®, USA), and orthodontic wire &#x2205; 0,7mm. one group whitout reinforcement served as control. Data was submitted to statistical analysis with one-way ANOVA (p<.05) test. Results showed statistically significant difference among the groups. Tukeys test showed that glass-fiber Interlig® exhibited the greatest value of flexural strength (1083 N); followed by unidirectional glycol dimetacrylate glass-fiber Fibrante® (1022 N) and aramid fiber Kevlar® (966 N). These values represent 26%, 22% and 17% in relation to the control group (800 N), being non statistically significant difference observed among them. The group with &#x2205; 0,7mm orthodontic wire (871 N) had a resistance only 8% higher and similar of that of control group without reinforcement. Fracture analysis was conducted by the following scale: absence, partial, complete without separation, and complete with separation. Fracture modes observed on reinforced samples were considered more favorable, with types absent and partial seeing more frequently.

Laser de Er,Cr:YSGG em condutos radiculares preparados para cimentação de núcleos protéicos / The utilization of Er,Cr:YSGG laser in prosthetic post space preparation before post placement

Quinto Junior, José 19 December 2011 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a influência da irradiação com laser de Er,Cr:YSGG no espaço protético de condutos radiculares preparados para a fixação de pinos em fibra de vidro reforçados (FRC Postec®), avaliando-se o comportamento de três diferentes técnicas adesivas (self-etching= Panavia F®; total-etching= Excite DSC® + Variolink II® e self-adhesive= RelyX Unicem Aplicap®). Observaram-se as orientações da norma ISO-TS 11405 para a preparação das raízes dentais unirradiculares humanas. As amostras foram separadas na altura da junção amelo-dentinaria, tratadas endodonticamente com instrumentação rotatória e seladas com técnica de condensação lateral. Foram utilizados dois tipos diferentes de pontas de safira para irradiação intracanal o axial (Z4, 400 m de diâmetro) e o radial ou side firing (RFT4, 415 m de diâmetro) com densidade de energia de 40 J/cm2. Esta densidade de energia foi obtida como parte deste experimento, analisando-se diversos parâmetros de energia com os resultados morfológicos e térmicos obtidos. Nesta densidade, obtive-se grande quantidade de túbulos dentinários abertos e variação de temperatura segura para uso clínico. Cada raiz foi irradiada em cinco movimentos circulares, de apical para cervical, com intervalo de 20 segundos, entre elas. Os FRC Postec foram cimentados imediatamente após a irradiação e divididos randomicamente em nove grupos (n=10). Cada raiz foi seccionada em 6 discos de 1 mm de espessura para ensaio do tipo push-out, para a obtenção da força máxima de ruptura, e posterior cálculo da resistência de união adesiva em função da área de superfície do núcleo deslocado, resultando na pressão em MPa. A resistência de união adesiva nos grupos irradiados foi estatisticamente superior do que os grupos controle. Foram avaliadas as diferenças na resistência de união adesiva em diferentes porções do núcleo (cervical, médio e apical), onde o sistema adesivo tipo self-adhesive (RelyX Unicem Aplicap) teve o melhor resultado para os grupos irradiados. Avaliou-se por técnica de FTIR as diferenças químicas ocorridas na dentina intrarradicular irradiada com laser de Er,Cr:YSGG, em diferentes porções (cervical, médio e apical) em função da orientação dos túbulos. Foram observadas nos espectros de FTIR alterações na intensidade das bandas de algumas moléculas, indicando variação na quantidade da parte orgânica (amida I e amida II) após a irradiação, nas diferentes regiões dentais em função do feixe laser sobre a orientação dos túbulos dentinários, sem causar alterações na sua composição. Essas diferenças podem interferir no resultado da resistência de união adesiva. A técnica de utilização de laser de Er,Cr: YSGG em dentina radicular pré-cimentação de núcleo protético aumenta a resistência de união adesiva, na dependência do cimento utilizado. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of the Er,Cr:YSGG laser irradiation in the prosthetic post space before FRC Postec placement using three different adhesive systems (self-etching- Panavia F; total-etching- Excite DSC + Variolink II e self adhesive - RelyX Unicem Aplicap). According to ISO-TS 11405, sectioned at the CEJ, human dental single roots were endodontically treated with rotatory instruments and filled with gutta-percha points and sealer. Were used at 40 J/cm2 an axial Z4 laser tip (400 m diameter) and a radial (side firing) RFT4 laser tip (415 m diameter). This density of energy was experimentally determinated observing morphological changes in SEM images due to an increase range in the energy applied to dentinal root canal surface. At the length between 32 and 49 J/cm2 most of the intracanal dentinal tubules were open. The temperature increase was within the biological safe suggesting a feasible clinical use. Each root canal was irradiated five times with helicoidal movements from apical to cervical, with 20 seconds interval. FRC Postec were immediately cemented and randomly divided in nine groups (n=10). Each root canal was cut in six discs for push out test, were the maximum failure load was obtained and the bond strength was calculated as a function of post bonded area. The bond strength for the irradiated groups was superior among all control groups. The evaluation of bond strength among root region (cervical, middle and apical) was performed and differences were observed. The self-adhesive (RelyX Unicem Aplicap) system was noted superior among all irradiated groups and all regions. Chemical changes were analyzed by FTIR due to dental root portion and dentinal tubules orientation to laser beam direction. The FTIR spectra obtained indicated changes due to tubules orientation and root canal portion irradiated such as the proportion among the compositional ratio without causing chemical changes. These compositional ratio alterations may affect the bond strength results. The irradiation with Er,Cr:YSGG laser on dentinal walls of a prosthetic post space preparation before the post cementation, as suggested in this study, may increase the bond strength between the post and root canal dentin depending upon the luting cement that is used.

[..] if only you behaved like the loyal British subjects you're supposed to be : Nationella identiteter och det förflutnas funktion i Starz:s Outlander (2014-) / [..] if only you behaved like the loyal British subjects you're supposed to be : National identities and the function of the past in Starz’s Outlander (2014-)

Hågbäck, Moa January 2019 (has links)
This study aims to analyse the representation of Scottish and English national identity in the tv-series Outlander (2014-). By recreating a historically influenced narrative of relations between Scotland and England, in the aftermath of the Union of 1707 and the upcoming Jacobite rebellion of 1745, the series also mediate a disputed collective British identity. Therefore, it is imperative to analyse how pop-culture functionalises memories of nations’ historical past to influence contemporary identities. First, I establish an inventory of semiotic mythic tokens of national identity. I then conduct a contextual analysis of national discursive identity on these. A further theoretical sociohistorical framework of contemporary ideology, mediated through pop-culture, materialises Outlanders impact on viewers’ own creation of identity. Through representations of myth Outlander mediates the stereotypical, romanticised image of Scottish highlanders as “superstitious barbarians” - a dualistic concept of national identity, depending on its context. To the viewer it’s an idealised image of someone rebellious, living outside the industrialised and modernised society. To the English/British soldiers it’s an image of the underdeveloped, uncivilised savage, the soldiers themselves being portrayed in Outlander as the cultivated superior in pursuit of cultural salvation for their inferior. The national discourse of both nations is symbiotic and dependent, each in need of the other’s binary identity to recreate its own. However, establishing a collective British national identity in Outlander also means a cultural sacrifice of the inferior to the superior – the cultural heritage of British identity should build on English national discourse alone. An important conclusion this study draws is the similarity between the dependency national discourses have to their binary “other” and contemporary society depending on the past in the creation of its identity. This recreational process is no longer, in a time of mass media, solely inherited by individual collective communities.

Evaluation of Dynamic Prosthetic Alignment Techniques for Individuals with Transtibial Amputation

Chen, Wen Jia Caroline 21 November 2012 (has links)
Although dynamic prosthetic alignment is an important process for the rehabilitation of transtibial amputees, such alignment technique is subjective and inconsistent. Using biomechanical variables and questionnaire assessments, this study compared an instrument-assisted dynamic alignment technique using the Compas™ system and conventional alignment techniques on nine adults with unilateral transtibial amputation. A focus group discussion was conducted with six prosthetists to understand clinical practice of dynamic alignment and their perception of the Compas™ system. Results found that Compas™ produced more anterior weight line displacement and greater varus moment on the prosthesis than conventional alignment techniques. Alignment changes did not affect pelvic acceleration, and the instrument-assisted alignment technique produced certain biomechanical changes but not necessarily better alignments. Although the current version of the Compas™ system is not clinically feasible, it can be used as a teaching/justification tool. Further investigation with larger sample size and ankle alignment or moment measures is needed.

Evaluation of Dynamic Prosthetic Alignment Techniques for Individuals with Transtibial Amputation

Chen, Wen Jia Caroline 21 November 2012 (has links)
Although dynamic prosthetic alignment is an important process for the rehabilitation of transtibial amputees, such alignment technique is subjective and inconsistent. Using biomechanical variables and questionnaire assessments, this study compared an instrument-assisted dynamic alignment technique using the Compas™ system and conventional alignment techniques on nine adults with unilateral transtibial amputation. A focus group discussion was conducted with six prosthetists to understand clinical practice of dynamic alignment and their perception of the Compas™ system. Results found that Compas™ produced more anterior weight line displacement and greater varus moment on the prosthesis than conventional alignment techniques. Alignment changes did not affect pelvic acceleration, and the instrument-assisted alignment technique produced certain biomechanical changes but not necessarily better alignments. Although the current version of the Compas™ system is not clinically feasible, it can be used as a teaching/justification tool. Further investigation with larger sample size and ankle alignment or moment measures is needed.

Topographic guidance scaffolds for peripheral nerve interfacing

Clements, Isaac Perry 22 November 2010 (has links)
In response to high and rising amputation rates, significant advances have been made in the field of prosthetic limb design. Unfortunately, there exists a lag in the neural interfacing technology required to provide an adequate link between the nervous system and this emerging generation of advanced prosthetic devices. Novel approaches to peripheral nerve interfacing are required to establish the stable, high channel count connections necessary to provide natural, thought driven control of an external prosthesis. Here, a tissue engineering-based approach has been used to create a device capable of interfacing with a regenerated portion of amputated nerve. As part of this work, a nerve guidance channel design, in which small amounts of interior scaffolding material could be precisely positioned, was evaluated. Guidance channels containing a single thin-film sheet of aligned scaffolding were shown to support robust functional nerve regeneration across extended injury gaps by minimally supplementing natural repair mechanisms. Significantly, these "thin-film enhanced nerve guidance channels" also provided the capability to guide the course of axons regenerating from a cut nerve. This capability to control axonal growth was next leveraged to create "regenerative scaffold electrodes (RSEs)" able to interface with axons regenerating from an amputated nerve. In the RSE design, low-profile arrays of interfacing electrodes were embedded within layers of aligned scaffolding material, such that regenerating axons were topographically guided by the scaffolding through the device and directly across the embedded electrodes. Chronically implanted RSEs were successfully used to record evoked neural activity from amputated nerves in an animal model. These results demonstrate that the use of topographic cues within a nerve guidance channel might offer the potential to influence the course of nerve regeneration to the advantage of a peripheral nerve interface suitable for limb amputees.

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