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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The ecological genetic consequences of local endemism and natural population fragmentation in Banksia ilicifolia (Proteaceae) /

Heliyanto, Bambang. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Western Australia, 2006.

Leuko-antosianienbinders as beheermaatreël vir die voorkoming van bruinwording in Protealoofblare

Du Plessis, Dawid Gerhardus Cornelius 25 September 2014 (has links)
M.Sc. (Botany) / The purpose of this investigation was to determine the effects of various physical treatments (limitation of transpiring surface, removal of stem base and changing of vase water and different numbers of inflorescence per constant volume of vase water) on the browning of foliage and the rate of water absorption by Protea neriifolia in florescences. The binding capacity of lead acetate with flavonoids in vase media was also determined. The limitation of the number of leaves (transpiring surface) per peduncle resulted in less absorption of leached browning and stem plugging components. Regular removal of the stem base and changing of vase water inhibit stern blockage and accumulation of leached products in the vase medium. A large number of inflorescences in a limited volume of vase medium resulted in higher concentrations of leached flavonoids and other browning components. A reduced number of leaves per peduncle, regular removal of stern base and changing of vase water, as well as a limited number of inflorescences per constant volume of vase medium, ensured adequate continuous water uptake, which is essential to limit browning.

Botryosphaeria diseases of proteaceae

Denman, Sandra 03 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD (Agric))--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Fungi belonging to the genus Botryosphaeria are heterotrophic micromycetes that can be pathogens on woody plants. They cause serious, and in some cases devastating losses to crops through leaf necrosis, stem cankers and plant death. The Proteaceae cut-flower industry in South Africa accounts for 70% of the national cut-flower enterprise. Botryosphaeria diseases are a major impediment to production and trade of Proteaceae and there is an urgent need to investigate the etiology, epidemiology and control of these diseases. Losses of one of the most important proteas, P. magnifica, amount to 50% or more, locally. The main aims of this study were therefore to establish the etiology and aspects of epidemiology of Botryosphaeria stem cankers on P. magnifica and other Proteaceae, and to investigate methods of disease control. Although there is a vast body of information pertaining to this fungus, which was reviewed in Chapter 1, there is relatively little information available on Botryosphaeria on Proteaceae. The taxonomy of Botryosphaeria requires thorough review, and molecular techniques need to be employed to resolve species identities. In Chapter 2, it was found that Phyllachora proteae, a leaf pathogen of proteas, produced a Fusicoccum anamorph, which is described as F. proteae. A sphaeropsis-like synanamorph was associated with F. proteae and a new combination for P. proteae is proposed in Botryosphaeria, as B. proteae. The taxonomy of Botryosphaeria is in disarray at both the generic and the specific level. In Chapter 3 the taxonomic history of Botryosphaeria is reviewed, and the genus circumscribed and distinguished from other morphologically similar genera. Although several anamorph genera have been linked to Botryosphaeria, based on morphological observations and phylogenetic analysis of lTS rDNA sequence data, two anamorph genera are now recognised, those with pigmented conidia (Diplodia), and those with hyaline conidia (Fusicoccum). Botryosphaeria proteae should thus be excluded from Botryosphaeria. Several pathogenic Botryosphaeria spp. have an endophytic phase within their hosts. They are therefore imported unwittingly into other countries where they may pose a risk to agriculture and indigenous vegetation. The current global distribution of Botryosphaeria spp. associated with Proteaceae is clarified and a key to these taxa associated with Proteaceae is provided in Chapter 4. Five Botryosphaeria spp. are associated with cut-flower Proteaceae worldwide viz. B. lute a, B. obtusa, B. protearum, B. proteae and B. rib is. B. protearum is described as a new species. A thorough understanding of disease epidemiology is essential to effect a reduction of losses. In Chapter 5, I show that on P. magnifica, lesions caused by Botryosphaeria protearum, which lead to the formation of stem cankers, are initiated in the mid-rib vein or margin of leaves. Koch's postulates were satisfied and it was found that the number of lesions that developed from artificial inoculations correlated with starch levels present in leaves at the time of inoculation. In Chapter 6 it is shown that B. protearum exists as an endophyte in leaves of P. magnifica in naturally occurring as well as cultivated plants. In natural stands of proteas stem cankers are rare, but in cultivated plantations the incidence is high. Nutritional analyses indicate that higher levels of nitrogen occur in leaves of cultivated plants in spring, which could enhance disease development. High levels of sodium in the leaves of wild plants may restrict disease development. The severe economic losses caused by B. protearum make the search for improved methods of disease control essential. Fungicide applications form an important component of an integrated approach to disease management. In Chapter 7, in vitro tests demonstrate that tebuconazole, benomyl, prochloraz me, iprodione and fenarimol reduce the mycelial growth of B. protearum effectively. In the field there was a 25-85% reduction in the occurrence of stem cankers by applying fungicides or sanitation pruning. The best control was achieved by using benomyl, bitertanol, fenarimol, iprodione, prochloraz manganese chloride alternated with mancozeb and tebuconazole prophylactically. If sanitation pruning is combined with regular applications of fungicides, disease can be combated. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Mikrofungi wat tot die genus Botryosphaeria behoort, is heterotrofiese organismes, wat patogenies op houtagtige plante kan wees. Hulle veroorsaak ernstige, en in sommige gevalle, verwoestende verliese, deur blaarnekrose, stamkankers en plantafsterwing. Die Proteaceae snyblom-industrie in Suid-Afrika maak 70% van die nasionale snyblomindustrie uit. Botryosphaeria siektes is 'n belangrike struikelblok in die produksie en handeldryf van Proteaceae, en daar is 'n ernstige behoefte om die etiologie, epidemiologie en beheer van siektes te ondersoek. Verliese van een van die belangrikste proteas, P. magnifica, beloop plaaslik 50% of meer. Die hoof doelstellings van hierdie studie was dus om die etiologie en epidemiologie van Botryosphaeria stamkankers op P. magnifica en ander Proteaceae vas te stel en metodes van siektebeheer te ondersoek. Hoewel daar 'n wye hoeveelheid inligting rakende die swam bestaan, wat in Hoofstuk I hersien is, is daar relatief min inligting oor Botryosphaeria op Proteaceae beskikbaar. Die taksonomie van Botryosphaeria benodig deeglike hersiening, en molekulêre tegnieke word benodig om spesie-identiteite op te klaar. In Hoofstuk 2 is gevind dat Phyllachora proteae, 'n blaarpatogeen van proteas, 'n Fusicoccum anamorf produseer, wat as F. proteae beskryf word. 'n Sphaeropsis-agtige synanamorf is met F. proteae geassosieer en 'n nuwe kombinasie vir P. proteae is as B. proteae in Botryosphaeria voorgestel. Die taksonomie van Botryosphaeria is, beide op die genus- as die spesievlak, in wanorde. In Hoofstuk 3 word die taksonomiese geskiedenis van Botryosphaeria hersien, en die genus word omskryf en van ander morfologies soortgelyke genera onderskei. Hoewel verskeie anamorf genera al met Botryosphaeria op grond van morfologiese waarnemings en filogenetiese analise van ITS rDNA volgorde data verbind is, word twee anamorf genera nou herken, dié met gepigmenteerde konidia (Diplodia), en dié met deurskynende konidia (Fusicoccum). Botryosphaeria proteae moet dus van Botryosphaeria uitgesluit word. Verskeie patogeniese Botryosphaeria spp. het 'n endofitiese fase in hul lewenssiklus. Hulle word dus onwetend in ander lande ingevoer waar hulle 'n gevaar vir landbou en inheemse plantegroei kan inhou. Die huidige wêreldverspreiding van Botryosphaeria spp. wat met Proteaceae geassosieer word is opgeklaar, en in Hoofstuk 4 word 'n sleutel tot die taksa wat met Proteaceae geassosieer word verskaf. Vyf Botryosphaeria spp. word met snyblom Proteaceae wêreldwyd geassosieer, naamlik B. lutea, B. protearum, B. proteae, B. ribis en B. obtusa. B. protearum word as 'n nuwe spesie beskryf. 'n Deeglike kennis van siekte-epidemiologie is noodsaaklik ten einde verliese te verminder. In Hoofstuk 5 dui ek aan dat letsels wat lei tot stamkankers, veroorsaak deur Botryosphaeria protearum op P. magnifica, in die hoofnerf of rant van blare ontstaan. Koch se postulate is uitgevoer en daar is vasgestel dat die aantal letsels wat vanuit kunsmatige inokulasies ontwikkel het korreleer met die styselvlakke teenwoordig in die blare ten tye van die inokulasie. In Hoofstuk 6 word getoon dat B. protearum as 'n endofiet in die blare van P. magnifica. In natuurlike standplase van proteas is stamkankers skaars, maar in verboude plantasies is die voorkoms hoog. Voedingsanalises dui aan dat hoër vlakke van stikstof in die blare van verboude plante in die lente voorkom, wat siekte-ontwikkeling moontlik kan bevorder. Hoë vlakke van natrium in die blare van natuurlike plante mag siekteontwikkeling beperk. Die ernstige ekonomiese verliese wat deur B. protearum veroorsaak word, maak die soektog na verbeterde metodes van siektebeheer noodsaaklik. Fungisiedtoedienings maak 'n belangrike deel uit van 'n geïntegreerde benadering tot siektebeheer. In Hoofstuk 7 dui in vitro toetse aan dat tebuconazole, benomyl, prochloraz me, iprodione en fenarimol die miseliumgroei van B. protearum effektief verminder. 'n Vermindering van 25-85% is aangetoon in die voorkoms van stamkankers in die veld, deur die toediening van fungisiedes en sanitasiesnoei. Die beste beheer is verkry deur die voorkomende toediening van benomyl, bitertanol, fenarimol, iprodione en prochloraz manganese chloride, afgewissel met mancozeb en tebuconazole, op plante in die veld. Indien sanitasiesnoei met gereelde toedienings van fungisiedes gekombineer word, kan die siekte bekamp word.

Effect of pruning on economic biomass production of Protea cv. Carnival

Gerber, Audrey I. (Audrey Inga) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 1994. / Some digitised pages may appear illegible due to the condition of the Microfiche / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Many Proreaceae species indigenous to South Africa have potential as cutflower crops. Commercial production of proteas for expurt, mainly to Europe, must emphasise quality of flowers and time of production. Good export quality flowers have stems longer than 50cm and unblemished flowers. Cut-flower proteas are in greater demand and command better prices during the European winter (September to May, Southern hemisphere), when competition from flowers grown in Europe is less. Both quality and time of harvest can be manipulated by pruning techniques. Protea cv. Carnival (a natural hybrid, possibly between P. neriifolia and P. compacta) produces flowers in late summer, from February through to May. Picking flowers or pruning shoots of Proteo cv. Carnival entails removing the terminal portion of shoots with heading cuts to leave on the plant short stumps, known as bearers. Lateral shoots arising from axillary buds on bearers elongate by successive growth flushes until flowers are initiated terminally. The characteristics of the shoot determine whether or not flower initiation will take place, and will affect the quality of the resulting flower. Plants were pruned to produce bearers of different length and diameter. The characteristics of shoots arising from different bearers were recordea. Thick bearers of length 20-25cm produced the most shoots, and the longest shoots. Plants producing flowers biennially, rather than ann'Jally, produced thicker bearers, which, in turn, lead to production of better quality shoots arising from the bearers in the following season. Changing the time of pruning changed both the flowering cycle and the biomass allocation of Prorea cv. Carnival. Plants of Profea cv. Carnival were pruned on six different dates in 1991. Pruning in March, April or May, 1991, resulted in an annual flowering cycle. Less than 40% of the fresh mass produced in 1993 was reproductive, of which approximately 5% had stems long enough for export. The 1994 annual harvest was of s:milar size and quality as the 1993 annual harvest. Pruning in July, August or September, 1991, resulted in a biennial cycle of flowering. No flowers were produced in 1992, and a large crop was harvested in 1993. In 1993 lip to 70% of the fresh mass produced was reproductive, of which approximately 80% had stems long enough for export. Plants were pruned shortly after flowering in 1993, and the biennial cycle was replaced by an alternate flowering cycle, with a large crop being followed by a smaller crop. The large harvest in 1993 was significantly earlier than normal, but the small crop produced in 1994 was later. The harvest in 1994 from plants with an alternate flowering cycle was similar in size to the 1994 harvest from plants floweting annually, but flower stems were longer. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Heelwat inheemse Proteaceae spesies besit die vereiste eienskappe om as snyblomr.-le verhanctci te wod. Indien proteas kommersieel verbou sou word vir uitvoer moet die klem val op gehalte van blomme en die tyd van produksie. Goeie gehalte uitvoer blomme moet steellengte van langer as 50cm en perfek gevormde blomme besit. Daar is 'n groter aanvraag na kommersieel verboude proteas gedurende die Europese winter (September tot Mei, suidelike halfrond) en beter pryse word derhalwe ook dan verkry. Beide gehalte en die oes periode kan gemanipuleer word deur snoeitegnieke. Wanneer blomme gepluk word of lote gesnoei word van Profea cv. Carnival (waarskynlik 'n kruising tussen P. compacta x P. neriifolia) word die terminale gedeelte van die loot teruggesny. Die oorblywende gedeelte bestaan uit kort stompe wat bekend staan as draers. Laterale lote afkomstig van okselknoppe op draers verleng totdat 'n blom terminaal ontwikkel. Die eienskappe van die loot bepaal of 'n blom inisieer sal word of nie, en sal ook die gehalte van die gevormde blom beinvloed. Protea plante was gesnoei om draers van verkillende lengtes en deursnee te produseer. Die eienkappe van lote afkomstig van die verskillende tipe draers was gemeet. Dik ..draers van lengte 20-25cm het die meeste asook die langste lote geproduseer. Plante wat twee-jaarliks, in teenstelling met jaarliks, geblom het, het dikker draers geproduseer en ook gelei tot produksie van beter gehalte lote in die opeenvolgende seisoen. Die verandering in die tyd van snoei het beide die blom siklus en die biomassa verspreiding beinvloed. Plante van Protea cv. Carnival was up 6 verskillende datums in 1991 gesnoei. Snoei in Maart, April of Mei, 1991, het 'n jaarlikse blom siklus veroorsaak. Minder as 40% van die vars massa geproduseer in 1993 was reproduktief, waarvan 5% steellengte lank genoeg vir uitvoer gehad hel. Die 1994 jaarlikse oes was van dieselfde grootte en gehalte as die van 1993. Snoei in Julie, Augustus of September, 1991, het egter 'n twee-jaarlikse blom siklus veroorsaak. Geen blomme was in 1992 geproduseer nie, maar die oes in 1993 was heelwat groter as die jaarlikse oeste. In 1993 was to 70% van die vars massa geproduseer, reproduktief, waarvan 80% steellengte lank genoeg vir uitvoer gehad het. Die twee-jaarlikse blom siklus het 'n vroeer oes in 1993 veroorsaak, maar 'n later oes in 1994. Die twee-jaarlikse oes in 1994 was van dieseifde grootte as die jaarlikse oes in 1994, maar die blomstele was langer.

Towards an integrated methodology : C4, Sherr and Dream provings of Protea cynaroides

Botha, Izel January 2010 (has links)
Submitted in fulfilment for the requirements of the Degree in Doctor of Technology: Homoeopathy, Durban University of Technology, 2010. / Homoeopathic provings form the experimental base of clinical homoeopathy. Provings are conducted through the administration of homoeopathically prepared medicine to healthy volunteers in order to elicit disease symptoms. The symptoms are collated to formulate the materia medica of the substance. AIM The aim of this study was to compare the most commonly employed proving methodologies, the C4 trituration, the Sherr and the Dream proving methodology, by application in order to ascertain the validity of the claims made in terms of the efficiency of the method to elicit reproducible symptoms. This study sought to follow the existing methodologies exactly as set out by the original developers with the aim of developing an integrated methodology. The order in which the three groups were assigned followed a logical sequence that ensured that the maximum efficiency would be obtained, and that the blinding process would not be compromised. The claims were investigated based on the hypotheses proving symptoms are reproducible when applying identical proving methodologies in consecutive years, that different methodologies yield different numbers, types and quality symptoms, that differences exist between the symptoms yielded by the placebo and the verum groups within the same methodology, and that an integrated methodology could be developed based on the study of the relative efficiency of the respective methodologies. METHOD During the course of the research, 70 provers were recruited to test the unknown substance through application of the three methodologies Page iii mentioned above. Each of the three groups comprised of 10 verum provers per year, thus totalling 20 verum provers per group. The second group had an additional 10 provers, comprised of five placebo provers for 2008 and 2009 respectively. RESULTS The rubrics produced in each group were statistically analysed. The results reflected a reasonable level of reproducibility, proving the first hypothesis, but highlighted the fact that different provers would result in different symptoms due to their individual susceptibility and sensitivity to the proving substance. This effectively proved the hypothesis that the proving effect was reproducible in consecutive years through the application of the same methodology. The result of the data collection was the formulation of 1 373 rubrics utilised for analysis purposes, resulting in 881 verified rubrics, that comprise the repertory for Protea cynaroides. From the data, it was evident that the C4 trituration and the Sherr proving methodologies yield the most rubrics. Not only do they yield a large number of rubrics, but they also yield a much larger number of rubrics than produced by the placebo portion of the Sherr proving methodology. In the Dream proving methodology group there is much less rubrics present at each rubric level than yielded by the C4 trituration and the Sherr proving methodologies. Strong chapter affinities were observable when applying the C4 and Sherr proving methodologies. The C4 methodology seem to favour the chapters dealing with the senses, evident in the Ear, Eye, Hearing, Mouth, Nose, Skin and Vision chapters where the C4 rubrics were more prevalent than the Sherr rubrics. The Sherr methodology was evident in the remainder of the chapters, indicating the wide applicability of this methodology. This proved the hypothesis that some proving methodologies are more effective than others. Page | iv The hypothesis of difference between the placebo and verum groups within the Sherr proving methodology was proven as it was evident in the number of rubrics produced by each section. The verum portion elicited 63 percent of the total rubrics compared to the placebo portion which only elicited 28 percent. Placebo provers thus elicit fewer symptoms during the proving process than verum provers, demonstrating that homoeopathic drug provings are not a placebo response, but that the administration of the medicine results in the development of clearly observable symptoms in the participants. As originally assumed, the proving did produce clearly observable symptoms in healthy provers. The symptoms gathered through the application of the methodologies were also comprehensive enough to develop a complete materia medica and repertory for Protea cynaroides. CONCLUSION From the data presented in the study, one can thus conclude that in order to elicit symptoms representing all 38 chapters present in the Protea cynaroides proving, the C4 trituration proving and the Sherr proving methodologies would have to be combined. Although Group two is able to elicit the majority of symptoms, it would be even more effective when it is combined with the C4 proving methodology, hence leading to the development of an integrated methodology combining these methods, proving the final hypothesis. The suggested integrated methodology thus comprises of firstly conducting a C4 trituration proving using at least 10 predominantly experienced C4 provers. This proving would serve to highlight the major themes. These themes can then be confirmed through secondly conducting a proving according to the Sherr methodology, in a group comprising of at least 17 provers, including a 10 percent placebo in the group. Repeated oral doses would be administered to the participants in this. At the conclusion of the second Page | v proving stage, all the data would be collated and formatted into a materia medica and repertory. It would, however, be important to prove the integrated methodology‘s usefulness through practical application, leading to the recommendation that the methodology be tested.

An eco-tourism and conservation perspective of endangered Proteaceae of the Cape Floral Kingdom on the Agulhas Plain /

Laubscher, Charles Petrus. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (DTech (Tourism and Hospitality Management))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2009. / Includes bibliographical references. Also available online.

Physiological and microbiological studies of nectar xylose metabolism in the Namaqua rock mouse, Aethomys namaquensis (A. Smith, 1834)

Johnson, Shelley Anne. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (D.Phil(Zoology))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Includes bibliographical references Available on the Internet via the World Wide Web.

The ecology of invasions by Pinus (pinaceae) and Hakea (proteaceae) species, with special emphasis on patterns, processes and consequences of invasion in mountain fynbos of the southwestern Cape Province, South Africa

Richardson, David Mark January 1989 (has links)
The fire-prone mountain fynbos of the southwestern Cape Province of South Africa has been severely invaded by introduced trees and shrubs. These invasions have transformed fynbos shrublands to dense thickets of trees and shrubs in many parts of the region, thus disrupting various natural ecosystem processes. The ecology of invasions by species of Pinus and Hakea (the most successful genera) was studied using a series of natural experiments in conjunction with autecological studies. The study was divided into main four parts: (i) case studies to elucidate major patterns and processes of invasion; (ii) studies of the life history and population ecology of selected invaders; (iii) studies of the determinants of invasibility; and (iv) assessments of the consequences of invasion and of control programmes. Bibliography: pages 235-272.

Changes in the abundance and diversity of the Proteaceae over the Cainozoic in south-western Australia

Itzstein-Davey, Freea January 2003 (has links)
South-western Australia is a globally significant hotspot of plant species diversity, with high endemism and many rare plant species. Proteaceae is a major component of the south-western flora, though little is known about how its diversity developed. This prompted the present study to investigate changes in the abundance and diversity of Proteaceae, in south-western Australia, by concurrently studying three sediment sequences of different ages over the Cainozoic and a modern pollen rain study. Modern pollen-vegetation relationships in the two Proteaceae species rich nodes of the northern and southern sandplains were quantified. It was found that Proteaceous genera can contribute up to 50% of the total pollen rain. Banksia/Dryandra pollen was the most abundant with Isopogon, Petrophile and Lambertia also commonly noted. The vegetation and environmental setting during three pivotal periods of the Cainozoic: Holocene, Pliocene and Eocene, were investigated. Eocene sediment from Lake Lefroy confirmed the presence of a Nothofagus dominated rainforest in the Middle to Late Eocene. At this time Proteaceae species were at least as diverse as today, if not more so, contributing up to a maximum of 42% of the total pollen rain. Taxa recorded included: Banksieaeidites arcuatus, Propylipollis biporus, Proteacidites confragosus, Proteacidites crassus, Proteacidites nasus and Proteacidites pachypolus. Several taxa remain undescribed and unnamed. This study also identified that Proteaceae pollen representation varies across small lateral distances. Thus as samples varied spatially and temporally, single core samples are not sufficient to identify spatial patterns in Proteaceae or other low pollen producing taxa. Some 7.91 cm of laminated Pliocene sediment from Yallalie, south-western Australia, was also examined. It covers 84 years of record and confirmed other regional reports that south-western Australia was covered by a rich vegetation mosaic consisting of heathy and wet rainforest elements. Although Proteaceae species were a consistent component of the pollen counts, diversity and abundance (maximum of 5%) was low throughout the studied section. Banksia/Dryandra types were most commonly noted. A 2 m core was retrieved from Two Mile Lake, near the Stirling Ranges and provided an early Holocene vegetation history. Geochemical and palynological evidence recorded little change, suggesting the environment of deposition was relatively uniform. Proteaceae species were noted throughout the core, though in low numbers, at a maximum of 3.5 % of the total pollen rain. Banksia/Dryandra was the most abundant while Isopogon, Lambertia, Petrophile and Franklandia were also noted. A regression model was developed through the modern pollen rain study to predict the number of Proteaceae in the vegetation. This was also applied to the fossil pollen records. The estimated number of Proteaceae species in the Eocene suggests a maximum of 20 and a minimum of 10 taxa. For the Pliocene record, an estimated 7 - 9 species was found and for the Holocene pollen, between 7 - 8 were present. Thus the Eocene was similar in Proteaceae diversity to today. The results from the Pliocene and Holocene suggest that Proteaceae diversity was lower than today. Findings of this research indicate that Proteaceae species are an important and consistent component of vegetation in south-western Australia over the Cainozoic. It is likely that both changing pollination mechanisms and changes in associated vegetation are important in the determining the dispersal of Proteaceaous pollen. By understanding how the vegetation has changed and developed in south-western Australia, present vegetation can be managed to include intra-specific variation and ensure the majority of species are conserved for present and future generations to enjoy.

Evolutionary history of floral key innovations in angiosperms / Histoire évolutive des innovations-clés florales chez les Angiospermes

Reyes, Elisabeth 13 December 2016 (has links)
Les Angiospermes forment un clade connu pour sa grande diversité d’espèces et une répartition inégale de cette diversité en son sein. Ce travail se concentre sur la reconstruction d’états ancestraux de caractères floraux sur les phylogénies dans le but d’étudier leur impact sur la diversification. En premier lieu, nous nous sommes focalisés sur deux innovations-clés potentielles chez les Proteaceae, la symétrie bilatérale du périanthe et la présence dans les hotspots à climat méditerranéen. L’utilisation sur une phylogénie de modèles de diversification dépendants des états de caractère a permis de montrer que le premier état caractère n’a pas d’impact significatif sur la diversification des espèces dans ce groupe, contrairement au second. Ensuite, nous avons reconstruit les états ancestraux de la symétrie du périanthe à l’échelle de toutes les Angiospermes, avec une stratégie d’échantillonnage permettant de refléter toutes les transitions de ce caractère. Nous avons mis en évidence un minimum de 130 origines de la symétrie bilatérale, suivies de 69 réversions vers la symétrie radiaire. Enfin, la même méthode a été étendue à l’étude de quatre autres caractères du périanthe. Différents modèles de reconstruction d’états ancestraux ont été utilisés sur une phylogénie de 1232 espèces pour examiner l’influence des changements de modèle sur les états ancestraux reconstruits. Nos résultats montrent que les changements de modèles de reconstruction ont une influence sur l’état de certains nœuds seulement, jamais sur l’ensemble. Les différents résultats trouvés pour la symétrie, caractère commun aux trois chapitres, révèlent que notre méthode d’échantillonnage présente l’inconvénient d’estimer des taux de transition trop élevés pour donner des résultats concluants avec la méthode du maximum de vraisemblance. Les résultats sont en revanche beaucoup moins biaisés lorsque l’on examine plusieurs caractères simultanément. / Angiosperms are a clade known for its great species diversity and the uneven distribution of this diversity among its lineages. This work focuses on the ancestral state reconstruction of floral characters on phylogenies in the purpose of studying their impact on diversification. We first focused on two potential key innovations in Proteaceae, bilateral perianth symmetry and presence in Mediterranean-climate hotspots. Using character state dependent diversification models, we found that the first character state did not have any significant impact on species diversification in this group, contrary to the second one. We then reconstructed ancestral states for perianth symmetry in angiosperms as a whole, using a sampling strategy aimed at capturing all of the transitions in this character. We found a minimum of 130 origins of bilateral symmetry, followed by 69 subsequent reversals to radial symmetry. Lastly, the same approach was extended to the study of four other perianth characters. Different ancestral state reconstruction models were used on a phylogenetic tree of 1232 species to test the influence of model changes on reconstructed ancestral states. Our results show that changes in reconstruction models have an impact on the inferred ancestral state of some nodes, but not all of them. The various results obtained for symmetry, a character shared among the three chapters, indicate that our sampling method has the drawback of estimating transition rates too high to give conclusive results with maximum likelihood. On the other hand, results are much less biased when several characters are examined simultaneously.

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