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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza možností provedení evakuace obyvatelstva v předúnikové fázi radiační havárie v podmínkách ETE / Analysis of the possibility to perform evacuation of inhabitants at the pre-leakage phase of radiation accident in nuclear power plant conditions

MAKRLÍK, Jaroslav January 2011 (has links)
Nuclear facility accidents involving leaks of radioactive substances into the environment might have serious radiobiological impacts on inhabitants in some cases and would require immediate or subsequent protective measures from iodine prophylaxis and hiding to evacuation or permanent resettlement. The first part of the thesis describes the conditions of nuclear facility operation, technology of the Temelin nuclear power plant, including description of technology and function of emergency systems and the basic principles of security, and environment protection. It also describes the principles and aims of nuclear safety, radiation protection and accident preparedness. A more detailed description of accident preparedness at the Temelin power plant including links to the External Emergency Plan and announcement of safety measures for inhabitants follows. The aim of the thesis is to evaluate the decision making process on announcement of evacuation in the pre-leak phase of radiation accident from the point of view of the Temelin nuclear plant operator?s possibilities. The part Methodology includes a description of RTARC software for evaluation of radiological impacts of radioactive substance leakage into the environment of the Temelin nuclear plant in case of radiation accident. The set of source members (event scenarios) used for the calculation is also described there. The chapter Results presents and assesses the RTARC calculations. We may say upon analyses of the results that application of the decision making support programme is beneficial and is practically able to help with efficient protection of citizens in the final effect. For a part of the considered source members evacuation on pre-leak phase cannot be recommended with regard to the quick progress and leakage of radioactive substances into the environment.

Ermittlung des Wissensstandes über Schutzmaßnahmen gegen solare Exposition in Mitgliedsbetrieben als Grundlage für die präventive Tätigkeit der BG ETEM

Braun, Gunnar Johannes 07 September 2017 (has links)
In dieser Masterthesis wird erforscht wie der jetzige Kenntnisstand der Sicherheitsfachkräfte zu den Themen solare Exposition, Schutzmaßnahmen und die Akzeptanz der Schutzmaßnahmen durch die Mitarbeiter in den Mitgliedsbetrieben der BG ETEM ist. Diese Themen gewinnen an Bedeutung seit die Berufskrankheit Nummer 5103 in den Anhang 1 der Berufskrankheitenverordnung aufgenommen wurde und die BG ETEM nun für ihre Versicherten auch diesbezüglich präventiv tätig ist. Im Rahmen dieser Masterthesis wurde für die Erforschung des Kenntnisstands ein Fragebogen mit zugehörigem Interviewleitfaden selbst entwickelt. Die anschließenden Befragungen wurden durch den Ersteller in den teilnehmenden Unternehmen persönlich für die Masterthesis vorgenommen. Der Teilnehmerkreis beschränkt sich auf interne Sicherheitsfachkräfte, die in Unternehmen der Branche Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft beschäftigt sind. Erforscht werden neben allgemeinen und betrieblichen Angaben ihr Kenntnisstand zu den Themengebieten Gefährdungsbewusstsein, Gefährdungsbeurteilung, Schutzmaßnahmen und der Informations- und Fortbildungsbedarf. Die Antworten werden mit den eigenen Erwartungen verglichen und Rückschlüsse daraus gezogen. Für die BG ETEM werden die Ergebnisse dieser Masterthesis im Hinblick auf den Präventionsauftrag analysiert. Hierzu werden im Rahmen der Masterthesis auch Vorschläge zu diesen Maßnahmen gemacht. So sollen die Beratungen, Informationsmaterialien und Fortbildungen auf die Präferenzen sowie die vorhandenen Wissenslücken in den Unternehmen zugeschnitten werden, um hier berufsbedingte Neuerkrankungen durch solare Exposition langfristig weitgehend zu verhindern.

Skyddsåtgärder på sociala medier : En kvalitativ studie om hur individer kan skydda sig mot cyberattacker och varför de inte tillämpar skyddsåtgärder på sociala medier

Shi, Amy, Sellman, Hanna January 2024 (has links)
Digitala plattformars integration i samhället har omformat hur vi människor kommunicerar, arbetar och lever på. Sociala medier har bidragit till en central del i denna omvandling, samtidigt som det även har ökat risken för individers sårbarheter för cyberattacker. Individer lämnar digitala fotavtryck genom aktiviteter online som kan hota deras integritet och säkerhet. Trots detta saknar många medvetenhet om riskerna och kunskap om hur de kan skydda sig. Syftet med studien är att utforska vilka skyddsåtgärder som kan minska individers sårbarheter för cyberattacker på sociala medier. Dessutom syftar studien till att utforska varför de avstår från att använda dessa skyddsåtgärder. Genom att granska tidigare forskning och analysera de mänskliga faktorer som påverkar säkerhetsmedvetenhet, strävar studien efter att undersöka dessa beteenden. En kvalitativ forskningsansats antogs och datainsamlingen gemfördes med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Analysen utfördes med en tematisk analysmetod där tre teman identifierades som är: skyddsåtgärder, sociala medier och attityder och användarbeteende. Slutsatsen är att individer kan tillämpa skyddsåtgärder som starka lösenord, undvika delning av lösenord, tvåfaktorsautentisering och att vara misstänksam mot okända meddelanden för att skydda sig mot cyberattacker. Individer använder inte dessa åtgärder på grund av en naiv attityd kring cyberattacker och upplevd omständighet med att implementera skyddsåtgärder. Trots att vissa blivit offer för cyberattacker fortsätter de att inte tillämpa skyddsåtgärder på grund av bristande förståelse för risker och konsekvenser. / The integration of digital platforms into society has transformed how we communicate, work, and live. Social media has played a central role in this transformation, while also increasing individuals' vulnerabilities to cyberattacks. People leave digital footprints through online activities that can threaten their privacy and security. Despite this, many lack awareness of the risks and knowledge of how to protect themselves. The aim of this study is to explore protective measures that can reduce individuals' vulnerabilities to cyberattacks on social media. Additionally, the study seeks to understand why individuals refrain from using these protective measures. By reviewing previous research and analyzing the human factors affecting security awareness, the study aims to investigate these behaviors. A qualitative research approach was adopted, and data was collected through semi-structured interviews. The analysis was conducted using a thematic analysis method, identifying three themes: protective measures, social media, and attitudes and user behavior. The conclusion is that individuals can apply protective measures such as strong passwords, avoiding password sharing, two-factor authentication, and being suspicious of unknown messages to protect themselves against cyberattacks. Individuals do not use these measures due to a naive attitude towards cyberattacks and the perceived inconvenience of implementing protective measures. Despite some having been victims of cyberattacks, they continue not to apply protective measures due to a lack of understanding of risks and consequences.

Trestní řízení proti právnickým osobám / Criminal proceedings against legal entities

Novotná, Eva January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis discusses the criminal proceedings against legal persons. The main idea of this diploma thesis is to describe single juridical institute of criminal procedure which is specific for proceedings against legal persons. For better understanding is necessary to find and understate all the sources of law. The primary authorities which will be used in the criminal proceedings are above all Act of Criminal Procedure against Legal Persons, Rules of Criminal Procedure and also Constitution of the Czech Republic and Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms. It is also important to looking the sources at international level. Fundamental source is European Convention on Human Rights. The thesis deals with institutes of criminal law specific for legal entities, like imputability, a person committing a crime or enumeration of criminal acts for which can be affected legal entities. The main chapter contains analysis of each section from special part of Act of Criminal Procedure against Legal Persons. Subchapters discuss some of elemental principles in criminal proceedings as local jurisdiction in criminal proceedings and principle of joint trial of a criminal case, then provisional and protective measures, procedure for the cancellation, termination and conversion of the legal entity during...

Aspects procéduraux de la contrefaçon de brevet d'invention / Procedural aspects of patent infringement

Hubert, Olivier 01 December 2015 (has links)
Le droit procédural de l’action en contrefaçon de brevet d’invention n’est pas un droit autonome. En effet, si l’action en contrefaçon de brevet dépend majoritairement de règles procédurales qui lui sont propres, elle repose également sur une multitude de règles appartenant à des systèmes normatifs plus généraux, tels que, notamment, le droit judiciaire privé, le droit des biens, le droit des contrats, ou encore les droits fondamentaux. L’instance en contrefaçon de brevet, qui relève pour sa part essentiellement du droit judiciaire privé général, intègre un certain nombre de règles spécifiques qui lui confèrent ainsi une physionomie originale. Seule l’étude des rapports existant entre ces différents systèmes normatifs, à chaque étape de l’action et de l’instance, permet de clarifier les aspects procéduraux de l’action en contrefaçon de brevet d’invention et de sécuriser les justiciables dans l’exercice de leurs droits. / The procedural law of patent infringement action is not an autonomous law. Indeed, if patent infringement action largely depends on its own procedural rules, it also relies on a multitude of rules belonging to more general normative systems, such as, in particular, the private judicial law, property law, contract law, or human rights. The patent infringement proceedings, which fundamentaly depends on private judicial law, integrates some specific rules, which thus give it a unique legal physionomy. Only the study of the relationship between these different normative systems at each stage of both the action and the proceedings, clarifies the procedural aspects of the action of patent infringement and secure as well as protecting litigants while exercizing their rights.

Rozhodovací metody v managementu rizik / Decision Risks Management Methods

Janošík, Petr January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the matter of risk managament in IT projects. It explains the importance of risk management in such projects and shows different ways and methods of managing and analyzing the risks. After explaining the basic concepts and the various phases of risk management the text focuses on two methods of risk analysis - the fault tree analysis of event tree analysis. Use of both methods is explained for both quantitative and qualitative analyses. The second half of the work includes the design of an application for the support of risk analysis employing the methods of fault tree analysis and event tree analysis. This is followed by a description of the implementation of the proposed system in a web environment using jQuery, Nette Framework and Dibi.

Smittspridning ombord på fartyg : En studie om hantering av smittspridning ombord på fartyg och rederiers smittskyddsplaner / The spread of infection onboard ships : A study on managing the spread of infection on board ships and shipping companies' infection control plans

Djurberg, Fabian, Danielsson, Mak January 2024 (has links)
År 2020 drabbades världen av Covid-19. Spridningen av viruset resulterade i att många länder upprättade en lockdown. Detta påverkade sjöfartsbranschen negativt och ställde till med problem när folk blev sjuka. Detta är på grund av den unika miljön som finns ombord på fartyg. Syftet med studien var att analysera och utvärdera hur olika fartyg och rederier agerade under covid-19-pandemin med fokus på effektivitet, framgång och problem när det kommer till smittskydd. Studiens frågeställningar berörde hur rederiers existerande smittskyddsplaner såg ut och huruvida de kan förbättras, vilka lärdomar som kan dras om smittspridning ombord på fartyg och huruvida en förbättrad smittskyddsplan kan konstrueras utifrån de som redan existerar. En kvalitativ metod i form av granskning och inläsning av studier i området smittspridning i allmänhet samt studier om utbrott av covid-19 ombord på fartyg. Smittskyddsplaner samlades in genom ett mailutskick till svenska rederier. Resultatet visar att rederierna efterlevde många av WHO:s riktlinjer där de även implementerade egna tillägg till den ombordhavna smittskyddsplanen. Vi kom även fram till att landbaserad assistans är en viktig komponent för att kunna bekämpa smittspridning ombord. / In 2020, the world was struck by Covid-19. The spread of the virus resulted with many countries establishing  lockdowns. This negatively affected the shipping industry and caused problems when people got sick. This is because of the unique environment that exists on board ships. The purpose of the study was to analyze and evaluate how different ships and shipping companies acted during the COVID-19 pandemic with a focus on efficiency, success and problems when it came to controlling the spread of infections. The study's questions concerned how shipping companies' infection control plans were complied with and whether they can be improved, what lessons can be learned about the spread of infections on board ships and whether an improved infection control plan can be constructed from those that already exist. A qualitative method of reviewing and reading studies in the field of infection control in general and studies on COVID-19 outbreaks on board ships. Infection control plans were collected through a mailing to Swedish shipping companies. The results showed that the shipping companies complied with many of the WHO's guidelines where they also implemented their own additions to the on-board infection control plan. We also came to the conclusion that land-based assistance is an important component for combating the spread of infections on board.

Erdflechten und ihre Gesellschaften in Nordhessen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der morphologischen und genetischen Variabilität bei Cladonia furcata (Hudson) Schrader / Terricolous lichens and their communities in North Hessen (Germany) with special emphasis on the morphological and genetical variability of Cladonia furcata (Hudson) Schrader

Günzl, Bettina 22 January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

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