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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análisis del principio protector del trabajador en la jurisprudencia de la Corte Suprema y Tribunal Constitucional, en el lustro 2010-2015

Lama Gálvez, Tarik January 2016 (has links)
Memoria (licenciado en ciencias jurídicas y sociales) / El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar el principio de protección del trabajador, directriz fundante del Derecho del Trabajo, cuyo alcance y reconocimiento ha sido cuestionado por una parte de la doctrina y jurisprudencia nacional. Para ello examinaremos teóricamente qué es lo que se entiende por principio del Derecho, además de las numerosas interpretaciones que la doctrina nacional y comparada han dado al respecto. Luego estudiaremos la jurisprudencia laboral que va entre el 2010 y 2015 de los -a nuestro juicio- tribunales más importantes de Chile: Corte Suprema y Tribunal Constitucional. La elección de dicho lustro no es al azar, en el podremos distinguir marcados cambios en la forma de realizar la exegesis, restringiendo o ampliando la aplicabilidad del principio. Terminamos concluyendo que el principio de protección del trabajador, se encuentra garantizado constitucionalmente en el artículo 19 N° 16, el cual es complementado con la cláusula de apertura del artículo 5° inciso 2° de la Carta Fundamental, la cual obliga al Estado de Chile, respetar y promover los derechos esenciales de la persona humana, que se encuentren consagrados en tratados internacionales, ratificados por Chile y que se encuentren vigentes

Vztah konceptů humanitrní intervence a změny režimu: případ operaci v Libyi / Relation between the concept of humanitarian intervention and regime change: the case of Libya

Hanzal, Jaromír January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis Relation between the concepts of humanitarian intervention and regime change: the case of Libya is concerned with the study of military interventions after 1989 in the context of current theoretical discourse. It's main goal is assessing the 2011 NATO operation Unified Protector. The key question of thesis is, whether the intervention, due to the extensive reading of UNSC Resolution 1973, mandate still can be described in the terms of humanitarian intervention concept (in accordance with international law paradigm of R2P), or whether it rather had been a regime change. Based on primary data analysis, the paper shows that actors (most significantly the USA, France and Great Britain) contributing with a theoretically impartial military force, despite the immediate positive humanitarian outcome, helped significantly to overthrow the regime of Muammar Gaddafi. Due to the specifics of the operation, it can rather be described as a hidden regime change - a definition is also offered in the thesis. Based on the theoretical framework created by Michael Reisman, the author also assesses legitimacy of such deeds. The text is divided into three main chapters. Chapter one gives an account of broader context of just war theories, humanitarian intervention and regime change concepts. In the second...

Informe para la sustentación de expedientes: Expediente privado N° 183520-2007-00825-0 / Expediente público N°11870-2011-0-1801-JR-LA-29

Calonge De Paz, Madelaine Lorena 24 October 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo tiene por objeto el análisis de los principales problemas jurídicos ventilados en el proceso de contestación de paternidad iniciado por B. Y. G. C. contra A. I. G. G. y S. N. G. L., así como en el proceso iniciado por J. I. C. G. contra la Municipalidad Distrital de Santiago de Surco. En el primer proceso, los problemas están referidos, en primer lugar, a la constitucionalidad del artículo 364° del Código Civil y demás normas que, como ésta, imponen límites al cuestionamiento de la paternidad en el ámbito de la filiación matrimonial; en segundo lugar, a la correcta aplicación del control difuso en estos casos; y, en tercer lugar, al rol que juega el principio del interés superior del niño en la determinación de la filiación. Si bien estos temas han sido abordados por la jurisprudencia nacional, lo cierto es que ésta adolece de una falta de uniformidad en los criterios que son aplicados por los órganos jurisdiccionales del país con relación a ellos. Por eso, con la elaboración del presente trabajo, además de dar respuesta a la problemática planteada por el expediente, el tratar de extraer los principales criterios jurisprudenciales con relación a la identidad filiatoria y verificar qué factores sirven a ella para determinar la preeminencia de la verdad biológica o la verdad socioafectiva para determinar la filiación. Respecto al segundo proceso, se pretende analizar el principio de primacía de la realidad, el principio protector (principio Indubio Pro-Operario, principio de la norma más favorable, principio de la condición de más beneficiosa) y principio de irrenunciabilidad de los derechos laborales, los cuales se encuentra reconocidos y protegidos en nuestro ordenamiento jurídico, a través de la Constitución Política, la doctrina y la jurisprudencia, por lo que se ahondará en los beneficios que se obtienen a partir de estos. Asimismo, se pretende analizar la primacía de la Constitución sobre una norma de menor jerarquía y sobre cualquier documento que no describa la realidad. / Trabajo de suficiencia profesional

Navigating Complexity: Understanding the Multifaceted Roles of the Accountant : A Quantitative Study of the Roles Assumed by Accountants in Swedish Family SMEs From the CEOs perspective

Nygårds, Malin, Rashidi, Shabnam January 2023 (has links)
Purpose: The objective of this master's thesis is to investigate the factors that trigger the accountants to assume the diverse roles in Swedish SMEs within various business contexts.  Theoretical perspective: To satisfy the aim of this thesis we relied on role theory, organizational demography and socioemotional wealth.   Methodology: This thesis employs a deductive approach along with a quantitative methodology. A survey was conducted to gather data, resulting in a sample of 82 respondents who met the predefined criteria for this research.  The collected data was subjected to several statistical tests, such as the Spearman correlation matrix, multiple linear regression analysis, and principal component analysis. Findings: This thesis’s findings challenge the assumptions that firm age, family/ non-family CEO and accountant, experience, level of family engagement and ownership are the primary triggers for the beancounter, advisory, decision-maker and protector roles of the accountants. Instead, the thesis reveals a more nuanced perspective, indicating that these roles may be clustered and encompassed within a larger mixed role, which is referred to as co-leading-power role. This new understanding suggests a need to reevaluate and expand the understanding of the accountant's responsibilities within the organizational context. By acknowledging the existence of the co-leading-power role, we can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted nature of accountants' contributions and their impact on organizational outcomes.

Azimuthal Localization and Detection of Vehicular Backup Alarms Under Electronic and Non-Electronic Hearing Protection Devices in Noisy and Quiet Environments

Alali, Khaled Ahmed 04 May 2011 (has links)
Objective assessment for the effect of hearing protectors, background noise levels, and backup alarm acoustic features on listeners' abilities to localize backup alarm signals in the horizontal dimension, as well as on their ability to detect backup alarm signals in the distance dimension, is lacking in the acoustics and safety literature. Accordingly, two research experiments were conducted for this dissertation. In the first experiment, the effect of seven hearing protectors, two background pink noise levels (60 dBA and 90 dBA), and two backup alarm signals (standard and spectrally-modified) on the ability of normal hearing listeners to localize backup alarm signals in the horizontal dimension was investigated. Results indicated that a diotic sound transmission earmuff significantly degraded localization accuracy as compared to all other hearing protectors and the open ear condition. In addition, no significant difference existed between the open ear condition and the other hearing protectors in localization accuracy in most of the conditions tested. However, the E-A-R/3M HiFiTM earplug was advantageous in localization performance since it provided a significantly higher percentage correct localization than the Moldex foam earplug, the diotic earmuff, and the dichotic earmuff in 90 dBA pink noise. As for main effects of the other independent variables, the 90 dBA pink noise significantly degraded localization performance as compared to the quiet condition of 60 dBA, and a spectrally-modified backup alarm significantly improved localization performance as compared to the standard (narrowband) backup alarm. Potential application of these results includes the revision of backup alarm standards. In addition, these results provide clear advice for safety professionals to avoid the application of diotic sound transmission earmuffs for workers if localizing backup alarms is important. In the first experiment, listeners' feeling of comfort for each hearing protector was assessed subjectively by using a comfort rating scale. In addition, a subjective assessment for listeners' confidence in their localization decisions was established. Results indicated no significant difference between the hearing protectors in terms of comfort. However, in terms of listeners' confidence in localization decisions, their confidence was significantly degraded when they were fitted with the diotic earmuff. By contrast, they showed significantly more confidence in their localization decisions when they were fitted with the E-A-R/3M HiFi™ earplug as compared to when they were fitted with the Moldex foam earplug, the E-A-R/3M Ultrafit™ earplug, and the Bilsom passive earmuff. In the second experiment, listeners' performance in detecting a stationary backup alarm signal, including both a standard (narrowband) and broadband (pulsed white noise) alarm, was determined while they were equipped with various passive and electronic hearing protection devices. Listeners' performance was quantified by detection distance, which was defined as the distance between the stationary backup alarm device and the position where the listener detected the backup alarm signal. The resultant data demonstrated that normal hearing listeners detected a standard (narrowband) backup alarm signal at significantly longer distances as compared to the broadband (Brigade™) backup alarm signal, thus indicating the earlier forewarning by the standard alarm. In addition, passive hearing protection devices characterized with high attenuation significantly reduced the detection distance. These results may be applied to assist safety professionals in selecting hearing protectors and backup alarm signals that provide on-foot workers with ample time to react to an approaching backing vehicle, thus improving their safety. / Ph. D.

Protetor de redes inteligente e relé digital com tecnologia nacional integrando proteção, controle, telecomando e monitoramento viabilizando smart grid e geração distribuída a partir dos sistemas de distribuição subterrâneos nas grandes metrópoles / Inteligent Network Protectror with Digital Relay integrating Protection, Control and Monitoring enabling Smart Grid and Distributed Generation in Large Cities with underground Distribution Systems

Silva, Humberto de Alencar Pizza da 28 April 2011 (has links)
A importância das novas tecnologias de informação, automação, monitoramento e sistemas eletrônicos inteligentes têm aumentado significativamente nos últimos anos. Essas tecnologias desempenham um papel fundamental na sociedade moderna e contribuem de forma decisiva para a resolução de importantes desafios para uma sociedade que quer ser mais próspera, internacionalmente competitiva, saudável, segura e sustentável. Como eixo de \"inovação\", essas tecnologias são fatores importantes para todos os setores produtivos da economia. O motor destas tecnologias, entretanto, é a energia, particularmente a eletricidade. Assim, em uma sociedade cujo estilo de vida é fortemente dependente dela, desenvolver tecnologias que permitam não somente a geração, mas também a distribuição de energia de forma barata e limpa e que garantam seu fornecimento ao longo do tempo com a máxima eficiência é uma questão prioritária. Os sistemas baseados em redes inteligentes (do inglês: Smart Grid) vêm, justamente, atender a esses requisitos, representando o que há de mais moderno no setor elétrico, com aumento e diversificação de fontes de geração distribuída na forma de pequenos geradores, maior interação consumidor-distribuidor de energia, integração de diferentes fontes de geração renováveis (ex.: solar, eólica etc.). O cenário energético nacional está avançando de forma muito rápida. Nas distribuidoras, o foco claramente está na redução de perdas comerciais e de custos operacionais, principalmente por meio da modernização dos ativos e da crescente instalação de dispositivos eletrônicos inteligentes nos clientes de baixa tensão (ex.: medidores eletrônicos, dispositivos eletrônicos inteligentes para monitoramento e diagnóstico, relés digitais etc.). Esta tese de doutorado apresenta uma solução com tecnologia nacional que disponibiliza todos os benefícios do Smart Grid através dos equipamentos mais importantes e estratégicos presentes na topologia das Redes de Distribuição Subterrânea Secundária Trifásica: os Protetores de Redes. A partir do centro nevrálgico das Redes de Distribuição Subterrâneas (RDS), cuja topologia está presente nos centros de alta concentração de carga das principais metrópoles do Brasil, a solução desenvolvida pode viabilizar técnica e economicamente a modernização da automação da RDS, com tecnologia nacional de baixo custo, proporcionando igualmente a incorporação dos avanços do Smart Grid e da Geração Distribuída. Este salto tecnológico significaria para as distribuidoras de energia elétrica entre outros benefícios: Melhor controle do processo para uma melhor otimização da rede, desde integração das intermitentes fontes renováveis até uma interação mais dinâmica com os consumidores; Maior flexibilidade às concessionárias em relação ao uso da energia para atingir o grande objetivo social de redução do efeito estufa e otimização do consumo de energia reduzindo perdas e desperdícios; No curto prazo, os benefícios diretos da melhoria do gerenciamento da indisponibilidade, gerenciamento otimizado dos ativos e do capital, melhoria no planejamento, processos e serviços de fornecimento e usos finais de energia, aumento de eficiência de manutenção, redução de perdas técnicas e comerciais, otimização do investimento na compra de novos protetores com menores custos podendo superar a demanda reprimida pelos altos custos de alternativas importadas. / The importance of new technologies in the field of, automation, monitoring, information technology and electronic systems have increased significantly in recent years. These technologies play a basic role in the modern society and contribute of decisive way for the resolution of important challenges for a society that is in search of a more prosperous life, internationally competitive, healthful, safe and sustainable. As a key of \"innovation\", these technologies are key factors for all the productive sectors of the economy in the society. The fuel for the engine of these technologies, however, is the energy, particularly the electricity. Thus, in a society whose life style is strongly dependent of electricity, to develop technologies that not only allow the generation, but also the distribution of energy in a cheap and clean way and which could guarantee its supply throughout the time with the maximum efficiency is a priority issue. The systems based on intelligent networks fully meet these requirements, representing what there is of most modern in the electric sector. The Brazilian energy scenario is quickly changing over the recent years toward modernization, with more distributed generation, in the form of smaller generators, more customer interaction, the integration of more variable resources such as wind and solar, and more renewables overall. For the Power Utilities, especially in the Distribution Sector, the focus is clearly in the reduction of commercial losses and operational costs, mainly by means of the modernization of the assets and an increase in the installation of intelligent electronic devices at consumers side (e.g.: electronic energy meters, intelligent electronic devices for condition monitoring, digital relays etc.). This work presents a solution developed based on Brazilian technology that incorporates all the benefits of smart grid to the most important equipment that is present in the topology of the Low-Voltage Secondary Network Distribution System: the Network Protector. From the neuralgic center of these Low-Voltage Secondary Network Systems, which topology is used in the most important cities in Brazil, which has a high load concentration, the solution presented here make it feasible technically and economically the use of smart grid topology profiting from its great benefits such as: Allow utilities to better optimize the grid to support a number of public policies, from intermittent renewable integration to more dynamic interfaces with customers; Offer utilities more flexibility relative to how they use energy toward the greater societal objectives of reducing greenhouse gases and energy consumption. In the short and mid term, a smarter grid offers utilities operational benefits (outage management, improved processes, maintenance and workforce efficiency, reduced losses, etc.) as well as benefits associated with improved asset management (system planning, better capital asset utilization, etc.), lower investment to acquire new Network Protectors.

Síntese e caracterização de composto de coordenação com ligante de produto natural / Synthesis and characterization of coordination compound with natural product ligand

Moralles, Vagner Antonio [UNESP] 08 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by VAGNER ANTONIO MORALLES null (vagner_gner@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-04-08T20:13:43Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MORALLES, V.A. DISSERTAÇÃO.pdf: 5606116 bytes, checksum: 5a412f90292a50233a6a7f9fc513ad74 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luiz Galeffi (luizgaleffi@gmail.com) on 2017-04-17T15:00:36Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 moralles_va_me_araiq.pdf: 5606116 bytes, checksum: 5a412f90292a50233a6a7f9fc513ad74 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-17T15:00:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 moralles_va_me_araiq.pdf: 5606116 bytes, checksum: 5a412f90292a50233a6a7f9fc513ad74 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-08 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Alguns compostos orgânicos de origem natural apresentam grande interesse para aplicação médica devido suas atividades biológicas como antioxidante, antiviral, antimicrobiano, antitumoral, entre outras. Destes estes compostos, alguns se destacam por apresentarem a possibilidade de agir como ligante em compostos de coordenação. Para o desenvolvimento desse projeto de pesquisa, em especial, foram selecionados os ligantes 3,5,7,3’,4’- pentahidroxiflavona (quercetina), ácido 3,4,5-triidroxibenóico (ácido gálico), ácido (E)-3fenil- 2-propenóico (ácido cinâmico) e (E)-3-(4-hidroxifenil)-2-propanoico (ácido p-cumárico). Pretende-se, portanto, maximizar as atividades antioxidantes e antitumorais destes ligantes de origem natural, por meio da complexação em compostos de coordenação. Além disso, estudar as propriedades estruturais e ópticas dos complexos obtidos. O desenvolvimento dessa pesquisa permitiu encontrar uma relação entre a estrutura do ligante e suas propriedades ópticas quando excitados com radiação ultravioleta e raios X. Conseguiu-se também levantar algumas hipóteses sobre a potencialidade de utilização destes compostos de coordenação como filtros solares. / Some organic compounds of natural origin are of great interest for medical application due to their biological activities as antioxidant, antiviral, antimicrobial, antitumor, among others. Of these compounds, some are notable for their ability to act as a binder in coordination compounds. For the development of this research project, in particular, the binders were selected quercetin (2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-3,5,7-trihydroxy-4H-chromen-4-one), Cinnamic acid (3-phenyl-2-propenoic acid) and p-coumaric acid ((E)-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-2-propenoic acid). It is therefore intended to maximize the antioxidant and antitumor activities of these naturally occurring binders by complexing into coordination compounds. In addition, to study the structural and optical properties of the complexes obtained. The development of this research allowed to find a relation between the structure of the binder and its optical properties when excited with ultraviolet radiation and X-rays. It was also possible to raise some hypotheses about the potential of using these coordination compounds as sunscreens.

Great risk insurances and disproportionate protection of insured persons in insurance contract Law / Seguros de grandes riesgos y protección desproporcionada de los asegurados en la Ley del contrato de seguros

Corzo de la Colina, Rafael, Villafuerte Mendoza, José 12 April 2018 (has links)
In this article, the authors tell us about great risk insurances and describe its regulation in foreign law. Then, they point out the protective role of State in the consumption relationship is to reduce information asymmetries, but there is no total disclosure obligation in the market. Therefore, information asymmetry ceases to be relevant when the user of the service has negotiating capacity and necessary resources to make an informed decision. They conclude it is pertinent to equate the application of the Peruvian Insurance Contract Law to international standards. / En el presente artículo, los autores nos hablan de los seguros de grandes riesgos y describen su tratamiento en la legislación extranjera. Luego, señalan que el rol protector del Estado en la relación de consumo es reducir las asimetrías informativas, pero no existe una obligación total de divulgación de información en el mercado. Por lo tanto, la asimetría informativa deja de ser relevante cuando el usuario del servicio tenga capacidad de negociación y recursos suficientes para tomar una decisión informada. Concluyen que es pertinente equiparar la aplicación de la Ley del Contrato de Seguro peruana a estándares internacionales.

Protetor de redes inteligente e relé digital com tecnologia nacional integrando proteção, controle, telecomando e monitoramento viabilizando smart grid e geração distribuída a partir dos sistemas de distribuição subterrâneos nas grandes metrópoles / Inteligent Network Protectror with Digital Relay integrating Protection, Control and Monitoring enabling Smart Grid and Distributed Generation in Large Cities with underground Distribution Systems

Humberto de Alencar Pizza da Silva 28 April 2011 (has links)
A importância das novas tecnologias de informação, automação, monitoramento e sistemas eletrônicos inteligentes têm aumentado significativamente nos últimos anos. Essas tecnologias desempenham um papel fundamental na sociedade moderna e contribuem de forma decisiva para a resolução de importantes desafios para uma sociedade que quer ser mais próspera, internacionalmente competitiva, saudável, segura e sustentável. Como eixo de \"inovação\", essas tecnologias são fatores importantes para todos os setores produtivos da economia. O motor destas tecnologias, entretanto, é a energia, particularmente a eletricidade. Assim, em uma sociedade cujo estilo de vida é fortemente dependente dela, desenvolver tecnologias que permitam não somente a geração, mas também a distribuição de energia de forma barata e limpa e que garantam seu fornecimento ao longo do tempo com a máxima eficiência é uma questão prioritária. Os sistemas baseados em redes inteligentes (do inglês: Smart Grid) vêm, justamente, atender a esses requisitos, representando o que há de mais moderno no setor elétrico, com aumento e diversificação de fontes de geração distribuída na forma de pequenos geradores, maior interação consumidor-distribuidor de energia, integração de diferentes fontes de geração renováveis (ex.: solar, eólica etc.). O cenário energético nacional está avançando de forma muito rápida. Nas distribuidoras, o foco claramente está na redução de perdas comerciais e de custos operacionais, principalmente por meio da modernização dos ativos e da crescente instalação de dispositivos eletrônicos inteligentes nos clientes de baixa tensão (ex.: medidores eletrônicos, dispositivos eletrônicos inteligentes para monitoramento e diagnóstico, relés digitais etc.). Esta tese de doutorado apresenta uma solução com tecnologia nacional que disponibiliza todos os benefícios do Smart Grid através dos equipamentos mais importantes e estratégicos presentes na topologia das Redes de Distribuição Subterrânea Secundária Trifásica: os Protetores de Redes. A partir do centro nevrálgico das Redes de Distribuição Subterrâneas (RDS), cuja topologia está presente nos centros de alta concentração de carga das principais metrópoles do Brasil, a solução desenvolvida pode viabilizar técnica e economicamente a modernização da automação da RDS, com tecnologia nacional de baixo custo, proporcionando igualmente a incorporação dos avanços do Smart Grid e da Geração Distribuída. Este salto tecnológico significaria para as distribuidoras de energia elétrica entre outros benefícios: Melhor controle do processo para uma melhor otimização da rede, desde integração das intermitentes fontes renováveis até uma interação mais dinâmica com os consumidores; Maior flexibilidade às concessionárias em relação ao uso da energia para atingir o grande objetivo social de redução do efeito estufa e otimização do consumo de energia reduzindo perdas e desperdícios; No curto prazo, os benefícios diretos da melhoria do gerenciamento da indisponibilidade, gerenciamento otimizado dos ativos e do capital, melhoria no planejamento, processos e serviços de fornecimento e usos finais de energia, aumento de eficiência de manutenção, redução de perdas técnicas e comerciais, otimização do investimento na compra de novos protetores com menores custos podendo superar a demanda reprimida pelos altos custos de alternativas importadas. / The importance of new technologies in the field of, automation, monitoring, information technology and electronic systems have increased significantly in recent years. These technologies play a basic role in the modern society and contribute of decisive way for the resolution of important challenges for a society that is in search of a more prosperous life, internationally competitive, healthful, safe and sustainable. As a key of \"innovation\", these technologies are key factors for all the productive sectors of the economy in the society. The fuel for the engine of these technologies, however, is the energy, particularly the electricity. Thus, in a society whose life style is strongly dependent of electricity, to develop technologies that not only allow the generation, but also the distribution of energy in a cheap and clean way and which could guarantee its supply throughout the time with the maximum efficiency is a priority issue. The systems based on intelligent networks fully meet these requirements, representing what there is of most modern in the electric sector. The Brazilian energy scenario is quickly changing over the recent years toward modernization, with more distributed generation, in the form of smaller generators, more customer interaction, the integration of more variable resources such as wind and solar, and more renewables overall. For the Power Utilities, especially in the Distribution Sector, the focus is clearly in the reduction of commercial losses and operational costs, mainly by means of the modernization of the assets and an increase in the installation of intelligent electronic devices at consumers side (e.g.: electronic energy meters, intelligent electronic devices for condition monitoring, digital relays etc.). This work presents a solution developed based on Brazilian technology that incorporates all the benefits of smart grid to the most important equipment that is present in the topology of the Low-Voltage Secondary Network Distribution System: the Network Protector. From the neuralgic center of these Low-Voltage Secondary Network Systems, which topology is used in the most important cities in Brazil, which has a high load concentration, the solution presented here make it feasible technically and economically the use of smart grid topology profiting from its great benefits such as: Allow utilities to better optimize the grid to support a number of public policies, from intermittent renewable integration to more dynamic interfaces with customers; Offer utilities more flexibility relative to how they use energy toward the greater societal objectives of reducing greenhouse gases and energy consumption. In the short and mid term, a smarter grid offers utilities operational benefits (outage management, improved processes, maintenance and workforce efficiency, reduced losses, etc.) as well as benefits associated with improved asset management (system planning, better capital asset utilization, etc.), lower investment to acquire new Network Protectors.

Examining The Explanatory Potential Of Poliheuristic Theory In The Foreign Policy Decision-Making Of Small States : The Case Of Sweden’s Participation In Operation Unified Protector

Nilsson, Erik January 2016 (has links)
This paper seeks to conduct a first test of the explanatory potential of the poliheuristic theory of foreign policy decision-making in the context of small states. The case studied is the Swedish decision to contribute to the UN-sanctioned and NATO-led Operation Unified Protector in 2011. The paper conducts a theory-testing Causal Process Tracing (CPT) study drawing on a variety of different sources including news articles, parliamentary records, government bills, official statements and remarks made by key individuals, and secondary sources. The result of the analysis demonstrate the potential validity of the poliheuristic understanding of the decision- making process operating in a small state, but fall short of demonstrating actual validity. The final results are thus more akin to results typically found in a plausibility probe case study, and future research is deemed merited based on the potential validity found.

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