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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Odpovědnost za ochranu a změna režimu: případ Libye / Responsibility to Protect and Regime Change: Case of Libya

Koucká, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this work is to analyze the relationship between R2P and violent regime change. The work gives an overview of the establishment of R2P on the international scene, and then deals with its problem of selectivity in its application in practice. Despite the formal adoption of R2P in 2005 by all UN member states, R2P has been since then applied to similar cases of humanitarian crises in different ways. The problem of selectivity of R2P is fuelling the criticism of its legitimacy, because it is according to many a mean for achieving regime change. The most important reason for R2P's criticism is the connection between R2P and violent regime change, and that is the central theme of this work. Based on an analysis of the documents which form R2P, the work concludes that military intervention under R2P must not be deliberately used for regime change. However, there may be situations, when regime change is necessary for the protection of civilians; which means that regime change can be regarded as legitimate only if it is as an indirect result of the intervention. Therefore regime change is an integral part of R2P. The work aims to explore this ambivalent relationship and find out, where lies the boundary between legitimate overthrowing of a régime for the protection of civilians, and regime...

Využití jazyka P4 k popisu akcelerovaného zařízení na ochranu před DoS útoky / P4 Language-Based Description of Accelerated Device against DoS Attacks

Kuka, Mário January 2019 (has links)
This thesis describes the development of a networking device used to defend against (D)DoS attacks using P4 language. The main purpose was to design flexible device using P4 lan-guage based on already existing device, this would allow us to quickly react and respond to new more complex DDoS attacks. The design of the device dealt with the transfer of individual parts of the firmware into the P4 language. Subsequently, the entire device firmware was designed for hardware accelerators with FPGA technology. The firmware had been designed with respect to the limitations of current P4 language compilers. The device has been tested under laboratory conditions for functionality and performance. The device will be deployed in the network infrastructure of CESNET.

Photoremovable protecting groups for carbonyl compounds of biological interest

Lineros Rosa, Mauricio 10 June 2021 (has links)
[ES] El espectro de la luz solar está compuesto por una amplia gama de radiaciones electromagnéticas las cuales tienen diferentes impactos sobre la vida en la tierra. Entre ellas, las pertenecientes a la región ultravioleta toman un papel principal cuando nos referimos a la fotobiología, ya que pueden interactuar con las biomoléculas por medio de procesos tanto directos como fotosensibilizados. Como resultado, estas biomoléculas pueden sufrir modificaciones que no siempre tienen efectos beneficiosos. En este contexto, los daños fotoinducidos al ADN son de gran relevancia ya que están estrechamente relacionados con la creciente incidencia de cáncer de piel. Por ello, es necesario investigar tanto los mecanismos involucrados en dichos procesos como el desarrollo de nuevas estrategias para combatirlos. En la presente tesis se da respuesta a estas necesidades mediante el desarrollo y empleo de grupos protectores fotolábiles (PPG). En una primera parte se avanza en el desarrollo de nuevos PPG basados en filtros solares. Estos ofrecen la ventaja de actuar, una vez liberados, como un escudo protector frente a la radiación ultravioleta. En este contexto, en el Capítulo 3 se profundiza en las propiedades fotofísicas y fotoquímicas de los sistemas formados por la avobenzona como PPG de ácidos carboxílicos, más concretamente del ketoprofeno (KP) y del naproxeno (NPX). En este estudio se analiza por medio de modelado molecular y técnicas espectroscópicas la influencia que tiene la energía relativa del triplete de la avobenzona en su forma dicetónica, 3AB(K)*, respecto a la de los compuestos protegidos en el proceso de liberación. Siguiendo en esta misma línea de trabajo, en el Capítulo 4 se ha desarrollado un nuevo PPG capaz de liberar el filtro solar oxibenzona (OB) junto con compuestos carbonílicos. En una segunda parte, el foco de atención se ha puesto en el concepto de "Caballo de Troya", el cual establece que ciertas lesiones del ADN pueden actuar a su vez como fotosensibilizadores endógenos generando así nuevas lesiones en su entorno. En este contexto, en el Capítulo 5 se han estudiado, mediante métodos tanto experimentales como teóricos, las propiedades fotosensibilizantes de dos de los daños oxidativos del ADN, el 5-formiluracilo (ForU) y la 5-formilcitosina (ForC), poniendo especial énfasis en la capacidad de estos para poblar sus estados tripletes, así como de inducir la formación fotosensibilizada de dímeros ciclobutánicos de pirimidina (CPD). Por último, en el Capítulo 6 se ha desarrollado una nueva alternativa sintética para la incorporación del ForU en oligonucleótidos. Debido a la inestabilidad del grupo aldehído, esta síntesis se lleva a cabo generalmente mediante la incorporación de un precursor el cual es posteriormente convertido en el ForU mediante la acción de un agente oxidante. Por el contrario, en la nueva alternativa planteada el aldehído es protegido con un PPG, de manera que una vez insertado en el ODN, el aldehído es liberado de forma selectiva mediante el empleo de luz. Este trabajo supone un avance en el estudio de las propiedades fotosensibilizantes del ForU ofreciendo una nueva herramienta para la evaluación de las mismas en un entorno más cercano al del ADN. / [CA] L'espectre de la llum solar està compost per una àmplia gamma de radiacions electromagnètiques les quals tenen diferents impactes sobre la vida en la terra. Entre elles, les pertanyents a la regió ultraviolada prenen un paper principal quan ens referim a la fotobiologia, ja que poden interactuar amb les biomolècules per mitjà de processos tant directes com fotosensibilitzats. Com a resultat, aquestes biomolècules poden patir modificacions que no sempre tenen efectes beneficiosos. En este context, els danys fotoinduits a l'ADN són de gran rellevància ja que estan estretament relacionats amb la creixent incidència de càncer de pell. Per això, és necessari tant d'investigar els mecanismes involucrats en els processos com el desenvolupament de noves estratègies per a combatre'ls. En la present tesi es dóna resposta a aquestes necessitats per mitjà del desenvolupament i ús de grups protectors fotolàbils (PPG). En una primera part s'avança en el desenvolupament de nous PPG basats en filtres solars. Estos ofereixen l'avantatge d'actuar, una vegada alliberats, com un escut protector enfront de la radiació ultraviolada. En este context, en el capítol 3 s'aprofundeix en les propietats fotofísiques i fotoquímiques dels sistemes formats per l'avobenzona com PPG d'àcids carboxílics, més concretament del ketoprofé (KP) i del naproxé (NPX). En este estudi s'analitza per mitjà de modelatge molecular i tècniques espectroscòpiques la influència que té en el procés d'alliberament l'energia relativa del triplet de l'avobenzona en la seua forma dicetònica, 3AB(K)*, respecte a la dels compostos protegits. En esta mateixa línia de treball, en el capítol 4 s'ha desenvolupat un nou PPG capaç d'alliberar el filtre solar oxibenzona (OB) junt amb compostos carbonílics. En una segona part, el focus d'atenció s'ha posat en el concepte de "Cavall de Troia", el qual estableix que certes lesions de l'ADN poden actuar al seu torn com fotosensibilitzadors endògens generant així noves lesions en el seu entorn. En este context, en el capítol 5 s'han estudiat, per mitjà de mètodes tant experimentals com teòrics, les propietats fotosensibilitzants de dos dels danys oxidatius de l'ADN, el 5-formiluracil (ForU) i la 5-formilcitosina (ForC), posant especial èmfasi tant en la capacitat d'estos per a poblar els seus estats triplet, com d'induir la formació fotosensibilitzada de dímers ciclobutànics de pirimidina (CPD). Finalment, en el capítol 6 s'ha desenvolupat una nova alternativa sintètica per a la incorporació del ForU en oligonucleòtids. A causa de la inestabilitat del grup aldehid, esta síntesi es duu a terme generalment per mitjà de la incorporació d'un precursor el qual és posteriorment convertit en el ForU per mitjà de l'acció d'un agent oxidant. Al contrari, en la nova alternativa plantejada l'aldehid és protegit amb un PPG, de manera que una vegada inserit en l'oligonucleòtid, l'aldehid és alliberat de forma selectiva per mitjà de l'ús de llum. Este treball suposa un avanç en l'estudi de les propietats fotosensibilitzants del ForU i ofereix una nova ferramenta per a l'avaluació de les mateixes en un entorn més pròxim al de l'ADN. / [EN] The solar spectrum is composed of a wide range of electromagnetic radiations which have different impacts on life on earth. Among them, those belonging to the ultraviolet region are of utmost importance when we refer to photobiology, since they can interact with biomolecules through both direct and photosensitized processes. As a result, these biomolecules can undergo modifications that do not always have beneficial effects. In this context, photoinduced DNA damage is of great relevance as it is closely related to the increasing incidence of skin cancer. Therefore, it is necessary both to investigate the mechanisms involved in these processes and to develop new strategies to avoid them. In this Thesis these issues have been addressed through the development and use of photolabile protecting groups (PPG). The first part of this Thesis involves the development of new PPG based on solar filters. Once released, these PPG offer the advantage of acting as ultraviolet shields. In this context, Chapter 3 looks into the photophysical and photochemical properties of those systems formed by avobenzone as PPG of carboxylic acids, more specifically ketoprofen (KP) and naproxen (NPX). In this study, the influence on the photorelease process of the relative energetic location of the avobenzone triplet manifold in its diketo form, 3AB(K)*, with respect to that of its caged compound, is duly analyzed by means of molecular modeling and spectroscopic techniques. Following this same line of work, a new PPG capable of releasing oxybenzone (OB) solar filter along with carbonyl compounds has been developed in Chapter 4. The second part of this Thesis focuses on the "Trojan Horse" concept, which establishes that certain DNA lesions can act as endogenous photosensitizers, thus generating new lesions in their neighborhood. In this context, in Chapter 5 the photosensitizing properties of two oxidatively generated DNA damages, namely 5-formyluracil (ForU) and 5-formylcytosine (ForC), have been studied by means of experimental and theoretical approaches. Here, special emphasis has been placed on unraveling their capacity to photoinduce the formation of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPD). Finally, in Chapter 6 a new synthetic alternative for the incorporation of ForU into oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN) has been developed. Due to the instability of the aldehyde group, this synthesis is generally carried out by incorporating a precursor which is subsequently converted into ForU by the action of an oxidative agent. On the contrary, in the new approach, the aldehyde is protected with a PPG, so that once inserted into the ODN, the aldehyde is selectively released through the use of light. This work entails a step forward in the study of the photosensitizing properties of ForU, offering a new tool for their evaluation within the DNA environment. / Lineros Rosa, M. (2021). Photoremovable protecting groups for carbonyl compounds of biological interest [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/167764 / TESIS

Fantasy: The Literature of Repetition / Fantasy: The Literature of Repetition – An Examination of Lady Éowyn, Hermione Granger, and Keladry of Mindelan

Sattler, Emily C. January 2016 (has links)
This project explores the narrative arcs of strong female characters in Young Adult (YA) fantasy literature. Taking up Rosemary Jackson’s assertion that fantasy literature can ‘subvert patriarchal society,’ this thesis examines the fantasy ‘legacy code’ of strong and subversive female characters who settle into a stereotypical performance of gender after finding fulfillment in the heteronormative roles of lover, wife, and mother. This pattern is exemplified by Lady Éowyn of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Two Towers (1954) and The Return of the King (1955), and reproduced by Hermione Granger of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series – consisting of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (1997), Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (1998), Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (1999), Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2000), Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2003), Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2005), and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (2007). In contrast Keladry of Mindelan in Tamora Pierce’s Protector of the Small series – consisting of First Test (1999), Page (2000), Squire (2001), and Lady Knight (2002) – demonstrates the impact ‘refactoring’ fantasy ‘legacy code’ has on the narrative conclusions of female characters. Using Judith Butler’s theory on the performative nature of gender and building on Farah Mendlesohn’s computer programming analogy of ‘legacy code,’ this thesis illustrates the ways in which fantasy literature often fails to be the literature of subversion Jackson envisions, and demonstrates how refactoring aspects of a female character’s narrative exemplifies subversive narrative conclusions for young adult readers of fantasy literature. / Thesis / Master of Arts (MA) / This thesis examines the ways in which a heteronormative ‘legacy code’ – exemplified by Lady Éowyn in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings – has been perpetuated in literature marketed towards young adult readers by Hermione Granger in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series and ‘refactored’ by Keladry of Mindelan in Tamora Pierce’s Protector of the Small series. Starting with Rosemary Jackson’s analysis of fantasy literature as a genre with subversive potential and with Judith Butler’s assertion that gender is performative, this thesis analyses the narrative arcs of Éowyn, Hermione, and Kel and demonstrates how the continual representation of strong female characters finding fulfillment in the roles of lover, wife, and mother is limiting, and highlights the subversive potential in ‘refactoring’ heteronormative ‘legacy code.’

A função promocional do direito no panorama das mudanças climáticas: a idéia de pagamento por serviços ambientais e o princípio do protetor-recebedor

Furlan, Melissa 28 April 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:27:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Melissa Furlan.pdf: 1435637 bytes, checksum: da6c47c638b3603e1442a5bf7083d879 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-04-28 / This study analyzes the role of Law in fostering environmental public policies considering the climate change issue. First, we present basic notions on global warming, the greenhouse effect, etc., as well as the evolution of the concern with climate changes. We studied the first UN Environment Conference, carried out in 1972, and the Conference in 1992, in Rio de Janeiro, where the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change was approved, which objective is to reduce the levels of concentration of greenhouse gases. However, the most discussed interna-tional diploma when climate change is concerned is the Kyoto Protocol, an exten-sion unfolding of the Fourth Convention, which provides the instruments neces-sary to achieve its objectives. Thus, we present herein the main objectives and me-chanisms proposed by the Kyoto Protocol. Of the mechanisms created by the Pro-tocol, the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is of interest to Brazil. We focus on CDM projects involving forestation and reforestation, which provide economic return to owners of forest areas through the sale of carbon credits . Realizing that exclusively protective-repressive environmental rules do not always assure effec-tive respect to the environment, we propose that Law more actively embraces its promotion aspect, fostering desirable environmental actions and behaviors, through positive sanctions or the use of the protector-receiver principle, through the system of paymento for environmental services. We present experiences of this kind car-ried out in countries such as Costa Rica, Mexico and the United States. In order to confront the theory and the practice of CDM projects in reforestation, involving car-bon credits and payment for environmental services, we present the remarks from an internship at a consulting company, Plant Inteligência Ambiental, where we took part on a project developed by the private initiative: the Programa Água das Flores-tas Tropicais [the Brazilian Rainforest Water Program], of the Coca Cola Brazil in-stitute. Finally, the goal of this study is to demonstrate the feasibility of environmen-tal policies that combine forest preservation/conservation and economic return to the protectors of the environment / O trabalho analisa o papel do Direito como incentivador de políticas públi-cas ambientais em face da questão das mudanças climáticas. Apresentamos, ini-cialmente, noções básicas sobre aquecimento global, efeito estufa etc., bem como o cenário evolutivo da preocupação com as mudanças climáticas. Estudamos a Primeira Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre Meio Ambiente, realizada em 1972, e a Conferência de 1992, sediada no Rio de Janeiro, em que se aprovou a Convenção-Quadro sobre Mudança do Clima, cujo objetivo principal é a redução dos níveis de concentração dos gases de efeito estufa. Contudo, o diploma inter-nacional mais discutido, em termos de mudança do clima, é o Protocolo de Quioto, um desdobramento da Convenção-Quadro, que traz os instrumentos necessários para a consecução de seus objetivos. Assim, apresentamos os principais objetivos e mecanismos resultantes do Protocolo de Quioto, dentre os quais interessa ao Brasil o Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo (MDL). Nosso enfoque são os pro-jetos de MDL envolvendo florestamento e reflorestamento, que proporcionam re-torno econômico para os proprietários das áreas florestais mediante a venda de créditos de carbono . Após constatar que as normas ambientais de cunho exclusi-vamente protetivo-repressivo nem sempre garantem o efetivo respeito ao meio ambiente, propomos que o Direito assuma de modo mais ativo sua função promo-cional, incentivando comportamentos e ações ambientalmente desejáveis por meio das sanções positivas e da utilização do princípio do protetor-recebedor, via siste-ma de pagamento por serviços ambientais. Apresentamos experiências nesse sen-tido desenvolvidas em países como Costa Rica, México e Estados Unidos. Para confrontar a teoria e a prática dos projetos de MDL em reflorestamento, envolven-do créditos de carbono e pagamento por serviços ambientais, apresentamos as observações advindas de estágio realizado em uma empresa de consultoria, a Plant Inteligência Ambiental, na qual participamos de um projeto desenvolvido pela iniciativa privada o Programa Água das Florestas Tropicais, do Instituto Coca-Cola Brasil. O trabalho objetiva, por fim, demonstrar a viabilidade de políticas am-bientais que conjuguem preservação/conservação florestal e retorno econômico para os protetores do meio ambiente

Perfil audiométrico de exames admissionais em trabalhadores da construção civil da Bahia / A study of the civil construction workers audiometric profile upon admission in the state of Bahia (Brazil)

Fonseca, Ana Maria Pimenta da 10 October 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T18:12:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ana Maria Pimenta da Fonseca.pdf: 566657 bytes, checksum: 4943537ba9730854c7867eec02d30707 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-10-10 / The goal of this study was to investigate and analyze the civil construction workers audiometric profile upon admission in the State of Bahia (Brazil) from 1999 to 2005. Methods: Audiometric tests (n=5702) were carried out among male workers (age range: 18 to 72) upon admission when applying for several job positions in 43 civil construction companies. Audiograms was classified into three groups: normal , indicating noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) and other causes , and were later rated as to the presence/absence of audiometric notches. Results: Normal hearing thresholds were found in 3949 (69.3%) workers, 920 (16.2%) of them showed audiograms indicating NIHL, and other alterations were found in 833 (14.6%) subjects. Although 980 (17.2%) workers did not report noise exposure, 4722 (82.8%) subjects reported at least one year of such exposure. The use of hearing protection devices was reported by 2483 (43.5%) subjects in contrast with 3219 (56.0%) workers who did not use it. Workers exposed to chemicals totaled 1084 (19%) against 4618 (81%) nonexposed ones. Audiometric notches were found in 1684 (29.5%) subjects in the normal group, 919 (16.1%) subjects in the NIHL group and 774 (13.4%) subjects in the other causes group. Conclusions: The prevalence of audiometric alterations was found to be 30.7%, among which 16.1% indicated NIHL and 14.6% were rated as other causes . Increased age, more than 5 years of noise exposure, lack of use of hearing protection devices and exposure to chemicals were associated to the hearing losses found in the sample. The prevalence of audiometric notches in this population was 59.3%, of which 30.9% were unilateral and 28.4% were bilateral. Besides being associated to age, exposure time and job position, notches were more prevalent in the NIHL group and in the other causes group / O presente estudo tem como objetivo investigar e analisar o perfil audiométrico nos exames admissionais em trabalhadores da construção civil na Bahia, no período de 1999 a 2005. Método: Foram avaliadas 5702 audiometria admissionais de trabalhadores do gênero masculino, que faziam processo seletivo em 43 empresas da construção civil. A faixa etária estava entre 18 e 72 anos. Os trabalhadores realizaram exames pré-admissonais para as mais diversas funções da construção civil. Os audiogramas foram classificados em três grupos: normais, sugestivos de PAIR e outras causas. Posteriormente, também foram classificados segundo presença ou ausência de entalhe audiométrico. Resultados: 3949 (69,3%) trabalhadores apresentaram limiares dentro da normalidade, 920 (16,2%) apresentaram alteração sugestiva de PAIR e 833 (14,6%) trabalhadores apresentaram outras alterações. Dentre esses, 980 (17,2%) trabalhadores não relataram exposição a ruído e 4722 (82,8%) tinham tempo de exposição a ruído de, no mínimo, um ano. Quanto ao uso de protetor auricular (EPI), 2483 (43,5%) faziam uso e 3219(56,%) não faziam uso. Em relação à exposição a produtos químicos, 1084(19%) estavam expostos e 4618 (81%) não estavam expostos. O entalhe audiométrico esteve presente em 1684 (29,5%) trabalhadores do Grupo Normal, 919 (16,1%) no Grupo PAIR e 774 (13,4%) no Grupo Outros. Conclusões: A prevalência de alterações audiométricas foi de 30,7%, sendo 16,1% sugestivas de PAIR e 14,6% de outras causas. O aumento da idade, tempo de exposição a ruído superior a cinco anos, não uso de protetores e exposição a produtos químicos foram associados às perdas auditivas encontradas na população. A prevalência de entalhe audiométrico na população foi de 59,3%, sendo 30,9% unilateral e 28,4% bilateral. Os entalhes foram associados à idade, tempo de exposição e função exercida; além de ocorrerem mais nos Grupos PAIR e Outros

Experiences and challenges of witnesses in the witness protection programme in South Africa : guidelines for coordinated service delivery developed from a social work perspective

Mphaphuli, Lucy Nthepa 11 1900 (has links)
Modern society is increasingly threatened by organised crime. Crime undermines democracy and causes harm to the general functioning of a country and the quality of life of its citizens. A lack of protection measures for witnesses of crime renders the criminal justice system weak and ineffective in its quest to fight crime. Witness protection programmes and the testimony of a witness play a pivotal role in the fight against organised crime, without which securing successful prosecutions becomes a daunting task. Despite the important role of witnesses in the criminal justice system, there seems to be a dearth of literature focusing on the experiences of witnesses within the South African context. The researcher was able to gain an in-depth understanding of the experiences, challenges, and coping strategies of witnesses by employing an instrumental case study design within the framework of exploratory, descriptive, and contextual research from the vantage point of witnesses and staff members in the witness protection programme in South Africa. A total number of 30 participants were recruited by means of purposive sampling. Data was collected through individual, face-to-face interviews undertaken in six provinces. Analysis of the data was conducted in line with the eight steps of data analysis proposed by Tesch (in Creswell 2009:186) and Guba’s principles of trustworthiness were employed in the verification of the data. The ethical principles of informed consent, confidentiality, anonymity, beneficence, data management, and debriefing were observed. This study drew from Caplan’s (1964) crisis theory and the coping theory by Lazarus (1993). The findings of this study revealed that there is a general lack of awareness among the communities and members of the criminal justice system about the existence of the witness protection programme in South Africa. Witnesses also expressed that they found it difficult to cope and adjust in the programme, because of challenges such as social uprooting and isolation. While some witnesses were able to adjust, some resorted to exiting the programme prematurely. Suggestions by participants towards the support of witnesses paved a foundation for the development of guidelines for coordinated service delivery in the South African Witness Protection Programme. / Social Work / D. Phil. (Social Work)

Latinský západ v zrcadle byzantského dějepisectví (6.-8.stol.) / Latin West mirrored by the Byzantine historiography (6th-8th centuries)

Bakyta, Ján January 2014 (has links)
The basic aim of the thesis is to investigate whether the Romans of the East (Byzantines) during the 6th to the 8th centuries were interested in the Latin west and the imperial rule over it. In the first part of the work, the various discourses concerning the origins of the Justinianic conquest or reconquest of Africa and Italy articulated in the contemporary sources are identified and evaluated; the only one which cannot be shown or supposed to have been officially articulated is the discourse of a source of Pseudo-Zachariah Scholasticus which makes African and maybe also Italian exulants complaining in the imperial court about the local rulers responsible for the Vandal and Gothic wars. After some other preliminary studies (e.g. concerning the so-called problem of Theodericʼs constitutional position), it is concluded that the emperor Justinian was not interested in an ideologically founded restoration of the empire, but made the western wars because of his contacts with western aristocrats. In the second part of the thesis, the presentation of the Justinianic western wars and western events or realities in the works of the Byzantine historians from Marcellinus Comes and Procopius to Theophylactus Simocatta (the 6th to the early 7th centuries) is investigated and an attempt is made to explore...

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