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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proteolysis of zeins in the endosperm of germinating maize seeds

Mohammad, Kamaruzaman bin January 1988 (has links)
The pattern and sequence of zein degradation in the endosperm of germinating maize seeds were investigated by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting. The proteases involved in the degradation of various zein components (α, ß and γ) were extracted with three buffer systems and partially characterized with respect to their ability to degrade various zein components. They were also investigated in vivo by germinating the seeds in the presence of protease inhibitors used singly and in combination. Of the various zein components, γ-zein (27-kD) was the first to be degraded and its degradation was complete by the third day after germination (DAG). Beta-zeins (17- and 18-kD) began to be degraded on the second DAG, degradation being complete by the seventh day for the l7-kD polypeptide, and the fourth day for the 18-kD polypeptide. The degradation of 10-kD- zein began on the fourth DAG and was complete by the eighth day. The α-zein fraction (22-and 24-kD) was degraded beginning on the faith day and continued gradually until after the tenth day. From the results of these studies, the arrangement of various zein fractions within the protein bodies can be deduced and this was consistent with the immunocytochemical data published by others. Gamma-zein is situated in the peripheral region of the protein bodies and could be a structural component of the protein body membrane or it may be directly anchored in the membrane. Beta-zeins are internal to γ-zein with the l0-kD in the interface between the 17-kD and γ-zein. The 10- kD zein is located between the 17-kD and α-zein or interlacing with α-zein in the protein body core. Finally, a-zeins are in the protein body core. Based on these observations the proteolysis of the protein in protein bodies of maize would start from the periphery and proceed towards their core. The proteases involved in degradation of various zein components were synthesized de novo. The mRNAs pre-existing in dry seeds appeared to direct the synthesis of active proteases required for zein degradation at least during the initial stages of germination. Serine protease was responsible for the degradation of a- and ß-zeins while aspartic (acid) protease may play some role in ß-zein degradation. Serine and cysteine (thiol) proteases worked synergistically in γ-zein degradation. Enzymes extractable from the endosperm of germinating seeds with 0.2 M acetate buffer (pH 3.8) were able to degrade the α-, ß-, and γ-zeins in an in vito assay. / Ph. D.

Activation of the influenza virus hemagglutinin by type II transmembrane serine proteases

Zmora, Pawel 26 November 2015 (has links)
No description available.

The effect of exogenous protease on the relative enzyme activity of β-glucosidase in oenological conditions

Swart, Elsa Marita 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The distinctive varietal flavour of wines is a combination of absolute and relative concentrations of chemical compounds. Volatile compounds are responsible for the odour of wine and non-volatiles cause the sensation of flavour. Accompanying these senses, a third, tactile, sense of ‘mouth-feel’ is recognizable. This forms the complete organoleptic quality of wine. Several hundred different compounds are simultaneously responsible for the odour release in wine, and since there is no real character impact compound, the aroma of wine can be described as a delicate balance of all these compounds. One of the most important groups of volatiles is the monoterpenes, which play a role in both aroma and flavour. This is especially significant for the Muscat varieties, but these flavour compounds are also present in other non-muscat grape varieties, where they supplement the varietal aroma. Monoterpenes occur in wine as free, volatile and odorous molecules, as well as flavourless non-volatile glycosidic complexes. The latter slowly releases monoterpenes by acidic hydrolysis, but the impact on varietal aroma is considered insufficient for wines that are consumed young. It is therefore important to supplement the release mechanism, in order to enhance the varietal aroma of the wine. The enzymatic hydrolysis mechanism functions in two successive steps: firstly, depending on the precursor, the glycosidic linkage is cleaved by α-L-arabinofuranosidase, α-L-rhamnosidase, β-D-xylosidase or β-D-apiosidase. The second step involves the liberation of the monoterpene alcohol by a β-glucosidase. This enzymatic hydrolysis does not influence the intrinsic aromatic characteristics of the wine, as opposed to acid hydrolysis. Pectolytic enzymes play an important role in cell elongation, softening of tissue and decomposition of plant material. These enzymes are used to improve juice yields, release colour and flavour compounds from grape skins, as well as improve clarification and filterability. Pectolytic enzymes work synergistically to break down pectins in wine. Protopectinase produce water-soluble and highly polymerised pectin substances from protopectin, it acts on non-methylated galacturonic acid units. Pectin methylesterase split methyl ester groups from the polygalacturonic chain. Polygalacturonase break down the glycosidic links between galacturonic acid units. Pectin and pectate lyases have a β-eliminative attack on the chain and it results in the formation of a double bond between C4 and C5 in the terminal residues. From the above it can be seen that enzymes play a pivotal role in the winemaking process. Unfortunately, in winemaking a lot of factors can influence the effects of enzymes. One possible factor in the wine medium is the presence of acidprotease, from yeast and/or fungal origin. This type of enzyme utilizes other enzymes as substrates and renders them useless. Pure enzyme preparations were used to study the interactions of a yeast acid-protease and a report activity (β-glucosidase) in vitro. A bottled wine and a buffer were used as in vitro conditions. Enzyme assays were performed to determine the relative activity over a number of days. The results indicated that even though both enzymes showed activity in both the media, the yeast protease did not have any significantly affect on the report activity. Subsequently wine was made from Sauvignon blanc grapes, with varying enzyme preparation additions. Enzyme assays were performed during the fermentation; and chemical, as well as sensory analysis were done on the stabilized wine. The results confirmed that the yeast protease did not have any significant affect on the report activity in these conditions. The protease’s inability to affect the report activity seems unlikely due to the fact that it is active at a low pH range and has been suggested as the only protease to survive the fermentation process. It seems possible that a winerelated factor, possibly ethanol, is responsible. Thus it seems that yeast protease does not threaten the use of commercial enzymes in the winemaking process in any significant way. Future work would entail more detailed enzyme studies of interactions between protease, both from yeast and fungal origin, and other report activities in specified conditions. The degradation capability could be directed towards unwanted enzyme activities that cause oxidation and browning of the must. The characterization of interactions between protease and β-glucosidase activities may hold key to producing wines with enhanced aroma and colour potential, as well as the elimination of unwanted enzyme activities. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die herkenbare kultivar karakter van wyn is ‘n kombinasie van absolute en relatiewe konsentrasies van verskeie chemiese komponente. Vlugtige komponente is verantwoordelik vir die geur, of aroma, van wyn en die nie-vlugtige komponente veroorsaak die sensasie van smaak. ‘n Derde, fisiese sensasie, die ‘mondgevoel’, is ook herkenbaar. Dit vorm die omvattende organoleptiese kwaliteit van die wyn. ‘n Paar honderd verskillende komponente is gelyktydig verantwoordelik vir die aroma vrystelling in wyn en omdat daar geen werklike karakter ‘impak’ komponent is nie, kan die aroma van wyn beskryf word as ‘n delikate balans van al die betrokke komponente. Een van die mees belangrike groepe vlugtige komponente is die monoterpene wat ‘n rol speel in beide aroma en smaak. Dit is veral belangrik by Muskaat kultivars, maar hierdie aroma komponente is ook teenwoordig in niemuskaat druif kultivars, waar hulle bydra tot die kultivar karakter en aroma. Monoterpene kom in wyn voor as vry, vlugtige en aromatiese molekules en in geurlose, nie-vlugtige glikosidies-gebonde komplekse. Die gebonde vorm word stadig vrygestel deur ‘n suurhidrolise, maar dit word as onvoldoende beskou vir wyne wat vroeg gedrink word. Dit is dus belangrik dat die vrystelling van geurstowwe verhoog word om die kultivar karakter van die wyn te versterk. Die ensiematiese hidrolise proses behels twee opeenvolgende stappe: eerstens, afhangende van die aard van die voorloper, word die glikosidiese verbinding deur α-L-arabinofuranosidase, α-Lramnosidase, β-D-xilosidase, of β-D-apiosidase gebreek. In die tweede stap word die monoterpeen-alkohol deur β-glukosidase vrygestel. Hierdie ensiematiese afbraak proses verander nie die intrinsieke aromatiese kenmerke van die wyn, soos met suurhidrolise die geval is nie. Pektolitiese ensieme speel ‘n fundamentele rol in selverlenging, sagwording en afbraak van plant materiaal. Hierdie ensieme word gebruik om sap opbrengs te verhoog, aroma en smaak komponente vry te stel uit die doppe, asook om sapverheldering en filtrasie te verbeter. Die pektolitiese ensieme werk op ‘n sinergistiese wyse om pektien in wyn af te breek. Protopektinase produseer wateroplosbare en hoogs gepolimeriseerde pektien uit protopektien, slegs uit niegemetileerde galakturoonsuur eenhede. Pektien metielesterase verwyder metielester groepe van die poligalakturoonsuurketting. Die glikosidiese bindings tussen galakturoonsuur eenhede word deur poligalakturonase afgebreek. Pektien- en pektaat-liase het ‘n β-eliminasie aanslag op die ketting en as gevolg daarvan word dubbelbindings tussen C4 en C5 in die terminale residue gevorm. Vanuit bogenoemde is dit dus duidelik dat ensieme ‘n kardinale rol speel in die wynbereidingsproses. Ongelukkig is daar ‘n verskeidenhied van faktore wat die werking van ensieme in die wynbereidingsproses kan beïnvloed. Een moontlike faktor is die teenwoordigheid van ‘n suur-protease, van fungisidiese en/of gis oorsprong, in die wynmedium, omdat dit ander ensieme as substraat kan benut en degradeer. Suiwer ensiem preparate is gebruik om die ensiem interaksie tussen ‘n gis suur-protease en ‘n verslag aktiwiteit (β-glukosidase) in vitro te ondersoek. ‘n Gebotteleerde wyn en ‘n buffer is gebruik om die in vitro kondisies na te boots. Relatiewe ensiem aktiwiteit is ontleed oor ‘n aantal dae. Beide die ensieme het aktiwiteit getoon in die media, maar gis protease het geen statisties beduidende invloed gehad op die aktiwiteit van die verslag ensiem nie. Daaropvolgend is wyn berei van Sauvignon blanc druiwe, met verskillende ensiempreparaat toevoegings. Die ensiemaktiwiteit is deurlopend tydens fermentasie gemeet. Na afloop van stabilisasie is chemiese, sowel as sensoriese ontledings op die wyn gedoen. Die resultate het bevestig dat gis protease, onder hierdie kondisies, geen beduidende invloed op die verslag aktiwiteit gehad het nie. Die protease se onvermoë om die verslag aktiwiteit beduidend te beinvloed blyk onwaarskynlik aangesien die suurprotease aktief is by lae pH vlakke en dit as die enigste protease voorgestel is wat die fermentasie proses kan oorleef. Dit blyk asof ‘n wyn-verwante faktor, moontlik etanol, hiervoor verantwoordelik kan wees. Dus hou protease geen gevaar in vir die gebruik van kommersiële ensieme in wynbereiding nie. Navorsing kan in die toekoms fokus op meer gedetailleerde ensiem interaksie studies tussen protease en ander ensiem aktiwiteite, in gespesifiseerde kondisies. Die degradasie kapasiteit kan moontlik aangewend word om ongewenste ensiem aktiwiteite, wat byvoorbeeld oksidasie en verbruining veroorsaak, te verminder. Die karakterisering van die interaksies tussen protease en β-glukosidase kan dus die sleutel wees tot die produksie van wyne met verhoogde aroma potensiaal, asook die eliminasie van ongewenste ensiematiese aktiwiteite.

Molecular Level Interaction of Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-1 (hFGF-1) With Phloridzin

Paripelly, Rammohan 01 December 2013 (has links)
Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) are a family of growth factors which includes twenty three proteins. FGFs work as modulators for various cellular activities like mitosis, differentiation and survival. Among the FGF family, human fibroblast growth factor-1 (hFGF-1), which is also known as acidic fibroblast growth factor, is a potent angiogenic agent, involved in the formation of new blood vessels in various tissues. hFGF-1 is regarded as a prototype of the FGF family. It serves as one of the potential targets in tumor inhibition and obesity due to its involvement in new blood vessel formation in cancerous regions and adipose tissues. In general, FGFs exert their action by binding to heparin, forming FGF-heparin complex, which can then bind to fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFRs). Inhibition of FGF dependent signal transduction by heparin mimicking compounds has shown promising results in control and treatment of tumor growth. Naturally occurring glycoside called phloridzin found to have anticancer property. Phloridzin (2-glucoside of phloretin) has structural resemblance to heparin; it is a natural antioxidant, widely known for its antidiabetic activity, besides controlling tumor growth. Phloridzin can mimic heparin and compete with it for FGF binding. This binding can be agonistic or antagonistic in nature on FGF signal transduction. In the present study, we investigated the molecular level interaction between phloridzin and hFGF-1 using various biophysical techniques like steady state fluorescence, limited trypsin digestion and protein-NMR spectroscopy. hFGF-1 needed for the study was expressed in recombinant Escherichia coli cells. The expressed protein was then purified using heparin sepharose affinity chromatography. Both expression and purification were monitored using SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis). Conformational stability of purified hFGF-1 was assessed through steady state fluorescence. Purified hFGF-1 is in, its native, properly folded conformation. Interaction studies, such as thermal unfolding and limited trypsin digestion were performed to assess the thermal stability and solvent accessibility of hFGF-1 in the presence of phloridzin respectively. It was found from interaction studies that hFGF-1 in the presence of phloridzin shown increased thermal stability and increased resistance against trypsin digestion. In order to locate the sites of interaction on hFGF-1 surface, a protein-NMR study was performed. Exact sites of interaction of phloridzin on hFGF-1 surface were found. In future, isothermal titration calorimetry will be performed to determine kinetics of the enthalpy change and dissociation constant of phloridzin-hFGF-1 interaction. In vivo studies will also be performed after completion of in vitro studies, which will give an insight about possibility of phloridzin and hFGF-1 interaction under physiological condition

Sekretované proteasy motolice jaterní a jejich interakce s endogenním inhibitorem / Secreted proteases of the liver fluke and their interaction with endogenous inhibitor

Buša, Michal January 2013 (has links)
The liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica, is one of the most important parasites of livestock, and it also infects humans. The proteolytic system of trematodes is critical for their interaction with the host and is a potential target for the development of novel vaccines. This work is focused on proteases secreted by F. hepatica adults and on FheCy2, a new protease inhibitor from the cystatin family. The proteolytic activity of the secreted proteases was analyzed using: (a) chromogenic protein substrates and fluorogenic peptide substrates, (b) selective protease inhibitors, and (c) a fluorescent activity-based probe for visualization of proteases. The results showed that the secreted proteases are cysteine proteases of papain family belonging to cathepsins L and B. These proteases were effectivelly inhibited by FheCy2 as demonstrated by enzymological analysis. It can be assumed that FheCy2 participates in the physiological regulation of endogenous proteases secreted by F. hepatica adults, which makes it attractive candidate protein for vaccination studies. Key words: Fasciola hepatica, cathepsins, proteolytic activity, substrate specificity, protease inhibitors (In Czech)

Avaliação de proteases extracelulares de linhagem Chryseobacterium sp. Kr6 e purificação e caracterização de uma metaloprotease queratinolítica / Evaluation of extracellular proteases from Chryseobacterium sp. Kr6 strain and purification and characterization of a keratinolytic metalloprotease

Riffel, Alessandro 17 March 2006 (has links)
A linhagem queratinolítica Chryseobacterium sp. Kr6 mostrou-se com possibilidade de aplicação em processos envolvendo queratinólise, principalmente na hidrólise de penas de frango e depilação de couro bovino. No presente trabalho avaliou-se o efeito da composição do meio sobre o crescimento e atividade proteolítica deste isolado e uma protease queratinolítica (queratinase) foi purificada e caracterizada. O microrganismo mostrou-se adaptado à utilização de queratina como substrato durante o crescimento, produziu diferentes proteases dependendo do meio utilizado e a maior atividade proteolítica foi atingida quando utilizado meio de cultivo com penas como única fonte de carbono e nitrogênio. A adição de fonte extra de nutrientes resultou em uma parcial repressão catabólica. Uma protease extracelular (Q1) foi purificada cerca de 14 vezes utilizando cromatografia de interação hidrofóbica em Phenyl-Sepharose CL 4B e gel filtração em Superose H12R. Q1 mostrou ser uma proteína monomérica com peso molecular de 64 KDa determinado por SDS-PAGE e pH e temperatura ótimos de 8,5 e 50°C respectivamente. O perfil de inibição indica tratar-se uma metaloprotease e as seqüências internas dos peptídeos resultantes de digestão tríptica mostraram homologia ao sítio ativo e de ligação ao Zn da família M14 (Carboxipeptidase). A atividade proteolítica foi estimulada pela presença de íons Ca2+ e Mg2+ e inibida por Cu2+, Zn2+, Al2+, Hg 2+ e agentes redutores. Q1 apresentou atividade queratinolítica sobre o substrato keratin azure, mas não foi capaz de hidrolisar penas de frango sugerindo a necessidade de outras enzimas durante o processo de degradação de penas. Utilizando os iniciadores degenerados desenhados com base na seqüência dos peptídeos, foi amplificado um fragmento de 470 pb correspondente a uma região do possível gene desta metaloproteína utilizando DNA e cDNA como molde. A seqüência do fragmento pode estar sendo expressa, mas não apresentou similaridade e homologia a proteínas conhecidas e portando, indicativa de uma nova metaloprotease. / The strain Chryseobacterium sp. kr6 shown to be useful for biotechnological purposes such as hydrolysis of poultry feathers and de-hairing of bovine pelts. The effect of media composition on the protease production and growth by this strain was studied and a keratinolytic protease (keratinase) was purified and characterized. The strain was adapted to use keratin as substrate to growth, produced different proteases in different media composition and the higher proteolytic activity was reached when used feather as only source of carbon and nitrogen. The addition of sources of nutrients has resulted in partially repressed catabolism. An extracellular protease Q1) was purified 14-fold by chromatography using the hydrophobic interaction Phenyl-Sepharose CL 4B column and gel filtração in Superose 12HR. SDS-PAGE indicated that the Q1 is a monomeric protein with molecular mass of 64 KDa. and optima pH and temperature were 8,5 e 50°C, respectively. The inhibition profile indicates to be a Zn-metalloprotease and analysis of tryptic peptides sequence revealed sequence homology to the conserved active site and Zn binding site, which may characterize keratinase Q1 as a member of M14 metalloprotease family (Carboxipeptidase). The activity was stimulated by of Ca2+ and Mg2+ and inhibited by Cu2+, Zn2+, Al2+, Hg 2+ and reducing agents. Q1 presented keratinolytic activity under substrate keratin azure, but was unable to hydrolyze poultry feather, suggesting the requirement by other enzymes in the feather hydrolysis mechanism. Degenerate primers amplified a 470 bp, corresponding to a probable gene region of this metalloprotein, with DNA and cDNA. The sequence is being expressed but do not showed similarity and homology to known proteins, thus indicating a new metalloprotease.

Funcionalidade e caracterização das propriedades físico-químicas, biológicas e estruturais da uricase modificada por PEGlação. / Functionality and characterization of physiscal-chemical, biological and structural properties of uricase modified by PEGlation.

Freitas, Debora da Silva 28 February 2011 (has links)
A PEGlação é uma bem sucedida estratégia nano-biotecnológica que envolve a ligação covalente do polietilenoglicol (PEG) a uma droga para melhorar sua farmacocinética, farmacodinâmica e perfil imunológico, e portanto, aumentar seu efeito terapêutico. Atualmente, a PEGlação é usada para modificar proteínas, peptídeos, oligonucleotídeos e fragmentos de anticorpos. A Uricase (EC, UC) é uma enzima pertencente à classe das oxidorredutases, responsável pela oxidação do ácido úrico, produzindo alantoína. Essa enzima é encontrada em muitos organismos vivos como: bactérias, leveduras, fungos, vegetais e animais. Entretanto, durante a evolução das espécies o gene da UC tornou-se inativo, por isso, em humanos a UC é inativa. Nesse sentido, a UC adquiriu destaque como um potencial fármaco uricolítico, devido à necessidade do desenvolvimento de novos agentes terapêuticos no tratamento de hiperuricemia e gota. Neste estudo, a uricase recombinante purificada de Candida sp (UC-r) e a de rim bovino (UC-b) foram modificadas por PEGlação com mPEG-p-nitrofenil carbonato (mPEG-pNP) e 2-O-mPEG-4,6-dicloro-s-triazina (mPEG-CN), produzindo conjugados com considerável atividade enzimática residual UC-r-mPEG-pNP (87%), UC-r-mPEG-CN (75%) e UC-b-mPEG-pNP (75%), UC-b-mPEG-CN (50%).Além disso, os conjugados obtidos com a UC-r e UC-b apresentaram valores de KM menores do que as enzimas nativas, indicando que a PEGlação conferiu uma interessante propriedade aos conjugados, que permitiu um aumento da afinidade da UC-r e UC-b pelo ácido úrico. O efeito do pH e da temperatura sobre a UC-r e UC-b modificadas indicou que os conjugados obtidos foram mais ativos em pH próximo ao fisiológico e mais estáveis do que a respectiva enzima nativa. As formas PEGladas da UC-r e UC-b foram mais resistentes à ação de diferentes proteases e mantiveram-se estáveis em soro humano, indicando que a PEGlação favoreceu a resistência a degradação proteolítica. Análises espectroscópicas de dicroísmo circular (CD) e infravermelho (FTIR) não apresentaram nenhuma diferença relevante entre a estrutura protéica da UC-r nativa e PEGlada. Estudos in vivo com coelho e camundongos Balb/c mostraram que a UC-r nativa induziu uma intensa resposta imune sendo altamente imunogênica. Por outro lado, a UC-r PEGlada quando injetada cronicamente em camundongos não induziu qualquer resposta detectável de anticorpos. Esses resultados indicam uma suficiente redução da imunogenicidade dessa enzima, devido à conjugação do mPEG-pNP ou mPEG-CN, tornando-a adequada para um possível uso terapêutico. Portanto, nesse trabalho, os resultados obtidos com a UC-r de Candida sp, mostram que dois conjugados apresentaram interessantes propriedades físico-química, biológicas e imunológicas, que permitiram um significativo avanço na transformação de uma enzima de origem fúngica em uma droga, com uma possível aplicação terapêutica no tratamento de hiperuricemia e gota. / PEGylation is a successful nanobiotechnology strategy that involves the covalent attachment of polyethylene glycol (PEG) to a drug to improve its pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic, and immunological profiles, and thus, enhance its therapeutic effect. Currently, PEGylation is used to modify proteins, peptides, oligonucleotides, antibody fragments, and small organic molecules. Uricase (EC, UC) is an enzyme belonging to the class of oxidorreductases responsible for the oxidation of uric acid, producing allantoin. This enzyme is found in many living organisms such as bacteria, yeasts, fungi, plants and animals. However, during the evolution of the species gene became inactive UC, therefore, in humans UC is inactive. Accordingly, UC has acquired prominence as a potential drug uricolytic due to the need of developing new therapeutic agents for the treatment of hyperuricemia and gout. In this study, purified recombinant uricase from Candida sp (UC-r) and ox kidney (UC-b) were modified by PEGylation with mPEG-p-nitrophenyl-carbonate (mPEG-pNP) and 2-O-mPEG-4,6-dichloro-s-triazine (mPEG-CN), producing conjugates with considerable residual enzyme activity UC-r-mPEG-pNP (87%), UC-r-mPEG-CN (75%) and UC-b-mPEG-pNP (75%),UC-b-mPEG-CN (50%). In addition, conjugates obtained with the UC-r and UC-b had lower KM values than native enzymes, indicating that the PEGylation gave an interesting property the conjugate that increased the affinity of UC-r and UC-b by uric acid. The effect of pH and temperature on the modified UC-r and UC-b indicated that the conjugates were more active at pH close to the physiological and more stable than its native enzyme. PEGylated forms of UC-r and UC-b were more resistant to the action of different proteases and remained stable in human serum, indicating that the PEGylation favored resistance to proteolytic degradation. Spectroscopic analysis of circular dichroism (CD) and infrared (FTIR) did not show any relevant difference in protein structure between native and PEGylated UC-r. In vivo studies with rabbit and Balb/c mice showed that UC-r native elicited an intense immune response being highly immunogenic. On the other hand, the PEGlated UC-r when chronically injected into mice did not induce any detectable response to antibodies. These results indicate a sufficient reduction of immunogenicity of this enzyme, due to conjugation of mPEG-pNP or mPEG-CN, making it suitable for possible therapeutic use. Therefore, the results obtained with the UC-r of Candida sp, showed that two conjugates have interesting physical-chemical, biological and immunological, which allowed a significant advance in the transformation of an enzyme of fungal origin in a drug with a possible application therapeutic in the treatment of hyperuricemia and gout.

Avaliação de proteases extracelulares de linhagem Chryseobacterium sp. Kr6 e purificação e caracterização de uma metaloprotease queratinolítica / Evaluation of extracellular proteases from Chryseobacterium sp. Kr6 strain and purification and characterization of a keratinolytic metalloprotease

Alessandro Riffel 17 March 2006 (has links)
A linhagem queratinolítica Chryseobacterium sp. Kr6 mostrou-se com possibilidade de aplicação em processos envolvendo queratinólise, principalmente na hidrólise de penas de frango e depilação de couro bovino. No presente trabalho avaliou-se o efeito da composição do meio sobre o crescimento e atividade proteolítica deste isolado e uma protease queratinolítica (queratinase) foi purificada e caracterizada. O microrganismo mostrou-se adaptado à utilização de queratina como substrato durante o crescimento, produziu diferentes proteases dependendo do meio utilizado e a maior atividade proteolítica foi atingida quando utilizado meio de cultivo com penas como única fonte de carbono e nitrogênio. A adição de fonte extra de nutrientes resultou em uma parcial repressão catabólica. Uma protease extracelular (Q1) foi purificada cerca de 14 vezes utilizando cromatografia de interação hidrofóbica em Phenyl-Sepharose CL 4B e gel filtração em Superose H12R. Q1 mostrou ser uma proteína monomérica com peso molecular de 64 KDa determinado por SDS-PAGE e pH e temperatura ótimos de 8,5 e 50°C respectivamente. O perfil de inibição indica tratar-se uma metaloprotease e as seqüências internas dos peptídeos resultantes de digestão tríptica mostraram homologia ao sítio ativo e de ligação ao Zn da família M14 (Carboxipeptidase). A atividade proteolítica foi estimulada pela presença de íons Ca2+ e Mg2+ e inibida por Cu2+, Zn2+, Al2+, Hg 2+ e agentes redutores. Q1 apresentou atividade queratinolítica sobre o substrato keratin azure, mas não foi capaz de hidrolisar penas de frango sugerindo a necessidade de outras enzimas durante o processo de degradação de penas. Utilizando os iniciadores degenerados desenhados com base na seqüência dos peptídeos, foi amplificado um fragmento de 470 pb correspondente a uma região do possível gene desta metaloproteína utilizando DNA e cDNA como molde. A seqüência do fragmento pode estar sendo expressa, mas não apresentou similaridade e homologia a proteínas conhecidas e portando, indicativa de uma nova metaloprotease. / The strain Chryseobacterium sp. kr6 shown to be useful for biotechnological purposes such as hydrolysis of poultry feathers and de-hairing of bovine pelts. The effect of media composition on the protease production and growth by this strain was studied and a keratinolytic protease (keratinase) was purified and characterized. The strain was adapted to use keratin as substrate to growth, produced different proteases in different media composition and the higher proteolytic activity was reached when used feather as only source of carbon and nitrogen. The addition of sources of nutrients has resulted in partially repressed catabolism. An extracellular protease Q1) was purified 14-fold by chromatography using the hydrophobic interaction Phenyl-Sepharose CL 4B column and gel filtração in Superose 12HR. SDS-PAGE indicated that the Q1 is a monomeric protein with molecular mass of 64 KDa. and optima pH and temperature were 8,5 e 50°C, respectively. The inhibition profile indicates to be a Zn-metalloprotease and analysis of tryptic peptides sequence revealed sequence homology to the conserved active site and Zn binding site, which may characterize keratinase Q1 as a member of M14 metalloprotease family (Carboxipeptidase). The activity was stimulated by of Ca2+ and Mg2+ and inhibited by Cu2+, Zn2+, Al2+, Hg 2+ and reducing agents. Q1 presented keratinolytic activity under substrate keratin azure, but was unable to hydrolyze poultry feather, suggesting the requirement by other enzymes in the feather hydrolysis mechanism. Degenerate primers amplified a 470 bp, corresponding to a probable gene region of this metalloprotein, with DNA and cDNA. The sequence is being expressed but do not showed similarity and homology to known proteins, thus indicating a new metalloprotease.

Characterization of the Novel Cysteine-rich Extracellular Calmodulin-binding Protein cyrA from Dictyostelium discoideum

Suarez, Andres 15 February 2010 (has links)
A novel calmodulin (CaM)-binding cysteine-rich protein from Dictyostelium, cyrA, with epidermal growth factor-like (EGFL) repeats was discovered and characterized. Calcium-dependent and –independent CaM-binding was verified. Western blots show that full length cyrA is detected constitutively throughout development. Analyses of the extracellular medium reveal that cyrA is cleaved and that the fragments containing the N-terminus are secreted early in development, while those containing the C-terminus are secreted later. In support of this, GFP and immunohistochemistry studies reveal that cyrA localizes to the endoplasmic reticulum and secretory vesicles of vegetative cells, and to the extracellular matrix (slime sheath) of migrating slugs. The addition of EGFL1 peptides enhanced cell motility and cAMP-mediated chemotaxis. Finally, cyrA cleavage is regulated by extracellular Dictyostelium CaM and by the extracellular EGFL repeats. In total the data suggest that cyrA is a true matricellular protein that mediates cell motility during multicellular development.

Characterization of the Novel Cysteine-rich Extracellular Calmodulin-binding Protein cyrA from Dictyostelium discoideum

Suarez, Andres 15 February 2010 (has links)
A novel calmodulin (CaM)-binding cysteine-rich protein from Dictyostelium, cyrA, with epidermal growth factor-like (EGFL) repeats was discovered and characterized. Calcium-dependent and –independent CaM-binding was verified. Western blots show that full length cyrA is detected constitutively throughout development. Analyses of the extracellular medium reveal that cyrA is cleaved and that the fragments containing the N-terminus are secreted early in development, while those containing the C-terminus are secreted later. In support of this, GFP and immunohistochemistry studies reveal that cyrA localizes to the endoplasmic reticulum and secretory vesicles of vegetative cells, and to the extracellular matrix (slime sheath) of migrating slugs. The addition of EGFL1 peptides enhanced cell motility and cAMP-mediated chemotaxis. Finally, cyrA cleavage is regulated by extracellular Dictyostelium CaM and by the extracellular EGFL repeats. In total the data suggest that cyrA is a true matricellular protein that mediates cell motility during multicellular development.

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