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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

ProteÃnas inibidoras de fitopatÃgenos em fluidos laticÃferos: atividade e mecanismo de aÃÃo / Inhibitory proteins of plant pathogens in fluids latex: activity and mechanism of action

Diego Pereira de Souza 26 February 2010 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Um relevante nÃmero de espÃcies vegetais à descrito como plantas produtoras de um fluido leitoso comumente denominado de lÃtex. Nestas espÃcies, o lÃtex à sintetizado e armazenado sob pressÃo em um sistema de canais formados por cÃlulas altamente especializadas denominadas de laticÃferas, em cujos citoplasmas estÃo presentes todas as estruturas eucariontes em meio à Ãgua, borracha e inÃmeras molÃculas, muitas das quais especÃficas deste conteÃdo. Muitos estudos tÃm sugerido que molÃculas produzidas nestes fluidos participam da defesa vegetal. Neste trabalho, o lÃtex de 5 espÃcies foi coletado e processado em laboratÃrio para obtenÃÃo de suas fraÃÃes protÃicas e estas foram avaliadas quanto a atividade sobre fungos fitopatogÃnicos atravÃs de ensaios de inibiÃÃo da germinaÃÃo de esporos e crescimento de hifas. ProteÃnas do lÃtex de C. procera (PLCp), Cryptostegia grandiflora (PLCg) e Carica candamarcensis (P1 G10) apresentaram atividade antifÃngica enquanto que Plumeria rubra (PLPr) e Euphorbia tirucalli (PLEt) nÃo apresentaram atividade sobre qualquer dos fungos avaliados (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Fusarium oxysporum, Fusarium solani, Rhizoctonia solani, Neurospora sp. e Aspergillus niger). A atividade inibitÃria das fraÃÃes protÃicas se correlacionou diretamente com a presenÃa de atividade proteolÃtica do tipo cisteÃnica presente nas amostras de PLCp, PLCg e P1G10. A atividade antifÃngica foi aumentada na presenÃa de DTT, um ativador destas proteases e foi diminuÃda ou eliminada quanto Ãs amostras foram prÃ-tratadas com iodoacetamida (IAA), um inibidor especÃfico de proteases cisteÃnicas. AlÃm disso, a atividade antifÃngica foi observada quando papaÃna, uma protease cisteÃnica purificada do lÃtex de Carica papaya foi avaliada, mas tripsina e quimotripsina, duas proteases serÃnicas nÃo apresentaram atividade. AtravÃs de cromatografia em coluna de Mono-S Sepharose acoplada ao sistema de FPLC, uma protease cisteÃnica foi isolada de PLCg. A proteÃna purificada (Cg24-I) apresentou massa molecular de 24,118 KDa. A Cg24-I apresentou atividade proteolÃtica mÃxima em pH 8,0 e foi inibida por IAA e E-64, utilizando azocaseÃna e BANA como substratos, respectivamente. Cg24-I inibiu a germinaÃÃo de F. solani e foi capaz de alterar a permeabilidade das membranas dos esporos na concentraÃÃo de 90 ng/ml. Esse conjunto de resultados sugere que proteinases cisteÃnicas de fluidos laticÃferos participam da defesa das plantas contra fungos fitopatogÃnicos e que o provÃvel mecanismo de aÃÃo destas proteÃnas seja a alteraÃÃo da permeabilidade da membrana plasmÃtica destes microrganismos. A descriÃÃo de atividade antifÃngica de proteases cisteÃnicas oriundas de fluidos laticÃferos nÃo à ainda descrita em detalhes na literatura, sendo este um trabalho com carÃter original. / Canal systems containing secretions, such as latex, are widely disseminated in the plant kingdom. These fluids are chemically complex and exhibit intense metabolism. Despite their origin, latex is the cytoplasm of specialized cells growing intrusively into organized tissues and organs, forming an interconnected network allowing latex exudation immediately after tissue damage. Insecticidal effects of latex proteins have been described, however minor studies were devoted to investigate antifungal activities in latex. In this study proteins extracted from latex of Calotropis procera (Ait.) R.Br (PLCp), Plumeria rubra L.(PLPr), Carica candamarcensis Hook F.(P1 G10), Cryptostegia grandiflora (PLCg), and Euphorbia tirucalli L. (PLEt) were tested for antifungal activity against six phytopathogens (Fusarium solani, F. oxysporium, Aspergilus niger, Rhizoctonia solani, Neurospora sp. and Colletrotricum gloerosporioides). PLCp, PLCg and P1G10 exhibited antifungal activity and PLPr and PLEt were not efetive. Inhibitory activity of the protein fractions correlated with the cysteine-type proteolytic activity found in these fractions. The endogenous proteolytic activity and inhibitory activity on fungal growth were both increased when samples were first activated with DTT, a cysteine proteinase activator. Conversely, pre-treatment of samples with iodoacetamide, an inhibitor of these proteases rendered all samples deficient of both, proteolytic and antifungal activities. Antifungal of activity of cysteine proteinases of latex origin was also confirmed when papain, obtained from latex of Caryca papaya was tested while purified trypsin and chemotrysin, two serine-type proteases were not antifungal. A cysteine proteinase was thus, purified form PLCg by ion exchange chromatography on a Mono-S Sepharose matrix monitored by a FPLC system. The protein, named Cg24-I exhibited molecular mass of 26.118 KDa determined by MALDI spectrometry; maximum of proteolysis at pH 8.0 and inhibited by iodoacetamide and E-64 when assayed with azocazein or BANA as substrates. Cg24-I inhibited germination of F. solani and altered membrane permeability of spores at a minimum concentration of 90 ng/ml. Results present here suggest that cysteine proteinases of laticifer fluids are proteins with antifungal activity capable of damaging spore structure and inhibiting hyphae growth. Reports of antifungal activity of latex proteases are still scarce in literature and this work appears as an important contribution to this field. Furthermore, this work gives important evidence for the multiple defensive role of latex in plants.

Caracterização funcional e estrutural de uma metaloprotease hemorrágica isolada da peçonha de \'Bothrops jararacussu\'. / Functional and structural characterization of a hemorrhagic metalloprotease isolated from Bothrops jararacussu snake venom

Maurício Ventura Mazzi 19 August 2005 (has links)
Neste trabalho descrevemos o isolamento, a caracterização funcional e estrutural de uma metaloprotease hemorrágica, denominada BjussuMP-I. A proteína foi isolada da peçonha de Bothrops jararacussu por combinação de dois passos cromatográficos, utilizando filtração molecular em Sephacryl S-200, equilibrada em tampão Tris-HCl (0,01 M, pH 7,0) seguida de cromatografia de interação hidrofóbica em Phenyl-Sepharose CL-4B, equilibrada em tampão Tris-HCl (0,01 M, pH 7,6 mais NaCl 4 M) e eluída com gradiente de NaCl (4-0 M) a 25°C no mesmo tampão. BjussuMP-I é uma proteína com massa molecular de 60 kDa e pI 5,6, a qual induziu hemorragia após injeção intradérmica em camundongos, com uma dose hemorrágica mínima (DHM) de 4,5 g. A atividade hemorrágica da BjussuMP-I foi totalmente inibida após incubação com um agente quelante (EDTA), confirmando a dependência de metal da enzima para esse efeito. BjussuMP-I possui atividade proteolítica sobre a caseína e fibrinogênio e nenhum efeito sobre a gelatina. Por outro lado, demonstrou alta especificidade pela cadeia do fibrinogênio enquanto que a cadeia somente foi hidrolisada na presença de altas concentrações da metaloprotease. A protease foi ativa sobre o fibrinogênio em pH neutro e alcalino e inativada a 75 °C. A dependência de metal da enzima foi demonstrada pela inibição exercida por EDTA, EGTA e 1,10 fenantrolina. Verificou-se uma inibição parcial pelo ?-mercaptoetanol e PMSF, enquanto que leupeptina e aprotinina não afetaram a atividade fibrinogenolítica. A enzima foi ativada na presença de íons Ca++ e Mg++, sendo inibida por Mn++, Fe++, Zn++, Co++ e Ni++. Além disso, baixas concentrações da enzima produziram lise no coágulo de fibrina. BjussuMP-I também demonstrou inibição da agregação plaquetária induzida por colágeno e ADP e atividade bactericida sobre Escherichia coli e Staphylococcus aureus. Verificou-se que as atividades hemorrágica e proteolítica da BjussuMP-I foram neutralizadas pelo diterpenóide clerodane (Bt-CD) de Bacharis trimera. Também se observou uma inibição total do efeito hemorrágico, utilizando o extrato aquoso de Pentaclethra macroloba (EPema). A enzima foi reconhecida por anticorpos antineuwiedase, com uma reação de identidade imunológica parcial. A seqüência completa do cDNA da BjussuMP-I com 1540 pb codificou para uma proteína de 547 resíduos de aminoácidos, que conservou os domínios comuns a metaloproteases hemorrágicas de alto peso molecular da classe PIII: (i) pré-pró-peptideo, (ii) metaloprotease, (iii) disintegrina-símile e (iv) domínio rico em cisteína. / In this study the isolation, functional and structural characterization of a hemorrhagic metalloprotease, named BjussuMP-I is reported. The protein was isolated from Bothrops jararacussu snake venom by a combination of two chromatographic steps, using gel filtration on Sephacryl S-200 (0.01 M Tris-HCl, pH7.6 buffer) and Phenyl-Sepharose CL-4B chromatography (0.01 M Tris-HCl plus 4 M NaCl, pH7.6 buffer) followed by a concentration gradient from 4 to 0 M NaCl at 25°C in the same buffer. BjussuMP-I is a 60 kDa protein with a pI 5.6, which induced hemorrhage after intradermal injection in mice with a minimum hemorrhagic dose (MHD) of 4.5 g. The hemorrhagic activity of BjussuMP-I was totally abolished after incubation with a chelating agent (EDTA), corroborating the metal-dependence of this effect. BjussuMP-I shows proteolytic activity on casein, collagen and fibrinogen, although no effect on gelatin was observed. In addition, it presented a high specificity toward the -chain of fibrinogen, while the -chain was only hydrolyzed at high concentrations of the metalloprotease. The protease was active against fibrinogen in neutral and alkaline pH and was inactivated at 75°C. The metal dependence of the enzyme was confirmed through inhibition by EDTA, EGTA and 1,10 phenantroline. A partial inhibition was observed with -mercaptoetanol and PMSF, while leupeptin and aprotinin did not inhibit the fibrinogenolytic activity. The enzyme was active in the presence of Ca++ and Mg++ and it was inhibited by Mn++, Fe++, Zn++, Co++ and Ni++. In addition, low concentrations of the enzyme presented lyses in fibrin plate after 12 h of incubation. BjussuMP-I also displayed inhibitory effect on collagen- and ADP-stimulated platelet aggregation, as well as bactericidal activity against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. It was reported that both hemorrhagic and proteolytic activities of BjussuMP-I were neutralized by the clerodane diterpenoide (Bt-CD) from Bacharis trimera. Full inhibition of hemorrhage was also observed by using aqueous extract from Pentaclethra macroloba (EPema). The enzyme was recognized by anti-neuwiedase antibodies in a reaction of partial immunologic identity. The complete cDNA sequence of BjussuMP-I with 1540 pb encoded open reading frames of 547 amino acid residues which conserved the common domains of P-III high molecular weight hemorrhagic metalloproteases: (i) pre-pro-peptide, (ii) metalloprotease, (iii) disintegrin-like and (iv) rich cysteine domain.

Isolamento e identificação de bactérias gram negativas no leite cru e pontos críticos de contaminação / Isolation and identification of gram negative bacteria in raw milk and critical contamination points

Simões, Gilberto Henrique 15 April 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T17:48:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Gilberto_Henrique_Simoes.pdf: 609344 bytes, checksum: c392f5329a574e72a4a5033766bd505a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-04-15 / The complexity and diversity of the dairy production chain in the country are due to the different types of dairy production systems and their specific characteristics, among them, the spatial and cultural differences found across the country, making it difficult to standardize the production, planning, technicization and especially the microbiological quality of the raw material in the dairy chain. In order to illustrate the dairy production systems, the managements, critical points of contamination, isolation and identification of the main factors involved in the contamination in Marechal Cândido Rondon - PR, some experiments were conducted. Initially it was performed a selection among 735 dairy production systems for semi - structured guides (production characteristics and general management) and cluster analyzes, which formed five distinct and homogeneous groups of dairy production systems. Only 10% of properties were selected to represent each group, totalizing 73 properties. Subsequently it was analyzed the milk cooling tanks for the somatic cell count (SCC) and total the bacterial count (TBC). After the counts, only 35 properties were selected for the research because they showed contaminations rates above current limits for SCC and TBC according to the MAPA regulation (IN 62). After the formation of the systems, collections related to the research were made, which consisted of the semi-structured questionnaire guide (hygienic-sanitary management), milk collection of the tank and swabs of critical points of contamination in milk production (hand of the milker, milking machine and cooling tank). The experiment was proceeded with microbiological analysis and quantification of Staphylococcus sp, hand of the milker, milking machine, tank and milk 9.6 x103, 2.2 x104, 1.4 x104 and 3.8 x103 CFU/mL respectively, and quantification, isolation and identification of proteolytic and lipolytic bacterias, in which the agents of highest incidence were Escherichia coli, Escherichia fergusoni, Yersinia enterocolitica and Klebsiella oxytoca both with 8.6% frequency in the different dairy production systems studied / A complexidade e diversidade da cadeia produtiva leiteira existente no país devem-se aos diferentes tipos de sistemas produtivos leiteiros e as características próprias que os envolvem, entre elas as diferenças espaciais e culturais encontradas em todo o território nacional, dificultando assim uma padronização na produção, planejamento, tecnificação e principalmente da qualidade de produção microbiológica da matéria-prima na cadeia leiteira. Afim de caracterizar os sistemas de produção leiteiros, os manejos empregados, pontos críticos de contaminação e de isolamento e identificação dos principais agentes envolvidos nas contaminações da microrregião de Marechal Cândido Rondon PR, estudos foram realizados. Inicialmente efetuou-se seleção dentre 735 sistemas de produção leiteiros, nestes foram aplicados guias semiestruturados para levantamento de características de produção e manejo produtivo. A partir destes resultados foram empregadas técnicas de formação de clusters. Foram definidos cinco grupos homogêneos e distintos. Em cada grupo, 10% dos casos foram selecionados, totalizando 73 sistemas produtivos leiteiros. Posteriormente analisou-se o leite dos tanques de resfriamento para contagem de células somáticas (CCS) e contagem bacteriana total (CBT). Após as contagens, 35 propriedades foram selecionadas paras as pesquisas, pois obtiveram contaminações acima dos limites vigentes de CCS e CBT de acordo com IN 62 do MAPA. Após a formação dos sistemas sucedeu-se coletas referentes às pesquisas, que consistiram de questionário semi-estruturado, contemplando variáveis relativas ao manejo higiênico-sanitário, bem como, coleta de leite do tanque e swabs de pontos críticos de contaminação na produção leiteira, tais como: mão do ordenhador, ordenhadeira e tanque de resfriamento. Procedeu-se com análises microbiológicas e a quantificação de Staphylococcus sp da mão-do-ordenhador, ordenhadeira, tanque e leite 9,6x103, 2,2x104, 1,4x104 e 3,8x103 UFC/mL respectivamente; e quantificação, isolamento e identificação de bactérias proteolíticas e lipolíticas, nos quais os agentes de maior incidência foram a Escherichia coli, Escherichia fergusoni, Klebsiella oxytoca e Yersinia enterocolitica ambos com 8,6% de frequência nos diferentes sistemas de produção leiteiros estudados

Efeito agudo da hipóxia intermitente no metabolismo de proteínas em músculos esqueléticos de ratos: papel dos glicocorticóides / Acute effect of intermitente hypoxia on protein metabolismo in skeletal muscle of rats: role os glucocorticoids

Franciele Przygodda 12 April 2012 (has links)
O processo adaptativo a hipóxia implica em modificações nas funções endócrinas e metabólicas. Embora seja bem estabelecido que o metabolismo de carboidratos é profundamente alterado pela hipóxia, muito pouco se sabe acerca dos efeitos in vivo do estresse hipóxico no metabolismo de proteínas na musculatura esquelética. Portanto, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos agudos da hipóxia intermitente nos processos de síntese e degradação protéica em músculos esqueléticos de ratos e a possível participação dos glicocorticóides na resposta induzida pela hipóxia. Para isso, ratos jovens (~80g) foram expostos à hipóxia intermitente aguda (HIA) por 8 horas (6% O2 durante 40 segundos em intervalos de 9 minutos). Os resultados mostram que a HIA é uma situação catabólica que resulta no aumento da glicose e insulina plasmática, na redução do conteúdo do glicogênio hepático (97%), oxidação de glicose muscular (40%) e massa do tecido adiposo branco retroperitoneal e epididimal (30%), sem alterações na massa muscular. No metabolismo protéico, os animais hipóxicos apresentaram aumento da proteólise total em músculos soleus e EDL acompanhada por uma hiperativação dos sistemas proteolíticos dependente de ubiquitina (Ub)-proteassoma e dependente de cálcio, sem que houvesse alterações na síntese protéica. Essa resposta foi associada ao maior conteúdo de proteínas miofibrilares conjugadas à Ub e à ativação da expressão de genes relacionados à atrofia (atrogina-1 e MuRF1) e autofagia (LC3 e GABARAP ). Adicionalmente, em músculos soleus, observou-se redução da fosforilação da Akt (Ser473), uma proteína chave no controle do metabolismo protéico. Verificou-se ainda que a adrenalectomia em animais hipóxicos preveniu a ativação dos sistemas proteolíticos e a transcrição do RNAm dos \"atrogenes\" sem alterar a autofagia. Esses dados mostram que a HIA, durante 8 horas, age como um gatilho catabólico no processo de degradação de proteínas dependente de Ub-proteassoma e cálcio assim como na hiperexpressão de genes relacionados à atrofia e autofagia. A ativação do programa atrófico induzido pela HIA parece ser mediada pelos glicocorticóides sendo esta resposta provavelmente importante para o fornecimento de aminoácidos do músculo para o fígado e manutenção da hiperglicemia. Portanto, essa resposta catabólica se sustentada pode levar à perda de massa muscular esquelética em situações de exposição prolongada à hipóxia intermitente. / The adaptive process to hypoxia involves changes in endocrine and metabolic functions. Although it is well established that the carbohydrate metabolism is profoundly altered by hypoxia, the in vivo effects of hypoxic stress on protein metabolism in skeletal muscle is still poorly understood. Thus, the main goal of the present work was to investigate the acute effects of intermittent hypoxia on the processes of synthesis and protein degradation in rat skeletal muscles and the possible role of glucocorticoids in the responses induced by hypoxia. For this, young rats (~80g) were exposed to acute intermittent hypoxia (AIH) for 8 hours (6% O2 for 40 seconds at 9 minutes intervals). The data show that AIH is a catabolic situation that increases plasma levels of glucose and insulin, reduces the content of liver glycogen (97%), the muscle glucose oxidation (40%) and the retroperitoneal and epididymal white adipose tissue mass (30%), without changing muscle mass. With respect to the protein metabolism, AIH rats showed an increase in the rates of overall proteolysis in soleus and EDL muscle, which were accompanied by a hyperactivity of the ubiquitin (Ub)-proteasome and calcium-dependent proteolytic systems, without changes in rates of protein synthesis. This response was associated with a high content of myofibrillar proteins Ub-conjugates and mRNA levels of atrophy-related genes (atrogin-1 and MuRF1) and autophagic genes (LC3 and GABARAP). Furthermore, in soleus muscle, we observed reduction of Akt phosphorylation (Ser473), a key protein in the control of protein metabolism. It was also found that adrenalectomy prevented activation of proteolytic systems and gene transcription of \"atrogenes\" in hypoxic rats, while the autophagic genes were not affected. The data suggest that the AIH, during 8 hours, acts as a catabolic trigger activating the Ub-proteassome and calcium-dependent proteolytic processes, as well as the expression of atrophy-related genes and autophagy. The activation of atrophy program induced by hypoxia seems to be mediated by glucocorticoids, and is probably important for the provision of amino acids from muscle to the liver which maintains the hyperglycemia. Therefore, this catabolic response, if sustained, can lead to the loss of skeletal muscle mass in situations of prolonged exposure to intermittent hypoxia.

Desenvolvimento de géis de papaína a 4,0% (p/p) com polissorbato 80 como agente solubilizante

Nicoletti, Caroline Deckmann 17 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Biblioteca da Faculdade de Farmácia (bff@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-03-17T17:34:41Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Nicoletti, Caroline Deckmann [Dissertação, 2015].pdf: 2492191 bytes, checksum: 2cc1df517b27092f16baf567910a3c1a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-17T17:34:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Nicoletti, Caroline Deckmann [Dissertação, 2015].pdf: 2492191 bytes, checksum: 2cc1df517b27092f16baf567910a3c1a (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A papaína é uma enzima proteolítica utilizada no tratamento de feridas. É parcialmente solúvel em água e tem baixa estabilidade em preparações farmacêuticas, dessa forma os géis com concentrações de papaína acima de 1% podem apresentar precipitados. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento de géis de papaína a 4% (p/p) usando tensoativos como agente solubilizante. Como fase inicial do estudo realizou-se a determinação da Concentração Micelar Crítica (CMC) por meio da medida de tensão superficial de geis de papaína a 4,0% (p/p) com e sem L-cisteína e diferentes concentrações de polissorbato 80. Novas preparações foram desenvolvidas usando-se concentrações de polissorbato e L-cisteína que resultavam na completa solubilização da papaína. O estudo de estabilidade dos géis de papaína a 4,0% (p/p) com polissorbato 80 foi planejado e executado a partir de desenho experimental fatorial 33 em amostras armazenadas sob refrigeração por 30 dias. As variáveis independentes estipuladas foram concentração de L-cisteína, concentração de polissorbato 80 e o tempo de armazenagem; a variável dependente avaliada foi a concentração de papaína ativa. Todas as amostras foram analisadas quanto à manutenção das características sensoriais e físico-químicas. Durante o período de avaliação as preparações conservaram-se como géis homogêneos, mantendo-se estáveis quanto aos valores de pH, de viscosidade e de estabilidade termodinâmica. Estas amostras não apresentaram mudanças no seu comportamento reológico. As preparações estudas apresentaram concentrações de papaína ativa entre 90 e 110% apos 24 horas de preparo, mas não foi possível a manutenção desta atividade durante o período de estudo. As avaliações estatísticas decorrentes do desenho experimental fatorial resultaram em gráficos de superfície de resposta e de contorno, que demonstraram que o tempo é o fator de maior influência sobre a perda da atividade da papaína nas preparações em gel. A L-cisteína interfere favoravelmente para a manutenção da atividade, mas sua ação isolada é incapaz de sobrepor-se ao efeito do tempo. A associação da L-cisteína e do polissorbato 80 também apresenta ação favorável a manutenção da atividade enzimática, que se torna evidente somente nas maiores concentrações estudadas para estes adjuvantes / Papain is a proteolytic enzyme used in the treatment of wounds. It is partially soluble in water and has low stability in pharmaceutical preparations thus gels with papain above 1% concentration may have precipitated. This study aimed to the development of papain gels at 4% (w / w) using surfactants as solubilizing agent. As the initial phase of study was carried out to determine the critical micellar concentration (CMC) by action of surface tension of papain gels at 4.0% (w / w) with and without L-cysteine and different concentrations of polysorbate 80. New preparations were developed using concentrations of polysorbate and Lcysteine resulted in complete solubilization of papain. The stability study of papain gels at 4.0% (w / w) polysorbate 80 was planned and carried out from 33 factorial experimental design for samples stored under refrigeration for 30 days. The independent variables were prescribed concentration of L-cysteine, concentration of polysorbate 80 and the storage time; the evaluated dependent variable was the concentration of active papain. All samples were analyzed for the maintenance of sensorial and physicochemical characteristics. During the evaluation period preparations presented as homogeneous gels, remaining stable as the pH, viscosity and thermodynamic stability. These samples showed no changes in their rheological behavior. The preparations studied showed ative papain concentrations between 90 and 110% after 24 hours of preparation, but it was not possible to maintain this activity over the study period. The statistical evaluations resulting from the factorial experimental design resulted in response surface graphs and contour, showing that time is the most influential factor on the loss of papain activity in preparations gel. L-cysteine favorably affects the maintenance of the activity, but its action alone is unable to override the effect of the time. The combination of Lcysteine and polysorbate 80 also presents favorable action to maintain the enzyme activity, which becomes evident only at the highest concentrations investigated for these adjuvants

Detection of a papaya cysteine proteinase inhibitor under different environmental conditions

Bester, Christell 17 August 2012 (has links)
M.Sc. / Proteinases are involved in many cellular reactions involving protein degradation, such as degradation of storage proteins and protein degradation during senescence processes. Their action can be inhibited by proteinase inhibitors. Information is still limited about the regulation of these inhibitors in plants and their possible interaction with proteinases under stress conditions. To obtain a better understanding of the physiological role of a proteinase inhibitor in plants under stress, the expression of a papaya cysteine proteinase inhibitor (cystatin) and its relation to proteinase expression was investigated in more detail. For this purpose, expression of the inhibitor was studied in papaya plants exposed to different physiological stress conditions, such as high/low temperature, and treatment with selected chemicals, such as glutathione, OTC (L-2- Oxothiazolidine-4-carboxylate), bestatin ([(2S, 3R)-3-amino-2-hydroxy-4-phenyl butanoylj-L-leu) and 2.4-D (2,4-dichiorophenoxyacetic acid). Using detection tools like activity gel electrophoresis, immunoblotting and enzymatic assays, the production of the cystatin under stress was monitored in different papaya explants, such as roots, leaves and embryos. Inhibitor production increased under different stress conditions when compared to untreated controls. However, this increase was not dramatic in any of the stresses applied. Exact quantification of the increase by using immunoblotting as the only specific tool to determine cystatin expression, was difficult. Neither activity gel electrophoresis nor enzymatic assays were successful to further quantify the exact cystatin levels. Higher cystatin expression was accompanied with a decrease in proteinase activity. Transgenic tobacco plants carrying the gene for a rice cystatin had a significantly lower cysteine proteinase activity when compared to non-transgenic tobacco plants after prolonged cold stress. Furthermore, protein degradation and leaf yellowing as a consequence of cold treatment were prevented in transgenic plants. An attempt to obtain a transformed papaya plant to study silencing of cystatin expression under stress was unsuccessful. In this study, the protective role of a cystatin in cold stress was described for the first time.

Caractérisation de la variabilité du système protéolytique de surface de la bactérie lactique Streptococcus thermophilus / Characterization of the variability of the proteolytic system of the lactic acid bacteria Streptococcus thermophilus

Galia, Wessam 21 September 2011 (has links)
La variabilité du système protéolytique de surface a été étudiée chez 30 souches de St. thermophilus. Cette variabilité consiste en la présence ou l’absence du gène prtS, en la présence de deux allèles différents de ce gène, en la présence d'une protéase PrtS ancrée et/ou soluble et enfin en l'expression variable, due à une variabilité de la régulation du système protéolytique, du gène prtS et d'autres gènes qui interviennent, pour la plupart, dans le métabolisme azoté. L’expression des gènes prtS, pepX, pepC, pepN, amiA1CDEF, dtpT, livJHMGF, ilvC, ilvDBN, bcaT, ackA, ldh, codY et relA a été quantifiée chez les souches PB302 et PB18O en lait et en milieu M17. La souche PB302 est représentative des souches qui se développent rapidement en lait alors que la souche PB18O l’est de celles qui ont une croissance intermédiaire dans ce milieu. Alors que l’expression des gènes étudiés est peu différente en milieu M17 où les deux souches ont une croissance similaire, cette expression diverge lorsque les deux souches sont cultivées en lait.Globalement, la différence de croissance observée en lait entre les deux souches pourrait résulter d'une variabilité de la capacité protéolytique et de l’expression, entre autres, des gènes codant PrtS, le régulateur CodY, les transporteurs des oligopeptides (Ami), des di-tripeptides (DtpT) et des acides aminés ramifiés (LivJ) et de ceux codant des enzymes impliquées dans la voie de biosynthèse des acides aminés ramifiés (IlvC, IlvB et BcaT), ces derniers étant nécessaires pour la croissance en lait. Tous ces gènes possèdent en amont de leur promoteur une boîte CodY potentielle et pourraient donc appartenir au régulon CodY / The variability of the cell envelope-associated proteolytic system was studied in 30 strains of St. thermophilus. Variations in strains consist in the presence or absence of the gene prtS, the presence of two allelic forms of prtS, the presence of an anchored and/or soluble form of the protease PrtS and in the variable expression of the gene prtS and other genes involved mainly in nitrogen metabolism, thus in the variability of the regulation genetic of this system. Expression of the genes prtS, pepX, pepC, pepN, amiA1CDEF, dtpT, livJHMGF, ilvC, ilvDBN, bcaT, ackA, ldh, codY and relA was quantified in the PB302 and PB18O strains. The strain PB302 is representative of strains which exhibit a rapid growth in milk. The strain PB18O is representative those with intermediate growth in milk. In M17 medium, where both strains have similar growth, little difference in the expression of genes tested was observed. Conversely, the two strains did not express the selected genes in the same way when grown in milk. Overall, the difference in growth observed between strains in milk could result from variable proteolytic activities and variable expression of genes encoding, for example, the proteinase PrtS, the regulator CodY, transporters of oligo- or di-tri- peptides (Ami or DtpT) or branched chain amino acids, or BCAA (LivJ) and enzymes in the biosynthetic pathway of BCAA (IlvC, IlvB et BcaT) which are necessary for growth in milk. All these genes have a potential CodY box at the upstream of their promoter and could therefore belong to the regulon CodY

Malarial drug targets cysteine proteases as hemoglobinases

Mokoena, Fortunate January 2012 (has links)
Malaria has consistently been rated as the worst parasitic disease in the world. This disease affects an estimated 5 billion households annually. Malaria has a high mortality rate leading to distorted socio-economic development of the world at large. The major challenge pertaining to malaria is its continuous and rapid spread together with the emergence of drug resistance in Plasmodium species (vector agent of the disease). For this reason, researchers throughout the world are following new leads for possible drug targets and therefore, investigating ways of curbing the spread of the disease. Cysteine proteases have emerged as potential antimalarial chemotherapeutic targets. These particular proteases are found in all living organisms, Plasmodium cysteine proteases are known to degrade host hemoglobin during the life cycle of the parasite within the human host. The main objective of this study was to use various in silico methods to analyze the hemoglobinase function of cysteine proteases in P. falciparum and P. vivax. Falcipain-2 (FP2) of P. falciparum is the best characterized of these enzymes, it is a validated drug target. Both the three-dimensional structures of FP2 and its close homologue falcipain-3 (FP3) have been solved by the experimental technique X-ray crystallography. However, the homologue falcipain-2 (FP2’)’ and orthologues from P.vivax vivapain-2 (VP2) and vivapain-3 (VP3) have yet to be elucidated by experimental techniques. In an effort to achieve the principal goal of the study, homology models of the protein structures not already elucidated by experimental methods (FP2’, VP2 and VP3) were calculated using the well known spatial restraint program MODELLER. The derived models, FP2 and FP3 were docked to hemoglobin (their natural substrate). The protein-protein docking was done using the unbound docking program ZDOCK. The substrate-enzyme interactions were analyzed and amino acids involved in binding were observed. It is anticipated that the results obtained from the study will help focus inhibitor design for potential drugs against malaria. The residues found in both the P. falciparum and P. vivax cysteine proteases involved in hemoglobin binding have been identified and some of these are proposed to be the main focus for the design of a peptidomimetric inhibitor.

Comparative study of clan CA cysteine proteases: an insight into the protozoan parasites

Moyo, Sipho Dugunye January 2015 (has links)
Protozoan infections such as Malaria, Leishmaniasis, Toxoplasmosis, Chaga’s disease and African trypanosomiasis caused by the Plasmodium, Leishmania, Toxoplasma and Trypanosoma genuses respectively; inflict a huge economic, health and social impact in endemic regions particularly tropical and sub-tropical regions. The combined infections are estimated at over a billion annually and approximately 1.1 million deaths annually. The global burden of the protozoan infections is worsened by the increased drug resistance, toxicity and the relatively high cost of treatment and prophylaxis. Therefore there has been a high demand for new drugs and drug targets that play a role in parasite virulence. Cysteine proteases have been validated as viable drug targets due to their role in the infectivity stage of the parasites within the human host. There is a variety of cysteine proteases hence they are subdivided into families and in this study we focus on the clan CA, papain family C1 proteases. The current inhibitors for the protozoan cysteine proteases lack selectivity and specificity which contributes to drug toxicity. Therefore there is a need to identify the differences and similarities between the host, vector and protozoan proteases. This study uses a variety of bioinformatics tools to assess these differences and similarities. The Plasmodium cysteine protease FP-2 is the most characterized protease hence it was used as a reference to all the other proteases and its homologs were retrieved, aligned and the evolutionary relationships established. The homologs were also analysed for common motifs and the physicochemical properties determined which were validated using the Kruskal-Wallis test. These analyses revealed that the host and vector cathepsins share similar properties while the parasite cathepsins differ. At sub-site level sub-site 2 showed greater variations suggesting diverse ligand specificity within the proteases, a revelation that is vital in the design of antiprotozoan inhibitors.

Analyses Of Seine Protease Active Sites And Protein-Protein Interactions

Iengar, Prathima 01 1900 (has links) (PDF)
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