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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vliv rozdílných stanovištních podmínek na odrůstání kultur douglasky tisolisté provenience CDN-BC-0443-07

Zábranská, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Vliv rozdílných stanovištních podmínek, typu sadebního materiálu a doby sadby na odrůstání kultur douglasky tisolisté po prvním vegetačním období

Zábranský, Pavel January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Vliv velikosti a expozice holiny na růst kultur douglasky tisolisté

Janoušková roz. Schindlerová, Hana January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the study was to determine the effect on the growth of the cultures after the second growing year (coverage) and exposure of clearcuts, seed time and type of used planting material.Totally was measured on four areas - high fence (60x70 m), chopped (25x70 m), underplanting and the large calamity clearcuts. There were represented four different provenance and they were with or without modification of the root system, which were planted in six different dates (spring - autumn). Monitoring and evaluation were especially following features: losses, length of aboveground, increase of the terminal, root collar thickness, length and number of branches, length of needles, color of assimilation system, damage by biotic and abiotic factors. The results of my thesis confirmed that it is best to Douglas fir planted on small regenerative elements with adequate cover of surrounding vegetation. These areas register lower losses and higher increment of above-ground parts. The best planting date is in early spring. It also has confirmed great variability in the requirements for each provenance and Douglas sensitivity to drought. Effect of modification of the root system appears to be minimal.

Vliv velikosti a krytí holiny na odrůstání kultur douglasky tisolisté

Paukovček, Michal January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis was to determine what influence has a different size (cover) of clearing on growing cultures after the third growing season, time of planting and a type of planting material. The reaserch was realized on clearings with dimensions 55 x 70 m, 25 x 70 m, in Podsadba and on a big Kalamitná clearing (4,4 ha). There were used four provenances with or without an adjustment of root system. 10 parameters and signs were measured and recorded on each individual tree. Observed values were statistically evalueted and written comment was added. The results of reaserch confirmed that minor restoration elements are more suitable for culturing Douglas Fir as they provide a favourable microclimate. In these areas are lower losses and plants show a greater increase in aboveground part. In terms of time of planting, the most suitable appeared in the early spring planting dates. The adjustment of root system before planting had a negative effect because treated seedlings had lower gain and the losses were on average higher.

Pěstování sadebního materiálu douglasky tisolisté v nekryté minerální půdě

Spáčilová, Věra January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Hmotná kultura jako výraz životního stylu - výšivka indických Baňdžárů / The Embroidery of Indian Banjaras as an Expression of Their Style of Life

Petránek, Jan January 2014 (has links)
The embroidery of the Banjara people makes an important part of Indian culture, The Banjara are a previously migrating non-hinduistic ethnic, today mostly settled and merging with the hinduistic population which represents the majority. We still have very scarce information about this distinctive textile production. This theses is based on mostly Indian studies, as well as on field-work which was carried out in fourteen Banjara communities living in two Indian states, Maharashtra and Karnataka. Another source of information were several collections of Banjara textile in important European museums and a collection of more than 550items in the Czech Republic. The theses focuses on five subjects: 1. The typology of the fourty most common and traditional types of textile pieces made by Banjara women, 2. The description of the material and embroidery techniques, 3. The attempt of the iconography analysis of the Banjara embroidery, 4. The provenience of the Banjara traditional pieces, and 5. The description of the state of art of the mbroidery which still exists in the present day Banjara communities. Vast photodocumentation made during the field-work is included in the theses and a catalogue of typical examples from studied collections. A side product has evolved during the study of the Indian literature - an...

Citlivost českých proveniencí jasanu ztepilého a jasanu úzkolistého vůči invaznímu patogenu Hymenoscyphus fraxineus / Sensitivity of Czech provenances of European common ash and narrow-leaved ash to invasive pathogen Hymenoscyphus fraxineus

Kraus, Marek January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with a survey of provenance areas and assessment of attacking Fraxinus excelsior L. and Fraxinus angustifolia by the pathogen Hymenoscyphus fraxineus. The aim of the thesis is to map the incidence of infected trees in these areas and to evaluate the sensitivity of the sites to the pathogen Hymenoscyphus fraxineus. The theoretical part deals with processing of data collected during field work on selected provenance areas Koneprusy and Veltruby. Amongst the evaluated parameters there were: trunk diameter at measuring height, tree height, and especially canopy drying caused by Hymenoscyphus fraxineus. As the outcome of the survey photographs were taken and records were collected for individual trees in the provenance areas. Each of the trees has its own unique label that has accurately defined its location to prevent potential errors in data processing. The processed data was then evaluated in NCSS 8.0 software and cluster analysis was performed in order to compare the provenances. This analysis only compares the provenances, which are located in both provenance areas. The results show that no provenance without the pathogen Hymenoscyphus fraxineus attack appeared in the provenances Koneprusy and Veltruby. Subjects in 4 ŠLP Kostelec nad Černými Lesy - Svojšice and 24 LS Czech Krumlov Chvalšiny proved to be more resistant than others. Although the increase in the tree height and the trunk thickness is the largest on those areas the defoliation rate is high. It is probable that the population of these provenances will gradually die. Due to growing abbility of some individuals located in other provenances it is obvious that habitat conditions and individual resilience are key factors.

Odling av vedartade växter i kärvt klimat : En studie om zonkartans användning i Norr- och Västerbottens län

Johansson, Edit January 2014 (has links)
Härdighet för vedartade växter förknippas oftast med zonkartans zonangivelser. Det är dock inte enbart härdighetsiffran som bestämmer om en växt är härdig eller inte. Klimatet på platsen är en avgörande faktor för hur en växt klarar sig eller inte.  Via en enkät tog jag reda på vad odlare i Norr- och Västerbottens län tycker om zonkartan och hur de använder sig av den när de väljer vedartat växtmaterial. Nästan alla odlare ställer sig positiva till zonkartans zonangivelser. De påpekade dock brister med användandet av den då den inte tar hänsyn till växtens proveniens, lokalt klimat eller växters krav på odlingsplats vilket är viktiga faktorer som påverkar härdigheten hos växten. Odlarna efterlyste mer information om växternas krav på sin odlingsplats och hur man skapar ett mikroklimat för just den växten i samband med zonangivelsen för växten.  En växtlista med växter som anges med en lägre zonangivelse än den zon den odlas i har skapats utifrån odlarnas egna erfarenheter. Med hjälp av litteraturstudien och odlarnas åsikter har jag skapat ett förlag på hur en komplettering av zonkartan skulle kunna se ut för att förbättra både kunskapen om det lokala klimatet och utöka växtvalen för odling i Norrland. / The hardiness of a plant is often strongly associated with the recommendations on the climate zone map. However, it is not only the climate zone recommendation that determines whether a plant is cold hardy enough to survive and thrive at a certain location.  By sending a questionnaire to local growers in northernmost Sweden I wanted to investigate how the climate zone map is used and how well it works in the northern part of Sweden. Most growers were positive to the recommendations in the map. However, they pointed out that the climate zone map does not take into account the genetic heritage, the local microclimate and the requirements of the location on which the plant is supposed to grow, which are all very important. Growers mentioned that more information about how to create a good micro climate for a certain plant in a certain zone would be very useful. From the questionnaire I have put together a list of plants that growers in northern Sweden have grown outside the recommendation from the climate zone map. And by using information from the growers together with information from my literature study I have created a suggestion on an updated climate zone map to see if it is possible to raise knowledge and increase plant selection in northernmost Sweden.

Růst a environmentalní vlivy pěstovaní jedle obrovské v podmínkách České republiky / Growth and environmental effects of Grand fir cultivation in conditions of the Czech republic

Fulín, Martin January 2016 (has links)
Grand fir (Abies grandis /Douglas ex D. Don/ Lindl.) is a species with potential benefits for the implementation of many functions in forest management: namely the function of production, soil improvement, stabilization and landscaping. It was introduced to the Czech Republic, as well as to other European countries, since the first half of the 19th century, mainly by aristocratic families. First plantings were performed in the parks, but gradually also in the forest stands. Another wave of interest in this tree species was associated with the decline of the domestic silver fir (Abies alba Mill.). It was to some extent substitute, for this period comes the greatest number of plantations in the country. The aim of this thesis is, therefore, monitoring of growth and production of the grand fir, but also the evaluation of the effects on the basic characteristics of the soil chemistry, nutrient dynamics and possible degradation effect on forest lands. Research areas were mainly located in the University Forest Enterprise Kostelec nad Černými lesy, but also in other places such as Hrubá Skála at Turnov, forests owned by Kinský at Žďár nad Sázavou and Kynšperk nad Ohří. Monitoring was carried out on already established and monitored middle-aged permanent plots (35 to 55 years), which were assessed at mensurational parameters (position, height, diameter at breast height, ratio of the green crown), in further the quantity and quality of forest floor and upper mineral soil components was studied. This work also contains the measurements of the provenance plot of Forestry and Game Management Research Institute. The results show that the grand fir is a productive tree species that exceeds the stock of domestic conifer tree species and its intensive growth is comparable with Douglas fir. From the perspective of provenance trials is crucial the correct choice of provenance, which achieves better yields and quality of wood. Best provenances come from the island Vancouver and the coast of Washington state. At the soil analysis reaching grand fir better values in comparison with Norway spruce and got it closer to the values of broad-leaved tree species. Thus it can be said that grand fir represents important soil-improving and stabilization tree species.

Geocronologia U-Pb em Zircão Detrítico aplicada ao estudo de proveniência de metassedimentos do Complexo Metamórfico Porongos – Região de Santana da Boa Vista, RS

Gruber, Leonardo January 2010 (has links)
Estudos de proveniência em zircões detríticos através do método U-Th-Pb (LA-ICP-MS) dos metassedimentos do Complexo Metamórfico Porongos determinaram a existência de duas áreas-fontes principais de onde derivaram idades paleoproterozóicas e mesoproterozóicas para os xistos Arroio Areião, Cerro Cambará e quartzo milonitos associados. Foram obtidas idades entre 967 ± 15 Ma e 2454 ±26 Ma para a seqüência Arroio Areião, entre 894 ± 30 Ma e 2783 ± 18 Ma para a seqüência Cerro Cambará, e idades entre 1621 ± 16 Ma e 3185 ± 117 Ma para os quartzo milonitos associados. A área fonte com idades paleoproterozóicas pode ser correlacionada ás rochas do Complexo Encantadas, que faz parte do embasamento das unidades supracrustrais. As áreas-fontes para os zircões mesoproterozóicos (entre 967 e 1621 Ma) não foram ainda reconhecidas no Cinturão Dom Feliciano. Estes zircões podem ser derivados de associações de rocha pertencentes aos cinturões mesoproterozóicos (orogêneses Elzeverian e Greenville), associados ao sistema geodinâmico que incluí os crátons Amazonas, Kalahari, Congo – São Francisco e Laurencia e cinturões associados. O ambiente geotectônico de formação da paleobacia Porongos é compatível com a margem passiva, onde se estabeleceu um arco magmático. Este trabalho demonstra que do ponto de vista isotópico e estratigráfico, não existem diferenças significativas de idades detríticas entre as seqüências metassedimentares que afloram nos flancos da Antiforme de Santana da Boa Vista. / Provenance studies based upon detritic zircon grain U-Th-Pb methodology (LA-ICP-MS) from metasediments of Porongos Metamorphic Complex have determined the existence of two principal source-areas with paleoproterozoic and mesoproterozoic ages to the schists of Arroio Areião, Cerro Cambará and associated quartz mylonites. Where obtained ages between 967 ± 15 Ma and 2454 ±26 Ma to the Arroio Areião sequence, between 894 ± 30 Ma and 2783 ± 18 Ma to Cerro Cambará sequence, and 1621 ± 16 Ma e 3185 ± 117 Ma to the associated quartz mylonites. The source-area with paleoproterozoic ages can be related to the Encantadas Complex rocks, which is basement of the supracrustal sequences. The source-areas to the mesoproterozoic zircons (between 967 and 1621 Ma) are not recognized in the Dom Feliciano Belt. These zircons can be related to mesoproterozoic petrotectonic associations (Greenville and Elzeverian orogens) associated to the geodynamic system that includes the Amazon, Kalahari, Congo – São Francisco and Laurentia cratons, and associated belts. The tectonic environment of Porongos paleobasin it’s compatible with a passive margin, after where established a magmatic arc environment. This work shows that from isotopic and stratigraphyc point of view there is no significantly differences between the metasedimentary sequences cropping out in both Santana da Boa Vista antiform flanks.

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