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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aspect-Oriented Smart Proxies in Java RMI

Stevenson, Andrew January 2008 (has links)
Java's Remote Method Invocation (RMI) architecture allows distributed applications to be written in Java. Clients can communicate with a server via a local proxy object that hides the network and server implementation details. This loosely coupled architecture makes it difficult for client-side enhancements, such as method caching and validation, to obtain useful information about server state and implementation. Statically-generated custom proxies can provide a limited solution, but are troublesome to deploy and cannot change dynamically at runtime. This thesis presents a framework for Java RMI smart proxies using a distributed aspectoriented platform. The framework allows server-controlled dynamic changes to Java RMI proxy objects on the client, without requiring changes to the client application code or development cycle. The benefits of this framework are demonstrated with three practical examples: method caching, client-side input validation, and load balancing.

Diseño de un plataforma de virtualización de aplicaciones para la Cooperativa Los Andes

Silva Arias, Jose David 17 February 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de tesis desarrolla el diseño de una plataforma de virtualización de aplicaciones que pueda atender usuarios locales, externos y móviles de una organización. Esta plataforma de virtualización será diseñada bajo el modelo de disposición en capas y siguiendo los estándares, recomendaciones y buenas prácticas de cada uno de los fabricantes que componen la solución, así como también de metodologías de trabajo como la Gestión de puntos finales unificados (UEM- Unified endpoint management). En el primer capítulo del presente diseño, hablaremos a grandes rasgos de la organización objetivo en el cual se desea plasmar dicho proyecto, así como la situación problemática en el campo de acción de la organización, luego definiremos el objetivo general y sus respectivos objetivos específicos e indicadores. En el segundo capítulo, se presentará el marco teórico, el cual incluirá toda la información referente a las definiciones, normativa y metodología a utilizar. En el tercer capítulo, se realizará el análisis del problema a solucionar con el diseño a proponer, además se identificarán los problemas con la información recabada de la organización, con ello se elaborará el análisis del alcance, impacto y soluciones posibles. En el cuarto capítulo, se mencionan a detalle las especificaciones del diseño multicapas de la plataforma de virtualización de aplicaciones. Y finalmente, se mostrarán los resultados y validaciones, los cuales servirán para demostrar el cumplimiento de los objetivos específicos planteados en el capítulo uno. / This thesis work develops the design of an application virtualization platform that can serve local, external and mobile users of an organization. This virtualization platform will be designed under the layered layout model and following the standards, recommendations and good practices of each of the manufacturers that make up the solution, as well as work methodologies such as EMM (EMM - Enterprise Mobility Management) . In the first chapter of the present design, we will speak in broad strokes of the objective organization in which it is desired to capture said project, as well as the problematic situation in the field of action of the organization, then we will define the general objective and its respective specific objectives and indicators. In the second chapter, the theoretical framework will be presented, which will include all the information regarding the definitions, regulations and methodology to be used. In the third chapter, the analysis of the problem to be solved with the design to be proposed will be carried out, in addition the problems will be identified with the information collected from the organization, with this the analysis of the scope, impact and possible solutions will be elaborated. In the fourth chapter, the multilayer design specifications of the application virtualization platform will be mentioned in detail. And finally, the results will be displayed and validations, which will serve to demonstrate compliance with the objectives specific ones raised in chapter one. / Tesis

Improving Network Performance and Document Dissemination by Enhancing Cache Consistency on the Web Using Proxy and Server Negotiation

Doswell, Felicia 06 September 2005 (has links)
Use of proxy caches in the World Wide Web is beneficial to the end user, network administrator, and server administrator since it reduces the amount of redundant traffic that circulates through the network. In addition, end users get quicker access to documents that are cached. However, the use of proxies introduces additional issues that need to be addressed. In particular, there is growing concern over how to maintain cache consistency and coherency among cached versions of documents. The existing consistency protocols used in the Web are proving to be insufficient to meet the growing needs of the Internet population. For example, too many messages sent over the network are due to caches guessing when their copy is inconsistent. One option is to apply the cache coherence strategies already in use for many other distributed systems, such as parallel computers. However, these methods are not satisfactory for the World Wide Web due to its larger size and more diverse access patterns. Many decisions must be made when exploring World Wide Web coherency, such as whether to provide consistency at the proxy level (client pull) or to allow the server to handle it (server push). What trade offs are inherent for each of these decisions? The relevant usage of any method strongly depends upon the conditions of the network (e.g., document types that are frequently requested or the state of the network load) and the resources available (e.g., disk space and type of cache available). Version 1.1 of HTTP is the first protocol version to give explicit rules for consistency on the Web. Many proposed algorithms require changes to HTTP/1.1. However, this is not necessary to provide a suitable solution. One goal of this dissertation is to study the characteristics of document retrieval and modification to determine their effect on proposed consistency mechanisms. A set of effective consistency policies is identified from the investigation. The main objective of this dissertation is to use these findings to design and implement a consistency algorithm that provides improved performance over the current mechanisms proposed in the literature. Optimistically, we want an algorithm that provides strong consistency. However, we do not want to further degrade the network or cause undue burden on the server to gain this advantage. We propose a system based on the notion of soft-state and based on server push. In this system, the proxy would have some influence on what state information is maintained at the server (spatial consideration) as well as how long to maintain the information (temporal consideration). We perform a benchmark study of the performance of the new algorithm in comparison with existing proposed algorithms. Our results show that the Synchronous Nodes for Consistency (SINC) framework provides an average of 20% control message savings by limiting how much polling occurs with the current Web cache consistency mechanism, Adaptive Client Polling. In addition, the algorithm shows 30% savings on state space overhead at the server by limiting the amount of per-proxy and per-document state information required at the server. / Ph. D.


TAISA DORNELAS ABBAS CALVETTE 24 March 2020 (has links)
[pt] Realizar uma estimativa confiável na produção de petróleo é um dos grandes desafios na indústria de óleo e gás e é uma parte crítica no planejamento e na tomada de decisão das petrolíferas. Neste contexto, este trabalho visa explorar as vantagens e desempenho dos algoritmos de machine learning para realizar a previsão de produção de petróleo, gás e água a partir das informações de controle de poços inteligentes e usando a metodologia de data driven. Para tanto, foram usadas duas bases de dados com séries históricas de produção de petróleo, gás e água. A primeira base foi gerada sinteticamente (através de simulação de reservatórios) e consiste na produção média mensal e configuração de 3 válvulas de um poço injetor, ao longo de um período de 10 anos. A segunda base usa dados reais de produção (observados) fornecidos pelo estado da Dakota do Sul nos Estados Unidos. Esta base consiste na média diária de produção e o estado geral (ativo ou não produzindo) de diversos poços produtores de petróleo no período compreendido de 1950 a 2018. Com o intuito de testar a metodologia, foram realizados diversos experimentos combinando o treinamento da proxy com algoritmos de Redes Neurais Artificiais (Multilayer Perceptron) e deep learning com redes neurais recorrentes (redes neurais recorrentes simples, long short-term memory, Gated Recurrent Units), chamados de smart proxy e deep smart proxy respectivamente. Os resultados encontrados mostraram que o modelo deep smart proxy se mostrou bastante promissor. Utilizando uma rede Gated Recurrent Units com camadas bidirecionais (GRUB), foi possível obter uma redução no erro RMSE de 66 por cento e no erro MAE de 79 por cento quando comparados aos modelos smart proxy com Redes Neurais Artificiais. Verificou-se que nos modelos deep smart proxy, o uso de camadas bidirecionais gerou uma significativa melhora na previsão e redução do erro, tanto nos testes que utilizaram dados de produção simulados (caso sintético) quanto nos testes que utilizaram dados de produção observados (caso real), proporcionando uma variação de até 75 por cento no RMSE e 85 por cento no MAE. O erro RMSE normalizado na rede GRUB foi de 0,53 por cento nos dados observados e 0,65 por cento nos dados sintéticos. Os modelos de deep smart proxy obtiveram desempenhos muito semelhantes, principalmente ao comparar o desempenho das redes do tipo LSTMB e GRUB. Estas redes foram aplicadas em ambos os casos sintético e real de produção e superaram, em todos os casos, os resultados obtidos com o modelo de smart proxy com MLP. / [en] A reliable forecast for oil production represents one of the biggest challenges in the oil and gas industry and contributes to the planning and decision making of oil companies. Because of that, this work uses intelligent well valves settings and data driven methodology to explore the advantages and the performance of machine learning algorithms in the forecasting of oil, gas and water production. In order to do so, two database containing historical data series of oil, gas and water production were used. The first was generated synthetically (through reservoir simulation) and consisted of the average monthly production of an injection well over a period of 10 years, as well as the configuration of 3 of its valves. The second database used the production data provided by the state of South Dakota, located in the United States, and consisted of the daily production average and the overall well status (active or not producing) from several oil producing wells in a period ranging from 1950 to 2018. In order to test the methodology, several experiments were performed combining proxy with Artificial Neural Network Algorithms (Multilayer Perceptron) and deep learning recurrent neural networks (Simple Recurrent Neural Networks, long short-term memory, Gated Recurrent Units), which were named smart proxy and deep smart proxy, respectively. The results showed that the deep smart proxy model was very promising. Using the Gated Recurrent Units network with bi-directional layers (GRUB), a reduction of 66 percent in the RMSE error and 79 percent in the MAE error was obtained when compared to smart proxy models with Artificial Neural Networks. The deep smart proxy models with bidirectional layers generated a significant improvement in prediction and error reduction in both databases tests ( i.e. tests with simulated production data (synthetic case) and with the observed production data (real case), resulting in a variation of up to 75 percent in RMSE and 85 percent in MAE). The normalized RMSE error in the GRUB network was of 0.53 percent in the observed database and 0.65 percent in the synthetic database. It is important to notice that the Deep smart proxy models achieved very similar performances when comparing the LSTMB and GRUB network in both databases (synthetic and real production), surpassing in all cases the results obtained with the MLP smart proxy model.

East-West Asymmetry in Coastal Temperatures of Hudson Bay as a Proxy for Sea Ice

McGovern, Peter 05 December 2013 (has links)
The seasonal asymmetry in coastal temperatures on Hudson Bay was explored and evaluated as a proxy to hindcast sea ice conditions prior to 1972. Various indices of air temperature difference (∆T) between Churchill, MB and Inukjuak, QC were tested for linear correlations with spatially averaged sea ice concentration (SIC) and ice-free season length (IFS). A multiple regression equation employing a 31-day average of peak ∆T and a 61-day average of temperature during freeze-up reproduced the IFS record with an average error of 8.1 days. This equation was employed to extend the IFS record by 28 years. The resulting 68-year time series revealed a significant increasing trend most pronounced from 1985 to 2011. Hindcast data helped eliminate low-frequency climate oscillations of periodicity <68 years as a source of this trend, lending further evidence to the growing consensus of a declining sea ice being the result of anthropogenic climate forcing.

Ranking of tree-ring based temperature reconstructions of the past millennium

Trouet, Valerie, Esper, Jan, Krusic, Paul J., Ljungqvist, Fredrik C., Luterbacher, Juerg, Carrer, Marco, Cook, Ed, Davi, Nicole K., Hartl-Meier, Claudia, Kirdyanov, Alexander, Konter, Oliver, Myglan, Vladimir, Timonen, Mauri, Treydte, Kerstin, Villalba, Ricardo, Yang, Bao, Buntgen, Ulf 01 August 2016 (has links)
Tree-ring chronologies are widely used to reconstruct high-to low-frequency variations in growing season temperatures over centuries to millennia. The relevance of these timeseries in large-scale climate reconstructions is often determined by the strength of their correlation against instrumental temperature data. However, this single criterion ignores several important quantitative and qualitative characteristics of tree-ring chronologies. Those characteristics are (i) data homogeneity, (ii) sample replication, (iii) growth coherence, (iv) chronology development, and (v) climate signal including the correlation with instrumental data. Based on these 5 characteristics, a reconstruction-scoring scheme is proposed and applied to 39 published, millennial-length temperature reconstructions from Asia, Europe, North America, and the Southern Hemisphere. Results reveal no reconstruction scores highest in every category and each has their own strengths and weaknesses. Reconstructions that perform better overall include N-Scan and Finland from Europe, E-Canada from North America, Yamal and Dzhelo from Asia. Reconstructions performing less well include W-Himalaya and Karakorum from Asia, Tatra and S-Finland from Europe, and Great Basin from North America. By providing a comprehensive set of criteria to evaluate tree-ring chronologies we hope to improve the development of large-scale temperature reconstructions spanning the past millennium. All reconstructions and their corresponding scores are provided at www.blogs.uni-mainz.de/fb09climatology. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Faktorer som synliggör barnmisshandel - En autobiografisk studie.

Kurti, Igballe, Begovic, Emira January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: Tusentals barn utsätts varje år för misshandel, år 2009 anmäldes 11000 misshandelsbrott mot barn i Sverige. Misshandeln yttrar sig fysiskt och psykiskt på dessa barn. Orsaker till misshandel kan vara aggressivitet hos föräldern, ”fel” kön av barnen, ekonomiska och karriärmässiga problem etc. Barnen berättar inte om misshandeln som pågår hemma bland annat på grund av hot om straff om barnen erkänner misshandeln. Syfte: Att beskriva signaler som förekommer vid barnmisshandel, samt utsatta barns upplevelser, för att synliggöra kunskap som sjuksköterskan behöver för att uppmärksamma misshandeln. Metod: En autobiografisk studie som baseras på sex självbiografier. Studien är av kvalitativ ansats. Kunskap inhämtades från barnens egna upplevelser, handlande och tankar. Biografierna kvalitetsgranskades enligt Fribergs (2006) kvalitetsgranskning. Resultat: De tre teman som framkom var: den vuxnes beteende, barnens beteende och rop på hjälp. Resultatet visade att barnen upplevde att de inte hade makt över sitt eget liv, att de nonchalerades av vårdpersonal och inte fick komma till tals. Mängder av signaler om barnmisshandel förmedlades till vårdpersonal och måste tas på allvar. Slutsats: Vården måste kommunicera med barnet som är expert på sin egen situation för att upptäcka eventuell misshandel. Att kunna fråga ut den utsatte om misshandel kan locka fram ett medgivande om att detta pågår.

Three essays on industrial organization and international finance

Rahmati, Mohammad Hossein 29 January 2013 (has links)
What motivates mergers in banking? The data show that merger activity is concentrated among very large banks. A large literature on the banking structure has studied this question by estimating cost functions and has provided mixed evidence. A crucial assumption is the exogeneity of input prices.If this assumption fails, result may be biased. This paper adopts the production function method proposed by Levinsohn and Petrin (2003) to separate the impact of productivity from scale economies in banking. To avoid this bias, I use recovery rates of non-performing loans, charge off rates, and cash holdings as proxies for productivity. The proxy method illustrates that the industry operates with significant diseconomies of scale, while the OLS method generates opposite results. Therefore, this finding supports the view that improvements in productivity cause mergers, which is also consistent with data. Finally, I introduce the Quantile Proxy Method to capture the impacts of both input endogeneity and size heterogeneity. This method reveals that medium size banks have largest diseconomies of scale, while top 5% experience somewhat extensive economies of scale. This result sheds light on the fact why many mergers occur among large banks: large parties involved in a consolidation benefit from both productivity improvements and scale economies. / text

A comparison of young children’s and mothers’ ratings about cancer related health issues

Xenaki, Leda January 2015 (has links)
Background: In serious health conditions, like childhood cancer, parent proxy reports are used for obtaining information. Previous studies have shown controversial results on agreement between children’s and parents’ ratings. In addition, there is lack of proxy studies in research including young children. The aim of the present thesis is (a) to examine how young children as self-raters and mothers as proxy-raters report over time on cancer related health issues, and (b) to explore the factors that may affect the agreement of each mother-child pair. Method: A longitudinal quantitative research design was chosen. Eight young children with cancer aged three to six years and their mothers were followed with questionnaires every six months for four time points. One measure on children’s feelings about their health situation and one measure on perceptions of their everyday functioning were completed by children and mothers at each time point. Descriptive statistics were used for data analysis. Results: Higher frequency of agreement was found in T4 (18 months after the diagnosis) for both measures. Between the two measures, higher frequency of agreement was found for the functioning measure. The mother’s educational level was found to be correlated with higher frequency of agreement (functioning measure). Conclusion: The time progress, the mother’s educational level, the number of siblings, the specific shared experience, like preschool, and the concrete and observable issues, like “functioning” rather than “feelings”, were found to be correlated with higher frequency of agreement between young children with cancer and their mothers. The convenient and small sample imposes the need for further research.

East-West Asymmetry in Coastal Temperatures of Hudson Bay as a Proxy for Sea Ice

McGovern, Peter 05 December 2013 (has links)
The seasonal asymmetry in coastal temperatures on Hudson Bay was explored and evaluated as a proxy to hindcast sea ice conditions prior to 1972. Various indices of air temperature difference (∆T) between Churchill, MB and Inukjuak, QC were tested for linear correlations with spatially averaged sea ice concentration (SIC) and ice-free season length (IFS). A multiple regression equation employing a 31-day average of peak ∆T and a 61-day average of temperature during freeze-up reproduced the IFS record with an average error of 8.1 days. This equation was employed to extend the IFS record by 28 years. The resulting 68-year time series revealed a significant increasing trend most pronounced from 1985 to 2011. Hindcast data helped eliminate low-frequency climate oscillations of periodicity <68 years as a source of this trend, lending further evidence to the growing consensus of a declining sea ice being the result of anthropogenic climate forcing.

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