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Caracterização e teste de adsorventes para produção de oxigénio por PSAMagalhães, Roberto Carlos Pinto January 2011 (has links)
Documento confidencial. Não pode ser disponibilizado para consulta / Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Química. Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia. 2011
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Cette thèse a pour objet l'étude de films adhésifs obtenus par le séchage de particules de latex hybrides uréthane/acrylique. Ces latex ont été préparés par polymérisation en miniémulsion pour assurer une incorporation homogène du polyuréthane dans chaque particule. L'étude de la morphologie des particules et des films a montré que le greffage du polyuréthane sur le réseau acrylique est essentiel pour éviter une séparation de phase à l'échelle du film, néfaste pour les propriétés macroscopiques. Les propriétés mécaniques de ces films hybrides sont contrôlés par deux paramètres indépendants : La fraction massique de polyuréthane affecte la viscoélasticité linéaire de ces films adhésifs alors que le taux de greffage du polyuréthane modifie le comportement en grandes déformations en modifiant la maille du réseau réticulé. En modifiant le taux de greffage, il est possible de maintenir un niveau d'adhérence satisfaisant par rapport à un film d'acrylique pur tout en augmentant la cohésion dans le matériau et donc la résistance au cisaillement. Cette méthode de synthèse par miniémulsion peut être transposée vers un processus plus industriel et l'effet des paramètres moléculaires reste globalement le même. L'effet du greffage apparaît toujours comme essentiel sur la déformabilité maximale des films adhésifs mais les conditions de synthèse augmentent fortement la densité de points de réticulation dans le matériau, ce qui diminue leur adhérence mais augmente leur résistance au cisaillement. Nous avons enfin mis au point un test de fluage en traction, permettant d'appréhender la résistance mécanique des adhésifs dans le temps.
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Att leva med lokaliserad prostatacancer : "oss män emellan"Hedestig, Oliver January 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to explore how men experience living with localized prostate cancer. It includes four substudies carried out between 1997 and 2005. To gather data, the men were interviewed at home and the interviews were recorded. The men (n=27; ages 60-70) who participated in the substudies had a PSA ≤10 ng/ml at the time of diagnosis, and had what is known as low-risk prostate cancer. Seven of the men chose to “wait and see” how the disease would progress after receiving the diagnosis. Twenty men chose curative treatment (10 men external radiation therapy, 10 men radical surgery). The interviews were analyzed using a phenomenological hermeneutical method inspired by the philosophy of Paul Ricoeur, and qualitative content analysis. Men who live with localized prostate cancer perceive the disease as life-threatening, unpredictable, and without early symptoms, which creates a sense of uncertainty, worry, anxiety, despair, and fear of death. Men primarily share perceptions of the disease and treatment with their wives and relatives, as well as with other men in the same situation. They avoid talking about their illness, and keep their innermost thoughts about their disease, prognosis, and the future to themselves. The choice to share their thoughts and feelings only sparingly with others is related in part to the perceived stigmatization of the diagnosis, as well as to consideration for friends and family. The men report that external radiation therapy and radical surgery have negative side effects such as erectile dysfunction, urinary incontinence, and intestinal leakage. They describe the side effects as socially isolating; for example, urinary leakage can require a change of incontinence pads and clothing, and they feel that they smell bad. Men with erectile dysfunction describe themselves as maimed, and their sex lives have changed or disappeared. They report a change in their self-esteem and identity as men and they long for life as it was before the diagnosis, when they felt they had control over their bodily functions. A few men describe a sense of being literally and figuratively “exposed” when they are undressed for examinations or participate in discussions with female doctors and nurses about their erectile dysfunction. They do not describe this perception in the same way with respect to contact with male personnel. In the new situation after treatment, men try to regain a perceived sense of control in their daily lives, over the disease and the effects of treatment. They experience a sense of control over the disease through regular PSA tests; the implications of regular PSA tests can be interpreted as a life preserver in an uncertain world, considering that at the time they were diagnosed they had no symptoms and only had a PSA elevation. The PSA is important for this sense of control, and each PSA test is preceded by tense expectation. The PSA level is described as a reliable expression of the medical condition. The men cannot trust that their own perception of feeling healthy means that the disease is under control. Low and stable PSA levels over a long period of time give a sense of safety, security, and control over the situation. If the PSA climbs, the men feel that despite everything, they have caught it in time for further treatment. Discussions with other men with prostate cancer are also described as a way of having control over the situation. The men's endeavor to reconcile themselves to the new situation can be understood as a process, where they describe various strategies which can be used to forget the “cancer perspective” and achieve a perception of safety and security. Reconciliation with a new situation can be interpreted as a reorientation after the trauma of the cancer diagnosis. The study results show that the men are restrained in communicating their needs to others, which can be interpreted as their having a greater need for support and information than indicated by their signals. Having an internal image of what a man should be like can be an obstacle to showing these needs.
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Dynamic analysis of serum tumor marker decline during anti-cancer treatment using population kinetic modeling approachYou, Benoît 11 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Several cancers are associated with abnormal serum concentrations of tumor markers such as prostate specific antigen (PSA) in prostate tumor diseases, alfa-fetoprotein (AFP) or human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in germ cell tumors or persistent gestational trophoblastic diseases (GTD). Cancer treatment should induce decline of serum tumor marker concentrations. The predictive values of many kinetic parameters supposed to characterize tumor marker declines such as nadir, time-point cutoff, half-life, time to normalization etc..., have been reported in previous studies. However very few of them have been used in routine due to the lack of outcome reproducibility. Population pharmacokinetic approach-based modeling is already used in pharmacokinetic studies. It might be helpful to characterize tumor marker decline equations dynamically and overcome limitations of previous studies. The feasibility and the relevance of this approach were assessed in 4 studies involving: PSA titers in patients with prostate adenoma or cancer treated with surgery; hCG-AFP in non-seminomatous germ cell tumor patients treated with BEP regimen (Bleomycin-Etoposide-Cisplatin) and hCG in GTD patients treated with methotrexate. Tumor marker decline modeling was feasible in all studies provided the methodology was adjusted to marker specificities. Apparent clearance of hCG and PSA might enable identification of patients with unfavorable decline profiles and thereby with high risk of relapse. Confirmatory studies with independent cohorts of patients are warranted
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Tack de matériaux modèlesTeisseire, Jérémie 11 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Nous étudions, dans une approche expérimentale et théorique, les mécanismes de séparation et de rupture lors de la traction d'un matériau confiné entre deux plaques parallèles (test de probe-tack). Cette étude est menée sur deux matériaux choisis pour leur comportement rhéologique de liquides viscoélastiques : une huile de silicones de grande masse, d'une part, et les mélanges d'une huile de silicones de faible masse avec des nanoparticules (à base de silice) en proportions variées, d'autre part. <br /> L'étude réalisée sur le premier matériau a permis de mettre en évidence qu'outre la digitation et la cavitation, mécanismes de rupture observés sur des liquides newtoniens, un mécanisme de fracture peut également apparaître, la fracture étant localisée à l'interface entre la plaque solide et le matériau viscoélastique. Un modèle théorique, faisant notamment intervenir la cinétique de cavitation, a été élaboré pour interpréter la succession de ces mécanismes et décrire les courbes de traction. Le bon accord entre les prédictions et les résultats expérimentaux valide l'importance du rôle de la cinétique et nous permet d'expliquer l'apparition de fractures malgré la croissance préalable de cavités.<br /> Le second système étudié provient de la déformulation d'adhésifs industriels. Nous avons tout d'abord étudié l'influence de la proportion en particules sur la rhéologie des mélanges. Nous avons observé une évolution des paramètres rhéologiques, que nous avons comparée à l'évolution de l'adhésion des mélanges. Nous avons ainsi pu corréler la présence d'un second plateau de force, observé fréquemment pour de véritables adhésifs, au taux de particules dans le matériau. Enfin, cette étude nous a permis de proposer la voie de rupture optimale pour un matériau adhésif.
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Evaluation of Stallion Sperm Membrane Integrity Using Varied Flow Cytometer-Based MethodologiesStump, Karen Elizabeth 03 October 2013 (has links)
Artificial insemination using cooled, transported semen has become a popular practice in the equine industry. However, equine sperm are assumed to show a decline in their fertilizing ability after 24 to 48 hours of cooled storage. Two measures that are commonly used to estimate the fertility of an ejaculate are sperm motility and sperm membrane integrity (SMI). Recently, it has been suggested that SMI may have a better correlation with fertility of an inseminate than sperm motility. The effect of cooled-storage on sperm quality over an extended time period was evaluated to illustrate changes in sperm characteristics that might be related to an ejaculate’s fertility.
Semen was stored at 4°C in INRA 96 extender containing 10% seminal plasma for a period of 10 days. Data were collected daily on sperm motion characteristics, SMI, mitochondrial membrane potential, and DNA quality. To measure daily changes in SMI in stallion sperm, two fluorescent vital-staining protocols used in flow cytometric analysis were compared – a combination of SNARF-1, Yo-Pro-1, and Ethidium Homodimer 1 (SYE) and a combination of lectin from Pisum sativum and propidium iodide (PSA/PI). We hypothesized that the SYE protocol adapted for use with stallion sperm could detect more subtle, and perhaps earlier, damage to the sperm plasma membrane than the PSA/PI protocol. A combination of SYBR 14, propidium iodide, and JC-1 (SYPIJC) was used to measure mitochondrial membrane potential, as well as SMI. A computer-assisted sperm motion analysis (CASA) instrument was used to evaluate sperm motion characteristics; the sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA) was used to measure the degree of DNA fragmentation.
In this study, with the exception of sperm motility, the measures of sperm quality retained values consistent with “viability” after 10 days of cooled-storage. This suggests that the fertility of some stallions may last considerably longer than previously assumed, which could ultimately alter the time-table used for artificial insemination using cooled, transported semen.
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Porovnání výkonnosti potomstva německého ovčáka po domácích a zahraničních plemenícíchFEIKOVÁ, Klára January 2017 (has links)
This graduation thesis deals with comparison of performance of progeny of German shepherd the national and foreign stud dogs. The literary overview follows the history and current form of the International Examination Rules, breeding of German shepherds in the Czech Republic and on global level. It describes complete characteristics of a German shepherd, like the physique, body measurements, living demands and then it is engaged in influences affecting the sport performance of dogs, breeding conditions and it follows the most frequent health problems in German shepherds breeding. The core of the thesis includes analyses of performance of gets of national and foreign stud dogs in the position of a father or father's father in selective competitions, Czech Republic Championships IPO and Championships of the Czech Club of German Shepherds (M ČKNO). There were monitored the data on numbers of individuals in specified competitions in monitored periods of the years 2009 2016. More, dogs placed on 1st up to 10th positions at MČR IPO and M ČKNO were assessed from the point of view of fathers and grandfathers. On the basis of detailed monitoring and analysis it was detected that that dogs from foreign stud dogs origin whether in father's or grandfather's positions are more frequently used in sport cynology. There were 58% of participating dogs from foreign stud dogs and only 42% of dogs with fathers of Czech origin participating in selective competitions. It was established that 61% of participating dogs from foreign stud dogs and 39% of dogs with fathers of Czech origin participated in MČR IPO. The stud dogs of dogs participating in ČKNO Championship were of 68 % of foreign origin and 32 % of nationals. In the course of more detailed analysis (assessment of dogs taking up to 10th position in MČR IPO and M ČKNO) it was established that 67,9% respectively 61,25% of the most successful sport dogs have fathers from foreign kennels, while only 32,1% respectively 38,75 % are from stud dogs from Czech kennels. The best stud dogs from abroad were Ellute von der Mohenwiese and Tom van't Leefdaalhof. Jaguar Aritar Bastet and Hoky Va Pe belonged to the best national stud dogs.
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Prognostický význam PCA3, fúzního genu TMPRSS2:ERG a dalších markerů u karcinomu prostaty / The prognostic value of PCA3, the fusion gene TMPRSS2:ERG and other markers in prostate cancerHOLÁ, Hana January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to assess the presence of fusion gene TMPRSS2:ERG and expressions of PCA3, miR23b, miR26 and miR221 in PCa. PSA was measured in peripheral blood and tumor tissue (FFPE samples). The presence of fusion gene TMPRSS2:ERG and expression of PCA3 gene and miRNA in FFPE tumor tissue was analysed by RT real-time PCR. This determination would help to identify patients with high-risk tumors.
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Povědomí žáků 1. a 2. tříd 1. stupně základních škol o etologii psů / Students of 1st and 2nd class of basic school - awareness of dog ethology.PETŘÍKOVÁ, Šárka January 2011 (has links)
ABSTRACT Nowadays, more and more often we hear about children who are attacked by dogs. The media constantly inform us about fighting breeds and their attacks on humans. Number of dogs in the household significantly increases and posibility of injury of the child by our four-legged partner is increasing too. This situation requires a solution. Media accused of assaulting an animal, unfortunately very often the culprit is not even a dog or child. Thesis on ?The awareness of pupils of first and second class ofthe first level of basic schools on the ethology of dogs ? is based on the author's practical experience with objective reality. The author herself, which is devoted to dogs more than 15 years, also tried to capture the degree of knowledge of school age children on the natural behavior of our four-legged domestic ?pets?. Through her own research, conducted by standardized questionnaires at selected basic schools in the South Bohemia region (in total 284 respondents) reveals the primary mistakes committed by these children in contact with their own or strange dog. The theoretical part is devoted to common cohabitation of children (or people) and dogs. Various chapters are focused on the historical evolution of domestic dog, the coexistence of humans and dogs, and communication sinals, which they use to interact among themselvest, but also on the impact of a dog on the psyche of the child. The research revealed significant gaps in knowledge regarding children's innate behavior of the dog. For this reason children can not adequately respond to a signal that is sent by a dog, so there can arise a hazardous situation between them. At the end of thesis the author proposes a practical solution that could serve as a basic for a new educational program aimed at preventiv injuries caused by dogs attack the children.
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Desenvolvimento de produto seco por aspersão obtido a partir das amêndoas de Bertholletia excelsa H.B.KLima, Natacha Pinheiro Costa 14 March 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-03-14 / CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The plant species Bertholletia excelsa HBK popularly known as “castanha-do-Brazil” is
widely used by popular cuisine of the Amazon due to its pleasant taste and its nutritional
value. Among its main chemical constituents stand out selenium. Pharmacological studies
with almonds this species showed antioxidant activities. To facilitate the integration of
castanha- do- Brazil in the brazilian diet is necessary to establish technological improvements.
This paper refers to the development and technological characterization of granular materials
by spraying from aqueous extraction solution of Bertholletia excelsa HBK almonds. The plant
material of Bertholletia excelsa HBK was collected in different Manaus processing plants and
different vintages. The dried products were produced using a 22 factorial design type, having
as independent variables the type of glidant (maltodextrin and gum arabic) and dependent
variables technological and organoleptic characteristics of the obtained dry extract and the
ratio of adjuvants used, as well as the chemical composition and analysis of the shelf life of
products with higher yields. Among the technological parameters evaluated in the post stand
out from the operating income, residual moisture and water activity. In addition, the
antioxidant activity was evaluated and the selenium content of the products obtained. The
results of this research allowed to observe that the studied parameters are within the limits
recommended by the National Health Surveillance Agency. However, all other evaluated
parameters showed statistically significant quantitative differences between samples studied
suggesting that soil and climatic conditions alter the physical and chemical characteristics of
this species and therefore may influence the quality, efficacy and safety of the final product
proposed. / A espécie vegetal Bertholletia excelsa H.B.K conhecida popularmente como “castanha- dobrasil”
é largamente utilizada pela culinária popular da Amazônia devido seu sabor agradável
e seu valor nutricional. Dentre os seus principais constituintes químicos destacam-se o
selênio. Estudos farmacológicos realizados com as amêndoas desta espécie demonstraram
atividades antioxidantes. Para promover a incorporação da castanha- do- brasil na dieta do
brasileiro é necessário estabelecer melhorias tecnológicas. O presente trabalho refere-se ao
desenvolvimento e caracterização tecnológica de produtos secos por aspersão a partir de
solução extrativa aquosa das amêndoas da Bertholletia excelsa H.B.K. O material vegetal de
Bertholletia excelsa H.B.K foi coletado em diferentes usinas de beneficiamento de Manaus e
diferentes safras. Os produtos secos foram produzidos através de um delineamento fatorial do
tipo 22, tendo como variável independente o tipo de adjuvante de secagem (maltodextrina e
goma arábica) e como variáveis dependentes as características tecnológicas e organolepticas
dos extratos secos obtidos e a proporção dos adjuvantes utilizados, bem como a composição
centesimal e análise do tempo de vida de prateleira dos produtos com melhor rendimento.
Dentre os parâmetros tecnológicos avaliados nos pós destacam-se o rendimento operacional,
umidade residual e atividade de água. Além disso, foram avaliados o potencial antioxidante e
o teor de selênio dos produtos obtidos. Os resultados dessa pesquisa permitiram observar que
os parâmetros estudados estão dentro dos limites preconizados pela Agência Nacional de
Vigilância Sanitária. No entanto, todos os demais parâmetros avaliados evidenciaram
diferenças quantitativas estatisticamente significantes entre as amostras estudadas sugerindo
que as condições edafoclimáticas alteram as características físico-químicas desta espécie e,
portanto, podem influenciar na qualidade, eficácia e segurança do produto final proposto.
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