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Vécu socioculturel, fonctionnement psychique et souffrance mentale de 100 femmes algérienne en psychothèrapie : Etude descriptive / Socio-cultural experience, mental functioning and mental suffering of 100 Algerian women in psychotherapy : descriptive studyGhemmour, Hayat 28 April 2017 (has links)
La recherche explore les liens existants entre le vécu socioculturel et le fonctionnement psychique des femmes qui demandent une aide psychologique à Alger-Centre. Nous avons démarré par l’idée que le vécu traditionnel pèse lourdement sur le fonctionnement psychique. La problématique de ce travail a été posée ainsi : quelles seraient les liens de cause à effet entre le vécu socioculturel et le fonctionnement psychique des femmes souffrantes ? Les hypothèses de travail supposent que le vécu socioculturel pourrait favoriser un fonctionnement hystéro-phobique. Méthodologie : Ce travail s’inscrit dans un référentiel psychanalytique. La population d’étude est de 100 femmes, toutes soumises à l’étude par un entretien clinique et un test projectif. Résultats : la majorité des femmes présente un fonctionnement hystéro-phobique. Elles ont toutes une fragilité du moi avec un besoin de dépendance. Elles ont, dans leur ensemble, une difficulté à assumer ou vivre les désirs, notamment ceux relatifs à la sexualité. Ceci confirme la prégnance d’une forte répression qui pèse lourdement sur leur fonctionnement psychique. / The research explores the links existing between a sociocultural experience and the psychological functioning of women that request psychological assistance in downtown Algiers. We have started our reflection from the idea that women’s experience in a traditional environment has a significant influence on their psychological functioning. The issue of this research was formulated as follows: what is the cause and effect relationship between the sociocultural experience and the psychological functioning of the suffering women? Our working hypotheses assume that the sociocultural experience could contribute to a hystero- phobic functioning. Methodology: this work is carried out within a psychoanalytical research framework. The study population was composed of 100 women, all subjected to a clinical interview and a projective test. Results: most of the women had a hystero-phobic functioning. They all have a weak self and a need to depend on someone else. Most of them have a difficulty to admit or to live desires, especially sexual desires. This confirms the strength of a powerful repression that heavily influences their psychological functioning.
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Psychological Well-being Among Breast Cancer Survivors: Factors That Influence Transition From Primary Treatment To Early SurvivorshipGochett, Celestine G 01 January 2015 (has links)
Eudaimonic psychological well-being (PWB) refers to a lifelong process of purposeful engagement in goal-driven tasks or activities resulting in positive psychological functioning. These activities reflect autonomy, purpose in life, self-acceptance, personal growth, positive relations with others, and environmental mastery. While more women are surviving breast cancer, they face a multitude of late and long term physiopsychosocial challenges that result from being diagnosed and treated. Protective health effects associated with the experience of PWB can potentially mitigate ill-being and benefit overall health of breast cancer survivors (BCS). Adequate preparation by healthcare teams to transition them from primary treatment to early survivorship is critical for the immediate and long term PWB of BCS.
The purpose of this dissertation was to: 1) summarize current literature addressing PWB among BCS; 2) describe the helpfulness of information BCS satisfied and dissatisfied receive from their healthcare team to prepare to transition into life immediately after treatment; and 3) examine relationships between PWB and factors that negatively influence BCS’ ability to successfully transition to early survivorship
Three manuscripts describe results of data analysis. From a literature review, factors that correlate with PWB among BCS were identified: coping, social support, self-esteem, post-traumatic growth, religious struggles and the impact of physical symptoms. Based on qualitative responses, BCS who are satisfied and dissatisfied with information received to prepare for transition into early survivorship emphasized the importance of receiving comprehensive information on: (1) what to expect physically and emotionally post-treatment, and (2) how their lives moving forward will be unlike their lives prior to being diagnosed. Among a convenience sample of 56 BCS, significant negative relationships between PWB and a) cancer problems frequently experienced by early survivors of breast cancer, b) psychological distress, and c) satisfaction with information received to transition from primary treatment into early survivorship was noted from a prospective, cross-sectional research design study. PWB is becoming increasingly important given that BCS live longer. Information learned from this dissertation can be used by healthcare teams to promote or maintain positive psychological functioning among these survivors, focusing initially on preparing them for life immediately after treatment.
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Coping et fonctionnement psychologique dans la maladie de Crohn pédiatriqueChotard, Virginie January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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Activational effects of exogenous steroid hormones on cognitive performance: A study of anabolic-androgenic steroids in menMish, Sandra J. 01 May 2008 (has links)
Objective: Despite widespread drug testing in sports and warnings about the potential risks of using anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS), non-medical use is prevalent among athletes, non-athletes, and disturbingly among adolescents. To date, most research has focused on the anabolic properties and short-term health risks of AAS use. In contrast, studies investigating the effects on cognitive function in men using high doses of multiple exogenous steroids are lacking. The primary purpose of this naturalistic study was to examine the effects of non-medical steroid use on sex-related cognitive abilities in male bodybuilders. The secondary purpose of the study was to evaluate the psychological functioning of male bodybuilders who use AASs.
Methods: Eight male bodybuilders who used high doses of AASs were matched with bodybuilding and aerobic controls who had never used AASs, according to age, education, and estimated verbal intelligence. AAS use of the bodybuilders appeared similar to reports in the literature of self-administered AASs regimens used by strength athletes. All groups underwent a battery of cognitive tests and self-report psychological inventories, and had serum total testosterone and binding proteins measured immediately after testing. Cognitive measures selected were those that have previously shown sex differences. The study examined four psychological domains: aggression, personality, body image, and eating-disordered attitudes/behaviours.
Results: Male bodybuilders who used AASs scored significantly lower than controls on mental rotations and on the WAIS-III Digit-Symbol Coding subtest. There were no other significant group differences on the cognitive tasks. A curvilinear (inverted U) relationship was identified between spatial ability and total testosterone in men who did not use AASs. As there were only a few AAS users in the current study, there was little power to demonstrate a linear or nonlinear relationship. Overall, there were no significant differences between groups on the psychological variables. AAS users exhibited elevated levels of antisocial personality traits, with 38% scoring in the clinically significant range. Bodybuilders reported some body weight concerns, specifically a drive for muscularity combined with a drive for a well-toned body, with no difference between AAS users and bodybuilding controls. Three AAS users and one bodybuilding control exhibited psychological disturbances, as evidenced by elevated scores on multiple psychological measures.
Conclusions: The results of this preliminary study provide some evidence that high doses of AASs in men might influence certain aspects of cognition, specifically reducing complex visuospatial skills and perceptual speed. The data also suggests that endogenous testosterone influences spatial ability in healthy men in a curvilinear fashion. Further research with larger samples of AAS users is required to quantify the cognitive effects of non-medical AAS regimens. The study also contributes to the growing literature on the psychological effects of bodybuilding and AAS use. Although many AAS users and bodybuilders might display minimal psychopathology, there is likely a subgroup of individuals who exhibit clinically significant psychological disturbances. Further research is necessary to identity the nature and severity of psychological symptomatology in this population, and effective modes of treatment.
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Adjustment, psychological functioning and health-related quality of life in adults with primary malignant brain tumoursBaker, Paul January 2015 (has links)
The thesis has been prepared in a paper-based format and includes three papers: Paper 1, a systematic review; Paper 2, an empirical study; and Paper 3, a critical appraisal and reflection on the work. Paper 1 has been prepared for submission to Neuro-Oncology. The paper presents a systematic review of 21 studies concerning the relationships of demographic, clinical and mental health factors on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and psychological functioning in adults with primary malignant brain tumours. The review was conducted in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) principles. Methodological qualities of studies included were appraised using a checklist based on the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (Wells et al, n.d.).Findings were synthesised narratively adhering to published guidelines (Popay et al, 2006). The review identified evidence for factors relating to HRQoL and psychological functioning, offered several considerations for clinical practice, and outlined recommendations for improving the methodological rigour of future research. Paper 2 has been prepared for submission to Psycho-Oncology and presents the findings of a qualitative study of patients’ psychological adjustment to glioblastoma, the most aggressive and most common form of brain tumour in adults. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 10 participants 3.3-5.1 months post-diagnosis. Data were analysed using a constructivist grounded theory methodology (Charmaz, 2014). Analysis yielded three theoretical categories describing processes of maintaining continuity with the past, reframing the present and changing to accommodate an uncertain future. The implications of these findings on current supportive interventions are discussed. Paper 3 is not intended for publication. It offers a critical appraisal of the individual papers and the research process overall, considering their strengths and limitations. The paper also discusses issues of reflexivity encountered during the empirical study, and considers the implications of this research for the author’s professional development as a clinical psychologist.
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A Preliminary Examination of Negative Life Events and Sexual Assault Victimization as Predictors of Psychological Functioning in Female College Students: Does One Matter More Than the Other?Chang, Edward C., Lee, Jerin, Morris, Lily E., Lucas, Abigael G., Chang, Olivia D., Hirsch, Jameson K. 13 July 2017 (has links)
The present study examined negative life events (NLEs) and sexual assault victimization as predictors of positive and negative psychological functioning in a sample of 151 female college students. Results obtained from conducting regression analyses indicated several notable patterns. NLEs, compared with sexual assault victimization, were a stronger negative predictor of positive functioning based on indices related to subjective well-being (e.g., life satisfaction, positive affect). Alternatively, sexual assault victimization, compared with NLEs, was a stronger positive predictor of negative functioning based on indices related to posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms (e.g., anxiety) and related conditions (e.g., alcohol use). Furthermore, both NLEs and sexual assault victimization were found to be positive predictors of negative functioning based on indices related to suicide risk (e.g., depressive symptoms, suicidal behaviors). Overall, our findings indicate that both NLEs and sexual assault victimization represent important and distinct predictors of psychological functioning in female college students.
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Évaluation d’un programme québécois pour diminuer l’anxiété de performance scolaire chez les élèves du secondaireYale-Soulière, Gabrielle 05 1900 (has links)
Thèse de doctorat présentée en vue de l'obtention du doctorat en psychologie (Ph.D) / Depuis les dernières années, un problème en particulier semble de plus en plus reconnu par les différents acteurs de la santé et des services sociaux : l’anxiété de performance scolaire. Elle se définit par un ensemble de réponses cognitives, physiologiques et comportementales à un contexte d’évaluation scolaire. Les études relèvent que jusqu’à 43 % des jeunes vivraient de l’anxiété de performance scolaire modérée à élevée. L’anxiété de performance scolaire est un problème complexe et multifactoriel. Malgré le peu de recherches longitudinales sur le sujet, différentes associations ont été observées concernant notamment le rôle de facteurs individuels (genre féminin, distorsions cognitives et préoccupations perfectionnistes, comportements d’évitement, stratégies d’étude inefficaces, etc.) et de facteurs environnementaux (manque de soutien parental, promotion d’aspirations extrinsèques de la part des parents ou du milieu scolaire, négativité du personnel enseignant, environnement de classe compétitif). Ces facteurs contribueraient au développement de l’anxiété de performance scolaire et à son maintien. La littérature montre que ce type d’anxiété engendre plusieurs conséquences négatives, telles que des difficultés psychologiques et scolaires.
Bien que les chercheurs s’intéressent de plus en plus à l’anxiété de performance scolaire, à notre connaissance, aucun programme validé n’a encore été développé pour ce problème dans les écoles secondaires du Québec. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif de cette thèse était d’abord de développer une intervention basée sur les données probantes pour réduire l’anxiété de performance scolaire, soit le programme Pastel. Ce programme est une intervention brève de groupe d’approche cognitivo-comportementale pour les adolescents, combinant l’apprentissage d’habiletés d’étude et d’organisation.
Cette thèse comporte cinq chapitres. Le premier chapitre est une introduction générale permettant de situer le contexte de cette recherche. Le deuxième chapitre présente le contexte théorique sous la forme d’un chapitre de livre. Le troisième chapitre, sous forme d’un article, présente les résultats de l’évaluation des effets du programme Pastel l, tandis que le quatrième chapitre, également sous forme d’un article, présente les résultats de l’évaluation des mécanismes de changement du programme. Plus précisément, à l’aide d’un devis randomisé contrôlé composé de 48 adolescents répartis en deux groupes (intervention et contrôle), les résultats montrent une réduction de l’anxiété de performance scolaire à court terme plus importante chez les adolescents ayant participé au programme comparativement aux participants du groupe contrôle. Un large effet est également observé chez les participants du groupe d’intervention entre le pré-test et le post-test, ainsi qu’entre le pré-test et le suivi six mois plus tard (chapitre III). Des analyses qualitatives se basant sur des entrevues de groupe réalisées auprès de 21 participants et des entrevues individuelles réalisées auprès de neuf animateurs ont permis d’identifier onze thèmes pouvant expliquer les effets bénéfiques du programme, soit six qui concernent les mécanismes de changement spécifiques : 1) capacités d’auto-observation, 2) distorsions cognitives, 3) résolution de problèmes, 4) comportements d’évitement, 4) habiletés d’organisation et d’étude et 5) gestion des tensions physiologiques, ainsi que cinq qui concernent les mécanismes de changement généraux : 1) format de groupe, 2) motivation et engagement, 3) renforcement, 4) matériel adapté aux participants et 5) schèmes relationnels (chapitre IV). Finalement, le dernier chapitre de cette thèse présente une discussion générale ainsi qu’une courte conclusion. / In recent years, one problem in particular seems to have been increasingly recognized by the health and social services actors: test anxiety. It is defined by cognitive, physiological and behavioral responses in an academic assessment context. Studies show that up to 43% of adolescents experience moderate to high levels of test anxiety. Test anxiety is a complex and multifactorial problem. Despite the lack of longitudinal research on the subject, different associations have been observed with regard to individual factors (female gender, cognitive distortions and perfectionist concerns, avoidance behaviors, ineffective study skills) and environmental factors (lack of parental support, promotion of extrinsic aspirations by parents or school environment, negativity of teachers, competitive classroom environment). These factors can contribute to the development and maintenance of test anxiety. The literature shows that this type of anxiety has several negative consequences such as psychological and academic difficulties.
Although an increasing amount of research is being conducted on test anxiety, to our knowledge, no validated program has yet been developed for test anxiety in Quebec high schools. In this context, the objective of this thesis was to develop an evidence-based intervention to reduce test anxiety, namely the Pastel program. Based on a cognitive-behavioral approach combining study skills, this program is a brief group intervention for adolescents.
This thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter is a general introduction of the context of this research. The second one presents a theoretical background of test anxiety in the form of a book chapter. The third chapter, in the form of an article, presents the results of the evaluation of the effects of the Pastel program, while the fourth chapter, also in the form of an article, presents the results of the evaluation of the mechanisms of change. More specifically, we used a randomized controlled trial composed of 48 adolescents divided into two groups (intervention vs control). The results show a greater decrease in short-term of test anxiety in adolescents who participated in the program in contrast to participants in the control group. A larger effect is also observed among participants in the intervention group between pretest and post-test, as well as between pretest and the six-month follow-up (chapter III). Qualitative analyzes based on group interviews with 21 participants and individual interviews with nine animators identified eleven themes that could explain the beneficial effects of the program. Five are related to specific mechanisms of change: 1) self-observation skills, 2) cognitive distortions, 3) problem-solving, 4) avoidance behaviors, 5) organizational and study skills, and 6) management of physiological stress, and five are related to general mechanisms of change: 1) group format, 2) motivation and commitment, 3) reinforcement, 4) material adapted to the participants and 5) relational schemes (chapter IV). Finally, the last chapter of this thesis presents a general discussion and a short conclusion.
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The Study of the Adverse Effects of Childhood MaltreatmentKennie, Katie A 01 January 2016 (has links)
This study explores the link between the presence of childhood trauma and adult criminal behavior. In this study, four distinct categories of childhood trauma (physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological abuse, and neglect) were examined. In addition, this study conducts a comparative analysis of the United States crime rate with that of Switzerland and Japan. This study examines and compares the policies utilized in ensuring the protection of child welfare. The ultimate goal is to provide research which may build a foundation that will assist in creating and improving policies which will ensure a child's psychological health.
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“A Me Dis”: Jamaican Adolescent Identity Construction and its Relations with Academic, Psychological, and Behavioral FunctioningAnderson, Gail M. January 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Impact of the characteristic behaviors of patients with Prader-Willi syndromeMendonca, Willonie January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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