Spelling suggestions: "subject:"psychotherapists""
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Reframing, Self-Control, and Neutral Interventions: The Differential Influence on High and Low Trait-Anxious IndividualsStewart-Bussey, Duke J. (Duke Jeffery) 08 1900 (has links)
This study compared the differential influence of reframing, self-control, and neutral counselor interventions on high and low trait-anxious subjects' self -descriptions as measured by the Adjective Check List. Reframing was predicted to be superior to self-control and neutral interventions in eliciting more favorable self-descriptions. An interaction was also predicted between counselor intervention and trait anxiety such that, in the reframing condition, low trait-anxious subjects would describe themselves more positively than high trait-anxious subjects.
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Psykoterapeututbildningens betydelse för studenternas fortsatta professionella liv. / Importance of psychotherapists' education for students continued professional live.Strand, Marianne, Hammar, Tet January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka i vilken utsträckning man kan se studier på en legitimationsgrundande psykoterapeututbildning som ett karriärdrag, och hur en sådan karriär i så fall kan definieras. I studien har 60 legitimerade psykoterapeuter med inriktning familjeterapi som studerat vid Linköpings universitet under åren 2002-2014 (n=87) svarat på en enkät med fasta svarsalternativ, samt några öppna frågor. Resultaten visar att titeln som legitimerad psykoterapeut medfört löneökning för 63 %. Av respondenterna titulerar sig 58 % som legitimerad psykoterapeut, 27 % har fått utökade befogenheter i samband med legitimationen, och 12 % har befordrats. I samband med legitimationen har 33 % fått utökat ansvar och 40 % anger familjeterapi som huvudsaklig sysselsättning. De stora arbetsgivarna även efter avslutad utbildning är kommun och landsting, där 73 % är anställda. En markant ökning har dock skett av antalet egna företagare, från 20 % till 40 %. Den karriär som görs av legitimerade psykoterapeuter är huvudsakligen en expertkarriär, dvs. en karriär där man är expert inom sitt yrkesområde, en horisontell karriär. En utbildning till legitimerad psykoterapeut leder till en ökad grad av eget företagande. / This study aims to examine to what extent following a course of study leading to a diploma in psychotherapy can be seen as a strategic career-related move, and how, in that case, such a career can be defined. The degree entitling the recipient to the Swedish title "legitimerad psykoterapeut" is difficult to translate literally; it is usually considered equivalent to, but is not specified as, an M.Sc. It is officially a degree within the health care field, with concurrent obligations, and is hereafter referred to as "qualified psychotherapist". 60 qualified family psychotherapists who studied at Linköping University between 2002 and 2014 (n=87), replied to a questionnaire containing fixed answer alternatives and a few open questions. The results show that acquiring the title of qualified psychotherapist led to a rise in income by 63%. Of all the respondents, 53% actually use the title, 27% acquired more authority, 12% were promoted, and 33% reported being granted a higher level of responsibility after acquiring the title. Family therapy was reported as the major occupation of 40% of the respondents. Local councils (kommuner) or district health authorities (landsting) employed 73% of the respondents, although there has been a significant increase, from 20% to 40%, in the proportion of family psychotherapists who are also partly or solely self-employed. The career of a qualified psychotherapist is thus largely the career of an expert within the field, a "horizontal" career. Completing the requirements for qualification as a psychotherapist leads to an increased level of self-employment.
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Averzivní pocity terapeutů vůči klientům a způsoby zacházení s nimi / Aversive feelings of therapists to clients and ways of dealing with themKozlová, Simona January 2015 (has links)
TITLE: Aversive feelings of therapists to clients and ways of dealing with them AUTHOR: Bc. Simona Kozlová DEPARTMENT: Department of psychology SUPERVISOR: PhDr. David Heider, PhD. ABSTRACT: The aim of this thesis is to gain insight aversive feelings experienced by therapists to the clients. Determine the causal characteristics of aversive feeling and their processing. The task is to examine whether there are links between the detected phenomena. The method of data collection, are interviews with a group of psychotherapists. When analyzing the responses I used qualitative methodology, specifically the Strauss and Corbin's grounded theory. The work is divided into theoretical part and empirical part. The theoretical part describes aspects affecting the therapeutic process, as well as forms of aversive feelings and their possible consequences on the therapeutic relationship. In the empirical part are presented and interpreted data obtained from interviews, which are analyzed. The main results include: aversive feelings experienced by the therapists include helplessness, frustration, anger, and frustration, exhaustion, disgust, fear and threats, abuse and failure. Aversive feelings occur depending on situational and personal characteristics of therapists and clients. A significant factor that contributes to...
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Effects of Male and Female Speech Styles on the Perceptions of Clinical PsychologistsSager, Beatrice W. (Beatrice Wynne) 08 1900 (has links)
Previous research suggests that gender-appropriate and gender-inappropriate use of sex-linked linguistic markers alters subjects' perceptions of the speaker. The present study examined the effects of male and female speech styles on clients' perceptions,. Undergraduates (N = 160) listened to audiotapes of clinical psychologists introducing the same client to psychotherapy. Clinician gender and sex-linked linguistic markers were manipulated. The results suggested that sex-stereotypes of males, females, and occupations played an important role in altering clients' perceptions of clinical psychologists. Sex-stereotypes did not, however, determine the desirability of the speaker as a therapist. The use of female speech styles increased the clinician's perceived femininity and desirability as a therapist.
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The therapist as a "bad object": the use of countertransference enactment to facilitate communication in therapyWebster, Penny January 2005 (has links)
Psychoanalysis as it exists today is not constituted by a single theoretical framework describing pathology and indicating a specific set of interventions. Since Freud originally conceptualised psychoanalytic understanding of pathology and psychoanalysis as a mode of intervention, there have been many revisions and reformulations of his theory. This thesis has attempted to integrate some psychoanalytic ideas regarding personality formation, psychopathology and psychotherapeutic intervention (Fairbairn, 1952; Ogden, 1992, 1994), with interpersonal (strategic / structural) ideas regarding intervention (Minuchin, 1974; Sullivan, 1940, 1953, 1964). In order to do so, the thesis used the relational psychoanalytic perspective, as depicted by Aron (1996) and Mitchell and Aron (1999), as an overarching conceptual framework. The focus from these points of view is the patient's internalized relationship patterns and the therapist's participation in their repetition. It is held that internalized relationship patterns are not only based on, but can be changed by, lived experience. From this perspective, the goal of therapy is to enhance the patient's capacity to reflect and think about experience, and therefore, to communicate about it. This means a change in the patient's predominant mode of communication. Ogden's (1994) modes of communication were described. The thesis suggested that Ogden's modes of communication can be stretched or translated into the types of communication outlined by Langs (1978). This thesis aimed to explore the deliberate use of countertransference responses to facilitate communication in the beginning stages of therapy with patients functioning predominantly in the paranoid-schizoid mode (Ogden, 1992). Patients who operate in this mode are often unable to tolerate interpretation and therefore traditional approaches to intervention are not effective. A "strategic / structural relational psychoanalytic" approach to treatment was proposed. It was suggested that therapists utilize joining and accommodation techniques as described by Minuchin (1974) and alter their style of interaction to match that of the various object relational constellations that they have managed to identify within the patient via their countertransference responses. It was hypothesized that patients need their therapists to be similar to their original objects in order to feel safe in the therapeutic environment and that this may facilitate communication in the beginning stages of therapy. The research utilized a qualitative research approach. Qualitative research methods attempt to use data gathered phenomenologically, always acknowledging the researcher's biases when gathering the data. The data gathered is then interpreted according to various theories or hermeneutic lenses. The hypothesis mentioned above has been investigated by analyzing three cases in terms of the research questions based on Langs' (1978) classification of communication. The thesis described the difficulties inherent in collecting clinical data from psychologists working from within a psychoanalytic framework. Eventually three sets of therapy details and verbatim therapy transcripts were obtained, provided in the thesis and analyzed in terms of the research questions. However evidence for the success of the hypothesized alternate approach was not found in this research study. It was suggested that other possible methods might be useful to investigate the hypothesized approach further.
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Actitudes de psicólogos y psiquiatras sobre pacientes con el trastorno límite de personalidad en un hospital psiquiátrico de Lima, PerúPérez-Luna, Paolo January 2016 (has links)
El Trastorno Límite de personalidad (TLP) es un severo trastorno mental, de gran incidencia en la población clínica, el tratamiento actual es básicamente psicoterapéutico y la relación terapeuta-paciente es fundamental para el desarrollo. El problema principal
fue definido como ¿qué actitudes están presentes en los psicólogos y psiquiatras en pacientes sobre el trastorno límite de la personalidad en un hospital psiquiátrico de Lima-Perú?, de la cual no existe antecedentes de investigación de ese tipo en el país. El tipo de investigación es aplicativa con diseño no experimental y transversal y
el nivel es descriptivo. El instrumento utilizado es una escala tipo Likert de 33 preguntas, prueba creada para fines de esta investigación. La muestra se eligió aleatoriamente. El tamaño de la muestra se calculó utilizando la fórmula de poblaciones finitas, cuantificándola en 47 participantes. Se evaluó los resultados con el programa estadístico SPSS, usando la formula estadística de Chi2. Un tercio de la muestra considera la conducta manipuladora como síntoma importante para el diagnóstico, sobre todo durante la hospitalización. La mayoría de los profesionales reconoce que la actitud hacia estos pacientes es diferente al de otros pacientes con otros diagnósticos. Las sensaciones de frustración y agotamiento emocional son frecuentes entre los profesionales de la salud mental. Los psicólogos tuvieron mayores cogniciones desfavorables sobre el TLP en comparación con los psiquiatras. / Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a severe mental disorder, high incidence in clinical population, the current treatment is basically psychotherapeutic and therapistpatient relationship is essential for development. The main problem was defined as what are the attitudes of psychology and psychiatrists in patients on borderline personality
disorder in a psychiatric hospital in Lima, Peru, in which there is no history of such research in that country. The research is not experimental and applicative with cross-sectional design and the level is descriptive. The instrument used is a Likert scale of 33 questions, a
questionnaire created for purposes of this investigation. The sample was chosen randomly. The sample size was calculated using the
formula of finite populations, quantifying it in 47 participants. The results with the SPSS statistical program was evaluated using Chi2 statistical formula. A third of the sample considered manipulative behavior as an important symptom for the diagnosis, especially during hospitalization. Most professionals recognize that the attitude towards these patients is different from other patients with other diagnoses.
Feelings of frustration and emotional exhaustion are common among professionals. Psychologists were more unfavorable cognitions about the BPD compared with psychiatrists. / Tesis
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Psykoterapeuters upplevelse av ansvar / Psychotherapists' experience of responsibilitySundvall, Nina January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att belysa psykoterapeutens upplevelse av ansvar gentemot sina patienter samt hur detta påverkar henne i sitt professionella arbete respektive sitt privata liv. Studien söker att besvara följande frågeställningar: 1.) Hur beskriver psykoterapeuter upplevelsen av existentiellt ansvar gentemot sina patienter? 2.) Hur beskriver psykoterapeuter olika faktorer som påverkar ansvarsupplevelsen? 3.) Hur beskriver psykoterapeuter ansvarsupplevelsens påverkan på ett existentiellt plan? 4.) Vad beskriver psykoterapeuter som hjälpsamt för att hantera ansvarsupplevelsen? Författaren har valt en kvalitativ metod där semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med sex legitimerade psykoterapeuter. Dessa transkriberades till skrift och analyserades med hjälp av tematisk analys. Resultatet visar att det existentiella ansvaret gentemot patienten upplevs som stort och genomgripande samt att ansvarskänslans styrka påverkas av både strukturella, patientavhängiga och personliga faktorer. Ansvarskänslan tycks vara kopplad till den mänskliga existensen snarare än till formella regler och riktlinjer. Psykoterapeuten påverkas av sitt arbete både i det privata och professionella livet. Detta upplevs som relativt oproblematiskt av psykoterapeuten om/när hon har hittat ett sätt att förhålla sig till det. Flera faktorer som är hjälpsamma för att hantera ansvarskänslan har framkommit, varav flera handlar om egenvård. / The purpose of this study is to examine the psychotherapist's experience of responsibility towards their patients and how this affects her in her professional work and private life. The study seeks to answer the following questions: 1.) How do psychotherapists describe the experience of existential responsibility? 2.) How do psychotherapists describe different factors that affect the responsibility experience? 3.) How do psychotherapists describe the impact of responsibility experience on an existential level? 4.) What do psychotherapists describe as helpful in managing the responsibility experience? The author has chosen a qualitative method where semi-structured interviews were conducted with six licensed psychotherapists. These were transcribed and analyzed using thematic analysis. The result shows that the existential responsibility towards the patient is perceived as profound, and that the power of responsibility is influenced by both structural, patient-dependent and personal factors. Responsibility seems to be linked to human existence rather than to formal rules and guidelines. The psychotherapist is influenced by her work both in the private and professional life. This is perceived as relatively unproblematic of psychotherapist if/when she has found a way to relate to it. Several factors are helpful to manage the experience of responsibility has emerged, several of which is about self-care.
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Drivkrafter och en psykoterapeutisk process på vägen att bli psykoterapeut / Impelling Forces and a Psychotherapeutic Process in Becoming a PsychotherapistWimmermark, Agneta January 2017 (has links)
Inledning: Vilka drivkrafter manifesta och latenta får den blivande terapeuten att påbörja och gå vägen till att bli terapeut? Vilka drivkrafter driver vidare? Hur kan de latenta drivkrafterna nås och förstås? Syftet med studien är att utforska drivkrafterna och betydelsen av en psykoterapeutisk process. Frågeställningar: Hur beskriver terapeuten sina drivkrafter på sin väg att bli terapeut? Bildar drivkrafterna något mönster? Vilken betydelse har en psykoterapeutisk process på vägen att bli psykoterapeut? Metod: Studien är en hermeneutisk fenomenologisk studie ur ett narrativt perspektiv. Den har genomförts som semistrukturerade djupintervjuer med öppna grundfrågor. Det insamlade materialet har efter att ha analyserats samlats i teman. Resultat: Under arbetets gång har ett mönster blivit allt tydligare: drivkrafterna tillsammans med den existentiella kampen mellan ratio, ett rationellt förnuft och en emotionell sanning är en psykoterapeutisk process. Diskussion: Tillsammans ger drivkrafterna bilden av kampen mellan ratio, det rationella förnuftets sanning och känslans, den emotionella sanningen. Det är också bilden av den psykoterapeutiska processen som väg och nav i utbildningen och i livet, ett personligt integrationsarbete av teori, erfarenhet och metod. Detta åskådliggörs i uppsatsens text av de i de teoretiskt logiskt resonerande avsnitten som små pilar inskjutna lyrikcitaten, ett synliggörande av den emotionella sidan i människan, inflätad i det logiska, rationella tänkandet. Denna process är en reparation, ett försonings- och läkningsarbete intrapsykiskt och interpersonellt. Det är en självgranskning och ett personligt integrationsarbete, en integration av teori, metod, erfarenhet och personlighet som blir en väg till identitetsförståelse. Den psykoterapeutiska processen med egenterapi och handledning leder vidare och djupare i ett sökande efter drivkraftens upphov, dess grund och rotfäste: en väg med ett mål, men utan ände. / Introduction: What forces, apparent and hidden drive the future psychotherapist to take the first steps on the path to become a therapist and what forces drive hir to continue?. The aim of the study is to explore these impelling/motivating forces and the relevance of psychological process on that path. Questions: How does the therapist describe these forces on hir way to become a therapist?Do they form a pattern to analyse? What is the relevance of a psychotherapeutic process on that path? Method: The study is hermeneutic, phenomenological in a narrative perspective, based on semi structured interviews in depth with open questions. The resulting material was organized in themes. Results: While working with the study an emerging pattern has become clearer: the impelling forces, interlaced with the existential struggle between ratio, rational reasoning and emotional truth can be interpreted as a psychotherapeutic process. Discussion: The impelling forces in the study give together a picture of life’s fundamental struggle between ratio, intellectual reasoning and emotional truth. These forces also give the picture of the therapeutic process as a path and hub in the therapists training and life, an individual, personal labour of integrating theory, experience and method. The use of poetic citations, little arrows in the theoretical, logical texts in the study illustrate the emotional side of the human being interlaced with the logical and rational. This process is a task of mending, reconciliation and healing. It means selfexamination, a personal integration of theory, experience and personality leading to a sense of identity. The psychotherapeutic process with personal therapy and counselling leads on to a further search for the origins of the compelling forces, their foundations and roots. A path with a goal but no end.
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The relationship between interpersonal dependency and therapeutic alliance: Perspectives of clients and therapists.Mitchell, Jessica L. 08 1900 (has links)
Both interpersonal dependency and the importance of the therapeutic alliance to successful psychotherapy outcomes have been widely studied. However, these two areas of study rarely have been viewed conjointly despite the reportedly large number of clients with dependency who present for treatment. This study elucidated the relationship between interpersonal dependency and the therapeutic alliance. Additional hypotheses explored client-therapist agreement on alliance strength in relation to client interpersonal dependency. Participants were graduate student therapists (N = 26) and their individual psychotherapy clients (N = 40) in a training clinic at a large, southwestern university. Within their first three sessions of psychotherapy, participating clients told nine Thematic Apperception Test stories and completed structured self-report measures of adult attachment, social desirability, and psychological symptoms. Interpersonal dependency was scored from the TAT stories, using the TAT Oral Dependency (TOD) scoring system developed by Masling, Rabie, and Blondheim (1967) and Huprich (2008). Three sessions following initial data collection, participating clients and their therapists completed structured self-report measures of the therapeutic alliance. Analyses revealed that interpersonal dependency was not significantly associated with client and therapist alliance ratings or the congruence between client and therapist alliance ratings. However, specific scoring categories of the TOD were associated with client alliance scores in opposing directions. In contrast to hypotheses, self-reported attachment-related dependency was significantly related to client alliance ratings and to the congruence between therapist and client alliance ratings. Clients with higher levels of self-reported attachment-related dependency rated the alliance less favorably, in agreement with their therapists, than did clients with lower levels of attachment-related dependency. Additional analyses were unsuccessful in replicating findings from previous research on interpersonal dependency. The clinical and research implications of these findings are discussed.
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Terapia psicanalítica familiar: um estudo investigativo sobre o processo terapêutico de casos atendidos por estudantes de psicologia em um serviço-escola / Familiar psychoanalytic therapy: An investigative study of the therapeutic process of cases treated by psychology undergraduate students in a school clinicFernandes, Ana Carolina Zuanazzi 07 December 2015 (has links)
Ao longo da formação em psicologia, o estudante realiza atendimentos clínicos com o objetivo de construir sua identidade de terapeuta e utilizar, na prática, as teorias e técnicas que aprendeu. Na literatura brasileira são poucos os estudos que abordam essa etapa da formação quando se refere ao atendimento familiar. Através da análise e interpretação de material clínico oriundo de quatro casos atendidos por estudantes em um serviço-escola, esta pesquisa, de natureza clínico-qualitativa, teve como objetivo investigar, sob o referencial teórico da psicanálise familiar, as várias dimensões desse processo terapêutico na interface com a formação clínica do aluno. Os estudantes apresentaram dificuldades em identificar e manejar a transferência e contratransferência, atuando em papéis diversos que não o que lhes cabia enquanto terapeutas. Sensações corporais e sentimentos negativos como raiva e desapontamento foram registrados por parte dos terapeuta-estagiários ao longo dos atendimentos. O manejo adequado e a possibilidade de fazer interpretações e apontamentos mais precisos, favoreceu, em alguns casos, a transição de uma queixa depositada em um membro (paciente identificado) para uma demanda que envolvia o grupo. A supervisão, o procedimento de registro de sessão e materiais artísticoexpressivos auxiliaram os alunos na construção da identidade de terapeuta. A análise do material coletado permitiu constatar que, ao longo do(s) processo(s) psicoterápico(s) muitos deles foram se posicionando de forma mais segura, podendo fazer apontamentos ao mesmo tempo em que já não atuavam tanto em sessão, assegurando-se de suas funções. O atendimento familiar, por um lado, mobilizou alguns terapeutas no sentido de dificultar a construção e assunção desse papel. Por outro lado, foi notável o crescimento e desenvolvimento de diversas habilidades importantes no processo terapêutico. Outros aspectos além dos aqui estudados também são fundamentais para o processo de formação do terapeuta familiar tais como a terapia do próprio estudante e a aprendizagem da teoria psicanalítica familiar / During the training in psychology, the undergraduate student performs clinical care in order to build his therapist identity and use in practice the theories and techniques he learned. In Brazilian literature there are few studies that address this stage of training when it comes to family treatment. Through the analysis and interpretation of clinical material from four cases attended by undergraduate students in a clinic-school, this research, clinical and qualitative nature, aimed to investigate under the theoretical framework of family psychoanalysis, the various dimensions of this therapeutic process in interface with the clinical training of the undergraduate student. The undergraduate students presented difficulties in identifying and handling the transference and countertransference, acting in different roles than it was up to them as therapists. Bodily sensations and negative feelings such as anger and disappointment were recorded by the therapist interns over the calls. Proper management and the ability to make more precise interpretations and notes, favored in some cases, the transition to a complaint filed in a member (identified patient) to a demand that enveloped the group. Supervision, the session registration procedure and artistic and expressive materials helped undergraduate students in building therapist identity. The analysis of the collected material it was established that, over method psychotherapy many of them were positioning themselves more safely and can make interventions at the same time that they no longer act out in session, assuring their role as therapist. The family treatment, on the one hand, mobilized some therapists in order to hinder the construction and assumption of that role. On the other hand, was remarkable growth and development of several important skills in the therapeutic process. Other aspects than those studied here are also central to the family therapist formation process such as the student\'s own therapy and learning of family psychoanalytic theory
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