Spelling suggestions: "subject:"pubescens""
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Matematika v e-learningovém prostředí GlobalSchool / Mathematics in e-learning environment GlobalSchoolDOBIÁŠ, Václav January 2008 (has links)
This work sets as its goal to introduce the project
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Současný dětský čtenář staršího školního věku (regionální výzkumná sonda) / Present pubescent reader (regional research probe)HRUŠKOVÁ, Denisa January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to trace up current situation and trends of present pubescent reading by means of informantion analysis obtained from questionnaires which were handed out at four schools in South Bohemian district. Object of our interest was to discover pubescent´s attitude to literature, factors influencing the way of choice and book acquiring, preferences of genres, authors, titles, magazines and elements of textual structure, share of school and interest reading, position of reading among another leisure- time activities and library attendance frequency. Theoretical part deals with the development and phasing of children´s reading aimed at pubescence, describes genre structure of pubescent reading, level of literary text reception, reader influencing factors and action of school and teachers during forming a reader within literature lessons.
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Čtenářství dnešních dětí staršího školního věku (regionální sonda) / Reading of present children of older school age (a regional probe)FEDROVÁ, Kamila January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to keep track of a current state of a current pubescent reader in the second stage of an elementary school with a consideration to some surrounding factors, which take effect on them. The Theoretical part is focused on a profile of a pubescent from the biological, psychological and sociological view, it is focused on a developement of reading and a reading competence. The Practical part provides an analysis of gained material on the basis of a questionnaire inquiry, which was realized in five elementary schools in the region of Highlands.
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Respostas termorregulatórias e perceptivas de meninas que pedalam no calor : efeito da adiposidade e da aptidão cardiorrespiratóriaRodrigues, Carolina de Ávila January 2016 (has links)
La prévalence de l'obésité et le sédentarisme chez les adolescents augmentate de manière significative dans le monde entier. La chaleur de l'environnement est une préoccupation supplémentaire au moment de recommander la pratique du sport chez les adolescents obèses et sédentaires. Les risques liés á l’augmentation de la température centrale du corps sont á considérer. L’augmentation de température est un facteur aggravant qui augmente de la perception de l'effort (IPE), l’irritabilité, et modifie les sensations liées au confort thermique. Il existe peu d'études ayant evalué les réponses de thermorégulation et la perception des filles pratiquant l'exercice dans la chaleur, en particulier chez les filles obèses. Par conséquent, il est utile d’apporter plus de précisions sur l'impact de l'obésité associée ou non à un mode de vie sédentaire pendant les activités sportives dans la chaleur. Le but de cette étude était de déterminer et comparer la thermorégulation et les réponses perceptives des filles pubères obèses et de poids normal avec un profil de forme cardiorespiratoire élevé (fit) et faible (unfit) avant, pendant et après deux séances d'entraînement dans la chaleur. Ceci a été réalisé au cours d’ une étude transversale dans laquelle 34 filles: 21 obèses (12 fit et 9 unfit) et 13 de poids normal (5 fit et 8 unfit) ont pédalé pendant 50 minutes sur un ergomètre à 36oC et 40% HR à l'intérieur une chambre environnementale. Deux séances d'exercice avec des intensités d’efforts différentes ont été réalisées. Dans la première session l'objectif a été fixé á 45% du VO2pic (Sèance % VO2pic) et dans la seconde á 4,5 W.kg-1 (Sèance PCM). Pendant les séances d'exercice, la température rectale (Tre), la température de la peau (IPEau), la fréquence cardiaque (FC), IPE, l’ irritabilité, et les sensations thermique et de confort thermique ont été recueillies. Aucune différence n'a été identifiée entre les groupes tout au long de la séance d'exercice et de récupération pour les variables de thermorégulation, perception et transpiration dans les deux conditions d’effort testées. Les résultats de ce travail montrent que indépendamment de la capacité cardiorespiratoire, dans les conditions d'exercice et le stress thermique de 36oC et 40% d'humidité relative, les filles pubères obèses ou non ont des réponses de thermorégulation et perception similaires lors de l'exercice effectué au cours d’ un ergocycle réalisé á températures élevées. / A prevalência da obesidade e do sedentarismo entre os adolescentes vem aumentando mundialmente de forma significativa. Acredita-se que o calor ambiental é uma preocupação adicional ao recomendar a prática esportiva em adolescentes obesos e sedentários, pois além dos riscos de aumento da temperatura corporal central, representa um agravante no aumento da percepção ao esforço (IPE), da irritabilidade, da sensação térmica e do conforto térmico. Ainda são poucos os estudos que avaliaram respostas termorregulatórias e perceptivas de meninas que realizaram exercícios no calor, especialmente de meninas obesas. Portanto, são necessários mais esclarecimentos das repercussões da obesidade combinada ou não com o sedentarismo durante a prática de atividades esportivas no calor. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar e comparar as respostas termorregulatórias e perceptivas de meninas púberes obesas e eutróficas com alta (fit) e baixa (unfit) aptidão cardiorrespiratória antes, durante e após duas sessões de exercício no calor. Trata-se de um estudo de caráter transversal em que 34 meninas: 21 obesas (12 fit e 9 unfit) e 13 eutróficas (5 fit e 8 unfit) pedalaram durante 50 minutos em cicloergômetro no calor (36oC e 40% de umidade relativa do ar) dentro de uma câmara ambiental. Foram realizadas duas sessões de exercício com metas de intensidade diferentes. Na primeira sessão, fixou-se a meta de intensidade em 45% do pico de Volume de O2 (Sessão %VO2pico) e na segunda, em 4,5 W.kg-1 (Sessão PCM). Durante as sessões de exercício, foram coletadas temperatura retal (Tre), temperatura de pele (Tpele), frequência cardíaca (FC), IPE, irritabilidade, sensação térmica e conforto térmico. Não foram identificadas diferenças entre os grupos ao longo da sessão de exercício e recuperação para as variáveis termorregulatórias, perceptivas e de sudorese quando meninas obesas e eutróficas fit e unfit pedalaram em cicloergômetro a 45% do VO2pico ou a 4,5 W.kg-1 durante 50 minutos em câmara ambiental. Assim, conclui-se que independente do estado nutricional ou aptidão cardiorrespiratória, sob as condições de exercício e estresse térmico de 36oC e 40% UR, meninas púberes apresentam respostas termorregulatórias e perceptivas semelhantes quando submetidas a uma sessão de exercício em cicloergômetro no calor. / Obesity prevalence and sedentary behavior among teenagers is increasing significantly worldwide. It is believed that the heat stress is an additional concern when recommending the practice of sports to obese and sedentary adolescents. In addition, the risks of increasing core body temperature is an aggravating factor to the increase in the perceived exertion (RPE) irritability, thermal sensation and thermal comfort. Few studies have evaluated thermoregulatory and perceptual responses in girls who underwent exercise in the heat, especially in obese girls. Therefore, further understanding of the impact of obesity combined or not with sedentary behavior during sport activities under heat stress is still required. The aim of this study was to determine and to compare the thermoregulatory and perceptual responses of obese and eutrophic pubescent girls with high (fit) and low (unfit) cardiorespiratory capacity, before,during and after two workouts under heat stress. This is a transversal study including 34 girls, in which 21 obese (12 fit and 9 unfit) and 13 eutrophic (5 fit and 8 unfit) cycled for 50 min on a cycle ergometer under heat stress (36oC and 40% RH), inside an environmental chamber. Two exercise sessions with different intensity targets were performed. In the first session, the intensity target was set at 45% of the VO2peak (% VO2peak Session), and the second was set at 4.5 W.kg-1 (MHP Session). During the exercise sessions, rectal temperature (Tre), skin temperature (Tskin), heart rate (HR) RPE, irritability, thermal sensation, and thermal comfort were collected. No differences were detected between groups throughout the exercise and during the recovery session for thermoregulatory, perceptive and sweat variables when obese and eutrophic fit and unfit girls exercised on a cycle ergometer at 45% of VO2peak or 4.5 W.kg-1 for 50 min in an environmental chamber. Therefore, it is concluded that, regardless the nutritional status or cardiorespiratory capacity, under the conditions of exercise and heat stress of 36oC and 40% RH, pubescent girls have similar thermoregulatory and perceptual responses when exercising on a cycle ergometer in the heat.
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Kvalita znalostí o ochraně lidských práv dětí u mladistvých v Jihočeském kraji / Quality of knowledge adolescents in the South Region for theHÁJEČKOVÁ, Jana January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with the theme of children's rights and knowledge of young people in the South Bohemia region, concretely near the city of Tábor (Soběslav, Sezimovo Ústí II.). There are three main objectives of the thesis. The first one was to find out what is the level of knowledge on the rights of children as stated in "Convention on the Rights of the Child" of young people in the South Bohemia region, concretely near the city of Tábor (Soběslav, Sezimovo Ústí II.). The second objective was focused on what areas of life is the identified knowledge of adolescents exercised in; speaking about the young people in the South Bohemia region, concretely near the city of Tábor (Soběslav, Sezimovo Ústí II.). As a result of the data collected the third objective was set and it was meant to verify whether the intervention programme, which was created to improve the knowledge of the adolescents questioned, was successful. After completing studies of literature on the theme, a random selection of respondents was specified. These were pupils of 9th forms of elementary schools and students of 1st year of high school in the South Bohemia region, concretely from the city of Tábor and its surroundings (Soběslav, Sezimovo Ústí II.). The data collection was conducted in the form of a questionnaire. From the obtained data the conclusions necessary to verify the set objectives were drawn. The results were compared between girls and boys. Subsequently, they were compared with the results of the intervention programme, which was drawn up after the collection of the data using the basic questionnaire. The purpose of this program was to increase the knowledge of young people. Both of these results were compared to the research from the year 2010, which formed the basis for the designing of the questionaire and the objectives of the thesis.
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Respostas termorregulatórias e perceptivas de meninas que pedalam no calor : efeito da adiposidade e da aptidão cardiorrespiratóriaRodrigues, Carolina de Ávila January 2016 (has links)
La prévalence de l'obésité et le sédentarisme chez les adolescents augmentate de manière significative dans le monde entier. La chaleur de l'environnement est une préoccupation supplémentaire au moment de recommander la pratique du sport chez les adolescents obèses et sédentaires. Les risques liés á l’augmentation de la température centrale du corps sont á considérer. L’augmentation de température est un facteur aggravant qui augmente de la perception de l'effort (IPE), l’irritabilité, et modifie les sensations liées au confort thermique. Il existe peu d'études ayant evalué les réponses de thermorégulation et la perception des filles pratiquant l'exercice dans la chaleur, en particulier chez les filles obèses. Par conséquent, il est utile d’apporter plus de précisions sur l'impact de l'obésité associée ou non à un mode de vie sédentaire pendant les activités sportives dans la chaleur. Le but de cette étude était de déterminer et comparer la thermorégulation et les réponses perceptives des filles pubères obèses et de poids normal avec un profil de forme cardiorespiratoire élevé (fit) et faible (unfit) avant, pendant et après deux séances d'entraînement dans la chaleur. Ceci a été réalisé au cours d’ une étude transversale dans laquelle 34 filles: 21 obèses (12 fit et 9 unfit) et 13 de poids normal (5 fit et 8 unfit) ont pédalé pendant 50 minutes sur un ergomètre à 36oC et 40% HR à l'intérieur une chambre environnementale. Deux séances d'exercice avec des intensités d’efforts différentes ont été réalisées. Dans la première session l'objectif a été fixé á 45% du VO2pic (Sèance % VO2pic) et dans la seconde á 4,5 W.kg-1 (Sèance PCM). Pendant les séances d'exercice, la température rectale (Tre), la température de la peau (IPEau), la fréquence cardiaque (FC), IPE, l’ irritabilité, et les sensations thermique et de confort thermique ont été recueillies. Aucune différence n'a été identifiée entre les groupes tout au long de la séance d'exercice et de récupération pour les variables de thermorégulation, perception et transpiration dans les deux conditions d’effort testées. Les résultats de ce travail montrent que indépendamment de la capacité cardiorespiratoire, dans les conditions d'exercice et le stress thermique de 36oC et 40% d'humidité relative, les filles pubères obèses ou non ont des réponses de thermorégulation et perception similaires lors de l'exercice effectué au cours d’ un ergocycle réalisé á températures élevées. / A prevalência da obesidade e do sedentarismo entre os adolescentes vem aumentando mundialmente de forma significativa. Acredita-se que o calor ambiental é uma preocupação adicional ao recomendar a prática esportiva em adolescentes obesos e sedentários, pois além dos riscos de aumento da temperatura corporal central, representa um agravante no aumento da percepção ao esforço (IPE), da irritabilidade, da sensação térmica e do conforto térmico. Ainda são poucos os estudos que avaliaram respostas termorregulatórias e perceptivas de meninas que realizaram exercícios no calor, especialmente de meninas obesas. Portanto, são necessários mais esclarecimentos das repercussões da obesidade combinada ou não com o sedentarismo durante a prática de atividades esportivas no calor. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar e comparar as respostas termorregulatórias e perceptivas de meninas púberes obesas e eutróficas com alta (fit) e baixa (unfit) aptidão cardiorrespiratória antes, durante e após duas sessões de exercício no calor. Trata-se de um estudo de caráter transversal em que 34 meninas: 21 obesas (12 fit e 9 unfit) e 13 eutróficas (5 fit e 8 unfit) pedalaram durante 50 minutos em cicloergômetro no calor (36oC e 40% de umidade relativa do ar) dentro de uma câmara ambiental. Foram realizadas duas sessões de exercício com metas de intensidade diferentes. Na primeira sessão, fixou-se a meta de intensidade em 45% do pico de Volume de O2 (Sessão %VO2pico) e na segunda, em 4,5 W.kg-1 (Sessão PCM). Durante as sessões de exercício, foram coletadas temperatura retal (Tre), temperatura de pele (Tpele), frequência cardíaca (FC), IPE, irritabilidade, sensação térmica e conforto térmico. Não foram identificadas diferenças entre os grupos ao longo da sessão de exercício e recuperação para as variáveis termorregulatórias, perceptivas e de sudorese quando meninas obesas e eutróficas fit e unfit pedalaram em cicloergômetro a 45% do VO2pico ou a 4,5 W.kg-1 durante 50 minutos em câmara ambiental. Assim, conclui-se que independente do estado nutricional ou aptidão cardiorrespiratória, sob as condições de exercício e estresse térmico de 36oC e 40% UR, meninas púberes apresentam respostas termorregulatórias e perceptivas semelhantes quando submetidas a uma sessão de exercício em cicloergômetro no calor. / Obesity prevalence and sedentary behavior among teenagers is increasing significantly worldwide. It is believed that the heat stress is an additional concern when recommending the practice of sports to obese and sedentary adolescents. In addition, the risks of increasing core body temperature is an aggravating factor to the increase in the perceived exertion (RPE) irritability, thermal sensation and thermal comfort. Few studies have evaluated thermoregulatory and perceptual responses in girls who underwent exercise in the heat, especially in obese girls. Therefore, further understanding of the impact of obesity combined or not with sedentary behavior during sport activities under heat stress is still required. The aim of this study was to determine and to compare the thermoregulatory and perceptual responses of obese and eutrophic pubescent girls with high (fit) and low (unfit) cardiorespiratory capacity, before,during and after two workouts under heat stress. This is a transversal study including 34 girls, in which 21 obese (12 fit and 9 unfit) and 13 eutrophic (5 fit and 8 unfit) cycled for 50 min on a cycle ergometer under heat stress (36oC and 40% RH), inside an environmental chamber. Two exercise sessions with different intensity targets were performed. In the first session, the intensity target was set at 45% of the VO2peak (% VO2peak Session), and the second was set at 4.5 W.kg-1 (MHP Session). During the exercise sessions, rectal temperature (Tre), skin temperature (Tskin), heart rate (HR) RPE, irritability, thermal sensation, and thermal comfort were collected. No differences were detected between groups throughout the exercise and during the recovery session for thermoregulatory, perceptive and sweat variables when obese and eutrophic fit and unfit girls exercised on a cycle ergometer at 45% of VO2peak or 4.5 W.kg-1 for 50 min in an environmental chamber. Therefore, it is concluded that, regardless the nutritional status or cardiorespiratory capacity, under the conditions of exercise and heat stress of 36oC and 40% RH, pubescent girls have similar thermoregulatory and perceptual responses when exercising on a cycle ergometer in the heat.
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Znalost lidských práv u dětí v domovech pro děti ve věku od 10 18 let ve Zlínském kraji / Knowledge of Human Rights in Children Aged 10 to 18 Years Old in Residential Care in the Zlín RegionLIBROVÁ, Markéta January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis is concerned with a level of knowledge of human rights among children between the ages of 10-18 at children's homes in the Zlín Region. The introduction to the theoretical part focuses mainly on human rights and related documents. It generally describes issues related to legal consciousness with a specific focus on children. Furthermore, institutional education and its development are also described, together with selected institutions, rights of children with institutional education and psychological deprivation. In the closing part, the target group is divided into pubescents and adolescents and further characterized. General objective of this diploma thesis was to assess level of knowledge of human rights among those children who are living in the selected children's homes in the Zlín region. Specific objective was to assess a level of knowledge of human rights in the selected area, namely in recognition of rights to children and adults. As a research method was chosen the questionnaire that is based on the Gary Melton's, an American scientist, modified version of assessing children's rights. Considering the given research assumptions, there were only some parts selected from the questionnaire. Namely, that is the part of general questions, and questions related to the recognition of rights to children and adults. The research shows that children's knowledge of human rights, with regard to knowledge of examples of rights and laws, is on an average level. Yet as far as knowledge of terms from the field of rights and law is concerned, children are on a very low level. Knowledge that concerns recognition of rights to children and adults is on a high level for both, pubescents and adolescents.
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Kvalita života u dětí na ZŠ ve Zlivi. / Quality of life for children at primary school in Zliv.BENEŠOVÁ, Aneta January 2014 (has links)
In this diploma thesis deals with the issue of quality of life for children in primary school Zliv. The thesis is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part focuses on characterizing the quality of life, a period of pubescence and the basic needs of children. In the practical part deals with research using questionnaires, which determines the value orientation and other areas of life-style, health and happiness. In the final stage, I present the results obtained, which are evaluated and graphically presented.
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Respostas termorregulatórias e perceptivas de meninas que pedalam no calor : efeito da adiposidade e da aptidão cardiorrespiratóriaRodrigues, Carolina de Ávila January 2016 (has links)
La prévalence de l'obésité et le sédentarisme chez les adolescents augmentate de manière significative dans le monde entier. La chaleur de l'environnement est une préoccupation supplémentaire au moment de recommander la pratique du sport chez les adolescents obèses et sédentaires. Les risques liés á l’augmentation de la température centrale du corps sont á considérer. L’augmentation de température est un facteur aggravant qui augmente de la perception de l'effort (IPE), l’irritabilité, et modifie les sensations liées au confort thermique. Il existe peu d'études ayant evalué les réponses de thermorégulation et la perception des filles pratiquant l'exercice dans la chaleur, en particulier chez les filles obèses. Par conséquent, il est utile d’apporter plus de précisions sur l'impact de l'obésité associée ou non à un mode de vie sédentaire pendant les activités sportives dans la chaleur. Le but de cette étude était de déterminer et comparer la thermorégulation et les réponses perceptives des filles pubères obèses et de poids normal avec un profil de forme cardiorespiratoire élevé (fit) et faible (unfit) avant, pendant et après deux séances d'entraînement dans la chaleur. Ceci a été réalisé au cours d’ une étude transversale dans laquelle 34 filles: 21 obèses (12 fit et 9 unfit) et 13 de poids normal (5 fit et 8 unfit) ont pédalé pendant 50 minutes sur un ergomètre à 36oC et 40% HR à l'intérieur une chambre environnementale. Deux séances d'exercice avec des intensités d’efforts différentes ont été réalisées. Dans la première session l'objectif a été fixé á 45% du VO2pic (Sèance % VO2pic) et dans la seconde á 4,5 W.kg-1 (Sèance PCM). Pendant les séances d'exercice, la température rectale (Tre), la température de la peau (IPEau), la fréquence cardiaque (FC), IPE, l’ irritabilité, et les sensations thermique et de confort thermique ont été recueillies. Aucune différence n'a été identifiée entre les groupes tout au long de la séance d'exercice et de récupération pour les variables de thermorégulation, perception et transpiration dans les deux conditions d’effort testées. Les résultats de ce travail montrent que indépendamment de la capacité cardiorespiratoire, dans les conditions d'exercice et le stress thermique de 36oC et 40% d'humidité relative, les filles pubères obèses ou non ont des réponses de thermorégulation et perception similaires lors de l'exercice effectué au cours d’ un ergocycle réalisé á températures élevées. / A prevalência da obesidade e do sedentarismo entre os adolescentes vem aumentando mundialmente de forma significativa. Acredita-se que o calor ambiental é uma preocupação adicional ao recomendar a prática esportiva em adolescentes obesos e sedentários, pois além dos riscos de aumento da temperatura corporal central, representa um agravante no aumento da percepção ao esforço (IPE), da irritabilidade, da sensação térmica e do conforto térmico. Ainda são poucos os estudos que avaliaram respostas termorregulatórias e perceptivas de meninas que realizaram exercícios no calor, especialmente de meninas obesas. Portanto, são necessários mais esclarecimentos das repercussões da obesidade combinada ou não com o sedentarismo durante a prática de atividades esportivas no calor. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar e comparar as respostas termorregulatórias e perceptivas de meninas púberes obesas e eutróficas com alta (fit) e baixa (unfit) aptidão cardiorrespiratória antes, durante e após duas sessões de exercício no calor. Trata-se de um estudo de caráter transversal em que 34 meninas: 21 obesas (12 fit e 9 unfit) e 13 eutróficas (5 fit e 8 unfit) pedalaram durante 50 minutos em cicloergômetro no calor (36oC e 40% de umidade relativa do ar) dentro de uma câmara ambiental. Foram realizadas duas sessões de exercício com metas de intensidade diferentes. Na primeira sessão, fixou-se a meta de intensidade em 45% do pico de Volume de O2 (Sessão %VO2pico) e na segunda, em 4,5 W.kg-1 (Sessão PCM). Durante as sessões de exercício, foram coletadas temperatura retal (Tre), temperatura de pele (Tpele), frequência cardíaca (FC), IPE, irritabilidade, sensação térmica e conforto térmico. Não foram identificadas diferenças entre os grupos ao longo da sessão de exercício e recuperação para as variáveis termorregulatórias, perceptivas e de sudorese quando meninas obesas e eutróficas fit e unfit pedalaram em cicloergômetro a 45% do VO2pico ou a 4,5 W.kg-1 durante 50 minutos em câmara ambiental. Assim, conclui-se que independente do estado nutricional ou aptidão cardiorrespiratória, sob as condições de exercício e estresse térmico de 36oC e 40% UR, meninas púberes apresentam respostas termorregulatórias e perceptivas semelhantes quando submetidas a uma sessão de exercício em cicloergômetro no calor. / Obesity prevalence and sedentary behavior among teenagers is increasing significantly worldwide. It is believed that the heat stress is an additional concern when recommending the practice of sports to obese and sedentary adolescents. In addition, the risks of increasing core body temperature is an aggravating factor to the increase in the perceived exertion (RPE) irritability, thermal sensation and thermal comfort. Few studies have evaluated thermoregulatory and perceptual responses in girls who underwent exercise in the heat, especially in obese girls. Therefore, further understanding of the impact of obesity combined or not with sedentary behavior during sport activities under heat stress is still required. The aim of this study was to determine and to compare the thermoregulatory and perceptual responses of obese and eutrophic pubescent girls with high (fit) and low (unfit) cardiorespiratory capacity, before,during and after two workouts under heat stress. This is a transversal study including 34 girls, in which 21 obese (12 fit and 9 unfit) and 13 eutrophic (5 fit and 8 unfit) cycled for 50 min on a cycle ergometer under heat stress (36oC and 40% RH), inside an environmental chamber. Two exercise sessions with different intensity targets were performed. In the first session, the intensity target was set at 45% of the VO2peak (% VO2peak Session), and the second was set at 4.5 W.kg-1 (MHP Session). During the exercise sessions, rectal temperature (Tre), skin temperature (Tskin), heart rate (HR) RPE, irritability, thermal sensation, and thermal comfort were collected. No differences were detected between groups throughout the exercise and during the recovery session for thermoregulatory, perceptive and sweat variables when obese and eutrophic fit and unfit girls exercised on a cycle ergometer at 45% of VO2peak or 4.5 W.kg-1 for 50 min in an environmental chamber. Therefore, it is concluded that, regardless the nutritional status or cardiorespiratory capacity, under the conditions of exercise and heat stress of 36oC and 40% RH, pubescent girls have similar thermoregulatory and perceptual responses when exercising on a cycle ergometer in the heat.
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Clinical psychologists’ experiences of managing adolescents diagnosed with bipolar disorderMakhafula, Karabo 01 1900 (has links)
Text in English / Literature notes an increase in the number of children and adolescents diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Several challenges faced by clinicians who diagnose and treat early-onset bipolar disorder have been discussed with particular emphasis being placed on its pharmacological management. The contributions made by psychologists including psychosocial interventions, have been explored in this regard; however, there still exists a paucity of voices in the field of psychology that discuss the experiences surrounding the management of this disorder.
Most studies on early-onset bipolar disorder do not distinguish between childhood and adolescent presentations. Adolescence has been recognized herein, as a distinct developmental and transitional phase and thus, it forms the basis of this inquiry. This qualitative study thus explores clinical psychologists’ experiences ofmanaging adolescents diagnosed with bipolar disorder and will be approached from a social constructionist perspective which was selected as a means of exploring the meanings that individuals attribute to their experiences as they engage with others in their environment. A literature review evaluated the current available literature on juvenile bipolar disorder. Clinical psychologists in private practices were interviewed using semi-structured interviews. The participants were selected using purposive sampling. Two pilot studies were used to pre-test the study. One participant took part in pilot study 1 and one in pilot study 2. Thereafter, four semi-structured interviews were held with four participants who took part in the main study. Themes were drawn from the data and were explored using thematic content analysis. An analysis of the themes revealed several shared experiences in clinical psychologists’ management of juvenile bipolar disorder which were similar to what is reflected in the current available literature on early-onset bipolar disorder. / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)
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