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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die Rolle der PPP Projekte bei Investitionsvorhaben der deutschen Kommunen / The role of Public-Private Partnerships in the municipal Investment intentions of Germany

Šuráňová, Petra January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis is a comprehensive and up-to-date review of public private partnership (PPP) infrastructure projects at the municipal level in Germany. Public private partnerships use the know-how and the skills of the private sector for the construction and operation of infrastructure and for the long-term provision of public services. The overall goal of this thesis is to discuss the municipal government's approach to PPP infrastructure projects. The theoretical part of this thesis includes informations and fundamental characteristics of public private partnership project types and the most widely used financial instruments in Germany, as well as the obstacles, challenges and prospects of success for the PPP Programme. The thesis further deals with the legislation and the institutional framework of this cooperation, including the establishment of the Partnerschaften Deutschland und other PPP units in central and local government to promote and manage projects. In particular we focus on the possibility of the involvement of private partners in public private partnerships to clear the backlog of investment and to satisfy local authority investment needs. The empirical part of this work describes the efficient, beneficial and cost-effective delivery of what is currently one of Germany's biggest PPP projects in the field of public- sector building construction: refurbishing, financing and operating the 90 schools in the district of Offenbach in the south of Hesse.

Získávání, výběr a adaptace pracovníků (srovnání státní a soukromé sféry) / Recruitment, selection and adaptation of employees (comparision of public and privat sector)

Zobaníková, Radka January 2009 (has links)
The aim of the dissertation is description and comparision of recruitment, selection and adaptation of employees. The theoretical part of the theses includes the perfect proceeding of the process. In the application part of the theses I describe the structure of organizations and the whole proces in the organizations. I discovered some deficiencies and I suggested the solution how to make the process better in both organizations.

Possibilities for PPP in the Czech Republic / Možnosti využití metody PPP v ČR

Jílek, Petr January 2008 (has links)
Government of Czech republic approved in May this year concession project in two pilot PPP projects, which opens up new possibilities of implementation and the provision of costly public goods in the Czech Republic. In his thesis, I will refer to the use of methods of public-private partnerships in the implementation of individual projects in the Czech Republic. In the theoretical description for the situation it is appropriate to this method (including the exact type) to use as a stage where it is better to use the method of procurement. Furthermore, I will give a legislative framework of PPP projects in EU countries and selected non-member countries. The practical part is focus on specific PPP projects that are in the Czech Republic are beginning to realize and I assess their risks, advantages and disadvantages in comparison with the already carried out projects in abroad and it is not convenient to deal with such projects through public-private partnerships. The aim of this thesis is to clarify the existing conditions of the possible impact on use of the PPP

Chefers arbete i äldreomsorgen – att hantera den svårhanterliga omvärlden : Relationen mellan arbete och organisering / Managers work in elder care –to manage the unmanageable : The relation between work and organising

Antonsson, Hanna January 2013 (has links)
I avhandlingen beskrivs och analyseras chefers arbete genom att kombinera individuella perspektiv med organisatoriska och samhälleliga perspektiv vilket ger både teoretiska och praktiska implikationer Referensramen är uppbyggd av teorier kring chefers arbete och nyinstitutionell teori av Skandinaviskt slag. Flera metoder kombineras för att fånga komplexiteten i chefers arbete; skuggningar, intervjuer, observationer och dokumentstudier. Forskningsfrågorna besvaras genom att använda en kombination av teorier utvecklade för olika analysnivåer; individ, organisation och samhälle. De empiriska materialen används för att ge ett bidrag till vidare forskning om chefers arbete med en empirisk bas. Vikten av att relatera chefers arbete till den kontext som omger dem betonas. Chefers arbete i äldreomsorgen har specifika karaktäristika men också gemensamma drag med chefers arbete i andra sektorer och på andra organisatoriska nivåer. I det empiriska materialet har flera organisatoriska karaktäristika som påverkar chefers arbete identifierats. Beskrivningarna av chefers arbete bidrar också till en utveckling av en empirinära praxisteori för chefers arbete. Med hjälp av nyinstitutionell teori beskrivs hur chefer möter skilda förväntningar och krav och i organisationer, där dessa inte överensstämmer måste chefer hantera ett organisatoriskt hyckleri. / In the thesis managers’ work is described and analysed by combining individual perspectives with organisational and societal perspectives, which gives both theoretical and practical implications. The frame of reference is constituted of theories on managers’ work and the Scandinavian version of new institutional theory. Several methods are combined to grasp the complexity in mangers’ work; shadowing, interviews, observations and document studies. The research questions are answered through a combination of theories  developed for different levels of analysis; individual, organisational and societal. The empirical materials are used to give a contribution to further research on managers’ work with an empirical base. The importance to relate managers’ work to the context that surrounds them is emphasised. Managers’ work in eldercare has specific characteristics, but also common features with managers’ work in other sectors and at other hierarchical levels in organisations. In the empirical material several organisational characteristics that affect managers’ work have been identified. The descriptions of managers’ work also contribute to a praxis theory of management. New institutional theory is applied in order to describe how managers meet diverse expectations and demands in organisations. When these do not match, the managers need to handle organisational hypocrisy.

Efektivní systém odměňování ve veřejné správě / An Effective System of Remuneration In the Public Sector

Picka, Jakub January 2008 (has links)
Expenditures on the salaries of public sector employees constitute a very important component of public expenditures, currently around CZK 200 billion annually in the Czech Republic. Adjusting the remuneration of employees in public administration (sector) is therefore an important option for increasing the efficiency of use of public funds. The assessment of the current system of public sector employee remuneration and a proposal for some specific changes to be made to it is the focus of this dissertation. The primary aim of my dissertation is to analyze the system of remuneration of employees of public and private sectors, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Within the primary target there is also a decomposition analysis, which indicates whether the employees are discriminated against in any of the sectors. The secondary objective is to make recommendations for the system of remunerating public sector employees of the in order to increase its efficiency in terms of public spending while maintaining its incentive function. The work is divided into five chapters. The first chapter, entitled "Theoretical Foundations," provides an overview of the relevant literature, the fundamental basis in economic theory, and issues of the Mincer wage equation, which is then later used as the basis for regression and decomposition analyses, and mainly describes in detail the decomposition method that is used to explain the difference in the salary level in the private and the public sector. These decomposition methods represent, together with quantile regression, the main tool used to meet the objectives of this work. The second chapter, entitled "The Remuneration of Public Sector Employees," describes the structure of the remuneration of employees of the public sector. The data shows that the current system produces results in the form of salaries that do not correspond to the market. The third chapter, called "Regression Model," builds on the analysis performed on data from QSAE, which was discussed in the second part of the previous chapter, and its purpose is to prepare the documents for verification and deepen their conclusions. The fourth chapter, called "Regression and Decomposition Analysis," is based on the regression model assembled in the previous chapter, and describes the results of the regression decomposition analysis performed on the described sample data. This chapter verifies the hypotheses set out in the introduction and answers research questions. The fifth and final chapter, entitled "Interpretation of the Results and Recommendations," focuses on the interpretation of the results, the proposed regulation of remuneration, and recommendations for further research. The main finding of this work is that the system of remuneration of public sector workers is set so that, while the overall average brings quite comparable results in terms of the salary as the entire labor market, it is not throughout the distribution. The performed regression analysis showed that both the public and private sectors evaluate the same things differently (different values of the regression coefficients of variables), and both at the average and along the entire distribution. We can say that the mechanism of the remuneration of employees of the public sector is different from that of the market. This fact is confirmed by the significantly higher coefficient of determination of the regression model of the public sector. Regarding possible discrimination in wages, the analysis showed that employees in the public sector may in contrary to the preposition of positive discrimination be positively discriminated against only up to approximately fifteenth percentile. From fifteenth percentile they are discriminated against negatively. This was confirmed by the decomposition analysis performed on the average salaries, which indicates that public sector employees are, at this level, negatively discriminated against (if the public sector employees have the same regression coefficients as private sector employees, their earnings increase). Finally, this conclusion is confirmed by the dummy variable, which represents belonging to the private sector when the value of its corresponding regression coefficients, in quantile regression analysis along the distribution, evolves from negative to positive and is significantly increasing. The thesis also shows how the system of remunerating public sector employees can be adjusted to reward employees in a way that is comparable with the market.

Hodnocení a motivace pracovníků / Evaluation and motivation of employees

Vincíková, Miroslava January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze evaluation and motivation of employees in public and private sector, make comparison between these sectors and propose measures leading to elimination of deficiencies. At the beginning of this thesis there are described issues and the aims of this thesis. Theoretical part is focused on evaluation, motivation and remuneration of employees in both sectors including new knowledge from this area. Comparison of both sectors is done by questionnaire. It focuses on evaluation, motivation and fair remuneration by employer from employee point of view. Practical part consist of research results, verification of work hypothesis and based on findings propose possible actions to improve current situation. By research it was found that employees from private sector obtain formal evaluation much more often than in public sector. Most important motivation for job performance improvement is for employees from public sector work certainty, for private sector it is career progress. Results of this thesis gives proposals to employer for improvement.

Efektivnost a rozšířenost projektů PPP ve vybraných zemích EU jako alternativy k financování projektů z veřejných rozpočtů / Efficiency and scope of PPP projects in selected EU countries as an alternative to classical public procurement

Nováček, Daniel January 2015 (has links)
This paper is dealing with Public Private Partnership (PPP) as the alternative to the classical public procurement. It describes and compares advantages and disadvantages of this approach and explore legislative and institutional setting in chosen countries of EU to comparison. The main focus of the work concerns the comparison of the development of this concept and its current state of use in those countries. The emphasis was on finding a correlation between the number and volume of PPP projects and the state of national economies in the years 2006-2015, especially in the immediate period of the recent financial crisis, when could be expected increased attractiveness of the concept for political representation. On the specific case is explored its economic efficiency and legitimacy.

Policy transfer and service delivery transformation in developing countries : the case of Malawi health sector reforms

Tambulasi, Richard Ignitious Chipopopo January 2011 (has links)
Policy transfer defies the notion of national boundaries in policy making and development. With globalisation processes in the picture, purely state centric policy making models are not the only option. International and domestic policy entrepreneurs have been pivotal in transfer processes. For developing countries, international donor organisations have been instrumental through conditioning assistance to policy reform. Due to the prevailing hierarchical aid regimes, the assumption is that developing countries would implement these policies for the fear of losing the much-needed aid. However, this study argues that the actual implementation of reforms emanating from the global arena is not an automatic process even in the context of coercive transfers, as it is mediated by country specific contextual frameworks. Moreover, even if implemented, the extent to which the transfers attain the promised transformation ends depends on prevailing environmental factors, appropriateness of the reforms, and the implementers' in-depth understanding of the reform instruments. The analysis used the cases of hospital autonomy and district health management decentralisation reforms which are based on the new public management (NPM) paradigm to examine the mechanisms of policy transfer; factors constraining or facilitating the adoption and/or implementation of transferred policies; and the impacts of the policy programmes on service delivery transformation in Malawi. A multilevel framework was used to analyse the dynamics at international, national and application levels. It used a qualitative research strategy. Therefore, data was collected through in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, documents, and observations. The study finds that due to Malawi's heavy aid reliance, international donor organisations attempted to introduce the hospital autonomy and district health management decentralisation reforms on its policy agenda through aid conditioning mechanism which has coercive attributes. In the former, USAID as an international institutional entrepreneur was the driving force through its non-project assistance (NPA) aid regime while in the later case it was the European Commission within the institutional framework of the Lome IV Convention. A comparative analysis of the two reforms revealed that a combination of contextual issues of: mode of transfer, policy content and political-economic context, path dependence, parliament-cabinet configuration, bureaucratic politics, pressure from citizens, institutional compatibility and prerequisites, and social economic forces; determined their adoption and subsequent implementation. While hospital autonomy was rejected by cabinet, and not implemented, despite large amounts of donor resources invested in the transfer processes because of these contextual issues, decentralisation was implemented as the environment was favourable, although it met bureaucratic resistance. However, the study found that when implemented, decentralisation faced several contextual challenges including modest levels of application, reproductions, reversals, cultural factors, and unintended consequences so that it has not achieved the intended transformational results. To this end, the findings provide a better understanding of the dynamics of policy transfer in developing countries and work as a springboard for donor organisations to reorient their approach in aiding policy development in developing countries.

Adoption of social software for collaboration

Zhang, Lei January 2010 (has links)
According to some commentary, employees are empowered by simple, flexible and lightweight social software such as blogs and wikis. Using such software, it is claimed they will be able to connect and collaborate beyond boundaries and to benefit organisations in innovation and growth. Extending such claims, commentators also argue that social software challenges existing ways of networking, communicating and collaborating and is likely to cause disruption to some organisations. However, a literature search reveals that it is still unclear for both researchers and practitioners how social software can be exploited for work purposes, and what are the grounds for its adoption. Systematic investigation of the adoption of social software for work collaboration is found to be absent in academic writing. Organisations continue experimenting on social software, seeking ways to encourage their employees to adopt the tools, and expect to benefit from self-organised, distributed collaboration. This technology adoption is a contingent process. The way members use social software is embedded within the social interaction process, group characteristics, tasks and environments. Adaptive structuration theory (AST) is adopted for social software-supported collaboration in a way that emphasised its value as a contextual analysis approach. A conceptual framework was developed from the researcher's experiential knowledge, AST and empirical evidence, and then revised with the findings from exploratory studies. The main theoretical insights induced from empirical evidence are: influence from 'meta-users', e.g., supervisors and managers, affects both users' use intention and behaviour. Social structures embedded in social capital can enable or inhibit the adoption of social software. Nevertheless, new social structures do emerge from online conversations. Additionally, the results show that task-technology fit has little relevance to social software adoption. A case study approach with mixed methods is adopted in this study. Social network analysis and statistical analysis provide complementary support to qualitative analysis. The UK public sector was chosen as the research context. Individuals are knowledge workers in distributed and cross-boundary groups. The asynchronous social software applications studied are blogs and wikis.

Konsolidace procesního řízení v prostředí příspěvkových organizací / Consolidation of the business process management in the area of semi-budgetary organizations

Ježek, Svatopluk January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is aimed on the business process management of semi-budgetary organizations in the Czech Republic. For description of the field of business process management, the work lists common definitions and important information that is linked to this area. Subsequently, there was described the specificity of public administration in the Czech Republic, taking into account the level of and ability to implement business process management in this area. The important part of this thesis is the analysis of assumptions, which should public organizations fulfill in order to implement business process management. Thesis focuses on business process modeling, both in terms of methodology and standards used, and from the perspective of adequate tools for creating business process models. The main focus of the work is on the consolidation of the business process models of semi-budgetary organizations simultaneous checked on a case study. Case study, which is part of the practical part of this thesis, is a modified description of the implemented project, which aimed to merge two semi-budgetary organizations, especially from the perspective of the consolidation process management and process models.

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