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Offentlig sektor och de inledande faserna av innovationsprocessen : En fallstudie på Statens tjänstepensionsverkNygård, Moa January 2021 (has links)
Denna studie baseras på en fallstudie på myndigheten Statens tjänstepensionsverk (SPV). Myndigheten har hand om tjänstepensioner till personer som varit eller är statligt anställda. Studiens syfte var att kartlägga hur en svensk myndighet arbetar med innovationens inledande faser, idégenerering och idéhantering samt urval av idéer. Metoderna som användes var intervjuer av medarbetare samt en enkätundersökning på myndigheten. Resultatet visar att det råder olika uppfattning om vad som ska definieras som innovation bland de tillfrågade. Det finns i dagsläget inte något strukturerat sätt att arbeta med innovationens inledande faser på SPV. Däremot finns det en tydlig process för idéer kopplat till utvecklingsarbete. Förslag och idéer på mindre vidareutvecklingsprojekt kan hanteras direkt i teamen, medan vid mer omfattande idéer behövs ett initiativ skickas in för att därefter prioriteras i en gemensam portfölj. I studien framkom det att för idéer som inte rör det dagliga utvecklingsarbetet så var processen mer otydlig. Över 29 % svarade i enkätstudien att de inte visste var de ska vända sig med idéer. Urvalet av idéer sker direkt i teamen tillsammans med chef i de fall förslagen inte är allt för omfattande. För större projekt sker urvalet av de som ansvarar för portföljen. Fyra grundläggande kriterier vid urval och prioritering framkom. Dessa var kundnytta, rättssäkerhet, effektivitet och kvalitet. / This study was based on a case study on Statens tjänstepensionsverk (The National Government Employee Pensions Board, SPV). The government agency handles occupational pensions for persons that are or have been a government employee. The purpose of this study was to chart how a Swedish government agency works with the front end of innovation, idea generation and idea management together with selection of ideas. The methods used were interviews of co-workers and a survey on the government agency. The result shows that there are different opinions about what are to be classified as an innovation and not among those surveyed. Today, there are no structured way to work with the front end of innovation at SPV. However, there are a clear process for ideas concerning development, where suggestions and ideas for smaller development projects can be handled directly by the teams, whilst for more large-scale projects an initiative must be sent in for prioritizing in SPV’s joint portfolio. In the study it emerged that for ideas concerning the daily development work the process is more indistinct. Over 29 % answered in the survey that they did not know where to go if they came up with an idea. The selection of ideas is done directly in the teams together with the boss in those cases the idea is not too extensive. For larger projects, the selection is made by those responsible for the portfolio. Four fundamental criteria used for selection and prioritising where found. These were customer value, the rule of law, effectiveness and quality.
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Motivationsfaktorer inom en kommunal förvaltning : En kvalitativ studie om vad som motiverar chefer till fortsatt anställning inom en kommunal förvaltning / Motivational factors in a municipal administration : A qualitative study of whatmotivates managers to continue employment within a municipal administrationGustafsson, Emelie, Johansson, Lina January 2021 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka och problematisera vad som motiverar chefer och ledare inom en förvaltning på en kommunal nivå att fortsätta sin anställning. Studiens frågeställningar är: Vilka motivationsfaktorer är viktiga för chefer och ledare inom en offentlig förvaltning i frågan om fortsatt anställning? Vilken betydelse har individuell utveckling för chefer och ledare inom en offentlig förvaltning när det kommer till fortsatt anställning och arbetsmotivation? Hur bibehåller chefer och ledare inom en offentlig förvaltning sin arbetsmotivation? Material och metoder: Studien utgår från en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med en abduktiv ansats. Studien har sin grund i semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju respondenter. Det empiriska materialet har därefter analyserats och jämförts med tidigare forskning inom motivation, Herzbergs tvåfaktorsteori samt teorin om inre och yttre motivationsfaktorer. Huvudresultat: Gemensamt för respondenterna är vikten av frihet, att ha roligt på jobbet och strävan att utveckla verksamheten till det positiva. Hos samtliga respondenter föreligger det även ett starkt emotionellt band som ses som såväl positivt som negativt. Respondenterna är väldigt måna om individuell utveckling men tycker att det läggs allt för mycket energi på utbildningar som enbart är repetitiva för dem. De hade hellre tagit del av en mer individanpassad utbildningsplan. Vidare är det tydligt att lön inte är en drivande motivationsfaktor hos respondenterna. Idag är respondenterna nöjda med sina löner menmenar att det var en större motivationsfaktor i början av deras karriärer. I nuläget finns andra motivationsfaktorer som spelar roll, bland annat de som redogjorts för ovan. / Purpose: The purpose of the following study is to investigate and problematize what motivates managers and leaders within an administration at a municipal level to continue their employment. The study´s questions at issue are: Which motivating factors are most outstanding among the managers and leaders within an administration at a municipal level in the question of continued employment? How important is the individual development for the managers and leaders within an administration at a municipal level when it comes to continued employment and work motivation? How do the managers and leaders within an administration at a municipal level maintain their work motivation? Method: The study is based on qualitative research with an abductive approach. The study is based on semi-structured interviews with seven respondents. The empirical material has been analyzed and compared with previous research, Herzberg's two-factor theory and the theory of internal and external factors in relation to motivation. Main result: Common to the respondents is the importance of freedom, having fun at work and the aim to develop the school in a positive way. All respondents also have a stronge motional bond that is seen as both positive and negative. The respondents truly care about individual development but believe that too much energy is put into education that is only repetitive for them. They would rather have taken part in a more individualized education plan. Furthermore, salary is not a driving motivating factor among the respondents. Today, the respondents are satisfied with their salaries but believe that it was a major motivating factor at the beginning of their careers. At present, there are other motivating factors that are more important, including those described above.
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Förändringsagenten i den offentliga sektorn : En kvalitativ flerfallstudie av hur mellanchefen inom den offentliga sektorn bedriver förändringsledning vid digital transformation / The Change Agent within the Public Sector : A qualitative multiple case study of how the middle manager in the public sector conducts change management in digital transformationJonsson, Ebba, Lindén, Jennifer January 2021 (has links)
TITEL: Den offentliga sektorns förändringsagent - En kvalitativ flerfallsstudie av hur mellanchefen inom den offentliga sektorn bedriver förändringsledning vid digital transformation FÖRFATTARE: Ebba Jonsson och Jennifer Lindén HANDLEDARE: Janet Johansson BAKGRUND: Samhället genomgår en digital transformation. Människor har i allt högre grad digitaliserat sina vardagliga liv och ställer krav på att den offentliga sektorn följer med i utvecklingen. Den digitala transformationen kräver teknisk kompetens men studier visar att ledarskapet är avgörande för en lyckad digital transformation. Mellanchefen som befinner sig mellan den strategiska ledningen och den operativa verksamheten har en viktig roll i förändringsarbetet vid den digitala transformationen. Den digitala transformationen innebär stora förändringar varför denna blir intressant att undersöka i kontexten av offentlig sektor, som enligt litteraturen är stabil och trögrörlig. SYFTE & FORSKNINGSFRÅGOR: Syftet med denna studie är att skapa en djupare förståelse för hur mellanchefen inom den offentliga sektorn bedriver förändringsledning vid digital transformation. - Utifrån Kotters modell, hur arbetar mellanchefer inom den offentliga sektorn för att skapa en grund för och vidare implementera förändring? - Hur arbetar mellanchefer inom den offentliga sektorn för att bemöta hindrande faktorer, liksom motstånd från medarbetarna, vid förändringsledning? SLUTSATS & KUNSKAPSBIDRAG: Studien bidrar till litteraturen kring ledarskap och förändringsledning vid digital transformation genom att rikta fokus på mellanchefen inom offentlig sektor. Studien visar att mellanchefsrollen är mångsidig och komplex. Med hjälp av en organisationsstruktur som uppmuntrar till förändring och ett tydligt uppdrag kan mellanchefen hantera och balansera ett tryck från både externa och interna intressenter. Mellanchefens strukturella närhet till den operativa styrkan men även den strategiska ledningen leder till att den digitala transformationen kan förankras i och anpassas efter verksamheten. Mellanchefen kan i sin position arbeta för att involvera, motivera och engagera medarbetarna i förändringsarbetet vid digital transformation. NYCKELORD: Förändringsledning, mellanchef, digital transformation, ledarskap, offentlig sektor. / TITLE: The Change Agent within the Public Sector - A qualitative multiple case study of how the middle manager in the public sector conducts change management in digital transformation AUTHORS: Ebba Jonsson and Jennifer Lindén SUPERVISOR: Janet Johansson BACKGROUND: The society is going through a digital transformation. Citizens are increasingly digitalizing their everyday life and they require that the public sector is following the technological development. The digital transformation requires technical competencies, but studies show that leadership is crucial for a successful digital transformation. The middle manager situated between the strategic management and the operational level will have an important role in the change process. The digital transformation comes with major and rapid organizational changes. An interest awakens to examine the digital transformation in the context of the public sector, which according to previous literature is stable and inert. AIM & RESEARCH QUESTIONS: The aim of this study is to create deeper understanding of how the middle manager within the public sector conducts change management within digital transformation. - Based on Kotter’s model, how do the middle managers within the public sector create a solid ground for implementing a change? - How do the middle managers within the public sector handle hindering factors, such as resistance to change from the employees, when leading a change? CONCLUSION & CONTRIBUTION: The study contributes to the literature on leadership and change management in digital transformation by focusing on the middle manager in the public sector. The study shows that the middle manager role is complex and versatile. Having an organizational structure that encourages change together with a clear mission, the middle manager can handle and balance pressure and interests from both external and internal stakeholders. The middle manager's structural proximity to both the operational forces and the strategic management lead to that the change can be anchored in all parts of the organization and adapted to the operations. The middle manager can be a key player, working as a change agent, within the digital transformation. KEY WORDS: Change Management, Middle Manager, Digital Transformation, Leadership, Public Sector.
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Blockchain in the public sector : Applications for improving services in society / Blockkedja i Offentlig Sektor : Tillämpningsområden för ökad samhälssnyttaWingren, Johan, Wesén, Zacharias January 2021 (has links)
The adoption of Blockchain technology looks promising in many areas. However, it is still a relatively new area of research, and implementations are not entirely free of challenges. This study focuses on the potential benefits of blockchain adoption in the public sector, with the potential to enhance democratic processes. Blockchain technology is, by design, apt at managing several significant challenges regarding communication and security in digital networks. This includes maintaining data integrity, enhancing security and privacy, and to mitigate fraud and manipulation. Possible issues that might arise when applied to the public sector is regarding law and regulation compliance. To cover the current state of the field, an exploratory literature review has been conducted. Among the results are several interesting blockchain projects around the world with emphasis on civic dialogue. Studying possible network architectures it appears that Hyperledger Fabric is the most prominent when it comes to implementations in the public sector. Based on this study, and on input from experts within the field, a proposed model that could be implemented and tested on a smaller scale is presented. The purpose is to record and track expenditures on public sector projects and make them available to the public. / Antagandet av Blockchain-teknik ser lovande ut på många områden. Det är dock fortfarande ett relativt nytt forskningsområde, och implementeringar är inte helt fria från utmaningar. Denna studie fokuserar på de potentiella fördelarna med blockchain-tillämpningar i den offentliga sektorn, och dess potential att förbättra demokratiska processer. Blockchain-tekniken är designad för att hantera flera viktiga utmaningar när det gäller kommunikation och säkerhet i digitala nätverk. Detta inkluderar upprätthållande av dataintegritet, förbättrad säkerhet och integritet för att minska risken för bedrägerier och manipulation. Möjliga problem som kan uppstå när de tillämpas på den offentliga sektorn handlar om efterlevnad av lagar och förordningar. För att täcka fältets nuvarande tillstånd har en undersökande litteraturstudie genomförts. Bland resultaten finns flera intressanta blockchain-projekt runt om i världen med tonvikt på medborgardialog. När man studerar möjliga nätverksarkitekturer verkar det som att Hyperledger Fabric är den mest framträdande när det gäller implementeringar i den offentliga sektorn. Baserat på denna studie och på input från experter inom området presenteras en föreslagen modell som kan implementeras och testas i mindre skala. Syftet är att registrera och spåra utgifter för projekt inom den offentliga sektorn och göra dem tillgängliga för allmänheten.
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Hur styrs en region i syfte att uppnå hållbarhet? : En fallstudie av Region Värmland / How is a region governed in order to achive sustainability? : A case study of Region VärmlandKarlsson, Tobias, Andersson, Hanna January 2021 (has links)
Hållbarhet är ett begrepp som fått ökad betydelse i samhället på senare tid, då det finns krav på att aktörer ska ta sitt samhällsansvar. Därmed har intresset ökat för hur arbetet kring hållbarhet ska genomföras. Styrning, som innebär åtgärder som görs inom en organisation i syfte att uppnå målen, blir då ett viktigt verktyg i arbetet mot hållbarhet. Det förekommer begränsad forskning kring hållbarhet inom den offentliga sektor, vilket gör det intressant att studera en region, som är del av den offentliga sektorn Det förekommer viss forskning om styrning mot hållbarhet, men det finns en brist i att studera styrning och hållbarhet som ett gemensamt koncept och orsakerna till de utmaningarna som finns. Tidigare forskning visar därmed att det krävs ökad förståelse för styrning mot hållbarhet inom regioner. Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva hur en region arbetar med styrning mot hållbarhet, dessutom syftar studien till att få en djupare förståelse för vilka utmaningar som kan förekomma i styrningen mot en hållbar organisation. Studien utgörs av en fallstudie av Region Värmland, där datainsamlingen består av sex intervjuer med tjänstepersoner på Region Värmland samt granskning av sju dokument. Studien visar att Region Värmland använder en del olika styrmedel som innehar olika bidragande egenskaper. Däremot ses styrdokument och kommunikation som de centrala styrmedlen. Vidare finns det olika orsaker till att det förekommer utmaningar att integrera de tre hållbarhetsaspekterna. En del av orsakerna hänger samman, men det är svårt att enbart peka på en orsak som påverkar svårigheten att uppnå en integration mellan de tre aspekterna. / Sustainability is a concept that has become increasingly important in society recently, as there are requirements for actors to take their social responsibility. As a result, the work with sustainability has increased. Governance, which involves measures taken within an organization in order to achieve the goals, thus becomes an important tool in the works towards sustainability. There is limited research about sustainability in the public sector, which makes it an interesting field to study. There is some research on governance towards sustainability, but there is a lack of studies of governance and sustainability as a common concept and the reasons for the difficulties that exist. Previous research also shows that a better understanding of governance towards sustainability within regions is required. The purpose of this study is to describe how a region works with governance towards sustainability and to give an account of the challenges that may occur in the governance towards becoming a sustainability region. The study consists of a case study of Region Värmland, where the data collection consists of sex interviews with officials at Region Värmland and a review of seven documents. The study shows that Region Värmland uses a number of different regulatory documents, which have different contributing characteristics. On the other hand, the study shows that regulatory documents and communication are seen as central instruments. Furthermore, there are various reasons why there are challenges in integrating the three sustainability aspects. Some of the causes are interconnected, but it is difficult to choose only one cause that affects the difficulty of achieving an integration between the three aspects.
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Strategiskt tvetydig strategi i offentlig sektor… eller? : En fallstudie om uttolkningen av Infokom-strategin 2016–2022Edman, Joseph, Söderberg, Lisa January 2022 (has links)
Since 2016 the external communication of the Swedish international development cooperation agencys (Sida) has been governed by the ‘Strategi för informations- och kommunikationsverksamhet, inklusive genom organisationer i det civila samhället, 2016–2022’. Government investigations have shown that the strategy leaves room for divergent interpretation due to abstract formulations and ambiguous objectives. Several researchers have studied How ambiguous strategy is interpreted by organizational members. However, there are no studies that, beyond the scope of profession-related factors, examine Why the interpretationsappear in any given way. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to analyze the interpretation process of an ambiguous strategy, by examining how cognitive, social and structural factors affect how employees at the communication units of Sida and Sida Partnership Forum interpret, and (consequently) enact the 'Strategy for information and communication activities 2016-2022 '. Based on the idea of accumulative understanding, the thesis theoretical framework consisted of Eric Eisenberg's Strategic Ambiguity, Abdallah & Langley's dimensions of the strategy process, and Hall's encoding/decoding model for communication. We used a combination of strategy documents and semi-structured interviews to answer the research questions through an interpretive discourse analysis. Ascertained organizational discourses were linked back to the theories of Strategic ambiguity and encoding/decoding to draw conclusions from chosen theoretical perspective. We found that organizational socialization, governing signals and actors as well as formal structures for strategy planning caused divergent interpretations and perceptions of the InfoCom-strategy. We also found that how the employees interpreted the InfoCom strategy affects how it was enacted in their work. Since the strategy does not offer clear directives, the enactment seems to differ depending on the employee's position at Sida or SPF.
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Digital value creation within the public sector : A case study that reveals the relational and situated dimensions of digital transformationFrisk, Sebastian, Fransson, Andreas January 2022 (has links)
This thesis aims to answer the question of how digital technologies create new value pathways within a complex public sector organization. As the public sector faces new and varying challenges, we find it important to highlight how value is generated within a digitalizing organization faced with legal regulations, inertia, and a bureaucratic top-down management model. Also, how different recipients of the value generated with wildly different needs are affected. Performing a case study and conducting semi-structured interviews coupled with rigorous analysis of documents to answer the research question. We apply a digital transformation framework of Holmström (2021) as a lens for understanding how a unit within a larger organization generates novel value pathways. We found that the combinatory and boundary dissolving effect of change guided through a clear digital strategy within several dimensions of the framework is what generates the possibility for new value pathways. However, there is still a need for more longitudinal and reductionistic studies on the smaller details of the phenomena to define the most contributing variables of value creation by using digital technologies.
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KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS IN VIRTUAL TEAMS : A qualitative case study across multiple public sector entitiesQvarfordt, Oskar, Nicklas, Elvin January 2022 (has links)
In today's knowledge economy, intellectual capabilities are one of the most important resources for organizations. Attempts have therefore been made to consolidate knowledge and facilitate knowledge sharing within organizations. For this purpose, many organizations turn to knowledge management systems. This study aims to investigate the barriers and enablers that affect the use of knowledge management systems for virtual teams within the public sector. To investigate this, we have conducted a qualitative case study of one of the largest multi-entity projects ever conducted within the Swedish public sector, and their use of their knowledge management system “Muster”. Our findings suggest there are multiple barriers and enablers for knowledge management use. Furthermore, our findings reveal that most enablers are related to organizational factors whilst barriers consist of both organizational and system factors.The barriers are limited access, inadequate routines, and lack of informal meetings in virtual teams. The last one we found to be unique for virtual teams. The enablers are importance of knowledge, organizational attitude, and routines for knowledge capture and storage. This suggests that duality of routines is present and a factor in knowledge management system use.
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The Firm-Specific Determinants of Capital Structure in Public Sector and Private Sector Banks in IndiaGarach, Jatin Bijay 23 April 2020 (has links)
The banking industry in India has undergone many phases in its history; evolving from a regulated, decentralised system in the early 1800’s, to a regulated, centralised system during British rule, to a nationalised system following India’s independence, and finally a combination of a nationalised and private system adopting global standards as it currently stands. This study has two main aims. Firstly, it will assess the relationship between the firm-specific determinants of capital structure, based on the prevailing literature, and the capital structure of public and private sector banks in India. Secondly, it will determine whether there is a difference in the firm-specific factors that contribute to the determination of the capital structure of public sector banks and private sector banks. This study adopts quantitative methods, similar to previous studies on the relationship between capital structure and its firm-specific determinants. The dependent variable, being total leverage, is regressed against multiple independent variables, being profitability, growth, firm size and credit risk (hereinafter referred to as “risk” unless otherwise indicated) in a multivariate linear regression model. This study adds to the current literature by applying the same firm-specific independent variables to the case of private and public sector banks and then to evaluate and compare the similarities and differences between the regression outputs. The results show that for private sector banks, all independent variables are statistically significant in explaining total leverage, where all the independent variables conform to the current literature on capital structure – profitability (-), firm size (-), growth (+) and credit risk (-). Conversely, for public sector banks, all independent variables were considered to be statistically significant, except for credit risk – profitability (-), firm size (+) and growth (+). These results imply that credit risk is not an important determination in a nationalised banks’ capital structure; thus, providing evidence for the moral hazard theory of public sector banks.
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Public Sector Employees' Experiences Executing Strategic Management in a Political EnvironmentFranklin, Aarion Lynn 01 January 2019 (has links)
Public sector organizations have practiced strategic management for more than 30 years. Strategic management in the public sector is subjected to political influence, as resources and major decisions are typically managed by elected and appointed officials. The purpose of this descriptive phenomenological study was to identify and report the lived experiences of public sector employees who have been subjected to political influence while engaged in the strategic management of their organizations in the State of Maryland. The study's conceptual framework was based on stakeholder theory and economic theory of the firm. A purposeful sample of 15 Maryland State Government employees shared their experiences through semi structured in-person interviews. Data were collected and transcribed using the Rev.com mobile application and was loaded into Dedoose software for analysis. Giorgi's descriptive phenomenological method was employed for data analysis. The findings revealed the lived experiences of the participants with results in 5 thematic areas: leadership tenue, managing for results, strategic management resources, influence, and political skills. The findings further revealed that legislation that required strategic planning and performance management in Maryland's government has influenced its public sector employees to think strategically. Application of the findings of this study through positive political influences may align careerist actions as they prepare for the future needs of their organizations.
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