Spelling suggestions: "subject:"4digital 5strategy"" "subject:"4digital bstrategy""
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Actividades de Inbound Marketing y valor de marca de cervezas tradicionales del segmento masculino del NSE C que residen en la zona 8 de Lima, año 2019 / Activities of Inbound Marketing and trademark value of traditional beers of the male segment of the economic social level C residing in zone 8 of Lima, year 2019Lázaro Abarca, Hugo Enrique 04 July 2019 (has links)
El mercado de bebidas alcohólicas en el Perú es peculiar debido a las preferencias de los consumidores, en este sentido la cerveza cobra gran protagonismo, debido a su arraigo con el consumidor peruano. Así mismo, las actividades de marketing digital se han incrementado exponencialmente en el rubro en mención, por lo que es determinante para la presente investigación analizar ambos factores de cara a la escena actual del mercado de cervecería tradicional y la digitalización de los consumidores. Por lo antes expuesto, el objetivo del presente estudio es investigar como las actividades de Inbound Marketing guardan relación con el valor de marca de las cervezas tradicionales del segmento masculino del NSE C que residen en la zona 8 de Lima metropolitana. Para ello se diseñó una investigación cualitativa con la aplicación de instrumentos como focus group y entrevistas a especialistas, así mismo una investigación cuantitativa a una muestra de 385 personas a las cuales se le aplicó una encuesta. En este sentido, se consulta y contrasta con principales autores de investigaciones respecto a la metodología del Inbound Marketing y valor de marca, para que permita corroborar los resultados de la presente investigación.
Finalmente, se obtuvo que las variables descritas si guardan relación entre sí, pues las actividades de atracción e interacción, propias del Inbound Marketing, incrementan positivamente el valor de marca, dado a sus esfuerzos en la comunicación empática y bidireccional. / The market of alcoholic beverages in Peru is peculiar due to the preferences of the consumers, in this sense the beer takes great prominence, due to its roots with the Peruvian consumer. Likewise, digital marketing activities have increased exponentially in the area in question, so it is crucial for the present investigation to analyze both factors facing the current scene of the traditional brewing market and the digitalization of consumers. For the foregoing, the objective of this study is to investigate how the activities of Inbound Marketing are related to the brand value of the traditional beers of the male segment of the NSE C that reside in zone 8 of metropolitan Lima. To this end, qualitative research was designed with the application of instruments such as focus group and interviews with specialists, as well as a quantitative investigation of a sample of 385 people to whom a survey was applied. In this sense, it is consulted and contrasted with leading research authors regarding the methodology of Inbound Marketing and brand value, in order to corroborate the results of this research.
Finally, it was obtained that the variables described are related to each other, since the activities of attraction and interaction, typical of Inbound Marketing, positively increase brand value, given their efforts in empathic and bidirectional communication. / Trabajo de investigación
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Corporate strategy in digital- and social mediaJarhult, William, Köhler, Tobias January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate how companies have linked their corporatestrategy with their digital- and social media strategy. The authors believed that these strategieshad to be connected somehow and wanted to research it further.Qualitative research methodology was utilized in this study. The research data consisted oftwo semi-structured interviews with one employee at Hestra Gloves and one at Kronfönster.The interviews were made after the same protocol in form of questions and documentation.The result of the interviews revealed that both Hestra Gloves and Kronfönster had overallbusiness core values which were reflected in their strategies. Hestra Gloves had a generalbusiness idea which was used as a corporate strategy, they also had a social media strategyand they had working guidelines for their digital channels. Kronfönster followed their corevalues which permeate the whole organization and they had guidelines for both corporatelevel, digital level and social media level.The findings show that the companies which were investigated have linked their corporatestrategy with their digital strategy in a medium way. The findings also show that theinvestigated companies have linked their corporate strategy with their social media strategy ina medium way. The authors conclude that some strategy components are linked in a strongway and that some components are linked in a weak way.
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The Study of Generic and Digital Transformation Strategies for Property Insurance Agency ¢w using Ho-An as an ExampleLiao, Hsune-Chun 04 February 2002 (has links)
s e-Commerce era has been brought into being, the call of ¡§disintermediation¡¨ comes to vogue, yielding overwhelming impact, in particular upon services provided by insurance brokers, agents and such ¡§production¡¨, ¡§transmission¡¨ oriented digital products. As insurance products and rates get liberalized after Taiwan became a WTO member, the insurance ¡§intermediates¡¨ must reconsider and innovate their business management strategies amidst harsh challenges of ¡§direct marketing¡¨ from insurance companies, ¡§integral and cross selling¡¨ and ¡§online website insurance¡¨ from financial holding houses. Only through such efforts can they cope with internal and external attacks, gain the room to survive and further develop ahead.
The present study takes ¡§single research object¡¨¡XHo-An Insurance Agency to look into a variety of transforming strategies when a car dealer invests in large-scale ¡§property insurance agency¡¨. We have conducted the study and assessment by means of ¡§literature reorganization¡¨, ¡§interview¡¨, ¡§traditional strategic analysis theories, tools¡¨, ¡§digital traditional strategic analysis theories, tools¡¨ and ¡§market survey¡¨. With the results yielded out of the study, we first come to Ho-An¡¦s ¡§Generic Strategies¡¨ and ¡§Digital Strategies¡¨ and such orientations to come to the ¡§vision¡¨ of ¡§becoming the agent of agents¡¨. In line with the ¡§vision¡¨, we further three phases of Ho-An¡¦s ¡§integral transformation strategies¡¨ as ¡§virtual integration of insurance companies¡¨, ¡§establishment of transaction alliance¡¨ and ¡§development of multifaceted marketing channels¡¨.
The business mode in counterpart with ¡§integral transformation strategies¡¨ is in two categories: ¡§Virtual insurance company alliance transaction center¡¨ and ¡§multifaceted marketing channels¡¨. In turn, we generalize the e-Business Model as: Establish ¡§vertical B To B integration, continual reinforcement of up- and down-stream integration¡¨; ¡§B To C: Look into policyholder-related information¡¨ as well as ¡§Horizontal B To B: Expanding industrial integration force¡¨, inclined to buyer-oriented e-Marketplaces.
The very key to Ho-An¡¦s transforming strategies is to broaden the horizon of sales power from the ¡§car dealer¡¦s insurance division¡¨ gradually into ¡§reintermediation¡¨ transforming strategies. In substantial and virtual integration, we will combine the up- and down-stream firms into a whole to become intermediates with integral insurance service functions, positioning themselves with initial marketing powers to bring up added values to clients.
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Analýza digitální strategie společnosti Geox S.p.A na německém trhu a návrhy na její zdokonalení / Digital Strategy Analysis of Geox S.p.A on German Market and Recommendations Regarding its ImprovementPejchal, Lubomír January 2015 (has links)
Pochopení digitální transformace společností v segmentu Business-to-Customer, to je hlavní smysl teoretické části této práce. Konkrétně, jak je touto transformací ovlivněno vytváření business modelu a digitální strategie společností v retailovém odvětví. Avšak hlavním účelem práce je ukázat tuto transformaci na příkladu obuvní a oděvnické společnosti Geox S.p.A, konkrétně její dceřiné společnosti Geox Deutschland Gbmh (dále jen Geox). Největší důraz je kladen na dvě oblasti digitální transformace. Prvně, jak mohou být využity on-line kanály a technologie obecně spojené s digitalizací ke zvýšení příjmů. Druhou oblastí je zkoumání příležitosti v oblasti sběru dat pomocí digitákních technologii a využití těchto dat s cílem zvýšit úroveň nákupních zkušenosti zákazníků této společnosti. Vyhodnocení úrovně digitalizace německého trhu je založeno na analýze kvalitativních dat, schromážděných ze sekundárních zdrojů. Tato metoda se ukázala být jako velmi efektivní v poskytnutí detailního pohledu do této oblasti. V rámci investigace vlastní digitálni strategie společnosti Geox byly opět většinou použity sekundární data; jen v několika oblastech kde to bylo realistické byly vyhodnoceny primární data. Výsledky analýz odhalily že společnost Geox dala do své digitální transformace poměrně mnoho usílí, primárně v oblastech sjednocování online a offline kanálů, marketingu na sociálních sítí, vývoji content managementu a růstu povědomí o značce Geox díky několika interaktivním kampaním. Nicméně, analýza odhalila i nadmíru slabin v digitální strategii společnosti Geox. Konkrétně nedostačující mobilní strategie, chybějící digitální technologie v kamenných obchodech, nevyhovující spolupráce mezi vedením Geox a lokálními prodejci v tvorbě marketingových kampaní, chabě personalizované webové stránky a nefungující zasílání nabídek na míru konkrétním zákazníkům. Obecně tedy může být konstatováno, že navzdory věnovanému úsilí do digitální transformace se společnosti Geox v některých oblastech nedaří přizpůsobit moderním trendům. Pročež je v závěrečné části práce identifikováno několik doporučení pro společnost Geox, za účelem eliminace slabin zmíněných výše a udržení konkurenceschopnosti do budoucna.
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Digitaliseringens inverkan på byggsektorn : En empirisk undersökning av användarupplevelser och värdeskapande genom implementering av en digitalstrategi / The Impact of Digitalization on the Construction Sector : An Empirical Study of User Experiences and Value Creation through the Implementation of a Digital StrategyAbdi, Abdirahman, Ali, Sara January 2023 (has links)
Sammanfattning Denna studie undersöker användarnas upplevelser av en digital strategi och vilka värden somanvändarna upplever skapas av en digital strategi vid ett internationellt entreprenadföretag iSverige. Dessutom undersöker studien hur en digital strategi bidrar till hållbart byggande. För att samla data användes semi-strukturerade intervjuer som den primäraforskningsmetoden. Medarbetare inom produktionsfasen på företaget Skanska valdes ut för atterhålla kunskap och insikter om deras digitala strategi. Detta för att få en förståelse avanvändarnas upplevelse av att använda de digitala verktygen och de värden de ser attverktygen skapar. Valet av semi-strukturerade intervjuer gjordes för att möjliggöra flexibilitetatt ställa följdfrågor och uppnå en djupare förståelse för specifika aspekter. Resultaten av studien visade att en digital strategi vid ett internationellt entreprenadföretag kanutifrån användarnas upplevelser bidra till betydande mervärde genom att minska kostnader,öka effektivitet och förbättra kvalitet. För att maximera värdet av digitala verktyg är det avstor vikt att involvera medarbetarna, erbjuda adekvat stöd och utbildning samt skapaanvändarvänliga verktyg. Dessutom kan en digital strategi främja hållbart byggande utifrånrespondenternas upplevelser genom att integrera miljöaspekter i digitala verktyg och program.För att jobba mer mot ett hållbart byggande så bör en tydlig sammanbindning skapas mellanmiljö och digitala verktyg samt främja effektiv hantering av resurser och användning avförnybar energi. På detta sätt kan digitalisering bidra till att göra produktionen energieffektivoch nå nettonollutsläpp. / Abstract This study examines users' experiences of a digital strategy and the values that users perceiveto be created by a digital strategy at an international construction company in Sweden. Additionally, the study investigates how a digital strategy contributes to sustainableconstruction. Semi-structured interviews were used as the primary research method to gather data. Employees involved in the production phase at Skanska, the selected company, were chosen toobtain knowledge and insights about their digital strategy. This was done to gain anunderstanding of users' experiences in using the digital tools and the values they see the toolscreating. The choice of semi-structured interviews was made to allow flexibility in askingfollow-up questions and to achieve a deeper understanding of specific aspects. The results of the study showed that a digital strategy at an international construction companycan, based on users' experiences, contribute significant added value by reducing costs,increasing efficiency, and improving quality. To maximize the value of digital tools, it iscrucial to involve employees, provide adequate support and training, and create userfriendlytools. Furthermore, according to the respondents' experiences, a digital strategy can promotesustainable construction by integrating environmental aspects into digital tools and programs. To further advance sustainable construction, a clear connection should be established betweenthe environment and digital tools, while promoting efficient resource management and the useof renewable energy. In this way, digitalization can contribute to making production energyefficientand achieving net-zero emissions.
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Digital Engagement As A Mechanism For Digital Transformation: An Exploratory Study Of The Performing ArtsFord, Vincent B January 2019 (has links)
From changing consumer relationships to demands for new experiences, performing arts institutions are under increasing pressure to embrace digital transformation. Technology is altering how audiences engage with the arts. Preferences and consumption habits are rapidly evolving. Strategies to sustain existing formats, customers, and revenue models are unlikely to succeed. Cultural institutions in general and performing arts such as orchestras, ballets, and operas are rapidly adopting technology – with millions of social media followers, streaming services, and online ticketing. Yet, these initiatives are fragmented, hard to assess, and there is very little known on how to digitally transform performing arts institutions overall. This research asks: What are the mechanisms driving digital innovation in performing arts institutions, and specifically in orchestras? The research approach includes three qualitative studies, which use a semi-structured questionnaire with fifty performing arts organizations. Study 1 explores the overall practice of digital innovation in the performing arts. Study 2 more specifically examines the role of engagement as a mechanism to understand digital transformation in the performing arts in general, and orchestras in particular. Study 3 maps the mechanisms of digital engagement to uncover digital transformation in the performing arts and defines engagement. This research makes several contributions to theory and practice by identifying the performing arts as an important area for applying digital transformation. A research framework was developed through synthesis of performing arts, innovation, business model, and engagement literature. Engagement was defined and identified as an important construct for digital transformation. The components, development, instantiation, and impact of engagement were elaborated in a set of propositions that summarize the role of digital transformation in the performing arts. Finally, the research provides recommendations and action items for arts administrators. / Business Administration/Management Information Systems
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Digital Capabilities of Internet based Consultancy StartupsLal Das, Jinto January 2018 (has links)
Advanced information and communication technologies, social media, Internet, etc. have tremendously impact on flourishing Internet based Startup around the world. Although some Internet Startups e.g. Facebook, Google, Uber, Airbnb, and Amazon are very successful, but most of the startups fail in their early stage of journey. Previous research findings show that inadequate funding, fierce competition, lack of appropriate strategies and business model, etc. are main reasons for failure of startup firms. Researchers suggest that adequate fund and proper digital business strategies can significantly support these Startups to survive and grow. Digital technologies, which include hardware, software, applications, and interactive communication technologies can significantly enhance and increase capabilities of startups through creating values and competitive advantages. Although, now days digital capabilities in large organization is getting more importance to many researchers, however a few researchers are focusing on investigating the impact of digital capabilities of Internet based startups. The study is conducted to examine how digital technologies create values for Internet based Startups Consultancy. Besides, the study investigates the digital capabilities of and how digital technologies enhance and increase the capability of Internet based Startups Consultancy firms. Five Internet based startup consultancy firms have been investigated. Case based qualitative research methodology has been followed. As research method semi-structured and informal interviews, and observation with the companies have been conducted. The study finds that Internet based digital technologies profoundly facilitate startup companies. From businesss creation to service delivery, digital technologies have enormously increase digital capabilities of internet startup firms. In addition to academic researchers, the outcome of the research will be particularly important for existing startups firms and future entrepreneurs who has plan to establish new startup.
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Digital value creation within the public sector : A case study that reveals the relational and situated dimensions of digital transformationFrisk, Sebastian, Fransson, Andreas January 2022 (has links)
This thesis aims to answer the question of how digital technologies create new value pathways within a complex public sector organization. As the public sector faces new and varying challenges, we find it important to highlight how value is generated within a digitalizing organization faced with legal regulations, inertia, and a bureaucratic top-down management model. Also, how different recipients of the value generated with wildly different needs are affected. Performing a case study and conducting semi-structured interviews coupled with rigorous analysis of documents to answer the research question. We apply a digital transformation framework of Holmström (2021) as a lens for understanding how a unit within a larger organization generates novel value pathways. We found that the combinatory and boundary dissolving effect of change guided through a clear digital strategy within several dimensions of the framework is what generates the possibility for new value pathways. However, there is still a need for more longitudinal and reductionistic studies on the smaller details of the phenomena to define the most contributing variables of value creation by using digital technologies.
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Digital strategi för konkurrenskraft och värdeskapande : Ur två fastighetsbolags perspektiv / Digital strategy for competitiveness and value creation : From the perspective of two real estate companiesMogren, Lina, Pirzada, Gabriella January 2020 (has links)
Bygg- och fastighetsbranschen har en stor påverkan över samhället, såväl ekonomiskt, miljömässigt och socialt. Dock kännetecknas branschen av att vara ineffektiv, konservativ och ligga steget efter i den digitala utvecklingen. Studier har visat att fastighetsbolag utgör en viktig nyckelaktör för att driva branschens digitala utveckling framåt. Det har även lyfts fram att fastighetsbolags strategiarbete är av stor betydelse för att kunna möjliggöra denna utveckling. Att arbeta med strategier beskrivs som direkt avgörande för att företag ska kunna överleva och vara konkurrenskraftiga på marknaden. Strategier beskrivs finnas på tre olika organisatoriska nivåer, vilket är koncern-, affärs- och funktionsstrategi. Det framgår att det finns stora vinningar av att strategier, mellan de organisatoriska nivåerna, är sammankopplade. Detta för att enklare kunna samordna strategiarbetet och därmed kunna arbeta mot samma processer och mål. En strategi som berör användandet av digital teknik är funktionsstrategin IT-strategi. När den är sammankopplad med affärsstrategin skapas en digital strategi. Digital strategi, kan med andra ord beskrivas av att digital teknik är integrerad med verksamheten. Digital strategi lyfts fram som en viktig drivkraft för att driva den digitala utvecklingen framåt. Följande examensarbete syftar därmed till att undersöka hur en digital strategi kan underbygga konkurrenskraft och värdeskapande, genom att undersöka hur fastighetsbolags affärsstrategi och IT-strategi är sammankopplade. Studien undersöker även fastighetsbolags övergripande arbete för att utvecklas digitalt. Studien baseras på en kvalitativ metod, där data erhållits från semi-strukturerade intervjuer från två fastighetsbolag. Bolagen benämns Fastighetsbolag A och Fastighetsbolag B. Båda bolagen riktar primärt in sig på kommersiella fastigheter, med ett långsiktigt ägande. Respondenterna utgörs av enhetschefer, projektchefer, projektledare och digitaliseringssakkunniga. Studiens resultat tyder på att det råder en högre medvetenhet kring fastighetsbolagens affärsstrategi, i jämförelse med strategier kring digitalt arbete. Vad gäller kopplingen mellan användandet av digital teknik och affärsverksamheten framgår det att det finns goda förutsättningar, men att dessa inte är tydligt uttalade och medvetna inom bolagen, vilket leder till att de tillsynes upplevs obefintliga. De slutsatser som kan dras från studien är att arbete med strategier ses som oerhört komplext, därav ställs höga krav på struktur i arbetet. För att digital teknik ska integreras i affärsverksamheten, framgår det i studien, att allt i slutändan handlar om att kunna påvisa en direkt nytta. I dagsläget underbygger den digitala strategin inte konkurrenskraft och värdeskapande i den mån den skulle kunna göra hos fastighetsbolagen, då det inte har kunnat påvisa en direkt nytta. Dock kan det ifrågasättas vems nytta som driver fastighetsbolagens digitala utveckling. Är det kunden som ska efterfråga en nytta? Eller är det bolagen som ska erbjuda kunden något som skapar nytta, innan kunden själv har efterfrågat det? Detta kan ses som en komplex paradox, som kan vara en förklaring till att fastighetsbolagens digitala utveckling bromsas. / The construction and real estate industry has a major impact on society; financially, environmentally as well as socially. However, the industry is characterized by being inefficient, conservative and lagging behind in digital development. Studies have shown that real estate companies are an important key player in driving the industry's digital development forward. It has also been emphasized that real estate companies' strategy work is of great importance to enable this development. Working strategically is described as a crucial factor in enabling companies to survive and be competitive in the market. Strategies are described at three different organizational levels, which are at corporate group, a business or an operational level. Research has shown that great benefits can be seen upon interconnecting the strategies between the different organizational levels. This makes it easier to coordinate strategic work and thus eases working towards the same processes and goals. One strategy that concerns the use of digital technology is the functional strategy IT strategy. When it is linked to the business strategy, a digital strategy is created. Digital strategy, in other words, can be described by the fact that digital technology is integrated with business activities. A digital strategy is highlighted as an important driver for driving digital development forward. The following thesis work aims to investigate how a digital strategy can substantiate competitiveness and value creation by examining how real estate companies' business strategy and IT strategy are aligned. The study also investigates the overall work of real estate companies to develop digitally. The study is based on a qualitative method, where data was obtained from semi-structured interviews from two real estate companies. The companies are referred to as Real Estate Company A and Real Estate Company B. Both companies are primarily focused on commercial properties, with long-term ownership. The respondents from the interviews are head of operations, project managers, assistant project managers and digitization experts. The study's results indicate that there is a higher awareness of the real estate companies' business strategy, as compared to strategies of digital work. Regarding the connection between the use of digital technology and the business activities, it is clear that the preexisting conditions are good, but not clearly stated and conscious within the companies, which makes them perceived as non-existent. The conclusions drawn from the study are that strategical work is seen as extremely complex, hence high demands are placed on the structure of the work. For digital technology to be integrated into business activities, the study shows that everything is ultimately about being able to demonstrate a direct benefit. At present, the digital strategy does not support competitiveness and value creation within real estate companies to the extent that it has the ability to, as it has not been able to demonstrate a direct benefit. However, it can be questioned whose benefit drives the real estate companies' digital development. Is it the customer who demands a benefit? Or is it the companies that needs to offer the customer something that creates benefits, before the customer has demanded it himself? This can be seen as a complex paradox, which may be an explanation for the real estate companies' digital development being slowed down.
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Guidelines to align digital strategy with business strategy in a manufacturing SMEThomas, Marin Elizabeth January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to provide guidelines on how to align the business strategy and digital strategy in small and medium manufacturing enterprises. The research design includes a systematic-narrative literature review in which the data was collected through systematic and narrative examination followed by a qualitative analysis to identify themes and patterns. The data was then synthesised to present the results. To get the two strategies aligned, ten key processes, referred to in the study as direct-action points, have been identified. Few supporting points are presented in addition to the primary ones because they do not directly contribute to the alignment. An assessment of the company, businessperformance and value chain; the selection of appropriate solutions; the creation of a project proposal; the division of projects into modules; the setting of short-, medium-, and long-term goals; the choice of the degree of centralisation of the changes; the creation of a diverse team; the trackingand measuring of progress; the implementation of change management mechanisms, and management support are the processes that are involved. These aid in identifying and implementing the modifications the business needs to make, which may be related to a variety of things, including but not limited to customers, marketing, suppliers, logistics, and production. As validation of the study was outside the purview of this thesis, to externally validate this study, future work would involve interviewing executives of small and medium manufacturing enterprises. Prior research has noted the significance of business and digital strategy alignment, but it has not been explored how small and medium manufacturing firms might achieve this. This study tries to close this gap and could contribute to the possible growth of SMEs. Due to the fact that SMEs employ millions of people, their expansion promotes social and economic sustainability and boosts countries’ productivity. / <p>Problem Owner: Mattias Strand</p>
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