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Att styra implementeringen av cirkulär ekonomi : En flerfallsstudie på Umeå kommun och Region Västerbotten / Steering implementation of the circular economy : A multi-case study on Umeå municipality and Region VästerbottenHelmersson, Erik, Sjösten, Adam January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Denna uppsats undersöker implementeringen av cirkulär ekonomi i offentlig sektor med fokus på Umeå kommun och Region Västerbotten. Cirkulär ekonomi syftar till att omvandla synen på konsumtion och resursanvändning i strävan efter att främja hållbar utveckling. Trots ökat intresse för cirkulär ekonomi finns det en brist på forskning om hur detta implementeras i praktiken, särskilt gällande verksamhetsstyrning. Denna studie syftar till att fylla kunskapsluckor genom att undersöka verksamhetsstyrningens roll vid implementering av cirkulär ekonomi i offentlig sektor och därmed bidra både teoretiskt och praktiskt. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att skapa förståelse kring hur Umeå kommun och Region Västerbotten arbetar med implementering av cirkulär ekonomi, samt hur verksamhetsstyrningen genomsyrar detta arbete. Metod: Denna studie är en kvalitativ flerfallsstudie med deduktiva inslag. Den empiriska insamlingen har innefattat semistrukturerade intervjuer genom snöbollsurval och data från styrdokument. Slutsats: Studiens resultat är att Umeå kommun och Region Västerbotten strävar efter att implementera cirkulär ekonomi. Verksamhetsstyrningen genomsyrar aspekter som ökad medvetenhet om cirkulär ekonomi, samarbete och kunskapsutbyte med andra organisationer och länder, proaktivt tillvägagångssätt, intern kommunikation och tydliga målsättningar. Gemensamt inkluderas även behovet av en gemensam definition av cirkulärt arbete för att undvika förvirring och osäkerhet. Tydliggörande och kommunikation underlättar implementeringen och skapar en starkare grund för framtida initiativ. / Background: This paper examines the implementation of circular economy in the public sector with a focus on Umeå municipality and Region Västerbotten. Circular economy aims to transform the view of consumption and resource use in the pursuit of promoting sustainable development. Despite increased interest in the circular economy, there is a lack of research on how this is implemented in practice, especially regarding management control. This study aims to fill knowledge gaps by examining the role of governance in the implementation of circular economy in the public sector, thus contributing both theoretically and practically. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to create an understanding of how Umeå municipality and Region Västerbotten work with the implementation of circular economy, as well as how management control permeates this work. Method: This study is a qualitative multi-case study with deductive elements. The empirical collection has included semi-structured interviews through snowball sampling and data from policy documents. The literature review consists of scientific articles and literature. Conclusion: The results of the study are that Umeå municipality and Region Västerbotten strive to implement a circular economy. The management control permeates aspects such as increased awareness of the circular economy, cooperation and knowledge exchange with other organizations and countries, proactive approach, internal communication and clear objectives. They also include the need of a common definition of circular work to avoid confusion and uncertainty. Clarification and communication will facilitate implementation and create a stronger basis for future initiatives.
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Styrning av cyberrisker i svensk offentlig sektor : En kvalitativ intervju och dokumentstudie om hur svenska offentliga organisationer styr avseende cyberrisker / Governance of cyberrisk in the swedish public sector : A qualitative interview and document study on how Swedish public organizations govern cyber risksGiordano, Simon, Forsman, Frej January 2024 (has links)
Background: Cyberattacks have significantly increased recently amongst Swedish public sector organizations, heightening the need for robust governance of cyber risks. Cyber risks are particularly complex and dynamic, requiring strong leadership support and strategic planning. Previously, cyber risks have often been addressed from an IT perspective, whereas this study approaches them from a governance perspective. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to map and increase the knowledge about how authorities and regions govern cyber risks. The aim is to contribute with a practical conceptual model that is useful and to theoretically complement the literature on ERM. Methodology: The study was conducted using a qualitative approach. The empirical data was collected through a combination of document analysis and semi-structured interviews. Respondents were selected due to their high competence in cyber risks or governance. The theoretical material was gathered from previous research in articles and books related to the governance of cyber risks. Conclusion: Public organizations govern cyber risks through laws, policies, and internal models, but there are no unified requirements or frameworks. The ones used need to be adapted to each organization's specific needs. The study's conceptual model for cyber risk governance is proposed to be circular and continuously adaptable, focusing on strategy, identification, evaluation, prioritization. Culture and communication are central governance elements, with revision and follow-up emphasized as critical steps. Collaboration between public organizations for joint data storage is recommended to facilitate risk management. The risk-reducing measures are expressed differently in relation to the governing tools. / Bakgrund: Antalet cyberattacker har ökat den senaste tiden inom svensk offentlig sektor, vilket har gjort att behovet av effektiv styrning av cyberrisker ökat. Cyberrisker är särskilt komplexa och dynamiska, vilket kräver starkt ledningsstöd och strategisk planering. Tidigare har cyberrisker ofta behandlats utifrån ett IT-perspektiv medan denna studie behandlar problematiken ur ett styrande perspektiv. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att genom kartläggning öka kunskapen om myndigheter och regioners styrning av cyberrisker. Syftet har varit att bidra med en praktisk konceptuell modell som är användbar och att bidra teoretiskt genom att komplettera litteraturen kring ERM. Metod: Studien har genomförts genom ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt. Empirin har samlats in genom en kombination av dokumentanalys samt semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Respondenterna har valts ut på grund av deras höga kompetens inom cyberrisker, alternativt styrning. Det teoretiska materialet har samlats in genom tidigare forskning från artiklar och annan litteratur som berört styrning av cyberrisker. Slutsats: Offentliga organisationer styr cyberrisker genom lagar, policys och interna modeller, men det finns inga enhetliga krav eller ramverk. De som används kräver anpassning till varje organisations specifika behov. Studiens konceptuella modell för styrning av cyberrisker föreslås vara cirkulär och ständigt anpassningsbar, med fokus på strategi, identifiering, utvärdering, prioritering. Kultur och kommunikation är centrala styrelement, revidering samt uppföljning framhålls som kritiska steg. Ett samarbete mellan offentliga organisationer för gemensam datalagring rekommenderas för att underlätta riskreduceringen. Riskreducerande åtgärderna ter sig tämligen olika, satta i relation till de styrande verktygen.
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En studie om mellanchefers administrativa verklighet i den offentliga sektorn / A study on the administrative reality of middle managers in public sectorEliasson, Rasmus, Åhsberg, Henrie January 2024 (has links)
Sammanfattning: Senaste årtionden har implementeringen av new public management (NPM) inom offentliga sektorn medfört en ökning av administration för organisationerna, det har påverkat samtliga medarbetare men främst cheferna. Studien syftar till att undersöka hur mellanchefer som präglas av new public management inom offentliga sektorn upplever de administrativa kraven och stressen. Den eventuella stress mellanchefer upplever kan spåras till fler nya krav och förändringar som NPM medfört.Kraven samt förändringarna är bland annat den dokumentation och rapportering NPM medför för att uppfylla målstyrning och granskningskrav. Ekonomistyrning och kvalitetsmätningar är fler aspekter NPM infört i den offentliga sektorn för mellanchefer, vilket bidrar med en ökning av administrativa arbetsuppgifter och i sin tur kan öka stressnivån hos mellanchefer. Genom kopplingar från tidigare forskning och teorier undersöks det hur mellanchefer upplever administrativa kraven. Hur det påverkar deras arbetssituation samt upplevelsen angående kontroll och stöd för sitt administrativa arbete. Vi har använt oss av kvalitativ forskning genom en kombination av personliga intervjuer och self reports via frågor av en öppen karaktär för att fånga upplevelsen från respondenterna. Studien resulterade i nio mellanchefer från flertal offentliga organisationer som präglas av NPM. Administrativa kraven har ökat för mellanchefer och där synliggörs en förskjutning från traditionellt ledarskap till mer administrativa arbetsuppgifter. Kontroll över administrativa arbetet är en viktig faktor och för att bibehålla kontrollen krävs prioriteringar, vilket främst är svårt från externa aktörer såsom myndigheter. Kollegiala stödet lyfts fram som en viktig faktor för mellanchefernas kontroll samt trivseln på arbetsplatsen. / Summary: In recent decades the implementation of new public management (NPM) within the public sector has led to an increase in administration for organizations, affecting all employees but primarily the managers. This study aims to investigate how middle managers, influenced by new public management within the public sector, perceive administrative demands and stress. The potential stress experienced by middle managers can be traced to the new requirements and changes brought about by NPM. These demands and changes include the documentation and reporting required by NPM to meet goal management and scrutiny requirements. Financial management and quality measurements are additional aspects NPM has introduced in the public sector for middle managers, contributing to an increase in administrative tasks and potentially raising the stress levels among middle managers. By connecting previous research and theories, the study examines how middle managers perceive the administrative demands, how it affects their work situation and their experienceregarding control and support för their administrative work. We employed qualitative research through a combination of personal interviews and self reports using open-ended questions to capture the respondents’ experiences. The study included nine middle managers from several public organizations influenced by NPM. Administrative demands have increased for middle managers, revealing a shift from traditional leadership to more administrative tasks. Control over administrative work is a crucial factor, and maintaining control requires prioritization which is particularly challenging with external factors such as authorities. Collegial support is emphasized as a key factor for middle managers control and job satisfaction.
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An evaluation of good governance and service delivery at Sub-national level in Namibia : the case of the Oshana regionHelao, Tuhafeni 02 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate and examine governance structures and practices
and service delivery to provide comprehensive understanding of governance and service
delivery situation at sub-national levels in Namibia. Public service agencies are presumed to
lack good governance practices which adversely affect service delivery. It was argued that
good governance practices improve public service performance and ultimately enhances
service delivery. Furthermore, the study noted that the delivery of basic services such as
potable water, health, education, electricity and proper road communication can augment the
living standard of the people. Various public service reforms undertaken by the Government
of Republic of Namibia since independence in 1990 explain government’s resolve to good
governance and improved service delivery. Consequently, workable relationship between
government and citizens is needed to realise national development plans and Vision 2030.
The study used the Oshana Region case study in order to determine whether governance
practices have bearing on service delivery at sub-national levels in Namibia. Qualitative
research approach was utilised and qualitative data were collected in addition to rigorous
literature review and analysis. Scientifically, gathered information suggested that good
governance practices are certainly fundamental to service delivery and subsequently improve people’s living standard particularly those residing in rural areas. The study found that the Namibian government exercised good governance practices and provided basic services to citizens. Nonetheless, inappropriate governance practices by some public institutions delay service delivery.
The study concluded that while poor governance and ineffective service delivery are
considerable challenges faced by public service, they are not insurmountable. The thesis
acknowledged a significant progress made by creating governance structures at sub-national levels to provide and accelerate the delivery of essential services to citizens in Namibia. Notwithstanding the above, more still need to be done to improve the socio-economic welfare of Namibian people. Therefore, the research recommended that the Government of Republic of Namibia ought to provide sufficient resources and promote public participation to address the needs and aspirations of the citizens particularly the previously marginalised people in rural areas. Moreover, sub-national governance structures should be strengthened and essential government functions and services be devolved. / Public Administration and Management / D. (Public Administration)
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An Empirical Assessment of Employee Cyberslacking in the Public SectorHernández, Wilnelia 01 January 2016 (has links)
With the increasing use of the Internet, new challenges are presented to employees in the workplace. Employees spend time during work hours on non-work related activities including visiting e-commerce Websites, managing personal email accounts, and engaging in e-banking. These types of actions in the workplace are known as cyberslacking. Cyberslacking affects the employees’ productivity, presents legal concerns, and undermines the security of the organization’s network. This research study addressed the problem of cyberslacking in the public sector, by assessing the ethical severity of cyberslacking activities, as well as how employees perceived that the frequency of such activities occurred by their co-workers. Participants from public sector agencies were asked to report about their amount of time spent and frequency of cyberslacking, what they report about their co-workers’ amount of time spent and frequency of cyberslacking, as well as their perceived ethical severity of cyberslacking in the workplace. First, an expert panel, of 10 cybersecurity subject matter experts, was used to initially validate the instrument, followed by quantitative data collection. This study assessed the measures via a Web-based anonymous survey. Following pre-analysis data screening, this study used a combination of descriptive statistics, analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), as well as Ordinal Logistics Regression (OLR) and Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) analyses to address the research questions (RQs). Comparisons of the measures were also conducted. Results from 183 participants indicate that employees report their co-workers to engage in cyberslacking significantly higher than what they reported about themselves, and ethical severity of cyberslacking was not reported to be high.
The problem of personal misuse of the Internet in the workplace was the focal point of this research study. The Internet facilitates productive communication in the workplace. However, it also poses a significant challenge to employees given its availability to enable non-work related activities. As such, it was necessary to examine both the perceptions about the ethical severity of IS misuse in the workplace and the actual self reported amount of cyberslacking by employees, compared to what they claim their co- workers are engaged in, especially in the public sector. Finally, this research study attempted to contribute to the Information Systems body of knowledge by empirically identifying the aforementioned relationships. Discussions and implications for future research are provided.
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Hur hanterar projektledare motstånd i interna förändringsprojekt? : En studie av interna förändringsprojekt i offentlig miljö / How do project managers handle resistance within internal change project? : A study of internal change projects in the public sectorPavedahl, Veronica, Claesson, Andzelika January 2015 (has links)
Anställdas motstånd mot interna förändringsprojekt är ett stort hinder som kan påverka framgången hos en förändringssatsning i en organisation (Zwick 2002). Med detta i åtanke kan organisationsansvariga vara intresserade av att lära mer om motstånd mot förändring i interna förändringsprojekt. Utifrån syftet har en preciserad frågeställning utformats: På vilket sätt hanterar projektledare motstånd i interna förändringsprojekt? Därtill har vi inkluderat en delfråga som lyder: Vilka specifika verktyg använder projektledare för att bearbeta eventuellt motstånd? Syftet med att besvara forskningsfrågan ligger i att öka medvetenheten om motstånd i interna förändringsprojekt, samt belysa vilka särskilda verktyg projektledarna använder för att hantera motstånd i interna förändringsprojekt. Vi har valt att utgå från Kotters åttastegsmodell, vilken är en förändringsmodell som beskriver hur man lyckas med förändringsprocesser. Studien är utförd med en kvalitativ metod i form av semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Intervjuerna är utförda i ett landsting och en statlig organisation med totalt sex respondenter. Respondenterna består av projektledare som varit, eller är, verksamma i ett internt förändringsprojekt. Analysen visar att det finns olika sätt att hantera motstånd. Vi har identifierat ett specifikt verktyg, systemiskt möte, som är särskilt anpassat för att hantera motstånd i interna förändringsprojekt. Utöver detta har respondenterna använt traditionella projektledningsverktyg såsom t.ex. intressentanalys och riskanalys samt givit många värdefulla exempel på hur det går att hantera motstånd i interna förändringsprojekt utan specifika verktyg. Studien avgränsar sig till att gälla projektledarens perspektiv och interna förändringsprojekt. Andra typer av projekt som t.ex. produktutvecklings-, marknadsförings-, kundorder-, evenemangsprojekt omfattas inte av denna studie. Vi har valt att även begränsa studien till verksamheter inom offentlig sektor.
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Improving the systematic evaluation of local economic development results in South African local governmentRabie, Babette 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Evidence-based policy making and results-based management aim to improve the
performance of organisations, policies and programmes by enabling the accurate
measurement of progress and results required for management and policy
decisions. Within the notion of the developmental state, ‘Local Economic
Development’ (LED) uses the development planning and implementation capacities
of local government to accrue economic benefit to the locality with the aim of
addressing development problems such as unemployment, poverty and market
failure at the local level. While promoting the economic welfare of citizens is a
critical objective of local government, the absence of specific indicators for LED
measurement hampers their ability to successfully determine whether their efforts
are achieving the expected results.
The aim of this dissertation is to promote the systematic and committed evaluation
of the results of LED interventions in South African local governments. As such, it
provides guidelines for an outcomes-based monitoring and evaluation (M&E)
system for LED in South Africa and presents a framework of generic outcome and
output indicators for alternative LED interventions within the context of public sector
monitoring and evaluation.
The dissertation commences with an overview of the history of evaluation research,
the conceptualisation of ‘Monitoring’ and ‘Evaluation’, and a categorisation of the
alternative approaches to evaluation. It further explores best practices in instilling
M&E in organisations, policies or programmes through guidelines for the
development of M&E systems; designing and conducting evaluation studies;
presenting findings; and developing indicators. This later provides a basis for
exploring challenges in the evaluation of LED and proposing guidelines for an
outcomes-based LED system. The policy framework of public sector M&E in South
African government is explored before recommendations are made on the basis of
good practice guidelines from the selected international systems and the World
Bank. The concept ‘local economic development’ is contextualised and its
manifestation in South African policies and practice explored to demarcate the roles
of various role players, but local government in particular, in promoting LED. A review of LED-related literature produced a comprehensive list of potential LED
interventions. These interventions were categorised into business development,
locality improvement, community development, or improved governance
interventions. Specific programmes and projects from practice were summarised
within each intervention. For each of the identified LED interventions, generic
outcome statements and objectives are formulated, followed by concrete contextual
output and outcome indicators. The developed indicators are partly derived from
existing indicators used to measure development results, but primarily developed
from the implied end result captured in the objectives and outcome statements of
each intervention. The LED indicator framework was reviewed by selected M&E
and LED experts for final refinement and comments.
The systematic evaluation of LED results based on well-designed evaluation
studies that incorporate the strengths of the various approaches to M&E can enable
the identification of the most promising, best return-on-investment LED
interventions, as determined by the real, accurate results of these interventions.
This can improve strategic policy and management decisions so as to maximise the
limited available resources for LED and ensure the greatest positive economic and
social development impact. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Bewysgedrewe beleidmaking en uitkomsgerigte bestuur is daarop ingestel om die
prestasie van organisasies, beleide en programme te verbeter, deur dit moontlik te
maak om die vordering en resultate soos benodig vir bestuur en beleidsbesluite
akkuraat te meet. Binne die konteks van die ontwikkelingstaat, maak ‘Plaaslike
Ekonomiese Ontwikkeling’ (LED) gebruik van die ontwikkelingsbeplanning en
implementeringskapasiteit van plaaslike regerings om ekonomiese voordele vir die
lokaliteit te bevorder en sodoende werkloosheid, armoede en markmislukking op
plaaslike vlak aan te spreek. Alhoewel die bevordering van die ekonomiese
welvaart van burgers ‘n kritiese doelwit van plaaslike regerings is, word plaaslike
regerings se vermoë om met sekerheid te bepaal of die gewenste resultate deur
aksies bereik is, deur die afwesigheid van spesifieke aanwysers vir die meting van
LED belemmer.
Die doel van hierdie proefskrif is om sistematiese en toegewyde evaluering van die
resultate van LED-intervensies in Suid-Afrikaanse plaaslike regerings te bevorder.
As sulks, verskaf dit riglyne vir ‘n uitkoms-gerigte stelsel vir die monitering en
evaluering (M&E) van LED in Suid-Afrika, sowel as ‘n raamwerk van generiese
uitkoms- en uitsetaanwysers vir alternatiewe LED-intervensies binne die konteks
van openbare sektor monitering en evaluering.
Die proefskrif begin met ‘n oorsig van evalueringsnavorsingsgeskiedenis, die
konseptualisering van ‘Monitering’ en ‘Evaluering’ en kategorisering van
verskillende benaderings tot evaluering. Dit verken beste praktyke vir die
daarstelling van M&E in organisasies, beleide of programme, om daardeur
spesifieke riglyne vir die ontwikkeling van M&E-stelsels, die ontwerp en
implementering van evalueringstudies, die aanbieding van bevindinge en die
ontwikkeling van aanwysers te spesifiseer. Hierdie dien as ‘n basis vir die latere
verkenning van die uitdagings in die evaluering van LED en die daarstel van riglyne
vir ‘n uitkoms-gerigte LED-stelsel. Die beleidsraamwerk vir M&E in die Suid-
Afrikaanse openbare sektor word verken voor voorstelle ter verbetering gemaak
word aan die hand van die beste praktyk riglyne van geselekteerde internasionele
stelsels, asook die Wêreldbank. Die konsep ‘plaaslike ekonomiese ontwikkeling’ word gekontekstualiseer en die voorkoms daarvan in Suid-Afrikaanse beleid en
praktyk word verken om sodoende die rol van verskillende rolspelers, maar veral
plaaslike regering, in die bevordering van LED te onderskei.
‘n Oorsig van LED-verwante literatuur lewer ‘n uitgebreide lys van potensiële LEDintervensies.
Hierdie intervensies word gekategoriseer as besigheidsontwikkeling,
lokaliteitsverbetering, gemeenskapsontwikkeling of verbeterde regeringswyse
intervensies. Spesifieke programme en projekte uit die praktyk word as voorbeelde
van elke intervensie aangehaal. Vir elk van die geïdentifiseerde LED-intervensies
word generiese uitkoms- en uitsetstellings geformuleer, gevolg deur konkrete,
gekontekstualiseerde uitkoms- en uitsetaanwysers. Die aanwysers is tot ‘n mate
afgelei van bestaande aanwysers wat aangewend word om ontwikkelingsresultate
te meet, maar is hoofsaaklik ontwikkel uit die geïmpliseerde eindresultaat soos
vervat in die geformuleerde doelwitte en doelstellings vir elke intervensie. Die
ontwikkelde aanwyserraamwerk wat ontwikkel is, is verder verfyn op grond van
terugvoer vanaf geselekteerde deskundiges op die gebied van M&E en LED.
Die sistematiese evaluering van LED-resultate gegrond op goed-ontwerpte
evalueringstudies, inkorporeer die sterk punte van verskeie benaderings tot LED,
bevorder die identifisering van die mees belowende en lonende LED-intervensies
soos bepaal deur die werklike, akkurate resultate van hierdie intervensies. Hierdie
kan ‘n bydrae tot verbeterde strategiese beleids- en bestuursbesluite lewer en
sodoende die beperkte beskikbare hulpbronne vir LED maksimeer en die grootste
positiewe ekonomiese en sosiale ontwikkelingsimpak verseker.
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Hållbarhetsarbete i svenska kommuner : En studie om kommuners arbete med miljönyckeltal och miljöredovisning / Sustainability work of Swedish municipalities : A study of how Swedish municipalities work with environmental performance indicators and environmental reporting.Jernmo, Mikael, Henebäck, Amanda January 2016 (has links)
Offentlig sektor anses inneha ett centralt ansvar för den fortsatta utvecklingen av hållbarhet då de ser till att främja och forma människors liv i samhället. Dock anses det svårt att ge en helhetsbild av hållbarhet inom kommuner eftersom begreppet är diffust och används i många olika sammanhang, i vissa fall enbart för att det förväntas användas. Lyckas inte kommuner med sin hållbarhetsutveckling kan det få stora konsekvenser för framtida generationer som inte har möjligheten till en hållbar livsstil. Denna studie undersöker Sveriges kommuner och deras arbete med mätning av miljöarbetet samt miljöredovisning. Kommunernas hållbarhetsarbete har blivit allt viktigare i takt med att människans påverkan på miljön har uppmärksammats och organisationer förväntas ta ansvar för att minska sin miljöpåverkan. / The public sector is considered to hold a key responsibility for the further development of sustainability as they look to advance and shape the lives of people in society. However, it is considered difficult to give an overall picture of sustainability in municipalities where the term is vague and used in many different contexts, in some cases only because it is expected to be used. If municipalities are not successful in their sustainability work it could result in serious consequences for future generations, who will not have the possibility of a sustainable lifestyle. This study examines the municipalities and their work with measurements for environmental performance and sustainabillity reporting. The sustainability work of municipalities has become increasingly important as the human impact on the environment has been observed and organizations are expected to take responsibility for reducing their environmental impact.
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Human resource development : training and development practices and related organisational factors in Kuwaiti organisationsAl-Ali, Adnan A. S. January 1999 (has links)
This study examines and aims to disclose the current policies and practices of Training and Development (T&D) within Kuwaiti government and private/joint-venture organisations. The literature review indicates that although much attention has been devoted in studying Training and Development practices, a very few focus on T&D related factors on organisation performance in developing countries. The literature also indicates the need for considering these factors in order to have a better T&D effectiveness, and hence organisation overall performance. In this study the Training for Impact model was adopted and tested within Kuwaiti context in terms of training needs assessment and evaluation and follow-up. This research uses data collected from 100 organisations in Kuwait. 50 of these were government and 50 private /joint venture listed in Kuwait Stock Exchange. Therefore, all managers (100 training personnel) who are in charge of T&D function/programmes, were samples of the respondents of the present study. The main data collection methods adopted by this study were interviews (semi-structured) and "drop-in and pick-up" self-completion questionnaires. The data were quantitatively analysed and triangulation of quantitative findings was carried out in order to find out the difference between the two sectors in Kuwait in terms of T&D practices and related factors. To establish a causal connection between related factors and identified dimensions (T&D effectiveness, organisational rating, and satisfaction with evaluation process), a multiple regression technique was employed. The major findings of this study are noted below: Results indicate that the majority of the investigated organisations do not have a formal T&D system. T&D programmes are still carried out on a piecemeal basis rather than a systematic long-term policy. Findings which were common among the majority of the approached organisations were absence of a systematic organisational training needs analysis, use of conventional training methods, lack of effective procedures for T&D evaluation. The study explores the training personnel's way of thinking towards their T&D function and to the proposed T&D dimensions framework (integrated HRD strategy, top and line management commitment, a supportive formal system, T&D mechanism, organisational culture, and training budget). The findings indicate that most of the training personnel perceived these dimensions as providing motivation, commitment and support to their T&D function. Six main factors were found to influence T&D practices in government and private/joint venture organisations. These factors are: top management commitment, mutual support between organisational philosophy and T&D activities, line management support T&D involvement in organisation strategy, T&D policies and plans, and T&D effects on employees self-development. The study also identifies T&D effects on organisation performance in Kuwaiti organisations in terms of eliminating problems; increasing commitment and motivation; fulfilling individual needs and personal objectives, improving interpersonal and interdepartmental relations, improving quality of goods and services; and leading to effective utilisation and investment in human resources. In addition the study establishes a causal connection of T&D related factors with performance dimensions, organisation rating, and satisfaction of T&D evaluation. The author recommends that for the T&D function to be treated as seriously as other organisational functions, then Kuwaiti training personnel, as well as top and line management, need to be more willing to play proactive and strategic organisational roles in T&D activities.
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我國個人文件典藏管理之研究:以公部門為例林嘉玫 Unknown Date (has links)
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