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歷史檔案策展研究—理論、概述與實例蔡宜娟 Unknown Date (has links)
最後根據前述研究結果,對歷史檔案典藏機構策展提出以下幾點建議:一、積極充實館藏;二、慎選展覽主題;三、 培養策展人才;四、明訂展覽任務;五、設置固定展廳;六、展出形式多元。
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我國檔案推廣策略之研究 / A study on archival promotion strategy in Taiwan鄧蓮華, Deng, Lain Hwa Unknown Date (has links)
針對前項研究結果提出七項建議:(一)擴大整合社會資源與志工招募;(二)推動全國性的檔案週/月活動;(三)加強培養學童時期檔案的觀念;(四)強化檔案網路推廣及網站內容;(五)加強充實質量兼優的館藏資源;(六)積極創意發展檔案之附加價值;(七)積極輔導單位建置史料陳列室。 / Archives are the accumulation of human wisdom and the treasury of history and knowledge. They are used for administrative, legal, historical and academic purposes. In order to allow the public to know the full capacity and value of archives, there should be archival promotions so that their importance is seen and understood by all.
This research compiles archival promotion theories, such as meaning, purpose and channel, through literature analysis to delve into the status quo of current archival promotion in five countries including the US, England, and Canada. This research also conducts interview surveys of the National Archives Administration, Academia Historica, Taiwan Historica of Academia Historica and Academia Sinica, Hu Shih Memorial Hall of the Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, State History Office of The Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuomintang) and The Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank, Ltd., to gain an understanding of archival promotion practiced by each unit. Through questionnaire surveys, this research adopts a sampling survey of users from four units receiving the interviews who once participated in archival promotion activities, analyzing and exploring their participation experience, to obtain their feedback and suggestions. Finally, this research uses a comparison method to analyze and compare archival promotion practices in Taiwan with those of the preceding five countries, to further induce the most characteristic and frequently used promotional items as well as to find adequate strategies suitable for Taiwan’s archival promotion.
The research results include six conclusions: (1) Archival promotion is one of the administrative goals implemented by each unit in charge of the national archives administration; (2) Special festivals and holidays are the best occasions for archival promotion; (3) Archival promotion can achieve expected benefits; (4) Internet promotion has become a trend; (5) Strategic alliance and recruitment of volunteers is the best solution channels to a predicament; and (6) Archival promotion should be diverse and practiced in daily life.
These findings thus propose the following seven suggestions: (1) Expand the integration of social resources and volunteer recruitment; (2) Promote national archives weekly/monthly activities; (3) Strengthen the cultivation of school children’s archival concept; (4) Strengthen the promotion of archival internet and website contents; (5) Strengthen the collections and resources that meet both quality and quantity demands; (6) Develop archival value-added actively and creatively; and (7) Actively assist the related units in establishing a historical sources exhibition room.
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台灣地區建置縣(市)立檔案館可行性之研究 / A Study on Feasibility of Establishing County Archives in Taiwan Area洪一梅 Unknown Date (has links)
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美術館藝術檔案徵集與整理之研究 / The Acquisition and Arrangement of Art Archives in Art Museums郭姿妙, Kuo, Tzu Miao Unknown Date (has links)
經分析與探討,針對前述研究結果提出以下建議:(一)推廣藝術檔案觀念與統一名詞;(二)開設藝術檔案相關培訓課程或通識課程;(三)設置藝術檔案管理人員聘用職位;(四)制定藝術檔案徵集與整理之規範指南與作業程序;(五)推動法源規範之制定;(六)建置藝術檔案資源共享平臺。 / Museums and art museums are the field of human cultures and art heritage to make preservation and exhibitions, and create the art archives after performing and holding activities. It is the same that art and general archives which own the value of education, research and history, in spite of interior personnel or exterior visitors, contain precious and irreplaceable characteristics, but less attention. If these institutions establish the appropriate guidelines, policies and procedures for the archival management of the art archives, get maximize of usage and access.
This study, at first, with literature review, make analyze and understand about the acquisition and arrangement of the art archives from American, British and China guidelines and policies. Secondly, with in-depth interviews, the archivists and employees of Taiwan art museums and art research centers were selected in this study, by means of this, to obtain their viewpoints and advices toward the art archives. Finally, a comprehensive analysis of the research results presented opinions and suggestions about the guidelines and policies of the art archives for Taiwan museums, art museums and cultural institutions in the future.
According to this research analysis showed that: 1. a lack of the concept about archival science; 2. a lack of the professional archivists; 3. indistinct legal resources; 4. a lack of understanding about the acquisition and arrangement of the art archives; 5. dissociation of management in general administrative records and the art archives; 6. confusion about terms in the usage of the art archives.
In conclusion, may the following suggestions be claimed: 1. promote the concept of the art archives and unity the terms; 2. open the training courses or general education course about the art archives; 3. set the employment about the art archives management personnel; 4. set the acquisition and arrangement of guidelines and policies about the art archives; 5. Legislate legal resources of the art archives; 6. establish the resources sharing platform of the art archives.
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我國大學檔案館設置可行性之研究 / A Study of the Feasibility to Establish University Archives in Taiwan黃亭穎, Huang, Ting Ying Unknown Date (has links)
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檔案評量在高中英文課之實施鄧素琴, Teng, Su-chin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用質的分析法,涵蓋 : (一) 學生對自己的檔案作品之感想;(二) 學生對檔案評量之認識及評價;(三) 檔案評量對學生在學習英文之助益;(四) 提供學生自主學習之機會。
本研究結果如下 : (一) 學生對自我作品之肯定;(二) 發現檔案評量對學生之影響;(三) 獲得一些教學上的啟示。簡言之,本研究提供了檔案評量在教學上之另一選擇,對學生及老師而言,導引出評量及教學的方向。 / The purpose of the study is to show how portfolio assessment can be implemented in an EFL senior high school classroom and to provide an alternative assessment for senior high school English teachers.
In this study, both qualitative and quantitative methods were adopted. Research data were collected from classroom observations, questionnaires, interviews and student portfolios. The results not only revealed the students’ improvement in a range of skills but reflected change and growth over a period of time. The study showed that portfolio assessment provided students with self-directed learning, created an interaction for instruction and assessment and offered opportunities for peer-supported growth. As for future implementation, portfolio assessment is not an educational panacea; rather, it is a promising alternative assessment procedure, and instructors must fully realize both its strengths and weaknesses for proper implementation. In conclusion, the study found that portfolio assessment linked assessment more closely to classroom activities. In addition, the students’ participation and academic achievement were satisfactory.
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我國國家檔案館組織與功能之研究 / The organizations and functions of the National Archives of the Republic of China唐建清, Tang, Cheng-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,世界各國紛紛設立國家檔案館以保存其珍貴的國家檔案,我國以往的國家檔案由國史館兼管,主要的館藏仍以歷史檔案為主,許多珍貴的國家檔案無法得到妥善的保存,至為遺憾,因而更顯得成立國家檔案館之迫切需要。本研究的目的在了解國、內外國家檔案館的現狀,發掘國內檔案事業所面臨的問題,並提供一些淺見供我國國家檔案館之成立、發展方向之參考,並不意欲創造或建構一個實際的、理想中的國家檔案館。更具體的說,本研究的目的在於藉助國家最高檔案指導機構之組織與功能的研究,提出國家檔案事業、及檔案學的意義與價值之再思考。本研究探討了國外國家檔案館的成立過程,及其組織與功能發揮之現況、國內檔案事業的發展債形,並運用了深度訪談與仿德爾斐的研究方法,與國內關心檔案事業的專家、先進作了一番深入的意見交流,得到了一些寶貴的結論。 / Although the Academia Historica has preserved records of the Republic of China since 1912, it emphasizes the preservation of historical documents only. Today most countries have established National Archives. The author would like to suggest an establishment of the National Archives of the Republic of China. Based on the system and practice of the NARA - PRO、Mainland China's National Archives, and the great opinions of 16 experts', the author would like to suggest guidelines for establishing the National Archives of the Republic of China.
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我國戶政與戶籍檔案之典藏管理-以北市及新北市為例 / The repository and management system of household archives in Taiwan: case study of Taipei and New Taipei City劉珮君, Liu, Pei Jyun Unknown Date (has links)
根據研究成果,本論文提出五點建議:(一)釐清戶政機關對檔案定義之歧見;(二)移轉戶政與戶籍檔案;(三)改善戶政與戶籍檔案典藏環境;(四)加強戶政人員檔案管理教育;(五)輔導戶政機關進行檔案數位化作業。 / Household archives can provide basic demographic information for government decision-making and academic research, but also as legal evidence, which protect people's rights and duties. Because household archives special features, the repository and management system of household archives is different form national archives and administrative archives. Household registration use the "family" as a unit in Taiwan, and household archives record each citizen's living information. Different household registration offices have different methods for repository and management.
This paper aims to investigate archival repository and management of household archives in Taiwan. The in-depth interview and questionnaire survey are pursued for understanding the situations and problems of archival repository and management at household registration offices in Taipei and New Taipei City. The opinions of household archives administrators and experts are summarized and refer to the literature review for proposing the conclusions and suggestions.
There are five suggestions as follows. 1) To clarify different household archives definition in household registration offices; 2) To transfer the household archives to National Archives Administration; 3) To improve the household archival repository and environment; 4) To enhance the education of household staffs on archival management; 5) To assist household archives digitalization.
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臺灣地區銀行產業檔案管理體系之研究-以國內兩家民營銀行為例 / A Study on Banking Industry Archives Management Systems in Taiwan-Based on the Cases of Two Private Banks蘇倉楠, Su, Tsang-Nan Unknown Date (has links)
依據研究結果,本研究提出幾項建議:一、儘速制訂銀行檔案管理之法源依據;二、採集中式與分散式並存之檔案管理模式;三、依據組織行政架構進行銀行檔案分類;四、開放銀行檔案提供外界使用者研究;五、儘速進行銀行檔案數位化;六、加速銀行知識管理工作;七、成立銀行檔案管理專屬學會;八、加強培訓銀行檔案管理專業人員。 / Bank archives are records, which are produced from dealing with every business activity. It can reflect the bank activity situation, support the daily business activities and it is very important to the social economic development in our country. Bank archives have significant evidence values. It is not only bank’s assets but also can protect the legitimate rights and interests of the bank. In the knowledge economic age, to develop and utilize knowledge crystallization existing in the bank, archives properly can bring the huge economic benefits to the bank.
This thesis is based on multiple-case study method and in-depth interview method to explore the banking industry archives management system. Firstly, this paper studies the background of First Bank and Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank. Secondly, use in-depth interview method to obtain the both banks archivist’s opinions and suggestions about the meaning of bank archives, the source basis of the law and archives management. At last, a concrete suggestion about establishing an ideal bank archives management system in Taiwan, provided by the analysis conclusion in this paper.
Based on the research of two private banks findings, the conclusions of this study are: 1. Title disputes of the bank archives; 2.The archives management style of the bank is indeterminate; 3.The archives management of the bank lacks the basic laws; 4.Archives classification system of the two banks varies too much; 5.Archives management of two banks are not paid enough attention; 6. The bank archives have not been digitalized; 7.Lack of professional archivists.
Finally, according to the results of the study, several suggestions are provided: 1.Legislate the basis of bank archives management as quickly as possible; 2.Concentrating and dispersing archives management style should work at the same time; 3.Setting up a bank archives classification, according to organization structure; 4.Open bank archives to the external user; 5. Bank archives should be digitalized as quickly as possible; 6.Accelerate the knowledge management of the bank; 7.Establish the professional association of bank archives management; 8. Training the archivists will strengthen their skills.
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從主題檔案館功能探討我國軍事檔案館設置之必要性 / A Necessity study on the Establishment of Military Archives as base on the Functionality of Collecting Archives熊蒂生, Shiung, Ti-Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
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