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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

我國國家檔案館組織與功能之研究 / The organizations and functions of the National Archives of the Republic of China

唐建清, Tang, Cheng-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,世界各國紛紛設立國家檔案館以保存其珍貴的國家檔案,我國以往的國家檔案由國史館兼管,主要的館藏仍以歷史檔案為主,許多珍貴的國家檔案無法得到妥善的保存,至為遺憾,因而更顯得成立國家檔案館之迫切需要。本研究的目的在了解國、內外國家檔案館的現狀,發掘國內檔案事業所面臨的問題,並提供一些淺見供我國國家檔案館之成立、發展方向之參考,並不意欲創造或建構一個實際的、理想中的國家檔案館。更具體的說,本研究的目的在於藉助國家最高檔案指導機構之組織與功能的研究,提出國家檔案事業、及檔案學的意義與價值之再思考。本研究探討了國外國家檔案館的成立過程,及其組織與功能發揮之現況、國內檔案事業的發展債形,並運用了深度訪談與仿德爾斐的研究方法,與國內關心檔案事業的專家、先進作了一番深入的意見交流,得到了一些寶貴的結論。 / Although the Academia Historica has preserved records of the Republic of China since 1912, it emphasizes the preservation of historical documents only. Today most countries have established National Archives. The author would like to suggest an establishment of the National Archives of the Republic of China. Based on the system and practice of the NARA - PRO、Mainland China's National Archives, and the great opinions of 16 experts', the author would like to suggest guidelines for establishing the National Archives of the Republic of China.

國家檔案鑑定與移轉制度之比較研究 / The comparative Study on the System of National Archives Appraisal and Transfer among Canada, The United Kingdom and Taiwan

詹幼華, Chan, yu-hwa Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討我國與加拿大及英國國家檔案鑑定與移轉制度,以我國檔案管理局、加拿大國家圖書暨檔案館及英國國家檔案館為研究對象,探討其國家檔案鑑定與移轉制度之內涵。首先採用文獻分析法,將文獻資料有系統有目標地收集,進行文獻資料分析,予以組織起來,連結到論文或研究問題上,發展進一步研究的問題,詮釋文獻所持之觀點,進而給予建議,以瞭解過去關於我國與加拿大、英國三國國家檔案鑑定與移轉制度之文獻與研究方法。接著採用比較法,針對檔案管理體制之比較、檔案清理授權、國家檔案鑑定制度以及國家檔案移轉制度進行對照比較;最後採用個案研究法,選擇移轉至檔案管理局之國家檔案,包括二二八事件檔案、美麗島事件檔案、國民大會檔案以及國營事業民營化第二階段檔案等四個個案作為研究主體,以探討我國檔案鑑定與移轉過程中,關於國家檔案鑑定原則、標準、方式、方法及移轉程序與步驟等相關問題。 / 根據研究結果,本研究提出研究結論為:(一)對於文書檔案之管理,應符合文件生命週期;(二)檔案清理授權乃世界潮流;(三)訂定檔案移轉相關法規、行政規則及檔案移轉年限;(四)國家檔案鑑定制度由微觀走向宏觀;(五)設立檔案委員會,提供檔案保存、分類、鑑定等各種檔案相關事宜之建議。(六)二階段之檔案鑑定制度可資參酌;(七)加、英兩國實施多層次之國家檔案移轉策略;(八)多元化之國家檔案典藏制度,可降低風險與疏解庫房壓力;(九)檔案鑑定重視專家、利害關係人與使用者之意見(十)資訊價值在檔案鑑定之重要性。 / This research is mainly to understand the systems of archives appraisal and transfer in Canada,the United Kingdom and Taiwan. The mainly researching objects are Library and Archives Canada, the National Archives in the United Kingdom and the National Archives Bureau in Taiwan. This research adopts the documents analytic approach at first, documents are collected having goals, carry on document analysis, organized it and linked on the thesis or the research question, develop the question further, annotate the view that documents oppose, and then propose, in order to understand that the system of the national archives appraisal and transfer in Canada, the United kingdom and Taiwan. Secondly, to adopt the comparative approach and to compare the administrative, disposition, general retention schedules, the system of national archives appraisal and transfer among these three countries. Finally, to adopt the case study approach and to choose four cases including 228 incident archives, beautiful island incident archives, national assembly archives and government undertaking privatization second stage archives to transfer archives from the government institutions to the National Archives Bureau in Taiwan.

國家檔案館藏調閱使用之研究 / The Use Analysis of National Archives Collections

王立勛, Wang, Li Hsun Unknown Date (has links)
為深入了解國家檔案使用情況,針對檔案館藏與調閱情況之研究是必要的,可幫助了解館藏強弱、使用情況、使用者背景、使用者需求等,有助於評估館務現況、規劃未來發展。 本研究探討國家檔案之使用者與檔案使用情況,透過調閱紀錄分析與使用者深度訪談,在檔案使用者部分,了解檔案使用者的特性與族群分布,及其背後的動機、需求與尋求行為等差異,而在檔案館藏使用情況部分,能了解檔案館服務項目、館藏比重、館藏使用程度與待開發潛在使用者等。 研究結果顯示,國家檔案使用者背景相當多元,而國家檔案館藏量與調閱量不必然呈現正比,且國家檔案既有館藏與徵集方向仍有調整空間,另外使用者使用國家檔案時易遭遇一些困難。 本研究建議未來需針對細節深入統計使用者背景、加強徵集使用因數高之檔案主題、均衡館藏主題分布、針對使用者各項需求調整國家檔案徵集類型與範圍、以及試圖降低使用者使用檔案時的不便等。 / In order to understand the use of the national archives, research on archival collections and situation of access is necessary. It can help us to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the collections, user background, user requirements, etc. It also help us to assess the status of collectional quality and plan for the future development. This study used records analysis and user interviews to investigate the use conditions and users of national archives. The characteristics, groups, and motives behind demanding and seeking behavior of users were analyzed. Besides, the services, the proportion of collections, use level of collections, and the potential users of arcives were investigated. The results of the study show as follows: (1) The user background of national archives is quite diverse. (2) The amount of archival circulation and collection is not proportional. (3) National archives collection development need to adjust for meeting users’ need. (4) Users encounter some difficulties when they accessed the national archives. The findings of the study may provide suggestions as below: (1) Users background should be compiled statistics further. (2) To intensively collect the national archives which have high use factor. (3) To balance the theme of national archives. (4) To adjust the type and scope of the national archives meet the needs of users. (5) To reduce the inconveniences of uses when they use the national archives.

我國國家檔案館保存策略之研究 / The study of preservation strategy for the National Archives of Taiwan

陳淑美, Chen, Shu-Mei Unknown Date (has links)
檔案是紀錄人類文明發展的重要史料,也是行政機關執行業務過程的重要憑據,先進國家對於檔案的管理都極為重視,且均已興建現代化的檔案館來保存珍貴的國家檔案,設置適足的空間與設備以提供優質的應用服務,這不僅有助於文化資產之保存,也是國家發展進步的重要指標與象徵。我國現代化之檔案管理制度係師承歐美各先進國家,參酌國情後制定並予以立法規範,就長遠觀之,雖然已在2015年啟用首座永久性之國家檔案庫房,然而,這只能算是完成了因應典藏空間需求的近程目標,未來在制度面方面仍需建構完整的國家檔案管理體系,爭取興建獨立且多功能之館舍,讓珍貴的國家檔案得以妥適典藏並提供各界應用,發揮檔案存在的價值與功能。   檔案保存維護策略之擬訂,需掌握空間規劃、環境控制、修護處置、複製儲存及風險管理等要項,各要項皆有賴相當的專業能力方可成就,國家發展委員會檔案管理局為我國檔案中央主管機關,依法負有管理國家檔案之責,由於數量龐大且因年代久遠、原保管條件不佳等因素,檔案接管時多已嚴重劣損,更需要儘速研訂保存策略以為作業準據。本研究之目的,即以世界各先進國家之國家檔案館業務概況為探究目標,針對各國國家檔案館發展之保存策略加以研析,並就保存維護工作之範圍與業務重點比較其內涵之異同,據以研議適合我國國家檔案之保存策略,建立一致性、完整性、正確性之處置作業標準,提供未來國家檔案館規劃之參考,達到提升國家檔案典藏效益與作業品質之目的。本研究之重要成果與建議,歸納如下:  一、國家檔案館興建刻不容緩    本次研究調查發現,屬嚴重劣化的受損檔案多達一成以上,可合理推估具永久保存價值之國家檔案在尚未移轉前,恐有滅失之危機;據統計現有100公里以上之國家檔案尚待移轉,然受限於典藏空間不足而無法加速移轉作業之進行。因此,無論是從國際趨勢或是保存珍貴國家記憶的角度來看,興建國家檔案館都是未來首要推動的工作目標。  二、國家檔案保存維護優先順序有待建立   國家檔案數量龐大,媒體型式及材質種類又十分多元,在資源有限情形下,除了必須爭取經費持續進行預防性保護相關作為,亦應衡酌檔案的價值性、應用性、保存性等條件,建立客觀的評量標準,研訂國家檔案保存修護及數位化等優先處置原則,兼顧檔案長期保存與便捷應用之需求,提升國家檔案管理效益。 三、國家檔案保存維護作業人力亟待充實   面對數量龐大且媒體類型多元的檔案,若無經費、人力、設備等資源的持續挹注,實難完成。為有效提升國家檔案保存維護工作的執行績效,未來仍應加強人力的支援,並思考業務傳承方式,使是項工作得以順遂推動。 四、各機關檔案人員保存維護正確觀念有待加強   國家檔案移轉前在各機關保存時間長達數十年,若原管有機關未善盡保存維護之責,或是施以錯誤的保管方式,等到檔案徵集移轉時再來搶救,恐為時已晚。為了讓檔案能夠延長保存壽命,進而減輕國家檔案移轉後所需花費的修護成本,應透過培訓、輔導等方式強化各機關檔案人員對於保存維護觀念的正確認知,宣導檔案保存環境控制與保管作為的有效作法,才能有效降低國家檔案劣化的數量與嚴重程度。 / Archives are not only important records of the development of human civilization but also concrete proofs of the works of government agencies. All the advanced nations attach great importance to the management of archives. They have therefore set up modernized buildings to house and preserve such precious archival materials, and have provided adequate space and facilities for quality service to users. By doing so, precious cultural assets can be best kept. These actions significantly symbolize the progress of a nation. In formulating correct strategies of archival preservation, we need to carefully take into consideration space planning, environment control, repair & restoration, duplicate & storage, and risk management. All of these rely on professional expertise. The National Archives Administration (NAA) under the Cabinet-level National Development Council is accountable for overall management of national archives in Taiwan. However, many of the archival materials had been damaged or deteriorated even before having been transferred to NAA due to their long history and the poor handling by the original agencies. Preservation of such archives urgently need efficient strategies. This dissertation therefore aims to conduct some researches on the operations of national archives agencies in advanced nations, analyze their preservation strategies, and compare the differences of their works and emphases. More importantly, this author tries to come up with standard operation procedures, which are coherent, complete and accurate, for Taiwan to preserve our national archives. Hopefully this will offer reference in planning for a new national archives hall, so as to enhance the efficiency and upgrade the quality of national archives preservation. The major study results and suggestions are as follows: I. There is urgent need for a national archives hall. This study finds out that seriously damaged or deteriorated archives in different agencies account for ten percent of the total archives. It can therefore be estimated that national archives worth preserving might be lost before being transferred to NAA. Statistics show that there are over 100-km long national archives waiting to be transferred. Yet, due to the limited space in NAA, it is impossible to speed up the transfer process. Therefore, in view of international trend or the need to retain precious national memories, to build a new national archives hall is top on the agenda. 2. Priorities should be set to best preserve national archives. National archives are not only large in quantity but also diverse in media types and material sorts. With limited resources, NAA has to allocate budgets to continue preventive protection measures. Meanwhile, it needs to establish objective criteria for assessing the value, usage, and preservation of different national archives before setting priorities for the restoration and digitalization of each sort. It is equally important to ensure long-term preservation and offer convenient service to users, so as to enhance the management efficiency of national archives. 3. The quality and quantity of workforce in national archives preservation need to be strengthened. Faced by the challenges in both large number and different types of national archives, NAA assuredly needs more financial, workforce and equipment support to continue fulfilling its missions. In order to more effectively preserve national archives and keep the operation going smoothly, more professionals are needed, and skills and experiences must be passed down to new staff members. 4. The preservation-related knowledge of staff members in different agencies needs to be strengthened. The current national archives had been kept by different agencies for several decades before having been transferred to NAA. If the original agencies failed to do their jobs well or kept their archives in a wrong way, it would be too late to rescue those archives after transfer. Therefore, in order to prolong the life of archives and reduce the expenses on repairing them after transfer, staff members in all agencies should receive training and assistance to gain better knowledge of archival preservation. After that, they can together take correct, effective measures as environment control and careful preservation to significantly reduce the number and degree of deteriorated archives.


趙培因 Unknown Date (has links)
因應檔案法的相關規定,我國各政府機關陸續開始整理其檔 案,建立電子目錄,其中經鑑定具永久保存價值的檔案,移轉至檔案 中央主管機關,進行檔案全文影像掃瞄工作。此等數量龐大的政府檔 案電子目錄及部分全文數位化資料中,蘊藏著許多政府施政的智慧, 然而若任由此知識寶庫束之高閣,或僅提供一般性全文檢索查詢,至 為可惜。是以期能建構一套政府知識管理策略,運用電腦整理、分類、 研析功能,自政府檔案資訊系統裡,尋找知識,以創造檔案加值運用 價值,提供決策支援參考,強化行政工作效能。 由於美國檔案中央主管機關於文件管理自動化及自文件萃取知 識已有深入研究,居世界領先地位,本研究先先就其相關作為,進行 探討。此一研究發現,美國檔案中央主管機關發展知識管理係在電子 文件典藏策略計畫下,將檔案擷取知識的功能,列為必須涵括的研究 項目。其重點工作首先以建構知識為基礎的永久保存檔案系統架構為 首要核心項目。其次透過良好的系統架構,發展知識的探索與應用, 以因應日後可正確、有效地找出永久保存的電子檔案。規劃之主要精 神是將電子檔案資料與瞬息萬變的資訊科技軟硬體區隔開來,並自收 集資料時,便將擷取及運用檔案知識所需要的資訊涵括在內。故在儲 存電子檔案資料時,同時紀錄資料的產生、轉置、儲存等各階段之背 景資訊,以利未來應用時,得以依據該背景資訊存取所需檔案資料。 其系統架構分收集、儲存管理、使用三部分,每一部分在資料、資訊、 知識三層皆有其對應作為。整體架構採網格(GRID)技術,各類訊息溝 通以標準標示語言(tagging language)處理,透過反覆地收集、使用 程序,結合轉置作業,使資料得以繼續運用。經由循環作業,將可因 應科技變化及資料長久保存原則,惟應掌握標準標示語言及mark-up language 的變化。 由於我國檔案中央主管機關成立較晚,相關人力、經費、制度、 經驗雖不及美國,但因無負擔,可跳躍逕行規劃各項電子化作業方 式。自政府檔案資訊系統裡尋找知識的相關做法,可分長期及短期, 長期而言,以建構知識為基礎的永久保存檔案系統架構為必需規劃建 置之要項。短期而言,規劃建構政府知識管理作法,概分知識收集、 知識分類、儲存管理、知識傳播與分享、回饋方式五大部分,並分別 提出建議作法,以供實務界參考運用。 / Responding to the new movements of the Archives Act and related regulations, government agencies of ROC is beginning to archive their documents as well as records, and to setup corresponding electronic catalogs. Among others, the Archives with permanent preservation value are transferred to the National Archives Administration, and they are electronically stored. Thousands of government documents and records are cataloging and some of them are digitalized and stored into computer databases. Since a lot of wisdoms of national politics are inherited in the archives, it were a great pity to let this knowledge are stored merely in the archive chambers or only to be used for the purpose of general search for full-texts. It is very important to set a strategy to manage the knowledge gained from government’s documents. Moreover, it is important to use computers for checking, classifying, cataloging knowledge retrieval from archives management information system. These value-added archives are provided to decision makers for reference to increase administration efficiency. We choose the U.S. National Archives & Records Administration (NARA) as the survey target for its outstanding performance in electronic records management and knowledge retrieval. The most important result of this survey is that we have fund out that the NARA regards the knowledge retrieval from archives as an essential research topic in the knowledge management under the guidance of the plan of “Electronic Records Archives”. The primary job is to construct the infrastructure for the permanent storage of the knowledge-based records, so that this knowledge can be retrieved in the future correctly and effectively in means of this well constructed system, when the functions of exploration and the fields of usage of knowledge are further developed. The main idea is to separate the electronic records from the changing information software and hardware. Moreover, information about how to retrieve and use the records are analyzed and preserved with the archives. That is, detail background information for record generation, transformation, storage stages are kept for future use. The system architecture is consisted of three parts: ingest, storage management and access. Each part is mapping to data, information, and knowledge. The system uses grid technology, and all communication messages are coded in standard tagging languages. Through iterative ingesting, accessing and transforming, data could be used continuously. Iterative process copes with changing technology and abides by the principle of long term record-storage. The National Archives Administration is newly setup for ROC government. Compared to NARA, we haven’t reached the same level in workforces, financial supports, regulations, and experience. However, we have chances to work out electronic operations to utilize the quantum leap without much historical burdens. This paper carries out the long-term and short-term plans for archives management. In the long run, the priority goes to infrastructure for knowledge-based permanent archives storage. In the short term, this paper outlines the guidelines for government knowledge management, including knowledge collection, knowledge classification, storage management, knowledge sharing, and feedback to which may be useful to all stakeholders.

我國國家檔案徵集政策之研究 / A Study on National Archives Acquisition Policy in Taiwan

凌寶華, Ling, Pao Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討我國正面臨國營事業民營化過程中可能造成產業文化資產流失,以及因應未來行政院組織法通過後單位之裁併,檔案保存可能面臨潛在之風險與危機,亟需一套完備的國家檔案徵集政策以資遵循,除將提供徵集工作之依據外,並可釐清檔案徵集主題之優先順序,以及控制入藏國家檔案之質與量,使徵集工作得以按部就班,系統化的方式進行,亦可做為我國國家檔案核心館藏建立之最佳指導方針。 本研究使用「文獻分析法」與「深度訪談法」進行研究,除了探討我國國家檔案鑑選與移轉策略,以及擬定國家檔案徵集政策應考慮因素等之外,並對美國、英國、澳洲及加拿大等四國對國家檔案徵集工作推動現況,加以綜合歸納與比較。 本研究以檔案主管機關(檔案管理局)、中央層級機關(國防部、外交部、教育部及內政部)、歷史檔案典藏單位(國史館台灣文獻館、國立故宮博物院、中央研究院近代史研究所檔案館及中央研究院歷史語言研究所)及地方政府檔案管理單位(台北市政府、高雄市政府、嘉義縣政府檔案中心及宜蘭縣史館)等四個層級13個單位為主要訪談研究對象,深入瞭解上述單位檔案管理情形、檔案典藏特色、保存現況及單位具永久保存價值,符合移轉檔案管理局成為國家檔案之統計數量,及對國家檔案徵集政策制定之觀點與建議,並就我國國家檔案徵集內容與優先順序,以及有關國家檔案對於社會價值、功能之看法,並針對研究對象抽樣訪談了26位一般檔案使用者,以瞭解其檔案使用經驗及對國家檔案利用需求、國家檔案徵集內容建議與看法,以期做為我國擬訂國家檔案徵集政策之參考。 根據研究結果,本研究提出六點結論為:(一)國家檔案典藏質量亟待強化;(二)具風險之永久保存價值檔案亟待移轉;(三)國家檔案之定位未明確化;(四)我國目前尚未興建國家檔案館,無法大規模徵集國家檔案入藏;(五)徵集政策及審選標準欠缺,影響國家檔案品質;(六)國家檔案審選耗時費力,降低檔案移轉效率。 根據研究結果,本研究提出十點建議為:(一)訂定國家檔案徵集政策;(二)建立國家檔案委託代管之機制;(三)建立國家檔案審選標準,充實國家檔案典藏內涵;(四)加速國家檔案的徵集,以滿足民眾需求;(五)徵集國家檔案應考量檔案內容之連貫與完整性,避免以主題方式徵集檔案;(六)國家檔案與機關檔案應釐清其定位;(七)重要科技檔案應納入國家檔案徵集策略或計畫,以滿足社會大眾對於科技研究的期望;(八)配合國家檔案之移轉策略,排定國家檔案鑑選之優先順序;(九)設置國家檔案館並儘速辦理國家檔案移轉;(十)加強培養檔案專業管理人員,以因應國家檔案徵集典藏之需求。 / This research is mainly discusses our country to face in the state-operated enterprise privatization process to create the industrial culture property outflow possibly, as well as will organize Fathom in accordance to the future Executive Yuan consolidation of the unit, the archives preservation to face the latent risk and the crisis possibly from now on, will need a set of complete national archives acquisition policy to follow as a means, besides will provide basis of the acquisition work, and may define clearly the file collection subject the order of priority, as well as will control into nature and the quantity of the national archives. In addition, the acquisition work along a prescribed path, systematization's way will carry on for establishment the best directive of our country national archives core collection. This research utilizes “the documentary analysis” and “in-depth interview” to study conducts the research, besides discusses our country national archives appraisal to elect with the shifting strategy, as well as draws up the national archives acquisition policy to take an examination ponders the factor and so on, and to the U.S, British, Australia and Canada four countries to the national archives acquisition work impetus present situation, synthesizes induces and compares. This research take the archives controlling organization (National Archives Administration), the central level institution (Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Interior), the historical archives repositories(Taiwan Historical, National Palace Museum, Institute Modern History research archives Academia Sinica and Institute of History and Philology Academia Sinica) and the local authority records management units (Taipei City government, Kaohsiung City government, Chiayi County government records center and Institute of Yilan County Historical) and so on four levels, 13 units as the main interview objects of study. The inquire deeply above unit records management situation, the archive reservation characteristic, preserved present situation and the unit has the permanent preserved value, conforms to the shifting National Archives Administration to become statistics of quantity the national archives, and to national archives viewpoints and the suggestions the acquisition policy formulation, and on our country national archives collection content with the order of priority. In addition, the related national archives regarding the social value, the function view, and aimed at the object of study sampling interview 26 archives users, in order to understood that its archives use experience and to the national archives use demand, the national archives collection content suggestion and the view, did take the time as our country drafts reference of the national archives acquisition policy. According to the findings, this research proposed that six conclusions are: 1. the quality and quantity of national archives are urgently awaits to strengthen; 2. a risk the permanent preserved value archives urgently awaits to transfer; 3. the definition of the national archives has to clarified; 4. our country not yet constructs the national archives at present, is unable to collect the national archives massively; 5. shortage of national archives acquisition policy and affects the national archives quality; 6. the choose of national archives is time-consuming, cuts the archives transfer efficiency. According to the findings, this research proposed that ten suggestions are: 1. schedules the national archives acquisition policy; 2. establishes mechanism of the national archives request substitute management; 3. establishes the standard of national archives examination, substantial national archives collection; 4. accelerates the national archives the collection, meets the populace need; 5. acquisition the national archives to consider linking up of the archives content with the integrity, avoids by the specific subjects; 6. both the national archives and the institution records should define clearly; 7.the important science and technology archives should be included into the national archives acquisition strategy or the plan, satisfies the social populace regarding the technical research expectation; 8. coordinates transfer strategy of the national archives, sets up the national archives appraisal to choose the order of priority; 9. establishes the national archives and as fast as possible handles national archives transferring; 10. strengthens the raise archives professional, by demand in accordance to the national archives acquisition.


葉俊宏 Unknown Date (has links)
檔案原是權力的象徵,從古至今,從東方至西方,只有少數人有權力得以使用檔案。而檔案由封閉走向開放,其重要的轉折點是在1794年,由於法國頒布世界第一部檔案法,規定檔案館應實行開放原則。此後,開放國家檔案館的檔案供民眾使用的觀念,也深深影響檔案館營運的方式。因此目前許多現代化的國家,常把檔案開放程度視為是民主化的重要指標。隨著網路通訊技術的發展,對於檔案開放亦產生極大的衝擊。 本研究採用「多重個案法」與「比較研究法」進行研究,首先瞭解美國、英國與澳洲三國國家檔案館檔案在網路上開放情況。並藉由比較研究法,瞭解三國之間的差異性,並且透過描述、解釋、併排、比較的過程,最後進行分析,將比較之結果做一結論,得出具體的建議。 根據研究發現,提出結論如下:一、檔案開放相關法規方面:(一)三國對於個人隱私權均相當注重,但美國則為政府資訊公開重於個人隱私權保護;(二)美、英兩國檔案相關法規針對網路開放檔案有特別之規範,美、英兩國檔案相關法規針對網路開放檔案有特別之規範,澳洲則為沿用原有檔案法規;二、線上參考服務方面:(一)線上參考服務多無專責部門,但仍有專責人員負責;(二)電子郵件、FAQ等非同步線上參考服務,為三國國家檔案館最普遍使用的形式;(三)三國國家檔案館均針對研究者提供特別線上參考服務;三、線上檢索工具方面為(一)三國國家檔案館提供多元化的線上檢索工具;(二)提供電子檔案及檔案內容影像檔已成為三國國家檔案館趨勢;(三)檢索系統的描述規則符合國際標準,有利於未來國際間檔案描述的資源分享與交流;四、線上檔案展覽方面:(一)線上展覽主題皆與館藏特色、社會文化相互結合;(二)線上展覽呈現方式較為傳統,缺乏創新;(三)線上展覽仍需與檔案館相關活動配合,以達最大的成效。 最後針對前述研究結果提出五項建議:一、明確規範檔案開放範圍,以作為我國檔案在網路上開放之依據;二、觀摩國外國家檔案館經驗,加強國內對線上參考服務的概念與認識,並積極推廣線上參考服務;三、建議國內檔案典藏單位,針對研究者提供特別線上參考服務;四、建議國內檔案典藏單位改善線上檢索系統,提供多元化線上檢索工具;五、針對我國檔案典藏單位之館藏特色及社會文化,積極推動線上展覽。

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