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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

從主題檔案館功能探討我國軍事檔案館設置之必要性 / A Necessity study on the Establishment of Military Archives as base on the Functionality of Collecting Archives

熊蒂生, Shiung, Ti-Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
主題檔案館是檔案館分類之一,具有檔案館基本屬性,因館藏內容特殊性及專業性,而有不同類型之主題檔案館;主題檔案館同時保存檔案與資料,致使檔案與資料一體化管理,形成主題檔案館最主要之特色。軍事檔案館屬於主題檔案類型,以軍事或戰爭資料為主要典藏對象,因其典藏媒體多樣化,且有許多實體武器之保存與展示,因此,軍事檔案館所使用名稱依據典藏資料特性而異。如:戰爭紀念館、國防檔案館、軍事博物館等,以文獻資產觀念而言,均屬於軍事檔案館之範疇。 本研究使用「文獻分析法」與「深度訪談法」進行研究,由文獻分析中探討法國、德國、英國、美國、澳洲、日本等國及我國國軍歷史文物館、海軍軍史館、空軍軍史館、八二三及古寧頭戰史館等軍事檔案館建置歷程、館藏及其組織架構與人力。 深度訪談對象包括國軍歷史文物館、海軍軍史館、空軍軍史館、八二三及古寧頭戰史館、國防部、檔案管理局等七個單位,藉以瞭解各相關單位對建置軍事檔案館之看法與意見。同時結合各國軍事檔案館建置、發展,及我國軍史館與戰史館現況,研擬我國建置軍事檔案館方案,以供未來建置規劃之參考。 本研究提出六點結論:一、設置軍事檔案館之必要性,主要有下列五點:(一)軍事檔案館典藏資料具有特殊性及專業性,以主題方式管理及應用,具有良好之效益;(二)就風險管理而言,可以分擔風險;(三)在政府組織再造之際,可避免組織架構重疊;(四)臺灣地理位置極具地緣戰略價值,國防軍事資料為國內及國際所重視;(五)配合檔案開放應用之規定,成立軍事檔案館不但可以確保資料安全,同時滿足檔案開放應用之需求;二、確立主題檔案館定位,以利後續發展;三、主題檔案館缺乏法源依據,檔案館組織、人員及預算編制法制化以利未來檔案館館務運作長期穩定發展;四、先進國家對特定檔案多設置主題檔案館,我國應朝向設立綜合性國家檔案館及主題性檔案館併行之發展;五、國防部檔案管理機制健全,在軟體方面已具有國防軍事主題檔案館之雛型;六、軍史館與戰史館具分別存在價值。 依據研究結果提出之建議:一、制定主題檔案館相關法源依據,以利未來檔案館館務正常運作之發展;二、軍事檔案館檔案屬於國家檔案,方能化解建置過程中可能遭遇之窒礙因素;三、建置國防檔案專責單位,統籌管理與執行國防檔案及軍事主題檔案館相關政策;四、主題檔案館應與休憩結合,提升民眾使用檔案之興趣,並提高軍事主題檔案館在國際之知名度。

L'évolution de la politique d'archivage au Yémen, des origines (années 1960) jusqu'aux évolutions technologiques actuelles / The evolution of the archiving policy in Yemen, from its origins (1960s) to the current technological developments / تطور السياسة الارشيفية في اليمن من بداية 1960 إلى التطورات التكنولوجية الحالية

Tawaf, Mohammed Ali 18 February 2019 (has links)
Pendant plusieurs siècles, le Yémen n’a pas porté d’intérêt institutionnel à ses archives, étant isolé du monde extérieur à cause de l’occupation ottomane au nord du pays et de l’occupation britannique au sud. Depuis la révolution de 1962, le besoin de disposer d’archives bien organisées et accessibles est apparu et la création du Centre National des Archives en 1991 a permis d’améliorer considérablement la situation. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’étudier l’intérêt que l’État yéménite a porté au patrimoine archivistique. Elle rappelle l’histoire et le développement de l’archivage dans les ministères et les institutions gouvernementales yéménites depuis la révolution de 1962 jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Elle présente la création des Archives nationales, avec l’aide de partenaires internationaux notamment l’UNESCO et l’ICA, la direction des archives de France et les Archives nationales de Tunisie. Elle explore aussi la façon dont les nouvelles technologies appliquées aux archives permettent aux chercheurs et aux citoyens d’y accéder. Elle présente l’organisation des archives courantes et intermédiaires dans les institutions qui s’est imposée comme un concept et une pratique depuis la création du Centre National des Archives. C’est autour de ses activités et de ses applications qu’ont été élaborées l’observation, l’enquête, la réflexion et certaines propositions. Les problématiques de la thèse s’articulent autour de cinq points : - L’histoire et l’organisation administrative du Yémen- La tradition archivistique au Yémen avant la réunification de 1990- Les origines et le développement du Centre national des archives (CNA)- Les missions, le fonctionnement et l’évaluation du CNA (de 1994 à aujourd’hui)- La fonction archives chez les producteurs (institutions gouvernementales)Les événements survenus au Yémen depuis 2011 ont malheureusement remis en cause toutes ces avancées. Ils ont tari les principales sources de financement de l’État et détruit une partie des fonds et des bâtiments, entraînant une paralysie complète du CNA. / For centuries, Yemeni institutions have not shown particular interest in their archives. The country was isolated from the outside world by British colonization in the South and the Ottoman occupation in the North. After the 1962 revolution, however, the need for organized and accessible archives has developed. This led to the creation in 1991 of the National Archives Centre (CNA). The Centre has improved the situation.This thesis aims at studying the interest shown by the Yemeni State in archival heritage. It starts with the history and the development of archives management in the ministries and governmental institutions of Yemen from the 1962 revolution to the current situation.It sheds light on the creation of the National Archives in Yemen and its international partnership with such institutions as UNESCO, ICA, French Directorate of Archives and Tunisian National Archives. It investigates the way new technologies are implemented in order to enable researchers and citizens to access to archives in a country such as Yemen. Moreover, it sheds light on the records management inside the Yemeni institutions. This practical has been commonly implemented since the creation of the National Archives Centre. This Centre has been the focus of this research. Suggestions are given for the development of its activities.Therefore, this thesis main topics are:- the history and administrative organization of Yemen ;- the archival practice and legacy in Yemen until the country’s reunification in 1990 ;- the origins and subsequent development of the National Archives Centre (CNA) ;- the CNA’s goals, functioning and assessment of its activities from 1994 up to nowadays ;- the archival functions in the producing governmental institutions.Events unfolding in Yemen since 2011 have challenged all these advances. The war did not only exhaust State’s funding. Warlike operations have also destroyed holdings and buildings, bringing the CNA to complete paralysis. This dissertation is concluded by an assessment of the archives current situation in Yemen. / ملخصلعدة قرون، لم يكن لدى اليمن أي مؤسسة أرشيفية، لأنها معزولة عن العالم الخارجي بسبب الاحتلال في شمال البلاد والاحتلال البريطاني في الجنوب. منذ ثورة 1962 ظهرت الحاجة إلى أرشيفات منظمة تنظيماً جيداً وسهل الوصول إليها، وقد أدى إنشاء المركز الوطني للوثائق (المركز الوطني للأرشيف) عام 1991 إلى تحسين الوضع إلى حد كبير.الهدف من هذه الرسالة هو دراسة اهتمام الدولة اليمنية للتراث الوثائقي والأرشيفي، وتشير الرسالة إلى تاريخ وتطور التوثيق والارشفة في الوزارات والمؤسسات الحكومية اليمنية منذ الثورة من عام 1962 وحتى اليوم. وكذلك تقدم إنشاء المركز الوطني للوثائق بمساعدة الشركاء الدوليين بما في ذلك اليونسكو والمجلس الدولي للأرشيف، إدارة الارشيف الفرنسي والأرشيف الوطني التونسي. وتدرس مدى تطبيق التكنولوجيا الجديدة على الارشيفات التي تمكن الباحثين والموطنين من الوصول إليها. وتعرض تنظيم الارشيف الجاري والوسيط في الوزارات والمؤسسات الحكومية التي ظهرت كمفهوم وممارسة منذ إنشاء المركز الوطني للوثائق. وحول نشاطاتها وتطبيقاتها التي وضعت للمراقبة والمسوحات الوثائقية والرؤية وبعض المقترحات لتنظيم الارشيف الجاري والوسيط. وتستند مشاكل ألأطروحة حول خمس نقاط : - التاريخ التنظيمي للإدارة ونشأت الارشيف في اليمن.- التقاليد الأرشيفية في اليمن قبل الوحدة عام 1990.- تأسيس وتطوير المركز الوطني للوثائق (cna).- مهام ونشاطات وتقييم المركز الوطني للوثائق (من 1994 إلى اليوم).- وظيفة الأرشيف لدى المنتجين للوثائق (المؤسسات الحكومية).وللأسف بأن الاحداث التي وقعت في اليمن منذ عام 2011 غيرت كل هذه التطورات في مجال الارشيف. لهذا جفت وقلت المصادر التمويل الحكومية وكذلك تدمير جزء من مبنى المركز وجزء من الرصيد الوثائقي فروع المركز بعدن وحضرموت وبعض ارشيفات الجهات والوزارات الحكومية، مما أدى الى شلل كامل للمركز الوطني للوثائق.الكلمات المفتاحية اليمن – الأرشيف – محفوظات – إدارة السجلات - تثمين - تشريعات الارشيف – تشريع المحفوظات - لوائح الارشيف - الارشيف العسكري – الأرشيف الجاري – الأرشيف الوسيط – الأرشيف التاريخي - المحفوظات الجارية - المحفوظات الوسيطة - المحفوظات التاريخية - - المركز الوطني للوثائق.

Vojenský Ústřední Archiv jako informační systém / Central Military Archives as information system

Pýcha, Josef January 2012 (has links)
SUMMARY: The aim of the thesis is to define a development and contemporary status of the Central Military Archives as a information system. It describes the entire information cycle of a document from its origin through the deposition at the department of conservation, in the administrative and final archive at last. It shows Central Military Archives and its importance as a significant entity in the field of digitization. Finally the thesis analyses the issues of implementation of the system of electronic record services. [Author's abstract]

Em busca do tempo perdido : das crises do Estado e da Constituição à adequação e contribuição do Direito Internacional dos Direitos Humanos para a abertura dos Arquivos da Ditadura Militar Brasileira

Seffrin, Ana Carolina Guimarães 14 December 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Mariana Dornelles Vargas (marianadv) on 2015-05-04T14:20:19Z No. of bitstreams: 1 em_busca.pdf: 1385950 bytes, checksum: da53c67635c3f7880c3366f5db065ad0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-04T14:20:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 em_busca.pdf: 1385950 bytes, checksum: da53c67635c3f7880c3366f5db065ad0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-12-14 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O presente estudo examina a importância e relevância da análise da problemática jurídica, envolvendo os arquivos da ditadura militar brasileira, 1964/1985, diante do movimento do Direito Internacional dos Direitos Humanos, surgido com o término da Segunda Grande Guerra Mundial. Por meio de uma exposição histórico-crítica a respeito do período ditatorial no Brasil, admite uma crise paradigmática vivida pelo Estado nos tempos contemporâneos, em grande parte advinda dos chamados anos de chumbo, na referência da importância do acesso à informação enquanto direito humano fundamental e a necessidade de respeito à Constituição Federal de 1988 e demais tratados e declarações internacionais pertinentes ao assunto. Procura inserir uma abordagem crítica e filosófica a partir de apontamentos de Hannah Arendt e Walter Benjamin naquilo que se refira ao atual estado político de velamento de informações referentes ao recente passado do país. Afere a necessidade de garantia do amplo acesso público às informações atinentes ao período como meio de efetivação de direitos constitucionalmente estabelecidos. Estabelece premissas ligadas ao Direito, à Verdade e à Memória, circunscrevendo que o Estado de Exceção no Brasil dos anos de ditadura militar deve ser revisado em níveis sociais, psicológicos, históricos, culturais e, principalmente, jurídicos. Valoriza o cerne fundamental da problemática ao admitir a necessidade de políticas governamentais de gestão de arquivos públicos sigilosos por meio de normas internacionais de proteção aos direitos humanos, aprofundando o trabalho do Estado ante o reconhecimento da proteção dos direitos civis e políticos como pilar fundamental à manutenção da dignidade da pessoa humana. Aborda a temática da Justiça Transacional como resposta a violações sistemáticas e generalizadas aos direitos humanos, objetivando reconhecer o alicerce de uma justiça a ser adaptada e construída em sociedades que se transformaram depois de períodos de violações generalizadas de direitos humanos. Por fim, a pesquisa insere-se na Linha de Concentração Hermenêutica, Constituição e Concretização de Direitos, do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito da Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS - objetivando instrumentalizar um aporte reflexivo crítico na luta pela efetivação de direitos, em nível constitucional e internacional, nos liames do Estado Democrático de Direito. / The following study investigates the importance and relevance of the legal problematic analysis regarding the archives from the Brazilian military dictatorship period, 1964/1985, towards the movement of the International Law of Human Rights developing with the end of the Second Great War. Through the historic-critic exposition regarding the dictatorial period in Brazil, is recognized a pragmatic crises present in the State in contemporary times, resulting strongly from the so called anos de chumbo (or lead years), with reference to the importance on the access of information as a fundamental human right and the necessity to respect the Federal Constitution of 1988 and other pacts and relevant international declarations to the matter. The critical approach will be one philosophical following Hannah Arendt and Walter Benjamin observations in which relates the present politic state of obscurity of information regarding the country?s past. Judging the necessity to vouch for the broad public access of information related to the period as a means to the effectual of established constitutional rights. Establishing premises linked to Rights to Truth and Memory, limiting that the State of Exception in Brazil in the military dictatorship must be revised in levels which are social, psychological, historical, cultural and, mainly, legal. Valuing the fundamental problematic core in admitting the necessity of governmental politics of management of public archives secret through international norms of human rights protection, deepen the work of the State before the recognition of the civil and political rights as fundamental pillar to the maintenance of the human being dignity. Approaching the theme of Transitional Justice as response to systematic violations and generalized to human rights, intending recognize the basis of a justice to be adapted and build in societies which develop after periods of generalized violations of the human rights. To conclude, the research is inserted in the Concentration Line of Hermeneutic, Constitution and Concretization of Rights, from the Post-graduation Program of Law from University Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS - intending take the issue into a critic reflexion in the fight for the effectuation of rights, in a constitutional and international level, in the apparatus of the Democratic State of Law.

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