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Exploring Public Sector Leadership Through Appreciative InquiryMorton, Wendy L 01 January 2019 (has links)
Leadership is an important part of creating effective public organizations. Effective leaders have the potential to produce social change through positive follower and organizational outcomes, the development of important policies, and efficiently implementing public policy. The scholarly literature lacks research concerning how leadership styles translate to the public sector. The theoretical framework used to guide and support this study was Cooperrider and Whitney's appreciative inquiry. The research question explored in what ways public sector leaders affect how followers perceive themselves as social change agents in a local city-county health department. For this phenomenological study, 10 followers employed by a local city-county health department in central Oklahoma provided perception data regarding details of their lived experiences with public sector leadership. Thematic coding was utilized to analyze the data. Key findings included support for transformational and servant leadership theories. Elements of these theories that followers found important included supporting, empowering, and valuing followers. Through good public leadership, important public policies goals can be attained which have the potential to produce positive social change through dynamic public organizations focused on social responsibility, trust in government, and customer service. Public organizations can use the findings to build a motivated, inspired, and committed public workforce.
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Complexity and leadership : conceptual and competency implicationsRonn, Harald 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Globalisation, rapid changes in technology, and demographic trends are all important factors
that contribute to conditions that require adaptive capacity in military organisations. The
context of a majority of military operations is often asymmetric with blurred boundaries, and
military organisations are expected to master a wide range of operations from humanitarian
disaster relief to more regular warlike situations in a joint- and multinational framework.
The complexity of the challenges facing military leaders in contemporary and future
operations makes it relevant to develop a meta-competency model for leadership in complex
military systems, which is the main purpose of this dissertation.
A Complexity Approach represents a shift from a set of conservative laws to a perception of
the world as an open and highly dynamic system, and some characterise complexity as a
bridge between modernism on the one hand and post-modernism on the other. Complexity
and complex systems have a number of characteristics, some of them being a large number
of short-ranged interactions that are dynamic, non-linear and fairly rich. Another significant
feature of complexity is the emphasis on emergent patterns that are codetermined through a
dynamic process between the history of the system and the interaction with its local
Leadership in complex systems might be described by the dynamics of emergence, not
merely by incremental influence, and increasingly considered to be a collective social
phenomenon. A complexity-oriented leader acts as an enabler of a rich identity interacting in
richly constrained play of difference, facilitating “bounded” individual and systemic adaptive
The reigning paradigm in military organisations, however, are closely linked to an autocratic
and bureaucratic structure and a fundamental quest for control, equilibrium and stability, all
of which are deeply embedded in Newtonian Principles of linearity, reductionism and
determinism. The investigation of empirical research on Norwegian Military Officers and the
Norwegian Armed Forces reveal a considerable amount of homogenous force substantiating
stability and control, at the same time as complexity and uncertainty are acknowledged.
This dissertation argues that the definition of competencies as “an underlying characteristic
of an individual that is causally related to effective and/or superior performance in a job or
situation”, is not suitable for a complexity understanding and proposes competencies to be
defined as “interconnected underlying characteristics of an individual or system, which through a dynamic and non-linear process of interaction between local agents and the
environment contribute to the emergence of identifiable or unidentifiable patterns of individual
or systemic behaviour”.
Based on a synthesis of a non-empirical literature study, empirical research and a modelbuilding
study, this dissertation suggests that heterogeneity of degree, androgynousity,
cognitive flexibility, ethical reasoning, cross-cultural competence, intuition, identity and
courage, are necessary meta-competencies for leadership in complex military systems. It is
further argued that these meta-competencies must be interpreted as interconnected and
interdependent, and the metaphor of a cloud is therefore presented as a suitable image of
the intricate dynamics of complexity. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Globalisering, vinnige veranderinge in tegnologie en demografiese tendense is belangrike
faktore wat bydra tot toestande wat aanpassingsvermoë in militêre organisasies vereis. Die
konteks waarin ’n meerderheid militêre operasies hul bevind is dikwels asimmetries met
onduidelike grense, en daar word van militêre organisasies verwag om ’n wye
verskeidenheid krygsverrigtinge van humanitêre rampverligting tot meer gereelde
oorlogsugtige omstandighede in ’n gesamentlike en multinasionale kader te bemeester.
Die kompleksiteit van die uitdagings waarvoor militêre leiers te staan kom in huidige en
toekomstige krygsverrigtinge is dit gepas om ’n meta-bevoegdheidsmodel vir leierskap in
komplekse militêre stelsels te ontwikkel, wat die belangrikste doel van hierdie tesis is.
’n Kompleksiteitbenadering verteenwoordig ’n verskuiwing van ’n stel konserwatiewe wette
na ’n waarneming van die wêreld as ’n oop en hoogsdinamiese stelsel, en kompleksiteit word
soms gekenmerk as ’n brug tussen modernisme aan die een kant en die post-modernisme
aan die ander. Kompleksiteit en komplekse stelsels het ’n aantal kenmerke, waarvan
sommige van hulle ’n groot aantal kortafstandinteraksies wat dinamiese, nie-lineêre en
redelik ryk is. Nog ’n belangrike kenmerk van kompleksiteit is die klem op die ontluikende
patrone wat vasgestel word deur middel van beide ’n dinamiese proses tussen die
geskiedenis van die stelsel en die interaksie met die plaaslike omgewing.
Leierskap in komplekse stelsels kan beskryf word deur die dinamika van verskyning, nie net
deur inkrementele invloed nie, en al hoe meer beskou as ’n kollektiewe sosiale verskynsel. ’n
Kompleksiteitgeoriënteerde leier dien as ’n instaatsteller van ’n ryk identiteit wat
wisselwerking uitoefen in streng beperkte verskilspel, wat “begrensde” individuele en
sistemiese aanpassingsvermoë fasiliteer.
Die huidige paradigma in die militêre organisasies word egter nou gekoppel aan ’n
outokratiese en burokratiese struktuur, en ’n fundamentele soektog vir beheer, ewewig en
stabiliteit, waarvan almal diep in Newtoniaanse Beginsels van lineariteit, reduksionisme en
determinisme vasgelê is. Die ondersoek van empiriese navorsing oor die Noorse Militêre
Offisiere en die Noorse Weermag openbaar ’n aansienlike aantal homogene mag wat
stabiliteit en beheer staaf, terselfdertyd as wat kompleksiteit en onsekerheid erken word.
Hierdie tesis is van mening dat die definisie van vaardighede as “’n onderliggende eienskap
van ’n individu wat oorsaaklik verwant is aan doeltreffende en/of superieure prestasie in ’n
beroep of situasie”, nie geskik is vir ’n kompleksiteitbegrip nie en stel voor dat vaardighede
gedefinieer word as “onderling verbinde onderliggende eienskappe van ’n individu of stelsel, wat deur middel van ’n dinamiese en nie-lineêre proses van interaksie tussen plaaslike
agente en die omgewing bydra tot die verskyning van identifiseerbare of nie-identifiseerbare
patrone van individuele of sistemiese gedrag”.
Gebaseer op ’n sintese van ’n nie-empiriese literatuurstudie, empiriese navorsing en ’n bou
van modelle studie, stel hierdie tesis voor dat die heterogeniteit van graad, androgienisme,
kognitiewe buigsaamheid, etiese beredenering, kruis-kulturele bevoegdheid, intuïsie,
identiteit en moed, nodige meta-vaardighede vir leierskap in komplekse militêre stelsels is.
Dit voer verder aan dat hierdie meta-vaardighede vertolk moet word as onderling verbinde en
onderling afhanklik is, en die metafoor van ’n wolk word dus voorgestel as ’n geskikte beeld
van die ingewikkelde dinamika van kompleksiteit.
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Decoupling infrastructure services from unsustainable resource use : cases from Cape TownRobinson, Blake 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / Please refer to full text to view abstract.
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Det offentliga ledarskapet av artificiell intelligens : Hur kan utmaningar med AI hanteras?Kulanovic, Aneta January 2019 (has links)
This thesis examines how the public leadership is challenged by artificial intelligence and how public organisations in Sweden should lead their work according to this. The purpose focuses on how research defines artificial intelligence and which challenges that can be found, also what Sweden’s policy documents and leaders in public organisations highlights as important topics with AI and leadership. The thesis starts with the methodological and theoretical approaches. The theoretical framework is based on collaborative leadership which is mostly built on ‘t Hart, Torfing and Haugs views on collaborative leadership. The analysis consists of three parts. The first part focuses on what AI is and what its challenges are, according to international research. The second part focuses on what Sweden’s policy documents highlights about AI and what that means to public leadership. Lastly, the third part focuses on how leaders within public organisations reason with challenges that exist with AI and leadership. The thesis result is that to be able to overcome the challenges that exist with AI in public organisations leadership is essential. The analysis of the research articles, policy documents and leaders statements comes to the conclusion that collaborative leadership is the most efficient and productive way to overcome the challenges that are identified.
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Critical success factors for public-private partnerships in South AfricaMinnie, Johan A. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2011 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Public-Private Partnership (PPP) is a popular instrument for public service delivery. It is important that public managers will be able to recognize when a PPP would be an appropriate service delivery option, and will be able to maximize a PPP‘s chances of success when it is the chosen service delivery instrument.
The research question addressed in this dissertation is:
―What are the critical factors that can be replicated that separate successful PPPs from PPPs that do not deliver or that collapse?
In this dissertation critical success factors for PPPs are identified through a step-by-step process in which different sources of success factors are analysed and where successively identified sets of success factors are compared and combined in a repetitive layered process of synthesis. A list of success factors is created and expanded through an iterative process of evaluation, removal of duplications, combination of related success factors and listing of unique success factors.
Success factors are found in literature while describing the PPP concept and partnership mechanics and management. Success factors are identified in partnership literature, in public governance literature, in private sector collaboration literature, in entrepreneurial studies and in a collection of perspectives on success. These perspectives include those of stakeholders, of private operators, of the third sector as well as perspectives from disciplines and knowledge and practice frameworks such as project management, corporate governance, enterprise risk management and organisational design. Additional success factors are identified in a discussion on the evaluation of partnerships, where it is shown that success factors can be derived from evaluation based on characterization, from partnership definitions, from the perspective of programme evaluation, from measuring the performance of business improvement districts, from alternating focus partnership evaluation (sector by sector, theme-based, local-level) and from service delivery evaluation. The evaluation of partnership examples also provides insight into success factors. The final filtering and synthesis of evidence uses the results of questionnaires, from which success factors are derived, to conduct a final distillation and produce the final list of success factors identified.
A total of 466 individual success factors are identified in this dissertation, these factors are grouped into 43 distinct categories. The two most critical success factors for PPPs are identified as firstly delivering a publicly needed service and secondly achieving the objectives of the partnership.
The answer to the research question described above is that critically, two conditions must be met to make a PPP successful, and that is that the goals of the PPP must be achieved and that a public need must be satisfied. There are many additional success factors which can further define success and degrees of success, all of which are descriptions of desired conditions from the perspective of stakeholders.
The exploratory and hypothesis-generating study culminates in a hypothesis that states that if public managers are faced with a choice of service delivery options, and the use of a PPP is one option, and if the manager applies the categories of recommended critical success factors identified in this dissertation, the manager will be able to determine whether a PPP would be an appropriate service delivery vehicle, and furthermore, if PPP is chosen as service delivery vehicle, the public manager would, through the application of the success factors identified in this dissertation, have a greater chance of successful implementation of the PPP through purposeful collaboration.
The study contributes to the public management body of knowledge by covering new ground in terms of the evaluation and management of public-private partnerships. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Publiek-Privaat Vennootskappe (PPVe) is 'n gewilde instrument vir die lewering van openbare dienste. Dit is belangrik dat openbare bestuurders sal weet wanneer 'n PPV 'n goeie opsie sal wees vir openbare dienslewering en hoe om 'n PPV se geleentheid vir sukses te verhoog as dit die gekose dienslewerings-instrument is.
Die navorsings-vraag wat in hierdie proefskrif aangespreek word is:
Wat is die kritieke sukses-faktore wat gerepliseer kan word wat suksesvolle PPVe onderskei van PPVe wat nie presteer nie of wat ineenstort?
In hierdie proefskrif word kritieke suksesfaktore vir PPVe geïdentifiseer deur 'n stap-vir-stap proses waardeur verskillende bronne van suksesfaktore ge-analiseer word en agtereenvolgende stelle van suksesfaktore vergelyk en gekombineer word in 'n herhalende, gelaagde proses van sintese. 'n Lys van suksesfaktore word geskep en uitgebrei deur ‗n iteratiewe proses van evaluasie, die verwydering van herhalings, die kombinasie van verwante faktore en die lys van unieke faktore.
Suksesfaktore word gevind in literatuur terwyl die PPV konsep en vennootskap meganismes en -bestuur beskryf word. Suksesfaktore word geïdentifiseer in vennootskap literatuur, in openbare bestuur literatuur, in privaatsektor samewerkingsliteratuur, in entrepeneur studies en in 'n versameling perspektiewe op sukses. Hierdie perspektiewe sluit in die van belanghoudendes, van private operateurs, van die derde sektor sowel as perspektiewe van dissiplines en kennis en praktyk raamwerke soos projekbestuur, korporatiewe bestuur, ondernemingsrisikobestuur en organisatoriese ontwerp. Bykomende suksesfaktore word geïdentifiseer in 'n bespreking oor die evaluasie van vennootskappe, waar dit aangedui word dat suksesfaktore afgelei kan word van karakter-gebaseerde evaluasie, van die prestasiemeting van besigheidsverbeteringsdistrikte ("Business Improvement Districts"), van alternatiewelik-fokusende vennootskap-evaluasie (sektor-vir-sektor, tema-gebasseerd, plaaslike vlak) en van dienslewerings-evaluasie. Die evaluering van vennootskap voorbeelde voorsien ook insig in suksesfaktore. Die finale filtrasie en sintese van bewyse gebruik vraelyste, waarvandaan suksesfaktore afgelei word, vir 'n finale distillasie en die saamstel van 'n finale lys van geïdentifiseerde suksesfaktore.
In totaal word 466 indiwiduele suksesfaktore in hierdie proefskrif geïdentifiseer, wat in 43 aparte kategorieë gegroepeer word. Die twee mees kritieke suksesfaktore wat uitgewys word is om eerstens 'n benodigde publieke of openbare behoefte te bevredig of diens te lewer, en tweedens om die doelwitte van die vennootskap te bereik.
Die antwoord op die navorsings-vraag wat hierbo beskryf word is dat daar krities aan twee voorwaardes voldoen moet word om 'n PPV susksevol te maak, en dit is dat die vennootskap se doelwitte moet bereik word en dat ‗n openbare behoefte bevredig moet word. Daar is verskeie bykomende suksesfaktore wat sukses en die mate van sukses verder kan definieer, waarvan almal beskrywings is van verlangde toestande uit die oogpunt van belanghebbendes.
Die uitset van die verkennende en hipotese-vormende studie is 'n hipotese wat lei dat, indien openbare bestuurders met 'n keuse van dienslewerings opsies gekonfronteer word, en indien die gebruik van 'n PPV een van hierdie opsies is, en indien die bestuurder dan die kategorieë van voorgestelde suksesfaktore wat in hierdie proefskrif geïdentiseer is toepas, sal dit vir die bestuurder moontlik wees om te bepaal of 'n PPV 'n toepaslike diensleweringsvoertuig kan wees, en verder dat, indien 'n PPV die gekose diensleweringsvoertuig is, die openbare bestuurder deur die toepassing van die susksesfaktore wat in hierdie proefskrif geïdentifiseer is 'n groter kans sal hê vir suksesvolle implementering van die PPV deur doelgerigte samewerking.
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Just facilitation : facilitating sustainable social change in contexts of injusticeFreeth, Rebecca 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: See ful text for abstract / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sien volteks vir opsomming
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Spirituality and nature in the transformation to a more sustainable world : perspectives of South African change agentsLockhart, Helen 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The central premise of this thesis is that humans are disconnected and alienated from Nature and it
proposes that we need to attempt to restore this connection in order to overcome the current
socioecological crises which threaten our survival as a species on the planet.
In response to the research question as to whether a spiritual relationship with Nature could assist in the
transformation to a more sustainable world, this study examines the concepts of Nature and spirituality
and the relationship between them and, in particular, explores the spiritual practices and human-Nature
connections experienced by six South African change agents. The objectives of this exploration are to
present individual stories which could be used as case studies in learning for sustainability and to promote
and encourage deeper conversations about what a more sustainable world might look like.
Given the argument that our disconnection and alienation from Nature is at the crux of the planetary
polycrisis and that we face a crisis of spirituality with regards to our relationship with Nature, this thesis
explores the concept of Nature in depth, taking into consideration different cultural interpretations,
environmental ethical positions and perspectives of Nature held in ancient times. Some of the key
arguments as to why humans are disconnected from Nature (science, loss of indigenous knowledge,
colonialism, capitalism, globalisation, religion and technology) are presented and I consider the implications
of the human-Nature disconnection.
A comprehensive literature review presents the key sociological crises, including climate change, ecosystem
degradation, inequality and poverty, peak oil, urbanisation and food insecurity, which underpin the
planetary polycrisis, and also discusses sustainable development, which arose as an attempt to respond to
the planetary polycrisis. I argue that mainstream sustainable development is anthropocentric and
perpetuates consumption by means of the current economic system.
In light of my research question I propose that spirituality could serve as a bridge between humans and
Nature. The understanding of spirituality which informs my approach implies a heightened awareness or
consciousness, the capacity for deep reflection and compassion, and a profound sense of what it means to
part of the web of life – to be another living, breathing, sentient being in Nature without the hierarchies
which are often dictated by religious forms of spirituality. It is a spirituality integral to daily life, which
informs the decisions about the way we live, and which is expressed through action, i.e. spirit-in-action.
While I acknowledge the role that religion could play in the transformation to a more sustainable world, I
highlight a number of practices, including mindfulness, meditation, rituals, poetry, re-learning from indigenous knowledge and wisdom, and restoration, which could perhaps assist in moving towards a
deeper connection with Nature. In reflecting on what kind of transformation is needed I refer to
complexity theory and systems thinking, and earth jurisprudence as examples of transformative paradigms.
Given that this is a qualitative study, I have used heuristic inquiry, reflexivity, narrative and poetics in my
research approach and conducted in-depth, semi-structured interviews with six South African change
agents (three women and three men). I have documented their stories as narrative summaries, focusing
particularly on their spirituality with respect to their relationship with Nature. I have then considered the
emerging themes which point to what might be required in order to create sustainable futures.
While there are issues of contention surrounding each of the concepts of Nature, spirituality and
sustainable development, the change agents agree that there is a definite relationship between them and
that they could help to direct our lives towards sustainability. Irrespective of how each of these concepts is
defined, it seems that we need to be thinking about what kind of lives we want to live and what kind of
lives future generations will be able to lead on a planet with a limited carrying capacity.
As to whether a spiritual relationship with Nature could assist in the transformation to a more sustainable
world, it seems that it is not so much a relationship, but a deep understanding and conscious awareness or
knowing of the interconnectedness and interdependence between Nature, spirit and the essence of being
Based on the input from the six change agents, I recommend a number of shifts within individual human
consciousness, in our communities and within broader society to promote sustainable living. Other
recommendations include the possibility of ecopsychology playing a greater role within the sustainable
development discourse and ongoing research to continue to provoke conversations about the human-
Nature connection and the implications this has for sustainability.
While this work is clearly an academic investigation, it has also been a personal undertaking in that I have
explored my own spiritual journey, considered my relationship with Nature, and learned more about my
role as a change agent in the transformation to a more sustainable world. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die sentrale veronderstelling van hierdie proefskrif is dat die mens afgesonder en vervreemd geraak het
van die Natuur en beveel aan dat ons poog om die konneksie te herstel ten einde die huidige sosio-ekologiese
krisis te kan oorkom wat ons oorlewing as 'n spesie op die planeet bedreig.
In antwoord op die navorsingsvraag of 'n spirituele verhouding met die Natuur kan bydra tot die transformasie na 'n meer volhoubare wêreld, ondersoek hierdie studie die konsep van die Natuur en
spiritualiteit, en die verhouding tussen die twee konsepte, en dan veral die spirituele praktyke en mens-
Natuur-konneksies wat ses Suid-Afrikaanse agente vir verandering meegemaak het. Die oogmerke met
hierdie verkenning is om individuele verhale aan te bied wat as gevallestudies gebruik kan word om insig te
kry in volhoubaarheid, en om dieper gesprekke oor hoe 'n meer volhoubare wêreld daar kan uitsien te
bevorder en aan te moedig.
Gegewe die redenasie dat ons afsondering en vervreemding van die Natuur die kruks van die globale
polikrisis is en dat ons 'n spiritualiteitskrisis beleef wat ons verhouding met die Natuur betref, ondersoek
hierdie proefskrif die konsep van die Natuur in diepte, met inagneming van verskillende kulturele
interpretasies, omgewingsentriese vertrekpunte en perspektiewe oor die Natuur in die antieke tyd. Sekere
sleutelargumente wat aandui waarom die mens afgesonder geraak het van die Natuur (wetenskap, verlies
aan inheemse kennis, kolonialisme, kapitalisme, globalisering, godsdiens en tegnologie) word aangebied,
terwyl ek die implikasies van die mens-Natuur-afsondering oordink.
'n Omvattende literatuurstudie behandel die sleutel sosiologiese krisisse, met inbegrip van
klimaatsverandering, ekosisteemagteruitgang, ongelykheid en armoede, piekolie, verstedeliking en
voedselonsekerheid, wat die globale polikrisis onderlê, en ondersoek volhoubare ontwikkeling wat
ontstaan het in 'n poging om op die globale polikrisis te reageer. Ek voer aan dat hoofstoom volhoubare
ontwikkeling antroposentries is en verbruik volgens die bestaande ekonomiese stelsel voortsit.
In die lig van my navorsingsvraag doen ek aan die hand dat spiritualiteit 'n brug tussen die mens en die
Natuur kan vorm. Die interpretasie van spiritualiteit, wat die beweegrede vir my benadering is, veronderstel 'n verhoogde bewustheid of bewussyn, die vermoë tot diepe refleksie en medelye, en 'n
wesentlike begrip van wat dit beteken om deel van die lewensweb te wees - om 'n lewende, redelike wese
te wees wat asemhaal in die Natuur, sonder die hiërargieë wat dikwels deur religieuse spiritualiteitsvorme
voorgeskryf word. Dit is spiritualiteit wat 'n integrerende deel van die daaglikse lewe is, wat die beweegrede
is vir die besluite waarvolgens ons leef, en wat uitgedruk word deur aksie, i.e. gees-in-aksie. Alhoewel ek die rol erken wat godsdiens kan speel in die transformasie na ʼn meer volhoubare wêreld, lig ek ʼn aantal
praktyke uit, nl in-die-oomblik-wees (oplettendheid), meditasie, rituele, poësie, her-leer uit die inheemse
kennis- en wysheid-skat, sowel as herstel, wat moontlik kan help om ʼn dieper band met die Natuur te vorm.
Wanneer ek reflekteer oor watter tipe transformasie nodig is, verwys ek na kompleksiteitsteorie en
sisteemdenke, en aardjurisprudensie as twee voorbeelde van transformerende paradigmas.
Aangesien dit ʼn kwalitatiewe studie is, het ek heuristiese ondersoek, refleksiwiteit, narratiewe en poësie in
my navorsingbenadering gebruik en semi-gestruktureerde diepte-onderhoude met ses Suid-Afrikaanse
agente vir verandering (drie vroue en drie mans) gevoer. Ek het hulle verhale as opsommings van
narratiewe opgeteken, en gefokus op hulle spiritualiteit in verhouding tot die Natuur. Daarna het ek
opkomende temas oorweeg met aanwysers van wat moontlik nodig is om ʼn volhoubare toekoms te skep.
Alhoewel daar verskillende standpunte is oor die konsep Natuur, spiritualiteit en volhoubare ontwikkeling,
stem die agente vir verandering saam dat daar ʼn definitiewe verwantskap tussen die konsepte bestaan en
dat dit kan bydra om ons lewe tot volhoubaarheid te rig. Ongeag van hoe elkeen van hierdie konsepte
omskryf word, blyk dit dat ons moet kyk na watter soort lewe ons wil leef en watter soort lewe toekomstige
generasies op ʼn planeet met ʼn beperkte dravermoë sal kan leef.
Op die vraag of ʼn spirituele verhouding met die Natuur kan bydra tot die transformasie na ʼn meer
volhoubare wêreld, blyk dit dat dit nie soseer ʼn verhouding is nie, maar ʼn diepe begrip vir en werklike
bewustheid, of kennis, van die onderlinge verbondenheid en interafhanklikheid tussen die Natuur, die gees
en die essensie van menswees.
Gebaseer op die inset van die ses agente vir verandering beveel ek ʼn aantal skuiwe binne onsself, in ons
gemeenskappe en in die wyer samelewing aan om ʼn volhoubare bestaan te bevorder. Ander aanbevelings
sluit in die moontlikheid dat ekopsigologie ʼn groter rol speel in die volhoubareontwikkelingsdiskoers en
voortgesette navorsing om deurentyd gesprekke oor die mens-Natuur-konneksie aan te moedig, asook die
implikasies wat dit vir volhoubaarheid het.
Alhoewel hierdie werk duidelik ʼn akademiese oefening is, was dit ook ʼn persoonlike onderneming deurdat
ek my eie spirituele reis onderneem het, my verhouding met die Natuur in oënskou geneem het, en tot
insig gekom het van my rol as agent vir verandering in die transformasie na ʼn meer volhoubare wêreld.
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Alternative sources of finance for sustainable development in South Africa with specific reference to carbon tradingDu Preez, David H. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The world has been engaged in a global ‘development project’ since the late 1940s. This process
gained new momentum with the end of colonialism and the emergence of newly independent
countries, all of them plagued with high levels of poverty. Traditional models of economic growth
based on industrialization and import-substitution did not deliver the expected results to reduce
poverty, especially in Africa. New ways of engaging with development emerged; in particular the
basic needs approach in the 1970s and later the human development approach.
Independently a new environmental movement surfaced in the 1960s, responding to the rallying call
of global environmental destruction as a result of economic activities. For the first time a global
language on the limitations nature presents to development emerged. The ‘movement’ received
particular traction with the emergence of global climate disruption as the single largest global
environmental issue. ‘Human needs’, represented by the anthropocentrists, and ‘environmental
limitations’, represented by environmentalists were merged in an uncomfortable union to give birth to
the notion of sustainable development. Yet, as a result of a large variety of perspectives, no
agreement has been reached on what sustainable development means or should achieve.
There is agreement though that developmental needs and environmental challenges are both urgent.
An important unanswered question is how the world will pay for sustainable development
interventions. Some interesting ideas on alternative sources of development finance has been
around for a while, yet has not found practical application. Carbon finance, an innovative new source
of funding, is an exception.
This exploratory research was conducted by reviewing existing relevant literature using the inductive
logic technique. It was initiated as a result of specific experiences leading the researcher to some
general ‘truths’.
The findings revealed that carbon markets, which are primarily focussed on reducing carbon
emissions and which in itself makes a positive contribution to sustainability, has over the last few
years successfully leveraged billions of dollars for investment in sustainable development projects
globally. Some of these have the added advantage of co-benefits for the poor. Its role is set to expand as a source of development finance. South Africa has the potential to earn large amounts
from carbon trading, assisting the country to move to a more sustainable development trajectory. The
findings concluded that realising this potential will require a more focussed approach, especially from
the South African Government. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die wêreld is sedert die 1940s besig met ‘n grootskaalse ‘ontwikkelingsprojek’. Die proses het nuwe
momentum gekry teen die einde van die koloniale tydperk. Die nuut onafhanklike state het almal
gebuk gegaan onder hoë vlakke van armoede. Tradisionele modelle van ekonomiese groei
gebasseer op industrialisasie en invoer vervanging, het nie die verwagte resultate in terme van
armoede verligting - veral in Afrika - gehad nie. Nuwe benaderings tot ontwikkeling - spesifiek die
‘basiese behoeftesbenadering’ in die 1970s en later die menslike ontwikkelingsbenadering – is
ontwikkel met die hoop dat dit beter resultate sal lewer om armoede hok te slaan.
Terselfdertyd het ‘n nuwe omgewingsbeweging in die 1960s ontstaan, in reaksie op die vernietig van
die natuur deur die mens se ekonomiese aktiwiteite. Die gevolg was dat daar ‘n internasionale taal
onstaan het wat die beperkinge wat die natuur op ontwikkeling plaas kon verwoord. Dit het veral
momentum gekry met die bewuswording dat aardverwarming die wêreld se grootste
omgewingsuitdaging bied. Mense se behoeftes soos verwoord deur antroposentriste, en
omgewingsbeperkings soos verwoord deur omgewingskundiges, het bymekaargekom om die nuwe
konsep van volhoubare ontwikkeling te vorm. As gevolg van ‘n groot verskeidenheid van
interpretasies is daar geen ooreenstemming oor wat volhoubare ontwikkeling beteken of behoort te
bereik nie.
Waaroor daar wel ooreenstemming is, is die feit dat die wêreld se behoefte aan ontwikkeling sowel as
die omgewingsuitdagings beide dringend is. ‘n Belangrike vraag wat niemand nog kon beantwoord
nie, is hoe die wêreld gaan betaal vir volhoubare ontwikkelingsprojekte. Alhoewel daar ‘n paar
kreatiewe idees vir alternatiewe bronne van ontwikkelingsfinansiering die rondte doen, het nog nie
een daarvan praktiese beslag gekry nie. Die enigste vindingryke nuwe bron van
ontwikkelingsfinansiering wat wel geïmplimenteer is, is koolstof finansiering.
Dié ondersoekende navorsing is gedoen deur middel van ‘n literatuur studie van bestaande relevante
materiaal, deur gebruik te maak van die induktiewe logika tegniek. Die studie is geïnisieer as gevolg
van spesifieke ondervindings wat die navorser gelei het na algemene ‘waarhede’. Bevindinge uit die studie het aangedui dat koolstof markte, wat primêr ten doel het om die vrystel van
aardverwarmingsgasse te beperk en dus opsigself ‘n positiewe bydrae tot volhoubaarheid lewer, oor
die laaste paar jaar daarin geslaag het om miljarde dollars beskikbaar te maak vir volhoubare
ontwikkelingsprojekte wêreldwyd. Sommige hiervan het die voordeel dat dit arm gemeenskappe
bevoordeel. Die rol van die koolstofmarkte gaan in die toekoms toeneem. Suid Afrika het die
potensiaal om groot bedrae te verdien uit koolstof finansiering, wat die land behoort te help om op ‘n
meer volhoubare ontwikkelingspad voort te gaan. Die bevindinge sluit af deur aan te dui dat die
realisering van dié potensiaal ‘n baie meer gefokusde benadering deur veral die Suid Afrikaanse
Regering gaan vereis.
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Early childhood development as a pathway to sustainable community developmentSpies, Magdelien 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigated the possibilities of early childhood development (ECD) as pathway to
sustainable community development by means of a literature survey and practical research. The
main objectives were to determine the usefulness of integrated, ecological ECD as entry point to
sustainable community development, to determine how this might be achieved and to reflect on the
benefits and limitations of sustainable community development through ECD.
A review of the literature emphasized the importance of ECD, as early childhood is foundational for
the establishment of lifelong skills, knowledge, values and attitudes. The need to enhance
capabilities for sustainable development from a young age is becoming increasingly urgent as the
world braces itself for a future likely to be characterised by a ‘global polycrisis’ which includes climate
change, resource depletion, poverty and food security. Integrated, ecological ECD exposes children
to a worldview that acknowledges complexity and interdependence. This contributes to their ability
to be agents of change that imagine and create alternative futures on community, national and
global levels. Conceptualising ECD spaces as integrated ecological ‘hubs’ for sustainable community
development is a way of enhancing community capabilities for sustainable development by
facilitating synergies between various projects, promoting intergenerational learning and ensuring
that children are central to all community development initiatives.
The practical research focused on the Lynedoch Crèche as a working example of an integrated,
ecological ECD ‘hub’ for sustainable community development. The purpose of this case study was to
contribute to the attainment of the research objectives by balancing theory with the intricacies of
praxis. The main findings of the case study pertain to the need to inform ECD by a deeply ecological
and integrated worldview that places children at the centre of sustainable community development.
The importance of deriving context-specific methodologies and solutions that stem from an intricate
knowledge of the socio-ecological environment was emphasized. The research indicated that the
core challenges to this approach relate to capacity, leadership, financial viability and institutional
The conclusions drawn from the literature survey and the practical research suggest a useful role for
ECD as entry point for sustainable community development. I further conclude that there is no single
conception of what an integrated, ecological hub for sustainable development might entail. Rather,
these ‘hubs’ must be born from worldviews rooted in complexity and interdependence and an
ecological educational paradigm that is inspired and informed by the local socio-ecological
environment. The principle benefit to this approach relates to the fact that community capabilities
for children-centred sustainable development are enhanced in concurrence with the high quality
ecological education of its children. The greatest limitation of this approach is that its success hinges
upon the capacity of teachers to fulfil multiple roles and provide leadership in largely unchartered
territory. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie het die moontlikheid ondersoek dat vroeë kinder ontwikkeling (VKO) as ingangspunt
vir volhoubare gemeenskapsontwikkeling gebruik kan word. ‘n Literatuur-studie oor die onderwerp
en praktiese navorsing by die Lynedoch kleuterskool is die kern van die studie. Die hoofdoel was om
te bepaal of geïntegreerde en ekologies-georienteerde kleuterskoolonderrig sinvol kan bydra tot
volhoubare gemeenskapsontwikkeling, om te bepaal hoe dit bereik kan word, en wat die voordele en
nadele van so ‘n benadering is.
Die literatuurstudie het die belangrikheid van VKO as die fondament vir die vaslê van lewenslange
vaardighede, kennis, waardes en houdings bevestig. Dit word al hoe dringender om kinders van ‘n
vroeë ouderdom af vir volhoubare ontwikkeling toe te rus sodat hulle leiding kan neem in ‘n toekoms
wat waarskynlik gekenmerk gaan word deur meervuldige krisisse soos klimaatsverandering,
oorbevolking, uitputting van natuurlike hulpbronne, armoede en voedselskaarste. ‘n Geïntegreerde en
ekologiese benadering tot VKO stel kinders bloot aan ‘n wêreldsiening wat kompleksiteit en
interafhanklikheid beklemtoon. Hierdie bewustheid help kinders om kreatief alternatiewe
toekomsmoontlikhede raak te sien en te verwesenlik, tot voordeel van hul gemeenskap, land en
wêreld. Kleuterskole kan geposisioneer word as een van die geïntegreerde spilpunte waarom
gemeenskapsontwikkeling draai. Vaardighede vir volhoubare ontwikkeling word sodoende bevorder
in beide kinders en gemeenskappe. Samewerking tussen verskeie projekte word aangemoedig, oud
en jonk leer saam en kinders word ‘n sentrale fokus van alle gemeenskapsontwikkelingsinisiatiewe.
Die praktiese navorsing is ‘n gevallestudie van die Lynedoch Kleuterskool. Hierdie kleuterskool is
gekies as ‘n voorbeeld VKO wat poog om ‘n geïntegreerde, ekologiese benadering te volg en om ‘n
rol te speel in volhoubare gemeenskapsontwikkeling. Die gevallestudie het die literatuurstudie
aangevul deur moontlikhede en tekortkominge van ‘n praktiese toegepassing te demonstreer. Die
bevindings bevestig die belangrikheid van ‘n ekologiese- en geïntegreerde benadering tot VKO, en
hoe noodsaaklik dit is om te verseker dat kinders as die sleutel tot
gemeenskapsontwikkelingsinisiatiewe gesien word. Kennis van die unieke sosio-ekologiese konteks
behoort te lei tot die ontwerp van geskikte onderrig metodes. Die gevallestudie dui daarop dat ‘n
tekort aan kapasiteit, onvoldoende leierskap, finansiële onselfstandigheid en swak organisasie
dikwels van die grootste uitdagings is wat sukses belemmer.
Die gevolgtrekkings van beide die literatuurstudie en navorsing is dat geïntegreerde en ekologiese
VKO wel ‘n nuttige invalshoek kan wees vir volhoubare gemeenskapsontwikkeling. Dit blyk verder
dat daar geen enkele universele model van geïntegreerde en ekologiese VKO is nie, en dat elke
projek se leerinhoud en metodologie volgens eiesoortige konteks bepaal word. Wat wel belangrik is,
is dat dié projekte gebou word op ekologiese wereldsieninge wat kompleksiteit en interafhanklikheid
benadruk. Die hoof voordeel van hierdie benadering is dat gemeenskapskapasiteit vir volhoubare
gemeenskapsontwikkeling bevorder word terwyl kinders hoë kwaliteit ekologiese opvoeding
ontvang. Die belangrikste beperking hierin is dat sukses grootliks afhanklik is van goed toegeruste
onderwysers wat verskeie rolle tegelyktydig kan vertolk, wat leierskap kan neem en wat alternatiewe
maniere van doen kan demonstreer.
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”En chef är ju allting” : - en studie om förskollärares förväntningar på sina förskolecheferHjelte, Josefine, Karlsson Pallin, Isabelle January 2017 (has links)
Due to a major generational renewal within the public sector, a large number of managers are anticipated to be recruited in the near future. Management in public sector is often separated from management in private sector, since public businesses has special demands to consider. The public management is also distinguished due to the fact that they have responsibility over a larger number of employees than managers within other branches of industry. During the last few decades, the public sector has reformed and taken on a more corporate like structure, which has transformed the public leadership. Previous research on public leadership and general leaderships theories has shown that management is more successful if the manager is able to interface with its employees. To favour the leadership it is important for managers to be aware of the employees’ expectations and demands. These facts make it interesting to study which expectations that lies on managers within the public sector. Due to this, this study aims to create an image of how preschool management is perceived by public preschool employees and to elucidate employees’ expectations of future public managers. Our central questions are:• From a preschool employees perspective, what does it entail to be a preschool manager within the public sector?• What are preschool employees expectations of their future preschool managers? To answer these questions, interviews were held with six preschool teachers from two different preschools in Örebro kommun. The results showed to some extent similar perceptions and expectations on preschool managers, but the empirics also revealed great differences in some standings. The conclusions drawn from the study is that employees have distinct expectations on their managers, especially considering distinctness and the ability to listen. / Genom ett aktuellt generationsskifte inom offentlig sektor förväntas ett stort antal nya chefer, bland annat inom förskolan, tillsättas. Att vara chef inom offentlig sektor skiljs ofta från att vara chef inom privat sektor, då offentliga verksamheter har en annan kravbild över sig än vad privata verksamheter har. Det offentliga chefskapet särskiljs även då dessa chefer i regel är ansvariga över ett större antal anställda än chefer inom andra branscher. Under de senaste årtiondena har den offentliga sektorn reformerats mot en mer företagslik struktur, vilket förändrat det offentliga ledarskapet. Tidigare forskning inom offentligt ledarskap samt inom generell ledarskapsteori har konstaterat att det är lättare att vara framgångsrik i sitt ledarskap om man som chef har ett lyckat samspel med sina medarbetare. Att som chef känna till vilka krav och förväntningar som finns från medarbetarnas sida kan också underlätta för ledarskapet. Detta gör det intressant att studera vilka förväntningar som finns på chefskapet inom offentlig sektor. Därmed syftar denna studie till att skapa en bild av hur förskolechefsrollen uppfattas av offentligt anställda förskollärare och belysa deras förväntningar på framtida förskolechefer. Frågeställningar:• Vad innebär förskolechefsrollen ur en förskollärares perspektiv?• Vilka förväntningar har förskollärare på sina framtida förskolechefer? För att besvara dessa frågeställningar intervjuades sex stycken förskollärare från två olika förskolor inom Örebro kommun. Resultatet visade till viss del på liknande uppfattningar och förväntningar på förskolechefer, men visade också på stora skillnader i vissa avseenden. De slutsatser som kunde dras var att det finns tydliga förväntningar på chefen från medarbetarnas sida, särskilt vad gäller lyhördhet och tydlighet.
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