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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Qualitative Journey : How to develop the quality of Swedish public bus transport by public-private cooperation

Mohlin, Daniel, Borgmäster, Thomas January 2012 (has links)
The Swedish public bus transport sector is showing a negative development as costs are escalating and the number of passengers is stagnating. Based on theories in Public-Private Partnerships and inter-organizational cooperation, this paper presents an exploratory study how the cooperation between public and private actors affects the quality of public bus transport. Evidence shows that the negative development in the sector is mainly due to the nature of the contracts between public and private actors. Despite the contracts, two of four cases have increased their quality and public welfare through cooperation between the actors.The results highlight the importance of customizing the cooperation based on each actors´ driving force in the contract. Additionally are detailed goal setting and a clear inter-organizational structure strongly correlating with increased quality, finally is trust identified as a corner stone for the construction of a successful cooperation.

Koncesijos įgyvendinimo teisinės problemos Lietuvoje / Legal problems concerning the implementation of concessions

Kerbelis, Gintas 05 July 2011 (has links)
Lietuvai, kaip daugeliui pasaulio valstybių, vis aktualesnė tampa viešosios infrastruktūros plėtros, įvairių viešųjų paslaugų teikimo ir jų kokybės poreikių užtikrinimo problema. Ši problema kyla dėl ribotų viešojo sektoriaus finansinių galimybių. Vienas iš galimų esamos problemos spredimų būdų – viešojo ir privataus sektorių partnerystės projektai, kuriuos įgyvendinat viešojo sektoriaus poreikiams užtikrinti pritraukiamos privataus sektoriaus investicijos. Lietuvoje populiariausia viešojo ir privataus sektorių partnerystės forma – koncesijos. Pagal Lietuvos teisę koncesija paprastai suprantama kaip valstybės ar savivaldybės institucijos privačiam subjektui suteiktiamas leidimas infrastruktūros sukūrimui arba viešųjų paslaugų teikimui, о atlyginimas yra teisė eksploatuoti sukurtus infrastruktūros objektus arba tokia teisė su atlyginimu. Darbo tikslas – koncesijos projektų įgyvendinimo metu kylančių teisinio reglamentavimo problemų nustatymas ir pasiūlymų jų sprendimui pateikimas. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Atskleisti koncesijos, kaip viešojo ir privataus sektorių partnerystės formos, sampratą bei apibendrinti šiai partnerystės formai būdingus požymius; 2. Atlikti teisinio reglamentavimo bazės analizę, apžvelgiant ir apibendrinant tam tikriems teisinės bazės raidos etapams būdingas iš teisinio reglamentavimo kylančias koncesijos projektų įgyvendinimo problemas; 3. Remiantis įvairių šaltinių duomenimis identifikuoti kitas, galimai iš pirmo žvilgsnio tiesiogiai iš teisinio... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The expansion of the public infrastructure, the rendering of various public services and the needs in its quality assurance have become a more relevant problem in Lithuania and in many other world countries. This problem arises due to the limited financial capacity of the public sector. One of the possible solutions to the problem could be a public-private partnership projects, where the private sector investments are enlisted to meet public sector needs. Concessions are particularly the most popular forms of public-private partnerships in Lithuania. Under the Lithuanian laws, concession generally means the authorisation granted by the state or municipal authority to the private entity to build/develop the infrastructure or provide public services. The remunaration for that is the right to use the objects buil. The aim of the present thesis is to define the actual legal regulation problems arising in implementation process of concession projects and submit proposals of how they can be solved; The tasks of thesis are the following: 1. Examine a concept of concession as a form of public-private partnership and to identify its characteristic features; 2. Make an analysis of the legal regulation, review and to make an overview of the concession projects implementation process, identify characteristic problems which are relevant to the different stages of the legal regulation development; 3. On the basis of various sources, identify problems which can be solved by using legal... [to full text]

Viešojo ir privataus sektorių partnerystės inovacijų įgyvendinimo valdyme plėtros prielaidos: Šiaulių regiono kaimiškųjų vietovių atvejis / Public – Private Partnership Development (PPP) Presumptions In The Process Of Innovations Implementation Management: Case Of The Siauliai Region’s Rural Areas

Liauksminaitė, Eglė 03 July 2012 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe tiriamos ir vertinamos viešojo ir privataus sektorių partnerystės(VPSP) inovacijų įgyvendinimo valdyme plėtros prielaidos Šiaulių regiono kaimiškosiose vietovėse. Siekiant atskleisti viešojo ir privataus sektorių partnerystės plėtros teorinius aspektus atlikta mokslinės literatūros, dokumentų ir kitų šaltinių analizė. Atliekant VPSP inovacijų įgyvendinimo valdyme plėtros prioritetų analizę teoriniame kontekste buvo nagrinėjama viešojo ir privataus sektorių partnerystės koncepcija. Darbe nagrinėjant VPSP plėtros prioritetus inovacijų įgyvendinimo valdyme, atlikta inovacijų sampratos analizė, atskleistas inovacijų ir pokyčių santykis. Vykdant VPSP plėtrą inovacijų įgyvendinimo valdymo procese ypač svarbus valdančiųjų institucijų požiūris, kuriuo remiantis yra formuoja inovacijų plėtros aplinka. Šiuo pagrindu atlikta inovacijų politikos reikšmės analizė VPSP inovacijų įgyvendinimo valdymo proceso kaimo vietovėse aspektu. Siekiant identifikuoti pagrindines VPSP inovacijų įgyvendinimo valdyme plėtros prielaidas Šiaulių regiono kaimiškosiose vietovėse buvo atliekama ekspertinė apklausa, kurioje dalyvavo keturi viešojo ir keturi privataus sektorių ekspertai. Tyrimo metu atlikta JAV VPSP inovacijų įgyvendinimo valdyme plėtros kaimo vietovėse patirties analizė, o taip pat pateikiama statistinių duomenų analizė, kurių kitimo tendencijos buvo nagrinėjamos kartu su ekspertais. Nagrinėti statistiniai duomenys, kurie yra susiję su inovacijų plėtra ir kaimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the Master's undergraduate thesis are investigated and evaluated the development presumptions of PPP in the process of innovations implementation management in Šiauliai region’s rural areas. In order to reveal the PPP development of the theoretical aspects the analysis of scientific literature, documents and other sources have been made. On this basis paper work represents the concept of the PPP. Also concept of innovations was analyzed and revealed the relation between innovations and changes in certain organizations. In order to identify the main PPP development presumptions in the process of innovations implementation management both public and private sector experts were interviewed to point out the main position of the sectors. One of the public sector’s experts was the regional development professor of the Salisbury University in the USA who suggested the model of how PPP in the process of innovations implementation management in rural areas can be developed. On purpose to analyze the major aspects of the innovations implementation management of PPP in the Siauliai region’s rural areas there have been selected four innovation projects and their leaders have been interviewed. It showed that innovation projects do benefit to the Siauliai region’s rural areas: increased export, expenditure of the energy have been reduced, modernization of the economic activity in rural areas. Moreover in the process of research there was used PEST and SWOT analysis to show the main... [to full text]

Revisiting the choice : to involve hospitals in the partnership for tuberculosis control in Indonesia

Probandari, Ari January 2010 (has links)
Tuberculosis (TB) is a major public health problem in many low- and middle-income countries, including Indonesia. To accelerate TB case detection, and to improve the quality of diagnosis and treatment provided by all providers, the Public-Private Mix for implementing Directly Observed Treatment Short-course (PPM DOTS) was introduced in 2000. However, previous studies on PPM DOTS have focused on private practitioners and there has been a scarcity of research on PPM DOTS in the hospital setting. This dissertation aims to capture the potential of the PPM DOTS strategy, and identify the barriers to its implementation in hospitals in Indonesia. This dissertation is based on four separate but interrelated studies: 1. A costeffectiveness analysis, comparing incremental cost per additional number of TB cases successfully treated under three strategies of PPM DOTS in four provinces. 2. An evaluation of the access to TB services by a cross-sectional study among 62 hospitals, by estimating the proportion of TB cases receiving standardised diagnosis and treatment according to the DOTS strategy. The data were analysed using poststratification analysis. 3. The quality aspect was explored in a multiple-case study, including eight selected hospitals. The data were analysed using cross-case analysis. 4. The process of partnership was explored through a qualitative study. In-depth interviews were conducted with 33 informants, who were actors involved in PPM DOTS in hospitals in Yogyakarta province. Content analysis was applied to the qualitative data. PPM DOTS in hospitals was shown to be a cost-effective intervention in this particular context. However, the quality of the implementation was commonly suboptimal. In addition, a substantial number of TB cases did not get standardised diagnosis and treatment as per the DOTS strategy. The process of creating partnership among hospitals and National TB Programme was shown to be complex and dynamic. Process factors, such as commitment to collaboration and interaction and trust among the actors, were shown to be important. The rapid scaling-up of PPM DOTS in hospitals at the national level in Indonesia should be revisited. Indeed, considering the importance of hospitals in TB control, the implementation should be continued and expanded. However, more attention needs to be given to process, context and governance.

Koncesijos taikymas Lietuvoje statant kelius / Concession Application Lithuania constructing of roads

Paulienė, Dovilė 03 June 2014 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe išanalizuotos viešosios ir privačiosios partnerystės formos ir jų taikymo galimybės viešųjų paslaugų sektoriuje. Taip pat pateikiamos rekomendacijos koncesijų taikymo kelių statybos srityje tobulinimui. Pirmoje darbo dalyje teoriškai išanalizuoti tradicinio ir modernių viešųjų paslaugų teikimo būdų teoriniai aspektai, ypatingai išryškinant specifinius jų bruožus, privalumus ir trūkumus. Antrajame skyriuje analizuojami praktiniai koncesijos taikymo kelių statyboje atvejai – Palangos ir Vilniaus aplinkkeliai. / Master's thesis analyzed the public-private partnership forms and applications for the public service sector. It also provides guidance on the application of concessions in the field of road construction development. The first part of the theoretical analysis of the traditional and the modern public service delivery methods of theoretical aspects, particularly highlighting their specific features, pros and cons. The second section discusses the practical application of the concession road construction cases - Palanga and Vilnius bypasses.

Untersuchung zur Anwendung von Public-Private Partnership im polnischen Gesundheitssektor /

Kubanek, Martina. January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Techn. Universiẗat, Fak. VI Planen Bauen Umwelt, Diss.--Berlin, 2007.

Build Operate Transfer-Modelle zur Finanzierung von Infrastrukturinvestitionen : eine Untersuchung im Lichte der neo-institutionalistischen Theorie /

Strohbach, Hannes. January 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Wirtschaftsuniv., Diss--Wien, 1999.

Institutional and welfare aspects of the provision and use of information and communication technologies in the rural areas of Bangladesh and Peru /

Chowdhury, Shyamal K. January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss--Bonn, 2002.

Public private partnership for urban rail transit : forms, regulatory conditions, participants /

Schneider, Joachim. January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Tech. Univ. Bergakademie, Diss.--Freiberg, 2003.

Stadtmarketing als Instrument der Kommunikation, Kooperation und Koordination : Untersuchung kooperativer Stadtmarketingansätze mit Blick auf den Dreiländervergleich Deutschland - Österreich - Schweiz /

Datko, Götz. January 2009 (has links)
Zugl.: Stuttgart, Universiẗat, Diss., 2009.

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