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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Paperin-Rostovzev, Theo January 2023 (has links)
I projektet VATTENTRATTEN undersöks möjligheten att kombinera pumpvattenkraftverkets princip för energilagring med offentliga funktioner vilka möter miljonprogramsområdet Nickstahöjdens behov - allt inom samma byggnad.  Mot bakgrund av förestående klimatkris är omställningen till en hållbar energiproduktion nödvändig. Därigenom har energilagring framträtt som en knäckfråga för att stabilisera elnätet mot förnybara energikällors väderfluktuationer. En av de mest välbeprövade metoderna för storskalig energilagring är pumpvattenkraftverk. I vattentornet på Nickstahöjden utforskas principens potential tillämpad i mikroformat och urban miljö, med lagringskapacitet motsvarande 40 hushålls dygnsförbrukning av el.  Till lika delar är VATTENTRATTEN en mötesplats och ett landmärke för Nickstahöjden, området med lägst socioekonomisk status i Nynäshamn. För en utveckling bortom utanförskap och segregation är områdets unga en nyckelfaktor. Den tidigare fritidsgården på Nickstahöjden är nedlagd och inom lokalpolitiken höjs röster för behovet av en ny. Därför inkorporeras en fritidsgård i byggnaden, som tillsammans med bibliotek, scen, café, kontor och konferens skapar en livlig mötesplats för alla åldrar.   Helheten sammanhålls av en genomgående strukturlogik: Uppbrutna våningsplan i lättkonstruktion av trä och stål hängs på betongvattentornet med stålvajrar likt en gigantisk tårpil. Således tillåts potentiellt konflikterande funktioner samexistera inom samma socio-maskinella entitet, simultant hanterande globala och lokala utmaningar. Men VATTENTRATTEN blir, med sitt säregna uttryck och synliga läge från pendeltåget, också en kollektiv referenspunkt - en symbol utstrålande tillhörighet och prioritet i ett område som alltför länge förbisetts. / The project VATTENTRATTEN examines the possibility of combining the pumped hydropower plant´s principle of energy storage with public functions meeting the demand of million programme area Nickstahöjden - all within a single building.  In the light of the impending climate crisis, the transition to sustainable energy production is essential. Thereby, energy storage has emerged as a critical issue in order to stabilize the electricity grid against the weather fluctuations of renewable energy sources. One of the most tried and tested methods of large-scale energy storage is pumped hydro power. In the water tower at Nickstahöjden, the applicability of the principle in micro-scale and urban context is investigated, offering a storage capacity equivalent to the daily electricity consumption of 40 households. Equally as important, VATTENTRATTEN is a social venue and a landmark representing Nickstahöjden; the area with the lowest socioeconomic status in Nynäshamn. In favor of a development beyond exclusion and segregation, reaching the young population of the area is to be regarded as a key factor. The former youth recreation center at Nickstahöjden is now disused and, within the local policy, there are calls for the need of a new one. Thus, a youth recreation center is incorporated into the building, which, together with a library, a stage, a café, offices and a conference area, produces a lively meeting point for all ages. The whole is kept together by a consistent structural logic: Broken-up floors, consisting of a lightweight wood-and steel construction, are suspended from the concrete water tower through steel wires like a giant weeping willow. Accordingly, potentially conflicting functions are allowed to coexist within the same socio-mechanical entity, simultaneously addressing global and local challenges. Thanks to its distinctive appearance and visible location from the commuter train, VATTENTRATTEN also becomes a collective point of reference - a symbol, radiating a sense of belonging and priority in an area which for way too long has been overlooked.

Pumpkraftverk som energilagring vid off-grid anläggning : Kombination av sol, vind och vattenkraft i ett autonomt system

Wærn, Einar January 2018 (has links)
The downside of using energy from the wind is its fluctuations. The downside of using energy from solar panels is that it produces a low amount of energy during the wintertime when the demand is at its greatest. When said demand is at its lowest the energy from the solar panels is at its peak. To solve this problem and even out the energy production so it coincides with the demand a pump hydroelectric powerplant is being used. In this study, an autonomously system consisting of these three will power a theoretic village of 50 households in the southern part of Sweden. After simulating different scenarios using Excel as the main tool the conclusion is that a system like this is only possible if there is a large water reservoir stationed at an elevated position. This sets requirements on how the geography looks. The study shows that the energy from the solar panels demands a larger reservoir then the energy from the windmills. It also shows that that the energy from the solar panels is more consistent. The perfect combination is a reservoir of at least 2,6 million m3, a windmill with a blade length of 20 meters and solar panels covering an area of 3925 m2. This combination needs a total pump flow of 4000 m3/h. The total efficiency of this system is 45 %. If the pump flow is decreased to 800 m3/h the efficiency will only decrease approximately one percent, however the solar panel area must then increase with approximately 600 m2. So whether this is a viable idea depends on the cost of the pump versus the cost of the solar panels.

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