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Estudo e desenvolvimento de um microinversor empregando o conversor ?uk para microgera??o fotovoltaicaCabral, Henrique Gabriel 29 August 2016 (has links)
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Dissertacao Henrique Cabral Final.pdf: 7113504 bytes, checksum: 991064508825d35b392d6e41b5e9023f (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-08-29 / This work presents a study and a development of a current source microinverter,
based on the ?uk converter operating in discontinuous conduction mode, for
microgeneration purposes based on photovoltaic systems. In this sense, we carried
out a steady-state analysis of the ?uk converter, in order to establish the design
criteria for the ?uk microinverter. All peripheral systems required for the
microinverter operation have also been developed, and are included in this study,
namely: the MPPT, PLL, and islanding detection algorithms. All control systems, i.e.,
the MPPT, PLL, and anti-islanding detection algorithms, were implemented in the
DS1104 R&D controller board, from dSPACE?, using MATLAB/Simulink? to
program it. / Este trabalho apresenta o estudo e o desenvolvimento de um microinversor de
corrente, baseado no conversor ?uk, operando no modo de condu??o descont?nua,
para a aplica??o em microgera??o fotovoltaica. Inicialmente, s?o desenvolvidos
estudos de car?ter qualitativo e quantitativo do comportamento do microinversor
de corrente baseado no conversor ?uk, os quais culminaram no desenvolvimento de
crit?rios para o dimensionamento do conversor ?uk, que desempenha um papel
central na estrutura do microinversor proposto. Sistemas perif?ricos necess?rios
para a opera??o do microinversor, assim como aqueles exigidos pelas
concession?rias de energia el?trica para a aplica??o em sistemas de microgera??o
s?o estudados e desenvolvidos nessa disserta??o. Para tanto, a implementa??o de
todos os sistemas de controle, ou seja, os algoritmos de MPPT, de sincronismo, e de
detec??o da opera??o ilhada, foram realizados em ambiente MATLAB/Simulink?
associada ? uma placa de desenvolvimento do fabricante alem?o dSPACE?, modelo
DS1104, a qual permite o controle em tempo real dos transistores do microinversor.
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Design process optimisation of solar photovoltaic systemsGoss, Brian January 2015 (has links)
The design processes for solar photovoltaic (PV) systems is improved to achieve higher reliability and reduced levelised cost of energy (LCOE) throughout this thesis. The design processes currently used in the development of PV systems are reviewed. This review process included embedding the author in a project to deliver four rooftop PV systems which totalled a megawatt of installed generating capacity, which at the time represented very significant system sizes. The processes used in this are analysed to identify improvement potential. Shortcomings are identified in three main areas: safety assurance, design process integration and financial optimisation. Better design process integration is required because data is not readily exchanged between the industry standard software tools. There is also a lack of clarity about how to optimise design decisions with respect to factors such as shading and cable size. Financial optimisation is identified as a challenge because current software tools facilitate optimising for maximum output or minimum cost, but do not readily optimise for minimum levelised cost of energy which is the primary objective in striving for grid parity. To achieve improved design process integration and financial optimisation, a new modelling framework with the working title SolaSIM is conceived to accurately model the performance of solar photovoltaic systems. This framework is developed for grid connected systems operating in the UK climate, but it could readily be adapted for other climates with appropriate weather data. This software development was conducted using an overarching systems engineering approach from design and architecture through to verification and validation. Within this SolaSIM framework, the impact of shading on array and inverter efficiency is identified as a significant area of uncertainty. A novel method for the calculation of shaded irradiance on each cell of an array with high computational efficiency is presented. The shading sub-model is validated against outdoor measurements with a modelling accuracy within one percent. Final verification of the over-arching SolaSIM framework found that it satisfied the requirements which were identified and actioned. The author installed the new CREST outdoor measurement system version 4 (COMS4). COMS4 is a calibrated system which measures 26 PV devices simultaneously. Validation of SolaSIM models against COMS4 found the modelling error to be within the 4% accuracy target except two sub-systems which had electronic faults. The model is validated against PV systems and found to be within the specified limits.
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Les bactérioses du riz dues à Xanthomonas oryzae au Burkina Faso : Diversité et identification de sources de résistance adaptées / Rice bacterial diseases due to Xanthomonas oryzae in Burkina Faso : diversity and identification of locally-adapted resistance sourcesWonni, Issa 07 October 2013 (has links)
La bactériose vasculaire du riz (BLB) et à stries foliaires (BLS) causées respectivement par Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) et X. oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoc) sont deux maladies émergentes en Afrique de l'Ouest, suite à l'expansion de la culture du riz et à l'introduction de variétés à haut rendement au cours de ces dernières décennies. Trois nouvelles races de Xoo ont été caractérisées en Afrique dont on a montré, sur la base d'une analyse génétique, leur spécificité africaine. En revanche, une étude réalisée sur une dizaine de souches de Xoc isolées au Mali en 2003, démontre qu'elles sont apparentées à des souches de Xoc asiatiques. En Asie, plusieurs gènes de résistance à Xoo ont été identifiés et déployés dans les programmes de lutte contre BLB. Cependant aucun gène de résistance à Xoc n'a été encore identifié chez le riz. Les objectifs de notre étude étaient (i): d'implémenter les collections de souches de Xoo et Xoc Africaines disponibles mais incomplètes, à l'aide de nouvelles campagnes d'échantillonage réalisées de 2009 à 2012 dans différentes zones agroécologiques du Burkina Faso et du Mali, (ii) de déterminer la diversité génétique de ces souches, (iii) d'identifier et caractériser de nouvelles sources de résistance contre BLB et BLS au sein d'accessions de riz cultivées au Burkina Faso. Nos résultats ont montré que les souches africaines de Xoc sont hautement variables tant d'un point de vue génétique que du pouvoir pathogène. L'analyse par PCR de deux effecteurs de types III conservés (xopAJ et xopW) permet de différencier les souches de Xoc en deux groupes, xopAJ étant absent dans la majorité des souches et une insertion de 1050 bp étant détectée dans la séquence codante de xopW de certaines souches. Néanmoins, il apparait que la forte diversité génétique des Xoc n'est pas corrélée à leur origine géographique, ni à la période de collecte, ou à la nature de l'hôte. Les souches de Xoo caractérisées appartiennent toutes à la race A1 qui n'avait pas encore été signalée au Mali. Au regard de la diversité des souches et de leur évolution, il est important d'envisager un plan de surveillance épidémiologique à plus large échelle des populations de Xo dans les régions concernées en Afrique de l'Ouest. Enfin, nous avons montré que certaines variétés de riz cultivées au Burkina Faso présentent un phénotype de résistance spécifique des souches africaines de Xoo et ce, à tous les stades de développement de la plante. Ces données originales contrastent par rapport au phénotype des lignées de riz résistantes de référence (Xa4, xa5 et Xa7 efficaces uniquement au stade de tallage maximum). Eu égard à l'absence de gènes de résistance dans le riz efficaces contre Xoc, ces variétés qui constituent également une source de résistance efficaces contre la diversité des souches de Xoc africaines, offrent potentiellement un nouveau moyen pour assurer le contrôle du BLS au Burkina Faso et éventuellement dans d'autres pays Africains. / Bacterial Leaf Blight (BLB) and Bacterial Leaf Streak (BLS) diseases respectively caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) and X. oryzae. pv oryzicola (Xoc) are two emerging diseases of rice in West Africa, due to the recent expansion of rice cultivation and introduction of improved rice varieties over the last decade. Three news Xoo races were characterized based on genetic analysis, demonstrating their african specificity. In contrast, a study achevied on about ten Xoc strains isolated in Mali in 2003, show that they are related to asian Xoc strains. In Asia, several R genes against Xoo have been identified and deployed in breeding program to control BLB. In contrast, no R gene against Xoc has been identified in rice. The objectives of this PhD thesis are to (i) complete the Xo collections of African isolates upon annual sampling operated from 2009 to 2012 in various agroecological areas of Burkina Faso and Mali, (ii) determine the genetic diversity of these strains , (iii) identify and characterize news sources of resistance genes to BLB and BLS within rice accessions cultivated in Burkina Faso.Our results showed that african Xoc are highly diverse genetically and phenotypically. PCR-based analyse of two conserved type III effector gene (xopAJ and xopW) differentiated two groups of Xoc strains, with xopAJ not detected in a majority of African Xoc strains and 1050 bp insertion detected in xopW gene for few strains. However, the high genetic diversity observed among the Xoc strains is not correlated to geographical origin, sampling data or host plant species. Xoo strains characterized belong all to race A1 previously reported by Gonzalez et al. (2007) in Burkina Faso. Given the diversity of X. oryzae strains and their evolution, it is essential to establish a large scale epidemiological monitoring of Xo populations in concerned regions in west Africa.At last, some accessions cultivated in Burkina Faso showed specific resistance to african Xoo strains at all plant development stages. These original data contrast with rice lines carring Xa4, xa5 and Xa7 resistance genes against BLB, which are only effective at maximun tillering stage.Given no sources of effective resistance genes against BLS is available in rice, these accessions which were also efficient against a set of Xoc strains representative of the diversity in Africa, represent a huge potential source for the control of BLS in Burkina Faso, and eventually in others african countries.
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Bakteriozno sušenje trešnje (Prunus avium L.) / Textual printed materialIličić Renata 20 May 2016 (has links)
<p> Bakteriozno sušenje trešnje (Prunus avium L.) poslednjih nekoliko godina u mladim zasadima i plantažama trešnje predstavlja značajan problem u proizvodnji ove voćne vrste. Simptomi bolesti se ispoljavaju u vidu sušenja grana, grančica ili celih stabala, što se uglavnom zapaža na mestima rezidbe i oko pupoljaka, sa uočljivim promena boje tkiva kore, koje puca i nastaju rak rane. U periodu od 2012 – 2015 godine izvršen je monitoring zdravstvenog stanja trešnje kojim je obuhvaćeno nekoliko plantaža i manjih zasada trešnje iz više lokaliteta na području AP Vojvodine i centralne Srbije (Ritopek). Mlade voćke su očigledno najugroženije, jer smo na osnovu praćenja zdravstvenog stanja u više lokaliteta i zasadima različite starosti, pojavu bakterioznog sušenja u jačem ili slabijem intenzitetu, konstatovali samo u mladim zasadima (do 3 godine starosti – Selenča, Gornji Tavankut, Donji Tavankut, Ljutovo, Mikićevo i Kanjiža). Izolacijama na strandardne hranljive podloge, iz prikupljenih obolelih uzoraka trešnje, kao i sa zdravih pupoljaka i listova trešnje (epifitna populacija), dobijeni su brojni izolati bakterija P. syringae pvs. od kojih je za dalja ispitivanja odabrano 155 izolata. Identifikikacija dobijenih izolata je izvršena je na osnovu fenotipskih i genotipskih metoda. Na osnovu LOPAT testova izolati pripadaju Ia grupi fluorescentnih vrsta Pseudomonas syringae. Prema GATTa testovima utvrđene su dve grupe izolata u okviru vrste P. syringae: I grupa (G+A+T–Ta–) i II grupa (G–A–T+Ta+). Dodatni testovi su potvrdili GATTa testove, na osnovu kojih je zaključeno da sušenje mladih stabala trešnje prouzrokuju dve grupe bakterije P. s. pv. syringae (I grupa) i P. s. pv. morsprunorum rasa 1 (II grupa). Među ispitivanim izolatima nije bilo odstupanja u pogledu fenotipskih karakteristika u okviru iste grupe, osim sposobnosti stvaranja siringomicina pojedinih izolata I grupe (pv. syringae). Proverom patogenosti na raznim test biljkama i biljci domaćinu utvrđene su razlike, ali i određene sličnosti između izolata I i II grupe. Jasne razlike između grupa izolata utvrđene su pri inokulaciji zelenih plodova trešnje, višnje, ringlova i kruške, paradajza, paprike i mahuna boranije. Pri inokulaciji odvojenih listova jorgovana izolati I grupe (pv. syringae), kao i većina izolata II grupe (pv. morsprunorum rasa 1) su pozitivno reagovali, što ukazuje na heterogenost populacije bakterije P. s. pv. morsprunorum rasa 1. Pri inokulaciji sejanaca voćnih podloga (divlja trešnja, magriva, divlja šljiva, divlja kruška) svi izolati pv. syringae su prouzrokovali karakteristične patološke promene na podlogama svih voćnih vrsta, a izolati pv. morsprunorum rase 1 takođe na svim vrstama, osim na sejancima divlje šljive. Ovi rezultati ukazuju da je širenje bakterija moguće i putem podloga koje takođe mogu biti zaražene. Inokulacijama dvogodišnjih grančica trešnje u periodu mirovanja zaključeno je da su svi izolati pv. syringae i morprunorum rasa 1 podjednako patogeni na svim sortama trešnje (Burlat, Summit, Hedelfigenska i Germerzdorfska). Najveća dužina nekroze najčešće je zabeležena na sortama Burlat i Summit u kombinaciji sa izolatima I grupe (pv. syringae) u pojedinim slučajevima i sa izolatima II grupe (pv. morsprunorum rasa 1), a najmanja uglavnom kod sorti Germerzdorfska i Hedelfigenska sa izolatima II grupe (pv. morsprunorum rasa 1). Identifikacija izolata KBNS71 – 84 (Gornji Tavankut) i KBNS85 – 94 (Selenča) na bazi MLST korišćenjem gena gyrB, rpoD, gapA i gltA, jasno je pokazala prisustvo dva patovara P. s. pv. syringae i P. s. pv. morsprunorum rasa 1. Pri poređenju sa sojevima H – 1, V – 85, V – 88 (višnja) i V – 109 (trešnja) utvrđene su značajne razlike i postojanje genetskog diverziteta populacije ovih patogena. Simultana detekcija gena syrB i syrD utvrđena je kod 70 izolata I grupe (pv. syringae), a samo SyrB kod 9 izolata iste grupe (pv. syringae). Gen za sintezu koronatina detektovan je kod svih 76 izolata II grupe (pv. morsprunorum rasa 1). Rep – PCR metodom ustanovljene su značajne razlike (58%) između I i II grupe izolata (pv. syringae i pv. morsprunorum rasa 1). Ispitivani izolati sa trešnje u okviru pv. syringae nisu ispoljili međusobne razlike, ali se razlikuju od sojeva sa drugih lokaliteta i ranije izolovanih sa istog domaćina (V – 109 i T6), kao i od sojeva sa drugih domaćina – višnje (V – 85) i uljane tikve (Tk21) do 37%. Razlike među izolatima pv. morsprunorum rase 1 iznosile su manje od 5%, a 24% u odnosu na soj CFBP2119 istog patogenog varijeteta. Rep – PCR analiza ukazala je na nizak nivo heterogenosti ispitivanih izolata u okviru istog patogenog varijeteta. RAPD metoda, korišćenjem većeg broja prajmera, bila je uspešnija za poređenje ispitivanih izolata od rep – PCR. Od testiranih 11 prajmera, 4 (SPH1, DJP17, DJ15, DJ16) su selektovana za dalji rad na osnovu razlika među izolatima unutar patogenih varijeteta. Kumulativna RAPD analiza pokazala je da između ispitivanih izolata pv. syringae postoje razlike do 24%, a 41% u poređenju sa sojem KFB0103, dok su kod izolata pv. morsprunorum rase 1 razlike iznosile do 15%, a 36% u odnosu na soj</p><p>4<br />CFBP2119. Dobijeni rezultati RAPD analize ukazuju da u okviru populacije obe grupe ispitivanih izolata postoji određena heterogenost, ali je genetski diverzitet izraženiji kod pv. syringae. Proučavanjem epidemilogije ovih patogena u poljskim uslovima inokulacijom jednogodišnjih grana / mladara sortama Burlat, Germerzdorfska, Hedelfigenska i Droganova žuta, zaključeno je da trešnja u našim agroekološkim uslovima ranije postaje osetljiva (oktobar) prema P. s. pv. morsprunorum rasa 1 u odnosu na pv. syringae. Prvi pozitivni rezultati pri inokulaciji sojevima pv. syringae utvrđeni su pri inokulaciji u novembru. U pogledu dužine nekroze najuspešnije su bile novembarske inokulacije (najduže nekroze; 2,17 – 3,35 cm), uspešne su bile i januarske i martovske inokulacije, ali je dužina nekroze bila sve manja, respektivno. Generalno najduže nekroze su ostvarene kod sorte Burlat, a najkraće kod sorte Germerzdorfska. Sve inokulacije urađene u periodu vegetacije su bile negativne. Inokulacijama dvo – trogodišnjih grana na sorti Summit prve uspešne inokulacije (oba patovara) su ostvarene tek u novembru (oktobarske su bile negativne), kada je utvrđena i veća agresivnost patovara syringae. Pri inokulacijama u januaru dužina nekroze je bila manja, a martovska je bila negativna. Sve inokulacije vršene u periodu od bubrenja pupoljaka do opadanja lišća takođe su bile negativne. Ispitivanjem osetljivosti sotrimenta trešnje i pojedinih sorti višnje zaključeno je da su prema oba patovara (syringae i morsprunorum rasa 1) najosetljivije sorte trešnje Katalin, Linda, Summit, New Star i Burlat, srednje osetljive su sorte višnje Erdi Botermo i sorte trešnje Droganova žuta, CarmCarmen, Germerzdorfska i Rana od Noara, a slabo osetljive sorte višnje Španska i Ujfeheti firtoš i sorta trešnje Rita.</p> / <p>Bacterial die back (canker) of sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) in young orchards and sweet cherry plantations in the past few years has been a significant problem in the production of this fruit species. Symptoms of the disease were manifested in the form of drying branches, twigs or whole trees, which were mainly observed in places of pruning or around the buds, bark changes a color, cracks and cankers has formed. In the period 2012 - 2015 monitoring of the health status of sweet cherries was carried out covering several plantations and smaller orchards of sweet cherries in several localities in Vojvodina and central Serbia (Ritopek). Young fruit trees are obviously the most susceptible, based on monitoring of the health status in many localities and plantations of different ages, the occurrence of bacterial canker in a stronger or weaker intensity was found only in young plantations (up to 3 years old - Selenča, Gornji Tavankut, Donji Tavankut, Ljutovo, Mikićevo and Kanjiža). From collected diseased samples of sweet cherries, as well as healthy buds and leaves of sweet cherry (epiphytic population) isolations on standard nutrient medium, were obtained numerous isolates of P. syringae pvs. and for further investigations was selected 155 isolates. Identification of isolates was performed on the basis of phenotypic and genotypic methods. Based on LOPAT tests isolates belonging to Ia group fluorescent Pseudomonas syringae. According to GATTa tests two groups of P. syringae isolates were identified, I group (G+A+T-Ta-) and II group (G-A-T+Ta+). Additional tests confirmed the GATT tests, on the basis which it was concluded that the drying of young sweet cherry trees caused P. s. pv. syringae (I group) and P. s. pv. morsprunorum race 1 (II group). Among the tested isolates was not exceptions in phenotypic characteristics within the same group, except for the ability to produced syringomycine for some isolates of I groups (pv. syringae). In pathogenicity tests on various plants and host plant were observed differences, but also and some certain similarity between isolates of I and II groups. Clear differences between the groups of isolates were determined in the inoculations of green fruit of sweet cherry, sour cherry, cherry plum and pears, tomatoes, peppers and green bean pods. In the case of inoculation of separate lilac leaves isolates of I group (pv. syringae) and most isolates of II group (pv. morsprunorum race 1) reactions were positive, what indicating the heterogeneity of the population of P. s. pv. morsprunorum race 1. In the inoculation of fruit rootstock seedlings (wild cherry, Magriva, wild plum, wild pear) all isolates pv. syringae caused the characteristic pathological changes on the all fruit species, isolates of pv. morsprunorum race 1 also except on the seedlings of wild plum. These results suggest that the spreading of bacteria is possibly through the rootstock that can also be infected. Inoculations of two – years old branches of sweet cherry during dormancy, was concluded that all isolates pv. syringae and morprunorum race 1 were equally pathogenic in all sweet cherry cultivars (Burlat, Summit, Hedelfigen and Germersdorf). The longest length of necrosis usually was observed on the cultivars Burlat and Summit in combination with isolates of I groups (pv. syringae), in some cases with isolates of II group (pv. morsprunorum race 1), and the lowest mainly in cultivars Germersdorf and Hedelfigen with isolates of II group (pv. morsprunorum race 1). Identification of isolates KBNS71 - 84 (GornjiTavankut) and KBNS85 - 94 (Selenča) based on MLST using genes gyrB, rpoD, gapA and gltA genes clearly showed the presence of two patovars P. s. pv. syringae and P. s. pv. morsprunorum race 1. Comparison with strains H - 1, V - 85 V - 88 (sour cherry) and V - 109 (sweet cherry) showed significant differences and the existence of genetic diversity in the population of these pathogens. Simultaneous detection of syrB and syrD gene was found in 70 isolates of I group (pv. syringae) and only syrB gene in 9 isolates of the same group (pv. syringae). The gene for coronatine synthesis was detected in all 76 isolates of II group (pv. morsprunorum race 1). Rep - PCR method detected significant differences (58%) between isolates of I and II groups (pv. syringae and pv. morsprunorum race 1). The tested isolates from sweet cherry within pv. syringae did not show differences between them, but they were different from the strains from other locations and previously isolated from the same host (V - 109 and T6), as well as strains from other hosts - cherry (V - 85) and pumpkin (Tk21) to 37 %. The differences between isolates pv. morsprunorum race 1 were less than 5% and 24% compared to the same pathovar strain CFBP2119. Rep - PCR analysis indicated a low level of heterogeneity of isolates within the same pathovar. RAPD method using a large number of primers were more successful to compare isolates than rep - PCR. Among 11 tested primers, 4 (SPH1, DJP17, DJ15, DJ16) were selected for further work on the basis of the difference between isolates within same pathovar. Cumulative RAPD analysis showed up to 24% differences among tested isolates of pv. syringae and 41% compared to the strain KFB0103, while among isolates pv. morsprunorum race 1 differences were 15% and 36% compared to the strain CFBP2119. The results of RAPD analysis indicate that a certain heterogeneity<br />7<br />exists in the population of both tested groups of isolates, but genetic diversity is more pronounced among isolates of pv. syringae. Studying the epidemiology of this pathogen in field conditions, by inoculating one – year old branches / or shoots sweet cherry cultivars Burlat, Germersdorf, Hedelfigen and Droganova žuta, it was concluded that the sweet cherry in our agroecological conditions becoming sensitive (October) to P. s. pv. morsprunorum race 1 before in relation to the pv. syringae. The first positive results of inoculations with strains pv. syringae were determined in November. Regarding the length of necrosis most successful were inoculation in the November (necrosis longest; 2.17 to 3.35 cm), inoculations also were successful in the January and the March, but the length of necrosis was smaller, respectively. Generally longest necrosis were observed in the cultivar Burlat, and the shortest in cultivar Germersdorf. All inoculations carried out in the period of vegetation were negative. Inoculations of two – three – years old branches of the cultivar Summit, first successful inoculations (for both pathovar) were observed only in November (October was negative), when a greater aggressiveness of pathovar syringae were determined. In inoculations in January length of necrosis was smaller, and in March was negative. All inoculations carried out in the period from buds swelling to leaf falling were also negative. Investigation susceptibility of sweet cherry and some sour cherry cultivars was concluded that against to both pathovars (syringae and morsprunorum race 1) the most susceptible were cultivars of sweet cherry Katalin, Linda, Summit, New Star and Burlat, medium susceptible were cultivar of sour cherry Erdi Botermo and sweet cherry cultivars Droganova žuta, Carmen, Germersdorf and Rana od Noara and low susceptible cultivars of sour cherry Španska and Ujfeheti firtoš and cultivar of sweet cherry Rita.</p>
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Bifacial photovoltaic (PV) system performance modeling utilizing ray tracingAsgharzadeh Shishavan, Amir 01 August 2019 (has links)
Bifacial photovoltaics (PV) is a promising technology which allows solar cells to absorb light and generate power from both front and rear sides of the cells. Bifacial PV systems generate more power per area compared to their monofacial counterparts because of the additional energy generated from the backside. However, modeling the performance of bifacial PV systems is more challenging than monofacial systems and industry requires novel and accurate modeling tools to understand and estimate the benefit of this technology. In this dissertation, a rigorous model utilizing a backward raytracing software tool called RADIANCE is developed, which allows accurate irradiance modeling of the front and rear sides of the bifacial PV systems. The developed raytracing model is benchmarked relative to other major bifacial irradiance modeling tools based on view-factor model. The accuracy of the irradiance models is tested by comparing with the measured irradiance data from the sensors installed on various bifacial PV systems. Our results show that the raytracing model is more accurate in modeling backside irradiance compared to the other irradiance models. However, this higher accuracy comes at a cost of higher computational time and resources. The raytracing model is also used to understand the impact of different installation parameters such as tilt angle, height above the ground, albedo and size of the south-facing fixed-tilt bifacial PV systems. Results suggest bifacial gain has a linear relationship with albedo, and an increasing saturating relationship with module height. However, the impact of tilt angle is much more complicated and depends on other installation parameters. It is shown that larger bifacial systems may have up to 20º higher optimum tilt angle compared to small-scale systems. We also used the raytracing model to simulate and compare the performance of two common configurations for bifacial PV systems: optimally tilted facing south/north (BiS/N) and vertically installed facing east/west (BiE/W). Our results suggest that in the case of no nearby obstruction, BiS/N performs better than BiE/W for most of the studied locations. However, the results show that for high latitude locations such as Alaska, having a small nearby obstruction may result in having better yield for vertical east-facing system than south-facing tilted system. RADIANCE modeling tool is also used in combination of a custom tandem device model to simulate the performance of tandem bifacial PV systems. Modeling results suggest that while the energy gain from bifacial tandem systems is not high, range of suitable top-cell bandgaps is greatly broadened. Therefore, more options for top-cell absorber of tandem cell are introduced.
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Design and Mathematical Modelling of a Solar Carport with Flat ReflectorSrinivasan, Suriya January 2019 (has links)
As the world is moving towards the renewable energy, there is increase in usage of the electric vehicles in transport sector. This has led to more consumption of electricity from the grid and thus affecting its stability. To overcome this issue many decentralized charging stations have come of which generating electricity from the solar energy is more popular. These solar carports act as a shelter for the vehicles from various climatic factors such as rain, snow, dust in addition to producing renewable electricity. The main aim of this thesis study is to design a solar carport with the reflector compared to the existing Solar carports. The roof selected for this thesis study is a “V” shaped roof with the PV modules installed on one side of the roof and a reflector installed on the other side of the roof. The objectives of this thesis study are creating a mathematical irradiation and yield model of the PV system with and without a reflector. In addition, find the optimum roof tilt angle for a PV system with the reflector. Finally, determine the optimum increase in the annual energy yield for a PV system with the reflector compared to the PV system without a reflector. Microsoft Excel is used to create the mathematical irradiation and yield model of the PV system. The simulation was done for three different locations by obtaining hourly irradiation and temperature data from the PVsyst software. As a case study four different reflective materials of different specular and diffuse reflectance were chosen for better understanding and comparison. The simulation results showed that there is significant increase in the annual energy yield for a PV system with the reflector for all the locations. The study also shows that the increase in energy yield, optimum roof tilt angle is dependent on the specular and diffuse nature of the reflector. The study has concluded that the increase in the annual energy yield for a PV system with the specular reflector is more compared to a PV system with the diffuse reflector for the lower roof tilt angles and vice versa. It is also clear that the increase in the energy yield is similar for all the three locations. Hence, based on the roof tilt angle the selection of the reflector material needs to be done for an optimum design of the solar carport.
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Modélisation, commande et supervision d'un système multi-sources connecté au réseau avec stockage tampon de l'énergie électrique via le vecteur hydrogène / Modelling, control and supervision of multi-source system connected to the network with a buffer storage of electrical energy via hydrogen vectorTabanjat, Abdulkader 25 September 2015 (has links)
Les réserves limitées de combustibles fossiles et la pollution entrainée par les gaz produits ouvrent la voie à desressources énergétiques renouvelables (RER) alternatives et prometteuses telles que les ressources solaires (RS)et les ressources éoliennes (RE). Ces ressources sont librement disponibles et respectueuses de l'environnement.Cependant, les RER sont de nature intermittente. Par conséquent, il existe un besoin de lissage des fluctuations depuissance en stockant l'énergie pendant les périodes de surproduction pour la restituer au réseau lorsque lademande énergétique devient importante. Les systèmes de stockage de l'énergie (SSE) peuvent alors être utilisésde manière appropriée à cette fin.L'utilisation de plusieurs sources d'énergie et de stockeurs pour construire des systèmes de puissance hybrides(SPH) exige une stratégie de gestion de l'énergie pour atteindre le minimum de coût des SPH et un équilibre entrela production et la consommation de l'énergie. Cette méthode de gestion de l'énergie est un mécanisme pourobtenir une production d'énergie idéale et pour satisfaire convenablement la demande de charge à rendementrelativement élevé.Dans cette thèse, un SPH intégrant production électrique photovoltaïque, éolienne, une micro-turbine à gaz ainsiqu'un système de stockage de l'électricité par le vecteur hydrogène est considéré. Le but de cette hybridation estde construire un système fiable, qui est en mesure de fournir la charge et qui a la capacité de stocker l'énergieexcédentaire sous forme hydrogène et de la réutiliser plus tard. En outre, le problème d'ombrage partiel dePanneaux Photovoltaïques est étudié de manière approfondie. Une nouvelle solution basée sur des interrupteurssimples et un contrôle par logique floue intégré dans une carte électronique dSPACE a été proposée. Unereconfiguration des panneaux photovoltaïques en temps réel et de déconnexion de ceux ombragés est égalementeffectuée en cherchant à minimiser les pertes de puissance. Le couplage thermique entre ces panneauxphotovoltaïques et un électrolyseur à membrane polymère est également étudié, à l'échelle système. Enrécupérant une partie de l'énergie thermique reçue par les panneaux, une amélioration du rendement du systèmehybride PPVELS MEP est réalisée / The limited reserves of fossil fuel and the pollution gases produced pave the way to promising alternativeRenewable Energy Sources (RESs) such as Solar Energy Sources (SESs) and Wind Energy Sources (WESs).SESs and WESs are freely available and environmentally friendly. However, RESs are intermittent in nature.Therefore, the smoothing of power fluctuations by storing the energy during periods of oversupply and restore it tothe grid when demand becomes necessary. Accordingly, Energy Storage Systems (ESSs) can be appropriatelyused for this purpose.Using several energy sources for constructing HPSs alongside with ESS will require an energy managementstrategy to achieve minimum HPS cost and optimal balance between energy generation and energy consumption.This energy management method is a mechanism to achieve an ideal energy production and to conveniently satisfythe load demand at relatively high efficiency.In this thesis, a Hybrid Power System (HPS) including Renewable Energy Sources (RESs) such as main sourcescombined with Gas Micro-Turbine (GMT) and hydrogen storage system such as Back-up Sources (BKUSs) hasbeen presented. The aim of this hybridization is to build a reliable system, which is able to supply the load andhaving the ability to store the excess energy in hydrogen form and reuse it later when demanded. Consequently, thestored energy at the end of each cycle will be zero and a minimum generated power cost is achieved. In addition,partial shading problem of Photovoltaic (PV) panels is comprehensively studied and a new solution based on simpleswitches and Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC) integrated into dSPACE electronic card is created. Consequently, a realtime PV panels reconfiguration and disconnecting shaded ones is performed and minimum power losses isachieved. Then, the PV panels are connected to a Proton Exchange Membrane Electrolyser (PEM ELS). Theemitted temperature by the PV panels is transferred to the endothermic element PEM ELS. Consequently, anefficiency enhancement of the hybrid system PVPEM ELS is realized.
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Direct-Coupling of the Photovoltaic Array and PEM Electrolyser in Solar-Hydrogen Systems for Remote Area Power SupplyPaul, Biddyut, s3115524@student.rmit.edu.au January 2009 (has links)
Renewable energy-hydrogen systems for remote area power supply (RAPS) constitute an early niche market for sustainable hydrogen energy. The primary objective of this research has been to investigate the possibility of direct coupling of a PV array to a proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyser by appropriate matching of the current-voltage characteristics of both the components. The degree to which optimal matching can be achieved by direct coupling has been studied both theoretically and experimentally. A procedure for matching the maximum power point output of a PV array with the PEM electrolyser load to maximise the energy transfer between them has been presented. The key element of the matching strategy proposed is to vary the series-parallel stacking of individual cells in both the PV array and the PEM electrolyser so that the characteristic current (I) -voltage (V) curves of both the components align as closely as possible. This procedure is applied to a case study of direct coupling a PV array comprising 75 W panels (BP275) to a PEM electrolyser bank assembled from 50 W PEM electrolyser stacks (h-tec StaXX7). It was estimated theoretically that the optimal PV-electrolyser combination would yield an energy transfer of over 94% of the theoretical maximum on annual basis. This combination also gave the lowest hydrogen production cost on a lifecycle basis. An experimental test of this theoretical result for direct coupling was conducted over a period of 728 hours, with an effective direct-coupling operational time of about 467 hours (omitting the hours of zero solar radiation). Close agreement between the theoretically predicted and actual energy transfer from the PV array to the electrolyser bank in this trial was found. The difference between theoretical and experimental hydrogen production was less then 1.2%. The overall solar-to-hydrogen energy conversion efficiency was found to be 7.8%. The electrolysers were characterised before and after the direct coupling experiment, and showed a small decline in Faraday efficiency and energy efficiency. But this decline was less than the uncertainties in the measured values, so that no firm conclusions about electrolyser degradation can be drawn at this stage. Another direct-coupling experiment, using a larger scale PV-electrolyser system, that is, a 2.4 kW PV array at RMIT connected to the 'Oreion Alpha 1' stand-alone 2 kW PEM electrolyser developed by the CSIRO Energy Technology, was also successfully conducted for a period of 1519 hours (with 941 hours of effective operational time of the electrolyser). Energy-efficient direct coupling of a PV array and electrolyser as examined in this thesis promises to improve the economic viability of solar-hydrogen systems for remote power supply since the costs of an electronic coupling system employing a maximum power point tracker (MPPT) and dc-to-dc converter (around US$ 700/ kW) are avoided.
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A Case Study of Solar Powered Cellular Base StationsPANDE, GEETHA January 2009 (has links)
<p>Green power, environment protection and emission reduction are key factors nowadays in the telecom industry. Balancing of these modes while reducing the capital and operational costs are of prime importance. Cost efficient and reliable supply of electricity for mobile phone base stations must be ensured while expanding the mobile phone network. In this context, solar energy, using sophisticated photovoltaic cell technology, is considered to be playing very important role.</p><p>Currently, companies such as ABI research, Flexenclosure AB, etc believe that the solar powered cellular base stations are capable of transforming the telecom industry into one of the greenest in the world. Hence, lot of research is in progress across the globe to use solar power in telecom industry.</p><p>In this thesis work, the significance of solar power as renewable energy source for cellular base stations is reviewed. Moreover, simulation software called PVSYST4.37 is used not only to obtain an estimate of the cost of generation of solar power for cellular base stations but also to obtain the system parameters such as the number of modules, batteries and inverters needed for designing the solar powered cellular base stations. The simulations were carried out for the Grid-Connected and the Stand-Alone solar power systems by considering the cases of New Delhi, India and Stockholm, Sweden.</p><p>The PVSYST4.37 simulation results shows that the power generation costs for the grid connected solar powered system is less compare to standalone solar powered system both in New Delhi, India as well as in Stockholm, Sweden.</p><p> </p>
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Dlx Gene Regulation of Zebrafish GABAergic Interneuron DevelopmentMa, Wenqian 09 May 2011 (has links)
The Dlx genes play an important role in the differentiation and migration of
gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) interneurons of mice. GABAergic interneurons
are born in the proliferative zones of the ventral telencephalon and migrate to the
cortex early during mouse development. Single Dlx mutant mice show only subtle
phenotypes. However, the migration of immature interneurons is blocked in the
ventral telencephalon of Dlx1/Dlx2 double mutant mice leading to reduction of
GABAergic interneurons in the cortex. Also, Dlx5/Dlx6 expression is almost entirely
absent in the forebrain, most probably due to cross-regulatory mechanisms.
In zebrafish, the role of dlx genes in GABAergic interneuron development is
unknown. By injecting Morpholino, we double knocked down dlx1 and dlx2 genes in
wildtype zebrafish to investigate the function of the two genes in zebrafish
GABAergic interneuron development. By comparing different subsets of GABAergic
interneuron development in wildtype and dlx1/2 morphant zebrafish forebrain, we
found out that at 3dpf, 4dpf and 7dpf, double knockdown of dlx1 and dlx2 genes in
zebrafish remarkably reduced the number of Calbindin-, Somatostatin- and
Parvalbumin-positive GABAergic neurons, whereas the development of
Calretinin-positive neurons is slightly affected. These results suggest that in zebrafish,
dlx1a and dlx2a genes are important for the development of certain subtypes of
GABAergic interneurons (Calbindin-, Somatostatin- and Parvalbumin-positive
neurons) and may have minor influence on Calretinin-positive neuron development.
This also suggests that different regulatory mechanisms are involved in the
development of the different subtypes of GABAergic interneurons.
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