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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Réutilisation des eaux usées traitées en irrigation localisée : impacts des conditions d'écoulement et des matériaux sur le développement de biofilm / Wastewater reuse for micro-irrigation : impact of hydrodynamic conditions and materials on biofilm development

Gamri, Souha 16 January 2014 (has links)
Dans le cadre du présent travail, nous nous intéressons à l'étude de l'impact des conditions hydrodynamiques et des matériaux utilisés sur le développement de biofilm au niveau des conduites des systèmes de micro-irrigation. Cette étude contribue à l'amélioration de la compréhension de l'impact de ces paramètres dans la mise en place et la croissance du biofilm. Pour ceci, un montage expérimental aux conditions d'écoulement maîtrisées a été mis en place au laboratoire avec une eau usée modèle de forte concentration en DCO (200 mg.L-1). Le suivi des paramètres de qualité d'eau (COT et oxygène dissous) ont été réalisés au cours des expérimentations. La masse du biofilm récupéré dans les conduites a été mesurée après un séchage à l'étuve à 105°C pendant 24 heures. Les résultats montrent une cinétique de développement du biofilm dans les conduites et confirment l'influence de l'hydrodynamique sur le développement de biofilm. Trois vitesses d'écoulement ont été testées (0,4, 0,8 et 1,2 m. s-1), le biofilm a tendance à se développer dans les conduites à plus faible vitesse. Une valeur seuil, à partir de laquelle la croissance du biofilm est observée tardivement, a été également identifiée. Les résultats obtenus ont été utilisés pour paramétrer un modèle cinétique simple qui permet de décrire le développement de biofilm en fonction des conditions hydrodynamiques. D'autres expérimentations ont été réalisées en parallèle pour étudier l'impact des matériaux plastiques (PE et PVC) et la configuration des conduites du montage expérimental sur le développement de biofilm. / This work aims to improve our understanding on how these parameters impact biofilm establishment and growth. For this purpose, we carried out an experiment in controlled hydrodynamic conditions using a synthetic effluent (200 mg.L-1 of COD concentration). Some water quality parameters (TOC and dissolved oxygen) were monitored . Moreover, biofilm was removed from pipes and then weighed after drying at 105°C for 24 hours. The obtained results confirmed the influence of hydrodynamic on biofilm development. Three flow rates were tested (0,4 ; 0,8 and 1,2 m.s-1) and it was observed that biofilm tends to develop in pipes at lower velocities. A threshold velocity value, from which biofilm growth was observed later, was also identified. The experimental results were used to build a simple model to describe biofilm development as a function of hydrodynamic conditions. Additionnal experiments were performed to study the impact of plastic materials (PE and PVC) and pipes configuration on biofilm growth

Valorisation du cardanol et d’acides et d’aldéhydes lipidiques dans le domaine des matériaux polymères / Valorization of cardanol and lipidic acids and aldehydes in the field of polymer materials

Briou, Benoît 05 October 2018 (has links)
L’un des défis majeurs dans le domaine des polymères est la substitution des molécules pétro-sourcées en vue de l’élaboration de monomères, polymères et d'additifs pour polymères. Le travail de cette thèse s’axe sur la valorisation de molécules bio-sourcées et plus particulièrement, du cardanol et de dérivés d'huiles végétales. Le champ d’application des polymères étant large, nous avons choisi de nous centrer sur trois grandes problématiques.Dans un premier temps, nous nous sommes intéressés à la plastification du PVC qui, actuellement, est majoritairement réalisée par des phtalates, famille d’esters pétro-sourcés vivement suspectés d’être des perturbateurs endocriniens. Des additifs de substitution ont ainsi été synthétisés par une chimie simple à partir du cardanol et d’esters gras. Des stabilités thermiques et des propriétés plastifiantes très satisfaisantes ont été obtenues. Enfin, des tests de toxicité et d’écotoxicité ont démontré l’absence d'impact perturbateur sur la sécrétion d'hormones sexuelles et la non toxicité vis-à-vis de l'environnement de ces plastifiants bio-sourcés.Dans un second temps, nous avons revisité la chimie des résines phénoplastes habituellement préparées à partir du phénol et du formaldéhyde, deux molécules classées CMR. Nous avons adapté cette chimie robuste à un phénol bio-sourcé, le cardanol, et à un aldéhyde bio-sourcé, le nonanal, pour obtenir des résines phénoliques souples. Cette propriété recherchée est le résultat d’une plastification interne des chaines lipidiques pendantes au sein du réseau polymère. Par cet exemple, l’intérêt des dérivés d’huiles végétales pour l’élaboration de matériaux souples a été démontré. Un compromis entre la souplesse des résines phénoliques et leurs résistances chimique et thermique a été atteint.Enfin, nous nous sommes tournés vers l’élaboration de polyuréthanes réticulés à partir d’un ester gras, d’un diester gras et d’un triglycéride porteurs de fonctions alpha-hydroxycétone (collaboration avec l’équipe CASYEN de l’ICBMS). L’apport de la fonction alpha-cétone sur la réactivité du polyol vis-à-vis du réactif isocyanate n’est que modeste par rapport à des dérivés présentant un groupement alcool isolé sur la chaine (huile de ricin) et alcool associé à une autre fonction alcool (triglycéride 1,2-diol). Néanmoins, la présence d’interactions intramoléculaires provenant des groupements cétone a permis d’exacerber la stabilité thermique des matériaux PU et d’élaborer des PU réticulés souples par plastification interne comme dans le cas des résines phénoliques.Cette thèse a ainsi démontré l’apport des phénols lipidiques tels que le cardanol et des chaines grasses dans l’amélioration de la stabilité thermique et de la souplesse au sein de matériaux polymères. / One of the major challenges in the field of polymers is the substitution of oil-based molecules for the development of monomers, polymers and polymer additives. The topic of this thesis is focused on the valorization of bio-sourced molecules and particularly, cardanol and vegetable oil derivatives. Since the scope of polymers is broad, we have chosen to focus on the following three major issues.At first, we were interested in the plasticization of PVC, which is most often carried out by phthalates, a family of oil-based esters strongly suspected to be endocrine disruptors. Alternative additives were thus synthesized by simple chemical reactions from cardanol and fatty esters. Good thermal stabilities and satisfactory plasticizing properties were obtained. Finally, toxicity and ecotoxicity tests have demonstrated the absence of a disruptive impact on the secretion of sex hormones and the non-toxicity towards the environment of these bio-sourced plasticizers.In a second step, we were interested in the chemistry of phenolic resins usually prepared from phenol and formaldehyde, two molecules classified as CMR substances. Thus, a bio-sourced phenol, cardanol, and a bio-sourced aldehyde, nonanal, were reacted to reach flexible phenolic resins. This peculiar property is the result of internal plasticization of the pendant lipid chains within the polymer network. By this example, the interest of vegetable oil derivatives for the production of flexible materials was demonstrated. Finally, a compromise between the flexibility of phenolic resins and their chemical and thermal resistances was reached.Finally, we turned to the development of crosslinked polyurethanes from a fatty ester, a fatty diester and a triglyceride exhibiting alpha-hydroxyketone functions (collaboration with the CASYEN team of the ICBMS). The contribution of the alpha-ketone function on the reactivity of the related to the isocyanate reagent is only modest compared to isolated alcohol type derivatives (castor oil) and alcohol associated with another alcohol function ( triglyceride 1,2-diol). Nevertheless, the presence of intramolecular interactions from ketone groups made possible to enhance the thermal stability of the PU materials and to develop flexible crosslinked PUs by internal plasticization, as in the case of phenolic resins.This thesis brings out the advantages provided by the use of lipid phenols such as cardanol and fatty chains for the improvement of thermal stability and flexibility of polymer materials.

Avaliação das propriedades de oxirredução e reforço mecânico de materiais híbridos baseados em nanotubos de carbono sobre suportes microestruturados / Redox and mechanical reinforcement properties of carbon nanotubes composites grown on the surface of microstructured materials

Macedo, Nadia Guerra 26 October 2015 (has links)
Nanotubos de carbono (NTC) apresentam superlativas propriedades físico-químicas. Por essa razão, têm sido tema de diversas pesquisas, teóricas e experimentais, para sua aplicação em compósitos que transmitam a outros materiais de interesse, as suas propriedades intrínsecas superiores. Materiais híbridos apresentam propriedades que são diferentes das de seus componentes individuais, sendo resultado das interações e das quantidades de seus componentes. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a investigação das propriedades híbridas que podem surgir quando nanotubos de carbono são crescidos verticalmente sobre diferentes tipos de substratos micrométricos. Particularmente, foram investigados o comportamento dos compósitos micro-nanoestruturados desenvolvidos, frente à redução de metais e ao reforço mecânico de um polímero termoplástico (PVC). Para conduzir o presente estudo, dois tipos de NTC foram crescidos sobre substratos de carvão ativado, grafita e dióxido de titânio, pelo método da deposição química de vapor (CVD). Estes substratos são, tradicionalmente, usados como agentes de redução, adsorventes e cargas para reforço mecânico. As principais técnicas de investigação do presente trabalho foram a microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), espectroscopia por energia dispersiva de raios-X (EDS), acoplada ao MEV, difração de raios-X e também, no caso dos compósitos de PVC, ensaios de tração mecânica em um texturômetro. Os resultados demonstram que existem combinações entre o tipo de NTC e o suporte microestruturado, que podem resultar em propriedades que não são observadas nos constituintes dos compósitos estudados, quando estes estão na forma isolada. Portanto, o crescimento de nanoestruturas sobre os substratos pode gerar propriedades híbridas como: a redução e adsorção nos NTC, de certos íons metálicos de Ag e Cu, sem o uso de agente redutor ou aplicação de potencial externo. E também, pode dar origem a aditivos de reforço mecânico para PVC que podem levar a consideráveis aumentos no módulo de elasticidade e limite de resistência à tração, em relação ao PVC isoladamente (aumentos de 5.068,21 % e 4.110,74%, respectivamente) / Carbon nanotubes (CNT) have been the subject of several theoretical and experimental researches due to their superlative intrinsic physicochemical properties, especially in the field of composites. However, there are some problems concerned to the successful transmission of these superior properties to the materials of interest. Hybrid materials have properties that are different from those of their individual components, which results from the interactions and also the quantities of the components. This work aimed at investigating the hybrid properties that can arise when carbon nanostructures are vertically grown on different types of microstructured substrates. Particularly, the behavior of the micro-nanostructured composites has been investigated as a function of the chemical reduction of metal ions and the mechanical reinforcement of a thermoplastic polymer (PVC). In order to conduct this study, two types of CNT were grown on the surfaces of charcoal, graphite and titanium dioxide through the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method. These substrates are traditionally used as reducing agents, adsorbents and reinforcing fillers. The PVC composite samples were characterized, mainly, by mechanical traction tests in a texturometer, and the other samples were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The results demonstrated that there are combinations between specific types of CNT and microstructured supports that can lead to properties not observed in the isolated constituents of the composite. Therefore, the growth of nanostructures on substrates can generate hybrid properties, such as the reduction of Ag and Cu ions and their direct adsorption on CNT without the need of a reducing agent or application of an external potential, as in the case of some charcoals. Additionally, some of these composites can form mechanical fillers for PVC, which can lead to substantial increases in the elasticity modulus and tensile strength, (5.068,21% and 4.110,74%, respectively), when compared to the isolated PVC.

Estudo da influência da radiação gama nas propriedades mecânicas e térmicas de \"elastômeros termoplásticos\" blendas de poli (cloreto de vinila) com poli (vinil butiral) / Study of the influence of gamma radiation on the mechanical and thermal properties of \"thermoplastic elastomers\" poly (vinyl chloride) blends with poly (vinyl butyral)

Farias, Italo Fernando 31 July 2018 (has links)
A vasta gama de sistemas poliméricos classificados como blendas tem sido alvo crescente no meio acadêmico e científico. A possibilidade de obtenção de propriedades combinadas e múltiplas, associada a incorporações de blendas poliméricas, enriquece a condição de pesquisa abrindo assim uma extensa área de atuação. Neste trabalho foi proposto o estudo de mistura de composto de poli (cloreto de vinila) plastificado com resíduo de poli (vinil butiral), proveniente de laminados para produção de para-brisas da indústria automotiva, bem como a investigação do efeito da irradiação gama com dose absorvida de 25 kGy, 30 kGy e 40 kGy, controlado com uso de dosímetro de PMMA e taxa de dose equivalente de 0-10 kGy.h-1. Foram analisadas variações das propriedades mecânicas e térmicas das amostras antes e após exposição à radiação gama. As formulações foram constituídas em diferentes concentrações: composto de PVC-C, resíduo de PVB-R, PVC-C/PVB-R 90/10, PVC-C/PVB-R 50/50 e PVC-R/PVB-R 50/50. O composto de poli (cloreto de vinila) foi formulado e aditivado, apresentando comportamento de um elastômero termoplástico, produto flexível. Foram incorporadas aparas moídas de poli (vinil butiral), provenientes de laminados para produção de para-brisas. Ambos os materiais foram incorporados em extrusora granuladora tipo rosca simples e submetidos ao processo de calandragem para efetivação da mistura e formação de mantas plásticas. As mantas foram irradiadas em um reator multipropósito de 60Co e caracterizadas para verificação das propriedades mecânicas e térmicas. Para tanto, as blendas após exposição à radiação gama apresentaram propriedades mecânicas e térmicas intermediarias as propriedades dos seus componentes, mostrando-se um material resistente e de baixo custo. Por meio da microscopia eletrônica de varredura obteve uma redução nos vasos interfaciais mostrando um aumento na capacidade de percolação do PVB na matriz de PVC, favorecendo suas propriedades físicas. / The wide range of polymer systems classified as blends has been increasingly targeted in the academic and scientific milieu. The possibility of obtaining multiple and combined properties, combined with the incorporation of polymer blends, enriches the research condition, thus opening up an extensive area of performance. In this work the study of the poly (vinyl butyral) plasticized polyvinyl chloride mixture from laminates for automotive windshield production was investigated, as well as the investigation of the effect of gamma irradiation with absorbed dose of 25 kGy, 30 kGy and 40 kGy, controlled with use of PMMA dosimeter and equivalent dose rate of 0-10 kGy.h-1. Variations of the mechanical and thermal properties of the samples were analyzed before and after exposure to gamma radiation. The formulations were constituted in different concentrations: PVC-C compound, PVB-R residue, PVC-C/PVB-R 90/10, PVC-C/PVB-R 50/50 and PVC-R/PVB-R 50/50. The polyvinyl chloride compound was formulated and added, exhibiting the behavior of a thermoplastic elastomer, a flexible product. Poly (vinyl butyral) ground chips were produced from laminates for the production of windshields. Both materials were incorporated in a single-thread granulator extruder and submitted to the calendering process to effect the mixing and formation of plastic blankets. The blankets were irradiated in a 60Co multipurpose reactor and characterized for verification of mechanical and thermal properties. In order to do so, the blends after exposure to gamma radiation presented mechanical properties and intermediate thermal properties of their components, showing a resistant material and low cost. By means of the scanning electron microscopy it obtained a reduction in the interfacial vessels showing an increase in the percolation capacity of the PVB in the PVC matrix, favoring its physical properties.

Estudo da influência da radiação gama nas propriedades mecânicas e térmicas de \"elastômeros termoplásticos\" blendas de poli (cloreto de vinila) com poli (vinil butiral) / Study of the influence of gamma radiation on the mechanical and thermal properties of \"thermoplastic elastomers\" poly (vinyl chloride) blends with poly (vinyl butyral)

Italo Fernando Farias 31 July 2018 (has links)
A vasta gama de sistemas poliméricos classificados como blendas tem sido alvo crescente no meio acadêmico e científico. A possibilidade de obtenção de propriedades combinadas e múltiplas, associada a incorporações de blendas poliméricas, enriquece a condição de pesquisa abrindo assim uma extensa área de atuação. Neste trabalho foi proposto o estudo de mistura de composto de poli (cloreto de vinila) plastificado com resíduo de poli (vinil butiral), proveniente de laminados para produção de para-brisas da indústria automotiva, bem como a investigação do efeito da irradiação gama com dose absorvida de 25 kGy, 30 kGy e 40 kGy, controlado com uso de dosímetro de PMMA e taxa de dose equivalente de 0-10 kGy.h-1. Foram analisadas variações das propriedades mecânicas e térmicas das amostras antes e após exposição à radiação gama. As formulações foram constituídas em diferentes concentrações: composto de PVC-C, resíduo de PVB-R, PVC-C/PVB-R 90/10, PVC-C/PVB-R 50/50 e PVC-R/PVB-R 50/50. O composto de poli (cloreto de vinila) foi formulado e aditivado, apresentando comportamento de um elastômero termoplástico, produto flexível. Foram incorporadas aparas moídas de poli (vinil butiral), provenientes de laminados para produção de para-brisas. Ambos os materiais foram incorporados em extrusora granuladora tipo rosca simples e submetidos ao processo de calandragem para efetivação da mistura e formação de mantas plásticas. As mantas foram irradiadas em um reator multipropósito de 60Co e caracterizadas para verificação das propriedades mecânicas e térmicas. Para tanto, as blendas após exposição à radiação gama apresentaram propriedades mecânicas e térmicas intermediarias as propriedades dos seus componentes, mostrando-se um material resistente e de baixo custo. Por meio da microscopia eletrônica de varredura obteve uma redução nos vasos interfaciais mostrando um aumento na capacidade de percolação do PVB na matriz de PVC, favorecendo suas propriedades físicas. / The wide range of polymer systems classified as blends has been increasingly targeted in the academic and scientific milieu. The possibility of obtaining multiple and combined properties, combined with the incorporation of polymer blends, enriches the research condition, thus opening up an extensive area of performance. In this work the study of the poly (vinyl butyral) plasticized polyvinyl chloride mixture from laminates for automotive windshield production was investigated, as well as the investigation of the effect of gamma irradiation with absorbed dose of 25 kGy, 30 kGy and 40 kGy, controlled with use of PMMA dosimeter and equivalent dose rate of 0-10 kGy.h-1. Variations of the mechanical and thermal properties of the samples were analyzed before and after exposure to gamma radiation. The formulations were constituted in different concentrations: PVC-C compound, PVB-R residue, PVC-C/PVB-R 90/10, PVC-C/PVB-R 50/50 and PVC-R/PVB-R 50/50. The polyvinyl chloride compound was formulated and added, exhibiting the behavior of a thermoplastic elastomer, a flexible product. Poly (vinyl butyral) ground chips were produced from laminates for the production of windshields. Both materials were incorporated in a single-thread granulator extruder and submitted to the calendering process to effect the mixing and formation of plastic blankets. The blankets were irradiated in a 60Co multipurpose reactor and characterized for verification of mechanical and thermal properties. In order to do so, the blends after exposure to gamma radiation presented mechanical properties and intermediate thermal properties of their components, showing a resistant material and low cost. By means of the scanning electron microscopy it obtained a reduction in the interfacial vessels showing an increase in the percolation capacity of the PVB in the PVC matrix, favoring its physical properties.

Application of the mechanical of the damage in the analysis of the behavior of polymer composites recycled reinforced by coconut fiber / AplicaÃÃo da mecÃnica da danificaÃÃo na anÃlise do comportamento de materiais compÃsitos polimÃricos reciclados reforÃados por fibras de coco

Luiz Carlos GonÃalves Pennafort Junior 27 March 2015 (has links)
Com os crescentes movimentos ecolÃgicos em todo o mundo, onde o objetivo principal visa conscientizar e estimular a populaÃÃo mundial a poupar os recursos naturais, aliado a necessidade de se desviar os resÃduos aterrados (sanitÃrios ou industriais), de forma a reduzir os problemas ambientais e de saÃde pÃblica, decorrentes da disposiÃÃo inadequada de resÃduos sÃlidos, surgem os incentivos a reciclagem de materiais, bem como o desenvolvimento de materiais biodegradÃveis. Diante deste contexto, os materiais compÃsitos reforÃados com fibras naturais ganham destaque no meio cientÃfico. No entanto, seu uso ainda à tido com desconfianÃa, devido ao pouco ou nenhum conhecimento desses promissores materiais. Perante essa problemÃtica, surgiu a proposta deste trabalho de carÃter investigativo, em que foi pesquisado e desenvolvido um compÃsito totalmente reciclado, de matriz termoplÃstica (PVC reciclado) reforÃado, com fibras obtidas da casca de cocos verdes descartados. Para esse objetivo foram utilizadas diversas ferramentas de caracterizaÃÃo fÃsica, quÃmica, tÃrmica e mecÃnica, sendo os valores dos campos de deformaÃÃo obtidos pela CorrelaÃÃo de Imagem Digital (CID), comparando a imagem do corpo nÃo deformado com imagens do corpo deformado. E finalmente, avaliou-se os processos de danificaÃÃo do compÃsito, atravÃs da caracterizaÃÃo experimental da evoluÃÃo do dano isotrÃpico pelos mÃtodosda variaÃÃo do MÃdulo de Elasticidade efetivo (ensaio de traÃÃo com carga e descarga) e pelo Ãndice de Tsai-Wu com os parÃmetros constitutivos da funÃÃo tangente hiperbÃlica, onde os valores encontrados, em ambos os mÃtodos, mantiveram-se dentro da faixa esperada para compÃsitos, 0,20 â 0,50. / With increasing the ecological movements around the world, whose the main objective aims to raise awareness and encourage the world's population to save natural resources, coupled with the need to divert grounded waste (sanitary or industrial) in order to reduce environmental problems and public health, arising f rom the improper disposal of solid waste, emerge incentives for recy cling, and the development of biodegradable materials. Given this context, the composites reinforced with natural fibers began to be highlighted in the scientific community. However, its utilization is still seen with suspicion due to little or no knowledge of these pr omising materials. Faced with this problem, arose the proposal of this investigative character work, in with it was researched and devel oped a fully recycled composite, of thermoplastic matrix (recycl ed PVC) reinforced with fibers obtained from the bark of green coconut s discarded. For this objective were used various tools of physical, chemical, thermal and mechanical characterization, whose amounts of d eformation fields were obtained by Digital Image Correlation (DIC), c omparing the image of the body not deformed with images of the deforme d body. Finally, we assessed the processes of damage of the composite, through experimental characterization of the evolution of t he isotropic damage by the methods of varying the effective elastic mod ulus (tensile test with loading and unloading) and by Tsai-Wu index wi th the parameters constitutive of hyperbolic tangent function, where the values found, in both methods, were within the expected range for composite, from 0.20 to 0.50.

Desenvolvimento de composto de borracha EPDM utilizando cargas alternativas obtidas da regeneração de borrachas vulcanizadas para fabricação de mangueiras de arrefecimento

Pereira, Cicera Soares 06 February 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:36:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cicera Soares Pereira.pdf: 1880149 bytes, checksum: 567b7a93fb26b45ecd44831c5d71f2c0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-06 / The automotive industry uses infinity of different products and articles based on vulcanized rubber and, during the manufacturing, part of them are discarded due to the processing failures, causing damage to the environment. If these failures occur after the vulcanization of the rubber, there is no possibility of reprocessing the material. Due to the high cost of the raw materials, reusing the material from vulcanized pieces discarded can generate a reduction in the raw materials, as well as in the final cost of the formulation. Among the rubbers used to obtain these devices, the ethylene-propylene- diene monomer (EPDM) and nitrile rubber containing poly (vinyl chloride) (NBR-PVC) are included. This study aims to obtain and characterize EPDM rubber compound, vulcanized with sulfur containing different concentrations of waste ground vulcanized rubber (EPDM or mixed EPDM/NBR-PVC), observing possible changes in mechanical properties and in relation to chemical compounds without the addition of waste. Compounds were obtained containing 0wt%, 5wt% and 10wt%of ground vulcanized rubber waste. By checking the results, it was verified that the compounds containing different types of waste (EPDM or mixed EPDM/NBR-PVC), at concentrations 5wt% to 10wt% of waste, are more resistant to heat, oil immersion and coolant liquid (ethylene glycol), compared to the compound obtained without addition of waste rubber. The compounds without residue showed better surface finish compared to compounds containing waste. Comparing the surface finish of compounds containing the residue, it was observed that the surface finish obtained from the pressed samples was better than the finish obtained for the extruded samples. / A indústria automobilística utiliza uma infinidade de diferentes produtos e artefatos à base de borracha vulcanizada. Durante a fabricação, partes destes produtos são descartados em razão das falhas de processamento, gerando prejuízo ao meio ambiente. Se estas falhas ocorrem após a vulcanização da borracha, não há possibilidade do reprocessamento do material. Em razão do preço alto das matérias primas, o reaproveitamento de material proveniente das peças vulcanizadas descartadas pode gerar uma redução nos materiais utilizados e no custo final da formulação. Entre as borrachas utilizadas para a obtenção destes artefatos, destacam-se o terpolímero etileno propileno dieno (EPDM). Este estudo teve como objetivo obter e caracterizar compostos de borracha EPDM, vulcanizados com enxofre, contendo diferentes concentrações de resíduos de borrachas vulcanizadas moídas (EPDM ou misto EPDM/NBR-PVC), observando possíveis alterações nas propriedades mecânicas e químicas em relação aos compostos sem adição de resíduos. Foram obtidos compostos contendo 5% e 10% de resíduos de borrachas vulcanizadas moídas. Por meio dos resultados foi possível verificar que os compostos contendo diferentes tipos de resíduos (EPDM ou misto EPDM/NBR-PVC), nas concentrações de 5 % e 10% em massa de resíduos, são mais resistentes ao calor, à imersão em óleo e líquido refrigerante (etileno glicol) quando comparados com o composto obtido sem adição de resíduos de borracha. Os compostos sem resíduo apresentaram melhor acabamento superficial quando comparados com os compostos contendo resíduo. Comparando o acabamento superficial dos compostos contendo resíduos, observou-se que o acabamento superficial obtido para as amostras prensadas foi melhor do que o acabamento obtido para as amostras extrudadas.

Evolution génomique chez les bactéries du super phylum Planctomycetes-Verrucomicrobiae-Chlamydia / Genomic evolution in bacteria from PVC super-phylum (Planctomycetes-Verrucomicrobiae-Chlamydiae)

Pinos, Sandrine 15 January 2016 (has links)
La compréhension de l'évolution des génomes est un des enjeux clé de la biologie actuelle. Nous avons rédigé une revue littéraire consacrée à la contribution de la génomique dans la compréhension de la diversité, de l'évolution et des phénotypes d'un super-phylum bactérien, le super-phylum PVC (Planctomycetes, Verrucomicrobiae et Chlamydiae). Ces bactéries proviennent d'environnements variés et présentent des caractéristiques phénotypiques intéressantes. Les analyses génomiques ont révélé la grande diversité de ces espèces, mais ont aussi permis de reconstruire l'évolution de leurs génomes et d'expliquer l'apparition de certains phénotypes particuliers. Une partie de notre travail était consacré à l'étude de l'évolution et de l'impact de la présence d'un plan cellulaire particulier chez les bactéries PVC. Ce plan cellulaire est sujet a différentes interprétations et induirait la compartimentation des cellules en deux régions distinctes. Les résultats obtenus semblent indiquer que cette caractéristique n'induit pas une protection des génomes bactériens vis à vis des transferts de gènes horizontaux, comme on pourrait le supposer. En revanche les observations microscopiques réalisées sur deux espèces ont permis de mieux appréhender l'évolution de ce plan cellulaire. Nous avons, de plus, détecté une contribution de l'environnement concernant la sélection des gènes transférés. Il semblerait que les gènes transférés soient en effet sélectionnés selon leurs fonctions par les différents environnements.Nos travaux ont donc permis d'améliorer la compréhension des relations entre l'évolution, les phénotypes et l'environnement, en particulier chez les bactéries du super-phylum PVC. / The comprehension of genomes evolution is a key issue of modern biology.We wrote a review dedicated to the genomic contribution in comprehension of diversity, evolution and phenotypes, in a bacterial super-phylum named PVC (for Planctomycetes, Verrucomicrobiae and Chlamydiae). These bacteria are distributed in varied environments and present specific phenotypic characteristics. Genomic analyzes revealed the important diversity of these species and allow also to reconstruct the genomes evolution and, in some cases, to explain the presence of specific phenotypes. One part of our work was dedicated to the study of evolution and impact of one of this phenotype, the special cell plan detected in PVC bacteria. This original cell plan is subject to different interpretations and induces the compartmentalization of cells in two different regions, whom one containing the nucleoid. Our results indicate that this feature has probably no role in the protection of bacterial genomes against horizontal genes transfers, so, its function is still unknown. Microscopic observations of two species from PVC super-phylum permit to better understand the evolution of the special cell plan. The environment seems to contribute in the genomes evolution, by selection of genes transferred. Genes transferred are probably selected according to their functions by the different environments.Our works allowed to improve the knowledge about relations between evolution, genomes, phenotypes and environment, especially in bacteria from PVC super-phylum.

Greffage de copolymères antibactériens sur des surfaces PVC par chimie Click / Antibacterial copolymers grafting onto PVC surfaces by click chemistry

Lafarge, Jérôme 20 December 2012 (has links)
Dans le cadre de ce travail, l’objectif était d’élaborer des surfaces PVC antibactériennes. Deux types de surfaces ont été élaborés, des surfaces bactéricides visant à tuer les bactéries au contact et des surfaces antiadhésives (bactériophobes) empêchant ou limitant l’adhésion bactérienne.Pour ce faire, des copolymères porteurs de groupements cationiques bactéricides ainsi que des copolymères renfermant des structures à effets antiadhésifs de type polysaccharides ou PEG ont été synthétisés et caractérisés. Ces composés ont été ensuite greffés chimiquement par click addition sur des surfaces PVC porteuses de fonctions azoture (PVC-N3). Les propriétés physico-chimiques des nouvelles surfaces obtenues ont été caractérisées par diverses techniques (IRTF, XPS, angle de contact, AFM, microscopie confocale à fluorescence, ATG etDSC). Les propriétés bactéricides ou antiadhésives ont été évaluées à l’égard de Escherichia coli et Staphylococcus epidermidis. La microscopie confocale à fluorescence a mis en évidence le caractère hautement bactéricide des surfaces PVC cationiques via le test Live and Dead.Cette technique a aussi permis de démontrer l’effet antiadhésif de la méthyl cellulose, del’hydroxyéthyl cellulose et du PEG greffés en surface, diminuant d’au moins 10⁴ fois le nombre de bactéries adhérées par rapport aux surfaces témoins. / This work aimed to elaborate antibacterial PVC surfaces. Two kinds of surface were prepared, i.e. non leaching bactericidal surfaces killing bacteria by contact and antiadhesive (bacteriarepellent) surfaces preventing or limiting bacteria attachment. Thus, copolymers bearing cationic bactericidal groups as well as copolymers bearing polysaccharide or PEG antiadhesive structures were synthesized and characterized. These polymers were then successfully grafted by click chemistry onto PVC surfaces bearing azide groups (PVC-N3).The physico-chemical properties of the obtained surfaces were assessed by several techniques(FTIR, XPS, contact angle measurements, AFM, confocal fluorescence microscopy, TGA and DSC). The bactericidal and antiadhesive properties were assessed against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus epidermidis. The fluorescence microscopy evidenced the high bactericidal effect of the cationic surfaces, using the Live and Dead test. This microscopytechnique has also shown high bacteria repellent effect of the surfaces based on methyl cellulose, hydroxyethyl cellulose and PEG, i.e. decrease of bacteria attachment by more than 10⁴ fold compared to the ungrafted surface.

Uticaj sastava polivinilhloridnih smeša i tehnoloških uslova proizvodnje na svojstva penastih podnih obloga / The influence of composition of polyvinyl chloride mixture and technological conditions of production on the properties of the foam floor coverings

Radovanović Rajko 13 July 2016 (has links)
<p>Mogućnost primene polivinilhloridnih (PVC) podnih obloga je određena krajnjim svojstvima koja zavise od sastava obloge i načina proizvodnje. Zbog složenog sastava i različitih načina pripreme PVC podnih obloga, veoma je te&scaron;ko tačno proceniti uticaj pojedinačnog procesnog parametara na svojstva dobijenog proizvoda. U ovom radu, da bi se ispitao uticaj sastava polivinilhloridnih sme&scaron;a na svojstva PVC podnih obloga pripremljeno je 27 receptura u kojima su varirane: koncentracije kalcijumkarbonata (40, 70 i 100 phr), koncentracije sredstva za ekspanziju, azodikarbonamida ADC (0,8, 1,0 i 1,2 mas. % u odnosu na ukupnu masu) kao i odnos &bdquo;kikeraˮ i sredstva za ekspanziju, ZnO/ADC (0,33; 0,50 i 0,67). Da bi se proučio uticaj procesnih parametara na svojstva PVC podnih obloga menjani su tehnolo&scaron;ki uslovi proizvodnje: temperatura (180, 184, 188, 192 i 196 &deg;C) i vreme (90, 120 i 150 sekundi) ekspanzije poleđinskog sloja PVC podne obloge. Na taj način je od svake PVC paste dobijeno 15 uzoraka. Za svaki uzorak određena su sledeća svojstva: stepen ekspanzije, zatezna sila pri kidanju, prekidna sila kidanja, zatezno i prekidno izduženje, početni otpor cepanju, otpor cepanju, ukupna deformacija, zaostala deformacija, povratna elastičnost, gustina pene i indeks žućenja. S obzirom na ovako veliki broj podataka urađena je statistička obrada dobijenih eksperimentalnih podataka metodom vi&scaron;estruke linearne regresione analize, kako bi procenili uticaji pojedinačnih procesnih parametara na ispitivana svojstva. Napisan je originalni programski kod primenom Garson-ovog i Yoon-ovog modela u programu Matlab koji omogućava formiranje neuronske mreže i njenu upotrebu u cilju fitovanja eksperimentalnih podataka. Rezultati dobijeni primenom modela po Garson-u nisu pogodni za određivanje uticaja sastava PVC sme&scaron;e i uslova prerade na konačna svojstva proizvoda, jer ne pokazuju pravac uticaja. Dok je ve&scaron;tačka neuronska mreža koja se zasniva na Yoon-ovom modelu uspe&scaron;no primenjena u razvoju novih i pobolj&scaron;anju postojećih svojstava heterogenih PVC proizvoda. Ispitan je i uticaj veličine čestice ZnO koji je upotrebljen kao &bdquo;kikerˮ (sredstvo koje utiče na smanjenje temperature raspada ADC) na svojstva penastih podnih obloga. Napravljene su dve PVC paste, jedna sa komercijalnim ZnO, a druga sa nano ZnO, pri čemu je sastav ostalih komponenti bio identičan. Na osnovu dobijenih eksperimentalnih podatka može se zaključiti da kod uzoraka u kojima je upotrebljen nano ZnO dolazi do intenzivnijeg &bdquo;curenjaˮ gasa nastalog raspadom ADC i međusobnog povezivanja pora. Kao posledica ovakve strukture pora uzorci sa nano ZnO imaju lo&scaron;ija mehanička svojstva. Na osnovu dobijenih karakterističnih temperatura na TG krivama nije uočen uticaj veličine čestica ZnO na termičku stabilnost ispitivanih uzoraka.</p> / <p>The application of PVC floor coverings is strongly connected with their end-use properties which depend on the composition and processing conditions. It is very difficult to estimate the proper influence of production parameters on the characteristics of PVC floor coverings due to their complex composition and various preparation procedures. In this paper, in order to investigate the effect of the PVC mixture composition on the properties of PVC floor coverings, 27 formulations are prepared varying concentration of calcium carbonate (40, 70 and 100 phr), concentration of blowing agent, azodicarbonamide ADC (0.8, 1.0 and 1.2 wt. % relative to the total weight) and the ratio of &quot;kicker&quot; and blowing agent, ZnO/ADC (0.33; 0.50 and 0.67). To study the influence of process parameters on the properties of PVC floor coverings technological production conditions are varied: expansion temperature (180, 184, 188, 192 and 196 &deg;C) and expansion time (90, 120 and 150 seconds) of the PVC floor covering back layer. In this way, 15 samples are made of each PVC paste. The following properties are determined for each sample: expansion ratio, tensile strength, braking strength, tensile extension, breaking extension, initial resistance to tearing, tearing resistance, identation, residual identation, elasticity, density foam and yellowing index. Having such a large amount of data, statistical analysis of experimental data are made with multiple linear regression analysis in order to assess the effects of process parameters on investigated properties. The original program code is written using the Garson&#39;s and Yoon&#39;s models in the Matlab programme that allows the formation of neural networks and its use for the purpose of fitting the experimental data. Results obtained by using the Garson model are not suitable for determining the influence of composition of the PVC mixture and processing conditions on the properties of the final product because it does not show the direction of impact. While the artificial neural network based on Yoon&#39;s model is successfully applied to the development of new as well as to the improvement of the existing properties of the heterogeneous PVC products. The influence of ZnO particle size, used as a&ldquo;kicker&ldquo; (this material reduces the decomposition temperature of ADC) is examined on the properties of the foam flooring. Two PVC pastes are made, one with commercial ZnO and the other with nano ZnO, with the other components of the compositions identical. Based on the obtained experimental data, it can be concluded that there is more intensive gas &bdquo;leak&ldquo; resulting from disintegration of the ADC and also more intensive interconnection of pores in the samples where nano ZnO is used. As a result of this structure of pores, samples with nano ZnO have inferior mechanical properties. Based on the characteristic temperature obtained on TG curves, the influence of ZnO particle size on the thermal stability of the investigated samples is not observed.</p>

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