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Estudo e desenvolvimento de grafite como agente anti-chama para PVC / Study and development of graphite as fire retardant agent for PVC.Nadia Guerra Macedo 02 August 2011 (has links)
O PVC é um dos principais polímeros termoplásticos da atualidade graças à sua grande versatilidade. Entretanto, uma de suas características é a baixa estabilidade térmica, sendo necessário o emprego de aditivos em sua estrutura. Uma das maiores preocupações mundiais é a segurança, sendo que muitos produtos levam proteção anti-chama em sua composição. Entre os vários agentes retardadores de chama a grafite aparece como um material promissor e pouco estudado. No presente trabalho foi estudada uma série de grafites com propriedades anti-chama oriundas de óxido de grafite \"flake\". O óxido de grafite foi submetido a vários tratamentos térmicos em atmosfera para a obtenção de grafites expandidas. O comportamento anti-chama dessas grafites foi testado adicionando-se 20% em peso no PVC. Membranas desses compósitos foram preparadas utilizando-se um \"doctor blade\". Os compósitos de grafites produzidas foram caracterizados por microscopia de varredura eletrônica e análise térmica. Isotermas de adsorção/dessorção de N2 também foram coletadas para determinação de área superficial específica e distribuição de poros. A grafite com melhores propriedades anti-chama foi aquela obtida em temperatura mais elevada, 900oC, ou seja, a grafite com mais elevada área superficial específica e com maior capacidade de produção de fuligem. / PVC is one of the most important thermoplastic polymers because of its versatility. However, like other polymers, for many technological uses, there is a need to enhance its thermal stability. Security is a global concern, so, the use of some fire retardants is required in polymer composites. Expanded graphite appears as a cleaner type of fire retardants, not well known yet. In the present work, expanded graphite obtained from the graphite oxide was studied. It were prepared PVC composite-membranes with 20 weight % of expanded graphite employing Doctor Blade. The samples were characterized by scanning electron microscope, thermogravimetric analysis and N2 adsorption/desorption isotherms were also collected for the determination of specific surface area and porous distribuition. The results show that the best fire retardant behaviour was achieved by the expanded graphite at 900oC, the graphite with the higher specific surface area and with the largest capacity of soot production.
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Evaluation de la migration des plastifiants à partir des dispositifs médicaux en polychlorure de vinyle et développement d'un moyen de prévention par procédé Sol-Gel. / Evaluation of plasticizer migration of the plasticizers from medical devices in polyvynilechloride (PVC) and developpement of a protection tool by sol gel techniqueBernard, Lise 20 March 2015 (has links)
Les plastifiants des dispositifs médicaux stériles (DMS) en PVC souple tels que les tubulures de perfusion ou de nutritionartificielle peuvent migrer vers les liquides de perfusion et ainsi atteindre le patient. Le DEHP (diéthylhexylphtalate) était leprincipal plastifiant utilisé dans ces DMS jusqu’en 2010. Depuis la mise en exergue de sa reprotoxicité, sa classification ensubstance CMR1b et avec sa future interdiction dans les tubulures des services de réanimation néonatale (Loi n° 2012-1442 du 24 décembre 2012), les industriels du DMS ont substitué le DEHP par des plastifiants alternatifs tels que leTOTM*, le DINP*, le DINCH*, le DEHA*, le DEHT* ou encore l’ATBC*. Il est cependant aujourd’hui impossible d’attester del’innocuité de ces molécules via les DMS étant donné le peu d’études de migration réalisées dans les conditions cliniquesd’utilisation, notamment dans les situations médicales à risque telles que la perfusion, la nutrition, l’ECMO (ExtracorporealMembrane Oxygenation), la CEC (Circulation ExtraCorporelle) en chirurgie cardiaque ou l’hémodialyse. L’objectif de cettethèse est d’étudier cette migration, afin d’évaluer le risque d’exposition à ces plastifiants lors de l’utilisation des DMS enpratique clinique. Notre travail bibliographique préliminaire nous a permis d’identifier les techniques analytiques les plusadaptées à la quantification des plastifiants au sein des DMS (méthodes directes ou indirectes associées à une phased’extraction préalable), celles comme la GC (Gas Chromatography) et la LC (Liquid Chromatography), à privilégier pour leuranalyse dans les solutions en contact, médicaments ou simulants et les techniques de pointe très sensibles (LC/MS-MS)(Liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry) utiles pour détecter et quantifier les plastifiants et leursmétabolites présents à des taux très faibles dans des matrices complexes comme les liquides biologiques.Notre analyse des résultats de premiers tests de migration réalisés dans des conditions standardisées adaptées de laméthodologie alimentaire montrent que les plastifiants ont des capacités migratoires variables, qui sont 20 fois et 3 foismoins élevées pour le TOTM et le DEHT respectivement par rapport au DEHP. Quant au DINCH, il migre en proportionsidentiques au phtalate après 24 heures de contact. Ces résultats ont servi de base à l’élaboration d’un modèle de migrationin vitro en situations de perfusion et de nutrition, représentatif des conditions cliniques de worst case. Dans ce modèle,validé par un groupe d’experts pluridisciplinaire, le postulat adulte clinique s’établit ainsi : « 1 patient de 60kg estsusceptible de recevoir chaque jour 2L de médicaments perfusés au moyen de 10 dm2 de tubulure ». Ce modèle servirapour le montage des premiers tests in vitro. En parallèle, le revêtement hybride organique/inorganique déposé par dipcoatingà la surface du PVC permet une bonne protection vis-à-vis du relargage des plastifiants, de l’ordre de 80% sur 48hde contact mais protège encore insuffisamment le PVC de l’absorption de médicaments comme le diazépam ou le dinitrateisosorbide, dont la perte n’est diminuée que de 53% et de 45% respectivement. Il s’agit d’une innovation intéressante,mais dont l’optimisation est nécessaire pour garantir une gestion des risques relatifs aux DMS en PVC plastifié. / Plasticizers in medical devices (MD) made of flexible PVC, such as infusion sets of nutrition tubings, are able to migrate into infused solutions and so come in contact with the patient. DEHP (diethylhexylphtalate) was the main plasticizer used in these MD up until 2010. It has been shown to be reprotoxic has been classified as CMR1b chemical and is soon to be banned from tubings used in neonatalogy, and therefore MD’s manufacturers have replaced DEHP by alternative plasticizers named TOTM*, DINP*, DINCH*, DEHA*, DEHT* or ATBC*. However, it is impossible to ascertain that these new plasticizers are harmless because of the lack of migration studies conducted in clinical situations in which MD are used, particularly in « at risk situations » such as infusion, nutrition, ECMO (Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation), ECC (Extracoporeal Circulation) in cardiac surgery and haemodialysis. The aim of this thesis is to study this migration, in order to evaluate the risk of exposure to these plasticizers, during clinical practice. Our preliminary bibliographic review allowed us to identify the most appropriate analytical methods to quantify the plasticizers in the MD matrix (direct methods or indirect methods requiring an extraction step), techniques such as GC (Gas Chromatography) and LC (Liquid Chromatography) suitable for the analysis of plasticizers in solutions, drugs or simulants in contact with, and sensitive advanced techniques such as (LC/MS-MS) (Liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry) which are useful to detect and to quantify the plasticizers and their metabolites at trace levels in complex matrices like body fluids.The results of preliminary migration tests carried out in standardized conditions adapted from agrifood methodology show that the plasticizers have different migration abilities, which are 20 times and 3 times lower for TOTM and DEHT compared to DEHP. As regards DINCH, it does release as much as DEHP does after 24 hours of contact. These results formed the basis for the development of an in vitro migration model for infusion and nutrition situations, reflecting a worst case scenario. In this model, which has been validated by a pluridisciplinary task force, the clinical assumption is as follows: « A 60kg-patient is likely to get two litres of infused drugs via 10 dm2 of tubing in flexible PVC ». This model will be used to make the first tests in vitro. At the same time, an inorganic/organic hybrid coating deposited on the PVC surface by dip-coating provides a good protection against the release of the plasticizers, at a level of about 80% during 48 hours of contact, but is insufficient to protect PVC from drug sorption such as diazepam or isosobide dinitrate, which loss is reduced by only 53% and 45% respectively. It is an attractive innovation but has to be necessarily optimized to ensure a risk management concerning MD in flexible PVC.This thesis is part of tasks 1 and 2 of the ARMED research project (Assessment and Risk Management of Medical devices in PolyvinylChloride), directed by Pr Valérie Sautou, and which has received the financial support of the French Medicine Agency (ANSM, Agence Nationale de Sécurité du Médicament et des Produits de Santé) in the framework of call of research proposals in 2012.
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"Underhållsfria fönster" : I vilken utsträckning är dagens "underhållsfria" fönster underhållsfria och hur ser manSzabo, Noemi January 2009 (has links)
Abstract The aim of this examination paper is to get an overview on the “no-maintenance” windows that exist on the Swedish market, like plastic and aluminium windows. By way of introduction the reader gets knowledge in the background and problemformulate that this subject has. This introduction explains why it has become so popular to change your windows into plastic- and aluminium windows and there is an existing scepticism against PVC and aluminium as construction material for windows. The main part of this report is constructed by segments of interviews where both producers of windows and stakeholders gets to answer questions about their viewing on no-maintenance windows from a material and construction point of view and where the production is headed to in the future. This is followed by an evaluation of a questionnaire on how pleased the house owners that changed their old windows to no-maintenance windows are, followed by an inspection of windows made up from wood and an aluminium clothing, windows made from only aluminium and PVC-based windows. It ends with a theory part about the materials PVC and metal based upon facts included in literature. By reading this report you can draw the conclusion that no window can be entirely nonmaintenance but that the materials PVC and aluminium still are good substitutes for wood to lessen the maintenance. / Sammanfattning Detta examensarbete syftar till att få en överblick på så kallade underhållsfria fönster ute på svenska marknaden såsom plast och aluminiumfönster. Inledningsvis ges en introduktion där läsaren sätts in i ämnet via bakgrund och problemformulering. Här tas upp varför det har blivit populärt att byta till plast och aluminiumfönster och att det finns en viss skepticism mot PVC och aluminium som konstruktionsmaterial i fönster. Huvuddelen av rapporten består av en intervjudel där både fönstertillverkare och intressenter får besvara frågor om bland annat deras syn på underhållsfria fönster ur material och konstruktionssynpunkt och vad de tror om framtiden. Sedan följer en utvärdering genom en mindre enkätundersökning om hur nöjda villaägare är som har bytt till dessa fönster. Därefter följs den av en besiktning av träfönster med aluminiumbeklädnad, hel aluminium- och PVC-fönster. Den avslutas med en teoridel om materialen PVC och metall som grundar sig på faktaböcker. Av rapporten kan man dra slutsatsen att inget fönster kan vara helt underhållsfritt men att materialen PVC och aluminium är en bra ersättning för trä i syfte att minska underhållet.
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Production et modélisation de glycérol-esters comme plastifiants pour le PVC / Production and modeling of glycerol-esters as PVC plasticiziersSuárez Palacios, Oscar Yesid 27 July 2011 (has links)
L'augmentation de la production mondiale de glycérine, en raison de la croissance dans l'utilisation du biodiesel, et la tendance à remplacer les plastifiants dérivés de l'anhydride phtalique dans l'industrie du PVC, ont conduit à la recherche de la plastification du PVC avec des esters de glycérol. Cette étude a utilisé une méthodologie pour la conception du produit, avec une approche du troisième paradigme du génie chimique. Plusieurs esters de glycérol ont été produits avec neuf acides carboxyliques, et l'efficacité et la performance comme plastifiant du PVC ont été évaluées.L'évaluation expérimentale comprend la détermination de la capacité à former des films et six tests de performance utilisés dans l'industrie. La modélisation moléculaire utilise les interactions binaires entre une molécule de plastifiant et une molécule modèle de PVC. Avec les résultats expérimentaux de la performance des films avec le PVC, et en appliquant des méthodes d'évaluation multicritère pour la sélection d'alternatives, trois modèles ont été développés pour la sélection des plastifiants pour des applications générales et une utilisation médicale. Enfin, nous avons étudié expérimentalement la production en laboratoire de deux esters, qui ont montré une performance appropriée selon l'évaluation multicritère. Deux modèles on été construits pour simuler la production, et en utilisant une optimisation multi-objectif des modèles et un outil d'analyse multi-critères, nous avons établi les conditions dans lesquelles une étude de changement d'échelle devrait être réalisée pour une production industrielle. / Phtalates are the most important plasticizers used in the polymer industry. However, their fossil origin and results of recent test have showed a potential negative effect on human health, have encouraged polymer industry to demand free phthalate plasticizers. At the same time, biodiesel industry produces a glut of glycerol, leading the scientific community to seek new applications for this substance. A methodology for the evaluation of new free-phthalate plasticizers for PVC applied to a new type of plasticizers, esters of glycerol, is proposed. This thesis presents an overview of the performance of eight esters derived from glycerol as new plasticizers for poly(vinyl chloride) - PVC and an outline of its compatibility with the polymer based in a method to predict the plasticization effect of glycerol esters, constructed with molecular modeling.Having several alternatives of new PVC-plasticizers, three multicriteria methods were used to construct models to select the best alternatives: multiattribute utility theory - MAUT, Measuring Attractiveness by a Categorical Based Evaluation Technique - Macbeth and Rough sets. With these methods the preferences of a group of experts was modeled.In order to establish the conditions in which this new type of plasticizers must be produced at industrial scale, a model of the process is presented. A parametric identification was done. Also, a multicriteria optimization, in Pareto’s sense, was performed using an evolutionary algorithm. Besides, a decision aid tool based on two different functions to minimize costs and maximize productivity, respectively, was conducted with the technique Macbeth.
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Caracterização elétrica e mecânica de fitas isolantes de blendas de PVC / Electric and mechanical characterization of insulating films of PVC blendsAna Cláudia Ramos 27 November 2003 (has links)
O policloreto de vinila (PVC) é comercialmente utilizado em diversas aplicações, destacando-se os filmes flexíveis. Para a fabricação destes compostos de PVC, utilizam-se vários tipos de aditivos, tais como plastificantes, estabilizantes térmicos, lubrificantes, retardantes de chama e outros. No presente trabalho foram produzidos compostos de PVC a partir de uma formulação referencial, variando-se a concentração de pigmento, carga, modificador de impacto e plastificantes. A preparação das amostras foi feita através de uma misturadeira intensiva (Mecanoplast), calandra de 2 rolos e prensa, obtendo-se placas flexíveis de 1 mm de espessura. Os resultados das análises térmicas (DMA e TGA) mostraram que o uso e a quantidade de plastificantes foram os principais fatores que influenciaram as propriedades de mudança de fase (Tg) e estabilidade térmica do material. As análises das propriedades mecânicas (resistência à tração e alongamento) mostraram que estas propriedades foram influenciadas pelas proporções de cargas, modificador de impacto e plastificantes na composição. As medidas elétricas (rigidez dielétrica) não foram afetadas pela variação da adição de materiais nas amostras analisadas / Poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) is commercially used in several applications, especially in flexible films. Aiming the production of products, PVC can be filled with a variety of additives, like plasticizers, thermal stabilizers, lubricants, flame-retardants and others. In this work PVC compounds were produced based on a known formulation, using different weight ratios for pigment, filler, impact modifier and plasticizers. Samples were prepared through intensive mixing using two rolls calendrer followed by a hot press to form films with 1 mm thickness. Thermal analysis results (DMA and TGA) showed that plasticizers are the most important factors that influenced the material properties such as phase behavior (Tg) and thermal stability. Mechanical properties analysis (breaking strength and elongation) were influenced by fillers, impact modifier and plasticizers proportions used in the composition. Electrical properties (dielectric breakdown strength) were not affected by different weight ratios in the analyzed samples
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Problematik och möjligheter med återvinning av PVC-plast inom byggsektorn / Problems and opportunities with recycling of PVC plastic in the construction sectorGray, Amelia Bågevik, Kjellberg, Elin January 2021 (has links)
Studien baseras på en målkonflikt mellan att vilja ha en giftfri miljö och samtidigt sträva mot ett mer cirkulärt samhälle. Polyvinylklorid (fortsättningsvis PVC-plast) kan innehålla farliga ftalater som i för stor mängd kan vara skadliga för hälsa och miljö både under användning och återvinning. REACH-förordningen reglerade ftalaterna DEHP, DBP, BBP och DIBP i PVC-plast år 2015 genom att kräva tillstånd för att få använda dessa ftalater vid tillverkning av produkter inom EU. Den förändrade material-kompositionen leder till att den nytillverkade PVC-plasten skiljs från den äldre som producerades innan lagförändringen 2015. Målet att sträva mot ett mer cirkulärt samhälle genom att återvinna mer PVC-plast hindras av målet att skapa en giftfri miljö eftersom den äldre PVC-plasten innehåller förbjudna ämnen. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur denna målkonflikt påverkar återvinningen av PVC-plast inom byggsektorn. För att besvara syftet har kvalitativ metod använts och sex intervjuer har genomförts med personer från Innovations- och kemiindustrierna i Sverige (fortsättningsvis IKEM), Tarkett, Byggföretagen, Bolon, Naturvårdsverket, IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet och BASTA. Resultatet av studien är att ingen av de intervjuade anser att plasten varken måste ersättas eller förbjudas. De anser snarare att politiken och de vetenskapliga belägg som finns måste diskuteras mer samtidigt som kraven på miljömärkt PVC-plast måste öka för att kunna säkerställa en hållbar hantering. För att kunna öka den cirkulära ekonomin är ett förslag att implementera loggböcker där byggföretagen kan redogöra för det material som används under byggskedet, detta skulle då öka spårbarheten och därmed möjligheterna för återvinning. / The study focuses on the emerging policy conflict between a non-toxic or a toxic-free environment and a circular economy. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC plastic) contains phthalates which in excessive amounts can be dangerous to the health and the environment. Problems arise when PVC plastic is to be recycled and these phthalates spread into nature. The REACH regulation has controlled the phthalates DEHP, DBP, BBP and DIBP in PVC plastic since 2015. REACH regulates the phthalates by requiring a permit to use them for the manufacture of products within the EU. The changed material composition leads to the newly manufactured PVC plastic being separated from the older plastics that were produced within the law change in 2015. The goal of striving for a more circular economy by recycling more PVC plastic interferes with the goal of creating a toxic-free environment, since the older PVC plastic contains the now regulated substances. The purpose of the study is to investigate how this goal conflict affects the recycling of PVC plastic in the construction sector. A qualitative method has been used for the study and six interviews have been conducted with people from the Innovation and Chemical Industries in Sweden (IKEM), Tarkett, Byggföretagen, Bolon, Naturvårdsverket, IVL Swedish Environmental Institute and BASTA. The result of the study is that none of the interviewed is of the opinion that the PVC plastic must be replaced or banned. Although they do believe that the policy and scientific evidence that exists must be discussed more, while requirements for eco-labeled PVC plastic must be required to be able to establish a more sustainable management. In order to increase the circular economy, one proposal is to implement logbooks where construction companies can account for the material used during the construction phase, which would then increase traceability and thus the possibilities for recycling.
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Experimental study of parameters influencing diffusion of small molecules in polymer matricesMorrissey, Patrick John January 1995 (has links)
No description available.
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Behaviour of buried pipes and bored tunnels in sandTalby, Robert January 1997 (has links)
This thesis essentially reports an investigation of the behaviour of buried (0.12 to 0.25m diameter) single-walled PVC-U and vitrified clay pipes during installation in a uniform sand surround and when subjected to applied surface loading. An additional simple study of tail void displacements due to tunnelling in sand is also presented. Controlled laboratory tests were conducted in a glass-faced, steel-sided box. The buried pipes were installed perpendicular to the glass face and were subjected to static and cyclic loading, simulating increasing overburden stress and the passing of traffic over a shallow buried pipe respectively. The simulated shallow tunnel tests were also conducted perpendicular to the glass and involved withdrawal of the outer of two concentrically placed tubes. Photographs were taken of the sand particles and the buried structure in the plane of the cross section together with strain gauge readings on the pipe or tunnel wall throughout installation and loading/shield withdrawal. The resulting sand displacements are presented in the form of horizontal and vertical contour plots. Pipe deflections and volumetric and shear strain contours of the sand were also determined for the buried pipe tests. The shape of the deformed pipe and the imposed stress at the pipe springline were inferred from the pipe wall strains. During the PVC-U pipe tests, the deformation of the pipe caused the applied stress to be transferred to the sidefill via arching in the surrounding soil. This was associated with a reduction of applied stress reaching the pipe. Increasing the initial soil stiffness reduced the magnitude of the pipe and soil displacements and the stress carried by the pipe. Use of a vitrified clay pipe however, caused the soil surround to settle relative to the pipe. Soil shear strain contour plots are used to highlight the mechanisms of the transfer of applied stress onto, or away from, the buried pipes, and are related to the shape of the deformed pipe in the PVC-U pipe tests. The test data also allowed standard buried pipe design methods and installation procedures to be critically appraised. The soil movements recorded during the tunnel tests were shown to be similar to those recorded during the buried PVC-U pipe tests, indicating a similar soil loading transfer mechanism.
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Diseño de un Sistema de Gestión de Riesgo Ocupacional en el Proceso de Moldeo de tubos de PVC en la empresa «C&V Plásticos»Ruiz de Castilla Sedano, Carlos January 2012 (has links)
En el ámbito nacional se tiene la investigación titulada «Parámetros de control, de seguridad, salud ocupacional y medio ambiente»; en dicha investigación se toma como premisa el hecho que el cuidado y la preservación del medio ambiente están cobrando importancia entre las empresas peruanas debido a exigencias legales, así como a las del mismo mercado que utiliza estos aspectos como una ventaja competitiva, y que, un descuido en estos temas puede ocasionar un daño al medio ambiente y, a su vez, al entorno del trabajador, al de las empresas y al de la comunidad. Las conclusiones a las que se llego en esta investigación, entre otros, fueron:
“Los conceptos de seguridad, salud y medio ambiente en la mayoría de las empresas visitadas no están identificados adecuadamente. Generalmente relacionan el término seguridad, por ejemplo, con la protección al patrimonio, sin considerar a los trabajadores. Hay otros sectores en los que ni siquiera se conoce el término, como es el caso del sector de Litografiado.
La deficiencia en la identificación de los riesgos ocupacionales y medioambientales, en la determinación de sus significados, en la evaluación de las medidas correctivas disponibles, así como en la selección de los remedios óptimos para minimizarlos, son los principales problemas que presentan las empresas actualmente y que resulta imperativo tratar. Una vez identificada esta necesidad se considera necesario determinar los parámetros de seguridad, salud y medio ambiente que se requiere medir dentro de las empresas para satisfacerla.
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Fitcare PerúAyala Pineda, César Martín, Bohórquez Ponce De León, Jose Carlos, Olivera Aguilar, Mayra Patricia, Romero Yepez, Williams Alfredo 16 July 2019 (has links)
El proyecto de compresas calientes son productos para rehabilitación en caliente que propone una forma de negocio innovadora, que se basa en un producto reutilizable que complementa el tratamiento para lesiones, problemas musculares y alivio de dolor para deportistas y personas que sufran alguna lesión muscular.
En este negocio se propone aliviar, combatir las lesiones causadas por diferentes funciones y acciones durante el día a día, lo cual ocasiona que todos tengan cansancio, dolores y contracciones en el cuerpo, tomando esto como un factor de reducción de movimientos. Ante estos problemas se presenta el producto de compresas calientes, que tienen la ventaja de no detener las actividades de las personas y sean adaptables a la zona afectada, generando una satisfacción de alivio y mantenimiento muscular positivo. El producto está elaborado en PCV Termo plástico material que se ablanda mediante el calor y se endurece a la hora de enfriarse, siendo un producto reutilizable de fácil uso para el cliente.
Este producto está dirigido a las personas de 18 a 50 años, de los sectores A, B y C1 que realizan deporte y actividades físicas de Lima metropolitana, por ser la zona de operación de la empresa.
Respecto a la evaluación financiera, se proyectaron los flujos de caja para cinco años y se concluyó que el negocio será viable y rentable para sus inversionistas por sus resultados VAN de S/27,259 y TIR de 79%. Así mismo, se determinó la inversión inicial de S/69,733 para poner en marcha a la empresa. / The project of hot compresses are products for hot rehabilitation that proposes an innovative form of business, which is based on a reusable product that complements the treatment for injuries, muscle problems and pain relief for athletes and people suffering from any muscle injury.
In this business it is proposed to alleviate, fight injuries caused by different functions and actions during the day to day, which causes everyone to have fatigue, pains and contractions in the body, taking this as a factor of movement reduction. Faced with these problems, the product of hot compresses is presented, which has the advantage of not stopping the activities of the people and being adaptable to the affected area, generating a satisfaction of relief and positive muscular maintenance. The product is made of PCV Termo plastic material that is softened by heat and hardens when it cools, being a user-friendly reusable product.
This product is aimed at people from 18 to 50 years of age, sectors A, B and C1 that carry out sport and physical activities in metropolitan Lima, as it is the area of operation of the company.
Regarding the financial evaluation, cash flows were projected for five years and it was concluded that the business will be viable and profitable for its investors due to its NPV results of S / 27,259 and TIR of 79%. Likewise, the initial investment of S / 69,733 was determined to start up the company. / Trabajo de investigación
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