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Epileptiform Activity Induced Alterations In Ca2+ Dynamics And Network Physiology Of Hippocampal Neurons - In Vitro StudiesSrinivas, V Kalyana 12 1900 (has links)
Epilepsy is characterized by the hyperexcitability of individual neurons and hyper synchronization of groups of neurons (networks). The acquired changes that take place at molecular, cellular and network levels are important for the induction and maintenance of epileptic activity in the brain. Epileptic activity is known to alter the intrinsic properties and signaling of neurons. Understanding acquired changes that cause epilepsy may lead to innovative strategies to prevent or cure this neurological disorder. Advances in in vitro electrophysiological techniques together with experimental models of epilepsy are indispensible tools to understand molecular, cellular and network mechanisms that underlie epileptiform activity. The aim of the study was to investigate the epileptiform activity induced alterations in Ca2+ dynamics in apical dendrites of hippocampal subicular pyramidal neurons in slices and changes in network properties of cultured hippocampal neurons. We have also made attempts to develop an in vitro model of epilepsy using organotypic hippocampal slice cultures.
In the first part of the present study, investigations on the basic properties of dendritic Ca2+ signaling in subicular pyramidal neurons during epileptiform activity are described. Subiculum, a part of the hippocampal formation is present, adjacent to the CA1 subfield. It acts as a transition zone between the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex. It receives inputs directly from the CA1 region, the entorhinal cortex, subcortical and other cortical areas. Several forms of evidences support the role of subiculum in temporal lobe epilepsy. Pronounced neuronal loss has been reported in various regions of the hippocampal formation (CA1 and CA3) leaving the subiculum generally intact in human epileptic tissue. It has been observed that epileptic activity is generated in subiculum in cases where the CA3 and CA1 regions are damaged or even absent. However, it is not clear how subicular neurons protect themselves from epileptic activity induced neuronal death. It is widely accepted that epileptiform activity induced neuronal damage is a result of an abnormally large influx of Ca2+ into neuronal compartments. In the present study, combined hippocampus / entorhinal cortical brain slices were exposed to zero Mg2+ + 4-amino pyridine artificial cerebrospinal fluid (ACSF) to generate spontaneous epileptiform discharges. Whole cell current-clamp recordings combined with Ca2+ imaging experiments (by incorporating Oregon green BAPTA-1 in the recording pipette) were performed on subicular pyramidal neurons to understand the changes in [Ca2+]i transients elicited in apical dendrites, in response to spontaneous epileptic discharges. To understand the changes occurring with respect to control, experiments were performed (in both control and in vitro epileptic conditions) where [Ca2+]i transients in dendrites were elicited by back propagating action potentials following somatic current injections. The results show clear distance-dependent changes in decay kinetics of [Ca2+]i transients (τdecay), without change in the amplitude of the [Ca2+]i transients, in distal parts (95–110 µm) compared to proximal segments (30–45 µm) of apical dendrites of subicular pyramidal neurons under in vitro epileptic condition, but not in control conditions. Pharmacological agents that block Ca2+ transporters viz. Na+/Ca2+ exchangers (Benzamil), plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase pumps (Calmidazolium) and smooth endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase pumps (Thapsigargin) were applied locally to the proximal and distal part of the apical dendrites in both experimental conditions to understand the molecular aspects of the Ca2+ extrusion mechanisms. The relative contribution of Na+/Ca2+ exchangers in Ca2+ extrusion was higher in the distal apical dendrite in in vitro epileptic condition. Using computer simulations with NEURON, biophysically realistic models were built to understand how faster decay of [Ca2+]i transients in the distal part of apical dendrite associated with [Ca2+]i extrusion mechanisms affect excitability of the neurons. With a linear increase in the density of Na+/Ca2+ exchangers along the apical dendrite, the decrease in τ decay values of [Ca2+]i transients in distal regions seen in experimental epileptic condition was reproduced in simulation. This linear increase in Na+/Ca2+ exchangers lowered the threshold for firing in response to consecutive synaptic inputs to the distal apical dendrite. Our results thus, show the existence of a novel neuroprotective mechanism in distal parts of the apical dendrite of subicular pyramidal neurons under in vitro epileptic condition with the Na+/Ca2+ exchangers being the major contributors to this mechanism. Although the enhanced contribution of Na+/Ca2+ exchangers helps the neuron in removing excess [Ca2+]i loads, it paradoxically makes the neuron hyperexcitable to synaptic inputs in the distal parts of the apical dendrites. Thus, the Na+/Ca2+ exchangers may actually protect subicular pyramidal neurons and at the same time contribute to the maintenance of epileptiform activity.
In the second part of the study, neuronal network topologies and connectivity patterns were explored in control and glutamate injury induced epileptogenic hippocampal neuronal networks, cultured on planar multielectrode array (8×8) probes. Hyper synchronization of neuronal networks is the hallmark of epilepsy. To understand hyper synchronization and connectivity patterns of neuronal networks, electrical activity from multiple neurons were monitored simultaneously. The electrical activity recorded from a single electrode mainly consisted of randomly fired single spikes and bursts of spikes. Simultaneous measurement of electrical activity from all the 64 electrodes revealed network bursts. A network burst represents the period (lasting for 0.1–0.2 s) of synchronized activity in the network and, during this transient period, maximum numbers of neurons interact with each other. The network bursts were observed in both control and in vitro epileptic networks, but the frequency of network bursts was more in the latter, compared to former condition. Time stamps of individual spikes (from all 64 electrodes) during such time-aligned network burst were collected and stored in a matrix and used to construct the network topology. Connectivity maps were obtained by analyzing the spike trains using cross-covariance analysis and graph theory methods. Analysis of degree distribution, which is a measure of direct connections between electrodes in a neuronal network, showed exponential and Gaussian distributions in control and in vitro epileptic networks, respectively. Quantification of number of direct connections per electrode revealed that the in vitro epileptic networks showed much higher number of direct connections per electrode compared to control networks. Our results suggest that functional two-dimensional neuronal networks in vitro are not scale-free (not a power law degree distribution). After brief exposure to glutamate, normal hippocampal neuronal networks became hyperexcitable and fired a larger number of network bursts with altered network topology. Quantification of clustering coefficient and path length in these two types of networks revealed that the small-world network property was lost once the networks become epileptic and this was accompanied by a change from an exponential to a Gaussian network.
In the last part of the study, we have explored if an excitotoxic glutamate injury (20 µM for 10 min) that produces spontaneous, recurrent, epileptiform discharges in cultured hippocampal neurons can induce epileptogenesis in hippocampal neurons of organotypic brain slice cultures. In vitro models of epilepsy are necessary to understand the mechanisms underlying seizures, the changes in brain structure and function that underlie epilepsy and are the best methods for developing new antiseizure and antiepileptogenic strategies. Glutamate receptor over-activation has been strongly associated with epileptogenesis. Recent studies have shown that brief exposure of dissociated hippocampal neurons in culture to glutamate (20 µM for 10 min) induces epileptogenesis in surviving neurons. Our aim was to extend the in vitro model of glutamate injury induced epilepsy to the slice preparations with intact brain circuits. Patch clamp technique in current-clamp mode was employed to monitor the expression of spontaneous epileptiform discharges from CA1 and CA3 neurons using several combinations of glutamate injury protocols. The results presented here represent preliminary efforts to standardize the glutamate injury protocol for inducing epileptogenesis in organotypic slice preparations. Our results indicate that glutamate injury protocols that induced epileptogenesis in dissociated hippocampal neurons in culture failed to turn CA1 and CA3 neurons of organotypic brain slice cultures epileptic. We also found that the CA1 and CA3 neurons of organotypic brain slice cultures are resilient to induction of epileptogenesis by glutamate injury protocols with 10 times higher concentrations of glutamate (200µM) than that used for neuronal cultures and long exposure periods (upto 30 min). These results clearly show that the factors involved in induction of epileptiform activity after glutamate injury in neuronal cultures and those involved in making the neurons in organotypic slices resilient to such insults are different, and understanding them could give vital clues about epileptogenesis and its control. The resilience of CA1 and CA3 neurons seen could be due to differences in homeostatic plasticity that operate in both these experimental systems. However, further studies are required to corroborate this hypothesis.
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Einfluss des clostridialen C3 Toxins auf die Dendritenmorphologie und Spinebildung von CA1 Pyramidenzellen in Hippocampus-Schnittkulturen der Maus - eine quantitative lichtmikroskopische UntersuchungHintze, Thorsten 19 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Lokale Pyramidenzellen sind die Hauptneurone des Hippocampus und können durch ihre Position und die Morphologie ihrer Dendriten als CA1 und CA3 Pyramidenzellen identifiziert werden. Die Dendriten der exzitatorischen Pyramidenzellen sind mit postsynaptischen Vorwölbungen, den so genannten Spines, bedeckt, welche in einem spezifischen Verteilungsmuster angeordnet sind. Neurotoxine wie das C3 Toxin von Clostridium botulinum sind funktionelle Substanzen, die die neuronale Morphologie verändern und die neuronale Funktion beeinflussen können. In dieser Studie wurden die morphologischen Veränderungen von intrazellulär mit Biocytin gefüllten CA1 Pyramidenzellen qualitativ und quantitativ analysiert. Die hippocampalen Schnittkulturen, in denen sich bekanntermaßen Pyramidenzellen ähnlich entwickeln wie in vivo, wurden dazu herangezogen, die Effekte der C3bot Toxin-Applikation auf die Verzweigung der Dendriten sowie Anzahl und Dichte der dendritischen Spines zu untersuchen. Drei Gruppen von Zellen wurden verglichen: Erstens Neurone, die in serumhaltigem Medium inkubiert worden waren, zweitens Nervenzellen, die in einem Medium ohne Serum inkubiert worden waren und drittens Zellen, die unter Serumentzug dem C3bot Toxin ausgesetzt worden waren. Die Inkubation dauerte 14 Tage, während die Dauer der Toxinexposition zwischen vier und sechs Stunden betrug. Mit Hilfe eines Computers wurden zweidimensionale Nachbildungen der biocytin-markierten CA1 Pyramidenzellen erstellt, und die Gesamtlänge der Dendriten, die Anzahl der dendritischen Verzweigungspunkte und die Gesamtzahl und Dichte der dendritischen Spines gemessen und statistisch ausgewertet. Signifikante Unterschiede wurden zwischen der mit C3 Toxin behandelten Gruppe und der serumhaltig inkubierten Kontrollgruppe beobachtet. Diese signifikanten morphologischen Veränderungen traten selektiv an den Apikaldendriten der toxinbehandelten CA1 Pyramidenzellen auf. Aus der Behandlung resultierte eine Reduktion der Anzahl apikaler Verzweigungspunkte, der Anzahl der apikalen Spines, der Gesamtzahl (basal und apikal addiert) der Spines sowie der Gesamtspinedichte. Im Gegensatz dazu ergaben sich keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen der toxinbehandelten Gruppe und der ohne Serum inkubierten Kontrollgruppe, obwohl der Serumentzug im Vergleich zur serumhaltig inkubierten Kontrollgruppe die Entwicklung der Zellen beeinflusste. Auf Grundlage der beobachteten Veränderungen können wir schließen, dass die Behandlung mit C3 bot einen starken Einfluss selektiv auf die Morphologie der Apikaldendriten ausübt. Der Mechanismus, der dieser selektiven Empfindlichkeit der Apikaldendriten gegenüber dem C3 bot Toxin zugrunde liegt, wird Gegenstand weiterer Untersuchungen sein.
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Expression of the formin Daam 1 in pyramidal neurons of the hippocampus affects spine morphologySalomon, Steven. January 2006 (has links)
Formins, also known as formin homology (FH) proteins, are involved in a wide range of actin-mediated processes. The Diaphanous-related formin Daam1 (Dishevelled-associated activator of morphogenesis) interacts with the PDZ domain protein Dishevelled, and is required to establish planar cell polarity in Xenopus. Through a yeast two-hybrid screen, I characterized a PDZ-mediated interaction between the C-terminus of Daam1 and the PDZ domains 456 of GRIP1. In dissociated rat hippocampal cultures, Daam1 expression was seen throughout the soma and dendrites in a punctate pattern. Furthermore, co-staining with a synaptic marker suggests that Daam1 could be associated with post-synaptic specializations. Dendritic spines are enriched with actin filaments, and based on the subcellular localization of Daam1 and the evidence that formins are involved in regulating actin polymerization, I hypothesized that Daam1 might play a role in dendritic spine morphology. In order to investigate the functional roles for Daam1, viral vectors were developed using the Semliki-Forest defective viral vector to over-express the full-length Daam1 protein and a Daam1 lacking the PDZ-binding motif. The over-expression of the full-length Daam1 in organotypic hippocampal slices showed a punctate distribution throughout the dendritic shaft, with the occasional appearance in spines, resulting in an overall increase in dendritic spine length. This suggests that formins, such as Daam1, could potentially regulate spine morphology.
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Animal Models of Prophylaxis and Prevention of Schizophrenia: Prenatal Seasonal Influenza Vaccine and Postnatal ValproateDoucet, Jean-Sebastien 21 November 2012 (has links)
Schizophrenia is a mental illness with early adult onset. Prophylactic treatments would be clinically important and therefore we investigated the effect of two interventions: influenza vaccination of pregnant mothers and valproate treatment during late adolescence. Maternal immune response during pregnancy is thought to adversely affect brain development. We sought to assess whether immune activation by influenza vaccine could itself cause behavioural abnormalities in a mouse model. Our data suggest that further work is needed to make firm conclusions about the behavioural effects of the influenza vaccine. The second part of this thesis describes an analysis of valproate treatment on cortical neuron morphology in Disc1 L100P mice, a model for schizophrenia. Valproate was previously shown to prevent the onset of abnormal behaviours in Disc1 L100P mice. Contrary to expectations, valproate decreased apical spine density and the number of dendritic processes rather than reversing the dendritic deficits seen in Disc1 L100P mice.
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Animal Models of Prophylaxis and Prevention of Schizophrenia: Prenatal Seasonal Influenza Vaccine and Postnatal ValproateDoucet, Jean-Sebastien 21 November 2012 (has links)
Schizophrenia is a mental illness with early adult onset. Prophylactic treatments would be clinically important and therefore we investigated the effect of two interventions: influenza vaccination of pregnant mothers and valproate treatment during late adolescence. Maternal immune response during pregnancy is thought to adversely affect brain development. We sought to assess whether immune activation by influenza vaccine could itself cause behavioural abnormalities in a mouse model. Our data suggest that further work is needed to make firm conclusions about the behavioural effects of the influenza vaccine. The second part of this thesis describes an analysis of valproate treatment on cortical neuron morphology in Disc1 L100P mice, a model for schizophrenia. Valproate was previously shown to prevent the onset of abnormal behaviours in Disc1 L100P mice. Contrary to expectations, valproate decreased apical spine density and the number of dendritic processes rather than reversing the dendritic deficits seen in Disc1 L100P mice.
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Serotonin 5-HT Receptor Currents in the Healthy Rodent Prefrontal Cortex and in a Model of Affective DisordersGoodfellow, Nathalie M. 07 August 2013 (has links)
Affective disorders represent one of the greatest global burdens of disease. Work in patients with affective disorders demonstrates that serotonin (5-HT) signaling within the prefrontal cortex, particularly at the level of the 5-HT receptors, plays an integral role in both the pathology and treatment of these diseases. Surprisingly, the characterization of the prefrontal 5-HT receptors under both healthy and pathological conditions remains incomplete. The technique of whole cell electrophysiological recording provides an unparalleled tool for investigating the functional effects of these 5-HT receptors on neurons in acute prefrontal cortical slices.
The objectives of my thesis were to delve deeper into the 5-HT receptor subtypes that modulate the prefrontal cortex in the healthy control rodents and to examine how this modulation was disrupted in a rodent model of affective disorders.
In work from healthy control rodents, I examined two prefrontal 5-HT receptor-mediated currents. I show for the first time the presence of the 5-HT1A receptor during the early postnatal period, a critical developmental window during which this receptor programs adult anxiety behaviors. In adulthood, I characterized an inhibitory current mediated by the 5-ht5A receptor; findings that will permit the classification of this receptor within the 5-HT receptor family. Collectively, this investigation of functional early 5-HT1A receptors and adult 5-ht5A receptors offers a novel conceptual framework for understanding 5-HT receptor modulation of the healthy prefrontal cortex.
To model vulnerability to affective disorder in the rodent, I used the early stress of maternal separation. In early stress rodents, I observed a marked increase in 5-HT1A receptor currents during the early postnatal period, the critical time window for the programming of anxiety. By comparison, in adulthood I found that rodents exposed to early stress displayed increased 5-HT2A receptor currents. These findings provide novel insight into the developmental and long-lasting pathology underlying early stress, indicating that the early prefrontal 5-HT1A receptor and adult prefrontal 5-HT2A receptors as a potential therapeutic target in treatment of affective disorders
At a fundamental level, the findings provided herein offer critical insight into the cellular mechanisms underlying affective disorders, one of the most debilitating and costly diseases worldwide.
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Výkonnost a hodnotové řízení podniku / Performance and value management of the companyKALCŮ, Renáta January 2014 (has links)
The master thesis deals with business performance and various approaches to its measurement with the emphasis on value management. The aim is to analyze the value creation and the performance of the company Kronomech, spol. s r.o. Then identify strategic factors affecting the value of the company, including the proposal of measures for its growth. The theoretical part focuses on indicators and models to allow assessment of business performance. These indicators are then applied in the practical part on the selected company. Attention is focused on the indicator of economic value added and the models investigating the financial position of the company. The overall economic performance of the company is evaluated, including consideration of nonfinancial indicators. The final part contains formulated measures that will lead to the consolidation of the financial health and to improve the performance of the selected company.
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Nákladovost podniku v souvislosti s podnikovou výkonností / Total cost ratio of company in relation to corporate efficiencyKUBÍK, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis is to evaluate the total cost ratio in relation to corporate efficiency. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with basic terms of cost, financial and managerial concept of costs and different approaches to classification of costs. In this part the principle of corporate efficiency is explained and the difference methods of measuring of efficiency are mentioned. The practical part of this thesis is oriented primarily to describing development of costs in company and determination of most important cost items. This part also focuses on the calculation of profitability indicators and pyramidal decomposition of ROE. After this, the influence of sub-indicators to top-indicator was evaluated by using the gradual change method. The ROE was changed between years 2015 and 2016 by -0,1050 CZK. By using the gradual change method, it was determined, that this change was mostly caused by total cost ratio of production con-sumption, because it is the most important cost item in company. The influence of production consump-tion was -0,1078 CZK. Therefore, if the company plans to improve its efficiency and increase profits, the total cost ratio of the production consumption must be better manage.
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GABAA Receptor Mediated Phasic and Tonic Inhibition in Subicular Pyramidal NeuronsSah, Nirnath January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
GABA is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system. It binds to two types of receptors –ionotropic GABAA and metabotropic GABAB. The GABAA receptor directly gates a Clionophore that causes hyperpolarization in mature excitatory neurons while GABAB receptor mediates a slower hyperpolarizing response via G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) activated potassium channels. This signaling mechanism gets further complicated by the heterogeneous GABA receptor subunit composition that influences the response kinetics in the postsynaptic membrane. In this thesis, the focus has been to decipher the role of GABAA receptors in relation to cellular excitability in the subiculum under physiological and pathophysiological conditions.
The subiculum, considered as the output structure of hippocampus, modulates information flow from hippocampus to various cortical and sub-cortical areas and has been implicated in learning and memory, rhythm generation and various neurological disorders. It gates hippocampal activity with its well orchestrated and fine tuned intrinsic and local network properties. Over the years many studies have shown the involvement of subiculum in temporal lobe epilepsy where it forms the focal point of epileptiform activities with altered cellular and network properties. The subiculum is characterized by the presence of a significant population of burst firing neurons that lead local epileptiform activity. By virtue of its bursting nature and recurrent connections, it is a potential site for seizure generation and maintenance. Epileptiform activities are dynamic in nature and change temporally and spatially according to the alterations in electrophysiological properties of neurons. Transitions to different electrical activities in neurons following a prolonged challenge with epileptogenic stimulus have been shown in other brain structures, but not in the subiculum. Considering the importance of the subicular burst firing neurons in the propagation of epileptiform activity to the entorhinal cortex, we have explored the phenomenon of electrophysiological phase transitions in the burst firing neurons of the subiculum in an in vitro brain slice model of epileptogenesis.
Whole-cell patch clamp and extracellular field recordings revealed a distinct phenomenon in the subiculum wherein an early hyperexcitable phase was followed by a late suppressed phase upon continuous perfusion with epileptogenic 4-amino pyridine and magnesium-free medium. The late suppressed phase was characterized by inhibitory post-synaptic potentials (IPSPs) in pyramidal excitatory neurons and bursting activity in local fast spiking interneurons at a frequency of 0.1-0.8 Hz. The IPSPs were mediated by GABAA receptors that coincided with excitatory synaptic inputs to attenuate action potential discharge. These IPSPs ceased following a cut between the CA1 and subiculum. Our results suggest the importance of feedforward inhibition in the suppression of epileptiform activity in subiculum to mediate a homeostatic response towards the induced hyper-excitability.
GABA release from presynaptic nerve endings activates postsynaptic GABAA receptors, which evoke faster phasic inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSCs) and non-inactivating inhibitory tonic current, mediated through extrasynaptic GABAA receptors. These receptors are heteropentameric GABA-gated channels assembled from 19 possible subunits (α1-6, β1-3, γ1-3, δ, π, ρ1-3, θ, and ε). The 2 major subunits involved in tonic GABAA currents in the hippocampus are α5 and δ subunits. Tonic GABAA receptor mediated inhibitory current plays an important role in neuronal physiology as well as pathophysiology such as mood disorders, insomnia, epilepsy, autism spectrum disorders and schizophrenia. While the alterations of various electrical properties due to tonic inhibition have been studied in neurons from different regions, its influence on intrinsic subthreshold resonance in pyramidal excitatory neurons having hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels is not known. In the present study, we show the involvement of α5βγ GABAA receptors in mediating picrotoxin sensitive tonic current in subicular pyramidal neurons using known pharmacological agents that target specific GABAA receptor subunits. We further investigated the contribution of tonic conductance in regulating subthreshold electrophysiological properties using current clamp and dynamic clamp experiments. Our experiments suggest that tonic GABAergic inhibition can actively modulate subthreshold properties of subicular pyramidal neurons including resonance due to HCNchannels that may potentially alter the response dynamics in an oscillating neuronal network.
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Vliv metodiky účtování a sestavování účetní závěrky na věcnou a formální adekvaci ukazatelů finanční analýzy / The methodology of accounting and drawing up final balance and its influence on the subject and formal adequate expression of financial analysis indicatorsKOMÁRKOVÁ, Ivana January 2007 (has links)
The target of my thesis is the examination of influence of accounting entries on formulation of financial analysis indicators, bond between indicators and evaluation of company financial situation. Financial situation is reviewed by means of ratio indicators, financial health indicators and pyramidal analysis. On the basis of results it is a rushing business. It is very sound business. Only in the year 2004 it records financial loss in an amount 357 million CZK due to extraordinary costs of company restructuring. The company shows a profit in other years. The profit has a progressive trend. The company realizes a profit due to a consistent control of operating costs and lower long-term liabilities and short-term credits. It should follow settlement of short-term liabilities better and liquidity.
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