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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Katalytisk omvandling av pyrolysgas i WoodRoll-processen för ökad processtillförlitlighet / Catalytic Conversion of Pyrolysis Gas in the WoodRoll Process for Enhancing Process Reliability

Halvarsson, Alfred January 2015 (has links)
This project was a cooperation between the division of Chemical Technology at KTH, Cortus Energy and Haldor Topsoe A/S. The goal was to build up a totally new setup for converting and deoxygenate pyrolysis bio-oil, in order to increase the performance of Cortus Energy’s WoodRoll process. Therefore an iron based catalyst from Haldor Topsoe was used. The building up of the new setup with all reactors and the control panel was a complicated and time-consuming work. This led to an only short time slot for performing experiments, which means that more work needs to be done to get more valuable results. The most important success of this project was to get all the knowledge about the system and to make everything (the whole experimental setup) running properly. However, the sampling system needs to be improved before making further experiments. The experiments which have been done show promising results and that the iron based catalyst was working well for converting the bio-oil. During the two hour long experiment there were not shown any indications of deactivation, when looking at the gas compositions, but the results from temperature programmed oxidation (TPO) show carbon deposition on the catalyst and the BET surface also shows a slight decrease in surface area.

Uticaj procesnih parametara na pirolizu drvne biomase / Influence of process parameters on the pyrolysis of woody biomass

Kosanić Tijana 17 November 2015 (has links)
<p>U doktorskoj disertaciji vr&scaron;eno je istraživanje mogućnosti konverzije energije<br />različitih vrsta drvne biomase procesom pirolize. Ispitivanu drvnu biomasu<br />predstavljale su strugotina hrasta, bukve, tre&scaron;nje, oraha, jele, lipe, kao i<br />me&scaron;avina navedenih vrsta. Dobijeni eksperimentalni rezultati ukazuju da<br />prinos gasa, tečne i čvrste faze tokom odvijanja procesa pirolize zavise od<br />reakcionog vremena, temperature i brzine zagrevanja.</p> / <p>Doctoral dissertation investigates possibilities for energy conversion of<br />different woody biomass types through pyrolysis process. Investigated woody<br />biomass included oak, beech, cherry, walnut, fir, lime wood chips and their<br />mixture. Obtained experimental results imply that gas, liquid and solid phase<br />yields during pyrolysis process depend on reaction time, temperature and<br />heating rate.</p>

Mogućnosti korišćenja energije pirolizom poljoprivredne biomase / The possibilities for application of energy from agricultural biomass pyrolysis

Brankov Saša 10 April 2017 (has links)
<p>U doktorskoj disertaciji realizovano je istraživanje mogućnosti konverzije energije različitih vrsta poljoprivredne biomase procesom pirolize. Ispitivanu poljoprivrednu biomasu predstavljale su p&scaron;enična, ovsena, sojina slama, slama od kukuruzovine kao i me&scaron;avina navedenih slama. Dobijeni eksperimentalni rezultati ukazuju da prinos gasa, tečne i čvrste faze tokom odvijanja procesa pirolize zavise od vi&scaron;e parametara vođenja procesa među kojima dominantan uticaj imaju reakciono vreme, temperatura i brzina<br />zagrevanja.</p> / <p>Doctoral dissertation investigates possibilities for energy conversion of different agricultural biomass types through pyrolysis process. Investigated agricultural biomass included wheat, corn, oat, soy straw and the mixture of mentioned straws. Obtained experimental results imply that gas, liquid and solid phase yields during pyrolysis process depend on various process parameters, where the reaction time, temperature and heating rate have dominant influence.</p>

Strukturelle Merkmale N-modifizierter Braunkohlen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Huminstoffe / Structural properties of N-modified brown coals with emphasis on humic substances

Ninnemann, Horst 14 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Motiviert durch die Zunahme der weltweiten Nachfrage nach hochwertigen Humusstoffen wurde am Institut für Holz- und Pflanzenchemie ein neuartiger Humusersatzstoff entwickelt. Dieses N-modifizierte Produkt wird auf Basis eines patentierten Normaldruckverfahrens der oxidativen Ammonolyse (OA) aus ligninhaltigen Ausgangssubstanzen, im vorliegenden Fall Lausitzer Braunkohle, hergestellt. Ziel war, die bisher vorliegenden Erkenntnisse der strukturellen Eigenschaften solcher Humusstoffe zu erweitern. Im Fokus standen die Gehalte und Charakteristik der Huminstofffraktionen (Humine, Humin- und Fulvosäuren). Der Stickstoff und die Art seines Einbaus in die organische Substanz spielt hierbei eine besondere Rolle. Für die Huminstoffisolierung kam die hinsichtlich der Ausbeuten und des Zeitaufwandes optimierte IHSS-Methode zum Einsatz. Wesentliche Merkmale N-modifizierter Substanzen sind erhöhte Huminsäurengehalte, zeitlich differenziert wirksame N-Bindungsformen und damit eine Diversifizierung der Funktionalität. Zusätzlich mit dem geringen Aschegehalt unterscheidet dies N-modifizierte Lausitzer Braunkohle von anderen auf Braunkohlebasis erzeugten Bodenverbesserungsmitteln des Marktes. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass Huminsäuren hinsichtlich der Bereitstellung von Stickstoff und Funktionalität (z.B. Austauscherplätze) eine Schlüsselrolle einnehmen. Die Veränderungen durch die OA basieren stofflich auf der Bildung regenerierter Huminsäuren und chemisch u.a. auf der oxidativen Ringspaltung von Aromaten an nicht veretherten phenolischer OH-Gruppen von Methoxyphenolstrukturen. Dabei ist diese Reaktion entgegen früherer Annahmen nicht an eine Demethoxylierung gebunden und erfordert auch keine verschärften Reaktionsbedingungen (z.B. erhöhter Druck). Diese und weitere Reaktionsmechanismen führen zu ammoniumartig, amidartig und fest organisch gebundenen N-Bindungsformen. 15N-NMR-Spektroskopische Untersuchungen an einem 15N-angereicherten Produkt, Py-GC/MS-Untersuchungen und nasschemische Experimente zeigen, dass in der Vergangenheit die Bedeutung heterocyclischer, insbesondere heteroaromatischer N-Bindungsformen überschätzt wurde. Amidartiger Stickstoff präsentiert sich dabei als außerordentlich heterogen hinsichtlich seiner Hydrolysestabilität bzw. Pflanzenverfügbarkeit. Für die effektive Beurteilung möglicher Ausgangssubstanzen hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung für die Herstellung von Humusdüngestoffen nach dem Prinzip der OA kann der Huminsäurengehalt herangezogen werden. Er wird mit Hilfe eines degradativen Verfahrens ermittelt. Die mit dem Huminsäurengehalt in Verbindung stehenden Stoffeigenschaften von Kohlen korrelieren gut mit dem N-Einbau. Aus Sicht der Verfahrensführung hängt die Intensität des N-Einbaus eng mit dem Oxidationsregime zusammen. Durch Anwendung von reinem Sauerstoff anstelle von Luft als sehr einfach und günstig zu realisierende Maßnahme kann die Reaktionszeit halbiert werden. / The development of a novel artificial humus material at the Institute of Wood- and Plant Chemistry was accounted by the increasing demand for high grade humic matter. This N-modified product base on a patented ambient pressure technology of the oxidative ammonolysis. of lignin containing substances, in particular Lusitian lignite. Objective of the work was to broadening the current knowledge of structural properties with focus on the contents and characteristics of humic substances fractions (humins, humic acids, fulvic acids). Especially attention was given to nitrogen and its way of incorporation into organic matter. For isolating humic substances the IHSS method was used. The procedure was adapted in order to increase the yield of humic acids and decrease time needed. Main characteristics of N-modified substances are higher contents of humic acids and subtly differenciateted effective N-binding forms with leads to higher diversity of the chemical functionality. This and the low ash content makes the differences to other brown coal based soil improving agents available on the marked. It has been shown that humic acids give the main part providing nitrogen and functionality (e.g. cation exchange capacity). The oxidative ammonolysis leads to regenerated humic acids as well as e.g. the clevage of aromatic structures by reactions of free phenolic groups. In contrast to former assumptions the cleavage is not strongly related to demethoxylation or strong reaction conditions like high pressure. This and other reactions lead to short, middle, and long lasting N-binding forms. 15N-NMR-spectroscopic investigations on a 15N-enriched product, Py-GC/MS-investigations and conventional investigations show an overestimation of heterocyclic, in particular heteroaromatic N-binding forms up to now. Consequently amide like nitrogen reveals as extraordinary according to its persistent behaviour to hydrolysis and plant availability respectively. Corresponding the correlation of the N-incorporation and humic acid content of raw materials the latter can be used for evaluating possible raw material for its usage for N-modification. It can be easy obtained in a degratadive way. From the process engineering point of view the success of N-incorporating is strongly correlated to the oxidation conditions during processing. Using pure oxygen instead of air shorts the needed reaction at 50%.

Catalytic Conversion of Undesired Organic Compounds to Syngas in Biomass Gasification and Pyrolysis Applications

H. Moud, Pouya January 2017 (has links)
Reliable energy supply is a major concern and crucial for development of the global society. To address the dependency on fossil fuel and the negative effects of this reliance on climate, there is a need for a transition to cleaner sources. An attractive solution for replacing fossil-based products is renewable substitutes produced from biomass. Gasification and pyrolysis are two promising thermochemical conversion technologies, facing challenges before large-scale commercialization becomes viable. In case of biomass gasification, tar is often and undesired by-product. An attractive option to convert tar into syngas is nickel-based catalytic steam reforming (SR). For biomass pyrolysis, catalytic SR is in early stages of investigation as a feasible option for bio-crude conversion to syngas. The focus of the thesis is partly dedicated to describe research aimed at increasing the knowledge around tar reforming mechanisms and effect of biomass-derived impurities on Ni-based tar reforming catalyst downstream of gasifiers. The work focuses on better understanding of gas-phase alkali interaction with Ni-based catalyst surface under realistic conditions. A methodology was successfully developed to enable controlled investigation of the combined sulfur (S) and potassium (K) interaction with the catalyst. The most striking result was that K appears to lower the sulfur coverage and increases methane and tar reforming activity. Additionally, the results obtained in the atomistic investigations are discussed in terms of naphthalene adsorption, dehydrogenation and carbon passivation of nickel. Furthermore, the thesis describes research performed on pyrolysis gas pre-conditioning at a small-industrial scale, using an iron-based catalyst. Findings showed that Fe-based materials are potential candidates for application in a pyrolysis gas pre-conditioning step before further treatment or use, and a way for generating a hydrogen-enriched gas without the need for bio-crude condensation. / Tillförlitlig energiförsörjning är en stor utmaning och avgörande för utvecklingen av det globala samhället. För att ta möta beroendet av fossil råvara och de negativa effekter som detta beroende medför för klimatet finns ett stort behov av en övergång till renare energiråvaror. En attraktiv lösning är att ersätta nuvarande fossil råvara med produkter från biomassa. Förgasning och pyrolys är två lovande teknologier för termokemisk omvandling av biomassa. Kommersialisering av dessa teknologier är inte helt problemfritt. I fallet förgasning så behöver, bl.a. oönskade tyngre kolväten (tjära) hanteras innan den producerade orenade produktgasen kan användas i syntesgastillämpningar. Ett effektivt alternativ för detta är gaskonditionering vid höga temperaturer, baserade på katalytisk ångreformering med en nickelkatalysator. Katalytisk ångreformering är en möjlig teknik för omvandling av bioråvara, producerad från pyrolys av biomassa, till syntesgas. Avhandlingen fokuserar delvis på att beskriva den forskning som utförts för att öka kunskapen kring mekanismer för tjärreformering och effekterna av föroreningar från biomassan på en nickelkatalysator nedströms förgasare. Arbetet bidrar till en bättre förståelse av hur alkali i form av kalium (K) i gasfasen upptas, jämviktas och växelverkar med ytan hos nickelkatalysatorn under fullt realistiska förhållanden. Inledningsvis utvecklades en metod för att möjliggöra kontrollerade studier av den kombinerade effekten av S och K, vilken inkluderar exakt dosering av alkali till en produktgas, eliminering av transienter i katalysatoraktiviteten samt katalysatorkarakterisering. Det mest lovande resultatet är att K både sänker ytans svavelinnehåll och ökar aktiviteten för omvandlingen av metan och tjära. För att ytterligare fördjupa kunskaperna i mekanismerna för tjärnedbrytning utfördes experimentella och teoretiska ytstudier på en enkristallnickelyta med naftalen som modellförening. Resultat avseende naftalenadsorption, dehydrogenering av naftalen och kolpassivering av nickelytan diskuteras. Därutöver så beskriver avhandlingen den forskning som utförts inom förkonditionering av pyrolysgas med en järnkatalysator för varsam deoxygenering av biooljan och vätgasproduktion. Detta utfördes vid en småskalig industriell anläggning. De experimentella studierna visar att den undersökta järnkatalysatorn resulterar i en vätgasberikad gas och att den är en potentiell kandidat för tillämpning i ett förkonditioneringssteg. / <p>QC 20170830</p>

Quantifying organic carbon fluxes from upland peat

Do, Phai Duy January 2013 (has links)
Present organic carbon fluxes from an upland peat catchment were quantified through measurement of in-situ direct and indirect greenhouse gas fluxes. To predict future greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes, peat from eroded (E) and uneroded (U) site of an upland peat catchment was characterized.Composition of peat from E and U sites at the Crowden Great Brook catchment, Peak District Nation Park, UK that was characterized by Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (Py-GC-MS) at 700 oC. Pyrolysis products of the peat were then classified using the Vancampenhout classification into 6 compound classes - viz. aromatic and polyaromatic (Ar), phenols (Ph), lignin compounds (Lg), soil lipids (Lp), polysaccharide compounds (Ps) and N-compounds (N). There was no significant difference in the composition between the eroded and uneroded sites within the study area or between peats from different depths within each site. Nevertheless, there was a significant difference between sites in the proportions of Sphagnum that had contributed to the peat. Pyrolysis products of the peat were also classified into pedogenic (Pd) and aquagenic (Aq) OC – the mean percentage of Pd in both eroded and uneroded peats was 43.93 ± 4.30 % with the balance of the OC classified as Aq.Greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes were quantified directly by in-situ continuous measurement of GHG was carried out at the E and U sites of the catchment using a GasClam: mean in-situ gas concentrations of CH4 (1.30 ± 0.04 % v/v (E), 0.59 ± 0.05 % v/v (U) and CO2 (8.83 ± 0.22 % v/v (E), 1.77 ± 0.03 % v/v (U)) were observed, with both the CH4 and CO2 concentrations apparently unrelated to atmospheric pressure and temperature changes. Laboratory measurements of ex-situ gas production - for both CH4 and CO2 this was higher for U site soils than for E site soils. At the U site, maximum production rates of both CH4 (46.11±1.47 mMol t-1 day-1) and CO2 (45.56 ± 10.19 mMol t-1 day-1) were observed for 0-50 cm depth in soils. Increased temperature did not affect gas production, whilst increased oxygen increased gas production. The CH4/CO2 ratios observed in-situ are not similar to those observed in the ex-situ laboratory experiments; suggest that some caution is advised in interpreting the latter. However, the maximum OC loss of 2.3 wt. % observed after 20 weeks of ex-situ incubation is nevertheless consistent with the long-term degradation noted by Bellamy et al (1985) from organic-rich UK soils. Indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes were quantified through the mass flux of suspended organic carbon (SsOC) drained from studied catchments. The SsOC was quantified by interpolating and rating methods. Unfiltered (UF) organic carbon (OC) fluxes in 2010 were calculated to be 8.86 t/km2/yr for the eroded sub-catchment and 6.74 t/km2/yr for the uneroded sub-catchment. All the rating relationships have a large amount of scatter. Both UF OC and <0.2 µm fraction OC are positively correlated with discharge at the eroded site, whilst there is no discernable relationship with discharge at the uneroded site. SsOC is dominated by Pd type OC (95.23 ± 10.20 % from E; 92.84 ± 5.38 % from U) far more so than in sources of the peats, suggesting slower oxidation of Pd (cf. Aq) OC.

Strukturelle Merkmale N-modifizierter Braunkohlen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Huminstoffe

Ninnemann, Horst 20 November 2007 (has links)
Motiviert durch die Zunahme der weltweiten Nachfrage nach hochwertigen Humusstoffen wurde am Institut für Holz- und Pflanzenchemie ein neuartiger Humusersatzstoff entwickelt. Dieses N-modifizierte Produkt wird auf Basis eines patentierten Normaldruckverfahrens der oxidativen Ammonolyse (OA) aus ligninhaltigen Ausgangssubstanzen, im vorliegenden Fall Lausitzer Braunkohle, hergestellt. Ziel war, die bisher vorliegenden Erkenntnisse der strukturellen Eigenschaften solcher Humusstoffe zu erweitern. Im Fokus standen die Gehalte und Charakteristik der Huminstofffraktionen (Humine, Humin- und Fulvosäuren). Der Stickstoff und die Art seines Einbaus in die organische Substanz spielt hierbei eine besondere Rolle. Für die Huminstoffisolierung kam die hinsichtlich der Ausbeuten und des Zeitaufwandes optimierte IHSS-Methode zum Einsatz. Wesentliche Merkmale N-modifizierter Substanzen sind erhöhte Huminsäurengehalte, zeitlich differenziert wirksame N-Bindungsformen und damit eine Diversifizierung der Funktionalität. Zusätzlich mit dem geringen Aschegehalt unterscheidet dies N-modifizierte Lausitzer Braunkohle von anderen auf Braunkohlebasis erzeugten Bodenverbesserungsmitteln des Marktes. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass Huminsäuren hinsichtlich der Bereitstellung von Stickstoff und Funktionalität (z.B. Austauscherplätze) eine Schlüsselrolle einnehmen. Die Veränderungen durch die OA basieren stofflich auf der Bildung regenerierter Huminsäuren und chemisch u.a. auf der oxidativen Ringspaltung von Aromaten an nicht veretherten phenolischer OH-Gruppen von Methoxyphenolstrukturen. Dabei ist diese Reaktion entgegen früherer Annahmen nicht an eine Demethoxylierung gebunden und erfordert auch keine verschärften Reaktionsbedingungen (z.B. erhöhter Druck). Diese und weitere Reaktionsmechanismen führen zu ammoniumartig, amidartig und fest organisch gebundenen N-Bindungsformen. 15N-NMR-Spektroskopische Untersuchungen an einem 15N-angereicherten Produkt, Py-GC/MS-Untersuchungen und nasschemische Experimente zeigen, dass in der Vergangenheit die Bedeutung heterocyclischer, insbesondere heteroaromatischer N-Bindungsformen überschätzt wurde. Amidartiger Stickstoff präsentiert sich dabei als außerordentlich heterogen hinsichtlich seiner Hydrolysestabilität bzw. Pflanzenverfügbarkeit. Für die effektive Beurteilung möglicher Ausgangssubstanzen hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung für die Herstellung von Humusdüngestoffen nach dem Prinzip der OA kann der Huminsäurengehalt herangezogen werden. Er wird mit Hilfe eines degradativen Verfahrens ermittelt. Die mit dem Huminsäurengehalt in Verbindung stehenden Stoffeigenschaften von Kohlen korrelieren gut mit dem N-Einbau. Aus Sicht der Verfahrensführung hängt die Intensität des N-Einbaus eng mit dem Oxidationsregime zusammen. Durch Anwendung von reinem Sauerstoff anstelle von Luft als sehr einfach und günstig zu realisierende Maßnahme kann die Reaktionszeit halbiert werden. / The development of a novel artificial humus material at the Institute of Wood- and Plant Chemistry was accounted by the increasing demand for high grade humic matter. This N-modified product base on a patented ambient pressure technology of the oxidative ammonolysis. of lignin containing substances, in particular Lusitian lignite. Objective of the work was to broadening the current knowledge of structural properties with focus on the contents and characteristics of humic substances fractions (humins, humic acids, fulvic acids). Especially attention was given to nitrogen and its way of incorporation into organic matter. For isolating humic substances the IHSS method was used. The procedure was adapted in order to increase the yield of humic acids and decrease time needed. Main characteristics of N-modified substances are higher contents of humic acids and subtly differenciateted effective N-binding forms with leads to higher diversity of the chemical functionality. This and the low ash content makes the differences to other brown coal based soil improving agents available on the marked. It has been shown that humic acids give the main part providing nitrogen and functionality (e.g. cation exchange capacity). The oxidative ammonolysis leads to regenerated humic acids as well as e.g. the clevage of aromatic structures by reactions of free phenolic groups. In contrast to former assumptions the cleavage is not strongly related to demethoxylation or strong reaction conditions like high pressure. This and other reactions lead to short, middle, and long lasting N-binding forms. 15N-NMR-spectroscopic investigations on a 15N-enriched product, Py-GC/MS-investigations and conventional investigations show an overestimation of heterocyclic, in particular heteroaromatic N-binding forms up to now. Consequently amide like nitrogen reveals as extraordinary according to its persistent behaviour to hydrolysis and plant availability respectively. Corresponding the correlation of the N-incorporation and humic acid content of raw materials the latter can be used for evaluating possible raw material for its usage for N-modification. It can be easy obtained in a degratadive way. From the process engineering point of view the success of N-incorporating is strongly correlated to the oxidation conditions during processing. Using pure oxygen instead of air shorts the needed reaction at 50%.

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